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WWE Monopoly

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This dynasty will be set in an alternate reality. Major events of this reality will be revealed over the coming days, starting with the first change, InVasion. However, to promote fan interactivity, you may ask what your favorite wrestler or personality has been doing over the time from then until now. If it is not HUGE storyline spoilers then I will answer it.
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[QUOTE=Jungle Jack;281445]Four of interest: 1. Samoa Joe - I'm sure its spoilered, but thought I'd try. 2. Chris Daniels 3. LAX (if your using one member in the storyline you can only mention the member who isn't storyline active). 4. Bryan Danielson[/QUOTE] 1. Samoa Joe - Samoa Joe seems to be the fastest rising WCW star since current champ John Cena. Winning the United States title twice in under a year secures his place as a name to be feared, and his popularity is rising after a succesful fued with Kurt Angle. 2. Chris Daniels, the Extreme Angel has been at war ever since being hired by ECW. After turning on his tag team partner Jerry Lynn, and defeating him three PPVs in a row, Daniels sought out bigger game. He found it in Abyss. After defeating Abyss at WrestleMania 22, Daniels has since fueded with The Gret Khali and CM Punk. 3. LAX is currently not employed by WWE and will have there situation explained at a later point. 4. Bryan Danielson is currently not employed by WWE and will have his situation explained at a later point.
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The InVasion angle went perfectly, without a hitch. WCW and ECW had seamlessly been added to the WWF, and the storyline blew the roof off of anything done before. It started when Booker T won the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Using the belt as “the ultimate bargaining chip” Booker began to put WWF members in tough matches against WCW faithful, so that when they faced him for any of his three titles, they’d be weakened. However, Stone Cold Steve Austin tricked Booker for the WCW US Championship. Leading to the single most hyped match ever… The War to End All Wars … WWF Champion and WCW United States Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin … Vs … WCW Champion and WWF Intercontinental Champion Booker T
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The contest displayed both men’s strength. Booker T’s cunning vs. Stone Cold’s determination. Booker hit an amazing nine scissor kicks, and still Austin stood. At around forty-two minutes, Austin hit his first stunner, but it seemed like an exclamation point on the math. Booker bounced and landed. Austin covered. The ref flopped and counted. One. Two….
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The referee’s hand hits the mat for a third time. Austin gets up and goes to the turnbuckle signaling for beer. The ref tries to get his attention, to no avail. Booker had gotten to the ropes. The match wasn’t over. Booker got up; Austin opened two beers and got ready. Booker taps his shoulder and …
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Booker signals for a beer. The two toast to each other. Booker yells “For WCW”, Austin yells “For WWF”. “For wrestling” they say together, tap cans and down the beer. Booker walks to the opposite corner of the ring and nods to the ref. The match is restarted, and the two combatants are back at it more ferocious then ever. It would be that the tenth scissor kick would be the last, as Booker T covered Austin, but it was less the outcome then the surreal moment now know as “For Wrestling” that makes this the turning point in wrestling history. This is where it became apparent WWF had won, and the WWF Monopoly had begun.
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[QUOTE=taker112;282206]Sting Undertaker jeff Jarret[/QUOTE] Jeff Jarrett – Jeff Jarrett is a successful upper midcarder in WCW, switching from face to heel as needed and generally playing jobber to the stars. He is currently feuding with Bradshaw. Sting – A major player in modern day WCW. He and Flair are the spokesperson for WCW, and for McMahon Enterprises. Sting is currently the most popular wrestler in the world, thanks in large part to his debut during the nWo dominance storyline, and his putting away of Hogan for the belt at Starrcade 2004. He lost the title to Flair later in the year. He won the title again in 2005, at SummerSlam, by defeating the dominant Matt Hardy. He also lost that title to Ric Flair. Undertaker – The dead man is a great talent for the WWF, and his undefeated WrestleMania streak is still in tact. However he has only managed one world championship since the Invasion, beating Rob Van Dam in 2002. He lost the title to Jericho after a near 9 month reign. [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;282485]AJ Styles Kurt Angle Brock Lesnar[/QUOTE] AJ Styles - While relativly new to the WWF, AJ Styles has already made an impact. He is currently seeking the tag team title with Carlito as Team Aces. He is also a two time Intercontinental Champion, winning it from Christian in 2005 and Randy Orton in 2006. Kurt Angle - Kurt Angle never really became as big as he is in real life, due to never being the focus of any major fued. Still his raw talent has helped him in impressive showings. He has fueded with The Rock, Matt Hardy, Samoa Joe and most recently Batista. He won one WWF championship in 2004 defeating The Rock, but lost it to The Giant one month later. He also won a United States title, defeating Samoa Joe. Brock Lesnar - Brock Lesnar is currently unemployed, after ruining his run in ECW. His overall bad attitude led to his dismissal in 2005. [QUOTE=Mtm2k6;282509]Chris Jericho RVD Rey Mysterio Eddie Guerrero![/QUOTE] Jericho - Spoiler RVD - Spoiler Rey Mystereo - Spoiler Eddie Guerrero - Spoiler ... and sadly I kept deaths the same.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;282817]Looking good so far, Booker T & Austin in a classic. How about: Colt Cabana Alex Shelley Elijah Burke[/QUOTE] Currently working on part two of storyline. Colt Cabana - Somewhat spoiler Alex Shelley - Currently a very low midcarder in ECW, but being bounced around a lot. Elijah Burke - Still a free agent
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With all the titles, Booker T, Eric Bishoff and Shane McMahon where free to rule over wrestling. From July until January Booker faced a who’s who of wrestlers. The Rock. Goldberg. Ric Flair. Mick Foley. Undertaker. All of these fell to the scissor kick and tenacity of “Mr. Wrestling” Booker T. At the Royal Rumble Booker faced and defeated The Giant for all the titles, cementing the fact that he would headline WrestleMania 18 (I think my math is right on that :/). All that was left was the Rumble, to decide who would face him. The man, who would end up winning the rumble, had already won a battle royal that night. Defeating Sabu, Sandman, Funk, Foley, Dreamer, Raven and Bam Bam Bigelow he won the ECW title. Then he defeated twenty nine fresh and able wrestlers to begin his crash course with Booker. He was “Mr. Extreme” He was Rob Van Dam.
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The headline was set. Mr. Wrestling vs. Mr. Extreme, Booker T’s Gold Collection vs. Rob Van Dam’s ECW title. The winner would have every male singles title in major wrestling. It was billed as World War Two. While WCW Executive Eric Bishoff offered his managerial skills for the match. Booker refused, and offered to Van Dam that the contest be in a cage, so that no one could interfere. Van Dam agreed. As the match approached, both men showed a great amount of respect for each other, but at WrestleMania that would all change.
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The battle itself was only twenty minutes, but these twenty minutes were so filled with action that every one in the Sky Dome was on there feet and louder than for the previous match, The Rock vs. Hogan. Van Dam and Booker tore the house down. Van Dam set up for the Van Daminator, but Booker threw the chair back and came with his own offense. Booker nearly hit the scissor kick, sending Van Dam into the chair, but missed when RVD moved out of the way. RVD mounted offense, and hit the Rolling Thunder. He set Booker up for the Van Terminator, and hit it. JR sold it to the fan’s in a call that’s still famous to this day. “Bah gawd he just knocked Booker out! Is this ECW?” Van Dam just pointed to himself, while the crowd yelled with him. After a five star frog splash, Van Dam pinned and got the three count.
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The RAW after WrestleMania started huge. Vince McMahon was in the ring, announcing a celebration for Rob Van Dam. Van Dam came out, but Heyman and Dreamer where with him. Van Dam took a mic. “Why don’t I offer you something you can’t refuse,” Van Dam asked, holding the WWF Championship high. McMahon gulped and barely muttered out. “For what?” Van Dam smiled. “Freedom” Over the next month, the tri-branded split was put into effect, one for WWF, one for WCW and one for ECW. Van Dam vacated all titles accept the ECW title in exchange for the time slot and the wrestlers for ECW. The tri-brand remains in effect today.
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From this launching point, McMahon Enterprises took off and never looked back. The thought of competition was non-existent. Soon ME was the only wrestling company in the United States, besides the ridiculously small. Satisfied with his victory, Vince McMahon expanded all over the world in the next five or so years. By buying AAA, ECCWA, AJPW and ASW McMahon successfully entered himself into competitive wars all around the world…and he was winning them. At home, McMahon started two new companies to serve as his “child” companies. WWE Heat was located in Memphis, and WWE Velocity was located in Los Angeles. Many of the top young stars compete here to hopefully be a WWE superstar.
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and thus ends the backstory, let the games begin... The predictions games! One point for each correct answer, plus bonus points awarded at random intervals for random things. "It starts" WWF Raw, Wk 1 - Jan - 2007 Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson The Hooliganz vs. Cade & Murdoch Kane vs. Carlito Triple H vs. Bobby Lashley Randy Orton (C) vs. Shelton Benjamin for the WWF Title
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