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Let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Cooper and have recently bought out Jim Crockett out of his little rassling business. How I did I come up with the money not of importance. We all know the basic premise in 1983. But lets all take alittle journy togethor and refresh our memories shall we.
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[CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] In 1980, the son of Vincent J. McMahon, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, founded Titan Sports, Inc. and in 1982 purchased Capitol Wrestling Corporation from his father. The elder McMahon had long since established the northeastern territory as one of the most vibrant members of the NWA. He had long since recognized that professional wrestling was more about entertainment than actual sport. Against his father's wishes, McMahon began an expansion process that fundamentally changed the sport. The WWF was not the only promotion to have broken ranks with the NWA; the American Wrestling Association (AWA) had long ago ceased being an official NWA member (although like the WWF, they seldom left their own territory). But in neither instance did the defecting member attempt to undermine the territory system that had been the foundation of the industry for more than half a century. Other promoters were furious when McMahon began syndicating WWF television shows to television stations across the United States, in areas outside of the WWF's traditional northeastern stronghold. McMahon also began selling videotapes of WWF events outside the Northeast through his Coliseum Video distribution company. He effectively broke the unwritten law of regionalism around which the entire industry had been based. To make matters worse, McMahon used the income generated by advertising, television deals, and tape sales to poach talent from rival promoters. Wrestling promoters nationwide were now in direct competition with the WWF. The first step in McMahon's attempt to go national was to sign AWA superstar Hulk Hogan, who, due to his appearance in Rocky III had a national recognition that few other wrestlers could manage. To play Hogan's nemesis, he signed Jesse Ventura (although Ventura rarely wrestled in the WWF at that point due to the lung disorder that caused his retirement, moving to the commentator booth alongside Gorilla Monsoon). McMahon built a superstar roster consisting of these men on top, in addition to New York mainstays like André the Giant, Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco. It has long been a point of contention whether McMahon could have gone national without Hogan's presence, or vice versa. According to several reports, the elder McMahon warned his son: "Vinny, what are you doing? You'll wind up at the bottom of a river." In spite of such warnings, the younger McMahon had an even bolder ambition: the WWF would tour nationally. However, such a venture required huge capital investment; one that placed the WWF on the verge of financial collapse. The future of not just McMahon's experiment, but also the WWF, the NWA, and the whole industry came down to the success or failure of McMahon's groundbreaking concept, WrestleMania. WrestleMania was a pay-per-view extravaganza (in some areas; most areas of the country saw WrestleMania available on closed-circuit television) that McMahon marketed as being the Super Bowl of professional wrestling. The concept of a wrestling super card was nothing new in North America; the NWA had been running Starrcade a few years prior to WrestleMania, and even the elder McMahon had marketed large Shea Stadium cards viewable in closed-circuit locations. However, McMahon wanted to take the WWF to the mainstream, targeting the public who were not regular wrestling fans. He drew the interest of the mainstream media by inviting celebrities such as Mr. T and Cyndi Lauper to participate in the event. MTV, in particular, featured a great deal of WWF coverage and programming at this time, in what was termed the Rock 'n' Wrestling Connection.
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[CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Georgia Championship Wrestling was formed in Atlanta in 1944 by promoter Paul Jones as ABC Booking. ABC held its matches at Atlanta's Municipal Auditorium every Friday night. Jones operated ABC for thirty years until his retirement in 1974, though from about 1970 until 1972 he was assisted by his booker Ray Gunkel - in fact, Jones was so infirm by this time that Gunkel effectively ran the promotion. ON Christmas day of 1971, Georgia Championship Wrestling aired its first show, which was considered a Christmas special, since the rest of the programming didn't air until late January of 1972 The promotion underwent some big changes in 1972. Firstly, it started promoting matches at the then-brand-new Omni Coliseum. Secondly, it switched its television outlet from its longtime home, WQXI-TV (now WXIA) to an upstart UHF station then called WTCG but later renamed WTBS (not yet a superstation, but still owned by Ted Turner.) When WTBS went on satellite in 1976, making the station available to cable systems all across the USA, the renamed Georgia Championship Wrestling became the first NWA promotion to be broadcast nationally. Many of the NWA's regional promoters were unhappy, but Barnett claimed since he was only using Georgia-based wrestlers, that there was no harm. Whether or not Barnett was in fact taking the promotion national is a matter of dispute, some wrestlers, such as Roddy Piper, say that he was in fact doing so, but prevented by fears of crossing organized crime figures involved with the sport. Throughout the 1970s, Georgia Championship Wrestling was one of the main shows that kept the Superstation alive. It is being rumored that they are in danger of being bought out. Among the potential buyers is the WWF.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Over the years, Gagne feuded against Gene Kiniski, Dr. Bill Miller, Fritz Von Erich, Dr. X (Dick Beyer under a mask), The Crusher, Ray Stevens and Nick Bockwinkel, he won the AWA World Heavyweight Championship a record ten times before retiring from full-time competition in 1981. Gagne was a former amateur-wrestling champion who had earned a spot on the U.S. team at the 1948 Summer Olympics; he ran the AWA with a traditionalist sensibility, firmly believing that sound technical wrestling -- not flashy "(sports-) entertainment" -- should be the basis of a pro-wrestling company. After finally stepping aside in the early 1980s, he focused the promotion on Bockwinkel, a loyal employee of several decades who was a mat-wrestling technician like Verne had been. Under Gagne and Karbo, the AWA became one of the most successful territories in the country, promoting shows in such major cities as Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Omaha, Winnipeg, Denver, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and throughout the Midwest region. But as Vince McMahon and his northeastern-based World Wrestling Federation attempted to end pro wrestling's regional era in the mid-1980s (by establishing the WWF as the dominant national promotion), Gagne made several decisions that caused his AWA to lose momentum in the emerging wrestling promotion war. Among them was overemphasizing his son Greg in AWA storylines (which led to speculation of nepotism by Verne within the company); and failure to make Hulk Hogan the focus of his company when he had the chance. Starting in 1982, and accelerated by a role in the hit film Rocky III, Hogan rapidly caught on as a babyface with AWA fans. But even as his popularity grew to unprecedented levels, Gagne refused to make him the AWA World Heavyweight Champion. He recognized Hogan's showmanship and charisma, but believed a wrestling company should be built around one of its best technical wrestlers, (e.g., himself and Bockwinkel). Gagne did not respect Hogan's wrestling talent. In an interview years later, wrestling legend Lou Thesz rated Hogan's wrestling ability as "a one or a zero" on a scale of one to ten. Hogan, in turn, rated Thesz's entertainment ability on the same scale at -7.283. On two occasions, Gagne went so far as to tease AWA Title wins for Hogan, only to renege each time via technicalities. The first was on April 18, 1982. Hogan defeated Bockwinkel with the help of a foreign object that Bockwinkel's manager Bobby Heenan had interjected into the match. After the three count the belt was awarded to Hogan and he was announced as the new champion. Heenan informed the referee of the object and the ref questioned Hogan about this, but the blood on Hogan's face was evidence that the object had also been used on him. The ref stood by his decision and Hogan left the arena as the new AWA World champion. Six days later on AWA television, AWA President Stanley Blackburn stripped Hogan of the title and returned it to Bockwinkel
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] In 1931, Jim Crockett, Sr. began promoting wrestling from his homebase of Charlotte, North Carolina (though his first shows were in eastern Tennessee). It must be noted that the often-quoted "1935" date as the debut for Jim Crockett Promotions was created so that the company could celebrate its "50th Anniversary" (which apparently had a better ring to it than the true 54th anniversary for some reason) in 1985 after JCP garnered a national cable TV deal on Ted Turner's cable network SuperStation TBS. Crockett also promoted other events (including musical concerts, theatrical plays, and minor league baseball and hockey) under the banner of Jim Crockett Promotions (with the company being officially incorporated as Jim Crockett Promotions in the 1950s). In 1973, Jim Crockett Promotions, Inc. was handed over to Jim Crockett, Jr. The name "Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling" then became the company's primary brand name in print, radio, and other forms of advertising (the name was also used for their main television programs). In 1975, they introduced the Wide World Wrestling brand and television show (which was changed to World Wide Wrestling in 1978 and which existed later as WCW WorldWide after the company was sold to Turner Broadcasting). The "World Wide" brand was used concurrently with the "Mid-Atlantic" brand. The elder Crockett joined the National Wrestling Alliance in 1952, and his territory covered Virginia, North and South Carolina. He would promote shows in this region for 38 years until his death in 1973, when his son, Jim Crockett, Jr. (known to many fans simply as Jim Crockett), took over. Headed by the younger Crockett, and under the guidance of a new creative force, former wrestler George Scott, the promotion moved away from a tag team product to focus more on singles wrestling, though tag team wrestling continued to play a big part in the company. JCP gradually phased out its multiple weekly television tapings in such cities as Charlotte, N.C.; Greenville, S.C.; and High Point, N.C. and eventually consolidated their taping schedule into one shoot, a Wednesday night affair at WRAL in Raleigh, an agreement that would last until 1981, when they moved to WPCQ studios in Charlotte (a station once owned by Ted Turner). In 1980, Jim Crockett Jr. was elected President of the National Wrestling Alliance, and his program - which helped him get elected, due to it now being on the air in upstate New York and Ontario- became the main show for the NWA in 1981, after Crockett was help to hire Georgia Championship Wrestling booker as the booker for the show. In 1981, Crockett was able to make it so his successful show was now completely based in the WPCQ studios in Charlotte, thanks in part to Ric Flair winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title; this also helped him hire Ole Anderson too. By the 1980s, the wrestling world was undergoing significant changes. The old NWA territory system was collapsing under pressure from the nationalized Titan Sports, which operated under the brand name World Wrestling Federation (WWF); Titan Sports Inc., Vince K. McMahon's minority-WWF company founded in 1980, became the modern day WWE after it purchased McMahon Sr.'s Capitol Wrestling Inc. (majority WWF) and unified as the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) as its own corporation after this purchase occurred in 1982. The now NWA-independent WWF - thanks in main part to the epic cage match between Jimmy Snuka and Bob Backlund, on June 28, 1982, that helped make this historic purchase possible - was even able to promote a match between WWF champion Bob Backlund and NWA champion Ric Flair on July 4, 1982, but Crockett still had open plans for the future as well. Jim Crockett's vision was to create a united NWA by purchasing, or merging, all of its member territories. As Jim Crockett ended his second year as NWA president - as a result of the WWF becoming independent and Bob Geigel purchasing Sam Muchnick's St. Louis Wrestling Club in 1982 - , the winds of change were starting to whip up in the wrestling industry. Turner's SuperStation TBS had been contacted by and unknown player to start carrying Mid-Atlantic Wrestling instead of GCW after the previously mentioned owners refusal to change his organizations name. JCP was purchased in Dec of 1982 as he had lost the heart to continue in the business. The new owner is Mike Cooper. By 1983, MCP went from recording its weekly shows in a television studio, to recording them live in arenas. After purchasing a mobile television unit for $1 million, Cooper started thinking big. In some people's eyes, he thought too big.
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Welcome back from the journey. We will be starting in the 3rd week of Jan. 3 big matches have been announced for the end of the month show called Only Time. Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes for Flair's NWA World Title. Also signed are the Funk brothers VS Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood for Steamboat and Youngblood's NWA World Tag Team Titles. And one final match is announced. It is shaping up to be a four way battle. Dick Slater Vs Roddy Piper VS Jerry Brisco VS Greg Valentine for Greg's United States Championship. I will be including a breif run down of the major players at cult stage in the U.S. And I will be including roster for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling soon.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] WK1 WWF in your neighborhood 10,000 sell out in NJ Rating C Noteable matches Samoans retain WWF Tag Championship against Ivan Putski and Tito Santana Don Muracco Retains IC Belt against Rocky Johnson Mainevent saw Superstar and Sgt Slaughter beat Andre and Tony Atlas WK1 WWf Championship (TV) 5,000 sellout in New England Rating C Noteable matches Andre beat Sgt Slaughter Jimmy Snuka beat Pedro Morelas in the Main Event Wk2 WWF in your neighborhood 2,000 sellout in Great Lakes Rating D Noteable matches Don Murraco Beat Tony Atlas to retain IC belt Samoans Retain Tag belt against the Invaders Bob Backland Retains World Championship againt Jimmy Snuka Mainevent saw Hogan and Morales beat Stevens and Rodz Wk 2 WWf Championship (TV) 1,871 in South West Rating D+ Noteable matches Hogan beat Stevens Main Event saw double DQ Pedro Morales and Masked Superstar WK 3 WWF in your neighborhood 5,000 sellout in Tri State Rating C- Noteable Matches Don Muracco beat Tito Santana to retain IC Belt Somoans retain against Bob Backland and Tony Atlas WK 3 WWF Championship (TV) NA
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Breif History here guys as the AWA has sold out every where but once in the North West. Having ratings as low as C- to high of C. Reached C Ratings twice. Title Holders are as follows Rick Martel AWA TV Title 3 defences Baron Raschke is your new AWA World Champion beating Nick Bockwinkle on the last show. Mike Graham is the AWA Lightheavy Champ with 2 defences AWA World Tag Champs are Jim Brunzell and Greg Gagne with 2 defences
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Another short history GCW is floundering here guys. Sellout in South East and Great Lakes. Bombing the rest of the way. Ratings are as low as D+ to a High of C. Title holders are. Ole Anderson Nation Champ with 2 defences Mr Wrestling 2 and Buzz Sawer as Tag Champs 1 defence TV Champ is Pez Whatley
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ROSTER[/CENTER] Main Event Wahoo McDaniels Ivan Koloff Dusty Rhodes Ric Flair is our NWA World Champion Terry Funk Jos Leduc Uppermidcarder Greg Valentine is our United States Champion Ricky Steamboat is a co holder of the NWA World Tag Champion Roddy Piper Jimmy Valiant Jay Youngblood is a co holder of the NWA World Tag Champion Jerry Brisco Dory Funk JR Midcard Ronnie Garvin Road Warrior Hawk Great Kabuki is our MidAtlantic Heavyweight Champ Ricky Morton Mike Rotundo Moondog Rex is co holder MidAtlantic Tag Champ Magic Dragon One Man Gang Moondog Spot is co holder midatlantic tag champ Sweet Brown Sugar Road Warrior Animal Bugsy McGraw Bobby Eaton Dick Slater Jake Roberts Is our NWA Nation TV Champ The Assassin Bob Orton JR Lower midcard Ed Hogan Rick Harris Kelly Kiniski Robert Gibson PVT Jim Nelson Ken Timbs Openers and Enhancement Rick Rude Mike Davis Koko B Ware Masa Fuchi Angelo Mosca JR Mark Fleming Vinny Valinton Occasional Jack Brisco Paul Jones Rufus Jones Abe Jacobs Mangers Paul Ellering Sir Oliver Humperdink Gary Hart Announce Team Bob Caudle Gordon Solie Tony Schivone Mike Cooper Road Agent George Scott
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] History of MACW. Shows are held on Tuesday and Saturday. Saturday show is TV Slot. Wk 1 MACW on Tour 2,000 Sell out in the Macon City Auditorium Rating B Angelo Mosca Jr Defeated Mike Davis E One Man Gang beats Mark Fleming D+ Sweet Brown Sugar beats Rick Harris C Dick Slater beats Rufus Jones B Bob Orton JR beats The Assassin C+ Greg Valentine beats Ricky Steamboat B+ Dusty Rhodes beats Ric Flair (C.O.) A WK 1 MidAtlantic TV show 2,000 Sell out in Raleigh Rating B- Moondogs over Rock n Roll Express C One Man Gang beats Pvt Jim Nelson D+ Bob Orton Jr beats Ed Hogan D+ Jerry Brisco beats Mike Davis D+ Ivan Koloff beats Mark Fleming C- Steamboat/Youngblood Draw with the Funks B- Dick Slater beats Bugsy McGraw C+ Greg Valentine draw with Wahoo McDaniel B Wk 2 MACW on Tour 2,000 Sellout in Decatur IL Rating C+ Jake Roberts beats Angelo Mosca JR D+ Ronnie Garvin Beats Ken Timbs C+ Bob Orton Jr over Mike Davis D+ Jerry Brisco beats Masa Fuchi D+ Ivan Koloff beats Vinnie Valentino D+ Greg Valintine retains US belt over Roddy Piper B+ WK 2 MACW TV Show 5,000 sellout Boiling Springs Rating B Rock n Roll express drew with the Moondogs c- Jack Brisco Retains MIDATL HVY againt Jake Roberts B- Jimmy Valiant beats Great Kabuki B Greg Valintine Retains US Belt againt Bob Orton JR A Ivan Koloff beats Angelo Mosca jr C- Sweet Brown Sugar beats Ed Hogan D Roddy Piper beats Dick Slater A Ric Flair Retains NWA World title against Dusty Rhodes A+ WK 3 MACW on Tour 5,000 Sellout Birmingham AL Rating B Mostly a tourny for vacant Nation TV Belt Rick Rude beats Abe Jacobs E Great Kabuki wins MIDATL HVY from Jack Brisco B- Mike Rotundo beats Kelly Kiniski D+ Ronnie Garvin Beats Magic Dragon B- Jake Roberts beats Bugsy McGraw B- Roddy Piper drew with Dick Slater B- Mike Rotundo beats Ronnie Garvin C+ Greg Valentine beats Tommy Rich to retain US belt. Rich was on loan. B+ Jake Roberts beats Mike Rotundo for NWA Nation TV Title. WK 3 MACW TV 5,000 Sellout in Charleston SC Rating B Rick Rude beats Mark Fleming D- Bugsy McGraw beats Mike Davis D Moondogs beat Rock n Roll Express to win vacant MID ATL Tag belts C- Jerry Brisco beats Masa Fuchi C Dory Funk Jr beats Bob Orton jr B- Ivan Koloff beats Koko B Ware C- Jake Roberts Retain TV belt against Mike Rotundo C+ One Man Gang beats Bobby Eaton C- Ric Flair beats Wahoo Mcdaniel A
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Coming to The Great Lakes Area Scheduled to appear Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket........Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Paul Jones Takes on the Son of Kong Angelo Mosca JR Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket........Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Dizzy Ed Hogan battles Bugsy McGraw Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket........Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Man With the hand of Stone Ronnie Garvin takes on the Dreaded Assassin Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket........Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Nature Boy Ric Flair defends against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes Coming soon Predictions and Comments Welcome. Reserve your seats soon as tickets are $12.00 in advanced $15.00 at the door[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE] TV Ratings Report for the third week of January[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]GLOW on monday's from 6:30 till 7:00 did a .11 share[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]CMML on Tuesday's from 8:00 till 9:00 did a 1.32 share Stampede Wrestling from 8:00 till 9:00 did a .31 share Southwest Championship Wrestling from 10:00 till 11:00 did a .30 share Wrestling at the Chase from 7:00 till 8:00 did a .08 share [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Puroresu Chukei on Wednesday's from 8:00 tll 9:00 did a 1.53 share Mid South Wrestling from 8:00 till 9:00 did a .18 share [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ringside Wreslting on Thursday's 9:00 till 10:00 did a .94 share[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]AWA Allstar Wrestling on Fridays 7:00 till 8:00 pm did a 1.51 share World Pro Wrestling from 7:00 till 8:00 did a 1:40 share International Wrestling from 6:30 till 7:30 did a .38 share World Wrestling Council from 9:00 till 10:00 did a .16 share [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]MidAtlantic Championship Wrestling on Saturdays from 7:00 till 9:00did a 4.27 share Georgia Championship Wrestling from 7:00 till 8:30 did a .60 share CWA Allstars from 6:00 till 7:00 did a .12 share Big Time Wrestling from 11:00 till 12:00 did a .09 share Southeastern Championship wrestling from 6:30 till 7:30 did a .00 share [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]WWF Wrestling on Sunday's 7:00 till 8:00 pm did a 1.36 share World Class Wrestling from 8:00 till 9:00 did a .70 share Wrestling from Florida from 8:00 till 9:00 did a .35 share [/QUOTE] We are now starting the last week of January
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[CENTER][QUOTE]News For Monday 4th week of Jan[/QUOTE][/CENTER] David Von Erich is the new poster child for WCCW as he has turned down both the AWA and MLW. Our inside sources report that He is just content with staying in Texas for the time being and wants to remain with WCCW only at this time. [QUOTE]New Champion for the NWA? El Satanico became CMLL's NWA World Middleweight Champion last night. He beat Tony Salazar in the Main Event for the Vacant title.[/QUOTE] WWF held and event in Lewiston ME last night which drew about 2,000 fans. Feedback from the show has been decent but hardly spectacular. MVP of the night was Sgt Slaughter. Noteable matches were Don Muraco retains the IC belt as he beat Tony Atlas. Somoans retain the WWF Tag Championship against The Invaders. [QUOTE]Championship Wreslting from Florida was noted as being in PR last night and they drew a reported 913 people. Many report it was a good show all the way around with the star of the night belonging too Kevin Sullivan.[/QUOTE] Breaking news. It is being reported that Jimmy Hart has been signed to a Pay Per Appearence contract with Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Terms of the contract have not been disclosed yet.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [QUOTE]Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Coming to you live from Decatur IL[/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [QUOTE]A quick video is played featuring all the above wrestlers in action[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Tonights Announce Team are[/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [QUOTE]Bob Caudle,,Mike Cooper,,And Tony Schiavone[/QUOTE][/CENTER] MC: We welcome the fine folks here in Decatur IL. for an outstanding show featuring the best wrestlers from MidAtlantic Wrestling. Tonights Main Event will be Ric Flair, defending his NWA World Title against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. BC: This should be a classic battle tonight and anytime the NWA Title is up for grabs should be a classic. TS: But now lets take you down to ringside for our 1st match tonight. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketVSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Paul Jones....Angelo Mosca JR[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Paul Jones a former Midatlantic Heavyweight Champion battles Angelo Mosca Jr. Just was trying to get a little use out of Paul. Hopefully he can teach Angelo how to brawl or something. If Anything Paul will get off my back saying he hasn't been used in a show or something. All Jones as he picks up the win against Angelo. TS: Paul Jones is your winner folks as it looks like he has returned to his winning ways. BC: Lets not forget he is a former Mid Atlantic Champion so he knows how to pick up a win when he needs too. MC: The thing that impresses me is is tag team wins, 5 time NWA Tag champ, plus 4 time Midatlantic Tag Champs. BC: Right you are sir. TS: The crowd is picking up noise guys lets see what is happening. [CENTER][QUOTE]Bugsy McGraw makes his way to ringside high fiveing as he makes his way down. Has his usual camo gear, airplane goggles, and acting like he is an airplane on his way down. Gets into the ring, and then precedes to head butt all four corners of the ring. Grabs a mic and thanks the fans for being here tonight and thanks them for all the years of support and how he isn't done yet as this old dog still has a trick or two up his sleeve.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketVSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Bugsy McGraw takes on Ed Hogan[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Bugsy has been up and down before as I really just wanted him to gain alittle momentum. He can still brawl with the best of them however. All Bugsy as he picks up the win. [CENTER][QUOTE]Before the broadcast team can get a word in Jimmy Hart and the current Midatlantic Tag Champs, The Moondogs make an appearance. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Jimmy Hart: Baby my Moondogs are the best thing going right now. We won the Midatlantic Championship and we ain't stopping there. We call out those paper champions out,,,tonight. Yeah you got it right,, We want a shot at those NWA World Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Come on baby,,ya got the guts?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat answer the call. So you want us tonight boys, well in the respect of competition we will put up our belts against you two we need a tuneup for when we face those no good Funk Brothers later[/QUOTE][/CENTER] MC: Wow, We didn't see this one coming guys this is totally impromptu. Lets get a ref down here now. BC: Wow indeed. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood Battle the Moondogs with Jimmy Hart thier manager[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Two of our better tag teams here. Moondogs apparently caught Steamboat/Youngblood off guard as the Moondogs dominated early. But the quickness of Steamboat/Youngblood started to swing the momentum back to their side. Steamboat catches Rex with a flying body cross to pick up the win. Steamboat and Youngblood start celebrating playing up to the crowd when working their way thru the fans appear Dory and Terry Funk and starts to attack Steamboat and Youngblood. It pretty much become a quick skirmish as as Steamboat and Youngblood fend off the attack. The Funks slither away to wards the back stage area glaring at Steamboat/Youngblood. BC: Some bad blood developing here guys. Funks on the hunt can only mean trouble. TS: That match up is gonna be a hum dinger would you two not agree. MC: Yeah but I have to take my hat off to the Moondogs and Jimmy Hart. That took some kahunas to call out the world champs like that. BC: I hate to interrupt but I'm getting word of a meeting back stage. [CENTER][QUOTE]Ric Flair and Dick Slater are seen talking as a camera crew starts to approach. No audible words are heard or made out but it looks like some kind of deal has been worked out as they shake hands and agree to something.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] MC: O this cant be good. BC: I wish I could have listen to that conversation. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketVSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Assasin battles Ronnie Garvin[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Trying to milk some time of the clock. Good match as The Assassin played the great heel and Garvin doing a decent job as face. Garvin picks up the win in the end. TS: Lets get ready for our Main Event. BC: I'm being told that both wrestlers are backstage and have some final thoughts tonight. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The American Dream here guys. Flair, you and me brother have been down this road too many times. Iv won some, and I've lost some to you. You have my respect. But the one thing I can never respect out of you, is your cheating ways. So tonight, its time to get funky like a monkey. O yeah big daddy. Lets get it on. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rhodes, its time you shut your big mouth up. WOO!,,I don't need your respect. Iv battled for to long up and down these roads to need your respect. And your right big man, you have lost a few to me. Actually, alot to me. For you see pal, to be the man,,you have to beat the man. And you haven't beat me in a long time. Whoo!,,So Rhodes,,lets lace them boots up and give these folks a show. A Show when they can tell their kids someday. They saw Ric Flair beat the snot out of you Rhodes. Wooo! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketVSPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ric Flair the current NWA Champion battles Dusty Rhodes[/QUOTE][/CENTER] What can I say. These two are like lightning in the bottle. Put on a great show for everyone tonight. In the Ring, out of the ring. Action all the way around. This match lasted well over a half hour. The End saw Rhodes start to gain the upper hand. Flair acted like he was hurt. Referee came over to check Flair. When Slater made his appearance known. He nails Rhodes with a chain to the back of the head. Rhodes is knocked out. Flair slaps on the figure four leg lock to a motionless Rhodes. 1,,,2,,,AND A 3. Winner and still the champ Ric Flair. But these two are not done yet. Flair and Slater start beating, and kicking and finally use chair shots on Rhodes. Practically every official from the back stage come down and try stop Flair and Slater. Rhodes is apparently very hurt. What does this mean for the end of the month match between these two? Find out later this week. Good night everybody, drive home safe.
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A few thoughts from after the show. I really felt it was a good show all and all. Was rather pleased on a couple of matches. Paul Jones and Angelo was the biggest surprise as Angelo really took to Paul leading the way. Moondogs and the NWA Champs Steamboat and Youngblood went down smooth. Bugsy's segment was of mixed reaction. Kids and the casual fan enjoyed it but a few of the hardcore fans seemed to be annoyed. We sold out yet again. I seem to have done a good job of planning ahead as we have sold out every venue I have booked for the month of January. Early gate receipts have every indication that we made some money which is always a plus. Feed back from after the show. Many felt it was an excellent show and we may have struck gold with this one. But one down side of the evening was the performance of Mr Ed Hogan. Might have to sleep on it but leaning towards giving him his release. Pay him to much money for that kind of performance.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [QUOTE]On the heels of tuesday's MACW on tour. Answers to questions will be demanded. On the eve of ONLY TIME, several questions need to be answered. [/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [QUOTE]What will happen to Ric Flair after his attack on Dusty Rhodes?[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[QUOTE]Greg Valentine, Jerry Brisco, and Dick Slater are scheduled to appear on[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Piper's Pit[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [QUOTE]Who will answer the challenge this week from the Russian Bear Ivan Koloff?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Also see Ronnie Garvin take on Rick Harris. Magic Dragon and his manager Gary Hart in action. Jake Roberts puts his NWA TV Title up against Bobby Eaton. And more on Saturday live on WTBS. [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]News for Tuesday 4th Week of January.[/CENTER] [QUOTE]Pez Whatley new ICW TV Champ Butch Reed New HCW Intercontental Champion.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]News for Wedsday 4th Week of January[/CENTER] [QUOTE]Southwestern Championship Wrestling held an event in Bessemer AL. This drew about 1,000 fans. Feedback was excellent. Notable matches included Hector Guerrero retaining his SWCW Jr heavyweight title against Buddy Moreno. Adrian Adonis retains his Southwest Heavyweight title against Manny Fernandez. But all is not good for Southwestern Championship Wrestling as another night of poor ratings. The USA Network is thinking of pulling the plug on the show. More details as we get them.[/QUOTE]
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News for Thursday 4th week of January AWA held an event in Oakland CA last night which drew about 5,000 fans. The general feeling is it was a decent show but nothing spectacular. Notable matches Rick Martel keeps the AWA TV Title as he defended against Mike Graham. The High Flyers keep the AWA Tag Championship against David Schultz and Sgt Goulet. AWA have announced that they have agreed to terms with Paul Orndorff to a pay per appearance contract. Paul is excited to be joining and is looking forward to his first show with the AWA. Mid South Wrestling came to IL last night. It is unknown how many fans attended the show but it is noted that Dick Murdoch made a successful title defense against The Junkyard Dog thereby keeping his North American Heavyweight Championship. Mid-Atlantic Wrestling has announced that the contracts of Ed Hogan and Rufus Jones have been terminated. They are quoted as saying we wish them all the luck with any of their future endeavors. News for Friday 4th week of January Gino Hernandez is the new HCW Universal Champion. As he won the vacant title in a match against Kamala in Washington. Georgia Championship Wrestling was in Detroit Mi and sold the place out. Feedback from the show says it was a decent event but nothing to spectacular. Notable matches were Buzz Sawyer and Mr. Wrestling 2 successfully defended the National Tag Team belts against Iron Sheik and Spoiler. WWF were in NY last night and they drew a crowd of 5,000. MVP of the night was Bruno Sammartino. Other notable action saw The Samoans defeated the Invaders to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship, WCCW were in NE last night which drew about 2,000 people. Most agreed it was an excellent show. Notable matches Iceman Parsons defeated Jim Garvin to retain his TV Championship.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Dark Matches before we were on TV. Jimmy Hart came out with Rick Rude and pronounced how Rude is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Rude then went one on one against Vinnie Valentino. Rude won. Next up was a four way battle pitting Koko B Ware, Angelo Mosca jr, Masa Fuchi and Mike Davis. Winner of the match was Koko B Ware. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Intro video played from stock footage from the above wrestlers. [QUOTE]Midatlantic Wrestling coming to you live from the Atlanta Civic Center. And our announce team for the evening. Bob Caudle, Gordon Solie, and Tony Schiavone. [/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] GS: Hello everybody and welcome to Midatlantic Wrestling on the super station. My broadcast partners are to my right Bob Caudle. And to my left, Tony Schiavone. BC: Ladies and gentlemen I am being told that we have an important announcement concerning the outrageous assault on Dusty Rhodes by Ric Flair on last Tuesday MACW on tour event. TS: And I believe we have footage from that attack that is ready to be played. [CENTER][QUOTE]Video of Rhodes and Flair with help from Slater. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwith manager Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Magic Dragon with manager Gary Hart against PVT Jim Nelson. Jim put on a valiant effort against Dragon but every time he tried to sustain any offense Gary Hart would distract him giving the edge back to Magic Dragon. Gary is worth every cent in my own humble opinion. Winner of the match Magic Dragon.[/CENTER] BC: Gary Hart and Magic Dragon continue their winning ways even if they did it the low way. TS: When will this blatant cheating come to an end? GS: Well we might have an answer to that right now. Here comes the chairman of the board now. Mr. Cooper I give you the floor now sir. MC: Thank you Mr. Solie. I have an important decree from the NWA board of directors and a personal message from Dusty Rhodes concerning the event from Tuesday. First off, if I may. Mr. Flair, your actions from this past Tuesday I personally find are I think actions from a desperate man. Dusty has assured me and the championship committee that he will be there tomorrow to take that World Championship belt from you. But that doesn’t change what will happen to you tonight Mr. Flair. Tonight you will face non other than Wahoo McDaniel. And with that news Flair storms the set. Woa, woa, wait a minute pal. You guys don’t think that your gonna pull this on me do you? I’m Ric Flair. I am the greatest athlete today. I’ll be damned if your gonna treat your World’s Champion in this fashion. MC: The Decision has been made, and that’s final. RF: Decision, DECISION, IT’S A CONSPIRACY. ( Mike walks away) Come back here. This is an outrage. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ronnie Garvin the man with the hands of stone VS Rick Harris. Two hard hitters plain and simple. You want wrestling might have to wait till the next match. Power moves and fists only for this one boys and girls. Winner of the match Ronnie Garvin.[/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket We are treated to a video of the Road Warriors beating and pummeling everybody in this footage. They claim they are coming soon. Everybody be afraid, be very afraid.[/CENTER] TS: Those guys are huge. Such power. BC: You ain't kidding. Boy o boy things are heating up here in the MidAtlantic. GS: on a side note gentlemen it is being announced that tomorrows “Only Time” Super card will have The Funk Brothers VS Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood in a cage match. [CENTER][QUOTE]Pipers Pit. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Piper says He is coming to fight. Greg Says he isn’t coming to lose. Slater says he is man enough and will be walking out the next United States Champion. Jerry Brisco says he has all the rassling ability and the knowledge to bring yet another belt back to the Brisco Family. Then all four men start to get into each others faces and squaring off against on another. Security wastes no time in getting down to separate the group before any damage can be done.[/QUOTE] TS: That match tomorrow is shaping up to be all time classic. BC: Yes sir indeed, it will be a good one that’s for sure. [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Jake Roberts the current NWA National TV Champ takes on Bobby Eaton. Two young workers trying to make a name for each other. Both have promising futures. Bobby Eaton had enough offense to frustrate Jake Roberts. But Roberts isn’t a slouch in the ring and has enough veteran savvy to pull it out with classic DDT. Winner and Still the TV Champ. Jake Roberts.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] GS: Don’t forget folks. Tomorrow night in Raleigh NC “Only Time” will be one of the greatest cards featuring the finest talent the NWA and Midatlantic and probably the world will see. [CENTER][QUOTE]Ivan Koloff comes to ringside and people start booing. The camera pans the audience and finds fans holding up signs like “nuke Russia” and such. Koloff says he has worked long and hard to earn a reputation of beating people up. In mother Russia he is a legend, a folk hero. He is Russia’s greatest athlete and he challenges anybody in the back stage to fight him right now.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ivan Koloff vs. Sweat Brown Sugar. Sugar may be a fan favorite. But he picked a bad time to try and make a name for himself. The Russian Bear has been on a roll as of late. At times it seemed like Ivan was toying with his prey. Ivan wins it via submission.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] BC: Will anybody be able to slow that big Russian down anytime soon. TS: It doesn’t look like it will happen anytime soon. GS: Now let’s take you to an interview I conducted earlier with one, Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. [CENTER] Mr. Solie, it’s a pleasure sir. You see I have wrestled from one part of the country to the next. I come from a proud family. And the best thing is I get paid to beat people up. Now you see I think a lot of people take the Orton name for granted. Well brother, I don’t think so. You see it’s a new year. This will be my year. Everybody is on notice from this point on. Flair, Wahoo, Valentine, and the list goes on and on. Lace em up big boys because 83, will be the year of the cowboy. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket So Orton. You say it’s your year. Well don’t forget one thing. Behind every dark corner. In every dark cranny. There is an assassin to make your day miserable. [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Match Orton Vs Assassin Orton. Good match up to eat some clock off. Neither are slouches in the ring. Both could be useful in training others. Assassin scored several near falls on Orton. But in the end Orton rocks Assassin with a flying clothesline to rattle him. And Orton stays on the offense from that point on. Scoring the pin fall with a Superplex to take the win.[/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo Wahoo: You know this is been a long time coming. Seems like to me everybody has forgotten the poor old Indian. Well Flair, Iv faced better men than you. Honorable men who at least gave me a shot to become champion. People like Harley Race; he at least gave me a shot to become champion. Sometimes it makes me sick to my stomach. You know I have a win loss record like no other person. Yet no contracts for championships come my way. Well, maybe tonight that changes. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo Flair: Chief if you got a chip on your shoulder, stop crying to the rest of the world. You know what? I cried and I moaned earlier. Well no more. Iv spilled to much blood. Iv worked my butt off day in and day out for this title. No man is gonna take this belt from me. Wooo. Why, because I like my limousine riding. I like my Mercedes Benz. And I like this kiss stealing. But you know what I like most? The look on my opponent’s face when the final bell rings for the night. AND STILL NWA WORLD CHAMPION. Ric Flair. Learn to deal with it pal. Whoo. [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel non title affair. Another one of those would pay to see matches. Wahoo has done it all. Former football player. Former United States Champion. But the World Title has always eluded his grasp. Flair, The name says it all. The end of the match saw Wahoo get distracted by Jos Leduc. This was all Ric needed for a chop block to the back of the legs and he locks on the figure four. Winner and still the NWA World Champion. Ric Flair.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] The show ends with Flair celebrating and taunting the fans while walking back to the backstage area. Jos Leduc and Wahoo and burning holes in each other with their stares at one another. How does this effect "ONLY TIME"? All this and more coming soon. [QUOTE]After the show did some quick accounting and it looks like I had another sellout on hand. Everybody seemed to have thought it was an excellent show. We may have hit gold again with this one. Now its time to plan the end of the month special. "Only Time" [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]News for Saturday 4th week of January[/QUOTE] Junkyard Dog wins title? Unconfirmed sources are saying Mid Southern Wrestling has a new Heavyweight Champion. Junkyard Dog defeated Dick Murdoch in Arizona. If this is true it will be his 3rd title reign. AWA were in PR last night. Star of the evening apparently was Nick Bockwinkle. Notable matches The High Fliers retain their Tag Belts against Goulet and Regal. [QUOTE]News for Sunday 4th Week of January[/QUOTE] Title Victory for Paul Orndorff? Paul Orndorff apparently has won the TV Title away from Pez Whatley in last night event for Georgia Championship Wrestling. Pez was unsuccessful in making any title defenses. Other news on the Georgia Championship Event Sawyer and Mr. Wrestling 2 retained the Tag Team belts against The Iron Sheik and The Spoiler. MidAtlantic news. The injury bug hit Koko B Ware on Saturday night’s event. He is expected to miss several weeks because of a ruptured spleen.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [SIZE="5"]MidAtlantic Championship Wrestling Presents. ONLY TIME.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Main Event[/SIZE] [QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ric Flair defends NWA World Title against Dusty Rhodes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend the NWA World Tag Team Championship against The Funk Brothers. In a cage match.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Greg "The Hammer" Valentine defends the United States Championship against Dick Slater, Jerry Brisco, and "The Hot Rod" Roddy Piper.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"]In a special grudge match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wahoo McDaniel takes on Jos Leduc [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...With Manager Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Moondogs defend the Mid Atlantic Tag Team belts against Bugsy McGraw and Jimmy"Boggie Woggie" Valiant [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket VS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Jake Roberts defends the NWA National TV Title against Bob Orton JR. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket with manager Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketVS Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Great Kabuki defends the MidAtlantic Heavyweight Championship against " The Man with the hands of stone" Ronnie Garvin.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]And a Special Challenge match. Who will answer the challenge by the Russian Bear? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ivan Koloff [/QUOTE][/CENTER] As always comments and or predictions welcome. Tickets are $18.00 in advance $24.00 at the door. Join us for Midatlantic Championship Wrestling "ONLY TIME"
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] [QUOTE]MidAtlantic Championship Wrestling Proudly Presents "ONLY TIME" Coming to you live from Raleigh NC. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Video vignette of stock footage from the above wrestlers.[/CENTER] GS: Welcome everyone to another exciting night for MidAtlantic Championship Wrestling. We call this night “Only Time”. And as usual my broadcast partners Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone. BC: Thank you MR. Solie for the introduction. Looks like another sellout here tonight folks. TS: This promises to be the most important night this industry Has ever had. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Backstage we see Dusty Rhodes Bandaged up looking like death warmed over.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] TS: This cant be good for Rhodes. It looks like he can barely move let alone wrestle for the NWA World Championship tonight. BC: What a despicable act Flair and Slater did to Rhodes. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo with Jake Roberts: So I got me a Cowboy tonight. Just another fish for me to reel in. The only thing I can say is expect the unexpected. This is a business my man. And tonight I’m taking care of business.[/QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket NWA National TV Title Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...[SIZE="6"][/SIZE]vs...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Good match up for the TV title. Figured I could start the show with these two good workers. End of the match saw Roberts roll up Orton with a hand full of tights to pick up the win. Winner and still NWA TV Champ. Jake Roberts.[/CENTER] GS: Jake Roberts continues his winning ways here tonight. It’s a shame he has to stoop that low to win. BC: He has all the tools in the world. Yet apparently has no heart. TS: I’ll sum up with one word. Travesty, what a travesty it was for Orton to lose in that fashion. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ronnie Garvin promo: Kabuki, Iv got you tonight. You made a big splash for yourself beating Jack Brisco for that title. Tonight I’m gonna take it away.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Gary Hart hypes Great Kabuki: Garvin you are no match for my monster assassin from the orient. With this title comes fame, and then comes money. And we all know how much I like money.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket MidAtlantic Heavyweight Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This match up is a brawl feast. Nothing more nothing less. Ending saw Kabuki win it with a heart kick to retain the Midatlantic Heavyweight championship.[/CENTER] BC: Kabuki looked good out there tonight as he makes defense number 1 for the Midatlantic Heavyweight Championship. GS: I’m going to have to interrupt you for a minute Bob. We are being told the World Champion as a few words right now. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ric Flair: Did you guys see how pathetic Rhodes looked. This man is gonna be in a world of hurt tonight. Wooo. Thinking he can jump on space mountain. Rhodes, don’t expect no quarter from me brother. I’m gonna whip you tonight like the dog that you are. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ivan Koloff is ringside: Pay some respect to the greatest athlete mother Russia has produced. I think all of you are dirty, slimy, prejudiced pigs. I challenge anybody from that backstage area to face me in a match right now. That is if you puny Americans have the stomach to handle such a challenge. With that Mike Rotundo comes down to ringside. Ivan, you may be a great wrestler. But I’m tired of you putting my country down. I’m tired of you running your mouth. And these great fans are tired of you as well. You’re on buddy.[/CENTER] [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Clash of opposites. One is an ageing superstar. The other a possible rising star. Ivan was hardcore before hardcore became cool. Ivan man handles Mike thru out the match but the constant USA chants seemed to energize Mike. Ending of the match saw Ivan whip Rotundo into the ropes. Mike comes flying off and hits Ivan in the head with a knee lift which staggers the Russian. Mike then picks him up and airplane spins Ivan for 1, 2, and 3. Ivan is upset. And chases after Rotundo. But he is just a little quicker than Ivan and gets away.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] BC: O boy what an upset. TS: This as got to go down as the biggest upset in the history of professional sports since the US hockey team beat the Russians. GS: Way to go kid. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo Bugsy McGraw and Jimmy Valiant: Hey Bugsy, We got them no good Moondogs tonight brother. BM : Moondoggies on the stick. Just like I use to get in the carnival. JV: No not them Moon dog’s . The ones who are ugly cusses. Meaner than a stubborn mule. BM: O those guys. What do you say we just teach those two something about Carolina rassling? JV: Let’s go brotha man. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwith manager Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo Jimmy Hart with the Moondogs: Let me tell ya something baby. We are gonna send you to the Heart Break hotel tonight big daddy. [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket MidAtlantic Tag Team Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Two veteran tag teams. The end saw Bugsy start to work over Spot. Jimmy Hart throws his megaphone to Rex while he distracts the ref and Jimmy Valiant. Rex nails Bugsy with the megaphone and pulls Spot for the cover. Winners and still MidAtlantic Tag Team Champs. The Moondogs.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo: Jos Leduc: Back in the logging camp. When you wanted to accomplish something important. You took notes. In our case we made scars on our bodies to remind us on what to do. Wahoo,, pay attention. See this? This is an ax. As he grinds the ax to his arm, do me a favor Wahoo. Don’t show up tonight. Leave while you can. I’m not crazy, but you are if you think your going to win tonight. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Promo Wahoo: Jos, I’m getting sick and tired of everybody cheating me out of title shots. Everybody says he get the Indian he can chauffer the car or he is great to have party with. But if he is looking for a title shot better go hide. Well Leduc you cost me a shot for a title down the road. But tonight I’m taking the win. [QUOTE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Great match up. Two Veterans of the ring and between the two combatants over 20 championship belts have been worn on these two pugilists. Mostly by Wahoo however but still impressive none the less. These two put on a show for the fans as it really sold them on the idea these two powerhouses really don’t like each other. Action spilled out of the ring and both men are counted out. But they don’t care as the battle on. Fighting, kicking, and scratching all the way back to the backstage area.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] GS: I don’t think we have seen the last of these two as nothing as been settled between these two guys here tonight. BC: I would agree Gordon. TS: Don’t forget ladies and gentlemen that later tonight we will have the Funk Brothers VS Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood for the coveted NWA World Tag Team belts in a cage match. [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Video of storyline on how Greg Valentine, Dick Slater, Jerry Brisco, and Roddy Piper have gotten to this point.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket NWA United States Champion Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This one holds plenty of action. A free for all. We got it all, punching, wrestling, low blows, the total package deal here guys. The End saw Piper lock on a sleeper hold on Greg Valentine. Slater comes up and drills Piper. They head out of the ring to battle there. Jerry Brisco comes with a sunset flip on The Hammer but his momentum carried thru and Valentine holds onto Brisco’s tights to pick up the three count. Winner and still the United States Champion. Greg Valentine. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Funks Promo: You yellow bellied cowards. We got you right where we want you. Me and my brother once beat a man half to death in Houston for dodging us half as long as you two foreigners have. You goody two shoes make me sick. Come on Dory lets go kick some A**. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Steamboat/Youngblood promo: So it’s the Funk Brothers vs. us for the belts. And you want us in a cage do you? Well you got it. You wanted our attention now you have it. And the belts are staying right where they are right now.[/CENTER] [CENTER][QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket NWA World Tag Team Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Both teams are locked into the cage. All for men look around the cage and check it out as this possibly could be their last match. Cage matches always seem to take out a little out of an individual each and every time. Maybe it’s the flesh they leave on the cage. Maybe it’s the steel that is unforgiving on the flesh and bones. Who knows? Steamboat and Youngblood controlled early. Funks wore down on Youngblood towards the middle of the match. The seemed to control their own destiny and were on their way to victory. Youngblood makes a hot tag to Steamboat. Steamboat cleans house and has the momentum clearly on his side. Wait a minute. What the hell is he doing here now. Gary Hart comes running down and slips a cane into the ring. Dory uses it and cracks Rick in the stomach with it. Then breaks it over Steamboat’s head. 1, 2, and 3. Winners and new NWA World Tag Team Champions. Dory and Terry Funk.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] TS: What in the heck was that? Gary Hart aligning himself with the Funks now? BC: It looks like that away Tony. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Dusty Rhodes promo: Flair what will be, is what will be tonight. For you see I have reserved for us the stratosphere for you and me. Don’t you get sold on the shell of the man you see right now. Because you and I both know my heart is still a thumping away big daddy. It’s the American Dream versus the Nature boy one more time in North Carolina. And it don’t get no better than dat. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ric Flair: You know it’s hard to be humble when you are as good as Ric Flair. Woo. I was up in New York last night and partied all,, night,,,long. And the women up there said. Hey, look there is the boss. And you know what? Bruce Springsteen was no where to be found. Now let’s focus on tonight. Dusty. I busted you up the last time we met. Now you want round 2. After tonight pal. There are no more rounds for you. Learn to love it. Because I am the greatest athlete in professional sports right now, haha.Diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair. [QUOTE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket NWA World Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...VS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Dusty VS Flair. Yawner of a match. Boring chants filled the building. Yeah in a pigs eye. Flair is,,,well Flair. Rhodes, Like him or not. He is a wrestling god. These two have always put on a show no matter what. Dusty Rhodes who had been selling the idea that he was severally injured most of the night. Pulled off all the bandages and wrap that was protecting the “injured parts” O boy, Rhodes aint as hurt as he led us all to believe. Schiavone almost sounded like he creamed his jeans to that fact. Dusty who had gained an extreme advantage with his selling of the injury controlled most of the match. But a well placed low blow by Flair swung the advantage to himself. Flair locks on the figure four. Dusty reverses it. And Flair reverses it right back. It’s too much for Dusty who gave it all. He submits. Winner and still the NWA World Champion. Ric Flair.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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