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(( Hi guys... Car accident I was in knocked my laptop through a loop. Im working on it, I really am. Just know I appreciate the impatience (seriously, it shows you're entertained) and the post. All I can say is soon, mis amigos, soon ))
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[color="blue"][SIZE="4"][B]WCW Wednesday Nitro[/B] Live! From Cedar Rapids, IA[/SIZE][/color] The show starts with the booming voice of Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy! The famous Nature Boy music plays and both Kennedy and Flair walk to the ring. Kennedy has a microphone in his hand. “I just wanted to remind everyone that I weigh in at an irresistible 243 POUNDS! I hail from … GREEN BAY … WIS-CON-SON! MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTEEEEERRRR NAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTURE BOY!” Kennedy climbs the turnbuckle and poses. “KENNEDY!” He throws the mic behind his shoulder and Ric Flair catches it. “Now Ken, I’ve seen a lot in this world, I mean Space Mountain is the oldest ride in the park.” Ric points to a woman in the front row. “Oh, she knows, it still has the longest line. Never, however, never have I seen anything like Duece n Domino.” Ric throws the mic to Kennedy. “Weren’t you wrestling when that kind of **** was cool?” Ric gives him a look and Kennedy smirks. “Alright. I agree they are ridiculous. That’s why after this up coming match we will have our hands raised, and it will be announced, here are your winners THE NATUUUUUUUUUURE BOYS! BOYS!” Kennedy looks at Flair and Flair looks at Kennedy. Flair is the first to speak. “Yeah, lets not repeate boys. I didn’t get Micheal Jackson to be my protégé.” [C+] [QUOTE]Deuce and Domino vs. The New Nature Boys Flair starts the match and dominates early, knowing he can go balls to the wall with Kennedy to tag. As Flair tires, he tags Kennedy in, and Kennedy takes both Deuce and Domino down with knife-edge chops. Figure Four on Domino, and the tap out. The New Nature Boys over Deuce and Domino [B-][/QUOTE] Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang Helms dominates the match, until the Miz runs from the crowd, and hits a big dropkick into Yang who jumps and kicks Helms in the jaw. Helms never recovers and Yang gets the upset. Jimmy Wang Yang over Gregory Helms [C-] [QUOTE]Backstage Jillian is walking out of Bradshaw’s office. ((Jillian is Bradshaw’s manager)) She walks around a corner and her cell phone rings. “You’re gonna be here tonight! Mr. Bradshaw will be so pleased! Yeah, I’ll go talk to Mr. McMahon right away. What was that? Would I what? Well…sure! After the show? Sounds like a plan.” [C][/QUOTE] JTG vs. Miz JTG and Miz had a pose off interrupted by occasional wrestling. With Shad in his corner, JTG knew Miz couldn’t do anything too sneaky. The two went back and forth for ten minutes, until Helms ran in from the back and layed out Miz. JTG took advantage and pinned for the win. JTG over Miz [D+] [QUOTE]After the match Helms continued the beat down on Miz, obvious making a point. [D-][/QUOTE] Bradshaw walks up to Jillian. “Birdies are telling me stuff Jillian. I didn’t spend beer money on you for you to be worrying about your personal life on MY time.” “But!” Jillian pathetically protests as Bradshaw stands there holding out his hand. She takes out her phone. [D+] [QUOTE]“Hey, slapnut!” Bradshaw turns around to be standing face to face with a redebuting Jeff Jarrett. “Got a problem with my woman?” Jillian blushes, and Bradshaw doesn’t even know what to say. “Meet me in the ring, slapnut.” [C-][/QUOTE] Ron Simmons walks over. There is a long pause. “DAMN!” [D] [QUOTE]Marcus Cor Von vs. MVP Two big up and comers, and the two finalists of the Ron Killings “Who’s gonna be my partner” tournament that occurred last year. MVP won the, and MVP won now. MVP over Marcus Cor Von [C][/QUOTE] Kevin Nash is backstage with Booker T. “Booker…” Booker takes the microphone. “Booker T would like to know why he is suddenly second fiddle in this company. When did this become John Cena vs. Samoa Joe. Oh, and don’t tell me it’s not, I saw the ads on WCW.com. Booker T is THE man around here, ok? I am the ultimate legand, the best ever PERIOD! There isn’t anyone from any time period who could beat me!” [B+] [QUOTE]Bradshaw vs. Jeff Jarrett Old school brawling that didn’t go over well with the crowd. Oh well, looks like we’ll scrap this storyline here. Bradshaw over Jeff Jarrett [D+][/QUOTE] After the match John Cena is in the ring. “Earlier we all heard Booker attempt to rationalize his demise. I’d like to remind the distinguished members of the jury how I’ve beaten him repeatedly for this title. If he feels a little … small … when compared to Joe and I, well he should. Booker T isn’t what he was, and even then that wasn’t so great. In fact my partner was, is and will always be better than you. I give you … the immortal… STING!” [B+] [QUOTE] Booker T and Samoa Joe vs. John Cena and Sting Cena started in the ring with Joe, and the two held nothing back. Both refused to tag out there partner. Eventually Joe caught Cena in the rear naked, but Sting came in for the save. Both men tagged out. Sting stared long at Booker, then mouthed the words “the best ever?” Sting picked apart Booker, to near squash levels, then picked up the win after the scorpion death drop. John Cena and Sting over Booker T and Samoa Joe [B+][/QUOTE] OVERALL SHOW: [B-]
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;290755][B]Duece and Domino[/B] vs. The Nature Boys Gregory Helms vs. [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [B]JTG [/B]vs. Miz [B]MVP[/B] vs. Marcus Cor Von [B]John Cena and ???[/B] vs. Samoa Joe and Booker T - cenas partner is goldberg[/QUOTE] 4 points [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;291912][B]Duece and Domino[/B] vs. The Nature Boys [B]Gregory Helms[/B] vs. Jimmy Wang Yang JTG vs. [B]Miz[/B] [B]MVP[/B] vs. Marcus Cor Von [B]John Cena and Hulk Hogan[/B] vs. Samoa Joe and Booker T[/QUOTE] 2 Points [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;293871]UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!... its been awhile man wheres the next card man this is a great diary and all but its taking awhile to update... and im getting sad :([/QUOTE] Didn't mean to make you sad. :) [QUOTE=HailSabin!;293894]Duece and Domino vs. [B]The Nature Boys[/B] [B]Gregory Helms[/B] vs. Jimmy Wang Yang [B]JTG[/B] vs. Miz MVP vs. [B]Marcus Cor Von[/B] [B]John Cena and ???[/B] vs. Samoa Joe and Booker T[/QUOTE] 3 Points [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;296104]cmon man whens there gonna be an update?[/QUOTE] Brilliance takes time :P [QUOTE=chris caulfield;296165]I think it's dead.[/QUOTE] Nope, just pain, neck and shoulder pain via whiplash. :P Im all good now though. [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;298664]damn if i knew you were in a car accident i wouldntve been so pushy.. this is a great diary and all but health is way more important.... looking forward to the first new post though[/QUOTE] No worries. I have a doctors note for work, so I figure I have a doctor's note for dynasty writing, right? [QUOTE]Chris Caufield 8 Pts Tyler Gadzinski 6 pts HailSabin! 3 pts[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]ECW TV Predictions Extreme Hollywood vs. Team ECW Austin Aries vs. Jerry Lynn Dainiels and Khali vs. Dreamer and Batista CM Punk vs. Mick Foley vs. Rob Van Dam Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy[/QUOTE] Schedueled to change as I "lost" the paper with my plans on it in my apartment somewhere. Lost meaning I put it somewhere for safe keeping then forgot where that somewhere is. :/. Show should be up tommorrow or Thursday at latest. Thanks for stickin with me fellas (or ladies, never know behind that computer screen). As for the accident, I am fine now, but with all the insuranse stuff, and finding ways to pay rent when you cant work, and no ones giving you lost wages. @.@. People's concern is greatly appreciated. The lost paper also has the remaining 20 Rumblers on it, so until I find it no more updates on that. Buuuuuut, here is a tentative Rumble card. [QUOTE] [B]WWF Title[/B] Randy Orton (c) vs. ??? [B]WCW Title[/B] John Cena (c) vs. Samoa Joe [B]ECW Title[/B] Matt Hardy (c) vs. Rob Van Dam [B]WCW Tag Team[/B] Free Style Funk (MVP and Ron Killings) (c) vs. Cryme Tyme [B]ECW Tag Team[/B] Extreme Hollywood (c) vs. Team ECW [B]WWF Intercontinental Title[/B] Bobby Lashley (c) (I Think, may be reversed, dont have data nor info in front of me) vs. Umaga [B]Royal Rumble Match[/B] More to be announced.[/QUOTE]
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[B][SIZE="4"]ECW TV[/B] Live! From Allstate Arena[/SIZE] Hardcore Hollywood vs. Team ECW The show starts with a tag team battle between two teams set to go up against each other. Hardcore Hollywood does there thing, with Matthews doing most of the hard work and Nitro spring-boarding every move to “Keep his fan’s appeased”. Sabu matches up well with Nitro, especially on the outside. Sandman and Matthews brawl a bit, before Team ECW double teams Matthews and Sabu gets the pin. Team ECW over Hardcore Hollywood [B-] [QUOTE]Nitro recovers and him and Matthew’s chase off Team ECW. [C-][/QUOTE] The camera goes backstage and we see Khali walking into the building. He passes by Daniels indifferently. [B] [QUOTE] Austin Aeries vs. Jerry Lynn Nothing to really write home about. Lynn with the win to push his momentum. [C][/QUOTE] After the match the sound of breaking glass is heard. Steve Austin comes out to a nice pop. He announces to the ECW locker room that he is forming a “Smoking Skull” championship, which will be run directly by him, whether or not he is the commissioner. [B+] [QUOTE]There will be a tournament after the Rumble, called the ECW Tournament. The finals will be not only for the Smoking Skull Championship, but for the ECW Tournament Championship as well. Each match will be in a different ECW style match, leading up to the finals. The participants are: Austin Aries CM Punk Hardcore Holly Jerry Lynn Joey Matthews Sabu Sandman Tommy Dreamer Matches will start at the Great American Bash, the PPV after the Royal Rumble! [C][/QUOTE] Also, Stone Cold announces the Tag Team title match will be a tables match at the Royal Rumble! [C-] [QUOTE]Batista and Tommy Dreamer vs. Chris Daniels and The Great Khali Daniels and Dreamer start the match off and immediately tear down the house. Daniels holds a slight edge over Dreamer, and Dreamer starts playing the “tiring old man” act near the end. The two battle and battle ignoring there partners. Eventually Batista gets annoyed and wants to get to Daniels. He goes into the ring and Batista Bombs Dreamer for not tagging him in. He glares at Daniels, but Khali enters the ring. The ref calls for the bell. No contest [B-][/QUOTE] Batista turns to Khali. Brain chop! Two handed choke slam! Batista is out! Daniels races the hell out of there and Khali looks triumphant in the middle of the ring. [B] [QUOTE] Mick Foley is backstage, and has interview time. “Matt Hardy! You call yourself a tri-brand superstar! I was the original “tri-brand” superstar. I worked for ECW and WCW when the weren’t McMahon colonies. I WAS ECW before ECW was cool. I MADE hardcore. You go around and win a ladder match or two and think you are “hardcore” It may not be at the Rumble, but Hardy … soon … you will HAVE A NICE DAY!” [B+][/QUOTE] Raven and Richards vs. Triple H (Hardcore Homicide Holly) This should’ve been a dark match. Woops. [D+] [QUOTE] CM Punk vs. Mick Foley vs. Rob Van Dam All three competitors put up an amazing match. Van Dam goes over to gain momentum for his title match. Rob Van Dam over CM Punk and Mick Foley [B+][/QUOTE] After the match Van Dam is backstage. He begins talking about how he just beat Foley, how he’s gonna beat Hardy, and all that jazz. Out of nowhere there is an ambulance. Kurt Angle is being entered in. [B+] [QUOTE]Matt Hardy vs. ??? Matt Hardy is out in the ring waiting for Angle, not knowing what happened to him yet. A different, yet familiar music starts, and out comes… RHINO! Hardy and Rhino fight hard for fifteen minutes. Rhino is full speed ahead for his redebute, and Hardy is looking to one up Van Dam. Rhino hits a chair shot for the DQ. Matt Hardy over Rhino via DQ [A][/QUOTE] Hardy blocks a second chair shot and takes the chair. Rhino is hit and stumbling. From the crowd Van Dam rushes in. He grabs the chair and throws it at Rhino. Van Daminator! He extends his hands outward, as if to say “see”. Hardy takes the chair and sets it on the ground. He lifts Rhino up … Twist of Fate onto a chair! Van Dam takes Rhino and sets him up in the corner. Van Terminator. Rhino’s layed out near the corner. Hardy climbs the turnbuckle. Swanton bomb onto Rhino! Van Dam goes for the frog splash … Hardy places the chair on top of Rhino … Van Dam doesn’t see it, frog splash onto a chair. Hardy walks off with his title. [B+] Overall Show [B+]
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;298884]Extreme Hollywood vs.[B] Team ECW[/B] [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs. Jerry Lynn Dainiels and Khali vs. [B]Dreamer and Batista[/B] [B]CM Punk [/B]vs. Mick Foley vs. Rob Van Dam [B]Kurt Angle [/B]vs. Matt Hardy[/QUOTE] 1 point [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;299034]Extreme Hollywood vs. [B]Team ECW[/B] [B]Austin Aries [/B]vs. Jerry Lynn [B]Dainiels and Khali[/B] vs. Dreamer and Batista [B]CM Punk[/B] vs. Mick Foley vs. Rob Van Dam [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs. Matt Hardy[/QUOTE] 1 point [QUOTE]Chris Caulfield 9 Pts Tyler Gadzinski 7 Pts HailSabin! 3 Pts[/QUOTE] Chris Caufield is the winner! Again! [QUOTE]Chris Caulfield 19 Pts Tyler Gadzinski 12 Pts mad5226 4 Pts HailSabin! 3 Pts[/QUOTE] Monthly winner AND monthly second place will receive cool prizes (first will get 2x as many cool prizes). 2 more weeks on this one so plenty of time to get in the game :D.
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Oh, what the heck...I can't do worse than going 0-fer...unless you have negative points... :eek: [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Mickie James [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Victoria WWF Tag Team #1 Contender [B]Cade and Murdoch[/B] vs. Team Aces [B]The Rock[/B] vs. Triple H (via HBK interference) WWF Championship Jeff Hardy vs. [B]Randy Orton[/B]
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[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B]WWF RAW[/B] Live from Charleston, West Virginia[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B] Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton WWF Championship[/B] Jeff Hardy was given his championship shot that he … acquired last week. He came out hot and the crowd was one there feet. Orton’s ****iness and Hardy’s defying the odds gave them great chemistry. Hardy gave the fans quiet a bit to cheer for with many near falls. Eventually Orton proved to be too much, and won with an RKO. Randy Orton over Jeff Hardy [B+] [QUOTE]Orton comes out and states there is no challenger for his title, so he will choose one next week. [A][/QUOTE] [B] Beth Phoenix vs. Victoria[/B] A blah divas match, with Victoria winning. Victoria over Beth Phoenix [C] [QUOTE]Triple H is backstage with some interview time. “Rock, don’t mess with us. Me and Shawn have to finish this like men, so go face Rikishi or AJ Styles or someone else of your caliber. Me and Shawn are in the upper echelon of the WWF, fighting to prove which of us is best. You have no place in this fight, and tonight, I’ll but you out of it. [B+][/QUOTE] [B]Gail Kim vs. Mickie James[/B] Gail dominates this match up, giving Mickie few opportunities for offense. Gail Kim over Mickie James [C] [QUOTE]Vince announces Candice v. Gail v. Beth v. Victoria for Women’s title at Rumble [C+][/QUOTE] The coach is interviewing Rock. “Rock, the fans want to-” Rock puts up his hand, stopping Coach. “FINALLY the Rock has come back to WEST VIRGINIA! And Coach, the Rock has a question for you.” Coach gets excited, “Oh?” “Do you like soap operas?” “Do I like…well, yeah, I like…” “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU LIKE SOAP OPERAS!” The Rock pauses and looks at Coachman. “Did you say yes?” “Yea-” “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU SAID YES! You aren’t gonna fall for that again, now are you?” “Sure wo-” “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU’LL FALL FOR IT AGAIN!” Coach walks away aggravated. “Now, about soap operas, that’s aparantly what I’ve gotten myself into. As the Rock Turns, this season, the on again off again relationship of one Hunter and Shawn. Will Shawn ever lover Hunter again? Will Hunter resort to the nasty sledgehammer? Here’s what should happen. Hunter and Shawn, take that emotional mumbo jumbo. Shine it up real nice. Turn it sideways, and stick it up your collective candy asses, because the Rock is after you both, and you should be working together to stop him. IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!” [A*] [QUOTE] [B]Cade and Murdoch vs. Team Aces[/B] Carlito starts the match, but its AJ Styles who dominates the match, staying one step ahead of Cade and Murdoch the entire match. Murdoch gets desperate and goes to the top ropes, but Carlito hits a back stabber that sends him and Murdoch out of the ring. AJ easily takes out Cade and gets his team the win. Team Aces over Cade and Murdoch [C][/QUOTE] Carlito and Styles celebrate by pulling out a deck of cards. They flick them around the ring, revealing them all to be Aces. [B-] [QUOTE] [B]Kane and Umaga vs. Lashley and the Undertaker[/B] Umaga and Lashley continue there feud, each with a BOD on there side. Undertaker spends most of the time in the ring, dismantling Umaga. Lashley and Undertaker over Kane and Umaga ['B][/QUOTE] [B]The Rock vs. Triple H[/B] The Rock and Triple H battle a long even battle. Both hit there finishers, and both get up for more. Just when it seems like Triple H is getting a full head of steam, Shawn Michaels comes out and superkicks Rock. Trips looks confused, opening the window for Michaels to superkick him as well for the draw. Draw [A] [QUOTE]Michaels gets a chair and continues to work on Hunter, leaving him bloody. [B+][/QUOTE] Rock comes over and deliver the rock bottom to Michaels. The Rock stands tall over HBK and HHH. [B+] [SIZE="3"][B] Overall show: A[/B][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;301137]Oh, what the heck...I can't do worse than going 0-fer...unless you have negative points... :eek: [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Mickie James [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Victoria WWF Tag Team #1 Contender [B]Cade and Murdoch[/B] vs. Team Aces [B]The Rock[/B] vs. Triple H (via HBK interference) WWF Championship Jeff Hardy vs. [B]Randy Orton[/B][/QUOTE] 2 Points [QUOTE=chris caulfield;299888]Gail Kim vs.[B] Mickie James[/B] [B]Beth Phoenix [/B]vs. Victoria WWF Tag Team #1 Contender [B]Cade and Murdoch[/B] vs. Team Aces [B]The Rock[/B] vs. Triple H WWF Championship Jeff Hardy vs. [B]Randy Orton[/B][/QUOTE] 1 Point [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;299838]WWF RAW [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Mickie James Beth Phoenix vs. [B]Victoria[/B] [B]WWF Tag Team #1 Contender[/B] [B]Cade and Murdoch[/B] vs. Team Aces [B]The Rock[/B] vs. Triple H [B]WWF Championship[/B] Jeff Hardy vs. [B]Randy Orton[/B][/QUOTE] 3 Points [QUOTE]Tyler Gadzinski 3 Points ShadowedFlames 2 Points Chris Caufield 1 Point[/QUOTE]
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WCW Nitro John Cena vs. Marcus Cor Von Free Flow Funk and Booker T vs. Deuce and Domino and Samoa Joe Cruiserweight Cluster**** Gregory Helms vs. Jamie Noble vs. JTG vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. The Miz vs. Shannon Moore Shad vs. Ken Kennedy w/ Ric Flair Jeff Jarret w/ Jillian vs. Ric Flair w/ Ken Kennedy PLUS Championship Contract Signing! Shane McMahon Speaks about Wrestlemania and about the Great American Bash! ALSO OOC: Comments on show format, story going ons and such would be nice. I do appreciate everyone reading and predicting though :)
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[B]John Cena[/B] vs. Marcus Cor Von Free Flow Funk and Booker T vs. [B]Deuce and Domino and Samoa Joe[/B] Cruiserweight Cluster**** [B]Gregory Helms[/B] vs. Jamie Noble vs. JTG vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. The Miz vs. Shannon Moore Shad vs. [B]Ken Kennedy w/ Ric Flair[/B] Jeff Jarret w/ Jillian vs.[B] Ric Flair w/ Ken Kennedy[/B]
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