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Q for Adam: Game World Community Level

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I've just been doing a litte research on the different regions and i have a question about how Community levels will reflect on gameplay. Let's take the most extreme examples. IRL the most populous game region in the US South West (Just under 50,000,000 residents) and one of the smallest is the Canadian Maritimes (Just under 2,500,000). Now if we assign the South West with a Community of 100%, then doing a straight mathematical scaling that would put the Maritimes at 5%, wouldn't it? Question: How will this affect live gate and TV? Is this a viable approach, or does the scale work differently? Thanks!
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It isn't a viable approach because: 1 - It assumes a direct correlation between a region's total population and its wrestling community 2 - It assumes the percentage is done to scale and so can be mathematically modeled A better approach, if you want to use some sort of scale, is to divide each area into one of ten categories (ranging from say Insignificant to Enormous) based upon estimated attendance level, then assign each category a 10% range (i.e. Enormous = 90 - 100%), then use that to assign a figure to each area. That will at least give you a fairly accurate world model.
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Thanks for the response. I think I see where you are coming from. Since percentage isn't done to scale, what exactly is the effect of dropping the percentage? What is the differance betweena 100% and 50% for instance? What effect will that have on gameplay? Region A 100% Community Region B 50% Community Some questions: a) If I run an event in Region A in a 10,000 seat arena (Medium) will it be easier to fill? How much easier? b) Does the percentage work as an attendance cap? c) Is it possible to run a 75,000 building in a 50% community region? d) Will this impact television ratings in any way?
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