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CZCW - Nick Omen's Conquest

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[B]Cliff Anderson :[/B] “Hello, is this Nick Gustafson?” I held the phone to my ear for a moment, was this really the Cliff Anderson I thought it was. I looked back at my caller ID, and there it was, “Cliff Anderson”. I was in disbelief, I’d sent in my resume to become a writer and it turns out I might get the job! I mean, don’t they normally send rejections in a letter? So I answered quickly before he could hang up on me. [B]Nick Omen :[/B] “Y-Yeah! And you’re Cliff Anderson right? Owner of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling? May I ask why you’re calling?” I knew why he was calling, or rather, I hoped I knew why he was calling. I was hoping he’d give me a job! I mean, WOW! Even if I didn’t get the job, I was getting to meet one of my heroes! [B]Cliff Anderson :[/B] “Yes you may, actually I’m calling on your resume on becoming a writer for my company. Well, for a long time I’ve been the owner, the booker, and the head writer for my company, but I’m getting old, and I figure I should hire someone else to help me out. So, Nick, I was wondering, instead of becoming just a writer, how would you like to join CZCW and take place as the head booker? Of course, I’ll be breathing down your neck the first few months since you’re just a kid, but I know your father, and he must have raised you well.” Wait, he knew my father? Man, I’ve got to be the luckiest son to hit God’s green earth! [B]Nick Omen :[/B] “You know my dad? Oh man, that’s cool! He never told me, anyway, yeah of course I’d be SO happy to join CZCW, but I know I’m only 16, but I have a special request. You see, my friend, actually, best friend is trying to become a professional wrestler, he’s not great, but I was wondering if we could hire him? I’m pretty sure I could get him to work for pretty cheap the first few months!” [B]Cliff Anderson :[/B] “That sounds fine to me, so I’ll see you on Tuesday to book Wave of Fury, I’ll email you all the information you need to book the card. If you need help, be sure to ask me, and make sure you book one hell of a show, because this is the new era of CZCW! We’re taking it out of the small status, and making CZCW’s explosive action the new wave of fury- haha.” [B]Nick Omen :[/B] “Of course, and would you mind me booking me in the first show? I mean, I know, I’m the booker, but I’d be glad to job to someone in the opening match.” [B]Cliff Anderson :[/B] “Do what you wish, I’d say an opening match would be fine, can’t have ya’ beating Donnie J for the title on the first show now can ya? We both laughed and I said goodbye, and I checked my email. It had all the information I needed to book my card, such as the roster, the champions, what there momentum was at, their gimmicks, and their alignments. Boy, I was excited. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]INFORMATION :[/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Champions :[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Coastal Zone Champion :[/COLOR][/B] Donnie J [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Coastal Zone Tag Team Champions :[/COLOR][/B] Snap Dragon / High Flying Jimmy Foxx [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Coastal Zone Xtreme Champion :[/COLOR][/B] Insane Machine [SIZE="3"][B]ROSTER :[/B][/SIZE] [B]Main Eventers : [/B] Heel – James Prudence Face – Donnie J, Ultimate Phoenix [B]Upper Carders :[/B] Heel – Plague Face – Matt Sparrow, Fox Mask [B]Mid Carders :[/B] Heel – Snap Dragon, Insane Machine Face – Remmy Skye, Frankie Perez, Flying Jimmie Fox [B]Low Carders :[/B] Heel – Marc Speed, Citizen X Face – Masked Cougar [B]Openers :[/B] Heel – Jeremiah Moose, Nick Omen Face – N/A [B]Staff :[/B] Announcers – Cliff Anderson Colour Commentators – Farrah Hesketh Referee – Pee Wee Germaine[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Comment :[/COLOR][/B] My first Dynasty on GDS, so feel free to post comments whenever I post a show. I don't have the time to post more than one show a day, but if it happens, praise! Haha, I hope this lasts long, I already have four shows written up, so I have something to lay back on if I get lazy.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]CZCW Smash-A-Thon 2007[/B][/SIZE] [B]Venue :[/B] [I]Simmons Center [/I]([COLOR="Red"][B]300/SELL OUT![/B][/COLOR]) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [B][D+][/B] [B]Length :[/B] [I]Two Hours[/I] [B]Pre-Show Free Match/Segments : Marc Speed / Nick Omen vs. Citizen X / Jerimiah Moose[/B] An appropriate match for an opening bout, which saw the debuting Nick Omen take on Citizen X and Jerimiah Moose with Marc Speed as an ally. This didn’t go over too well with the crowd, as they weren’t sure who to cheer or boo for, so they just kept to cheering when a big spot happened. The MVP of this match had to be Marc Speed, as his technical prowess brought this match up a lot as he was able to work with Citizen X quite well. That’s probably why he got the win at 9:48, by submitting Jerimiah Moose with a Cross Armbreaker. [B][D][/B] [B]Paid Show : The Main Event is Announced![/B] It is said that for the main event of CZCW Smash-A-Thon, it will be the reigning champion Donnie J taking on his former tag team partner, James Prudence in a 30 minute Iron-Man, where the winner with the most falls takes home the CZCW World Championship! This didn’t get over with the crowd too much, as they came to see people get the **** beat of each other, not to talk about it. [B][E+][/B] [B]Air Force 1 vs. Remmy Skye / Masked Cougar [COLOR="DarkOrange"]CZCW Tag Team Titles[/COLOR][/B] Another tag match, but this time with so much more on the line. Fans wanted Remmy Skye in the ring more, but Masked Cougar was in most of the match due to Remmy Skye being off of his game that night. In the end it was the tag team champions, Air Force 1, making their first title defence at 14:08 when Snap Dragon hit the Dragon’s Breath on Masked Cougar to get the fall. [B][D+][/B] [B]Xtreme Title Gets XTREME![/B] Insane Machine is in the ring, preparing for his upcoming title defence when Frankie Perez comes out, who he is set to defend his title against, and he says why don’t they make it extreme, and they agree on making it a tables match. The crowd didn’t care too much, because they wanted to see the tables, not them talking about it. [B][E-][/B] [B]Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine [COLOR="darkorange"]CZCW Xtreme Title[/color] – [COLOR="darkred"]Tables Match[/COLOR][/B] A little bit of an awkward ‘bout with Frankie Perez hitting some high spots, while Insane Machine tried to stay dominant. In the end it was Frankie Perez jumping from the top and Insane Machine taking a table and swinging it at him, in which it broke and he was declared the winner. Frankie is improving in Performance skills, and Insane Machine is improving in Rumble Skills. [B][D+][/B] Matt Sparrow vs. Plague vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Fox Mask [COLOR="darkorange"][B]CZCW World Title Contendership[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]– Ladder Match[/COLOR][/B] Definate match of the night, where there were enough spots to make the crowd write a book for a review when they got on their computers. Though he tired toward the end, in the first fifteen minutes of this match, Matt Sparrow was jumping, flying, diving, all over the place! This match was great for Ultimate Phoenix because he improved in three categories, Rumble, Flying, and Performance. Fox Mask also improved in performance skills, and Matt Sparrow is improving in technical skills. The end spot saw Ultimate Phoenix hit a missile dropkick from one ladder to Fox Mask who was on another, while Matt Sparrow was on the outside and Plague jumped from the turnbuckle and hit him with a spinning hurricanrana, afterwhich he slowly crawled to the top of the ladder and retrieved his briefcase with his contendership in it at 24:49. [B][C-][/B] [B]Wait, Isn’t Beach Babe Bunnie Dating Remmy Skye?[/B] The scene goes to the backstage where Donnie J is flexing his muscles and talking to Beach Babe Bunnie, and she’s feeling him up when they hear Remmy Skye talking and they rush off. The crowd didn’t like it, because they’d rather see Remmy Skye jump off a 40 foot ladder and hit a plancha dive onto Donnie J, instead of seeing his muscles. Beach Babe Bunnie was hot though! [B][E+][/B] [B]Donnie J vs. James Prudence [COLOR="DarkOrange"]CZCW World Title[/COLOR] – [COLOR="darkred"]30 Minute Iron Man[/COLOR][/B] A good title defence, but would have been much better if it was shorter. Both men were visibly tired toward the end of the match. The first fall came with Donnie J hitting a cradle piledriver in the middle of the ring, and then getting the pinfall. The next fall came when Remmy Skye came into the ring, dove off the middle rope and hit Donnie J with a bull dog, which got Donnie J a point by DQ. James Prudence then picked up Donnie J and hit him with a jumping power bomb, which got him a fall. In the next two minutes, three pin attempts were made, but Donnie J kicked out of all of them. [B][D+][/B] [B]Get Your Hands Off My Girl![/B] Remmy Skye enters the ring where Donnie J is celebrating, and grabs a microphone. He begins yelling at Donnie, saying that he’s stealing his girl. Donnie says it’s not his fault she likes him, when finally Remmy Skye pushes him, and Donnie and him have a stare down. Fans didn’t like it, well fa-screw them. Donnie J is learning to show more charisma. [B][E][/B] [B]Next Title Defence Three Way?![/B] A video hype is shown, saying that at Survival of the Fittest, it will be a three way defence for the CZCW Title, consisting of Remmy Skye, Donnie J, and Plague in a Ladder Match! The fans didn’t like this either, but come on, in all honesty, that match will rule. [B] [E-][/B] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Nick Notes :[/COLOR][/B] Not a great show, but the fans seemed to have liked it a lot. Remember Nick, these people like long matches, not so many angles. I think next month’s three way for the title will really get over with the fans. I was surprised we sold out the show, looks like CZCW might be good.[/QUOTE] [/CENTER]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]http://www.czcwwrestling.com[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Survival of the Fittest Tournament Announced![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]First Round Matches –[/B][/CENTER] Insane Machine vs. Marc Speed Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon Nick Omen vs. Ultimate Phoenix Frankie Perez vs. Masked Cougar [CENTER][B]Second Round Matches – [/B][/CENTER] Winner of 1st match vs. Winner of 2nd match Winner of 3rd match vs. Winner of 4th match [CENTER][B]Final Round Matches – [/B][/CENTER] Winner of the 1st 2nd round match vs. Winner of the 2nd 2nd round match Winner will be guaranteed a title shot at the next event, in any match they choose![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][SIZE="4"]Survival of the Fittest Main Event Announced![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Originally it was going to be Plague against Donnie J for the CZCW title, but after some dispute it will be a three way ladder match to decide the new CZCW champion. That means the person who can retrieve the title from the top of the stadium by climbing the ladder, will walk home with it! It will be Donnie J, against Plague and Remmy Skye! We’ve seen Plague and Skye put on some spectacular ladder matches, but throw in Donnie J AND a title, and you got ourselves a true test of the fittest! Catch us, first Monday of September![/quote] [QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR="red"][B][SIZE="4"]Extra Half Hour Added![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Due to the extent and content of the upcoming event, an extra half hour has been added, so it will be a 2 hour and a half event, with 20 minutes pre-time that is free! Remember, tickets are just six bucks! Remember stars such as Donnie J, Plague, Remmy Skye, Insane Machine, Ultimate Phoenix, Fox Mask, Matt Sparrow and more![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]We Say Goodbye to a Great Star…[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] After Survival of the Fittest, James Prudence will be leaving the company. So in his send off match he will be facing a mystery star![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]Welcome Our Newest Star![/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Give a warm welcome to our newest asset to the roster, Mac Lynnoit! The 17 year old technician doesn’t have a godly talent, but in time will prove to be a staple in our roster. Rumors are flying around that he will be teaming with Nick Omen as CZCW’s newest tag team![/CENTER][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW Survival of the Fittest[/SIZE][/B] [B]Venue :[/B] The Snake Pit (797) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [D+] [B]Length :[/B] [I]Two and One Half Hours[/I] [B]Pre-Show Free Matches / Segments :[/B] [B]Breaking the System is Formed[/B] Citizen X is out in the ring for the pre show, and tells the fans how the only way to take down the system, is to climb to the top, and take it apart from the top to the bottom, and doing so he needs someone to help him. So he has decided to recruit someone to his cause, and that person is non other than… MARC “SPEEDBALL” SPEED! Marc comes out and they briefly talk about how they have formed “Breaking the System”, CZCW’s newest Tag Team. Marc Speed is developing more performance skills. [B][E-][/B] [B]Breaking The System vs. Air Force 1[/B] A good match that the people who stayed for the free portion enjoyed, and I’m sure it attracted some fans to stay for the paid show too. Snap Dragon showed some better performance skills, and Breaking the System worked fine as a tag team. The end of the match was at 15:08 when Citizen X got the pinfall on Snap Dragon after a Flaming Anarchy. [B][D+][/B] --- [B]Paid Show : Mac Lynnoit vs. Jeremiah Moose[/B] Somewhat of a squash match, mostly to put over Mac Lynnoit as a new worker. Jeremiah Moose got in about 30 seconds worth of offense in one spot, and afterward Mac Lynnoit hit the Air Raid Crusher, his finisher, and pinned him at 6:27. They didn’t click too much, which made for an awkward bout. [B][E+][/B] [B]Master of the Ladder Match is Reborn![/B] Remmy Skye is shown backstage, cutting a short promo on how tonight he’s going to win, not to prove to his fans, or his ex-girlfriend, but to himself, that he is still the highflying master of the ladder matches! Remmy Skye isn’t too well on the microphone, but his charisma helped with the segment, he definitely has the potencial to get better. [B][E][/B] [B]Insane Machine vs. Marc Speed [COLOR="Red"]Tournament Match – Round One[/B][/COLOR] A good match, that definitely helped the credibility of the tournament, and Marc Speed is improving in rumble skills. The Xtreme Champion ended up beating him in 8:33 after a Termination Kick. That means Insane Machine moves on in the tournament, one step closer to becoming a double crown champion.[B] [C-][/B] [B]Snap Dragon vs. Matt Sparrow [COLOR="red"]Tournament Match – Round One[/COLOR][/B] Another good match, which saw one half of the tag team champions face off against “Bird Boy” Matt Sparrow! Snap Dragon improved in rumble skills in this match, but still lost to Matt Sparrow after a Bird Brain Buster at 9:45. [B][C-][/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Nick Omen [COLOR="red"]Tournament Match – Round One[/B][/COLOR] I think this match lacked because honestly, who would put an opener over Ultimate Phoenix? No, I’m an okay booker, who doesn’t push himself to the moon. I like to wrestle, and it was a fun match indeed. The match ended at 11:03 after Ultimate Phoenix hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash! [B][D+][/B] [B]Frankie Perez vs. Masked Cougar [COLOR="red"]Tournament Match – Round One[/B][/COLOR] This match was good, but had the potencial of being a lot better if more selling was shown. In the end though, it was Frankie Perez submitting Masked Cougar with the P-Clutch at 8:41. Now that Round One was done, we knew what the next matches would be![B] [C-][/B] [B]Hype Video For The Main Event![/B] A video is shown hyping up the main event, where it would be Remmy Skye, Plague, and the champion, Donnie J in a ladder match! It showed clips of the ladder, and the title, and then flashed through all three of the competitors, stopping at Donnie J who held his title high after defending it against James Prudence. [B][E-][/B] [B]Matt Sparrow vs. Insane Machine [COLOR="red"]Tournament Match – Round Two[/B][/COLOR] This tournament is proving to bring out the best in people, and even though the workers were tired, they still pulled out one hell of a match! After Insane Machine broke the Bird Brain Buster he hit the Termination Kick and got the pinfall at 13:52. Insane Machine is improving in performance skills. [B][C-][/B] [B]Frankie Perez vs. Ultimate Phoenix [COLOR="red"]Tournament Match – Round Two[/B][/COLOR] Turns out Ultimate Phoenix needs something to freshen up his character, uh-oh, well it was still Phoenix who got the win after some great technical moves that showed he was improving quite well. He got the win after hitting a Phoenix Firebird Splash at 14:36. [B][C-][/B] [B]The Tournament Finals![/B] A hype video is shown hyping up the Xtreme Champion against Ultimate Phoenix. It showed Insane Machine hitting his Termination Kick three times, to the opponents he has faced, and showed Ultimate Phoenix hitting some perfect Phoenix Firebird Splashes. Crowd didn’t like it, just like all the other angles, well you know what? SCREW YOU! [B][E-][/B] [B]Insane Machine vs. Ultimate Phoenix [COLOR="red"]Tournament Match – Finals[/B][/COLOR] It was extremely obvious that these two were tired during this match, but they still gave it their all. Due to them being tired, the crowd cheered even more for Ultimate Phoenix, and booed the hell out of the Xtreme champion when he attacked Phoenix. The end spot was huge, and made the fans nearly cream themselves. It came with Phoenix coming off the top for a Phoenix Firebird Splash, but Insane Machine hit the Termination Kick, and went for the cover, but somehow Ultimate Phoenix packaged him into a pin and got the win! [B][D+][/B] [B]The Survivor of the Fittest Is…[/B] Ultimate Phoenix slowly got to his feet, and raised his arms high into the air and the crowd was cheering like mad for him. When Insane Machine walked over to him, Phoenix extended his hand and Insane Machine went to grab it, but instead pushed him and nailed him with the Termination Kick, and then held his title high into the air. [B] [E-][/B] [B]Donnie J vs. Plague vs. Remmy Skye [COLOR="DarkOrange"]CZCW Title Match[/COLOR] – [COLOR="red"]Three-Way Ladder Match[/COLOR][/B] A great main event that really showed off the show, that showed some huge spots from Remmy Skye, even though with the smaller stuff he seemed off his game. Donnie J worked the crowd phenomenally, and Plague shot off some great ladder moves, Plague was the only one who didn’t seem tired toward the end of the match. The end spot of the match was Remmy Skye going for a diving headbutt, but Donnie J shot up and hit him with a diving clothesline, and Plague rushed to the top of the ladder and unhooked the title. Donnie J improved in flying and performance skills. [B][C-][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]Nick Notes :[/B][/COLOR] We’re putting on quality shows, but a profit is a word I haven’t been able to get my eyes on. Maybe we should do a month long tour, to different places around with the lower workers. I really think Plague can work a great match, so that’s why I gave him the belt. I think getting him into a good, long, match with someone with great stamina would be good. I’ve told my workers to lower the intensity of their matches a little so they don’t get tired so easily. Our popularity is rising nicely though.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]CZCW Ring of Mayhem[/B][/SIZE] [B]Venue :[/B] Simmons Center ([B][COLOR="Red"]300/SELL OUT[/COLOR][/B]!) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [C-] [B]Length :[/B] [I]Two Hours[/I] [B]Paid Show :[/B] [B]Breaking The System vs. The New Generation[/B] A pretty okay match for the opening bout, which was used to build up the new tag teams. Citizen X is improving in rumble skills, while Mac is improving in rumble and technical skills. The end of the match saw Nick hit Marc with a hurricanrana out of the ring, and then a moon sault over the ropes to the outside. Mac Lynnoit then hit the Air Raid Crusher on Citizen X and got the pin at 13:06. [B][D+][/B] [B]We Can’t Take It Down, If We’re Aren’t At The Top![/B] After The New Generation left the ring, the losing tag team began to argue, in the end with Marc pushing Citizen X to the ground and leaving the ring. The crowd didn’t care too much for the segment. [B][E-][/B] [B]Velocidad vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/B] A great match between this new worker and the Survivor of the tournament last event. It was a bit of a squash, with it mostly being a warmup for Phoenix’s big match to come. The end saw Phoenix hitting the Phoenix Firebird Splash and getting the pinfall at 15:39. [B][C-][/B] [B]Respect is Gave[/B] After the match, Ultimate Phoenix helped Velocidad up and shook his hand, and then patted him on the back on their way backstage. The crowd nearly puked at this segment, but I have no idea why! [B][F][/B] [B]Fox Mask vs. Plague[/B] This match had some nice chemistry, but the announcers didn’t seem up to par with the match. During the match we saw Insane Machine interfere, attacking Fox Mask with a chair, but the match went for another three minutes after Plague hit the New Jersey Turnpike and getting the pinfall at 16:20. [B][D+][/B] [B]Jeremiah Moose vs. Insane Machine[/B] Insane Machine got into the ring, and was given an opponent quickly as Jeremiah Moose came running out. Moose quickly rushed him and hit six blows, that didn’t do anything but then it was all Machine. After about six and a half minutes of toying with him, he hit the Termination Kick and got the pinfall at 6:42. [B][D][/B] [B]Some Thoughts…[/B] Fox Mask came into the ring after Insane Machine’s match, and told him that if he was going to screw him out of his match, and then injure a great worker like this, then he must have the bravery to put his title on in a match! He said that if he could beat him tonight, that next event, he would HAVE to put his title on the line! Insane Machine accepted, and Fox Mask slid into the ring to fight him. [B][E][/B] [B]Fox Mask vs. Insane Machine[/B] A good almost twenty one minute match up, with each workers going all out and trying to impress the fans. In the end, it was Fox Mask getting the huge victory over Insane Machine after hitting a superplex, a backflip leg drop, and then the Fox Hunter at 20:40. [B][D+][/B] [B]Plague vs. Ultimate Phoenix [COLOR="DarkOrange"]CZCW World Title[/B][/COLOR] Match of the night, easily, where these two put on one hell of a match even if they’d already competed that night. With huge spots that made the audience scream, and chain wrestling that made your eyes bleed, in the end it was Ultimate Phoenix taking the pinfall after getting nailed with a New Jersey Turnpike at 25:40. [C] [B]Round Two?[/B] Before Plague could leave, Ultimate Phoenix got up and challenge Plague to a rematch, because he was in this business to impress the fans, and to make them happy, and since they put on one hell of a show, how about at the next event, it be Ultimate Phoenix vs. Plague II except in a two out of three falls match! Plague looked at his title, grinned, and nodded before leaving to one hell of an event. [B][COLOR="Green"]Nick Notes :[/COLOR][/B] Plague is actually a really good champion, I’m glad I gave him the title. Edd Stone arrived late, but since he wasn’t planned for anything ahead of time, I warned him. So, I’ve thought about the weekly show thing, with some of the not as good guys, maybe hourly shows, I think that might be good. We’ve been losing money, but last month we lost a lot less than our first month. I’m hoping we don’t lose too much this month. Plague vs. Ultimate Phoenix II seemed appropriate since well, they’ve put on the best match since I’ve been the Head Booker, and I’m sure the fans wouldn’t mind seeing it again![/CENTER]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]http://www.czcwwrestling.com[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"]Roster Changes[/COLOR][/B] The CZCW Roster has changed around a bit, including the release of James Prudence, the hiring of a few new workers, and positions being changed to suit where they are right now.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Pre-Wave of Fury Shows[/COLOR][/B] CZCW will be doing three Monday evening shows, showing of the CZCW talent before Wave of Fury! Ticket prices will be reduced, so be sure to get your tickets fast, as we’ll be holding the events at the Simmons Center. This is the time where our lower talent will get to shine in our one hour long events. Also, remember, Wave of Fury will be a huge event, that you must see, so reserve tickets for the Snake Pit![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Television Show?[/COLOR][/B] That’s right! CZCW has been talking about possibly nailing a weekly TV show, that would take place on a local network. Most likely it would be an hour long slot, where the workers of CZCW will collide! So check back to see if we get the show, and if we do, make sure to watch it![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]List of New Workers…[/COLOR][/B] The following workers have been recently hired to CZCW- Casey Valentine Edd Stone Jacob Jett John Maveric Johnny Bloodstone Marcus McKing Samoan Machine Velocidad[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Contract Extended![/COLOR][/B] Plague’s contract has been extended for another 9 months at $1,025 a showing! So be sure to come to our events to catch Plague, aka, Black Eagle, in action![/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][list] Prediction Contest Velocidad vs. Nick Omen Jouhnny Bloodstone vs. Mac Lynnoit Donnie J vs. Fox Mask [/list][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]CZCW Coastal Zone Wrestling[/SIZE] [B]Venue :[/B] Simmons Center ([B][COLOR="Red"]300/SELL OUT![/COLOR][/B]) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [D-] [B]Length :[/B] [I]1 Hour[/I] [B]Paid Show :[/B] [B]Velocidad vs. Nick Omen[/B] Sadly, the best match of the night, which ended after 13:43 when Nick Omen got frusterated and hit Velocidad with a steel chair, followed by a double underhook DDT onto it. [B][C-][/B] [B]Donnie J against Fox Mask?[/B] Donnie J is in the ring, when Fox Mask comes out and challenges him to a match. Donnie J stated that for the sake of the fans, he would accept the match, and it would happen, TONIGHT! The fans weren’t too interested, but wanted to see the match. Donnie J is gaining charisma, and performance skills. [B][E][/B] [B]Johnny Bloodstone vs. Mac Lynnoit[/B] An okay match, which saw these two clash for a good thirteen minutes before the ref was “bumped” into by Johnny and Citizen X and Marc Speed came out and attacked Mac, giving Johnny the time to hit his finisher and then pin him when the ref revived, the final pinfall came at 14:47. Mac Lynnoit is improving in performance skills. [B][D+][/B] [B]Donnie J vs. Fox Mask[/B] A good match, with some of our highest popularity stars, but Donnie J got tired quite quickly, and the end of the match was at 19:50 when Donnie J pinned Fox Mask after two Termination Kicks from Insane Machine. After the match Donnie J looked at Insane Machine, but seemed to ignore him mostly. Fox Mask could use something to freshen up his character. [B][D+][/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]Nick Notes : [/COLOR][/B]A horrible show for our standards, but the fans still enjoyed it enough to raise our popularity. I guess our month long tour won't be as good as I thoguht, unless I can kick it up.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW Coastal Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [B]Venue :[/B] Simmons Center ([B][COLOR="Red"]300/SELL OUT[/COLOR][/B]!) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [D+] [B]Length :[/B] [I]1 Hour[/I] [B]Paid Show :[/B] [B]Jeremiah Moose vs. Velocidad[/B] An okay match, which saw our lower talent put on an appropriate match up. The match ended with Velocidad hitting a Velocidad Tornado, and then rolling him up for the pin at 16:32. After a while, the fans were tired of seeing both of these lowercard talent in the ring. This is the second win for Velocidad in a row, having only lost to Ultimate Phoenix. [B][D+][/B] [B]Insane Machine vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/B] A great match from these two, with it being very much main event material. The match ended with Insane Machine throwing a chair at Ultimate Phoenix and then hitting the termination kick into it. A few fans cheered for the move, but the rest of the crowd cheered when Insane Machine jumped from the second rope and did a 360 splash, and then got the pin at 14:26. [B][C][/B] [B]I Want Our Match![/B] Fox Mask came out to the ring, talked to the crowd quickly, and then got to his point. He called out Insane Machine, saying he wanted his match, it was accepted, and Insane Machine said that Ultimate Phoenix is only half of the damage Fox Mask will be taking. Crowd wants matches, lalalscrewyou. [B][E][/B] [B]Plague vs. Fox Mask[/B] These two have pretty good chemistry, which made for yet again, a great match. With flying from the top, chaining each other’s moves, and doing things that even Spider Man would fret at, made this match solid. It ended at 14:51 when Fox Mask went for the Foxhunter, but it was countered and Plague hit the New Jersey Turnpike, and then got the pin. [B][C][/B] [B]Main Event Announced[/B] Cliff Anderson, the announcer for the evening, came out and told everyone that tonight the main event would be Insane Machine and Plague against Ultimate Phoenix and Fox Mask. Winners against Losers! Fans didn’t care, they just wanted to see it.[B] [E-][/B] [B]Plague and Insane Machine vs. Ultimate Phoenix and Fox Mask[/B] A very good main event, that probably lacked from all of them having already been in the matches prior. They all got their own time out in the ring to shine, but it was Ultimate Phoenix and Plague who really shined towards the end. When Plague went for a corkscrew moonsault, and Ultimate Phoenix caught him in the air, hitting a flying neckbreaker, and then rolling him up for the pin at 19:53.[B] [C-][/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]Nick Notes :[/COLOR][/B] Popularity still increased, but, D+,C,C, and a C-, and STILL a D+ rating? I really thought I could mangle up a C- AT LEAST! I guess it was because too much of Velocidad and Jeremiah Moose. I really want to build Velocidad up the roster though… Well, see you next week on Coastal Zone Wrestling! [/CENTER]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]http://www.czcwwrestling.com[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="Red"]Main Event Announced for Coastal Zone Wrestling![/COLOR][/B] The main event will be Fox Mask, Ultimate Phoenix, Plague, and Insane Machine in a four way tables match![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]#1 Contendership will be found![/COLOR][/B] A tag match consisting of the New Generation against Breaking the System will take place for contendership to the tag team titles. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Battle Bash Announced![/COLOR][/B] That’s right, only five men can qualify, for Wave of Fury’s BATTLE BASH! It will consist of five men, with tables, ladders, chairs, and anything else! People will be eliminated by pinfall and submission, and the last man standing will become the next contender to the CZCW title![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Wave of Fury Match-Card announced after Coastal Zone Wrestling![/COLOR][/B] All the matches for Wave of Fury will be announced after the event, so be sure to come![/QUOTE] Prediction Contest -100% gets to choose one of the following... + Push any worker one position up the card. + Push any worker into a title feud. + Hire any worker (any star that my promotion can hire) + Fire any worker + Any other thing you can think of, we can work out. [list][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"] Jesse Gilbert vs. Velocidad John Maverick vs. Thomas Morgan Air Force 1 vs. The New Generation Edd Stone vs. Jacob Jett Marc Speed vs. Citizen X Samoan Machine vs. Frankie Perez Battle Bash (Remmy Skye, Donnie J, Tempest Appleby, Joey Poison, Masked Cougar) Insane Machine vs. Fox Mask Plague vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/SIZE][/FONT][/list]
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Awesome prizes for your prediction contest :D I wonder why no one responded to this thread yet. It's a good diary that doesn't take houres to read. Jesse Gilbert vs. [B]Velocidad[/B] [B]John Maverick[/B] vs. Thomas Morgan Air Force 1 vs. [B]The New Generation[/B] [B]Edd Stone[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Marc Speed vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] [B]Samoan Machine[/B] vs. Frankie Perez Battle Bash ([B]Remmy Skye[/B], Donnie J, Tempest Appleby, Joey Poison, Masked Cougar) Insane Machine vs.[B] Fox Mask[/B] Plague vs. [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B]
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[U][COLOR="Blue"]czcwwrestling.com[/COLOR][/U] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Cliff Anderson Interview[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]News Reporter : [/B]We're here today with CZCW owner, and no longer head booker, Cliff Anderson. We have a lot of questions today, with not too much time, so let's get on with this! [B]Cliff Anderson :[/B] Sounds great. [B]NR :[/B] Alright first question, what do you think of hiring a sixteen year old as your head booker? A kid with little to no recognition, no history, and no booking experiance? [B]CA :[/B] Well, I know Nick's father, and I have for a long time, and he recomended him to I figured he would do a wonderous job. Besides, CZCW isn't about conforming to the norm, we're about bringing wrestling to a whole new height, and breaking the barriers to a whole new plateau of wrestling euphoria! [B]NR :[/B] Big words, coming from a man who's promotion is currently losing money in the bundles. [B]CA :[/B] What's that you say? [B]NR :[/B] Well, I'm just stating the facts. [B]CA :[/B] Trust me, we're not losing money. Nick said that we've been putting on great shows! [B]NR :[/B] Well, that's true, but they've also been COSTLY shows. You're promotion has lost over forty thousand dollars so far. [B]CA :[/B] W-What? [B]NR :[/B] Due to recent stats, and how much your workers and staff would be costing you, you've lost about $40,000 with no sign of stopping. [B]CA :[/B] I can't believe this, that no good piece of **** kid! It's all his fault, this interview is over, and I've got some business to do. There is no way I'm letting some KID take over my company and run it into the ground! [COLOR="blue"]- [U]czcwwrestling.com[/U][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]CZCW Wave of Fury [/B]/ CZCW Coastal Zone Wrestling[/SIZE] [B]Venue :[/B] The Snake Pit (822) [B]Length :[/B] Two Hours [B]Pre/Free Show :[/B] [B]Velocidad d. Jesse Gilbert – 4:51 – [C-][/B] Nick Notes : Velocidad looked good out there, and his winning streak continues! He’s a shoe in for some higher matches soon, I have no problem pushing him, because some reason he reminds me of Feedback from Who Wants to Be a Superstar? [B]John Maverick d. Thomas Morgan – 10:35 – [D-][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes[/B] : Maverick’s getting better in technical skills, but this match is not happening again. I was really hoping for this match to be much better, but I was wrong.[/QUOTE] [B]Paid Show : Air Force 1 d. The New Generation – 10:36 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] I think I’m improving in Performance skills. Also, see I’m not a biased booker who only thinks about his own career, I do what’s good for the business, and Mac and I, are not title material just yet.[/QUOTE] [B]Air Force 1 Interview – [F][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]Snap Dragon :[/B] As you can see, we have won, because these are our tag titles, and with our wrestling skills put together, no one can defeat us. Isn’t that right Foxx?[/COLOR] As Snap Dragon looks to his side, the camera pans over to see Flying Jimmy Foxx bustin’ a groove to the laughter of some of the fans, but most of them are irritated, because they want wrestling. [COLOR="green"][B]Flying Jimmy Foxx :[/B] Ooohhh.. right.. yeah, man, we are totally down and hip wit’ the wrestling lingo, yo![/COLOR] Snap Dragon lowered his head and grabbed him, and they both walked away, but before the scene ended, Foxx did a little spin, and grabbed his crotch yelling “OWH!”. [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes [/B]: Snap Dragon is getting better performance skills, and come on fans, that was funny and you know it![/QUOTE] [B]Edd Stone d. Jacob Jett – 11:34 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Edd Stone may be a slacker, but I gave him the win tonight and he showed he can improve in performance and technical skills.[/QUOTE] [B]Hype Video for Ultimate Phoenix and Plague Main Event – [E][/B] The screen lit up, with smoke covering a man in a black mask. The words “P L A G U E” scrolled across the screen. Then it shifted to Ultimate Phoenix doing flips and round house kicks and showing off his talent. “ULTIMATE P H O E N I X” scrolled across. Then the screen dimmed, and some holy music came on while the CZCW World Title shined, and the words “MAIN EVENT” were shown. [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Just some hype for the main event. Fans, we can’t JUST have matches, : ([/QUOTE] [B]Marc Speed d. Citizen X – 7:35 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Quick match, just to show that Marc Speed is better than Citizen X for the next storyline. Citizen X is in line for a new gimmick.[/QUOTE] [B]I Told You! – [F][/B] As Citizen X is helped being taken to back after his arm nearly broken from the Cross Arm Breaker, Marc Speed grabbed a microphone and yelled at him. [COLOR="green"][B]Marc Speed :[/B] I told you, I’m better then you! I don’t need you, you needed me, so stay away from me you freak, because I was right, everyone in the back has only got three choices! TAP! NAP! OR SNAP![/COLOR] Marc Speed dropped the microphone and left the ring, and went through the crowd. [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Some feud buildup, fans didn’t like it, but don’t know how to fix that…[/QUOTE] [B]Samoan Machine d. Frankie Perez – 9:35 – [C-][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] A nice match, since their styles gelled, Puroresu or something. Samoan Machine’s improving his flying skills, and Perez is gaining Technical skills.[/QUOTE] [B]Donnie J d. Remmy Skye, Tempest Appleby, Joey Poison, and Masked Cougar – 15:08 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Drat, I was hoping for a little better. Now we have a new contender, and why not one of our most popular workers who can’t work a great match! Meh, I’ll be getting rid of him soon, so might as well give him a big blow out.[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ladder Match [/COLOR]- Insane Machine d. Fox Mask – 16:11 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Again, hoping for better from these two and their on going storyline. That’s title defence number two. By the way, Insane Machine had to cheat to win this match.[/QUOTE] [B]I Will Strike You Down! – [E][/B] Ultimate Phoenix entered the ring, but before Plague could, he grabbed a microphone and put it to his lips. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ultimate Phoenix :[/B] Plague! When you come down here, realize that you are just that, a plague, and you must be rid of! I am the Ultimate Phoenix, and with my powers, and the fans behind me, I will strike you down, and have you never challenge the fans again![/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Fans didn’t like it, and yeah, UP needs a new gimmick…[/QUOTE] [B]Plague d. Ultimate Phoenix – 21:50 – [C][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] WOO! Great main event, and I thought it might bomb due to one of them getting tired, but surely, it did great! That’s defence number one from Plague, and it’s time to shuffle Ultimate Phoenix onto something new.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="4"][B]Coastal Zone Wrestling :[/B][/SIZE] [B]Final Rating[/B] – [D] [B]Recap of Wave of Fury – [E-][/B] A video is shown with clips from Plague and Ultimate Phoenix’s match up, where it finally showed the end spot of Plague hitting Phoenix with the New Jersey Turnpike and climbing the ladder to retrieve the briefcase. It then showed Plague laughing at Ultimate Phoenix as he walked down the aisle. [B]Velocidad d. Joe Gilbert – 12:57 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Joe was getting tired toward the end, and Velocidad’s winning streak continues![/QUOTE] [B]I’ve Lost to One Man, I Want A Rematch![/B] Velocidad stayed in the ring and asked for a microphone, when he got one he placed it to his mouth and began to speak. [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][B]Velocidad :[/B] Count the wins! Five wins in my past five matches, my first match here at CZCW I lost, but I’m proud to say it was against a great man, known as Ultimate Phoenix.[/COLOR] The crowd cheered for Ultimate Phoenix and Velocidad continued. [COLOR="mediumturquoise"][B]Velocidad :[/B] As you know, from then on I beat Nick Omen, Jeremiah Moose, Matt Sparrow, Jesse Gilbert, and more recently, Joe Gilbert! So Ultimate Phoenix, all I ask is that you think about it, because I know you’re not in your best shape right now, but I would like to face you in a match one more time.[/COLOR] [B]Donnie J d. Fox Mask -15:37 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Donnie J… was TIRED?! How could he be tired after a fifteen minute match! Agh, and he’s our new contender? Crap. Well, Insane Machine interfered, costing the match for Fox Mask. Looks like that feud will be continuing.[/QUOTE] [B]I Thought We Were Done! – [E][/B] After Donnie J left, and Insane Machine was in the back, Fox Mask grabbed a microphone. [COLOR="Red"][B]Fox Mask :[/B] I thought this was over Insane Machine, I know you think you’re better, but you’re not. Just face it, the only way you can win matches is to cheat, but that’s fine. I don’t need your stinking title, I have my eyes set on a much… much… much… higher standard. The CZCW WORLD Title! But I’ll tell you what, since you seem to hate me so much, how about a match, tonight! I’m not tired, and I sure as heck hope you aren’t either![/COLOR] The fans cheered, and Fox Mask left the ring. [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Now that’s gotta be a good match, I guess I’ll give them one more crack at a good match.[/QUOTE] [B]Insane Machine d. Fox Mask – 16:35 – [D+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Nope, guess they can’t breach that C- anymore, well, that’s defence number three for Insane Machine, and I think this feud should be done with. Okay Main Event for just a minimal show.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][B]Side Notes From The Nick :[/B] Well, so far doing pretty good, and I'm still enjoying the booking, that's a good sign. I'm just about to the point where when I finish a show, it gets posted, so that will help. Also, the interview was a hint of things to come! = ) Also, thanks a lot Trypio, but no luck on the prediction, I wish more people would have tried. :rolleyes: I hate my new style by the way, the quoting is annoying, and won't happen again, because it looks gross. So sorry.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]czcwwrestling.com[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="Red"]Matches Announced![/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"]Masked Cougar vs. Insane Machine - Xtreme Title Velocidad vs. ??? Gilbert Brothers vs. The New Generation Donnie J vs. Plague - Non-Title[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Cliff Anderson Losing Faith?[/COLOR][/B] After the interview shown on czcwwrestling.com, it is said that Cliff Anderson has gone and signed some people, one he said would be the new Comminioner of CZCW Coastal Zone Wrestling! What will Nick Omen have to say about this? What else does Cliff have in store? Who are these new workers?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"]Tag Titles?[/COLOR][/B] The tag titles are set to be suspended at the next major event, unless more teams can be formed. At the event, there will be a tag team open- where any tag team can appear, and if less then three teams appear, they will be suspended till further notice![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="2"][B]CZCW Coastal Zone Wrestling[/B] [B]Venue :[/B] The Snake Pit (565) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [D+] [B]Free/Pre-Show : [/B] [QUOTE][B]Insane Machine d. Masked Cougar – 13:12 – [D+][/B][/QUOTE] [B]Paid Show : [/B] Velocidad came out to some garage band type music, and was greeted quite appropriately by the fans. When he entered the ring, he thanked them, and then got the microphone to speak. [B]Velocidad :[/B] Hello, and welcome to another great showing of Coastal Zone Wrestling! I’m here to make a request, and that is have a rematch against the only man in this promotion to ever beat me, Ultimate Phoenix! [B][F+][/B] Just then, the music for Ultimate Phoenix blasted on and the crowd erupted in cheer even more for their wrestler! He came out to the ring and entered, showing he wasn’t cautious of Velocidad, which was good. With a grin on his… mask… he asked for the microphone. Velocidad handed it over and Phoenix began to speak. [B]Ultimate Phoenix :[/B] As you know, when I was a’h young child, I watched wrestling on the television screens, and I knew from that point on, I wanted to be a wrestler! So Velocidad, I know you’re young, and new to this company, so I want this to go down right. How about, if you can defeat three more workers, of my choosing, then you may have your rematch! I think that’s what the fans would want, right? Do you wonderous fans want to see Velocidad take the Ultimate challenge? They all answered yes, or at least, the ones that weren’t being punks… [B]Ultimate Phoenix : [/B]Then it’s settled! Tonight, you face, Joey Poison! [B][E-][/B] [QUOTE][B]Velocidad d. Joey Poison – 10:11 – [D+][/B][/QUOTE] The scene cut to Donnie J backstage, cutting an interview on Plague. [B]Donnie J :[/B] Hey! The J masta’ Donnie J here just to say a few things. I know a lot of you guys want to see me with that title again, but I play by the rules, and if Plague wants me to “earn” my shot once again, I’ll do it. So if I’gotta beat Plague in a non-title match first, that’s fine! So tonight, Plague, get ready, ‘cause Donnie J’s commin’ ta’ town! [E] [QUOTE][B]Gilbert Brothers d. The New Generation – 14:45 – [D-][/B] [I][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Mac Lynnoit got us DQ’d after getting QUITE angered at how they kept kicking out, but a nice steel chair to the face made sure they didn’t get back up![/I][/QUOTE] Donnie J was on his way to the ring, when he entered though, the lights went out, well, not all of them so if you were in the front row, you could still see him. Then someone came in, and you heard Donnie J hit the mat hard, and then the sound of steel chairs clanging. The lights came back on, and Donnie J was laid out on the mat, but who attacked him?! [E-] [QUOTE][B]Plague d. Donnie J – 14:47 – [C-][/B] [I][B]Nick Notes :[/B] Donnie J did put up a fight, just not much of one. Plague dominated 85% of the fight, due to the injury Donnie J had sustained.[/I][/QUOTE] After the match, and after Plague left, Donnie J grabbed a microphone and began to speak, weakly. [B]Donnie J :[/B] Yo, Plague that ‘aint cool what you did! Because I know it was you, and that aint fair man! So I want a rematch, and I’m sure the fans want me to have a rematch too, right? The fans cheered. [B]Donnie J :[/B] Alright Plague, you heard ‘em! Next week, you and me in the ring! [E] [I][B]Overall Nick Notes : [/B]Okay show, who was the mysterious attacker? Are they in cahoots with Plague, or just don’t like J? Can Velocidad deal with Ultimate Phoenix’s other two opponents, let alone, Ultimate Phoenix?! Also, I have like TEN missed calls from Cliff, uh-oh! Also, I'd like comments on my new style, if you guys like it, I'll stick to it. Plus I'll be gone this weekend, so I won't be able to post 'till Sunday.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I]
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The first style, or the oddly colored with lots of quotes... ><:; Thanks for the comments though. =) If it's the first style, I only changed it so I could do the shows easier, and they weren't a hassle, plus, I could write out the promos so people can see how the characters are.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]CZCW Coastal Zone Wrestling[/SIZE] [B]Venue :[/B] The Snake Pit (536) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [D] [B]Pre/Free Show :[/B] [QUOTE][B]Frankie Perez d. Nick Omen – 7:42 – [D+][/B] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Samoan Machine d. Flemmy Lemming – 8:04 – [D][/B] [/QUOTE] [B]Paid Show : [/B] The show started with the Gilbert Brothers coming out, dressed like their hillbilly, hockey loving selves! They asked for some microphones and began to rip into the luchadors. [B]Jesse :[/B] Huck, Velocerdidad, you’re nuthin’ but ‘een illegal alien! [B]Joe :[/B] Yeah, so get back ta’ mexicos! [B]Jesse :[/B] Yah, and take yer’ guurrrlllfriend Ultimerate Phoenerix er’ sumthin! Just then Velocidad came out, and pointed to them, and said no. Just then he grabbed a microphone that was next to the entranceway. [B]Velocidad : [/B]You want to disrespect me, and the Mexican nation? Nono! Because guess what, Ultimate Phoenix has given me my second match, and that’s to defeat YOU TWO! Both! In a handicap match, so get ready for a Velocidad Tornado! [B][E-][/B] [QUOTE][B]Velocidad d. Gilbert Brothers – 11:48 – [D-] [/B][/QUOTE] The scene switched back to the backstage, when Donnie J is walking to the ring, but out of the corner comes Citizen X with a chair, and he levels him! [B][F+][/B] [QUOTE][B]Donnie J d. Plague – 14:03 – [C-][/B] Nick Notes : The ref started the count out count, when Donnie J got into the ring at the eight count. Plague dominated, but when Donnie J started getting momentum, Plague called in X and he attacked Donnie J, but the ref saw so Donnie J won![/QUOTE] Donnie J called for a microphone and X and Plague were in disbelief in the ring. [B]Donnie J :[/B] Yo! Ya’ see what’s happenin’ right there? I beat you Plague, so at Christmas Cage Chaos, you and me, CZCW Title on the line! [B]Plague : [/B]Not if you aren’t living when you get there… Just then Plague jumped Donnie J, along with Citizen X and began beating down Donnie J. Then from the back came running Marc “Speedball” Speed, and leveled Citizen X, making it an even fight for Plague and Donnie J! Marc and J fought them out of the ring, and sent them running. When J went to shake his hand, Marc pushed him, and left the ring, clearly not aligning himself with ANYONE. [B][E-][/B] [QUOTE][B]Insane Machine d. Snap Dragon – 15:42 – [D][/B] Nick Notes : That’s defence number FIVE of his Xtreme Title![/QUOTE] The show ended with Donnie J and Plague hype on a video while the fans left. [B][E-][/B] [SIZE="1"][B]Overall Nick Notes :[/B] Not a great show, but we still gained popularity! Christmas Cage Chaos is coming up, and I’m sure that show will rock the socks off people, and what the hell, Cliff is really mad at me… He says his new stars are debuting at CCC. Sorry for the late late update. By the way, posting comments are what makes a writer happy = )![/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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