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New York City Wrestling: Tradition Begins Anew... again.

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Better late than never, it's time for... [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B][SIZE="3"]Showdown in the Bronx Crowd: 879[/SIZE][/B] [B] Wayne Davis Promo[/B][/COLOR] Quick update: We ran a poll on the NYCW Website (which I can put anything I want on: Stomper doesn't own a computer -- we ran a poll to name Wayne Davis' finisher. The winning name will be forthcoming, should he defeat Cal Sanders. This promo was generally about how great he was, and how he'd have gold before anyone knew it -- not a c0cky just saying it statement, more spoken as certainty. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rating: D- Wayne Davis vs Cal Sanders[/COLOR][/B] One match, good match, quick match, squash match. WD wins with.... The Davistator. Thankfully we changed his ring name -- I don't want to see the Newtonator, or the... uh, Wayneenator. Maybe we'll take a cue from Charlie Sheen's named pitches in Major League II -- You kick out at two, you get to rename it. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Winner: Wayne Davis Rating: D+ The Enterprise (Captain Morgan & Cadet Casey) vs The Next Generation (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)[/COLOR][/B] Not quite a squash, but not uber competitive either, Morgan & Casey did their jobs by doing the... uh, job. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Winners: The Next Generation Rating: D Post Match...[/COLOR][/B] Jacob Jett ran down the aisle, where he tackled Casey Valentine and began pummeling him until being separated by security -- with Jett backing up into the ring. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rating: E Jacob Jett promo[/COLOR][/B] "I guess I deserve what I'm getting from Vessey & Valentine," Jett started, showing some surprising honesty. "After what Cam and I did to people when we started here -- the beatings, the cheating -- taking The New York Doll out of NYCW on a stretcher -- so I can't come out here and tell you all that I'm feeling sorry for myself when I'm getting what I deserve. Cameron, Casey -- the one thing I can promise is that starting next month, you'll get what's coming to you too." [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rating: D- Gargantuan vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/B] This was a learning experience for Dozer -- having to play David to someone else's goliath, and the result was as good as I could have expected -- the best match of Gargantuan's short career. It was mainly Smith throwing his offense at Garg, failing to take the giant off his feet, though he had him reeling late when Gargantuan went for the typical gigantic wrestler's favorite stock maneuver, the chokehold, which he held onto past five, leading to Michael Bull calling for the DQ. Smith was helped to the back post match, leading me to speculate in the booth that this match was an elaborate (wait for it...) trick from Rick Sanders to weaken the competition. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Winner by DQ: Bulldozer Brandon Smith Rating: D+ Tri-State Title Sammy the Shark (challenger) vs American Elemental (champion) [/COLOR][/B] Good way to get Sammy on the card while providing a more defined line between our primary and secondary titles, the result was promising enough, showing that Elemental can pull out a good match with just about anyone -- regardless of how over they are or aren't. Sammy held his own, though no one really bought him as a credible threat to the title. A few nearfalls for Sammy brought some suspense to the contest, but American Elemental finished things off with an Inferno Splash. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Winner, and still NYCW Tri-State Champion: American Elemental Rating: C- Bulldozer Brandon Smith Promo[/COLOR][/B] Smith, having changed into street clothes during the AE-Sammy match, was back out, and he didn't look happy. "I've been choked, I've been hit with foreign objects, dropped with Ultimate Backbreakers: and it all stops NOW! I've been on the phone for the last half hour, since I got my breath back from having my neck wrung by that seven foot piece of garbage. Sanders -- next month, Kings of New York II, it's you and me, cage match, Empire title on the line." Big cheers for that. "And your big buddy Gargantuan, I have something for him too," Smith pulled out his cell phone, which was left in the open position... thankfully, he has free nights and weekends. "I've been on the phone with a friend of mine, someone who took me under his wing when I was still getting my feet wet, and he's big enough and bad enough to take you on next month." Smith leaned over the rope, hanging the phone out close to the crowd. [B][I] "New York City, say hello to Puerto Rican Power!"[/I][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rating: C- Shady K Promo[/COLOR][/B] Shady K was not happy that he was fighting some "Punk who's whinin' cuz' his best friend don't wanna be friends no more." adding that "whenever I had a friend, I stabbed them in the back before they could stab me, that simple." That seems to explain why Knuckles hasn't been able to find any kind of meaningful work since SWF dropped the axe on him. Shady continued, explaining that the Empire title was all that mattered to him. "Sanders, Bulldozer, I don't care who it is -- when they're in a showdown with Shady K, they're gettin beatdown. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rating: D- Shady K vs Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] Pretty good match with Shady ambusing Jett as he was climbing into the ring and assaulting him with a bunch of strikes, seasoning his offense with varous chokes and othe nefarious tactics, all the while making sure to keep Jett on the ground as much as possible. An Irish Whip was Shady's biggest mistake, as Jett bounced back with a Flying Forearm. Jett managed to counter an Electric Chair drop into a Victory Roll late for a two, then followed up with a Superkick and the Takeoff for the semi-upset. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Winner: Jacob Jett Rating: C- NYCW Empire Title Kid Toma (challenger) vs "Tricky" Rick Sanders (champion)[/COLOR][/B] The classic old school "Brawler vs Technician" match, with Rick Sanders going deep into his bag of tricks from bell to bell -- begging off, turning reverse chinlocks into chokes, NEVER offering up a clean break and just generally being the unsavory character NYCW fans have learned to hate. Sanders also did a good job of working the leg, killing Toma's aerial game and softening him up for the Figure Four. That played off in the end as Toma planted Sanders with a bodyslam, then went to the top for the SSS (Samoan Suicide Smash), only for his knee buckle at the most inopportune time, causing him to fall to the mat, leaving him easy pickings for a Figure Four and a submisison victory. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Winner, and Still NYCW Empire Champion: "Tricky" Rick Sanders Rating: C- [U] Overall: D+[/U][/COLOR][/B]
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[QUOTE=BriFidelity;302155] Shady K vs Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] Pretty good match with Shady [B]ambusing[/B] Jett...[/QUOTE] I know it's a typo, but really... I think ambusing is a great new word. [i]am.bus.ing[/i] - (verb) a combination of ambushing and abusing, most frequently found in professional wrestling and occasionally MMA. I'll be back with more insight on the rest of the show/next card. But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to comment on the great accidental word. :D
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[QUOTE=BriFidelity;302176]That's such a good word, I'm keeping it as part of my lexicon. Maybe someone can even take it as a nickname. Cameron "The Ambuser" Vessey sounds pretty good.[/QUOTE] Well, yeah...he'll need something now he seems to be teaming with [B]Peter[/B] Valentine (see your last show)! :p Good stuff as always.
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[B]NEWZ!!! [/B] The New Wave is no more: Scout is the latest to agree to a written deal with NOTBPW. That's it as far as big news. It's almost time for the big one: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Kings of New York II[/B][/COLOR] [I][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Tag Team Titles Eisen Youth vs Team Mean[/COLOR][/B] With Mario booked later on the card, one can presume this is going to be the pairing of Wayne Davis and Mean Jean Cattley, or does Team Mean have something else up their sleeves? Bonus Question: Will it be Cattley & Davis, One of them and a new partner, or two entirely new guys? [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Battle of the Giants Gargantuan vs Puerto Rican Power[/COLOR][/B] Gargantuan has been a bully since entering the wrestling industry -- but he's never faced anyone as big as the Latin Powerhouse. Can Gargantuan continue to assert dominance, or will the San Juan Strongman make his debut one to remember? [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Texas Death Match Jacob Jett vs Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] This one has been boiling ever since Vessey turned his back on his ex-partner. This is Jett's chance to gain a measure of sweet revenge; Vessey's shot to prove definitively that Jett was the weak link of their team. Given my recent typographical struggles, I should bill Jett's opponent as Bryan "The Ambuser" Vessey. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Tri-State Title Mario Heroic vs American Elemental (c)[/COLOR][/B] American Elemental rolled through Team Mean to claim the Tri-State title, but now he has to face the oddly charismatic Heroic, who looks to jump back into the winner's column in NYCW. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Empire Title Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Rick Sanders (c) [/COLOR][/B] The rubber match in their series sees Tricky Rick having to face an incredibly angry former Empire champion. Smith suffered his only career defeat against Sanders the last time they faced, but this time, Gargantuan -- the Ace up Tricky Rick's sleeve -- is preoccupied. Does Rick have another Trick, or will the crafty champion be Bulldozed?[/I]
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