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DOTM Nomination Thread: August

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I know it's only been a couple of weeks since the last one, but that's because I was really late last month, so it's nomination time. Tristram's 'Death of WCW?' and Wildfire's 'NWA: Return to Glory' are out of the running, as they won in the previous two months, and are judges for this month's nominations. Please, give a reason for your nominations, as there's a chance that the judges haven't read the dynasty. Y'all have a week. [B]ECW Worldwide[/B] by Nevermore [B]WWF 1993 Rewriting History[/B] by mad5226 [B]Battlelines have been drawn. What if NWA had struck first?[/B] by outlaw321 [B]NWA faces off with WWF[/B] by angeldelayette [B]WWE: Rebirth[/B] by G-Prime [B]The Dunvegan Dynasty[/B] by Anubis [B]WWE? What a shocker![/B] by FuelFan0102 [B]WWE: Frank Sinatra Style[/B] by flamebrain
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Is my diary eligible for nomination now? I mean, I have vastly improved since Starrcade, and have an awesome program running involving Ric Flair, Jerry Lawler, Harley Race, and others. During the first "season", I can understand not being worthy of any rewards, but I think the Flair/Lawler/Race program maybe puts me in the running. Perhaps?
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;278656]You can't nominate yourself mate, but as long as you've got five shows (I think that's what was decided on) you're eligible to be nominated.[/QUOTE] Care to be a bud and nominate me, then? Not even as a favor. If you have the time, check out the diary for yourself. Not just blowing smoke here, I really am proud of the current direction of things and especially the program I have going with Flair, Lawler, and Race and I think people would like it. Problem is a lot of people wrote me off either because of personal dislike or because of the previous format of the diary. Ever since Starrcade, though, I've turned up the heat, kicked it up a few notches. Hell, I urge everyone to check it out and give it a chance. As for a qualifying number of shows, how does 142 sound? :D
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[QUOTE=Anubis;278671]Care to be a bud and nominate me, then? Not even as a favor. If you have the time, check out the diary for yourself. Not just blowing smoke here, I really am proud of the current direction of things and especially the program I have going with Flair, Lawler, and Race and I think people would like it. Problem is a lot of people wrote me off either because of personal dislike or because of the previous format of the diary. Ever since Starrcade, though, I've turned up the heat, kicked it up a few notches. Hell, I urge everyone to check it out and give it a chance. As for a qualifying number of shows, how does 142 sound? :D[/QUOTE] 142 certainly qualifies, I'll take a look at it after I've posted to mine... SmackDown's a little late, lol.
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If DOTT is fair game I'd like to throw in Outlaw321's NWA dynasty. It captures what I think that time frame in wrestling was like and it gives a nice twist on what actually happened in reality. And you have to give it up for consistancy too. Fifty-seven pages strong and no signs of slowing down, that's gotta be worth something.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;278674]If DOTT is fair game I'd like to throw in Outlaw321's NWA dynasty. It captures what I think that time frame in wrestling was like and it gives a nice twist on what actually happened in reality. And you have to give it up for consistancy too. Fifty-seven pages strong and no signs of slowing down, that's gotta be worth something.[/QUOTE] Why thank you good man.
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angeldelayette's NWA Faces Off With WWF. I don't really know a lot about that time period (It was Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks over here :)) so most of the names are just names to me... But not in this diary. Its written well and in a consistant manner that has allowed me to get into the people on the roster, despite not knowing many of them, so that I am genuinely interested in where things progress. Everyone should [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24370"]check it out[/URL].
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;278698]angeldelayette's NWA Faces Off With WWF. I don't really know a lot about that time period (It was Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks over here :)) so most of the names are just names to me... But not in this diary. Its written well and in a consistant manner that has allowed me to get into the people on the roster, despite not knowing many of them, so that I am genuinely interested in where things progress. Everyone should [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24370"]check it out[/URL].[/QUOTE] Hey, my first nomination, thanks! I'll slip you that 20 later. LOL.
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[QUOTE=The Ego;278658]I nominate Mad's 1993 WWF diary, This guy is perfectly capturing the feel of the WWF at that time, its a must for all readers, and is updated at perfect intervals.[/QUOTE] And you my friend are my new favorite person :D Thanks for the nomination dude, it's an honor to even be considered for this considering who all has won in the past.
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I'll pick WWE: Rebirth, by G-Prime (If I can) Otherwise the dynasty's I would've nominated have been done already or ineligable. I like how Kendrick and London have been pushed and it comes off as realistic the way G-Prime has booked it. The 'E has also not really been affected by a few defectors to World's Crapiest Wrestling, and it's all down to the booking G-Prime has employed.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;279208]I'll pick WWE: Rebirth, by G-Prime (If I can) Otherwise the dynasty's I would've nominated have been done already or ineligable. I like how Kendrick and London have been pushed and it comes off as realistic the way G-Prime has booked it. The 'E has also not really been affected by a few defectors to World's Crapiest Wrestling, and it's all down to the booking G-Prime has employed.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, although losing Edge, CM Punk and Maria to WCW really pissed me off...
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I would like to officially nominate [Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW). Anubis has been very consistent in his writings and worked hard even to listen to those who give criticism and change his diary around just a little to please the masses. It's also been a quite long-running diary and one that I've enjoyed.
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I can't say I've read the thread much between working and studying, (yeah yeah flame me but someone's got to find a cure for cancer), but I'd like to either nominate or back up the nominations of... WWE - What a Shocker! WWE - Frank Sinatra Style And if you don't like it, I got two words for you. That's Ok.
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