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What people think about the database proposed?

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From what I read in the Developer's Diary, I have to admit that, I was a little disappointed. I am not concerned about the time-frame, I suspect that there will be enough backstory for us to piece together the pre-history and we can be the ones to shape (or wreck!) the future of a fledgling industry. My disappointment stems from the apparent (*see caveat below*) lack of scope of the game world. One seeing that there would only be 4 playable promotions and 200(ish) starting workers, I am finding it a little difficult to see where my competition will come from. If there is only one promotion per continent, who do I compete with? If there are only 200 workers, doesn't this create a less interesting world than in TEW? *Caveat* - please read before flaming. To counterbalance the above concerns, obviously my comments are based on a direct comparison to TEW, which is a different game covering a different industry. I fully understand that such a comparison will be mis-leading. I only have a passing interest in MMA so I do not know how many real world promotions or workers there are. Ultimately, I will pick up the demo and see how it pans out.
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Out of curiosity, how many MMA organisations are running around the world right now? And how many were running in the mid-90s? I'm no expert (looking forward to going in cold, kinda) but I thought that only UFC and maybe Pancrase and the worked-shoot UWFi were particularly popular in the mid 90s. Perhaps one idea might be for there to be a lot of future workers and feds in the database - that way you have to make your own history... If it's not there from the start, it'd be a pretty cool, almost DOTT-like, project for someone to work on.
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[QUOTE=Babybackribs;278155]Now this is just the default database. From what I understand there will be real world mods at the release time of the game which should have more fighters and promotions as that is what I am most interested in playing.[/QUOTE] I doubt it will be out at the release time of the game - while the makers can be making plans now, they'll only actually have two weeks (I think that's how it works) to work on the mod in-game before the game's release.
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[QUOTE=teakle;278151]My disappointment stems from the apparent (*see caveat below*) lack of scope of the game world. One seeing that there would only be 4 playable promotions and 200(ish) starting workers, I am finding it a little difficult to see where my competition will come from. If there is only one promotion per continent, who do I compete with? If there are only 200 workers, doesn't this create a less interesting world than in TEW? *Caveat* - please read before flaming. To counterbalance the above concerns, obviously my comments are based on a direct comparison to TEW, which is a different game covering a different industry. I fully understand that such a comparison will be mis-leading. I only have a passing interest in MMA so I do not know how many real world promotions or workers there are. Ultimately, I will pick up the demo and see how it pans out.[/QUOTE] Around 1996 was the beginning of when MMA was becoming more mainstream and there weren't many promotions across the globe, so in that instance it follows reality quite well. With regards to the pool of workers, how many workers were there in the first iteration of the Cornellverse for TEW? That's not a snippy comment by the way, I honestly don't know the answer, but I doubt it had anywhere near close to the amount that's in the database today. Then again, there'll be people in the database who are unemployed so you could use the editor to quickly add more promotions if you want more competition.
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I have to say i am a little disapointed myself. I would like to see a 2007 world with 15 years of history near to todays figures in fighters and promotions. I understand setting up the history and a whole school of fighters takes a load of time (i should know, i made a few mods myself), i think if there is a problem there, some of our moders could help out. A world of at least 10-12 promotions and 500-600 fighters would be more than satisfactory and close to todays figures. If you ask me, no offernce. I think the main reason the game is starting in 1996, is due to the fact that making a 2007 mod would take 3 times more time if not more. I would prefer to see a propper WMMA version of the game than focus on the mods. From my experience playing TEW, the Cornellverse played much better than any of the mods. But frankly speaking even if Adam leaves the 200 fighters and 4 promotions mod, i will get bye;)
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I don't know where people got the whole 200 workers thing, but even so, I don't think we have to worry. It seems as though hopefully through New Workers that will be added, and a (I pray) revamped scouting system or something will allow the world to grow greatly over the years. I do agree that maybe this is being done to quicken the process of putting the game out (if it is only 200 workers it'll be hard to say otherwise), but I have faith in Adam's abillity to make this a really enjoyable game world one way or another. I personally was exicited by the idea when I first read it. Now you people are starting to worry me a bit! :p
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Actually i like slightly smaller databases also. In TEW i always deleted the women from the database and some really useless talent with no real history, limiting the database to around 900 members. 200 is a bit low however. Of corse this depends on how the new talent and training works. I really hope there will be a good scouting system, where talent will sometimes simply appear, but more often discovered. With good training camps, new talent will develop very quickly. Now i am thinking about it, i quite like the idea of less workers and promotions! I will probably rewind it to the very begining and start out fresh.:D
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I guess I'm one of the few that thinks that having the game start out in MMA's infancy is a good thing. It gives the player a greater sense of history and legacy of both fighters and promotions. I also think people are getting a little too focused on the 200 fighters thing since there's nothing that says that everyone is going to be signed to exclusive contracts. Anyway the default database is good way to get used to the game before things get too crowded, and by the time you have a handle on things a couple mods should be finished up.
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[QUOTE=Babybackribs;278683]I never played TEW so dont know how the database works but if we start out with 200 fighters will it grow in 10 years and new promotions spring up or are we stuck with the same 4 promotions and 200 fighter cap?[/QUOTE] New promotions will start and the database will grow all the time;)
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[QUOTE=asdfx3;278646]I guess I'm one of the few that thinks that having the game start out in MMA's infancy is a good thing. It gives the player a greater sense of history and legacy of both fighters and promotions. [QUOTE] Although i brought this up myself, i also like the MMA infancy idea. I always play DOTT mod and the Cornellverse 96 and 75 mod.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;278834]New promotions will start and the database will grow all the time;)[/QUOTE] Thx for the respons and very glad to hear. Now I dont mind starting late as long as it keeps growing. Another question for you TEW guys did any of the new organizations grow to become bigger than the originals?
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;278922]Plus, since MMA won't have been around for long, it will leave us with so many sagas of fights to create that haven't already been recorded in a fighter's fight history at the starting point.[/QUOTE] I think thats part of the reason Adam is giving us such an early start. If he gave us a very long history before this, it would be hard coming up with fresh match-ups.
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[QUOTE=Babybackribs;278985]Thx for the respons and very glad to hear. Now I dont mind starting late as long as it keeps growing. Another question for you TEW guys did any of the new organizations grow to become bigger than the originals?[/QUOTE] Well not really. Some of the the bigger ones went bankrupt, some smallers ones grew to mid level promotions. Of course the player controlled promotions did really well and some guys went Global. Not easy to say the least. I played 10 years into the game. This should be much faster with just 4 promotions and 200 fighters, the game will develop at a increased pace.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;278997]I think thats part of the reason Adam is giving us such an early start. If he gave us a very long history before this, it would be hard coming up with fresh match-ups.[/QUOTE] Either way i am sure Adam knows what he is doing. With such a small database, it will be very important how new guys develop. In TEW i basically rellied on mainly the original database over 10 years into the game, only a few additions. With this database, taking into consideration the way MMA works with earlier retirements ect, we will need a much faster appearing and development of the fighters in comparison
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as far as competition in mma and adequite roster sizes, it will all depend on how you run your shows, and the different suspensions for injuries and drugs will go. being mma, you dont need the 30 man rosters or greater that are sometimes involved in wrestling. Also to a point i think some competition will be created by the other promotions champions
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