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What people think about the database proposed?

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I think enough has been said on the topic. We need to see how the game will play and unfold, plus how dynamic the gameworld will be. If the pace is similar to TEW and the world worlds similar to it (which in several posts we understood it won't), then we will have a problem. But, if talent enter more frequently, if they develop skills better and faster and if new promotions will pop up on a more frequent pace, then the lesser world is absolutely not a problem. Actually it could give a different feel to it. I only hope the reason that the world is based in 96 and has only 200 workers and 4 promotions is not connected to the limited time left and the database was rushed. I am pretty sure that is not the reason. I have faith in Adam and his work and i am sure he will bring to the table the goods.;)
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Adam is a great programmer. I've been playing his games since the inception of EWR! I have faith that the game will be great, and if the default database isn't up to "par" then ACC's Tap or Snap mod should suffice just great. However, I am just excited to see how much of the business aspect we will be able to control in the game!
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At first I was a bit dissapointed as well by the size of the databas, but the more I think about it, the better I like it. First of all, technically speaking I think it's impossible for the guys that make the renders to make 500 more or so by when the game comes out. These people probably have other jobs as well and rendering is just one of their hobbies. Then again, I'd rather have 200 characters with a picture and a good background than 700 people out of which only the best have pictures. Then gamewise the only thing that bothers me a bit is that you have no competition near you. But I think this is more a "you vs. the world" than a "you vs. another promotion" game. It's a good decision to start the game earlier. Maybe then if enough copies are sold and there is a sequel the game moves on more than just one year, which makes the game world change faster. By then there'll be more characters and promotions as well.
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In response to both Undertaker and Trypio's posts, I am still missing where the competition in this game is coming from, although I accept the points made. Undertaker said that I would find it difficult to sign the equilvent of Tommy Cornell if I were a smaller promotion; my concern is that there are apparently only 2 large promotions in the world. If I wanted to sign the best woman's worker in the business, the [B]starting[/B] data would [B]seemingly[/B] only have one promotion who might want to sign her meaning no competition other than getting my promotion up to the desired level. Further, if I were the big USA based promotion, if I wanted to sign the equivilent of Tommy Cornell, I would only have competition from one [B]starting[/B] promotion. Even with that, I would wonder how interested a Japanese promotion would be in him. I accept that MMA is somewhat more international than wrestling in this regard, but just 1 competitor seems a litte light. If I started as the low level British promotion, I would also seemingly have no competition. If, on the off chance, I stumbled a great worker, then the top promotions would appear to be at liberty to steal them. I would then have to move back to developing talent until the point I could compete with the 2 big players. I can't help thinking that competing with more small level promotions to see who gets to become the next "big player" would be more interesting. Moving onto Trypio's comments, I agree that this is seemingly becoming a "me vs the world" database. The challenge being to set good fights to win over sceptical audiences, rather than competing with rival promotions to get the best worker who help put on the best shows. But, a "me vs the world" database with just 4 promotions, 2 of which are utterly uncompetitive seems bizarre. Again, I hasten to add that I am not criticising the game or the database. I do not know much about the world of MMA and I know that most of the comparisons I am making are not directly comparable. I am merely trying to understand the game world as the Cornellverse gave a good insight into how the world of TEW worked. I am sure the game is designed to be modded to work with mods and the database, I suspect, will work 100 times better than it is sounding to me.
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I think, with MMA only just starting to win people over from where this database begins, it will be more of a case of the first four promotions getting a head start as they have been in it from near the beginning of the entire sport. When the MMA industry started, there wasn't instantly alot of promotions all competing against each other, and people wouldn't instantly think, "I want to become an MMA fighter" - much like businessmen wouldn't immediately open promotions, with the industry getting alot of negative publicity and being at a very low point when you compare it to now. The way that I understand it, that's the reasoning behind the somewhat small numbers that people aren't happy about. By the way, for people unhappy about the number of fighters... While I won't read too much into it, Adam mentioned that he hopes that number will increase slightly before the games release... How many could that be? While I won't get my hopes up, for all we know the number of workers could increase by 25% up to 250. Like I said, I won't get my hopes up for that much of a worker increase, but bare in mind that Adam himself said that 200 would hopefully not be the final number.
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[QUOTE=teakle;280503]Undertaker said that I would find it difficult to sign the equilvent of Tommy Cornell if I were a smaller promotion; my concern is that there are apparently only 2 large promotions in the world. If I wanted to sign the best woman's worker in the business, the [B]starting[/B] data would [B]seemingly[/B] only have one promotion who might want to sign her meaning no competition other than getting my promotion up to the desired level.[/quote] In TEW if you're DaVe (or lower) and you want to compete with SWF or TCW then you have to get your promotion more popular and raise it's prestige, it's exactly the same thing with WMMA. But you don't know there's only one company that would want to sign the best female worker anyway, other companies could very well have a women's division that they'd want to sign her to. [QUOTE=teakle;280503]Further, if I were the big USA based promotion, if I wanted to sign the equivilent of Tommy Cornell, I would only have competition from one [B]starting[/B] promotion. Even with that, I would wonder how interested a Japanese promotion would be in him. I accept that MMA is somewhat more international than wrestling in this regard, but just 1 competitor seems a litte light.[/quote] How many competitors do you have if you're SWF in TEW? One, which is TCW. But you're right, MMA is more international so if you were the American promotion then i'm sure the Japanese one would be trying to get it's hands on your competitors it thought were valuable. [QUOTE=teakle;280503]If I started as the low level British promotion, I would also seemingly have no competition. If, on the off chance, I stumbled a great worker, then the top promotions would appear to be at liberty to steal them. I would then have to move back to developing talent until the point I could compete with the 2 big players. I can't help thinking that competing with more small level promotions to see who gets to become the next "big player" would be more interesting.[/quote] See the start of my post with regards to improving your company. As for wanting more smaller companies, i've already stated that it'll be very easy to add more using the Editor if that's what you want so I don't see what the problem is there?
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Enough is Enough! [QUOTE=mikey5time;280169]It all depends. I know that out of Halifax where I live, we have already has 2 different promotions do shows this year, with another on the way and another in one province over. Five shows in one region (The Maritimes) from four different companies. Why do I post this? I DON'T KNOW! Oh wait, yeah I do. On all of those shows we're seeing alot of local fighters. I think 200 fighters will not be enough. Really, there should be alot of 'local' fighters. You need top level and you need low level. The last card here, King of the Cage Canada, had an undercard filled with local fighters, a semi-main event featuring a local hero, and a main event featuring a local champion against a UFC undercard guy. How will we be able to simulate a small local promotion without small, local, unestablished fighters to pay peanuts to?[/QUOTE] I pick this message to respond to only because I think I'm just getting irritated. We're beating a dead horse here people. Adam has a database with 200 fighters...PERIOD. We're all aware that he will enhance this database in time and better yet, you can do whatever it is your heart desires to this database. If you want to put Hulk Hogan and Tito Ortiz in a matchup together, then do your homework on their stats, create them, add a picture and set the fight up. The options are limitless and it only stops where your creativity does. On top of that, if you aren't creative or capable of making your own mods, wait for someone else to. There are plenty of people out there that are proud of their accomplishments with mods and would be more than willing to share. So let's just sit back and count our blessings that Adam has put together a game we have all obviously been longing for.
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Competency [QUOTE=James Casey;280193]Therein lies the challenge, of course. Your job will be to take on the lowest, no-name/no-talent (or both) fighters, and try and put together a decent show with them. Out of curiosity, can anyone take part in an MMA fight? Or do promotions require a basic level of competence in their fighters? I'm sure there's money to be earned from feeding some arrogant schmuck to Tito Ortiz or whatever, but at the same time having a universe full of people who all have at least one stat in the C or better range will seem... weird.[/QUOTE] I hope I'm not wrong here but I believe with all the state fighting commissions have to approve a fighter before they fight. I know when Dana White and Tito Ortiz were going to fight, Dana had to get approved by the Nevada State Boxing Commission. So I think that prevents Joe Schmoe from getting into the octagon with The Iceman.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;280520] ... i've already stated that it'll be very easy to add more using the Editor if that's what you want so I don't see what the problem is there?[/QUOTE] Thank you for your responses. I look forward to giving the game world a go when the demo gets released.
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[QUOTE=sr_roy97;280664]I pick this message to respond to only because I think I'm just getting irritated. We're beating a dead horse here people. Adam has a database with 200 fighters...PERIOD. We're all aware that he will enhance this database in time and better yet, you can do whatever it is your heart desires to this database. If you want to put Hulk Hogan and Tito Ortiz in a matchup together, then do your homework on their stats, create them, add a picture and set the fight up. The options are limitless and it only stops where your creativity does. On top of that, if you aren't creative or capable of making your own mods, wait for someone else to. There are plenty of people out there that are proud of their accomplishments with mods and would be more than willing to share. So let's just sit back and count our blessings that Adam has put together a game we have all obviously been longing for.[/QUOTE] Cheers to Adam;)
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Going to chime in here as well.... I aggree with sr_roy97. So going to post something else to think about... Going with the C-Verse in TEW (for example), when Adam puts together the game, he puts together a working mod for that game, with all the different bio's and stats, etc. He does this better then anyone pretty much (best mod maker is also the game designer). Anyone that has ever attempted (don't even have to have finished) know's how long making a mod can take. The more you have to put into it, the longer it will take, IF your working from scratch. Each person has to have a place/position, and to make the MOD feel like a living world is especially hard. Giving Bio's that make scense to the worker's skills are not easy either. My point is, the bigger the mod that comes with the game, the longer it will take to have the game ready for distrubution, and....... Adam always adds to it, updates, etc. The C-Verse has been enhanced alot in the last year (example). More people have been added, bassically, so I expect this to be the case on the MMA mod as well. My only personal negative thing to say about WMMA, is that I can no longer expect the same amount of time being put into the TEW line.... By time I mean within' an amount of time, not how much time is put into the game itself.... For example, I'm upset at the fact that Adam is working on WMMA right now, instead of getting of starting on the TEW new version. That's just me being selfish though, because I like the TEW line, and think there is alot of things that can make it even better.
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[QUOTE=Tommy J.;279809]The Unified Rules, along with the specified weight classes, were devised and enacted in 2000. However the UFC began to group their fighters into weight classes as early as UFC 12 in 1997. Oh and Pride in little way focused on the Heavyweights. They just put popular fighters agains one another, and Japanese people seem to like freakshow matches. The Gracies, Carlos Newton, Sakuraba, arguably Wanderlei, Takada, Vovchanchyn and Belfort weren't really heavyweights yet they all fought somewhere on the first 10 PRIDE cards. Still, they didn't use weight classes until 2001.[/QUOTE] Um. What? Igor Vochanchyn was easily 205, Belfort was 205, Goodridge? Coleman? Severn? Taktarov? Leopoldo? Yvel? Mark Kerr? Ricco Rodriguez? Heath Herring? Ken Shamrock? Kazuyuki Fujita? Wanderlei Silva is 199 usually. A great deal of the fighters in the first 10 PRIDE shows could easily be classified as Light Heavyweight, or just Heavyweights. Gracies/Sakuraba/Newton = Middleweights. Takada was usually 220+ lbs. PRIDE very much focused on the Heavyweight (Heavier) division/s, or we'd never have gotten the amount of amazing Heavyweights that we did from PRIDE. Also, I like the regeneration feature, it definitely will make the people that have done work for the game feel like their work on that one particular character was not in vain. :D Again, for the 200 'database' argument. Even if Adam never expands on it before the release, it doesn't matter. We have to see how the game plays out before we can complain about something like that to be honest. As another thread poster noted as well, this game only goes as far as your imagination. If you've got an issue with a small amount of workers in the original data, start thinking up workers to add.
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[QUOTE=BlizzardVeers;281115]Um. What? Igor Vochanchyn was easily 205, Belfort was 205, Goodridge? Coleman? Severn? Taktarov? Leopoldo? Yvel? Mark Kerr? Ricco Rodriguez? Heath Herring? Ken Shamrock? Kazuyuki Fujita? Wanderlei Silva is 199 usually. A great deal of the fighters in the first 10 PRIDE shows could easily be classified as Light Heavyweight, or just Heavyweights.[/quote] That was the point. They were [u]Light[/u] Heavyweights, granted thge LHW and HW distinction is more blurred but all of them would be noticeably smaller when standing next to guys like Kerr. And I never said that PRIDE didn't have Heavyweight guys. I just said that the booking strategy wasn't exactly "let's get two physically biggest guys in MMA and have them fight" since they also featured lighter guys who made up what they lacked in size with skills and popularity.
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