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Xtreme Danger Wrestling: The Backyard Lives!

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Chapter 1: Rebirth[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] My name, is Lee Bambino. If you're a hardcore smark, you may have heard of me. I was the announcer for Xtreme Danger Wrestling, the infamous backyard wrestling promotion that caused such a panic a few years back. And, I'd like to announce that Xtreme Danger Wrestling is back! Xavier Reckless, Fearless Blue, Extreme Deluxe, Daredevil Aero and Super Sonic are back, and so am I! So prepare for those five extremists of the first degree, along with a few choice talents! Prepare, for the most hardcore, extreme, all out, insane action that you can find! Because XDW is back, and better then f'n ever! [/QUOTE] Oh yeah, XDW is back, and I "the voice of hardcore" Lee Bambino have returned to the wrestling world, along with my five buds from the past. Each XDW show will be up on YouTube within three hours, and I... have to find some talent. Eight other wrestlers to be exact, and a referee. So, here begin the tales of Lee Bambino's search for talent... yeah. That's how we do it in the backyard!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Chapter 2, Episode 1: Hobo Extremists[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] As you heard before, I'm Lee Bambino, the new head honcho over here at Xtreme Danger Wrestling! And, along with my five business partners, I own XDW. And... we need eight other wrestlers to fill out the roster. And a referee. So, here I go. After posting the first announcement on XDW.com, I stepped outside, and met the two hobos, who always sat around outside my house. I don't quite know why they chose my house, but they did, and since then, they've been a fixture in my life. Of sorts. Both seem to be of the crazy hobo variety, the kind that cause you to step to the other side of the sidewalk. But these guys were alright, in their own way, and I knew they'd do pretty much anything for some food and a couple bucks, so I approached. "Hey guys." "Yo playa, welcome in this hizhouse!" "THE BREEEEZE!" "Ok, you guys want a job?" "Yo man, we want some cash for the food with the good, in the mood." "What?" "BREEEZE!" "Okay. Guys, I'm opening a wrestling organization. You guys willing to jump off some stuff, get paid for it? I mean... it's all up to you, but it's better then getting punched by random teenagers!" I laughed nervously, the more understandable of the two pulled out some clippings. "Booking sheets dawg, you happen to be looking at the wrestling hobos man, the dudes in the blued hued suede briefs, who jump off s*** for a [I]living![/I]" "Wha? You guys are actually wrestlers?" "They call me Tempest Appleby, and this is "The Breeze" Joey Beauchamp, yo!" "Why do they call him "The Breeze!"" "THE BREEEEZE!" "Ah." "Dawg, we gonna hook you up with the rest of the dudes who can help you out in your business venture!" "BREEZE." "Alright, show me the way guys." "Follow the man with the plan, Stan." "Lee. My name's Lee." "Whatteva, Bossman!" And, I was on my way. Damn.
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