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Monday Week 4 April 2001 [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/WCWNEWWCWLG.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][I]Monday Night Nitro[/I][/B][/SIZE] Live from the Alexander Memorial Coliseum, Atlantta GA Your announcers are: Scott Hudson, Mike Tenay and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan[/CENTER] The show opens with a shot of an abandoned warehouse, a storm rages outside. The camera pans across to a doorway, a black silhouette is visible but the face is obscured by shadow. Suddenly a flash of lightning reveals familar black and white face paint... The shot goes black and a graphic on screen reads: STING RETURNS TO ACTION TONIGHT! [I]Grade: B+[/I] A shot of the crowd is followed by the director switching to a shot of the backstage area where Scott Steiner is in a fury after his loss to Booker last night at Spring Stampede, he's intimidating backstage staff, throwing chairs around and smashing monitors. Flair approaches trying to calm him down, Flair insists that he has a plan and that there's nothing to worry about. A still frenzied Steiner seems intrigued but warns him that it had better be good. The two dissappear into a locker room and lock the door before we get to hear the plan. [I]Grade: B+[/I] Before the first match pitting the new Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero against the new number one contender Rey Mysterio, Chavo grabs a mic and begins to berate the former champion Shane Helms. Chavo mocks Helms by faux limping around the ring as the announcers remind the fans of Shane being on the cusp of victory only for his knee to buckle due to the vicious pre-match assualt from Guerrero. Chavo gets a rain of abuse from the fans. [I]Grade: B[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][U][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championdship Match Chavo Guerrero Jr. (c) vs Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionReyMysterioNoMask.jpg[/IMG] Rey, in the match by virtue of his victory in the six man number one contenders match last night, comes out firing on all cylinders, taking it to the champion with his fast paced offense including a springboard headscissor take down and a slingshot legdrop. Chavo once again resorts to underhand tactics to take the advantage, a Mysterio Rough Rider (Bronco Buster) is met with a boot to the groin and Chavo then proceeds to slow the match down, taking every short cut he can behind the ref's back Chavo remains in control for much of the match, but Rey looks determined to come away with championship gold and keeps battling back. Following blocking a Mysterio bulldog attempt with a rake to the eyes, Chavo starts working over Mysterio's knee in a further slight to the Sugar Shane. This evidently does not sit well with former champion who, still favouring his leg, runs in and attacks Chavo prompting the disqualification. [I]Winner: Chavo Guerrero via DQ in 9:48 Grade: A*[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] Following the match, Booker T comes out wearing both his World Title and United States Championship accompanied by his valet/girlfriend Paisley. He calls out acting WCW President Roddy Piper. Booker says that the fans in WCW deserve competition and that ever since winning the World Heavyweight Title again he has neglected the US Championship, he says that as the greatest fans in the world they deserve better than that. With that Booker hands the United States Title over to Piper and says that he hopes whoever wins that belt is able to give the belt and the fans the repect they deserve. Booker then leaves and Piper announces that starting tonight there will be a tournament to decide the new WCW United States champion. The first match will feature the Total Package Lex Luger against none other than... STING! [I]Grade: B+[/I] Backstage Pamela Paulshock questions Kanyon about his loss to Chris Daniels at Spring Stampede. Kanyon says Daniels got lucky, that it was nothing more than a fluke. To prove his point Kanyon challenges Daniels to a rematch and says he'll even put up $10,000 of his own money and if Daniels wins then its all his... [I]Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][U][B]Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs Jeff Jarrett & Road Warrior Animal[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionDustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionDustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionJeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionAnimal.jpg[/IMG] A spill over from last night's bunkhouse brawl, Dustin is eager to get him some more of Double J but Jarrett says he wants Dusty to start off the match. Dustin is hesitant but Dusty's up for it and the corwd want to see the American Dream take on Jarrett. Jarrett evades a couple of attempts to tie-up frustrating both Dusty and the fans, he then persuades Dusty to try again but once again backs off and c*ckily tags in Animal. The announcers suggest a man of Dusty's age shouldn't be in there with a monster like Animal but Dusty takes the fight right to the big man, staggering him with a pair of bionic elbows. A little flip flop and fly shuffle is bit premature though and Animal takes a distracted Dream down with a monsterous clothesline. Jarrett is more than willing to step into the match once Dusty is down, putting the boots to him and mocking his 'robust' figure. Dustin is left standing on the apron itching for the tag, when Dusty finally does make it Dustin storms in and cleans house, taking Jarrett and Animal down with a double noggin-knocker. Dustin and Jarrett then continue where they left off last night, knocking seven shades of crap out of each other. As the match progresses Dustin scores near falls with a hangman's neckbreaker and an inverted atomic drop into a clothesline and Animal comes close to 3 with a big powerslam. Following a bulldog onto Animal, Dustin's pin is broken up by Jarrett and the ref begins to lose control of the match with all four men brawling in the ring. Dustin and Animal take each other over the top rope with a clothesline leaving Jarrett and Dusty in the ring. Jarrett grabs his guitar and nails the Big Dust with it behind the ref's back then makes the cover for the win. Dustin seems seriously concerned with his father's state as the American Dream isn't moving, Dustin calls EMTs to help the Dream to the back. [I]Winners: Jeff Jarrett & Animal via pinfall in 12:19 Grade C+[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] Footage airs of the brutal No Disqualification match between Kevin Nash and DDP from last night, we see a bloodied Page elbowing dropping Nash off the announce desk, both men tumbling over the top rope through a table and Nash repeatedly powerbombing Page before choking him out with a lenght of cable. Nash then heads to the ring and tells the fans that he beat DDP up so badly that Page couldn't make it here tonight, in fact Page is still lying somewhere in Texas in hospital bed. To a chorus of boos Nash says that DDP is washed up and finished as a wrestler thanks to the beating he inflicted on him last night and that BIg Sexy is the most dominant force in WCW. [I]Grade: A*[/I] Backstage Gene Okerlund is standing by Lance Storm before his match. Mean Gene questions him about his recent post-match attacks on Konnan, Alex Wright and most recently Psicosis just last week. Storm says that he feels he is not getting enough respect, he says his abscence from last night's ppv just highlights is point and is typical of the lack of respect he gets. He says he wants to make an impact and asks how many more people he is going to have to injure before people take notice of him? [I]Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="blue"][B][U]Lance Storm vs Sgt. Dwyane Bruce[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBuddLeeParker.jpg[/IMG] Storm had youth and exuberance on his side against the Powerplant trainer and while Sarge had a few offensive flurries, Storm's technical proficiency proved too much and he was able to wrap Bruce up in the Canadian Maple Leaf after wearing down his opponents legs and lower back to take the win by submission. [I]Winner: Lance Storm via submission in 9:45 Grade:C+[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] After the bell has rung Storm continues to apply the pressure with the Canadian Maple Leaf, the ref manages to drag him off but Storm just shrugs him off and starts stomping away at Sarge's leg before reapplying the Maple Leaf. Sarge is ordinarily just a trainer, he's in no state to take this kind of abuse! Suddenly a cheer goes up from the crowd as the man they call Goldberg rushes out from the back, Tenay and Hudson inform the fans of Goldberg's history down at the powerplant and his relationship with the Sarge. Goldberg hits the ring nails Storm with an almighty spear to a roar from the crowd, Storm rolls out of the ring as Goldberg goes to check on Sarge. Storm retreats up the entrance way clutching his ribs as Goldberg angrily shouts at him over the ropes and then helps Bruce to his feet. Storm wanted attention, but I think he got it from the wrong place tonight fans! [I]Grade: A [/I] [CENTER][COLOR="blue"][B][U]First Round US Tournament Match Lex Luger vs Sting[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionLexLuger.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionSting.jpg[/IMG] Sting is fired up for his return as are the fans. Although Luger's methodical 1980's style offence is in danager of dragging the match down, Sting's enthusiasm coupled with Sting and Luger's chemistry keeps the fan interest high. Sting's trademark stinger splashes elict a loud response from the crowd as does a flying lariat, Luger's double-armed sledges and bionic forearm fare less well however. After wearing Sting down with a bear hug Luger goes for the powerslam, the prelude to the rack, but Sting is able to slip out the back and lock Luger in position for the Scorpian Death Drop. Bang! He drops him to a huge respsonse from the crowd and follows up with the Scorpian Death Lock to take the win by submission. [I]Winner: Sting via pinfall via pinfall in 12:44 Grade: A*[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] Backstage Booker T is seen searching for his Paisley, he asks various wrestlers and crew members and if they've seen her, they all reply in the negative. He's interupted by an official who tells him that its time for his match. [I]Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="blue"][B][U]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Booker T (c) vs Mike Awesome[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionMikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG] The former career killer wishing to take advantage of this rare opportunity at the company's most prestigious title comes out strong taking the fight directly to Booker. The big man takes Booker off his feet with a diving shoulder block, throws him to the outside through the ropes and then rocks the champ with a tope over the top rope. Look at the athleticism of the big man, most 6'6" wrestlers don't even leave their feet, brother! Booker takes a lot of punishment, perhaps slightly off his game following his gruelling match the night before, but manages to escape out of an Awesome Bomb attempt and takes Awesome down with a Harlem Sidekick. One Book End later and Booker has his hand raised in victory. [I]Winner: Booker T via pinfall in 12:47 Grade: A*[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] As Booker celebrates in the ring, Flair and Steiner appear on the big screen, Steiner congratualtes Booker on beating Awesome but says that he shouldn't get too comfortable with the belt as Steiner wants another shot at the title. Booker laughs it off then grabs a mic and asks Steiner why he thinks he deserves another shot at the four time World heavyweight champion after Booker clearly beat him last night? Steiner laughs and pulls a terrified Paisley infront of the camera, Steiner says that if Booker wants to see Paisley unharmed he'll give him that rematch, and that if he doesn't he and Flair wont be responsible for the consequences... Booker has no choice but to agree to Steiner's demand and the show ends with a distraught Booker in shock in the ring. [I]Grade: A*[/I] [I]Overall Grade: B+ Attendance: 9,110 TV Rating on TNT: 22.89[/I] [U]Quick Results:[/U] [I]Chavo Guerrerro def. Rey Mysterio (DQ) Jeff Jarrett & Animal def. Dustin Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes Lance Storm def. Dwayne Bruce Sting def. Lex Luger Booker T def. Mike Awesome[/I]
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Wednesday Week 4 April [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][I]WCW Thunder[/I][/B][/SIZE] Beard Eaves Memorial Coliseum in Auburn, Alabama Your announcers are: Tony Shiavone, Scott Hudson and Bobby the Brain Heenan[/CENTER] The show begins with a recap of the ugly situation invloving Booker T, Steiner and Paisley from the end of Nitro. With Booker agreeing to give Steiner another title match in return for not hurting Paisely. Grade: A [CENTER][COLOR="blue"][B][U][I]Rey Mysterio Jr. & Shane Helms vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Juventud Guerrera[/I][/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionReyMysterioNoMask.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionJuventudGuerrera.jpg[/IMG] There is a palpable tension between Shane Helms and Rey Mysterio in the first match of the night, owing to Helms costing Rey his match with Guerrero by running in and attacking Chavo in their Cruiserweight Title match on Nitro. And each man feels he is deserving of the next shot at Chavo's belt. Guerrero and Juvi have no such problems however and work together seemlessly, executing quick tags and taking advantage of the ref's five count to inflict some double team punishment. Rey and Shane's problems continue throughtout the match with each man being reluctant to accept the tag from the other, but when Shane has Juvi in trouble and prepares to deliver the Vertebreaker Rey blind tags himself in and as Shane goes for the cover Rey shoves him off and goes for the pin himself. The infighting allows Juvi time to recover and is able to kick out at two, Shane then shoves Rey and tells him they could have got the win if Rey had let Shane get the cover. Rey pushes Shane back and as Shane shoves Rey a second time Juvi catches him with a roll up. Instead of breaking up the cover Shane just stands there and almost looks dissapointed when Rey kicks out. Juvi tags in Chavo and following more bickering Rey tags out to Helms. Following an offensive flurry from Guerrero culminating in a tornado DDT and a North Lights suplex Chavo locks in the Loco Lock on shane's bad leg. Shane inches his way towrds the corner, showing tremendous heart in not tapping out, he reaches out to Rey for the tag, Rey thinks about it but then steps down from the apron and heads to the back. Shane has no choice but to tap. [I]Winners: Chavo Guerrero & Juventud Guerrera via submission in 11:03 Grade: C+[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] Roddy Piper comes out to the ring and congratulates Sting on his win against Lex Luger in the opening match of the US Title Tournament. Piper says Sting will once again be action tonight, he then lays out the rest of the brackets for the tournament:
                                                     Sting                                              DDP     
                                                       V                                                 V
                                                   Lex Luger                                         Kevin Nash
                                                          --- Semi Final ---> Final <--- Semi Final ---
                                                     Animal                                         Jeff Jarrett
                                                       V                                                 V
                                                 Dustin Rhodes                                   Christopher Daniels 
Grade: B+ [CENTER][COLOR="blue"][B][U][I]First Round US Tournament Match Road Warrior Animal vs Dustin Rhodes[/I][/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionAnimal.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionDustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG] Dustin comes down to the ring without his father Dusty, who we're told is still recouperating after the guitar shot from Jarrett on Nitro. Animal then comes down to the ring accompanied by Jeff Jarrett who was sporting a fake neck halo complete with cowboy hat on top of it, mocking the American Dream's injury. Jarrett plays it up and Dustin looks enraged by Jarrett's sick charade. Dustin tries to attack Jarrett but the ref seperates them. Throughout the match Dustin's attention is constantly on Jarrett at ringside which Animal to dominate most of the match. Whenever Rhodes is on offence a glance towards Jarrett is often to distract him enough for Animal to capitalise. Jarrett's interfence backfires however when he cautiously climbs onto the apron and holds the cowbell ready to smack Rhodes after a wayward Animal clothesline has taken out the ref. Animal drags Rhodes over and holds him in place but Dustin ducks the blow and Jarrett connects with Animal's forehead! Dustin then grabs Jarrett by the halo and flips him over the top rope into the ring, he then removes the halo and starts beating Jarrett with it. Animal recovers and tries to grab Dustin, but Rhodes nails him with a low blow and then takes him out with a shot from the halo. The ref recovers in time to count the 1...2...3 on Animal. [I]Winner: Dustin Rhodes via pinfall in 9:57 Grade: B[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] A battered looking Diamond Dallas Page comes out to the ring and a rousing ovation, the fans obviously appreciative of his efforts in the No-Disqualification match at Spring Stampede. Page says that contrary to what Kevin Nash came out here and said on monday, he is not finished as a wrestler. He admits that Nash gave him one hell of a beating on Sunday, but says that he never gave up, that he kept coming back and Nash had to choke him out and near kill him to get the win. Page says that this is not over and that although he's glad he's been put in the brackets for the US Title Tournament, he says that pales in comparison to getting his hands on Nash again. Grade B+ [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][U][B][I]Sting vs Buff Bagwell[/I][/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionSting.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] Sting is on fire again tonight in the feature attraction, after Bagwell has finished with his oh so homoerotic dance/pose routine, Sting levels him with a series of running clotheslines. Bagwell begs off and tries to put the ref in between him and Sting, the ref has none of it though and shoves Bagwell down to the mat. Buff is then brought up and then back down again with a big Sting hiptoss. Bagwell begs off again and this time nails Sting with a poke to the eyes when he tries to grab him. Buff then takes it to Sting with a series of right hands and a neckbreaker before posing to the fans again. Throughout the match Bagwell is treated to jeers and taunts from the fans while Sting recieves a rapturous response and his offense is met with hearty cheers. The fans rally solid behind Sting as Bagwell has him locked in a sleeper hold, Sting drops to one knee and Bagwell shifts his weight forward onto him. The ref checks Stings arm... it drops once... twice... but not a third time! With the fans willing him on Sting battles up to a vertical base and nails Bagwell with an elbow to the ribs, then another. Sting heads off for the ropes but Bagwell pulls him back down by his hair. Buff then wastes time once again posing to the fans which allows Sting enough time to recover and hit a one handed bulldog on the Buffster followed by a pair of Stinger splashes in the corner. One Scorpian Death Drop later and Sting's rise to the top of WCW continues. [I]Winner: Sting via pinfall in 11:49 Grade: B+[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Overal Grade: B+ Attendance: 8,161 TV Rating: 31.89 on TBS[/I] [U]Quick Results:[/U] [I]Chavo & Juvi def. Rey & Shane Helms Dustin Rhodes def. Animal Sting def. Buff Bagwell[/I]
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  • 1 month later...
Should have a little bit of time at the moment, so hopefully will be able to get a couple of shows up. [CENTER][B]News update for 1st May 2001[/B][/CENTER] WCW has risen to from International to Global status and prestige has risen from a B to an A. We also turned a profit of $1,133,017. In other news both Stu Hart and Jake Roberts died at the end of the month, though from different cuases... Jimmy Snuka also announced his retirement, although he intends to puruse a career behind the scenes. Here's the card for Nitro, get your predictions in now: [I] Rick Steiner & Tank Abbott vs Kronik Bam Bam Bigelow vs Chris Candido Goldberg vs Mark Jindrak Jeff Jarrett vs Chris Daniels Scott Steiner vs Sting[/I]
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Monday Week 1 May 2001 [CENTER] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/WCWNEWWCWLG.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][I]WCW Monday Night Nitro[/I][/B][/SIZE] Live from the Bancorp South Centre, Tupelo MS Your announcers are: Scott Hudson, Mike Tenay and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan[/CENTER] The show opens with Booker T making his first appearance since Steiner forced him into a World Title rematch by threatening his girlfriend Paisley. Booker calls Flair and Steiner despicable but says he is a man of his word and will put his World Title on the line against Steiner at the upcoming pay-per-view Slamboree. Grade: A Backstage Mean Gene is standing by with Christopher Daniels. Daniels addresses Kanyon's challenge from last week whereby Kanyon put up $10,000 to prove Daniels couldn't beat him again. Daniels says he's absolutely up to the challenge but that tonight his mind is focussed on the US Title Tournament that he feels very honoured to be a part of. He acknowledges that some people saw his victory over Kanyon at Spring Stampede as nothing more than a fluke but that tonight he hopes to live up to the potential that Roddy Piper has seen in him by putting him in the tournament. Grade: B Kronik then make their way out to the ring and say they were screwed out of the tag team titles by Palumbo and O'Haire at Spring Stampede. Footage rolls of Kronik almost having the match won before Palumbo nailed Clark with one of the title belts allowing a near unconciouss O'Haire to get the pin. Palumbo and O'Haire come out onto the entrance way and say that if Adams and Clark want a rematch they're going to have to prove themselves, starting right now against Rick Steiner and Tank Abbott... Grade: C+ [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"] [B]KroniK vs Rick Steiner & Tank Abbott[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBryanClarke.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBrianAdams.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionRickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionTankAbbott.jpg[/IMG] Steiner and Abbott make their way out to the ring but Kronik take the fight right to them, sending the big bruisers reeling with stiff shots to the head before whipping them to the ropes and nailing them with stereo shoulder blocks. Steiner and Abbott managed to get some offence in but Kronik were determined to show their worth and were clearly focussed on securing another shot at the tag team titles. A big lariat from Clark followed by a chokeslam from Adams was enough to put Abbott down for the 3. Winners: KonriK via pinfall in 7:44 Grade: C- [/COLOR][/CENTER] After the commercial Shane Helms comes down to the ring and berates Rey Mysterio for abandoning him in their tag match on Thunder. Rey comes out in turn and has a go at Shane for costing him his Cruiserweight championship match the previous Nitro. Both men claim to be the rightful number one contender. Piper comes out and says the only way to settle this is to have a three way dance for the championship at Slamboree! Backstage Chavo is watching on a monitor and is not impressed about having to defend his title against two men at the same time. Grade: B [CENTER][COLOR="blue"] [B]Bam Bam Bigelow vs Chris Candido[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBamBamBigelow.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/ChrisCandido.jpg[/IMG] Next up is the battle of the Jersey shore, Bigelow rocked Candido with several big power moves, while Candido retaliated with his quickness and was constantly distracting the ref to take every shortcut he could. In the end though a Bigelow moonsault/Greetings from Asbury Park commination proved too much for the blonde bombshell. Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow via pinfall in 9:56 Grade: C+ [/COLOR][/CENTER] Footage rolls of the incident last week where Jarrett nailed the American Dream Dusty Rhodes with his guitar during their tag match and Dusty had to be taken to the back by the EMTs. Dustin is in the ring and tells the fans that his father is still at home recovering and that thanks to Jarrett's sickening actions he'll be lucky if he can walk again. Dustin says he aims to win the United States title tournament as a trbiute to his dad. Grade: B+ Before his match, an irate Goldberg is in the ring with a mic. He addresses Lance Storm's attack on the Sarge last week and says Storm is nothing more than a punk and a school-yard bully. It looks like Lance Storm has pissed off the wrong hombre here fans. Grade: A [CENTER][COLOR="blue"] [B]Goldberg vs Mark Jindrak[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] Goldberg is fired up and it looks like the former Natural Born Thriller is gonna bear the brunt of his anger. Jindrak manages to rock Goldberg with a few kicks and suplexes but Goldberg is able to stay in control through most of the match. After countering a press slam attempt with a rake to the eys, Jindrak comes off the top rope looking for a high cross body but Goldberg meets him in mid-air with an almighty Spear. One Jackhammer later and Billy G picks up the ...1...2...3. Winner: Goldberg via pinfall in 8:39 Grade: B [/COLOR][/CENTER] Almost as soon as the bell has rung the cameras rush us backstage where Lance Storm is standing over the fallen body of Dwayne Bruce, steel pipe in hand. Storm says he's not afraid of Goldberg and he's gald he's finally gotten someone's attention, as Goldberg can only watch on the big screen. Storm is clearly not intimidated by Goldberg. Grade: A [CENTER][COLOR="blue"] [B]1st Round US Title Tournament Match Christopher Daniels vs Jeff Jarrett[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionJeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] Daniels put on a good showing against the former World's Heavyweight champion, Jarrett used his experience to take short cuts and maintain control most of the match but Daniels kept valiantly fighting back. Midway through the match Kanyon made his way down to ringside and jumped up onto the apron in a bid to distract Daniels but was met with a forearm uppercut, Jarrett trying to capitalise went for a schoolboy but Daniels kicked out at 2. Daniels then suprised Double J with an enziguri for a quick 2. Jarrett fired back with a variety of offence but was unable to put the plucky youngster away. After blocking a Stroke attempt with a russian legsweep, Daniels had Jarrett reeling but was cut short by a trip from Kanyon from the outside. Jarrett then executed a knee breaker and locked Daniels in his figure-four, refusing to give up Daniels slowly inched his way to the ropes but Kanyon pulled the bottom rope out of his grasp. Sensing defeat was near and realising he wasn't going to be able to make the ropes with Kanyon there, Daniels focused his remaining energy on reversing the figure four and turning Jarrett. Slowly Daniels managed to struggle and turn the move and as the pressure was reveresed the ref checked with Jarrett to see if he wanted to give it up. With the ref's attention distracted Kanyon waffled Daniels with the ring bell, forcing him to break the hold. One Stroke later and Daniels picked up the ...1...2...3. Winner: Jeff Jarrett via pinfall in 10:06 Grade: B [/COLOR][/CENTER] Post match as Jarrett celebrates and makes his way back up the entrance way, Kanyon enters the ring and proceeds to put the boots to the downed Daniels. Daniels has clearly gotten under Kanyon's skin. Maybe Kanyon feels Daniels took his spot in the tournament. Grade: C+ [CENTER][COLOR="blue"] [B]Scott Steiner (w/ Ric Flair & Animal) vs Sting [/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionSting.jpg[/IMG] This marquee match up between two of WCW's biggest stars starts off with Steiner jumping Sting before the bell. A series of clubbing blows to the back is met with pair of knife edge chops from Sting however. Sting's flurry of offence is halted by a low blow and Steiner then throws Sting out to the floor where Animal and Flair pounce. Sting had to contend with Flair and Animal's interference through much of the match, whenever he would get the upperhand a trip from the outside or a distraction of the ref would allow Steiner to regain the advantage. Just over fifteen minutes into the match the ref went down following a collision in the corner and Flair took this opportunity to throw a pair of brass knuckles into Steiner. Steiner rears back and aims a shot right at Sting's temple but Sting catches Big Poppa Pump with a boot to the midsection and is able to disarm him. Before Sting can use the knux though Animal has climbed into the ring and clobbers him from behind. Animal then grabs Sting and holds him up for Steiner to nail him. Bang! Steiner catches Sting right in the side of the head with the brass knux and Sting hits the mat, seemingly out cold. Animal holds Sting up again and Steiner catches him with the knux once more. Suddenly Booker T rushes out from the back in his street clothes steel chair in hand to even the odds and get a measure of revenge against Steiner. He nails Animal with the chair and then levels Steiner with a Harlem sidekick. The ref recovers just in time to see this and calls for the bell, disqualifying Sting for Booker's interference. Winner: Scott Steiner via DQ in 17:59 Grade: A* [/COLOR][/CENTER] Unperturbed by the the unjust disqualification, Booker takes the chair and attempts to drill Steiner with it who rolls out of the ring to escape. As Steiner, Flair and Animal retreat up the aisle, the WCW champion stands tall in the ring. Grade: A* [I]Overall Grade:[/I] B [I]Attendance:[/I] 8,333 [I]Rating on TNT:[/I] 21.67 Quick Results: Kronik def. Steiner & Abbott Bigelow def. Candido Goldberg def. Jindrak Jarret def. Daniels Steiner def. Sting (DQ)
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Wednesday Week 1 May [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B][I]WCW Thunder[/I][/B][/SIZE] Emanating from the Burton Coliseum in Lake Charles LA Your announcers are: Mike Tenay, Scott Hudson and 'The Living Legend' Larry Zybysko [COLOR="Blue"]Shane Helms vs Disqo [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionGlenGilbertti.jpg[/IMG] Helms and Disqo go back and forth in this one until Disqo foolishly takes time out to dance to the fans, Helms seizes the moment nailing Disqo with a flying elbow and then dropping him with the Vertebreaker. Instead of going for the pin though, Helms steps out onto the apron and then executes an unsteady springboard legdrop. That's Rey Mysterio's move! Shane covers and gets the ...1....2...3. He was clearly sending a message to Rey with that one. Winner: Helms via pinfall in 8:50 Grade: C[/COLOR][/CENTER] Backstage Pamela Paulshock interviews Buff Bagwell who arrrogantly proclaims himself to be the brightest star in WCW and the future of the company. Buff then does his little dance and poses for the camera as Pamela tries to keep a straight face. Grade: B- [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]Lance Storm vs Kwee-Wee [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionAlanFunk.jpg[/IMG] Although Kwee-Wee, one of WCW's hot young prospects, put up a valiant effort, Storm dominated here and put the colourful superstar away with a Superkick. Winner: Lance Storm via pinfall in 7:51 Grade: C[/COLOR][/CENTER] Storm clearly is not done though and after the decision goes straight back to work on the youngster, grabbing his leg and setting him up for the Canadian Maple Leaf. This brings Goldberg racing out from the back, eager to get his hands on Storm following his attacks on Goldberg's mentor Dwayne Bruce in the previous weeks. Storm bolts out of the ring and make his way through the crowd before Goldberg can reach him though. The commentators wonder why Storm is so eager to rile up Goldberg if he's not willing to stand and fight. Grade: A Before the next match a video plays recapping Booker's interference in the Sting/Steiner match from Nitro Grade: A [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Kevin Nash vs ??? [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionKevinNash.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/nopicture.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Nash comes out and says that he is going to have a warm up match in prepartion for his US title torunament match with DDP next week on Nitro. He introduces his opponent as someone who doesn't even belong in a WCW ring... DDP's music hits the sound system and out comes some jobber dressed up like DDP, he makes his way down to the ring, stopping to pose to the fans who roar their dissaproval, and nearly trips up as he steps between the ropes. Nash makes short work of this imposter, nailing a pair of big elbows in the corner, his trademark big boot and then finishing him off with a pair of Jacknife powerbombs. Winner: Kevin Nash via pinfall in 3:06 Grade: B[/COLOR][/CENTER] As Big Sexy is celebrating his 'victory' the real Diamond Dallas Page comes rushing down the entrance way, slides into the ring and throws himself at Nash. This is the first meeting between these two men since their barbaric match at Spring Stampede. Page assualts Nash with punches to head and Nash retaliates with a pair of knees to the midsection. A Page clothesline takes both men over the top and they proceed to brawl around the announce table as the announcers call for someone to break it up. Eventually security comes down and attemtps to seprate them but they keep going at each other, throwing security off. These two men will square off on Monday in the final first round match of the WCW United States Title Tournament! Security struggle to keep the two apart as the announcers tell us we're out of time! Grade: A* Overall Grade: B Attendance: 7,364 Rating on TBS: 33.65 QUick Results: Shane Helms def. Disqo Lance Storm def. Kwee-Wee Kevin Nash def. 'DDP' [By the way for those wondering, I actually ran the Nash vs imposter DDP match as an angle, and the Nash vs real DDP brawl as a match with a no-contest.]
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WCW Monday Nitro preview: [I] Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio Kronik vs The Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull) and the Boogie Knights (Disqo and Alex Wright) Non-title match: Norman Smiley vs Chavo Guerrero Jr Rick Steiner vs Mikey Whipwreck Konnan vs Buff Bagwell US Title Tournament match: Kevin Nash vs Diamond Dallas Page[/I]
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Monday Week 2 May [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/WCWNEWWCWLG.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="3"]WCW Monday Night Nitro[/SIZE][/I][/B] Live from the McKenzie Arena in Chattanooga, TN Your announcers are: Tony Schiavone, Scott Hudson and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan.[/CENTER] Before the opening match between Rey Rey and Psicosis, Shane Helms comes out to join the announce team. He trash talks Rey and Chavo Guerrero who he faces in a triple threat at Slamboree for the Cruiserweight Title. Grade: B- [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionPsicosis.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionReyMysterioNoMask.jpg[/IMG] Fast-paced compettitve match-up here, with both men wowing the fans with dives to the floor. During the match Scott Hudson clued the fans in on the history between the two stemming back to their days training together, as Helms said that although he respected Rey as an in-ring compettitor, the two personally don't get along. The finish came when Rey took Psicosis down with a top-rope Frankensteiner and then hit his springboard leg-drop for the 3. [I]Winner: Rey Mysterio via pinfall in 10:04 Grade: B-[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] Tag Team Champions Palumbo and O'Haire come to the ring and say that although they beat Steiner and Abbott last week, they still haven't proven themselves and if they want a shot at their belts, they'll have to beat two teams here tonight; The Boogie Knights and The Mamalukes! Grade: C [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]Kronik vs The Mamalukes & The Boogie Knights [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBrianAdams.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBryanClarke.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBigVito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionGlenGilbertti.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionAlexWright.jpg[/IMG] Despite the superior numbers, Vito and Johnny the Bull & Disqo and Wright never really gelled which enabled Clark and Adams to stay compettitive in the match. In the end Kronik were able to capitalise on a miscommunication between Wright and Vito and nail Das Wunderkind with the High Times double chokelsam for the victory. [I]Winners: Kronik via pinfall in 9:54 Grade: C-[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] Backstage Chris Daniels bumps into 'The Living Legend' Larry Zbysko. Larry congratualates Daniels on his effort in his US Title tournament match against Jeff Jarrett and says even though he didn't win he put forth a commendable effort. Zbysko then says he thinks Daniels will go far in this business. Grade: B- [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]Non-title match: Norman Smiley vs Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero Jr. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionNormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] As two traded moves on the mat Bobby Heenan mentioned something about Pepe... Smiley tried to go for his big wiggle dance but Chavo cut him off with mule-kick to the crotch. Later Smiley tried to go for it on the ref, but the ref just shrugged him off before Chavo hit the brainbuster for the win in convincing fashion. [I]Winner: Chavo Guerrero via pinfall in 6:47 Grade: B[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] After the match Chavo grabs a mic and says that's how its gonna go down at Slamboree, even though he has to beat two men, he's still gonna get his hand raised. Grade: B [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]Rick Steiner vs Mikey Whipwreck [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionRickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/MikeyWhipwreck.jpg[/IMG] A brutal match, Steiner bounced the returning Whipwreck around with abandon, taking the win with his top-rope bulldog headlock. [I]Winner: Rick Steiner via pinfall in 4:33 Grade: B-[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] After commercial, the ring is set-up for Shane Douglas' Franchise Hour talk show, he introduces his guests Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair who are accompanied by Animal. Shane asks them about the Rhodes and Jarrett and Flair joke about injuring Dusty and say its good riddance to bad rubbish. Jarrett says that if the 'American Dreeeeeeeeeam' couldn't stand the heat he shouldn't have been in the kitchen, to which Flair adds: Wooooooooooooooooooo! Grade: B+ [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]Konnan vs Buff Bagwell [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionKonnan2.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionBuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] Orale! Konnan comes out of the starting block and takes the fight right to Buff before hitting his trademark rolling lariat to a cheer from the crowd, all the while struggling to hold his pants up. Buff's overconfidence nearly gets the better of him as his playing to the crowd allows Konnan to take advantage and roll him up for several near falls. Buff rebounds though and takes the win with the Blockbuster. [I]Winner: Buff Bagwell via pinfall in 10:46 Grade: B+[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] Backstage Scott Steiner is interviewed by Mean Gene, he mocks Booker for his interference last week and says come Slamboree he better kiss that belt goodbye. Grade: A* [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]First Round US Tournament Match Kevin Nash vs Diamond Dallas Page [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionKevinNash.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/echobrain2000/InvasionDDP.jpg[/IMG] This rivallry which began when Kevin Nash turned on DDP, ending their 'Insiders' tag team partnership, has really heated up recently and continues in this US Title Tournament match. Both men seem more intent on getting at each other than winning the match though, with the ref threatening to call for the disqualification several times. After trading big moves in the ring, DDP went for the Diamond Cutter seemingly out of nowhere but Nash ducked out of the ring to avoid the move, Page followed him out and the two started brawling around ringside. Seemingly oblivious to the ref's count, Nash and Page continue to hammer each other around the ringside area, DDP backs Nash into the ringpost as the ref reaches 4, Nash drops Page throat first across the guardrail as the count gets to 8. They brawl towards the entrance way still ignoring the ref's pleas for them to re-enter the ring, the ref reaches 10 and has no choice but to call for the bell. [I]Result: Double Countout in 13:56 Grade: B+[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] As the two continue to brawl up the entrance way officials try to seperate them but to no avail. They continue fighting through the curtain and into the backstage area where several wrestlers try to break them up, Shawn Stasiak is thrown into a metal garage door for his efforts and Big Vito is launched into a stack of tables. More wrestlers join the effort and are eventually able to hold the two apart. Piper interjects himself and says that these two are gonna settle this thing once and for all in a Caged Heat match, WCW's 20ft steel cell, at Slamboree! Grade: A Overall Grade: B Attendance: 8,353 Rating on TNT: 9.17 Quick Results: Rey Mysterio def. Psicosis Kronik def. Mamalukes & Boogie Knights Chavo Guerrero def. Norman Smiley Rick Steiner def. Mikey Whipwreck Buff Bagwell def. Konnan Kevin Nash vs DDP (draw) [Not sure what happened with the TV rating there, down from around the 20s , Raw's been doing consistent numbers in the 30s so they didn't steal my viewers, must have been one of the other shows, here's looking at you Everybody Loves Raymond...]
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Preview of WCW Thunder Wednesday Week 2 May 2001, predictions welcome: [I][B]Chris Candido vs Mickey Whipreck[/B][/I] [I]The recently returned Chris Candido has yet to make a major impact in WCW tonight he faces another returner to WCW and fellow ECW alumnus, Mickey Whipwreck. Who will be first to make their mark in WCW?[/I] [I][B]Too Cold Scorpio vs Buff Bagwell[/B][/I] [I]Former tag team partners collide as in his first televised match since returning to WCW a month ago Too Cold Scorpio faces the man who feels he is the future of WCW.[/I] [I][B]Scott Steiner vs Stevie Ray[/B][/I] [I]Set to face Booker T for the World Title at Slamboree in just over a week, Big Poppa Pump takes on Booker's brother and former tag team partner Steive Ray. With his sights clearly set on Slamboree, will Steiner underestimate the former World Tag Team Champion?[/I] [I][B]Semi-Final US Title Tournament Match: Dustin Rhodes vs Sting[/B][/I] [I]Two fan favourites go at it to determine who goes on to Slamboree to vie for the vacant United States Championship. Owing to Kevin Nash and DDP's double countout result in their first round match, both have been eliminated from the tournament and Jeff Jarrett automatically goes through to the final. Who will join him?[/I]
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