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FPW (An After The Fall Mod)

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[I]((First off let me start by saying that it has taken me months of delibration about doing this, but, I keep reading and keep thinking that I may be able to do something worth reading. But, I couldn't make up my mind how I wanted to handle it. First off, my grasp of the Cornelleverse is lacking. While I know real world wrestling pretty good I believe my ideas for either TNA or WWE would be too radical and unreal to pull off any sort od diary that way. Then I discovered a mod that I absolutley feel in love with in The Fall. I played it endless for awhile and just as soon as I discovered it a follow up was being made so I put off this diary until now...))[/I] [B]History:[/B] [I]((The following is taken straight from TommyTomlins post for After The fall. I hope there is no problem in using it for readers who might not be familiar with the mod. If it's not okay I will remove it just ask...))[/I] [QUOTE]...March 2001... At the height of their popularity, with their former enemy WCW vanquished and purchased, the WWF is riding high. It is undoubtably the most powerful promotion in the history of professional wrestling. But questions are being asked about the WCW sale. The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission begins a month-long investigation. ...April 2001... The wrestling world is in shock. The World Wrestling Federation is hit with a three-hundred million dollar fine, after it was revealed that Vince McMahon and AOL-Time Warner executive Jamie Kellner colluded to intentionally lower the purchase price of WCW. Stockholders and investors deserted the WWF, leaving the McMahon family with a humbled empire almost overnight. Disgraced, distraught and heartbroken, with a roster of wrestlers angry at the McMahon's mismanagement, the WWF was effectively shut down. Live events were cancelled, and television contracts were torn up. The McMahons go into isolation. In the months that follow, promotions across the United States shut down left, right and centre. Without the support of the WWF, OVW, HWA and MCW close shop. After the loss of millions of casual fans, promotions such as JAPW, APW and UPW can't support themselves. Even promotions with a more hardcore following such as XPW and CZW close down. Some owners say they'll be back when the industry bounces back. Others leave for good. ...October 2001.... The effects of The Fall are still ongoing, but there is cause for hope. The National Wrestling Alliance, once facing extinction, has re-amalgamated under the leadership of Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. WWF loyalists Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels join the returned Shane McMahon to form Fusion Pro Wrestling. And on the west coast, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan use their connections to form the American Wrestling Federation. This new 'Big Three' is joined by independent federations across the country, and two exciting new touring promotions. In Canada, a rejuvenated Stampede takes the country by storm. The wrestling industry has bounced back from its perilous lows. ...October 2005.... In the four years since The Fall, the wrestling landscape is strong. The 'new' Big 3 - FPW, AWF and the NWA have all grown dramatically. The Extreme has carved out a large cult following. Promotions like STAMPEDE, Pro Wrestling Reborn, Revolution X and ESW are still going strong. Although some promotions have shut their doors (The New Women Of Wrestling and Canada's Border City Wrestling), and others have declined (Legends Of Wrestling), there is a sense of optimism for the future of the business. New promotions have opened their doors, from New England Wrestling on the East Coast, to All-Canadian Pro Wrestling up north, to the mysterious EVAD and the charity-based Wrestling For Shoes. After The Fall, the state of the industry is good. But The War for wrestling supremacy has just begun....[/QUOTE] This is where I come in. For those of you who don't know my name is Darren Douglas. Now, I'm not an ex-wrestler who blew out his knee. Nor, am I some lucky fan who happened to win the lottery. In all honesty, I'm just a guy who loves wrestling. I was too lazy and too uncomfortable with the lifestyle to become a wrestler myself. So, one day I figured it would be cool to instead have a hand in on what happened with those souls who did decide to put their bodies and personal lives on the line to entertain lazy people such as myself. I started out small. Working with some local promotion that was never a blip on anyones radar. Eventually, I made connections and in the wrestling buisness the more connections you have the better it is for you! It's just like any other buisness. Well, except for the fact that most of the guys you work with can bench press you. Now, here I am in one of the top promotions in the world today. Fusion Pro Wrestling! The FPW has a great mixture of stars from attitude era and guys on the cusp of being stars in their own right. I love it here. I think we have some of the best workers the buisness has to offer and we've even managed to sign a few others who where well on their way to stardom elsewhere. The other companys loss is our gain. Now, I've just been here about a month and a half. And it's taken me a while to get the hang of handling this scedual. So, I will have just have to recap the last little bit for you guys. First I'll give you a rundown of my champions. [B]FPW World Heavyweight Champion[/B] "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Micheals (Face) [B]FPW United States Champion[/B] Bob Sapp (Face) [B]FPW World Tag Team Champions[/B] The Dudley Boyz (Faces) [B]FPW Junior Heavyweight Champion[/B] Marty Jannettey (Face) [B][U]The Roster:[/U][/B] [B]The Main Event Scene[/B] Booker T (Face) Chris Benoit (Face) Christain Cage (Heel) Kane (Heel) Leviathan (Heel) Raven (Heel) Samoa Joe (Heel) Shelton Benjamin (Heel) The Undertaker (Face) [B]Upper Midcarder[/B] Alex Shelley (Heel) CM Punk (Heel) Doug Basham (Face) Scotty 2 Hotty (Face) Sean O'Haire (Heel) Steven Regal (Heel) [B]Midcarders[/B] Al Snow (Face) Bob Holly (Heel) Brent Albright (Heel) Bryan Danielson (Heel) Chris Sabin (Face) Christopher Daniels (Heel) Ekmo (Heel) Kimo (Heel) Lance Cade (Heel) Lance Storm (Heel) Spanky (Face) Tajiri (Face) Vampiro (Face) [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] Fit Finlay (Heel) Funaki (Face) Jimmy Wang Yang (Face) Johnny Stamboli (Face) Paul London (Face) Sabu (Face) [B]The Curtain Jerkers (Openers)[/B] Austin Starr (Heel) Little Guido (Face) Michael Shane (Heel) Scorpio (Face) [B]JOB Sqaud (Enhancement Talent)[/B] Frankie Kazarian (Heel) [B]Managers[/B] Melina Perez (Heel) Father James Mitchell (Heel) Dean Malenko (Heel) Konnan (Face) So, there is our roster so far. Yes, we are aware of how unbalanced it is at the moment, but, just give us time and we will blance things out. Soon I'll post a rundown of what you may have missed and then folks we get into the good stuff. I hope you stick with us and enjoy our product... [I]((A rundown of what I've done since the game started about a months worth of work will be coming up very soon))[/I]
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[I]((Okay, so I decided instead of just giving you a rundown of the cards ect. I think it would be best to just cover the main stories and developments so far. My Current Game time is Nov 2005. The game actually started in Oct 2005)) [/I] [B]Shawn Micheals vs Samoa Joe[/B] This has been the main attraction of the company since I took the reigns in October. This fued has been bitter and bloody. On my first show Mick Foley actually turned Heel in his role as GM. Ever since then he has backed Joe and helped to make Micheals life a living hell! [B]The Foley Connection[/B] It's one of our main stables. Consisting of Foley, Joe, Punk and Raven. Basically these guys feel that because they didn't fit the mold anywhere else that'd they'd never be given a fair shake. But, now they have connections. Well, The Foley Connection. Foley said that he knew what it was like to not be cut from the typical cloth of what are considered championship wrestlers, but, he has their backs. [B]Christain Cage and Bob Sapp[/B] Cage was the US champ, but, I didn't think he needed it anymore. This was the push for Sapp. Cage carried the workload when it came to the talk, but, Sapp he got himself over as the silent and deadly type. A Goldberg-ish charecter with a bit more, well, charecter. While the fued is over for now I think we created a rivilary that we could come back to later without it feeling old. [B]Alex Shelley vs Marty Jannettey[/B] Marty is somehow over with crowd. It might be that he still has an on and off again tag team with HBK or it mgith be that people are actually seeing what other companies couldn't capitalize on for years and that is the fact that he actually does have talent. Maybe not enough to carry a world title, but, he adds a different style to our Junior Heavyweight Division. Shelley has been on the verge of being a star. he even won the Rising Star tourniment before I got here. Jannettey did his job and helped me get Alex a little more ready. He is still main eventing just yet, but, has proved to me that it is a possiblity. Jannettey takes the Junior Heavyweight title in the end. He is a great person to have the younger workers in the fed woring with despite his age. [B]Leviathan vs The Undertaker[/B] This was a feud that has been on and off again since before I got here. I decided to turn it on again. I have big plans for this one. I believe more than the two wrestlers involved can benifit fromt hese working together. This feud will be a slow burn and I know that could be a dangerous move. But, stick with me and I may surpise you! [B]CM Punk[/B] I was lucky enough to sign him away from PWR and NWA. I had seen him do some strong babyface work and some strong heel work. So, it was really a toss up on how I brought him in. I thought working alongside Foley however could really add something to his heel charecter. It could also help Punk when he is ready for the big time. [B]Alex Shelley vs Bob Sapp[/B] Ouch. I wanted something fresh and soemthing different and this is what I came up with. Shelley will have to be able to convince the crowds that he has some brains. Because he can't theisibly match brawn with Sapp. I don't want Shelley to become food for Sapp's push. This feud is still in the very early stages because I'm still working out somethings in my head. but, I think by the end that both will benifit and FPW could have something special. [B]Christopher Daniels vs Marty Jannettey[/B] There is probably no one as under apperciated on any roster than the types of guys who end up in the lightweight divisions. they are some of the most gifted men in the ring yet their size dictates a lot. I want the Junior Heavyweight division to be soemthing different. I want their to be rivalries and matches that people watch for more than all the cool moves. This feud is two wrestlers that I see being very alike and very different at the same time. Daniels is on the verge of being a breakout depite the fact that I've neglected him a bit since I got here. The fans want to see more of him. Well this is their chance. He will be built as a different kind of lightweight. I hope he will be seen more as a threat than anything else and I hope this will carry with him throughout his time in FPW. [B]Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Benoit[/B] The matches themselves have been somewhat disapointing to me, but, the reactions that Shelton is getting make it all worthwhile. After one month of working with benoit Benjamin is a bonafide maineventer. This one will likley end soon as interest is now dwindling when it comes to fans. A real shame too. Well this brings you pretty much up to date except for some projects that you will start seeing bloom before your very eyes. If you guys ever feel lost or that I haven't explained the history of someone/something enough when we come to it let me know. [I]((First Card should be up in the next day or so maybe even this evening.))[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]FPW Presents Thursday Warfare!![/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Your Announce Team:[/B] Joey Styles and Kevin Nash [B][CENTER]Dark Match[/CENTER][/B] [B]Michael Shane vs Tajiri[/B] Match is pretty good perhaps good enough to be on the main show, but, my road agents don't think Michael Shane is ready to be on camera yet. He gets the win following a little bending of the rules. [I]Rating B[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]FPW Thursday Warfare Results November 2005 Week 2[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][CENTER]Opening Segment[/CENTER][/B] Samoa Joe comes out for an interveiw he talks about how since their last ppv encounter HBK has been ducking him. This brings out HBK who promises Joe that he is not being ducked. He says Joe is afraid to face him man to man. That he and his friends just want to try and wear him down. He says when the time is right he will have his revenge. Joe says "we'll see". Crowd really dug it. [I]Rating A[/I] [B][CENTER]Backstage Altercation[/CENTER][/B] Chris Sabin bumps into Bob Holly causing Holly to accuse Sabin of having no respect. Sabin says if Holly wants respect he better Come to the ring and earn it. [I]Rating C+ [/I] [B][CENTER]Chris Sabin vs Bob Holly[/CENTER][/B] No matter what Sabin tries it doesn't work in this match. He is out powered by Holly. Still the crowd loves the match. Finally when it looks like Sabin takes controll there's the dreaded ref bump. Holly uses a chair and revives the ref for the 1-2-3. [I]Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]I Don't Like Your Attitude[/CENTER][/B] Backstage Mick Foley welcomes Shawn into his office. He tells Shawn that he doesn't like him coming out and interupting one of his top stars. He says it shows a lack of respect and the early signs of an attitude problem. Shawn asks Foley what he's going to do about it. Foley laugh and replys that HBK better go get ready for a match with Kane . If he doesn't win he'll be stripped of the title.[I] Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]Up Next![/CENTER][/B] We see CM Punk walking towards the ring Joey Styles and Kevin Nash inform us that he will be in action next against Sabu. [I]Rating B [/I] [B][CENTER]CM Punk vs Sabu[/CENTER][/B] This match wasn't as great as I had hoped. CM Punk seemed a little off his game tonight and they just didn't click. Makes me wish I had given this one a descisive finish so I didn't have to book them together again. Double Count Out. [I]Rating C[/I] [B][CENTER]Nothing To Fear[/CENTER][/B] Backstage Father James Mitchell is warning Marty Jannettey that he has nothing to fear, but, fear itself. It just so happens that his client Christopher Daniels embodies everything that is fearful in one human being! [I]Rating B [/I] [B][CENTER]Sneaky Sneaky[/CENTER][/B] Scott Hudson is in Bob Sapps locker room asking him about his recent problems with Alex Shelley. Before Bob can even get a word out he is blasted in the back of the head with a Steel chair. Alex Shelley taunts before leaving the scene. [I]Rating B[/I] [B][CENTER]Christopher Daneils & Lance Storm vs Marty Jannettey & Doug Basham[/CENTER][/B] Storm and Daniels stood out as being the ones to watch in this match. Daniels gets the win after James Mitchell hands him what appeared to be a broken cross! [I]Rating B-[/I] [B][CENTER]The Bell tolls[/CENTER][/B] The Undertaker comes to the ring telling Leviathan that soon he will rest in peace just like all the others that have stood in his way. Not spooky enough I guess [I]Rating B[/I] [B][CENTER]Raven and Sean O'Haire vs The Dudley Boyz (Tag Team Title match)[/CENTER][/B] Sean O'Haire was the stand out preformer in this bout. He eventually picks up the win for his team via count out after knocking D-Von out on the outside. Dudleys retain and they just don't put on anything but average matches with anyone so far [I]Rating C+[/I] [B][I][CENTER]I'm Sick and tired[/CENTER] [/I][/B] Benoit comes out and Tells Shelton Benjammin that he is sick and tired of all the talk. He wants him to come to the ring and walk the walk! Surpisingly this gets a [I]B+ Rating.[/I] [B][CENTER]Chris Benoit vs Shelton Benjamin [/CENTER][/B] Pretty good match. Sheltons manager Melina Perez and him work so well together that it really brings an extra dynamic to the match. Shelton often bails out of the ring to converse with her. The Ending sees both men get counted out as they take the action outside. Crowd was finally lifted by this match! [I]Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]They'll call you the Heartbroken Kid[/CENTER][/B] Father James Mitchell is back this time with Kane. He lets HBK know that Foley has promised Kane a shot at the title once Kane beats him and he gets stripped. Foley really wants Joe to have the belt or he would have just made this a title match I guess. [I]Rating B+[/I] [CENTER][B]Kane vs Shawn Michaels [/B][/CENTER] Man the crowd really ate this one up! Foleys hopes where dashed, however, because even with Joe interferring HBK prevails. Long Main event didn't think Kane would hold up, but, he does and the crowd is happy. [I]Rating A*[/I] [B][CENTER]It's not Over[/CENTER][/B] While HBK celebrates Joe sneaks back in the ring. He hits the Muscle Buster on HBK and then drapes the world title over his lifless body.[I] Only a B+[/I] [CENTER][B][I]Fade To Black![/I][/B][/CENTER] Show Overall was a B and it should have helped with our popularity in Canada! [B][I]((I found a few things that worked and a few that didn't. Overall though I was pleased. Thoughts? Comments? Complaints?))[/I][/B]
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[B][I]From The Desk of Darren Douglas:[/I][/B] On behalf of the FPW I'm very sad to announce that in near future we will no longer have Mick Foley on our programming. We could not come to terms on a contract extension. If it where up to me I would give Mr Foley the money he wants as I had some big plans for him and his stable. But, like all of you I also have a boss. Mick, you will sorley missed. May we meet again someday! Have A Nice Day!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]FPW Presents: Charged!![/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]You Announce Team:[/B] Scott Hudson and Stevie Ray [B]Dark Match[/B] [B][CENTER]Tajiri vs Michael Shane Ladder Match[/CENTER][/B] I wanted to see how these two would preform together in a big match and it was pretty consistant to their other preformances. Plus the crowd got an unadvertised treat. [I]Rating B[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]FPW Charged Results Friday Nov Week 2[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]You talk a good game[/B][/CENTER] Shawn Michaels is arriving backstage when CM Punk stops him. Punk cuts a promo basically calling Shawn a has been. Punk states that he is the future. HBK laughs and reminds Punk that he's already beaten him once. Mick Foley who is standing by makes our main event. Punk vs HBK![I] Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]You get no respect...SUCKA!!![/CENTER][/B] Lance Storm comes out to the ring. He says the he is one of the most talented and under utilized performers in FPW. He complains some more when Booker T comes out. Booker tells Storm that no one in this buisness gets anything handed to them. If Storm wants something he better take it. This leads to a match. [I]Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]Booker T vs Lance Storm[/CENTER][/B] The match itself is pretty good! Better than I expected to be honest. Storm gets the submission after using some questionable tactics to wear down Booker's knee. [I]Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]The Dudley Boyz vs The Island Boyz (World Tag Team Title Match)[/CENTER][/B] My quest to find a good match for The Dudleyz fails once again. Pretty bland brawl match. Dudleys retain. [I]Rating C+ [/I] [B][CENTER]It Ain't Over yet..[/CENTER][/B] The Island Boyz attack again as The Dudleyz celebrate. The Dudleyz are left down and out. [I]Rating B-[/I] [B][CENTER]On His Way to the ring[/CENTER][/B] Bob Sapp makes his way to the ring. After all the sneak attacks by Alex Shelley FPW decided to send some security with him so Alex Shelley has no unfair advantage going into our match tonight. [I]Rating B+[/I] [B][CENTER]Bob Sapp vs Alex Shelley (US Title Match) [/CENTER][/B] Pretty decent match. Shellley plays the coward heel to perfection and then just bails on the match walking to the back. Sapp retains but gets no real messaure of revenge. [I]Rating B[/I] [B][CENTER]CM Punk vs Shawn Michaels [/CENTER][/B] This is an awesome match. And just when its getting better Joe runs in and gets Punk DQed. Punk looks a little angry as he makes his way to the back. [I]Rating A [/I] [B][CENTER]The Staredown of Doom[/CENTER][/B] Afterwards Joe and HBK just stare each other down as the crowd is dying to see them go at it! [I]Rating A[/I] [B]Fade To Black![/B] Well I didn't use enough angles this week it seems and my show is considered just a wee bit above Average. C+. Ah set backs! [B][I]((I'll have the PPV line up up soon. Predictions are welcome when that happens. I'm getting some views and no feedback. I'm not that far into it yet so I'm not worried. Hopefully, I'll get some people talking soon. Keep reading though and I'll keep writing folks!!))[/I][/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]FPW: High Noon Card[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [I]((I've decided that whoever gets the most predictions right will have a list of people to choose from and whomever they choose will get a number contenders nod! Hopefully this will garner some replies!!))[/I] [B][CENTER]Main Event for The FPW World Title! Hell in a Cell[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Samoa Joe vs. [B]"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels (c)[/B] [B]FPW US Title Match[/B] [I](Willing to add a stipulation))[/I] Alex Shelley vs [B]Bob Sapp (c)[/B] [B]FPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match First Blood[/B] Christopher Daniels vs [B]Marty Janettey (c)[/B] [B]FPW Tag Team Title Match: 3 Way Dance![/B] The Island Boyz vs Sean O'Haire & Raven vs [B]The Dudley Boyz (c)[/B] [B]Grudge Match Last Man standing[/B] Leviathan vs The Undertaker [B]Time to Settle The Score! 2 out of 3 Falls Match[/B] Chris Benoit vs Shelton Benjamin [B]You will Respect me![/B] Lance Storm vs Booker T[/CENTER] [I][B]Also rumoured to be in action: Chris Sabin, Christain Cage, CM Punk, Scotty 2 Hotty and more!![/B][/I]
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[B][I]From The Desk of Darren Douglas:[/I][/B] [I]Well, I have some news that might please some of our fans! We here at FPW have come to terms with a wrestler who is not afraid to go to [B]The Extreme!![/B] Ladies and gentleman we would like to welcome Homicide to the promotion!! Rumour has it he will be making his in ring debut at High Noon! So, be sure to stay tuned as I will keep you informed![/I]
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