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Pleasing the crowd: Product vs Venue

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When running a show, is it more important to please the crowd in attendance or the people whom your product is aimed at. For example, if an arena has a low "pure" fanbase and high "entertainment" fanbase while the promotion's product is heavy on the pure and low on the entertaiment. Should I throw an angle or two on the show to please the arena crowd or should I run all matches as usual to please my promotion's fanbase? Hope this question/example made some bit of sense, I'm still a bit green at TEW07
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The way it was explained to me was that the fan types for the venue are what they want to see with regards to whether they are going to turn up to the show. ie If the arena has a low pure fanbase and you are a pure company less fans would turn up than if you ran the event in a venue with a huge pure fanbase, all other things (affluence, community etc) being equal. I can't vouch for this being 100% accurate, its just what I've been told and how I approach it.
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Nice question, I'll answer it :) [quote=Bad Luck Brett;286956]For example, if an arena has a low "pure" fanbase and high "entertainment" fanbase while the promotion's product is heavy on the pure and low on the entertaiment. Should I throw an angle or two on the show to please the arena crowd or should I run all matches as usual to please my promotion's fanbase?[/quote] The answer is [B]NO[/B]. If you are a Pure promotion, just book your shows like a good Pure promotion should, so 100% matches, no matter where you are! :) The different audiences things are just a guideline on where a promotion "should" focus. I.E DAVE (Hardcore Entertainment promotion in US) has huge following in Tri-State where the crowd is highly Hardcore-oriented, so if the Region community percent AND overness in a region is the same in Tri-State or let's say, Mid Atlantic,more people will attend the Tri-State show than the Mid-Atlantic show, because Tri-State has more hardcore fans :cool:
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The fan types in each region are a guideline to show you how many fans of a certain type there are in that region. Your product determines which of those fans will want to come to your show. So in your example above, you'd still need to book your show normally, catering to your Pure audience. But you would probably notice a decline in attendance, since there aren't as many Pure fans in the area. If you have a 100% match ratio, the fans will still be annoyed if you run an angle or two, because the fans in the building on that night expect 100% wrestling. As a rather poor analogy: A German soap opera probably won't score a very high rating if it was broadcast in France. However, that doesn't mean they should re-record it in French. They advertised a German soap opera, so they should provide a German soap opera. It's not the fans' fault they decided to broadcast it somewhere hardly anyone can understand it.
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