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21CW: The UK goes Large!

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[IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_1a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_1b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_1c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_1d.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_1e.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Predictions:[/B][/U] Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust DJ Reason vs Rolling Johnny Stones vs Red Dragon vs Nightmare Daniel Black Francis vs Stefan Raynor The Wigan Bulldogs vs The Ivanoff Brothers The Anglo-Scots Connection vs The Party Animals Louie Peyton vs Luke Cool
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[B]Adam Matravers [/B]vs Jonathan Faust DJ Reason vs [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]vs Red Dragon vs Nightmare [B]Daniel Black Francis [/B]vs Stefan Raynor [B]The Wigan Bulldogs [/B]vs The Ivanoff Brothers The Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Party Animals[/B] [B]Louie Peyton [/B]vs Luke Cool I'd expect Matravers to beat Faust prior to his title shot, and will probably get beat down by Thompson afterwards. DJ Reason, having beaten DBF already in a non-title match, must be pretty sore for not getting an automatic title shot off the back of that. He's the obvious pick, so I'm naturally going to go against that and pick Rolling Johnny Stones, who needs a push. DBF should cruise against Raynor, even if your good self and Peyton get involved. Bulldogs vs Ivanoffs is interesting, and I'm thinking a win for the Bulldogs but not taking the titles. Party Animals are better than the Daveys at this stage. I'm picking Peyton over Cool simply because the fans don't like him so you might want to use him as fodder for a while.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/21cw_livewire.jpg[/IMG] held at Parliment Square in front of 876 fans [B]Match #1 - Luke Cool vs Louie Peyton[/B] With Peyton looking to capitalise on his recent succes, he realy took it to Luke Cool. The match ended when Raynor tripped Luke Cool leading to the ref getting distracted with him, allowing Richard Garlick to come in unnoticed and lay Cool out with a baseball bat. Peyton pinned Cool for the 3 count. Match dragged out and Luke Cool wasn't welcomed by the crowd. [U]Grade: E-[/U] Jeff Nova: Well once again we see our illustrious booker make sure the Assassins win... ... but coming tonight we have a fatal four way to determine the #1 contender for the 21CW UK Title... in a match between DJ Reason, Rolling Johnny Stones, Red Dragon and Nightmare... ... in addition I was notified earlier that the match will be foguht under elimination rules... meaning that the winner is last man to be left in the ring without being pinned or submitting. ... We look forward to that but now we have The Party Animals take on the Anglo-Scots Connection... [U]Grade: D-[/U] [B]Match #2 - The Party Animals vs The Anglo-Scots Connection[/B] The match was hard fought, the party animals making most of the offenseive moves. Trance and Kathleen Lee connected well in directing traffic and taking control of the match. Davey London was eventually pinned by Trance after he executed the Gate Crasher. Trance and Kathleen Lee have good chemistry. Kathleen did some good work at ringside. [U]Grade: E[/U] [I]Jeff Nova is backstage with Pit Bull Brown[/I] Jeff: Brown, how are you feeling after last week's loss to Adam Matravers. Brown: I guess I should be pretty annoyed at losing my shot at the title but I'm more annoyed at the antics of Joss Thompson. Joss: You became a target to Thompson too after that match... You seeking your own revenge? Brown: I think, somehow, Adam can take care of Joss. Joss has no direct beef with me any more so I can concentrate on gaining that #1 spot next month. Jeff: How do you rate Matravers' chances at capturing the gold? Brown: He has every chance in suceeding but he shouldn't underestimate Joss Thompson as he's a very competant competitor as I found last October. Jeff: Thanks Brown... Brown:... anytime... [U]Grade: B-[/U] [B]Match #3 - Daniel Black Francis vs Stefan Raynor[/B] - non-title DBF really dominated Raynor, despite desperate interventions from Garlick and Peyton. DBF finished Raynor off with a Dreadlock Drop. [U]Grade: E[/U] [B]Match #4 - The Ivanoff Brothers vs The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] - non-title An evenly contested match saw both sides take advantage at points in the match. Ultimately Leo Price managed to execute the Price Drop on Igor while Morgan battled with Ivan allowed Price to get the pinfall. [U]Grade: D-[/U] [B]Match #5 - DJ Reason vs Rolling Johnny Stones vs Red Dragon vs Nightmare[/B] *** This match determines the #1 contender for the 21CW UK Title *** Reason went after Dragon while Stones hunted Nightmare. Nightmare feel quickly and was pinned by Stones inside 2 minutes. Dragon was next to go when he was pinned by Reason with Stones isolated outside the ring... ...Stones re-entered the ring and took it to Reason... Stones was set up to finish Reason when he countered into the Edge of Reason finishing Stones and becoming the #1 contender. Nightmare let the match down due to his lack of connection to the crowd, plus he was tiring. [U]Grade: E[/U] [I]Jeff Nova is backstage with Joss Thompson[/I] Jeff: Joss, we saw you give a brutal beatdown to both Adam Matravers and Pit Bull Brown last week. Are you trying to send a message to them both or is centred on Adam. Joss: Ha! I'm sending a message to the entire lockeroom. They need to know who their champion is!... and so do these fans!... they love their precious Mile High! well he's never gonna be a 21CW World Champion... not while I remain here in the 21CW. Jeff: So do you believe you can hold the title indefinatly. Joss: Sure! What did I just say?! I AM THE CHAMP! Jeff: Dont you risk isolating yourself from the enitre lockeroom if you continue to hype yourself above them all? Joss:... [[I]Joss laughs[/I]] foruantly there are a few people back there who respect my authority... Adam's opponent for tonight, Jonathan Faust, being one of them. Those who oppose me will stand no chance in getting this title. Jeff: well Jonanthan Faust is said to be a potential contender for your title, does that worry you? Joss: Nothig worries me! besides... Faust is content with holding my back and preventing any wanabes from entering the contendership spots! Jeff: Well we need to get the next match underway... Joss:... good! I'll be watching... [U]Grade: B[/U] [B]Main Event - Adam Matravers vs Jonathan Faust[/B] Matravers took complete control of the match, he would often glance to the edge of the ring in search of Thompson from which Faust would take advantage. Matravers won by landing a Mile High Moonsault for the 3 count... [U]Grade: D+[/U] [I]Matravers celebrates his win in the ring and Faust rolls out... ... Suddenly Joss Thompson hits the ring and beats down on Matravers... ... Faust joins in and kick lumps out of the #1 contender...[/I] [U]Grade: D-[/U] [B]Overall Rating: D[/B] Apparently Rave, Raynor and Jeff Nova were used too much, probably cus Rave and Raynor's matches were quite long and I had Nova in alot of segment. Overall, the show is good but still needs to be better by the end of this month. [/CENTER] Predictions: Marcel Fromage - 5/6 - I want DJ Reason to face DBF in the title match as I have a story running for them. I have plans for Stones coming soon.
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[IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_2b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_2c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_2d.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_2e.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Predictions:[/U][/B] Adam Matravers vs UK Dragon [U]21CW Tag-Title Contender’s Match - 4-Way Tag![/U] Elimination Agents vs The Party Animals vs The Assassins vs The Wigan Bulldogs Joss Thompson vs Ivan Ivanoff Pit Bull Brown vs Jonathan Faust Merle O’Curle vs Stevie Stoat Rolling Johnny Stones vs Igor Ivanoff DBF & Cooper vs The Anglo-Scots Connection Red Dragon vs Nightmare Richard Garlick vs Luke Cool
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Adam Matravers vs UK Dragon Elimination Agents vs The Party Animals vs The Assassins vs [B]The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] [B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs Ivan Ivanoff [B]Pit Bull Brown [/B]vs Jonathan Faust Merle O’Curle vs [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]vs Igor Ivanoff [B]DBF & Cooper [/B]vs The Anglo-Scots Connection [B]Red Dragon [/B]vs Nightmare [B]Richard Garlick [/B]vs Luke Cool Cool and Nightmare continue losing with the fans on their backs. DBF is too good for Anglo-Scots Connection. Stones far better than Ivanoff in a singles match. Stoat likely to beat O'Curle since O'Curle won't be as effective in an entertainment based promotion. Brown to show Faust he's still a notch below the top level. Thompson for an easy win. Wigan Bulldogs are the best team in that match, and probably the most over. I think Matravers vs Dragon will end in a draw following some Thompson interference. I can't see Matravers looking weak before his title match, and similarly don't think you'd want Dragon to lose on his first outing.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/21cw_livewire.jpg[/IMG] held at Parliment Square in front of 941 fans [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match #1 - Richard Garlick vs Luke Cool[/B] The crowd weren't happy to see either competitor wrestle and in addition the two didnt click in the ring... leading to a poor match. Richard Garlick won inside 6mins when he hit the Sniper and got the pinfall. [U]Grade: F+[/U] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1 - Red Dragon vs Nightmare[/B] Nightmare was welcomed by the crowd but Dragon managed to use him to make a decent match. Dragon got the victory by landing a moonsault and getting the 3 count. The win for Dragon puts him evens for the year at (4 - 4 - 0). [U]Grade: E[/U] [B]Match #2 - DBF & Cooper vs The Anglo-Scots Connection[/B] DBF's pinfall over Davey London gives 21CW's newest pairing a good solid first win. Its heard the two are looking to combine their efforts more this year and score themselves a solid tag contention by the end of the year. [U]Grade: E[/U] [B]Match #3 - Rolling Johnny Stones vs Igor Ivanoff[/B] Stones hit a Brainbuster on Igor to pick up the win. This win should give Stones back his confidence after losing in the conteder's match last week. [U]Grade: E+[/U] [B]Match #4 - Stevie Stoat vs Merle O'Curle[/B] In a match that promised a good contest of technical supremacy, Stoat came out the eventual winner scoring a Super Kick out of nothing to lay O'Curle out cold allowing Stoat to pick the vicotry. Stoat now re-establishes himself a fair (4 - 4 - 0) record so far. [U]Grade: D-[/U] [B]Match #5 - Pit Bull Brown vs Jonathan Faust[/B] In a match displaying highly differing styles, it was always going to be difficult to choose a winner. It was Brown's superior rumble skills that won the day. Brown scored a Doghouse Piledriver and won the match. [U]Grade: D[/U] [B]Match #6 - Joss Thompson vs Ivan Ivanoff[/B] Ivan would always be up against it when facing off with the champ, despite moments of control, Thompson took charge and salughtered Ivan, finishing him with the Clean Cutter. Igor tried to intervene but to no avail as a pumped up champion cleared him out of the ring too. [U]Grade: D-[/U] [I]Joss Thompson grabs a mic after his win[/I] Joss: Another one bites the dust! Matravers? I hope your watching... What I'll do to you is ten times worse... For us its personal... you getting to involved in this title stuff... This title is mine! and always will be mine... your wasting your time Matravers... Deal with it... [I]Thompson looks cross and leaves the ring...[/I] [U]Grade: C[/U] [I]A video hypes the 4 teams about to compete in the contender's match for the tag team titles[/I] [U]Grade: E[/U] [B]Match #7 - The Wigan Bulldogs vs The Party Animals vs The Assassins vs The Elimination Agents[/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/21CW_4teambrawl.jpg[/IMG] [I]this match decides the number one contenders for the tag-team titles[/I] The match was always going to come down to The Wigan Bulldogs and The Agents. The Party Animals were eliminated quickly, Suicide landed a running powerslam and pinned Trance to eliminate them. The Assassins held their own as they traded blows with the Bulldogs... the tougher men from Wigan took them out eventually and left the Elimination Agents to face them. The contest was even and hard fought between the two fan favourite teams. Money was on the better Bulldogs and correctly so... Morgan took Genocide out of the equation and left Price alone with Suicide in the ring... Price landed the Price Drop and pinned Suicide for the final fall. The Bulldogs now get a title shot on Week 4 of this month. [U]Grade: E+[/U] [I]UK Dragon cuts an interview...[/I] Jeff: So Dragon... hows the nerves going into your first match Dragon: I'd say I was nervous but I dont allow myself to be... the people are here to see me be myself and do what I do best! Jeff: Its great to hear such confidence... What of Matravers? he's looking to beat you tonight to continue his high form going into the title match in 2 weeks time. Does it bother you that you could upset him here tonight? Dragon: Hardly, I dont plan on making life easy for Matravers! I mean... we're both here to win... we'll both play fairly and thats that... the best man will win... Jeff: Well we wish you the best of luck! Dragon: Thank You [I]Dragon bows and makes his way to the ring.[/I] [U]Grade: C-[/U] [B]Main Event - Adam Matravers vs UK Dragon[/B] The two men had great chemistry and led to a great bout! both men utilising high risk moves to gain the upper hand while the other would dodge and duck keeping the pace high! As both men tired... Joss Thompson entered the ring and made a beeline for Matravers... the ref called the bell disqualifying Dragon! [U]Grade: C-[/U] [I]Thompson lays into Matravers beating the tired high flyer down into a corner... ... Dragon looks on bemused... ... and taps Joss on the shoulder... ... Joss turns around sharply and stares down Dragon... ... Dragon is annoyed and quickly hits a Dragon Suplex on the champion... ... Joss gets back up only to be suplexed agen and agen... ... Thompson eventually gets free and flees down the ramp as Dragon tries to help Matravers up...[/I] [U]Grade: D-[/U] [B]Overall Grade: D+[/B] A step in the right direction! This is the best grade I've gotten since starting my career in 21CW! Alongside the best match I've booked. I can see more Dragon vs Matravers matches coming in the future! I now need that extra little bit to have my popularity increase! [/CENTER] [U][B]Predictions:[/B][/U] Marcel Formage - 8/9 - I'm not fussed that Dragon lost this match... I get the feeling he can win enough other matches to keep his overness high...
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[QUOTE]Marcel Fromage - 8/9 - I'm not fussed that Dragon lost this match... I get the feeling he can win enough other matches to keep his overness high...[/QUOTE] Yeah, the ending was pretty much as I expected. Just that Dragon got DQd rather than the match getting thrown out. But you're right - he stayed strong enough. Good match too. Well done on the improved show.
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Well I simply didnt want Matravers to lose... He's on a storming streak! I cant end that now... I have plans for Dragon, he'll get about a 90% win ratio eventually... right! my .psd file corrupted, the one I was using to make the newsletters s it's gna take a me a little while to make that agen... so the style may change slightly... I'm backing this one up :P
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PC half broken... next issue of Best of British Wrestling won't be til next week sometime when I'm sure its up to running Photoshop! EDIT: I think it gna be ok... I just can't run as many programs as once cus half my RAM died :P ... next issue coming monday if not later tonight...
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[IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_3a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_3b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_3c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_3d.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Predictions:[/U][/B] Pit Bull Brown vs Stevie Stoat UK Dragon vs The Party Animals Daniel Black Francis vs DJ Reason Rolling Johnny Stones vs Louie Peyton Phillip Cooper vs Nightmare Merle O'Curle vs Davey London Richard Garlick & Stefan Raynor vs Red Dragon & Davey Celtic
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Pit Bull Brown vs [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] [I]Tough pick. I'll go with Stoat, simply because Brown and Matravers recently fought in the tournament. Stoat vs Matravers wasn't really with anything on the line.[/I] [B]UK Dragon [/B]vs The Party Animals [I]Dragon is just great.[/I] [B]Daniel Black Francis [/B]vs DJ Reason [I]This again could go either way. Reason is definitely a viable mid-card title holder. I prefer DBF though, so I'll go for him.[/I] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B]vs Louie Peyton [I]Squash city[/I] [B]Phillip Cooper [/B]vs Nightmare [I]You seem to be jobbing out the guys the fans hate[/I] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]vs Davey London [I]I'll be upset if O'Curle loses to someone like London[/I] Richard Garlick & Stefan Raynor vs [B]Red Dragon & Davey Celtic[/B] [I]Strange combination on the face side. I'm still going with them though, on the presumption that Dragon is quite over.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/21cw_livewire.jpg[/IMG] held at Parliament Square in front of 977 fans [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Pre-Show Match #1 – The Authority (Richard Garlick & Stefan Raynor) vs Red Dragon & Davey Celtic[/B] Richard Garlick was sporting his new Metalhead ring attire, maybe a little soon. Red Dragon taught these young upstarts a lesson in wrestling. He won the match by landing a Moonsault on Garlick for the 3 count. [U]Grade: E-[/U] [I]The Authority leaves the ring area.[/I] Davey London joins Red Dragon and Celtic in the ring… Red Dragon grabs a mic and prepares to address the crowd… Dragon: … too long have London and Celtic been pushed around in this roster, its time they got a break… and I’m gonna help them. We are forming The Union! A union between the Scots [I]he points at Davey Celtic[/I], English [I]he points at Davey London [/I]and the Welsh [I]he point at himself[/I]. The Union! He thrusts his fist in the air! [U]Grade: E[/U] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1 – Merle O’Curle vs Davey London[/B] London was no match for the more experienced Irishman! O’Curle locked in the Celtic Wreath making London submit for the win. The two didn’t click. [U]Grade: E[/U] [B]Match #2 – Phillip Cooper vs Nightmare[/B] With the crowd not liking Nightmare too much, Cooper took full advantage and picked apart Nightmare for another win. He completed the win with the Cooper Fly Splash. [U]Grade: E[/U] [B]Match #3 – Rolling Johnny Stones vs Louie Peyton[/B] There wasn’t much competition between them as Stones took Peyton to the cleaners putting Peyton back in his place! Stones won landing a Brainbuster for the pinfall. [U]Grade: E+[/U] [I]In preparation for the next match Jeff Nova hypes up Daniel Black Francis and DJ Reason.[/I] Jeff: Well it’s finally reached boiling point as we enter this Last Man Standing match! DBF prepares to defend his 21CW UK Title against DJ Reason at the end of a feud lasting over the past few months. DBF comes into this match 2 – 1 up in the series between the two… lets get to the action. [U]Grade: D[/U] [B]Match #4 – Daniel Black Francis vs DJ Reason [/B] --- This match is for the 21CW UK Title --- The match was a slug-fest as both men gave it their all, utilizing all kinds of weapons located around the ring area. The pivotal moment came as Reason brought out his brass knuckles, he swung for DBF but the champion ducked and landed a spin kick on Reason. Reason out-cold, DBF placed a chair on the face of Reason and headed for the top rope. He landed a Dreadlock Legdrop from the turnbuckle, causing Reason to bleed open… DJ Reason fell to a 10 count. DBF retains the 21CW UK title! [U]Grade: D-[/U] [I]Steve Smith and Jeff Nova take time to hype up UK Dragon’s handicap match against The Party Animals[/I] Steve: Well I don’t know how Dragon has prepared himself for this match but The Party Animals are good tag-team, they’ll look to really take it to Dragon. Jeff: I think Dragon may pull this one off! He’s strong, quick and experienced, but I think the animals may enjoy this match for all of a minute before Dragon gets the upper hand! Steve: We shall see! [U]Grade: D-[/U] [I]Kathleen Lee cuts a promo backstage alongside her clients Trance and Rave, The Party Animals.[/I] Kathleen: … my boys here are gonna rock in that ring tonight… 2 on 1? Ha! These guys are gonna have one hell of a party tonight at the expense of that UK Dragon! So Lets Party!! [U]Grade: D-[/U] [B]Match #5 – UK Dragon vs The Party Animals[/B] --- a win for UK Dragon lands him a match with Jonathan Faust for the #5 world contender place --- UK Dragon took an early beating but as predicted, he came back and took it to the young tag-team. He eventually found an opportunity to land the Dragon Drop on Trance and got the win. [U]Grade: E[/U] [I]Post Match, Richard Garlick comes out and confirms that UK Dragon gets his match against Jonathan Faust on Week 1 of April.[/I] [U]Grade: E[/U] [I]Jonathan Faust comes to the ring, microphone in hand…[/I]Faust: I’m issuing an open challenge to the roster for someone to come out an face me right now! The Bulldogs music starts! [U]Grade: D+[/U] [I]Leo Price appears on this stage.[/I] Price: two words… Challenge Accepted! [I]Leo Price storms towards the ring… Faust quickly removes his cloak… and the two go at it… the match bell rings…[/I] [U]Grade: E+[/U] [B]Match #6 – Jonathan Faust vs Leo Price[/B] Faust and Price went at it full heartedly! Each getting decent offence. Faust got an opening and landed a small package along with a handful of tights. Faust gets the win over a supposedly better opponent according to the ranks. [U]Grade: D-[/U] [I]Jeff Nova gets an interview with Pit Bull Brown ahead of their contenders match determining who gets a shot being #1 contender next month.[/I] Jeff: Brown… how you feeling going into this match. Brown: Strong bro! I know I’m stronger than this Stoat!? I’m bigger than Stoat and smarter than Stoat! I think once again his arrogance will cost him the match, I’m more than happy to take advantage bro! Jeff: Good words! Brown: Yeh bro! but words mean nothing in the ring. I’ll let this body do the talking! Jeff: Well lets get to the action shall we?! [U]Grade: D+[/U] [B]Main Event – Pit Bull Brown vs Stevie Stoat[/B] An open match saw both competitors get chances to gain victory. After a long fought match, Stoat counter a Pit Bull suplex and executed a Super Kick. It laid Brown out granting Stoat the win and gaining 2nd place in the World Contender’s table! [U]Grade: D-[/U] [I]Stoat proceeds to taunt Brown as he is helped to the back by officials. Brown tries to re-renter the ring but is blocked by a wall of officials.[/I] Grade: D- [B]Overall Rating: D-[/B] Back to a poor rating, not enough to send my popularity back down but its not progress! Apparently Trance was used too much... [/CENTER] [B][U]Predicitions:[/U][/B] Marcel Fromage - 7/7 yeh well done this week, you got exactly what I was looking at. Brown trying to get a shot at the #1 contender again would have been boring at this stage. Stoat needs a chance to prove himself.
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[IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_4a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_4b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_4c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_mar07_4d.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Predictions:[/U][/B] Joss Thompson vs Adam Matravers The Ivanoff Brothers vs The Wigan Bulldogs DJ Reason vs Rolling Johnny Stones Red Dragon vs UK Dragon DBF vs Louie Peyton Rave vs Genocide Agent Merle O' Curle vs Suicide Agent Stefan Raynor vs Davey Celtic Richard Garlick vs Davey London
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[B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs Adam Matravers [I]Surprised there was no build-up for this one in the newsletter - I'll go for a win for the champ[/I] The Ivanoff Brothers vs [B]The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] [I]I think the Bulldogs are the best team on your books, and as you've got a few singles contenders on the go right now, I'd expect them to stay in the tag ranks. The Ivanoffs seem to improve quickly each game I play, so they should learn from Price & Morgan.[/I] DJ Reason vs [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] [I]Could see this going either way, but I prefer Stones.[/I] Red Dragon vs [B]UK Dragon[/B] [I]The whole of the UK has got to be better than just Wales on its own in the battle of the Dragons![/I] [B]DBF[/B] vs Louie Peyton Rave vs [B]Genocide Agent[/B] [B]Merle O' Curle [/B]vs Suicide Agent Stefan Raynor vs [B]Davey Celtic[/B] Richard Garlick vs [B]Davey London[/B]
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;289890][B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs Adam Matravers [I]Surprised there was no build-up for this one in the newsletter - I'll go for a win for the champ[/I] [/QUOTE] I knew I forgot to put something in there lol, theres a few mistakes this last issue... only just got my PC working and its kinda unstable :P I'll be making a big deal out of the next issue. Report and BoBW issue #13 coming tomorrow... there wont be one for a week then since I'm away for a few days.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/21cw_livewire.jpg[/IMG] Held at Parliament Square in front of 946 fans [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Pre-Show Match #1 – Richard Garlick vs Davey London[/B] Richard Garlick just couldn’t keep up with London’s experience in the ring! London got the win over the Authority Leader landing the London Bridge! [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E-[/COLOR] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1 – Stefan Raynor vs Davey Celtic[/B] Raynor just wasn’t up to scratch in this one-on-one match up. Celtic eventually picked up a Union win after landing a Cannonball Legdrop! [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E[/COLOR] [B]Match #2 – Rave vs Genocide Agent[/B] The varying styles came off well. Genocide got the win by landing a Hanging Powerslam. [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E+[/COLOR] [I]The Authority’s music starts, Richard Garlick, Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor come to ring and prepare to address the crowd…[/I] Richard: The Authority does not like this “Union” starting up on our ground… Red Dragon feels… sorry? For London and Celtic… get over it! They suck simple as! [I]…the crowd boo…[/I] Richard: Yeh!... you can boo all you like it doesn’t change the fact that we run this show! … The Authority Owns You!... [I]The trio departs to their music…[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E-[/COLOR] [B]Match #3 – Merle O’Curle vs Suicide Agent[/B] O’Curle beat Suicide hands down with his greater technical ability. O’ Curle stormed on and got the win after locking in the Celtic Wreath. It could have been a better match if the two had clicked. [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E+[/COLOR] [B]Match #4 – Daniel Black Franics vs Louie Peyton [/B]– non-title Outclassed, Peyton looked hopeless again the 21CW UK Champion. DBF applied the Rasta Lock and Peyton couldn’t take anymore and quit! [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E[/COLOR] [B]Match #5 – UK Dragon vs Red Dragon[/B] It was dubbed the “Battle of the Dragons” and a good battle it was. Each competitor got good momentum going in the match but it was UK Dragon who came out on top! He completed the victory with a Dragon Drop and Red Dragon was finished with a pinfall. [COLOR="blue"]Grade: D[/COLOR] [I]UK Dragon and Red Dragon shake hands in the ring after a good battle. UK Dragon made a point of raising Red Dragon’s hand in the air and calling for the crowd to give him some respect.[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E+[/COLOR] [B]Match #6 – DJ Reason vs Rolling Johnny Stones [/B] --- #1 contender’s match for the UK Title --- Rolling Johnny Stones proved his greatness by annihilating Reason putting Stones in a great position to land a brainbuster and complete the victory. Rolling Johnny Stones becomes the number on contender and will meet Daniel Black Francis in 3 weeks time for the title. [COLOR="blue"]Grade: D-[/COLOR] [I]Stones celebrates his victory over DJ Reason, whom takes exception and attacks Stones, beating him into the canvas. DBF comes out to save Stones from the beating, Reason quickly departs. Stones gets to his feet and faces DBF who stare each other down for a moment before both departing.[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E-[/COLOR] [B]Match #7 – The Ivanoff Brothers vs The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] --- Tag-Team Title Match --- The Bulldogs dominated the match, the Russian duo looked out of sorts for most of the match. The Ivanoffs knowing their near loss turned to underhanded tactics. While Leo Price was pinning Igor, Ivan came into the ring and smashed Price over the head getting his team disqualified. Bulldogs win but the Ivanoffs retain through disqualification. [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E+[/COLOR] [I]Richard Garlick comes out the stage area after the Ivanoffs lose their match to tell them they’ll have to defend their title again. This time though it will be a tables match![/I] [COLOR="blue"]Grade: E-[/COLOR] [I]Adam Matravers is backstage being interviewed by Jeff Nova…[/I]Jeff: So this is the big one, your undefeated going into this match, how do you rate your chances of grabbing the gold. Adam: I’m really excited to get into that ring and do the damage to that no good cheat Joss Thompson. One too many times has gotten in a cheap shot on me… its time to end this and take the gold too! Jeff: The best of luck, we’re all rooting for you!! [COLOR="blue"]Grade: C-[/COLOR] [B]Main Event – Adam Matravers vs Joss Thompson[/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/21cw_adamvjoss.jpg[/IMG] Adam Matravers took the early lead in the match, hitting the champion with a string of high speed and high risk moves. Thompson regaining control and sticking it to the challenger. Matravers got Thompson set up for the Mile High Moonsault but missed as Thompson rolled clear… Matravers got to his feet… BOOM!! Thompson hits the Clean Cutter knocking out Matravers and picked up the win the retain his title! [COLOR="blue"]Grade: C-[/COLOR] [I]Thompson is full of rage and isn’t finished with Matravers! He takes him outside the ring and lifts him onto the announcers table as Jeff Nova and Steve Smith look on helpless. He screams at them both before Piledriving Matravers through the table leaving him in a bloody mess. Thompson struts to the back, music playing and his belt over his shoulder[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Grade: D-[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Overall Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] The rating is still stuck in the D area, I think if I can get the main event up to a C then I’ll be onto a winner! Apparently I used myself too much.[/CENTER] [B][U]Predictions:[/U][/B] Marcel Fromage - 8/9 - The Ivanoffs are not ready to lose their titles... perhaps at the tables rematch they wont be so lucky... their match was poor so I won't be dragging a feud out too long.
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[IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1d.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1e.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/dynasty%20fanzine/newsletter_apr07_1f.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Predictions:[/B][/U] UK Dragon vs Jonathan Faust Stevie Stoat vs Walter Morgan Adam Matravers vs Merle O' Curle Pit Bull Brown vs Leo Price Joss Thompson vs Red Dragon The Elimination Agents vs The Assassins DBF & Cooper vs The Ivanoff Brothers The Anglo-Scots Connection vs The Party Animals
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[B]UK Dragon [/B]vs Jonathan Faust [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] vs Walter Morgan [B]Adam Matravers [/B]vs Merle O' Curle [B]Pit Bull Brown [/B]vs Leo Price [B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs Red Dragon [B]The Elimination Agents [/B]vs The Assassins DBF & Cooper vs [B]The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] The Anglo-Scots Connection vs [B]The Party Animals[/B] Thought I was going to go all the way down the left there! Dragon, Matravers and Thompson should be your main 3 guys, so I expect them all to win. I'm going with Stoat and Brown because they're singles guys at the moment whilst Price and Morgan are in the tag ranks (albeit high up them). I think the Elimination Agents and Party Animals are higher up the tag ranks than the teams they are facing. The toughest match to call I thought was the DBF match. On the one hand you've a singles champ, but Ivanoffs are tag champs and a loss here would make them look very weak going into the tables match. As they're the regular team, I'll go with them.
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