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WCW: Like A Phoenix

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[QUOTE=JMan;288358][I]WCW.com-[/I] Join World Championship Wrestling as it rings in the new year with a brand new Monday Night Nitro. With fallout from the shocking conclusion of Starrcade 2000! [B][CENTER]WCW Monday Night Nitro [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][I]Live from the Portland Memorial Colisuem [/I][/CENTER] [I] [B]Paul London & AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kid Romeo & Elix Skipper [B]The Filthy Animals [Billy Kidman/Rey Mysterio/Konnan][/B] vs. Alex Wright, Disqo, and Mark Jindrak [/I] [B]WCW United States Title Match [/B] [B][B][I]Bill DeMott [c][/B][/B] vs. Lance Storm [B][B]"Positively" Kanyon[/B][/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [B]Ric Flair [/B]vs. Vampiro [/I] [B]WCW World Heavyweight Title Match [/B] [B][I]Scott Steiner [c][/B] vs. Goldberg [/I][/QUOTE] Some predictions :D
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[QUOTE]Dustin: The sin of Sloth...getting over on the hard work of others and getting credit for what they did... Nash shrugs in a "Who Me?" manner.[/QUOTE] :D :D :D I love it. I absolutely dig it doggy style. WCW Monday Night Nitro Live from the Portland Memorial Colisuem [B]Paul London & AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kid Romeo & Elix Skipper [B]The Filthy Animals [Billy Kidman/Rey Mysterio/Konnan][/B] vs. Alex Wright, Disqo, and Mark Jindrak WCW United States Title Match Bill DeMott [c] vs. [B]Lance Storm[/B] - by DQ [B]"Positively" Kanyon[/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow Ric Flair vs. [B]Vampiro [/B] - make a big name for himself in the hometown of Clyde the Slide Drexler WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Scott Steiner [c] vs. [B]Goldberg [/B] - by DQ
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WCW Nitro: January , Week 1 [B][CENTER]WCW Monday Night Nitro[/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from the Portland Memorial Colisuem [/CENTER][/I] [B]Paying For Sin...[/B] [I]Schiavone: It has been a long time WCW fans since I've seen something this horrible. It makes me sick to my stomach, seeing the outright horror that occured last night. A dark day for WCW. [/I] After that opening by Tony, the last few moments of the Steel Cage Main Event match between Booker T and Scott Steiner were showed, the Starrcade graphic in the corner. Booker had just Book End'ed five men and was crawling through the door. That is when Kanyon had shown up and clobbered Booker. It was then that the promo cut by Dustin Rhodes the night before begins to be heard as the senseless beatdown occurs. Then of course Dustin shows up with the chair and it looks like Booker had been saved. [I]Dustin: ...Yet, despite the fact we have sinned, we have not hid Booker. We have not covered up our ugly sides. We embrace the darker nature in all of us. We welcome the Sin of Man. [/I] CRACK! The chair shot from Dustin and you have wrestling's version of the Seven Deadly Sins standing tall over the bloodied Booker. And the screen fades with the soundbite of "You'll Never Forget The Name Of...Dustin Rhodes." [B][CENTER]Victory Was Sweet [/CENTER][/B] Backstage, the "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett was standing, his guitar slung against his shoulder. [I]Jarrett: Hah! I walked into Starrcade and I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I beat Ric Flair from pillar to post. I took your legendary Nature Boy and pinned him. Bloodied him. I destroyed the legacy of Ric Flair. Flair should know now that its time to move on and that its the time of the Chosen One now. And that's me, Jeff Jarrett! Now choke on that...slapnut. [/I] [B][CENTER]Six Man Tag Match The Filthy Animals [Konnan/Rey Mysterio/Billy Kidman] vs. The Boogie Knights [Disqo/Alex Wright] & Mark Jindrak [/CENTER][/B] This was a solid opener. It wasn't all that "great" but it wasn't so horrible that it kept the viewers away. It was a nice crowd pleaser that saw the Filthy Animals hit their trademark moves. The end came when Rey had taken himself and Jindrak out of the ring with a hurricaranna and Konnan had been knocked out by Disqo. A clothesline from Kidman sent Disqo crashing to the arena floor and Kidman shared a few moves with Wright before bodyslamming him into position...climbing the ropes...Shooting Star Press! [B][CENTER]A Thrilling Split? [/CENTER][/B] The Filthy Animals celebrate, including Rey who is on the outside of the ring holding his head from the fall he and Jindrak took. Konnan and Kidman start leaving and it is at that time that out of the crowd came Sean O'Haire who sent Rey crashing into the ring steps. O'Haire grabs a chair and is about to clobber the small wrestler with a big heart. However Jindrak grabs the chair and yanks it away. His former Natural Born Thriller partner has a few choice words for him. Jindrak listens to O'Haire's rants for a moment and then answers back by nailing him with the chair! Jindrak helped Rey up and the two headed to the back. [B][CENTER]Anything Thing Can Happen in WCW...[/CENTER][/B] [I]Schiavone: Last night was a big black eye on the face of professional wrestling but I do have to say one of the pleasant surprises came with the unexpected showdown between two legends in this buisness. Never in my times did I expect to see Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior in the same wrestling ring again.[/I] A recap of the historic mid-ring showdown was shown. The words scrawled across the screen? HOGAN-WARRIOR III? [B][CENTER]United States Title Match Bill DeMott [c] vs. Lance Storm [/CENTER][/B] The rough and ready DeMott went at with the Canadian technician with the US Title at stake. DeMott looked to be a bit rough after the Starrcade table match. In particular, his back bothered him and that was what Storm decided to attack. DeMott eventually fought back and rallied. A big powerslam on his end got him a two count and he climbed up, looking to get the No Laughing Matter. Storm rolled out of the way, letting DeMott crash and burn. DeMott got up and walked right into...a Superkick! Storm dropped onto DeMott and hooked the leg for the win. [B][CENTER]An Open Challenge![/CENTER][/B] Storm holds his newly won United States Title [Reign #4] and has a mic in the middle of the ring. [I]Storm: That's right, I'm your new United States Champion! This belt has such a glorious lineage. A lineage that does include myself. And I plan on keeping this title. I will defeat anyone that wants a crack at this title and I will turn them back. Because I am the very best. Why? Because I'm from Calgary...Alberta...[/I] Storm gets cut off by someone's music playing. A huge pop occurs when out from the back steps Curt Hennig! [I]Hennig: Well Storm, that sure sounds like an open challenge to me. An open challenge I'm going to have to take you up on. Because who else would make a better person to take that title from you? That's right, no one because there is only one man that is perfect for that job...and that's me! [/I] [B]Kanyon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow [/B] Both of these men were on the losing end of their matches at Starrcade. Kanyon fell victim to a gutsy effort from Goldberg and Bam Bam fell short of his US Title aspirations. This was a pretty good match that the crowd got into. The end came when Bam Bam went to deliever the Greetings from Asbury Park but Kanyon slipped out and nailed the Flatliner for the win. [B][CENTER]Official Title Buisness...[/CENTER][/B] Eric Bischoff stands in the ring. He has a microphone and he has both WCW Tag Team Title belts. [I]Bischoff: Due to the implosion of both the Insiders and their opponents last night, Kronik, I...on behalf of WCW Management...will be vacating the WCW World Tag Titles. At WCW Sin, there will be a new team crowned Champions. By Thunder next week, three teams will have qualified for the semi-finals which will air two Nitros from now. Any former WCW Tag Team Champion will be eligible to compete for the spot in the semi-final. The first spot is already taken. And the identity of that team...will be revealed during the semi-finals! [/I] [B]Ric Flair vs. Vampiro [/B] Vampiro actually dominated most of this crowd pleasing match as Flair was battered from the brutal fight with Jarrett the night before. Early in the match, Vampiro had removed the bandage from Flair's head and reopened the laceration, caushing Flair to bleed again. Soon Flair was a bloody mess. He tried making a comeback late in the match, going on a chop frenzy but ended up Flair Flopping right down to the mat due to blood loss. Vampiro picked Flair up and appeared to be attempting to lift him up for the Nail in the Coffin but Flair dropped to his knees and low blowed Vampiro. In mere moments, Flair had slipped the Figure Four Leglock on. Vampiro tried to reverse it but Flair just cinched it harder. Vampiro had no choice but to tap. [B][CENTER]I'm So Ashamed... [/CENTER][/B] Stevie Ray stands in the ring with the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. [I]Stevie Ray: Dusty Rhodes, sucka, we gots to know what your thoughts were seeing your son brutalize my brother, Booker T last night. Turning his back on the fans and WCW it seems. Dusty: [Filtered through that beloved "Dusty-Speak" I love my son, make no mistakes about that. But I'm so ashamed of what Dustin did last night. Be it his antics up North or what occured in Charlotte last night, it makes me sick to my stomach that I seemingly didn't get the job done right in raising a smart and honorable young man. I'm sorry for that. But if you willl...just let me explain what I'll do...let me remind you I'm Dusty Rhodes, the American Dream! I'm the son of a plumber who was abled to work for all these fans. And when it comes to my son, sometimes there is only way thing these can be set right with. And I believe I have a few Bionic Elbows left in this old body! [/I] Suddenly Dusty is blindsided by his own son, Dustin. Dusty tries to fight back, getting in a few punches and then rocking his boy with a little Flip Flop and Fly...looking for the Bionic Elbow but Dustin ducks the elbow. He kicks his father in the crotch and turns "The American Dream" around and nailed the Curtain Call. [B][CENTER]Snapping At the Family Ties...[/CENTER][/B] Dustin wasn't done though and so he brought in a steel chair. He wrapped his father's ankle in it and leapt off the second rope with a knee drop, Pillmanizing his father's ankle. As medical personel came to the aide of the legendary Dusty, Tony Schiavone was beside himself in regards of what happened. Heenan loved it. [B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Scott Steiner [c] vs. Goldberg [/CENTER][/B] What a main event for Nitro! Steiner was drawing massive heat from the crowd after the disgusting finish to the Starrcade main event and Goldberg was red hot after defeating Kanyon. This was, simply put, a slugfest. Goldberg connects with the fans on the level that they never stop thinking the powerhouse could win the Big One again. Goldberg set up Steiner for the Spear but got distracted by Dustin Rhodes appearing on the ring apron. Goldberg shared some choice words to Rhodes and turned away as the ref argued with Dustin.... Turned right into a Kanyon Cutter! Kanyon had slid into the ring when Dustin ended up drawing the attention of the ref. With Goldberg out, Steiner ended up slapping on the Steiner Recliner. "Da Man" was out and the ref called for the bell. [B][CENTER]Steiner's Rage...[/CENTER][/B] As Dustin and Kanyon watch on, Steiner cinches the hold on even tighter and keeps the Steiner Recliner on as Nitro goes off the air. Card Rating was a B. Atttendance was 5,575. Nitro on TNT rating: 16.92
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[I]WCW.com-[/I] -WCW and Tylene Buck [Major Gunns] have parted ways. -An official announcement has come up on WCW.com. It appears that the WCW Television Title will be reactivated and a new champion will be crowned in the next few weeks. -Many are wondering who this mystery semi-finalist team for the Tag Team Title situation is... -The Thunder card has been released... *The Natural Born Thrillers [Chuck Palumbo/Sean O'Haire] vs. The Marmaluke [Vito/Johnny the Bull] *Wrath vs. Crowbar *WCW Hardcore Title: Rick Steiner vs. Shannon Moore *Billy Kidman & Curt Hennig vs Shane Helms and Lance Storm *Goldberg vs. Shane Douglas *Kevin Nash/Kanyon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow/Rey Mysterio *Dustin Rhodes vs. Ric Flair [Well there is the Thunder card folks...]
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WCW Thunder: January , Week 1 [B][CENTER]WCW Thunder [/CENTER][/B] [I]Live from the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, FL[/I] [B][CENTER]Soon...You'll Feel The Bang! [/CENTER][/B] The show colds opens to the audience waiting for something to happen. The ever familar music of DDP begins to play over the PA system and the crowd pops huge for the Master of the Diamond Cutter! [I]Page: BANG! [/I] DDP shows up on the tron, a medical collar on his neck. [I]DDP: It's me, it's me. D...D...P! At Starrcade, Kevin Nash stabbed me in the back. Cost me the tag titles. Jacknifed me through the stage! Well...you'll learn soon Nash, paybacks are a [censored]! I've talked to WCW Management and after ensuring them that I WILL be medically cleared...they have agreed to Kevin Nash and "Diamond" Dallas Page locking it up...at WCW Sin! Oh yeah Nash, and if you aren't down with that...I got three words for you. FEEL THE...BANG!!!! [/I] DDP does the Diamond Cutter signal to end the promo. [B][CENTER]The Natural Born Thrillers [Chuck Palumbo/Sean O'Haire] vs. The Marmalukes [/CENTER][/B] These two teams, while neither of them in contention for the vacant WCW Tag Titles, worked to put a good showing at the start of the card. At one point, the crafty Marmalukes seemed to have the victory after Johnny the Bull hit an awesome crossbody off the top rope but Palumbo had distracted the ref. The end came with O'Haire catching Vito with a Reverse DDT for the win. [B][CENTER]Watch Out...[/CENTER][/B] The Thrillers were leaving the ring but before Sean O'Haire gets out of the ring, Jindrak was in the ring, attacking his former partner. They brawl before the usual suits come out from the back in force. [CENTER][B]Wrath vs. Crowbar [/B][/CENTER] A huge size difference in this one folks. Before Wrath had entered the ring, Crowbar had dived through the ropes onto him. The hardcore competitor nailed a few more high risk moves and then appeared to go for a Leap of Faith to the outside but Wrath caught him in the air and nailed a fallaway slam. Wrath picked him back up and benchpressed him back into the ring. Once both were in the ring, it was a big boot to the head of Crowbar and then...MELTDOWN! And that was all she wrote. [B][CENTER]A Cancer Upon This Promotion [/CENTER][/B] Quick graphics of the recent Dustin Rhodes antics were shown and Tony Schiavone lambasted the son of the American Dream. Some of the words of the angry commentator were actually rather colorful for TNT but ultimately it amounted to Tony calling Dustin a "cancer" and the "doom" of this promotion. [CENTER][B]WCW Hardcore Title Rick Steiner [c] vs. Shannon Moore [/B][/CENTER] This match was pretty lopsided also. Moore was a good young competitor but Rick Steiner is just one mean mofo. Moore got a few hope spots in but most of them were shut right back down by the "Dog Faced Gremlin". A Steiner Bulldog onto a trashcan was enough to finish this one. [CENTER][B]Billy Kidman & Curt Hennig vs. "Sugar" Shane Helms & Lance Storm [/B][/CENTER] Now this was an interesting match. The two Cruiserweight combatants were regarded as "faces" and the US Title duo were widely regarded as very excellent heels. Yet, they were combating each other. That led to the very interesting dynamic in tonight's match as we had a heel/face vs. heel/face dynamic. Plus there were the simmering issues over the importance of their music tastes. Rap, Country, Pop and Canadian music all in the same ring! Greatest match in the history of our sport! And actually, this was a very good match. It wasn't quite a memorable match but it was a very enertaining match. Almost everytime Curt got into the ring, he got a load of offense in. Quite possibly to allow the fans get another glimpse at Hennig who hasn't been with WCW for awhile. Kidman had finally gained an edge in the match and was prompting to hit Helms with the Shooting Star but Lance shoved him off the turnbuckle. Helms got Kidman up and went for the Vertebreaker but Kidman squirmed free and got the hot tag into Hennig. A few excellent peformed moves later and Hennig was on fire. He nailed the Perfect Neckbreaker. He got Helms in position for the Hennig-Plex and pointed at Storm before delivering it for the three count. [B][CENTER]Four Men Heading To Sin...[/CENTER][/B] All four guys ended staring each other down as the show went to commercial break. [CENTER][B]Goldberg vs. Shane Douglas [/B][/CENTER] This was a pretty good match that kept the crowd going. Goldberg was gaining a head of steam going into this. He had the big win at Starrcade and seemed to have been within an inch of the title on Nitro. Douglas has been rather aimless lately but still is such a threat in the ring. Goldberg dominated the first part of the match as usual but Douglas gained the advantage with a low blow. "The Franchise" went to town on Goldberg, picking him apart. Eventually "Da Man" fell victim to the Franchiser and Douglas covered him. One...two...KICKOUT! Douglas was in shock and tried to hit the Franchiser again but this time he was shoved away. Shane moved in to attempt it again and Goldberg pulled the Spear out of nowhere! Paused for a beat...JACKHAMMER! And that is all she wrote. [B][CENTER]You Sicken Me...[/CENTER][/B] Dustin Rhodes, the sin of Envy, stands backstage. He appears to be ready to start a promo but Ric Flair arrives on scene. [I]Flair: WOOO! Dustin Rhodes! You son, you digust the Nature Boy! The actions at Starrcade were one thing...but shattering the ankle of your father, WOOO! That doesn't fly with the Nature Boy! [/I] [I]Dustin: Do you think that matters to me Ric? You and my father are relics of the old guard. You and everyone like you lived your lives in sin. The women, the alcohol, the drugs. You guys lived a life of a decadence. And yet you hid your sins like shame. I do not Ric. Flair: I may have done bad things in my like kid and I may be the "Dirtiest Player in the Game" but I've earned everything in this buisness. The fame, the money, the championships, and the respect of everyone that I've ever faced. But you, WOOO!, I have no respect for a punk like you! Dustin: Is that so Ric? Well "Naitch", how about I try to beat some respect out of you? Tonight? [/I] Flair: You and me tonight? WOOO! You got it fat boy! Tonight, you'll learn that to be the man, you have to beat the man! And WOO! I'm the Man! And you ain't beating me! [B][CENTER]Kevin Nash & Positively Kanyon vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. and Bam Bam Bigelow [/CENTER][/B] Another good match. This one was a few steps down from the previous match but the crowd still was engaged in this one because of the deviousness of Nash, the "I'm making you hate me so much you would would want to stab me" skill of being an absolute jerk from Kanyon, the irresitable fighting spirit of Rey and the brutal side of Bam Bam. So it was an interesting match to say the least. Rey nailed Nash with a top rop spin kick that sent "Big Sexy" over the top rope to the outside. Rey followed up after him with a dive to the outside on top of him. Bam Bam and Kanyon fought and eventually Kanyon ducked a punch from Bam Bam...and BAM! Kanyon Cutter! And that go the three count. [B][CENTER]Ain't Nothing Finer...[/CENTER][/B] Scott Steiner stands backstage. [I]Steiner: I said I was going to walk into Starrcade and walk out the same way, WCW World Champion. When Big Poppa Pump speaks, you listen. I warned you all that the landscape of wrestling was gonna change, guess who told the truth again? That's right, the Big Bad Booty Daddy. I am the World Champion, a virtual Adonis. They call me Freakzilla, the beast with the biggest peaks and the most freaks. Big Poppa Pump will be your hookup...HOLLA IF YOU HEAR ME! [/I] [B][CENTER]MAIN EVENT Ric Flair vs. Dustin Rhodes [/CENTER][/B] So many times in the old school NWA days, the fans were treated to some classic Flair-Rhodes matches. And this was possibly the start of a new chapter as the legendary Ric Flair collided with Dusty's son, Dustin. A great competitor who, having failed to escape his father's shadow, turnd his back on his father, tradition, the fans and the WCW itself. After the events of Starrcade, Dustin was despised by the fans. Every move, no mattter how minor, got a chorus of boos from the fans. Since this was mere days after Nitro, Dustin was able to reopen the previously reopened [on Nitro against Vampiro] Flair laceration on his head. The Nature Boy bleeding from the head for the third card in the row was starting to worry fans because no man should bleed that much. Dustin nailed a brutal piledriver but that only got a two count. Dustin then, to the displeasure of the fans, locked on the Figure Four to Flair! The fans were delighted when Flair reversed the hold. With the pressure now on him, Dustin released the Figure Four Leglock. Flair started chopping away and nailed a Russian Leg Sweep. Flair went to lock on the Figure Four on Dustin in retaliation but that is when the champ, Scott Steiner, showed up. The ref turned his attention to Scott and that is when Flair got turned around...to get blasted with the acoustic equalizer thanks to Jeff Jarrett! Jarrett cleared some of the guitar debris from the ring and Dustin covered Flair as Jeff left the ring. The ref turned to see this and counted the pinfall. [B][CENTER]In The Darkest Hour...[/CENTER][/B] Rhodes, Steiner and Jarrett start to punish the Nature Boy even more. Steiner nailed him with a belly to belly suplex and Jarrett nailed the Stroke. Dustin told Steiner to pick up Flair and Jarrett got a steel chair and slid it into the ring. [I]Schiavone: Dustin Rhodes is going to attempt a piledriver on that chair! That could break Flair's neck! Heenan: This is great Tony, got any popcorn? Schiavone: Wait...the lights just went out! What happened? [/I] The tron shows a video of an empty wrestling arena. The light from the screen was the only illumination in the entire arena. A voice began to speak... [I]Greensboro, North Carolina. This arena has seem so much wrestling history become engrained in the minds of the fans of professional wrestling. Greensboro holds a place in one man's heart. Dear to his heart. [/I] Ghostly images of two men fighting seemed to flicker in that empty wrestling ring. To long time WCW fans and to one man in the WCW ring, those figures seemed so familar. The ghostly figures dissappear and the screen zooms into a piece of paper lying on the ring mat. The worn paper was a poster hyping a wrestling event. It read..."Clash of the Champions". A hand reached down and grabbed the paper. The camera zoomed back to show a figure, eclisped by a spotlight that hid his identity and that voice spoke again... [I]Sometimes this world's balance is disturbed. A great influx of evil is created...[/I] Grainy images of the shocking Starrcace conclusion are shown... [I]Everytime a hero has been needed...[/I] More grainy images of the chaos currently being caused by Dustin and his other sinful stablemates... [I]He returns...[/I] The lights come on and Flair is lying in a corner. Rhodes, Steiner and Jarrett have diverted their attention from the video that had been shown and were staring at the object lying in the middle of the ring. It was a big...black... [CENTER]Bat.[/CENTER] [I]The show only got a C Rating. It had 7,706 people for attendance and a 23.00 rating on TBS.[/I]
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[I]WCW.com-[/I] The Monday Night Nitro Card has been released! [B]WCW World Tag Team Tourney Qualifier [/B] [I]Vampiro & Keiji Mutoh vs. Chavo Jr. & Lash LeRoux [/I] [B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match[/B] [I]"Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [/I] [I]Warth vs. Konnan[/I] [I]Mike Awesome vs. Bill DeMott [/I] [I]Kanyon vs. Hulk Hogan[!][/I] And WCW.com is happy to announce that not only is this Nitro the return of Hulk Hogan to the wrestling ring...but the return of one of the most dominant tag teams to the wrestling ring... [I]Goldberg & Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. The Steiner Brothers! [/I] Plus much more...
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WCW Nitro: January , Week 2 [B][CENTER]WCW Monday Night Nitro [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from the Metro Center in Rockford, IL[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER][B]Whatcha Gonna Do?[/B][/CENTER] The show opens with "American Made". Out from the back to the cheers of the crowd steps the immortal Hulk Hogan. Hogan pauses at the top of the stage, hands on his hips. He nods at the cheers from the crowd and then makes his way down the rampway. Once he gets to the ring, the "Hulkster" gets a mic. [I]Hogan: Hulkamaniacs, I came out to Starrcade to say goodbye. To leave this home of mine the right way. It was the way I thought I would be going out brother, but I guess things aren't ending that way dude! It seems the Ultimate Warrior made it his agenda to get back up into the face of the Hulkster brutha! Warrior...you want to step into the ring again with me? Well brutha, you did the right thing coming to me face to face. Warrior, we made history in Toronto, we tussled at Havoc in '98, perhaps it is time for the immortal Hulk Hogan and the iconic Ultimate Warrior to come face to face one more time dude! You can consider this a YES BRUTHA! And Warrior...the only question that is left is...WHATCHA GONNA DO...[/I] Hogan gets cut off by the sound of Positively Kanyon's music. Out from the back steps the devious member of the stable that is collectively being called "D7". Kanyon has a mic and the man who symbolizes "Greed" begins to speak. [I]Kanyon: What was that Hulkster? Lemme guess how you were going to finish that? It was going to end something like this...right? WHATCHA GONNA DO BRUTHA WHEN THE HULKSTER RUNS WILD ON YOOOOOOOUUUUUU...and breaks his hip because he is too damn old? Face it Hogan, you're old news. Don't believe me? Look at Starrcade. Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior return to the ring...and what is everyone talking about? The shocking formation of the greatest collection of talent known to man, D7! Hogan: You think I'm old? I may be gettin up on the years brutha but listen up dude, I still have the 24 inch pythons backing me up brutha...so let me ask the question again this time. Whatcha Gonna Do Kanyon...WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU! [/I] Hogan pauses and then adds... [I]Hogan: Tonight! [/I] [I]Schiavone: Hogan-Kanyon tonight? You have to be kidding me! Heenan: Is Hogan mad? Kanyon is gonna kill him. Because really, who better dan Kanyon? [/I] [B][CENTER]WCW Tag Title Tourney Qualifier [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] [I]Vampiro & Keiji Mutoh vs. Chavo Jr. & Lash LeRoux [/I][/CENTER] Both teams were former tag champions. Both teams haven't teamed up for awhile but this match got instant attention because it was freakin' Keiji Mutoh returning to the WCW for this tourney! The Japan legend in the ring again! Chavo and Lash weren't really on the same page since the two drifted their own ways since the end of MIA. Lash was getting beat up by Mutoh who then tagged in Vampiro. After an exchange of offense, Lash got a desperation enziguri on Vamprio and then leapt to make the hot tag to Chavo who leapt off the rope and walked away, not wanting anything to do with Lash. Lash looked at Chavo in disbelief and then turned around...into the Nail in the Coffin! And is all she wrote! [B][CENTER]A Flair For Sin...[/CENTER][/B] Envy, Pride and Greed personified. Dustin Rhodes, WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Steiner, and Kanyon stood backstage. [I]Rhodes: Well Ric Flair, I hope you learned your lesson. There is nothing that can stop this united force of sin. Alone, we are imposing. Together, we are unstoppable. You cannot defeat us. Bill Goldberg cannot defeat us. Booker T proved that at Starrcade that he was no match for the Seven Deady Sins. And even...[/I] Dustin twitches... [I]Rhodes: Him...that fool that claims to be returning...he won't match up to us. We understand our full potential and aren't held back by morals or beliefs. And that is why we reign and you fall. Kanyon: Lemme ask you a question WCW. Whose better than D7? That's right...no one! Steiner: Mess with D7, we break you. Holla if you hear me. [/I] [B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match "Sugar" Shane Helms [c] vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [/CENTER][/B] The legendary Jushin Thunder Lyger is back in WCW for another match. Going up against the current WCW Cruiserweigt Champ no less. Granted Helms still has awhile to go, hence the fact this match didn't mesh that great. Maybe it was also nerves considering he was competing against what many consider to be the greatest Junior ever. For a good portion of the match, Lyger was simply dominating the bewildered Helms. But fighting like a true champ, Helms found a way back into the match. He capitalized on a failed Lyger Bomb and lifted the legend up...Vertebreaker! Helms quickly pounced and actually got three count! Helms could almost not believe the fact he just beat Jushin Thunder Lyger clean. [B][CENTER]Destrucity![/CENTER][/B] A music video showing highlights from the Warrior's carrer are showed and clips from the Starrcade showdown are shown. It ends with the Warrior going face to face with Hogan. [B][CENTER]Wrath vs. Konnan [/CENTER][/B] Operation: Wrath is a Monster continues as the punishing D7 member went up against Konnan. The former US Champ did his best to try cutting Wrath but almost all of K-Dawg's moves were practically no-sold. A big boot and Meltdown later...and it was all she wrote. [B][CENTER]A "Kronik" Problem?[/CENTER][/B] Wrath is celebrating in the ring, looking imposing. However, Brian Adams hits the ring and attacks Wrath. The two big men go toe to toe, trading lefts and rights. The fight eventually spills outside the ring and then into the crowd as security tries to break them up. [B][CENTER]Mike Awesome vs. Bill DeMott [/CENTER][/B] The return of Mike Awesome who had needed sometime off to rehab himself from being "That 70s Guy" and the "Fat Chick Thriller". DeMott is coming off of a losing streak caused by the loss of the United States title. The outcome of this match is not all that hard to figure out. DeMott puts up a good fight but in the end...all it took was one Awesome Bomb and it was good night Mr. DeMott. [CENTER][B]Perfection vs. Brilliance [/B][/CENTER] Lance Storm was in the ring following the commercial break. He had a mic in his hands. [I]Storm: I laid down the challenge for any competitor to attempt to take the United States Title from me. Now while I admit I was...surprised...by the appearance of the Perfect One...Curt Hennig. But don't you get me wrong. I am Lance Storm. I am from Calgary. Alberta. Canada. I do not back down and Curt Hennig will become just another victim of the Maple Leaf! [/I] Curt Hennig's music hits and he stands out on the stage. [I]Hennig: Is that right Storm? You think you are going to make me, the Perfect One...Curt Hennig tap out? Lance, you are kidding yourself. But how about we put this claim of yours to test. Lance Storm...Curt Hennig...WCW Sin...Submission match! [/I] Storm pauses for a moment and then answers. [I]Storm: You're on! [/I] [CENTER][B]Hulk Hogan vs. Positively Kanyon [/B][/CENTER] Yes you read it right. Hulk freakin' Hogan wrestling in a match on WCW Nitro. This match was a Hogan match by the book but the crowd still ate it up pretty good. He threw Kanyon around the ring like a ragdoll and Kanyon, true to his quickly improving self, sold it great. Backrakes and eyerakes were part of Hogan's arsenal and even those moves got a great reaction. Eventually Hogan went for a backdrop and Kanyon caught him. This led to a lengthy Hogan beatdown. In what seemed to be the end of the match, Kanyon caught Hogan with the Kanyon Cutter! The crowd cheered for Hogan to kick out as Kanyon covered the "Hulkster". [I]Schiavone: We may see the greatest upset in the history of our sport tonight! Heenan: One...two...NO! Not again! Schiavone: Hogan kicked out! Oh my, the "Hulkster" has kicked out! [/I] Hogan began to Hulk Up much to the delight of the crowd. Kanyon attempted to punch Hogan a few times but he shrugged them off. One more punch and Hogan shook his head and pointed at Kanyon and shouted, along with the entire crowd, "YOU!". One big punch...an irish whip...the big boot! Hogan cupped his ear, seeing if the crowd wanting to drop the big leg drop. However the Warrior's music began to play and Warrior stepped out onto the stage. He pointed at Hogan, whose attention was immediately drawn to him. This allowed Kanyon to pull him around and...KANYON CUTTER! Kanyon covered Hogan again and...one...two...three! The crowd erupted into a chorus of boos as Kanyon stole a victory from the Immortal Hulk Hogan! [CENTER][B]MAIN EVENT Goldberg & Rey Mysterio vs. The Steiner Brothers [/B][/CENTER] Now this was a main event. Two hugely popular favorites going against two of the hated members of the devilish D7 stable. Not only that but these two are the legendary Steiner Brother tandem teaming together for the first time in almost half a decade. And this match was a smorgasboard of heat. The in ring work wasn't all that hot since really Rey was the only "great talent" in the ring. But Golberg, Scott and Rick all knew the steps to play and that brought the hype and grativitas of their characters. Everyone got time to shine in this match. Rey shocked some folks with some spectacular high-risk moves and got a huge pop when Goldberg benchpressed him and threw him out of the ring on top of the Steiners. Yet the Steiners even got a smattering of cheers when they started to pull out some of the classic Steiner material from the playbook. They almost got the win with the Steiner Bulldog..from the top rope! But Goldberg saved the match by interrupting the fall. Rey almost was trapped into the Steiner Recliner but he squirmed free and then tucked and did a foward roll, leaping up and out into a very hot tag from Goldberg. A side kick to Scott and then...a press slam! Goldberg posed for the crowd which allowed Scott to tag in Rick. "Da Man" really didn't seem to care and caught the rushing Rick with the Spear. Goldberg lifted Rick up and nailed the Jackhammer. Scott tried to go and break up the fall but a hand grabbed his ankle from outside the ring. He turned around and it was Booker T! He was back! The two tussled on the floor outside the ring as the three count was made, ending the match. With Booker distracted for a moment, Steiner reached down and under the apron and pulled out the lead pipe, nailing Booker with it! [B][CENTER]A Sinful Beatdown...[/CENTER][/B] Before the two can celebrate, Rhodes and Nash were in the ring, attacking both men. Rhodes nailed Rey with the Curtain Call. Goldberg started to fight back and actually caught Dustin with a Spear. He did the throat slash gesture and signalled the Jackhammer. Nash grabbed a hold of him and rocked Goldberg with a few heavy knees. A side slam and then Nash yanked down his straps and flashed the "2 Sweet" hand signal. He grabbed Goldberg as Rhodes got up to his feet and lifted "Da Man" into the Jacknife. As Nash slammed him down, Dustin shoved down on the shoulders of Goldberg to make the move hurt even worse. [CENTER][B]He Is Coming Back...[/B][/CENTER] As D7's Rhodes, Nash and the Steiners celebrate, the lights go out again and the tron lights up against with an abandoned ring, everything in grayscale. The same voice from before begins to speak... [I]Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This place holds a sad place in one man's heart. It was here, on one night, those that he served and protected turned their back on him. Those who should have trusted him failed to trust him. [/I] A quick flash of the WarGames cage... [I]But he returned to those who had no faith left in him. He returned because they needed a hero...[/I] The screen showed the ring again and a man stood in the center. Just like before, his visage was hidden by the light. [I]A hero is needed again...so he shall return once more...[/I] And then...a familar little girl's voice begin to echo... [I]When a man's heart is full of deceit it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow falls over his soul. From the ashes of a once-great man has risen a curse, a wrong that must be righted. We look to the skies for a vindicator, someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him. The battle between good and evil has begun. Against an army of shadows comes the Dark Warrior, the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence and a mission of justice.[/I] A crack of lightning... [I] This...[/I] A rolling rumble of thunder... [I]...Is...[/I] And finally the spotlight shining on the figure in the video spun around to illuminate the man. The black leather trenchcoat, the jet black hair, the white and black facepaint...the bat in hand...everyone in the arena knew who the man was but the litle girl let them know in case they didn't... [I].... Sting.[/I] [Only a C card. 8,532 in attendance and a 16.41 TV rating on TNT.]
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[I]WCW.com-[/I] The Thunder card has been released! The Steiners in action! The vacant TV Title is filled! [B]WCW Tag Title Semi-Final Qualifier Triple Threat Tag Match [/B] [I]The Steiner Brothers vs. London & Styles vs. The Boogie Knights [Disqo/Alex Wright [/I] [B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match[/B] [I]"Sugar" Shane Helms [c] vs. Shannon Moore [/I] [B]TV Title Match [/B] [I]Bill DeMott vs. Buff Bagwell vs. Shawn Stasiak Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Curt Hennig Booker T. vs. Jeff Jarrett[/I]
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WCW Thunder: January , Week 2 [B][CENTER]WCW Thunder [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from Hale Arena in Kansas City, MO [/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]WCW Tag Team Tourney Qualifier 3 Way Dance The Steiner Brothers vs. AJ Styles & Paul London & The Boogie Knights [Disqo/Alex Wright] [/CENTER][/B] The first in ring team of the Steiner Brothers ever since their breakup. The crowd was actually popping for some of the vintage Steiner moves. This match was all Steiners, all the time. The end came when Rick hit a double clothesline on both Styles and London. A Bulldog to Disqo set up the Steiner Recliner from Scotty for the win. [B][CENTER]Hey Slapnuts...Hey Sucka! [/CENTER][/B] Jeff Jarrett was in the ring, mic in hand. [I]Jarrett: Shut up slapnuts. I'm out here to complain about the tragic bias going on in this company. I mean look at me, I'm the best thing in this company. I beat Ric Flair in the middle of the ring and yet that old has been is being featured instead of me! Now I'm not...[/I] Jarrett gets cut off by the music of the man who will be challenging Scott Steiner once again at WCW Sin, Booker T. [I]Booker T: Tell me you didn't just say that! Bias in this company? Jarrett, you're like the pot calling the kettle black. I've worked my way up in this buisness the hardway. I never had anyone pulling strings for me, unlike you. But you want a chance to show you are the best, how 'bout you and me, in the ring tonight? Jarrett: You and me? It's on! Now choke on that slapnuts! Booker: Nah, it's more like...choke on that...SUCKA! [/I] [B][CENTER]Hogan-Warrior Hype [/CENTER][/B] A short video package keeping the two legends in the minds of the fans. [B][CENTER]Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore [/CENTER][/B] This was a pretty decent match. However with Helms-Kidman lined up for Sin, there was little doubt who was going to win this match of former 3 Count'ers. So it wasn't too suprising to see Helms get the win after a Nightmare on Helms Street! [B][CENTER]Uneasy Allies...[/CENTER][/B] Helms has no time to celebrate because Moore attacks him after the match and is joined by Kaz, Moore and Evan Karagias. The crowd cheers as Kidman rushes out to even the odds and the two opponents at Sin stave off the attack. [B][CENTER]Televison Title Match Triple Threat Elimination Match Bill DeMott vs. Shawn Stasiak vs. Buff Bagwell [/CENTER][/B] DeMott is coming off a streak of losses and Stasiak is left out in the cold after the explosion of the Thrillers. And one would think Bagwell would love to bring the TV Title home to D7. This match was pretty adequate. The first elimination came when Buff was perched up top, looking to nail the Blockbuster but Booker T came out and shoved Buff off. This allowed DeMott to squash him with the No Laughing Matter. The moment DeMott got up to his feet, Stasiak rolled him up for the 3 count and to become the new TV Champ! [B][CENTER]WOOO! [/CENTER][/B] Backstage in front of the Thunder set... [I]Flair: WOOO! The Nature Boy is here in Kansas City! Dustin Rhodes and your sinful stablemates, you are trying to ruin WCW. But WOOO! it ain't happening! You see Dustin, diamonds are forever and just like the Nature Boy, so is WCW! WCW Management was happy to obliged to the concept of Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes getting old school at WCW Sin in a WOOO! Texas Bullrope Match! That's right boy, I'm gonna whoop your WOOO! sorry ass in your daddy's match! WOOO! [/I] [B][CENTER]Challenge Accepted... [/CENTER][/B] The moment after Flair finished the promo, Rhodes bursted onto the scene and attacked him. After throwing Flair into the set and slamming a chair down upon him, Dustin spit on him. [I]Dustin: See you at Sin then, Flair. At Sin, you'll never forget the name of...*deep inhale* Dustin Rhodes! [/I] [B][CENTER]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Curt Hennig [/CENTER][/B] Wow! This match really was cooking on all cylinders! Hennig didn't seem to have any rust and both of these men sold their offenses like they were going out of style. One interesting spot had Mysterio imitating the Hennig neck snap and bouncing off the ropes to catching a rising Hennig with a dropkick to the face. Eventually Mysterio's high risk crash and burned as he missed a big crossbody from the top. When he got to his feet...Hennig-Plex and that is all she wrote! [This match got a A*] [B][CENTER]The Implosion of Kronik [/CENTER][/B] A video recap of Brian Adams returning to attack Wrath is shown. [B][CENTER]MAIN EVENT Booker T vs. Jeff Jarrett [/CENTER][/B] This match was a perfect main event. The crowd was red hot for it and it was a good return for Booker after his week off from competing. Jarrett continued his great work, working over Booker. Eventually Booker started to fight back and even hit the Scissors Kick. He didn't have enough energy to cover right away so when he did, Jarrett ended up kicking out. Jarrett regained the edge and looked to put the match away with the Stroke but Flair came out, which distracted Jarrett. That allowed Booker to nail him with the Book End for the win! [B][CENTER]A Big Finish...[/CENTER][/B] As Jarrett and Flair powder out in a brawl, Booker gets attacked by the D7 contingent of Rhodes, Kanyon and Scott Steiner. They all take turns in working over Booker until, to a huge crowd reaction, out comes Goldberg. Kanyon eats a Spear and so does Steiner. Dustin bails before he can get nailed too. Goldberg stands in front of Booker, protecting him as the show goes off air. [B+ Show. 22.50 rating on TBS]
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[I]WCW.com-[/I] The Nitro card has been released... [I]Wrath vs. Elix Skipper [/I] [B]WCW Hardcore Title [/B] [I]Rick Steiner [c] vs. Konnan "Sugar" Shane Helms & Sean O'Haire & Lance Storm vs. Curt Hennig & Billy Kidman & Mark Jindrak [/I] [I]Mike Awesome vs. Vampiro [/I] [B]WCW Tag Team Title Qualifying Match [/B] [I]Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. The Marmalukes Ric Flair vs. "Positively" Kanyon [/I] Predictions welcome...
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  • 3 months later...
[Well folks that have read this one [all those way back in...umm...September], I had tried running two dynasties and then let this one sit for awhile. Then I stopped the other one due to time constraints. Now hopefully I can pick it back up...mostly because I'm missing ol' WCW ever since Tristam's WCW diary went on hiatus.] [B]Nitro Recap [/B] -Nitro had opened up with a glorified squash with Wrath defeating Elix Skipper. Brian Adams showed up after the match and got into a staredown with his former partner. -Dustin Rhodes gets spooked throughout the show by apparently Sting. -Rick Steiner defended his Hardcore Title against Konnan. -Jarret and Flair, still with unresolved issues, get into a brawl backstage. -A six man tag with Curt Hennig/Mark Jindrak/Billy Kidman against Shane Helms/Sean O'Haire/and Lance Storm occured with Storm's team being DQ'ed after Storm nailed Hennig with a chair. -Mike Awesome beat Vampiro. -The Filthy Animals [Rey/Kidman] beat the Marmalukes to advance into the semi-finals of the Tag Tourney, against the Steiners. -Ric Flair and "Positively" Kanyon went to a draw that saw a huge brawl occur between those two, Goldberg, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Dustin Rhodes. [B]Thunder Recap [/B] -D7 rips on Booker T and Goldberg during the show. -Hyping their impending ladder match at Sin, Kidman and Shane Helms teamed up against 3 Count and won. They have a uneasy staredown following the match. -Ric Flair announces the first of the new Horsemen debut at Sin as part of Team WCW in the big 8 man tag. -Rick Steiner defends his Hardcore Title against Bill DeMott. -Nash and Flair argue which leads to a later match. - Hennig beat Rey Jr. with a Hennig-Plex. Lance Storm attacks Hennig after the match. -Nash beats Flair afte Rhodes interfered, finishing things off with a Con-Chair-To. -Goldberg/Booker/Adams team up and beat Kanyon/Steiner/Wrath in the main event. Coupled with Flair and Rhodes coming back out, a huge 8 man brawl closes the show. [B]Nitro Recap [/B] -Jarrett/Douglas beat London/Styles. -Hennig is interviewed about Storm. -Helms/Chavo/Christoper Daniels beat the Jung Dragons. -Rhodes gets spooked again by the presence of Sting. -Storm beat DeMott. Hennig returns the favor and attacks Storm. -Goldberg beats Buff Bagwell. A Sin beatdown occurs on Goldberg. -Keiji Mutoh and Vampire find out who their mystery semi-final opponents are. The Nitro crowd becomes unglued with the return of the Road Warriors! A Doomsday Device sends the legendary tag team into the finals at Sin. -More Hogan-Warrior hype. -Rhodes/Nash beat Flair/Booker after Kanyon interfered. This led to another Sin beatdown but the second big return of the night occurs as Sting finally returns, running D7 off. [B]Thunder Recap [/B] -The Steiners beat Kidman/Rey to advance to the finals. This leads to a hair-raising staredown between Steiners and Road Warriors. -Hogan and Warrior argue about who is the bigger legend. -Jarrett/Douglas beat Marmalukes. -Rhodes hypes the Bullrope match. -Goldberg/Adams went to a Double DQ with Kanyon/Wrath and they turn back an attack by Steiner/Buff. -Booker beats Buff Bagwell. Big Poppa Pump attacks Booker afterwards. -Sting and Flair team up to take on Rhodes and Nash. It leads to a double DQ after both Kanyon interfered and a returning DDP interfered.
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[CENTER][B]WCW Sin[/B] [I]Live From the Reunion Center in Dallas, TX [/I] [B]Dark Match [/B][/CENTER] Jeff Jarrett wins a dark show battle royale. [B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Title Ladder Match [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]"Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman [/CENTER][/I] What a way to kick off WCW Sin as the reigning champion, Helms, attempts to turn back another challenger to the Cruiserweight Title. The match, to be honest, wasn't as great as WCW management would have loved it to be. It still had some high spots to keep the crowd going but it felt rather disjointed. The end came with Helms nailing a Nightmare on Helms Street onto the ladder and then climbing the aformentioned ladder to retrieve the belt. [B][CENTER]The Champ Speaks... [/CENTER][/B] Pamela Paulshock is backstage with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Steiner. The champ poses while Paulshock asks questions. [I]Paulshock: Scott Steiner, tonight you defend your WCW World Heavyweight Title against Booker T. A man who just one month ago, it took the entire group soon named The Seven Deadly Sins to defeat. Tonight, you square off against Booker again. How do you think you can escape this match with your title? Steiner: Escape? Do you forget who you are talking to? I am Big Poppa Pump. I'm the World Heavyweight Champion with the Biggest Peaks and the Most Freaks. I am the Big Bad Booty Daddy and I'm the man who is going to break Booker T in half. You see, walking into the ring with Scott Steiner is like grabbing onto a live wire baby. You just don't do it unless you want to leave in a body bag. Now if you excuse me, Big Poppa Pump has a tag title match to get to. And don't forget, Big Poppa Pump is your hookup. Holla if you hear me. [/I] [CENTER] [B]WCW World Tag Team Title [CENTER]Tag Team Title Final [/B][/CENTER] [I]The Steiner Brothers vs. The Road Warriors [/I][/CENTER] In terms of ring action, this was a stiff and sometimes ugly affair. But that is not what has brought most of these guys to the dance. To the fans, the lack of a catch as catch can style was largely ignored as all four brought a hardnosed, roughneck style of fighting to the page. Some great tandem offense was seen with both teams busting out all of their classic, vintage moves. One hilarious spot in the match saw the match turned into an all-out brawl and Scott and Hawk nailing clotheslines on thier respective opponents. The two would then glare at each other and attempt to out clothesline each other...Scott with Animal and Hawk with Rick. The Steiners attempted a top rope Steiner Bulldog but Animal broke up the attempt and then lifted Rick up onto his shoulders so Hawk could come leaping off with the Doomsday Device for the win and the WCW Tag Team Titles. [B][CENTER]The Return of an Icon...[/CENTER][/B] Tony Schiavone narrates a video package encompassing the return of the legendary Sting. It started with the video and bat and led to the in ring arrival of Sting to help clear out D7. [B][CENTER]Deathmatch [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Vampiro vs. Keji Mutoh [/CENTER][/I] What a bloody match. After failing to defeat the Road Warriors, Vampiro and Mutoh decided to settle the argument of "whose fault" it was that they lost. For the unitiated and maybe younger, nWo-raised, WCW generation, it was a treat to see the legendary Mutoh getting outright nasty in the ring with Vampiro. These two busted out everything, chairs...barbed wire...thumbtacks. At one point, Mutoh backdropped Vampiro over the top rope and onto a large piece of wood wrapped in barbed wire. However, the end of this bloody contest came when Vampiro nailed Mutoh with a Nail in the Coffin into a mesh of barbed wire. [B][CENTER]A Sign of Respect...[/CENTER][/B] Both Vampiro and Mutoh are drenched in their blood but a respectful Vampiro offers a hand to the legendary Mutoh. The legend wipes some blood from his face and then shakes Vampiro's hand. [B][CENTER] WCW Television Title Triple Threat Match [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER] Shawn Stasiak [c] vs. Sean O'Haire vs. Mark Jindrak [/CENTER][/I] Some of the freshest blood...and most succesful of the "New Blood" brought into the WCW earlier during the Russo era. O'Haire and Jindrak had been partners but split after Jindrak saved Rey Jr. from a O'Haire chairshot. Stasiak shocked fan by winning the reactivated Television Title. Both O'Haire and Jindrak came in gunning for the title but everytime either man came close to putting Stasiak away, they would break up each others falls. Stasiak eventually went on a run and took it to both men. The end came with Stasiak getting dumped to the outside and O'Haire catching Jindrak with a lowblow...that led into a O'Haire delivered Reverse DVD. And one three count later, O'Haire was the new TV Champ. .... [I]Later On...Nash vs. DDP in a Last Man Standing Match. Flair-Rhodes in a Bullrope match. The WCW Title match and the debut of the Horsemen member you never saw coming. And that's...the bottom line. [/I] [Note...I'm just breaking it up because I don't have time to finish the card write up tonight.]
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[WCW Sin continues...] [B][CENTER]The Challenger Prepares...[/CENTER][/B] The #1 contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Title, Booker T, is shown backstage in his locker room, preparing for the huge main event between him and Scott Steiner. [B][CENTER]Last Man Standing Match [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash vs. Diamond Dallas Page [/CENTER][/I] This match got off to a brutal start as Page attacked Nash on his way down to the ring. The angry DDP was looking for revenge for Nash putting him out for most of the month after the shocking attack at Starrcade. DDP held control of the match to start off but momentum changed as he attempted to leap off the apron, to the outside, with a double axehandle. Nash had stepped out out of the way and shoved the falling Page into the guardrail. Nash would work over page for a good five minutes or so as he utilized the steel stairs, whipping Page into them, knocking the steps over. Nash would move the match into the ring and DDP would get nailed with a big boot and then a Snake Eyes. "Big Sexy" sensed it was time to finish things so he brought down the straps as he set DDP up for a Jacknife powerbomb. DDP countered out of it and landed on his feet...nailing the discus clothesline. Page would exit the ring and come back in with a chair. By the time he got back into the ring, Nash was back up and booted the chair into DDP's face. That only got a six count as Page battled on but it did give Nash a decent time to regather his energy. Nash went for the Jacknife again but once again Page countered it, proving to be very elusive. A Diamond Cutter, out of nowhere, was the answer to that Jacknife attempt. Nash was already stirring at seven and, with the aide of the ropes, was up at nine. He and Page brawled a little bit longer and Nash attempted to irish whip Page...setting up for perhaps to catch Page and sideslam him onto the set up chair...but Page ducked under it...Nash spun around...Diamond Cutter onto the chair! Page pulled himself up with the ropes and took deep breaths as he waited to see if Nash would stir. At the count of eight, "Big Sexy" was trying to get to his feet and was almost rising at nine but fell back down as the ref counted to ten, giving Page the catharactic win in a brutal and very well recieved match. [B][CENTER]More Warrior-Hogan Hype...[/CENTER][/B] Another video hyping the Hogan-Warrior rivalry. [B][CENTER]WCW United States Title Submission Match [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][I]Lance Storm [c] vs. Curt Hennig [/I][/CENTER] These two tore down the house in a match just as good as Nash/Page but this match was awesome in an entirely different context. Storm and Hennig sold each other like there was no tomorrow and put on a wrestling clinic. The "Perfect One" got a huge pop when he busted out a top rope crossbody, a move very uncharacteristic of him. Storm would attempt to one up him later as the match spilled to outside the ring and Storm eventually got Hennig in position to latch on a ringpost figure four leglock...much to the delight of the fans. Hennig was in enough pain to tap out but since it was an illegal hold, the ref would not count it. Hennig would gain the upper advantage later on, back in the ring, nailing the Perfect Neckbreaker and the Hennig-Plex. And, using the ropes to stretch Storm, he locked on a Dragon Sleeper. This painful move was enough to make Storm tap out but once again, like the figure four leglock, it was not adnowledged by the ref due to the illegal nature of the move. Hennig, still favoring his leg, attempted to Hennig-Plex Stom again but this time that leg gave out on him. That give Storm the opening to grab Curt and turn him over into the Straightshooter. Hennig reached for the ropes valiantly but just as his fingers grazed the strand, Storm pulled him closer to the center of the ring and finally Hennig had no choice but to tap out, giving Storm the win. [B][CENTER]Respect...[/CENTER][/B] Barely able to stand on his leg, Hennig hobbled over to where Storm was being handed the United States title. He gestured to Storm for a handshake and Storm looked down at Hennig and then shook his hand. [B][CENTER]And The New Horseman is....[/CENTER][/B] [I]WOOO![/I] The crowd looks around and then sees that Flair's face is on the tron. The Nature Boy is backstage, dressed to compete in his bullrope match, which is after the 8 man tag. Flair claps his hands together... [I]Flair: I told you WCW fans, that I, WOOO!, Ric Flair, would find the man WCW needed to help combat D7. I knew tonight, WCW could count on Brian Adams wanting to get revenge on Wrath. That they could count on Rey Mysterio to fight against the odds and be a giant killer, even against men like Buff Bagwell and Rick Steiner. And I knew that Da Man, Goldberg, would make Kanyon fear the spear. But the Nature Boy, WOOO!, that's me...knew that WCW needed something a little more special. That WCW needed the best in the buisness on its side. It need the perfect blend of agility, strength, charisma. It needed to be the byproduct of By God, WOOO!, evolution. And I searched high and low...I went to Japan...I went to India...I took a trip to the backyard...I took a trip to your wife's bedroom, fat boy, WOOO! I even took a crap in Philly and then I found my gift to the WCW. It was in New York that I found my new Horseman. Bred through three generations of wrestling, I've found the man who will lead WCW into the next dynasty.... [/I] Ric grins... [I]Flair: If you smell what I'm cooking. [/I] And the crowd goes insane as a new theme hits the PA system and out from the back walks The Great One...The Rock! [I]Schiavone: Oh my God! Ric Flair has brought The Rock to WCW! I can't quite comprehend this fact but The Rock is here, in WCW! Heenan: Wait, The Rock? I can't be seeing this Tony. The Rock, in the WCW? [/I] [B][CENTER]8 Man Tag Match The Rock/Goldberg/Rey Mysterio Jr./Brian Adams vs. Buff Bagwell/"Positively" Kanyon/Rick Steiner/Wrath [/CENTER][/B] Rey started off the match against Buff and the opening moments of the match were nothing more than a chance for Rey to show off his moves. A quick tag brought Goldberg in and Buff immediately got out of dodge and tagged in Rick Steiner. Steiner and Goldberg traded blows for a few minutes and then Steiner ate a kick to the jaw thanks to "Da Man". Steiner would tag in Wrath and Goldberg tagged in an eager Adams. The two former members of Kronik went toe to toe, slugging it out like two mighty beasts. And then they brawled out of the ring and into the crowd. Since the two of them ultimately cancelled each other out, the ref allowed the match to go on as Rey took the place and that led to an extended beatdown by Kanyon who then ended up tagging in Buff. Rey eventually got the hot tag to The Rock who came in a literal house of fire. He caught an intruding Steiner with a spinebuster and planted Buff with one too. Kanyon tried to attack Rock but Goldberg came in and plowed through him with a Spear. With Buff down and out, Rock kicked his arm into place and for the first time in WCW history, the elbow pad got thrown off... [I]Schiavone: The Rock nails Buff Bagwell with the People's Elbow! And the cover...One...Two...Three! Heenan: You have to be kidding me...you have to believe Dustin Rhodes won't be happy about more than half of D7 being beat tonight. Schiavone: But you have to believe Rhodes never thought that Flair would bring The Rock to WCW! [/I] [B][CENTER]Bullrope Match [/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Dustin Rhodes vs. Ric Flair [/CENTER][/I] Oh boy. This match topped anything that came before it so far. And considering some of the awesome matches that have occured on this PPV, it is shocking these two could raise the bar. While it didn't have the outright hardcore brutality of Vampiro/Mutoh or the Last Man Standing match, you had perhaps the greatest competitor in wrestling history and the son of the legendary "American Dream". These two put on one heck of a pyschological match. Flair took everything Rhodes gave him and the cagey veteran kept on asking for more. At one point, Flair was opened up wide and started bleeding heavily [who is suprised by that?]. Flair came roaring back with a barrage of chops and clotheslined Rhodes with the bullrope. Flair almost got the win with a Figure Four Leglock but Rhodes reversed it. Flair then got irish whipped into the ringpost and did a vintage flip over it and onto the apron. Rhodes caught Flair with a clothesline and then wrapped the bullrope around Flair's throat and proceeded to kick Flair's legs out from under him and use the rope to hang Flair over the top rope. Flair flailed as he tried to free himself but he couldn't. Flair's flailing got a little weaker and the ref, taking caution into hand, called for the bell before Flair got himself killed. [B][CENTER]It's Not Over...[/CENTER][/B] After the conclusion of the match, Rhodes shoved the ref away and kept on brutalizing a bloody Flair. That is until the crowd screamed in delight as Sting propelled from the rafters, bat in hand. Rhodes hightailed it out of the ring as Dark Warrior pointed the bat at him, staring silently. Rhodes backed up the ramp as Sting stood between him and Flair. [B][CENTER]WCW World Heavyweight Title [/CENTER][/B] [I]Scott Steiner [c] vs. Booker T [/I] At WCW Starrcade, it seemed Booker T was about to usher in a new title reign. But the final moments of that match led to the formation of the The Seven Deadly Sins. However, WCW Managment decided that the fact that Booker fought through five extra men and almost won the match was enough to warrant a rematch. A rematch with no interference. And boy oh boy, Booker was hot for the start of this match. Steiner had no rest for the first three or four minutes which, as we all know, is absolutely hell for Scotty. Eventually Scott gained the big advantage with a painful belly to belly suplex. He spent the next few minutes working over Booker with various suplexes, headlocks and a few stiff clotheslines thrown in for good measure. Steiner nails him with a side salto and then another belly to belly and proceeds to do the pushups. Steiner would have the advantage for a bit longer until he attempted to nail another stiff clothesline and Booker ducks it, nailing a side kick out of complete desperation. Major comeback is now in effect and after a series of moves, it culminates as Booker nails the Book End. However, he is so worn out from the Steiner beatdown that he barely gets over to cover Steiner, so it only gets a two count. Booker goes for the Axe Kick but Steiner moves out of the way and nails another belly to belly. Now Steiner locks on the Steiner Recliner. Booker manages to reach the ropes and the crowd is getting rabid at this point as Booker catches Steiner with another Book End. Booker hooks the leg...one...two...kickout! Booker looks at the ref with a look of astonishment and slaps the mat in anger. He waits until Steiner gets up and nails the Axe Kick finally. Booker takes a glance at Steiner and then heads to the top rope...HARLEM HANGOVER! Nailing the Hangover, Booker finally hooks Steiner's leg and covers the muscleman. One...two... Three! Booker wins! Booker T wins! [B][CENTER]A Championship Worthy Celeberation! [/CENTER][/B] Booker T holds the WCW World Heavyweight Title in his hands as the crowd cheers. He holds the belt high as the fireworks go off in the rafters. He drops down to a knee and delivers a PPV Spinna-rooni as WCW Sin goes off the air....
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[B][CENTER]A Look At WCW...[/CENTER][/B] [I]It has been two months, two PPVs, under the new creative regime in World Championship Wrestling. So far, interesting things have happened, some things have stayed the course you would have expected them to. This update is to A) Catch you, the faithful viewer, up on some of the WCW on-goings and B) Point out what is being done right and what is being done wrong and C) Ponder where this will lead us. To do this, we will start by looking at the WCW Title today. [/I] [B][CENTER]WCW Titles[/CENTER][/B] [I]First, we are going to take a look at the WCW Titles and what has occured since the new regime started. [/I] [B]Cruiserweight Title: [/B] At the time of the power shift, "Above Average" Mike Sanders had been the Cruiserweight Champion, enjoying roughly a two month reign. On the very first new Nitro, "Sugar" Shane Helms came away with the victory and the Cruiserweight Title. So far, he has turned back solid challenges from both Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero. He also has solidified his cruiser status with victories over the legendary Jushin Lyger and Hayabusa. Rumor has it that WCW wants to bring in a much-hyped indy talent or perhaps one of the high-flying WWE or ECW competitors to provide a make or break feud for Helms. [B]Hardcore Title: [/B] The Hardcore Title has been in much focus recently. It had a smattering of Crowbar defences. A title change led to Rick Steiner "slumming" with the belt, apparently to just help the D7 stable look even more powerful after its debut at Starrcade. Its hard to say if the Hardcore Title will remain in WCW... [B]Television Title: [/B] Shawn Stasiak was the first guy to win the recently reactivated TV title and soon, Stasiak and the title, were involved in the Jindrak/O'Haire implosion. A Triple Threat Elimination at WCW Sin gave Sean O'Haire the title. With the absolutlly frighteningly talented and young mid-card of WCW, the TV Title should come into it own...bringing back comparisons of the Booker/Beniot/ days. It may take the title a few months to really get a footing outside of the Jindrak/O'Haire feud, but WCW seems to want to make it suceed. [B]United States Title: [/B] Bill DeMott was the first champion and provided a few good matches until dropping the strap to Lance Storm. Storm has since moved onto a very classic feud with Curt Hennig. Not about anything other than the title. With these two going at it, there is no doubt the US Title can shine. [B] World Tag Title: [/B] The Insiders were Tag Champs when the new regime were taking over. The Insiders were not the future of the tag division. So when they split Hall and Nash, fans thought they may elevate a brand new team and give them a huge push. Well that is not exactly what WCW did as their tag team title final at WCW Sin involved two reunited teams...The Steiners and Road Warriors, with the Road Warriors taking the straps. It is fun for nostalgia and all, but one hopes that WCW isn't putting the straps on the RW'ers for long. [B]World Heavyweight Title: [/B] Scott Steiner and Booker T. That has been the focus of the WHT picture for the two months. And why not? These two have had great chemistry. They had a memorable cage match at WCW Starrcade and then topped that match at WCW Sin. Booker T recently won the title at WCW Sin. After the apparent rematch that Steiner will recieve, one has to believe that WCW wants to move away from Steiner as title contender. There is so many paths they can take... [I'm just doing these filler updates for now and also trying to catch folks up if they are just starting to read. If anyone is reading. For those that are reading, any suggestions for the next few months or so? Anything you want to see?]
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[B][CENTER]WCW Nitro![/CENTER][/B] Monday Night Nitro will be coming to you from Cameron Indoor Stadium in Durham, NC...LIVE! -What will happened as WCW experiences the fallout of WCW Sin? The event where we crowned a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion and the first of the new Horsemen debuted, the electric Rock! -The [B]Road Warriors[/B] will be taking on the [B]Boogie Knights [/B][Alex Wright & Disqo] in a tag team contest. Will the Road Warriors keep up the momentum after the clash between the two legendary teams, Road Warriors and Steiners, at WCW Sin? Or can the Knights score perhaps the biggest win of their careers? -WCW Cruiserweight Champion, [B]Shane Helms[/B], will defend his title against young [B]AJ Styles[/B]. Helms has been a fighting champion and looks to add another defense, however this is a big shot for the young AJ. -A quasi-rematch of last night's WCW Sin Television Title match occurs when Sean O'Haire defends his newly won title against the former champion and former Natural Born Thriller comrade, Shawn Stasiak. -The Ultimate Warrior returns to the ring for the first time in over three years! The man charged with facing the muscle-bound competitor from Parts Unknown? The hardcore fighter, Crowbar! -The World Heavyweight Title is on the line as a WCW Sin rematch occurs, the new WCW WHT Champ, Booker T, defending his title against the man he finally defeated for it, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner! Will Steiner reclaim his throne and help regain the control of WCW for the D7 stable or will Booker T prove that his fourth title reign will not be a one night fluke? -Plus the first appearance by The Rock on WCW Nitro, ever! Prediction Card... Road Warriors vs. Boogie Knights Crusierweight Title Match: Shane Helms [c] vs. AJ Styles Television Title Match: Sean O'Haire [c] vs. Shawn Stasiak Ultimate Warrior vs. Crowbar WCW WHT Title Match: Booker T[c] vs. Scott Steiner Predictions are most welcome...feeback too.
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[B]Road Warriors[/B] vs. Boogie Knights Crusierweight Title Match[B]: Shane Helms [/B][c] vs. AJ Styles-Sugar Shane wins strongly Television Title Match: [B]Sean O'Haire [/B][c] vs. Shawn Stasiak-Seanton Bomb beats [B]Ultimate Warrior [/B]vs. Crowbar-Squash City WCW WHT Title Match: [B]Booker T[[/B]c] vs. Scott Steiner-Booker Beats Big Poppa Pump Great Dynasty.I Love that you bring the oldschool WCW
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