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[Thanks to all that have been reading my WCW dynasty. While I'm gonna continue doing that one, I was wanting to get back to the WWE one I had been doing before coming onto the boards. I hope you all enjoy it.] [I]It is the day after Wrestlemania and we are heading into RAW. After both titles changed hands last night...is it really the start of something new?[/I] -August '07 +[I]WWE.com announced that due to issues with Congress, the Wellness Policy violations, etc. , that WWE Inc. was revamping its creative process. A new head of Creative and Talent Relations, a gentleman by the name of William Roth, has been brought on board. Bruce Pritchard, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Vince and Stephanie McMahon make up the rest of the creative team. [/I] +August Newsbites: [COLOR="Red"] Early in August, [B]Cryme Tyme[/B] defeated [B]Cade/Murdoch[/B] to win the Tag Titles. A week later, [B]WGTT[/B] defeated [B]Cryme Tyme[/B] to win the Tag Titles. [B]Melina[/B] defeated [B]Candice Michelle[/B] to become WWE Womens Champ. [B]William Regal[/B] defeated [B]Umaga[/B] & [B]Ken Kennedy[/B] to win the Intercontinental Title. [B]Triple H[/B] returned at Summerslam to team with [B]Mick Foley [/B]to face [B]Mark Henry/Big Daddy V[/B]. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]Jamie Noble[/B] beat [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr. [/B] to win the Cruiserweight Title. [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] returned to face [B]MVP[/B] on the third week of Smackdown! [B]Matt Hardy[/B] beat [B]MVP[/B] at Summerslam to win US Title[/COLOR] +September Newsbites: [COLOR="Red"][B]X-Pac[/B] beat [B]William Regal[/B], [B]Lance Cade[/B] and [B]Nova[/B] for the IC Title.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]Finlay[/B] beat [B]Matt Hardy[/B] & [B]Nick Dinsmore[/B] to win the US Title at Unforgiven. [B]Nova[/B] beat [B]Jamie Noble [/B] & Chavo Guerrero Jr. [/B] for the Cruiserweight Title [/COLOR] +October Newbites: [COLOR="Red"][B] Shawn Micheals [/B] returned and team with [B]X-Pac[/B] & [B]HHH[/B] as [B]DX[/B] to face [B]Randy Orton[/B] & [B]Umaga[/B] & [B]King Booker[/B]. [B]Mickie James[/B]beat [B]Melina[/B] to win the Womens Title. [B]Trish Stratus[/B] came back to the WWE. [/COLOR] +November Newsbites: [COLOR="red"][B]King Booker[/B] defeats [B]HHH[/B] in the Survivor Series main event after [B]Shawn Micheals[/B] turned on him.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]Cryme Tyme[/B] beat [B]Duece & Domino[/B]to win the WWE Tag Titles. [/COLOR] +December Newsbites: [COLOR="Red"][B]Trish[/B] beat [B]Mickie [/B]to win the WWE Womens Title. [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] turns on [B]Paul London[/B]. [B]Kendrick[/B] injures self. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]Low Ki[/B] beat [B]Nova[/B] for the WCW Cruiserweight Title at Armageddon. [B]Nick Dinsmore[/B] beat [B]Finlay[/B]& [B]Cody Rhodes[/B] to win the US Title at Armageddon. Both [B]Edge[/B]& [B]The Undertaker[/B] returned from injuries.[/COLOR] January '08- +January Newbites: [COLOR="Red"][B]Paul London[/B] defeated [B]William Regal[/B] & [B]X-Pac[/B] to win the Intercontinental Title. [B]Booker T[/B]turns face and goes back to his roots. [B]Shawn Micheals[/B] defeats [B]John Cena[/B] to win the WWE Title. [B]Cena[/B] had 18 defences. [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] won the Royal Rumble. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]In perhaps the most highly publicised signing in a long time, WWE signed [B]Samoa Joe[/B] from TNA. Joe debut and beat [B]Sabu[/B] in his first match. [B]Joe[/B] defeats [B]Umaga[/B] at the Royal Rumble. [B]Ric Flair[/B] was part of the final two in the Royal Rumble, losing to Jeff Hardy. [/COLOR] +February Newsbites: [B]Ric Flair[/B] retired at the end of February. Did a farewell tour that had matches with [B]HHH[/B], [B]Orton[/B], [B]Edge[/B] and [B]Batista[/B]. Fought WWE Champ [B]Shawn Micheals [/B] at No Way Out. Wrestled son, [B]Reid Flair[/B] on his final RAW, losing to his son. For his last match on that RAW, he did double duty and main evented. [B]Ric Flair[/B] won his last match in a legends showcase against [B]Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat[/B] [COLOR="deepskyblue"][B]bWo[/B] beat [B]Cryme Tyme[/B] & [B]Duece & Domino[/B] for the WWE Tag Titles. [B]Super Crazy[/B] beat [B]Rey Jr.[/B], [B]Jamie Noble[/B], [B]Tiger Mask IV[/B] and [B]Shinsuka Nakamura[/B] to win the WWE Cruiserweight Title at No Way Out. [B]Cody Rhodes [/B] beat [B]Nick Dinsmore[/B] & [B]Kane[/B] for the US Title at No Way Out. [/COLOR] +March Newsbites: [COLOR="Red"][B]CM Punk[/B]won the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 24 against [B]Randy Orton[/B] & [B]Booker T[/B] & [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] & [B]Matt Hardy[/B]. [B]Terry Funk[/B] beat [B]Mick Foley[/B]in a Deathmatch. In a Raw vs. Smackdown match, [B]'Taker[/B] beat [B]John Cena[/B]. [B]Jeff Hardy [/B] beat [B]Shawn Micheals[/B] to win the WWE Title. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B]Nick Dinsmore[/B] beat [B]Cody Rhodes[/B]for the United States Title. [B]Edge[/B] defeated [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] in a special challenge match. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] beat [B]The Great Khali [/B] to win the World Title in a match that was billed "Streak vs. Streak" since [B]Joe [/B]was undefeated in WWE and [B]Khali[/B]had 24 defences. [/COLOR] -At the end of August '07, ECW on Sci-Fi was cancelled and at Unforgiven, a six man match was held to decide who would be the last champion. [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] defeated [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] & [B]Sabu[/B] & [B]Sandman[/B] & [B]Terry Funk [/B] and current champion, [B]CM Punk[/B] to become the last ECW Champion. -On Monday, in the first week of December, Kurt Angle passed away at the age of 38 due to drug overdose. -TNA earlier this year had a huge influx of money and thus picked up new talent. Chris Kanyon, Kid Kash, James Mariato [Little Guido], Road Warrior Animal, Ted Dibiase, Delirious, Justin Credible, Monty Brown, Scott Taylor, Matt Anoai, and the freelancer, Bill Goldberg. -More information to come!
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[CENTER][B]RAW Roster[/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] -Brian Kendrick [IC Champ] -CM Punk* [MitB Winner] -Jeff Hardy* [WWE Champ] [Managed by Jake Roberts] -John Cena* -Mr. Kennedy -Shawn Micheals -Triple H* [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] -Bobby Lashley [Managed by Paul Heyman] -Booker T* [Managed by Queen Sharmell] -John Morrison [Managed by Terry Funk] -Paul London* -Randy Orton -Tommy Dreamer* [Managed by Mick Foley] [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] -Harry Smith* -Sandman -Santino Marella* -Shelton Benjamin [Tag Champ] -Snitsky -TJ Wilson -Umaga -William Regal -X-Pac* [B][U]Lower Midcarders[/U][/B] -Bob Sapp [Managed by Paul Heyman] -Charlie Haas [Tag Champ] -Kevin Thorn -Matt Striker -Trevor Murdoch [B][U]Openers[/U][/B] -Robbie McAllistair* -Rory McAllistair* [B][U]Enhancement Talent[/U][/B] -Jay Briscoe* -Mark Briscoe* [B][U]Women's Division[/U][/B] -Trish Stratus* [champ] -Candice Michelle* -Mickie James* -Melina [B][CENTER]Smackdown Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] -Batista -Edge -Mark Henry -Samoa Joe* [World Heavyweight Champ] -Stevie Richards* [WWE Tag Champ] -The Great Khali [managed by Ranjin Singh] -The Undertaker* [B][CENTER]Upper Midcarders[/CENTER][/B] -Chris Masters -Cody Rhodes* -Kenny Dykstra -Matt Hardy* -MVP -Nick Dinsmore [United States Champ] -Rey Mysterio* -Rob Van Dam* [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] -Big Daddy V* -Blue Meanie* [WWE Tag Champ] -Carlito -Deuce -Domino -Finlay [Managed by Hornswoggle] -Hardcore Holly -JTG* -Kane* -Sabu -Shad* -The Boogeyman* [B][U]Lower Midcarders [/U][/B] -Brett Major* -Brian Major* -Chuck Palumbo* -Nova -Paul Birchall [managed by Dave Taylor] [B][U]Opener[/U][/B] -Balls Mahoney* -Chavo Guerrero [managed by Vickie Guerrero] -Jamie Knoble -Jimmy Wang Yang* -Super Crazy* [Cruiserweight Champion] [B][U]Enhancement Talent[/U][/B] -Jimmy Jacobs* [Managed by Ashley] All of the superstats with a * are faces.
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WWE RAW: April, Week 1 [B][CENTER]WWE Monday Night RAW[/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from the Boardwalk Hall in Alantic City, NJ [/CENTER][/I] [CENTER][B]Wrestlemania Recap![/B][/CENTER] Shots of last night's Wrestlemania were shown. The spectacular MitB match that was ultimately won by CM Punk. A brief shot of HHH and then it shows Intercontinental ladder match between Kendrick and London was shown, both men taking big bumps. Cena-Taker in a RAW vs. SD! matchup. The screen last showed the high spots [well the high spots that higher than the other ones in that match] of the WWE Title match that saw Jeff Hardy shock the world and become WWE Champ by defeating Shawn Micheals. [B][CENTER]A Unhappy Ex-Champ...[/CENTER][/B] "Sexy Boy" hits the PA system and out from the back walks Shawn Micheals. No prancing, no pyro. The former WWE Champ is in a foul mood tonight. He gets into the ring and is handed a mic by Lillian. [I]HBK: Last night, I got screwed over! Cheated. Conned, out of MY title. And by who? "The Rainbow Warrior" Jeff Hardy, that's who! [/I] Huge cheers from the crowd. [I]HBK: Shut up you idiots. Hardy, you got lucky at Wrestlemania. Tonight, I want to invoke my rematch clause. So I suggest you come out here and accept. Becaus if you don't, you'll make me upset. And no one wants the "Heartbreak Kid" to get upset, do we? [/I] Jeff Hardy's music hits and out steps the WWE Champion. He holds the title up and does his dance as pryo blasts. At his side is WWE legend and his manager, Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Hardy has a mic. [I]Hardy: You want to face me tonight for the title? You're on! [/I] [I]JR: Hardy didn't mince any words. So it looks like we have a Wrestlemania rematch tonight! King: Not only that, but we have a IC Title rematch from Wrestlemania with Kendrick and London. Styles- And that should be a good one! [/I] [CENTER][B]Doesn't Get Any Better...[/B][/CENTER] The World's Greatest Tag Team is standing backstage, the World Tag Titles around their waists. [I]Shelton: Listen up, we are the best in this buisness. It doesn't matter if its Big and Black coming our way or the Briscoes or the Stampede Bulldogs. We are the best. And there it no STOPPIN' US... Charlie: NOW! [/I] [B][CENTER]MitB Controversy?[/CENTER][/B] Vince McMahon appears on stage with a mic. [I]Vince: At the end of the MitB match, it came down to CM Punk and Randy Orton. Both men had their hands on the briefcase when they came crashing down. Original decision had Mr. Punk winning the match because he had the briefcase in his hands after both men crashed. However Mr. Orton has claimed that he had possession of the briefcase at the time of the fall. That would make the match a draw. So in order to get a honest, and I'm all about honesty, Money in the Bank winner, tonight CM Punk faces Randy Orton with the MitB shot on the line! [/I] [B][CENTER]Big & Black [Bobby Lashley/Bob Sapp] vs. The Briscoes [Mark Briscoe/Jay Briscoe] [/CENTER][/B] The Briscoes are young talent that are going to steal the show one day. But tonight? They are bump machines for the offense of Big & Black. The end comes when Lashley nailed Mark with the Dominator for the win. [B][CENTER]Proved I Was Better...[/CENTER][/B] Backstage in front of the RAW set, Brian Kendrik is standing, looking like a million bucks. He takes off his designer shades and pats the Intercontinental Title on his shoulder. [I]Brian: Paul, Paul, you should have listen to me the first time. When I hit you with the best thing since sliced bread, Sliced Bread #2. You see, when it came down to it, you were dragging me down. Frankly, you were starting to ruin my own reputation. So I dropped you like a bad habit Paul. And there is a reason I'm in the Clique and the IC Champ. It's because any which way you slice it, Brian Kendrick is better than you. [/I] [B]Mr. Kennedy vs. Santino Morella vs. Snitsky [/B] An interesting triple threat match. Three men with dramatic differences between them. Snitsky was a big powerhouse in the match and used Santino like a rag doll. Snitsky hit the pumplehandle slam on Morella. He covered Santino but didn't get the three count because Kennedy came down with the Kenton Bomb off the top rope. He pins Snitsky for the win. [CENTER][B]Main Event Hype...[/B][/CENTER] [I]JR: What a show we had for you so far folks! And it's far from over! Tonight in the main event, we get a Wrestlemania rematch! Shawn Micheals taking on the new WWE Champion, Jeff Hardy! Stay tuned! [/I] [B][CENTER]WWE Intercontinental Title Brian Kendrick [c] vs. Paul London [/CENTER][/B] These two do not click together in the ring which considering they execute a pretty good match toight goes to show how talented both men are. This match was a great display of pyschology with some awesome high spots peppered in. One spot saw London nail the Dropsault to counter a leap from Kendrick. Catching his former partner in the air got a huge pop from the crowd. London went to the top rope, looking to hit the London Calling [Note: After Roth took over, things were loosened a little when it came to the moves being executed]. However, HBK appeared at ringside and distracted London. This allowed Kendrick to crotch London on the top turnbuckle. Brian grabbed his former partner by the head and drive him off the turnbuckle into the apron, head first. That brutal DDT was enough to put London away and allow Kendrick to retain the IC Title! [B][CENTER]It's Never Over...[/CENTER][/B] Brian Kendrick grabs London by the head and yanks him back up to his feet. A few choice words at London, whose eyes are completely glazed over, and then Kendrick nails him with the Sliced Bread #2! [B][CENTER]John Cena vs. Booker T. [/CENTER][/B] Both of these former World Champions were lost in the shuffle during the Road to Wrestlemania. This seems to be an excuse to get the guys on the card tonight. But one has to believe Cena and Booker will both be involved in somthing awesome soon. These put on a pretty good show tonight, the crowd getting into it. The end came when Cena moved out of the way of a Scissors Kick and lifted Booker up...into the FU! [B][CENTER]Respect...[/CENTER][/B] Booker shook his head, disappointed about his loss. He walked over to Cena and extended his hand. Cena nodded and shook his hand, both men showing that they are class acts. [B]MitB Contract On The Line... CM Punk vs. Randy Orton [/B] Punk is a indy darling and a favorite of the IWC. Orton is a troublemaker that has, in the past, been a target because of his reliance on chinlocks and headlocks. But oh boy, young Randall brought his working shoes tonight. These two tore down the house in what are saying could be a potential Match of the Year. Orton, true to form, did do a headlock but he did it this time by using his wrist tape and choking CM with it when he put on the headlock. Punk eventually got a hot rally going. He hit the knee in the corner and followed it up with the bulldog but that only got two. He picked Orton up only to eat a european uppercut. Orton tried to go for the RKO but Punk shoved him off. Orton turned back to face Punk after being shoved away and found himself being lifted up...Go To Sleep! Punk retains his MitB shot! [B][CENTER]WWE Title Match Jeff Hardy [c] vs. Shawn Micheals [/CENTER][/B] Micheals came out to a chorus of boos. He did a bunch of crotch chops and argued with some heckling fans. As loud as Micheals boos were, the cheers for Jeff Hardy when he came out were even louder. Hardy was built up in a bloody feud with Lashley and then thrusted into the HBK-HHH feud. And who can't forget the absolute classy ending to the Royal Rumble where even though Hardy won, he left Ric Flair who had gone from spot #1 to the very end, soak in the admiration from the crowd. Hardy started off blazing, hitting some of his signature moves off the bat. The legdrop to the crotch was one that HBK sold like a used car salesman. Eventually Micheals gained the advantage by moving out of the way of a Whisper in the Wind attempt. And Shawn went to town on Hardy, tearing him a new one. Hardy had a mini-comeback where he ended up nailing the basement dropkick in the corner but eventually HBK shut that down with a flying forearm. Then came the inverted atomic drop. Hardy stumbled around...into a bodyslam! Shawn went up top and floored the Champ with a huge flying elbow. [I]JR: HBK only gets a two from that elbow. Hardy has the guts of a true champion. King: Oh boy, your true champ better be ready to change his tune... Styles: This doesn't look good, Micheals is tuning up the band! [/I] Jeff stumbles up to his feet and turns around just as Micheals launched out with Sweet Chin Music. Hardy ducked it and quickly grabbed HBK and turned him around...grabbing the head...Twist of Fate! One...two...three! Hardy retains! [B][CENTER]Buisness Is About To Pick Up...[/CENTER][/B] An angry and bitter Micheals attacks Hardy as he celebrates. Micheals goes and grabs a steel chair. He is about to clobber Jeff with it when suddenly..."IT'S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!" Out from the back comes HHH! Hunter rolls to the crowd as the crowd cheers loudly. He ducks a HBK steel chair and boots his former friend in the gut. The setup to the Pedigree...and Micheals squirms loose! As HBK scurries out of the ring, Jeff Hardy gets to his feet. HHH picks up Hardy's WWE Title and holds it up as Hardy turns around. There you have HHH and Jeff Hardy staring face to face...with the belt in between them. And that's the last image as we fade from RAW. [Well there was my first show for WWE: Evolution]
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In regards to the Santino being pinned scenario... Snitsky is a bit higher on the ol' foodchain 'round this time in WWE: Evolution. So for Kennedy to maintain a little more heat, I had him pin the bigger name. But if you dislike Santino, feel free to love the fact he had himself battered from pillar to post before the end. And in regards to Kendrick/London and the IC Title... Looking above, I see I missed the IC change at the Wrestlemania card. Kendrick had beat London for the IC title that London had held since Jan. Originally I was going to have London chase Kendrick for the title but Kendrick got hurt for a bit so I switched it.
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[I]WWE.com-[/I] Tonight on Smackdown! TV Changing Friday Nights! [I]Big Balls [Balls Mahoney/Big Daddy V] vs. Deuce & Domino Jimmy Jacobs vs. Chuck Palumbo Finlay & Paul Burchill vs. Carlito & Chris Masters Edge & Kenny Dykstra & Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy & Kane & Cody Rhodes Undertaker vs. Batista bWo [Stevie Richards/Blue Meanie] & Rey Mysterio vs. Hardcore Holly & Sabu & MVP [/I] [B]WWE World Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]Samoa Joe [c] vs. The Great Khali [/I]
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WWE Smackdown: April, Week 1 [B][CENTER]WWE Friday Night Smackdown![/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from Arena Queretaro[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Tonight's Main Event! [/CENTER][/B] The Smackdown General Manager, Teddy Long, comes out onto the stage. [I]Long: Hey there playas, what a night it was on Sunday? Wrestlemania 24, the granddaddy of them all. Well listen up playas, not only did Smackdown provide a killer main event but we are going to see a great main event! Tonight, the brand new World Heavyweight Champion, Samoa Joe, will defend his title against the former champ, The Great Khali. Holla playas! [/I] [B][CENTER]Big Balls [Big Daddy V/Balls Mahoney] vs. Deuce & Domino [/CENTER][/B] The first match of the night was the team of Big Balls going against those '50s era greasers. The team of Big Balls were actually get over pretty well with the fans. Deuce and Domino were pretty off their game tonight and it dragged the match down pretty far. The end came when Balls whipped Deuce into a unbelievable spin kick from BDV that allowed them to get the win. [B][CENTER]Tired of Getting Overlooked...[/CENTER][/B] "You Think You Know Me?" Those words followed by his musc signalled the entrance of the one man they call Edge. The Rated R Superstar stormed the ring and grabbed the mic. [I]Edge: Listen up Teddy Long. Listen up you folks in the back. And even you idiots in the crowd listen up. I'm the Rated R Superstar, the highest rated champion in the last half decade! I'm the greatest Tag Champion of all time! I'm both a former WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion. I beat the immortal Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania on Sunday! So answer me this, why am I not the one facing that punk Samoa Joe? Why not me? Why not Edge! [/I] Edge gets interrupted by Joe's music...and out steps the Samoan Submission Machine. [I]Joe: Edge, you're wondering why you're not in the match tonight? Well deciding who faces me in a title match, that's out of my abilities. But you know what I can do Edge? I can kick your ass and choke you out when you do face me. I am Samoa Joe. There is no one else better than me. I'm the World Heavyweight Champ. I am Samoa Joe...Mess with me... [/I] Joe paused as the fans began to chant "Joe's Gonna Kill You" [I]Joe: I'm gonna kill you. [/I] [B][CENTER]Jimmy Jacobs vs. Chuck Palumbo [/CENTER][/B] Well this match wasn't all that spectacular. Really this was a chance to see if Jacobs is progressing at all and for Palumbo to get a few moments on TV. So it was a bit of back and forth until Jacobs gets the Contra Code out of nowhere for the win. [B][CENTER]Also tonight! [/CENTER][/B] Teddy Long comes out on the stage again and once again has the mic in hand. [I]Teddy: Holla playas. I'm out here to announce another match that will be taking place tonight. Tonight, the "Animal" Batista will be stepping into the ring with the Deadman himself, the Undertaker! [/I] [B][CENTER]Finlay & Paul Burchill vs. Carlito & Chris Masters [/CENTER][/B] Well this match was pretty average in the middle. It was a clash of styles. The crowd was solidly behind Finlay and Burchill despite them being heels. Carlito hit his usual spots and Masters, despite being the illegal man, slipped on the Masterlock near the end. It didn't look like Paul would be able to free himself from the hold but Hornswoggle came running into the ring which distracted the ref. Finlay took advantage of that and ran in, nailing Masters with his shelliegh. That was enough fo Burchill to get the hot tag to Finlay. Finlay traded a few punches with Carlito and then Carlito tried going for the Backstabber but Finlay countered and then lifted him up...nailing the Celtic Cross! And that's a wrap! [B][CENTER]Get Ready For The Main Event! [/CENTER][/B] [I]Coles: WWE fans, what a main event for you tonight! A Wrestlemania 24 rematch! The new champion, the undefeated Samoa Joe, defends against the dominant ex-champion, The Great Khali. Joe shocked the world last night by lifting the monster of a man that Khali is and nailing the Muscle Buster! JBL: It was a shocking night, I'll give it to you there. But I don't think lightning will strike twice for Joe. I think we'll see Khali win the title again and once again have to attempt to decipher his main event promos. Tazz: I think you are underestimated the Samoan Submission Machine, JBL. He's as tough as my boys back in Red Hook. Tonight I think we'll see Joe continue his newly started title reign. And then trust me, it'll be off the hook![/I] [B][CENTER]Six Man Tag Match [/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Edge & Kenny Dykstra & Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy & Kane & Cody Rhodes[/CENTER][/B] The match starts with Kane and Mark Henry starting off things. [I]Tazz: If this was a match on RAW, we would be hearing ol' JR go...SLOBBERKNOCKER! SLOBBERKNOCK! BY GAWD! LOOK AT THOSE TWO HOSSES GO! JBL: Of course then your ol' announcing buddy, Joey Styles, will go OH MY GOD! when Kane and Henry tussle. Cole: And of course King would look in the ring and go "Oh. Puppies!" JBL: Good God Cole! Shut up. [/I] With the announcer hijinx out of the way, this match was a bit choppy at times but it provided some nice spots. Cody and Kenny had a nice exchange in the ring where they traded various suplexes and throws, showing that they could be true born ring generals in the future. The crowd lit up, as always, when Edge and Hardy got into the ring together. Seeing these two go up against each other got the crowd going everytime. The real life story between the two always provided a little extra heat to each in ring encounter. Eventually things started to break down. Kane came rushing in and the masked monster caught Kenny with a Chokeslam. Edge ran in...Chokeslam! He went to nail Henry with one but Henry countered it and clotheslined Kane with it. Hardy and Rhodes came up and dumped Henry over the ropes. Hardy turned into a Edge spear that sent him crashing through the ropes. This left Cody alone in the ring with both Edge and a now okay Kenny. He was double-teamed for a bit but the son of the American Dream dug down deep and started to fight back. A dropkick here, a few rights and lefts there and the crowd picked up pace when he busted out his father's Bionic Elbow. Edge took a powder to outside where he and Hardy kept on brawling. Kane was slammed into the ring steps by Henry after an irish whip. Inside the ring, Cody nailed a DDT and went for the pinfall. Instead of counting the fall, the ref called for the bell. It took a few moments but the announcement from Chimel came that the match was declared a double countout since Hardy and Edge were the legal combatants and had been outside the ring for the ten count. [I]Cole: The crowd doesn't seem happy about the countout. JBL: Of course they don't. Do you want to go watch a movie and have the credits roll right before the big finale? I think not! Tazz: You two bicker like a married couple. Cole/JBL: Shut up Tazz! [/I] [B][CENTER]I Can Kill What's Dead...[/CENTER][/B] After the culmination of the previous match, Edge remained in the ring. After catching his breath, he grabbed a mic and began to speak. [I]Edge: Tonight, I've verbally kicked the sorry hide of Joe and I just gave an entire 3 man team one beatdown they will never ever forget. When will you people ever realize, I am the Rated R Superstar. Hell, I'm the man that put the Undertaker on the shelf last year. Sure he's come back, but I can always put him right back...[/I] *gong rings* The lights go out for the most dramatic entrance in all of professional wrestling. The crowd goes nuts for the entrance of the Undertaker. Edge gulps in the blue and purple lighting as the Deadman makes his way to the ring. Edge regains his composure and jaws off to 'Taker as he takes a seat at ringside to watch the next match. [B][CENTER]Undertaker vs. Batista [/CENTER][/B] Just a year ago these two were squaring off but both were faces at the time. Batista was now, of coure, a hated heel after he turned on Ric Flair last August. Just like every other encounter between these two, it was a hard hitting but very well done brawl. The crowd was red-hot for this one. All the signature spots of both men were executed at one time or another in the match, including 'Taker's legdrop across the throat on the ring apron. Back in the ring, Undertaker went for Old School but Batista pulled him down and actually caught 'Taker in a bearhug on the way down....SPINEBUSTER! Batista did the thumbs down to a chorus of boos and then hit the Batista Bomb. One two...kickout! Batista looked fustrated as the Deadman did the Zombie situp. A few brawls and then a Chokeslam! Cue the throat slash gesture and 'Taker picks him up...TOMBSTONE! And that is all she wrote kids. [B][CENTER]Here We Go... [/CENTER][/B] Before the Undertaker can do his center ring pose, Edge hits the ring and attacks hm. The two began to exchange punches and eventually the action spills outside the ring. A clothesline by Undertaker eventually takes the two into the ring audience where they brawl until seperated by security. [B][CENTER]Six Man Tag Match [/CENTER][/B] [B] [CENTER] bWo [Stevie Richards/Blue Meanie] & Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Hardcore Holly & MVP & Sabu [/CENTER] [/B] This was an odd collection of competitors too. It was a strange mishmash of new WWE, old WWE and the old ECW. Despite the in-ring action not really living up to the hype this time around, the crowd was definantly into the face team. The huge reaction of the bWo's signature "We're Taking Over" was almost rivaling Rey in this match. After this weird mismash of competitors, the end came with Stevie Richards nailing the Stevie T on MVP for the win. [B][CENTER]Celebration...bWo style. [/CENTER][/B] As the bWo music plays, Stevie and Meanie pose while Rey watches on. After a little prompting, Rey eventually does his best Hollywood Nova impersonation, doing the air guitar and doing the "Hollywood" muscle poses. [B][CENTER]MAIN EVENT Samoa Joe [c] vs. The Great Khali [/CENTER][/B] The hype behind this match at WM 24 had been so huge that it actually went on last. It had been billed as Streak vs. Streak and it was Khali's undefeated title reign coming to an end at the biggest show of them all. This match played the same notes as the WM main event. It had Khali dominating long long stretches of the match but Joe would fight back in brief hope spots that saw him hit some of his trademark moves. The crowd popped huge when he did the Facewash to Khali. The action lead to the outside where Khali was knocked down by the guard rail after Joe barrel his body off the ring apron into Khali with a shoulderblock. Joe nails the Ole Ole Kick much to the delight of the crowd. Things would swing back to Khali's favor though when he caught the champ with the Brain Chop. Khali then latched on the Claw. [I]Coles: The Claw! Khali has that big huge paw wrapped around Joe's head! JBL: Huge paw? He's not a bear Micheal! He's a human being. A large, weird human being but a human being nevertheless. Tazz: Wait...don't cash in your chips yet! Joe is firing kicks to Khali's legs! [/I] Joe eventually drops Khali to his knees and then delivers forearm blows to Khali's arm until the Claw is released. Joe pauses for a moment, getting his breath while Khali gets to his feet. Joe reaches up under him and to a huge reaction, lifts Khali up with the Muscle Buster again! The exertion is too much and Khali falls down on top of him. Khali almost wins the match there but Joe has a litte more fight left in him. Khali tries to chokeslam the champ but Joe slips out from the chokeslam and ends up behind Khali. Using the ropes to sprinboard, he bulldogs Khali down to the mat and then...Coquina Clutch! Joe teeters the line between it being a legal hold and an outright choke. Khali won't tap, possibly because the massive man doesn't know how to tap. Eventually Khali passes out and the ref does the three arm drops [struggling to lift the arm each time] and after the third fall, the bell is rang and Joe is still your World Heavyweight Champion! [B][CENTER]Not Finished With Khali...[/CENTER][/B] The "Samoan Submission Machine" doesn't give up on the Clutch and actually continues to choke out Khali as Smackdown goes off the air.... [Was a B+ show. 4,181 watched the show and it got a 24.83 rating on The CW.]
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[I]WWE.com [/I] The fallout from Wrestlemania continues this week on RAW and Smackdown! On RAW: -It has been announced that a new General Manager will be announced. -The RAW card has been released... [B]WWE Womens Title Match [/B] [I]Trish Stratus [c] vs. Melina [/I] Highlanders vs. Big & Black [Bobby Lashely/Bob Sapp] [B]WWE Intercontinental Title Math [/B] [I]Brian Kendrick [c] vs. Umaga [/I] [B]WWE World Tag Team Title Match [/B] [I]World's Greatest Tag Team [Charlie Haas/Shelton Benjamin] vs. The Stampede Bulldogs [Harry Smith/TJ Wilson] Booker T vs. CM Punk "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Micheals vs. Mr. Kennedy Triple H & Tommy Dreamer vs. John Morrison & Randy Orton [/I] [B]WWE Title Match [/B] [I]Jeff Hardy [c] vs. John Cena [/I] -The Smackdown card has also been finalized! [B]WWE Cruiserweight Title [/B] [I]Super Crazy [c] vs. Jamie Knoble Finlay/Burchill vs. bWo [/I] [B]Hardcore Rules [/B] [I]Kane vs. Sabu The Great Khali vs. The Boogeyman Batista & Chris Masters vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Matt Hardy Nick Dinsmore vs. Carlito vs. Cody Rhodes [/I] [B]WWE World Heavyweight Title Match [/B] [I]Samoa Joe [c] vs. Rob Van Dam [/I] -Tune in on Monday and Friday to catch your favorite WWE Superstars!
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[I]WWE.com[/I] Throughout the month of May, the WWE landscape will be shook up as the WWE Draft Lottery will return. The Draft Lottery has occured in many different fashions since the Brand Split, this year it returns in the form of both RAW and Smackdown will get five draft picks. These draft picks are random [hence the lottery aspect]. The ten overall drafted Superstars will be revealed throughout the month of May. In addition, both GM Flair and GM Long will be able to commit two trades during May. Who will find themselves on a different brand? What brand new incidents lie ahead?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/RAW.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Live from Fort Worth Convention Center [/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]WOOO! The New GM! [/CENTER][/B] After Papa Roach's "...To Be Loved" along with the opening video, the footage cuts to Vince McMahon is standing in the ring. [I]Vince: I stand here tonight in Fort Worth to announce the arrival of the brand new RAW General Manager. Often I was the one controlling things on this show since I fired Eric Bischoff but other matters have taken more importance. So tonight, ladies and gentlemen, say hello to your new GM! [/I] WOOO! The crowd goes nuts as "Nature Boy" Ric Flair walks out dressed in his finest. Flair struts his way to the ring and does the usual pomp and circumstance involved with his entrance. He gets in the ring and shakes Vince's hand. [I]Flair: WOO! The Nature Boy is back! And what a night to come back to as the RAW General Manager! WOOO! Ladies and Gentlemen, the Dirtiest Player in the Game is back...and WOOO! Things are never gonna be the same again! WOOO! [/I] [A] [B][CENTER]WWE Womens Title Match Trish Stratus [c] vs. Melina [/CENTER][/B] This was a pretty good match. Trish of course being perhaps the best female worker to come out of the WWE in their history. Melina quickly had asserted herself as the top female heel during Trish's retirement. This match was a short one but it was good while it lasted. The end came with Trish nailing Melina with the Stratusfaction [B-] [B][CENTER]Not Stratusfied?[/CENTER][/B] After winning the match, Trish poses with the Womens Title until Mickie James enters the ring. Trish turns around and the woman she beat for the title was standing there. The two had an uneasy staredown. [C] [B]Big & Black [Bobby Lashely/Bob Sapp] vs. The Highlanders [/B] Paul Heyman led his charges down to ringside where the Highlanders were waiting. This match was a total squash as Lashley and Sapp dominated the Scottish duo. The end quickly and mercifully came when Lashley speared Rory [C+] [B][CENTER]My Time Is Now...[/CENTER][/B] John Cena is standing backstage by himself in front of the RAW set. The former WWE Champ has an intense look on his face. [I]Cena: Since I lost the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble, I've been pretty much ignored. Sure I've gotten a bone here and there and I had the "pleasure" of joining the Undertaker's list of Wrestlemania victims but really, what I've been getting hasn't been cutting it. And that's why tonight, since I get the chance to go one on one with Jeff Hardy, I will make the most of the opportunity. Listen up Jeff. You may think you're on top of the world. But you'll realize that I want this more. All the boys and girls find you cool. Tonight, I'm giving you a big F-U! [/I] [ B ] [B][CENTER]WWE Intercontinental Title Match Brian Kendrick [c] vs. Umaga [/CENTER][/B] This match was a huge clash in styles. With Kendrick's devious ways alongside Shawn Micheals well set in the minds of the fans, Umaga was almost a default face. The fans were actually cheering every brutal move Umaga was doing. When Kendrick went up top for a high risk move and got thrown off, it was met with cheers. Umaga ended up nailing Kendrick with a splash in the corner and was set up for the huge splash in the corner. Kendrick dived out of the corner and Umaga missed. As Umaga stumbled, Kendrick grabbed his head...SLICED BREAD #2! [B+] [B][CENTER]WWE Title Feud Hype [/CENTER][/B] A video showing the ongoing altercations involving Jeff Hardy, Shawn Micheals and Triple H. [B][CENTER]WWE World Tag Team Title Match WGTT [Charlie Haas/Shelton Benjamin] vs. The Stampede Bulldogs [Harry Smith/TJ Wilson] [/CENTER][/B] This was a decent match. The Bulldogs aren't quite up to par with Haas and Benjamin but they have done a decent job so far. Lately there has been a little uneasy feeling going between Smith and Wilson because Wilson has tended to use illegal tactics more recently. After a decent match, Shelton had eliminated TJ with a Dragon Whip on the outside, leaving Haas to hit the Hasstruction on Smith in the ring for the win. [C+] [B][CENTER]A Secret Admirer? [/CENTER][/B] Maria enters the woman's locker room and sees a boquet of flowers. She takes a sniff of them and then notices a card that is adressed to her. It isn't signed. She bites her lip, wondering who could have sent these [D+] [B][CENTER]CM Punk vs. Booker T [/CENTER][/B] This was a pretty good match. Very back and forth. The crowd was split between the MitB winner, Punk, and the always popular Booker T. Punk tried to slap the Anaconda Vice on Booker earlier but the veteran wrestler squirmed loose. Booker went for the Book End late but Punk elbowed out of it and countered it...into the Go To Sleep! [B+] [B][CENTER]Punk! Punk! Punk! [/CENTER][/B] The "Straight-Edge Superstar" posed for the fans following the tought win. [A] [B][CENTER]Shawn Micheals vs. Mr. Kennedy [/CENTER][/B] The crowd was absolutley into this match. Both guys were hated heels but they were so good that the crowd got pulled into each other. It seemed the two wanted to out "heel" each other. Micheals countered an irish whip from Kennedy and nailed a dropkick on Kennedy. HBK then went ahead and propped himself on the top turnbuckle, lying like he was in a hammock. He pretended to look for dirt under his fingernails. The early match antics over, the two went teeth and nail at each other. The end came with Kennedy nailing the standing Green Bay Plunge. He covered HBK and was shocked to only get a two count. He argued with the ref for a few minutes before turning around...into Sweet Chin Music. HBK did a crotch chop to the fans and then covered Kennedy...getting the three count. [A*] [B][CENTER]Band's Back For An Encore...[/CENTER][/B] HBK tunes up in the corner one more time as Kennedy rises up to his feet. Micheals grins and then nails Kennedy with the Sweet Chin Music one more time. [B+] [B][CENTER]Tommy Dreamer & Triple H vs. John Morrison & Randy Orton [/CENTER][/B] These four weren't usual teammates but they were providing a good show tonight. Dreamer and Morrison have had issues stemming all the way back to the last days of ECW [Part II]. And HHH and Orton, well do you really need a history lesson on those two? This was a solid match that ultimately came to an end when HHH caught Orton with the Pedigree [ B ] [B][CENTER]RAW Recap...[/CENTER][/B] The events of last week's Wrestlemania 24 rematch were shown, finishing off with the Cena-HHH staredown. [B][CENTER]WWE Title Match Jeff Hardy [c] vs. John Cena [/CENTER][/B] This match, reaction wise, was pretty straightforward. Hardy was over like a rock star with the fans and Cena was getting his mixed reaction. With Hardy's rep as a risk taker, you knew there would be a nasty bump or two. And oh boy, they weren't lying. After Hardy missed Running the Rails, Cena ripped off the top of the announce table. He went to F-U Hardy but Hardy slipped out of that and actually tried to nail the Whisper in the Wind off the table but Cena grabbed him...Protoplex through the announce table! Eventually Cena rolled Hardy into the ring and slapped on the STFU. Hardy struggled to get out of the hold and eventually he made it to the ropes. Cena held onto the hold until the count of four and then released the hold. Cena waited for Hardy to rise and went for the F-U. Hardy slipped out of it again and nailed a desperation DDT. He went to the top rope, still moving slow. Before he coud leap, Cena was up again and he attempted a top rope FU but Hardy shoved him off and then leapt off with the Swanton and got the three count. [A] [B][CENTER]Things are getting messy... [/CENTER][/B] HBK was out, attacking Hardy as soon as the match was over. Hardy never even got to see HBK attacking him. HHH came out again and this time, using Sweet Lady Sledge, "coerced" HBK into leaving. Hardy finally got up to his feet and saw HHH holding the sledge. Not seeing HBK, Hardy was angry and shoved HHH. The two traded a few insults and then HHH shrugged and nailed him with the sledge. HHH posed to one side of the crowd and then he turned around to pose to that side of the crowd...and eats Sweet Chin Music. HBK picks the title and poses with it as RAW goes off the air... [B+] [B+ card, 8,363 attendance and it got a 29.72 rating on the USA Network.]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/Fridaynightsmackdown.png[/IMG] [I]From the Moody Colisuem at University Park, TX [/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]This Is SmackDown! TV Changing Friday Nights! [/CENTER][/B] "Rise Up" plays as the Smackdown opening video plays, especially highlighting World Heavyweight Champion, Samoa Joe, the Phenom, the Undertaker, and the almost unstoppable Great Khali. [B][CENTER]WWE Cruiserweight Title Super Crazy [c] vs. Jamie Knoble [/CENTER][/B] Super Crazy and Knoble put on a good show but the crowd was absolutely dead for them. It was hard to pick up momentum when you are getting almost no reaction at all from the fans. So the end mercifully came on the tails of a Super Crazy Asai Moonsault. (D+) [B][CENTER]You're Good...But Are You Extreme? [/CENTER][/B] The crowd pops as out walk the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe. Joe enters the ring and grabs a a mic. [I]Joe: Sabu was the first. The Great Khali was the latest. I am Samoa Joe. I am NOT the future of professional wrestling. I am the NOW of professional wrestling. Undefeated...I ended Khali's reign as champion. I still lay down the challenge to anyone in the WWE. Face Joe. Win...Lose...Joe's Gonna... [/I] The fans finish "Kill You!" Joe glares at the fans. [I]Joe: Kill You. [/I] "One of a Kind" begins to play over the PA system and Joe turns his attention to the stage where Rob Van Dam is standing on the stage. [I]RVD: Anyone? Why face anyone when you can face the best? How about Joe? For the World Heavyweight Title...tonight...Samoa Joe vs...Rob...Van...Dam. [/I] He does the RVD "pointing to me" gesture as the crowd chants his name along with him. [I]Joe: You want it? You got it. [/I] (B+) [B][CENTER]bWo vs. Finlay/Burchill[/CENTER][/B] The crowd was actually into this match, mostly because the bWo was over huge. That is why when Finlay attacked Stevie during the "We're Taking Over" line, it got a chorus of boos. This match followed the same routine of most bWo matches. The bWo gets their living daylights beat out of them but start battling back late in the game. Meanie had gotten the hot tag to Stevie which made the crowd erupt and he went to down on Burchill who was the legal man. He nailed him with a crossbody and then raised his fist, signaling for the Stevie-Kick...Big Stevie Cool style. However Finlay got the ref's attention and Hornswoggle scampered into the ring. [I]Cole: That Little Bastard is biting Stevie on the ankle! JBL: He has a name you know! Tazz: Small people have names? JBL: Yeah, you have one, don't you? [/I] With Stevie distracted, Burchill nails the C4. He threatenes Hornswoggle so the leperchaun would leave the ring and then covers one half of the tag champs for the non-title win. (B) [B][CENTER]Holla Playa! [/CENTER][/B] Teddy Long appears on the Titantron. [I]Holla Playas, I hope you are enjoying another edition of WWE Friday Night Smackdown! TV that is changing Friday Nights! I'm here to announce another match for tonight! Tonight, United States Champion, MVP will take on Cody Rhodes...and Carlito in a triple threat match! Feel me? [/I] [B] [B][CENTER] Extreme Rules Kane vs. Sabu [/CENTER][/B] The crowd liked this one. It was a brutal affair. Letting the Big Red Machine, Kane, go up against the Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Maniac known as Sabu. And this match worked for one reason really. Kane was one big guy who could throw Sabu, who will pretty much crash into anything, into anything. At one spot, Sabu whacked Kane in the head with a steel chair countless times until he was laid out on the Spanish Announce Table. Using that slightly bent chair, Sabu got back into the ring and set the chair up. He ran across it and, using the chair as a catapult, sprung himself over the top rope onto the table, crashing Kane through it. [I]JBL: Hah! Serves the Spanish Announce team right. The no... Cole: Remember Germany? Tazz: He got you there. Might want to bite your tounge JBL. JBL: Well what can you say about Sabu? That nut nearly killed himself. Tazz: I'm not sure Sabu would even know he was close to killing himself. That leap...that's like shaving your face for Sabu. [/I] Eventually the two dragged themselves into the ring. Kane got up to his feet and Sabu threw the chair his way. Kane blocked it with his arm and then caught the rushing Sabu with one hand around the throat. Up went Sabu and thanks to the Chokeslam, down went Sabu for the one, two three. (B) [B][CENTER]Main Event Hype [/CENTER][/B] [I]Getting strapped in for this one folks! Samoa Joe, RVD, the big gold belt on the line! This one's gonna be a rocketbustah! [/I] (B+) [B][CENTER]The Great Khali vs. Boogeyman [/CENTER][/B] This match serve one purpose and one purpose only. Reinforce the fact Khali is a big man who is very hard to beat. Khali practically no-sold Boogey's entire offense [okay, so Khali probably doesn't know how to sell...that's not the point] and finished the worm eating Superstar off with a Powerbomb. (B-) [B][CENTER]Two Big Giants Walk Into A Bar...[/CENTER][/B] Out of nowhere, Kane came back on the scene and attacked Khali in the ring. Kane slugged rights and lefts the giant's way and it barely moved him. Kane yelled in rage and then clothelined Khali over the top rope. As Khali stared at him, Kane ignited the turnbuckles. (A) [B][CENTER]Batista & Chris Masters vs. Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy [/CENTER][/B] This match was an underdog story. Despite their best efforts, Mysterio and Hardy kept on finding themselves being overpowered by the two powerhouses. Rey finally gained some momemtum for his team as he caught Masters with a dropkick. However, he turned right into a Spinebuster from Batista who covered him. Matt tried to intervene but Masters had pulled him off the apron, allowing Batista to get the win (B) [B][CENTER]I Am Nick Dinsmore... [/CENTER][/B] The US Champ, Nick Dinsmore, stands backstage. The US Title is slung over his shoulder. [I]Dinsmore: I am Nick Dinsmore. I am your United States Champion. Learn it, live it, love it. I may not have ridiculous hair or a purebred pedigree like the two men Teddy Long has put me up against...again. But I am wrestling. Wrestling is my life. I'm your United States Champion. Get used to it. [/I] [B]Nick Dinsmore vs. Carlito vs. Cody Rhodes [/B] All three of these men have held the US Title in their careers. Most recent, the US Title had been part of a program between Dinsmore and Cody. Carlito throws a brand new, interesting wrench into the works. And really, that was the story. Rhodes and Dinsmore were usually focused on each oher but Carlito eventually gained the dislike of both men and one part of the match actually saw Rhodes and Dinsmore team up to deliver a double suplex to Carlito. Rhodes tried to go for his DDT but Dinsmore countered out of it. He nailed the Rock Bottom. The moment he stood up, he was caught by Carlito...nailed with the Backstabber! Carlito hooked the legs and stole the win! (B+) [B][CENTER]The Deadman Cometh...[/CENTER][/B] The arena goes dark. The gong sounds. And the most chilling and memorable in wrestling history begins. From the back steps the Undertaker. The Phenom makes his way to the announce table. He turns his back to the table for a moment. He faces the ring and raises his arms, bringing light back to the ring. He then takes off his hat, setting it down as he takes a seat at ringside. [B][CENTER]MAIN EVENT WWE World Heavyweight Title Match Samoa Joe [c] vs. Rob Van Dam [/CENTER][/B] This match was very fitting for the main event. Very evenly matched. The story was Joe's strength vs. RVD's slight speed advantage. Because well, Joe was pretty quick for a guy his size. RVD nailed the Rolling Thunder and then went for the Five Star Frog Splash. He leapt and went for it but Joe moved and RVD crashed to the mat. Joe picked RVD and quickly nailed the Muscle Buster to finish the match. (A) [B][CENTER]A Prelude? [/CENTER][/B] Joe holds his title up and poses for a few moments until his attention turns to where the Undertaker was. Looking, he saw Taker rise to his feet and make the title motion around his waist as SmackDown! went off the air... [B+ card, 8,272 attendance] [23.78 rating]
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Wwe Raw [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/RAW.png[/IMG][/CENTER][/B] [I][CENTER]Live from the Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, FL [/CENTER][/I] In a dark match, Maria, Candice Michelle and Melina competed in a Bra and Panties match. The end came with Maria being the last woman left with her clothes left on. And of course, she took them off at the end anyways. (C+) [B][CENTER]Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Wilson [/CENTER][/B] The current reigning IC champ against the young member of the Stampede Bulldogs. This was an interesting match between two young future stars in the buisness. Kendrick is of course on the cusp of a sure-fire main event run and TJ is one half of the ever improving Stampede Bulldogs. The end came with TJ falling prey to the Sliced Bread #2. (B+) [B][CENTER]That Dastardly Clique![/CENTER][/B] Kendrick attacks Wilson after the match, but the resilent Canadian fought back against the IC Champ. However, a chorus of boos echoed through the crowd as Shawn Micheals entered the ring and helped his protege beat down on Wilson. Cheers went up from the crowd though as Paul London came down, carrying a chair with him. Using the chair to thwart the Clique, Paul proved to be a successful calvary today. (B+) [B][CENTER]Chain Gang Represent...[/CENTER][/B] A music video, fittingly with his theme song as the music, featuring John Cena is played, highlighting one of the most dominant former WWE Champions in a long time. [B][CENTER]Big & Black [Bob Sapp/Bobby Lashely] vs. Worlds Greatest Tag Team [Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas] [/CENTER][/B] This was a showcase of power and brute force against speed and wrestling prowress. After Shelton had wowed the crowd with a quick succssion of high risk moves, Paul Heyman's tag team of Bobby Lashley and Bob Sapp took turns brutalizing Charlie Haas for a good portion of the match. Eventually Lashley got set up for a spear but Haas moved out of the way and dived into the hot tag to Benjamin. Shelton was a house of fire and nailed Lashley out of the ring with a dropkick. He tried to T-Bone Sapp but that was no dice as Sapp double axehandled him and attempted to nail a Beast Bomb. However, a slightly recovered Haas leapt off the top rope and nailed a missile dropkick on Sapp. Sapp rolled out of the ring and Heyman's charges try to recover on the outside. The tag champions look at each other and then proceed to both vault over the top rope onto Big & Black. The two teams lie on the floor briefly and start brawling as they rise up to their feet. At the end, the referee lost control of the match and instead of waiting for a countout, he disqualifed both teams. (B-) [B][CENTER]Main Event Hype! [/CENTER][/B] [I]JR: What a main event we have coming up later in the show ladies and gentlemen. The Icon, the Showstoppa, the leader of the Clique, the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michieals taking on the Straight Edge Superstar and former ECW Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk! Don't you miss it! [/I] [B][CENTER]Booker T vs. Sandman [/CENTER][/B] It seems that WWE may be biding time with Booker. This match with Sandman was not all that great because of Sandman's deterioated ring skills. A few good spots occured and there were a few times where Sandman's Singapore Cane almost got involved. However, the end came with Sandman trying to nail a White Russian Legsweep and instead getting that reversed and...into a Book End! (C+) [B][CENTER]A Secret Admirer? [/CENTER][/B] Inside the women's locker room, Maria looks in her locker and finds a romantic love note. It is only signed "Your Secret Admirer". (C-) [B][CENTER]Your Shaman of Sexy Is Here! [/CENTER][/B] John Morrison makes his way to the ring, led by the usual entourage of idiots. He grabs a mic and begins to speak. [I]Morrison: My opponent calls himself the "King of Kings" but he is nothing compared to me, John Morrison. I am the King of Wrestling, the King of the A-List, the definitive King of Extreme and yes, even the King of Sex. I am the King of so many things, simply Triple H doesn't measure... [/I] [B][CENTER]Triple H vs. John Morrison [/CENTER][/B] "ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME". Morrison is interrupted by the sound of Motorhead playing over the PA. Out from the back, to a huge reception, comes the Game, Triple H. HHH makes his way to the ring and Morrison tries to get the jump on him. Trips gets the early advantage, rocking the former ECW Heavyweight Champ with lefts, rights, a few clotheslines. He bodyslams Morrison in the center of the ring and goes to one corner. He does a crotch chop and then drops a big Flair esque knee to the face. A low blow eventually changes the pace and Morrison works the middle of the match, attacking HHH's right arm in a great show of pyschology. If Hunter can't grab your arm, he can't properly hook the Pedigree. One impressive move had Morrison do the breakdancing legdrop onto Trip's arm. Eventually Morrison ran the ropes and tried to nail Hunter with some flying manuever but HHH caught him with a mighty spinebuster. Still holding his arm, Trips raised his arms high in the air in his signature taunt. Morrision stumbled up and got the boot to the gut. He struggles to briefly hook the arm but powers through the pain, and eventually nails the Pedigree! (A) [B][CENTER]Still Bitter Enemies...[/CENTER][/B] HHH's celebration in that great match is very brief because HBK is already in the ring, atttacking his former best friend. A flying elbow caught The Game flush between the eyes and HBK stood in the corner, cueing up the band in order to play the tune of Sweet Chin Music. However, he bailed out of the ring as the WWE Champ, Jeff Hardy hit the ring. (B+) [CENTER][B]Kevin Thorn vs. Tommy Dream vs. Umaga [/B][/CENTER] This match turned out better than I thought it had a right to. But maybe it was the ecletic styles of the three men and the experience of Dreamer holding it together. With Thorn and Umaga being heels, the story of the match had Thorn getting moves in on Dreamer and then pretty much leaving the action to let the wild Samoan brutalize the Innovator of Violence. Eventually Umaga turned on Thorn and Dreamer capitalized by shoving Umaga through the ropes and catching Thorn with the Dreamer DDT for the win. (B) [B][CENTER]A Winner...Still The Loser...[/CENTER][/B] Dreamer is immediately attacked by the Samoan Bulldozer. A Samoan Spike to the throat and Dreamer was KO'ed. Umaga sets up a table and puts Dreamer on it. An ascent to the top rope and Umaga came crashing through it, shattering Dreamer through it. (B) [B][CENTER]Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy [/CENTER][/B] The crowd was loving this one. A ****sure heel that many fans have grown to like against the WWE Champion. Hardy has been a guy whose stock rose huge ever since Summerslam. This was an excellent match that was done pretty spot on. Hardy hit some of his signature move early on and Kennedy went to town on him midway through the match. Late into the match, Kennedy had moved out of the way during a Whisper in the Wind attempt which allowed him to hit the Standing Green Bay Plunge. That attempt didn't quite get it done as the champ kicked out. Kennedy went up and attempted to nail the Kenton Bomb but Hardy moved out of the way. With Kennedy incapacitated, the rock star like Hardy climbed up to the turnbuckle, looking to nail his version of the move, the Swanton. However while the ref checked on Kennedy, HBK came up on the apron and shoved Hardy to the mat. Hopping down, HBK swore innocence when the ref questioned him. Kennedy crawled on top of Hardy and hooked the tights for good measure...gaining a pinfall over the reigning WWE champ! (A*) [B][CENTER]Stirring The Pot? [/CENTER][/B] An interesting video played next. It didn't seemed to fit any of the usual hype videos from the WWE. It shows concurrent wins from Wrestlemania 24, the crowning of Jeff Hardy as new WWE Champ, and CM Punk as the new MitB winner. It seemed to hint at perhaps Hardy and Punk could be on a collision course in the near future. (B+) [B][CENTER]MAIN EVENT CM Punk vs. Shawn Micheals [/CENTER][/B] The Straight Edged Superstar against the Showstoppa, the Degenerate, the man who embodied the rock and roll drug lifestyle of the 80s before cleaning himself up. Punk was looking like a million bucks in this match, not just thanks to his considerable talents but thanks to the talents of HBK who is just that good at making his opponents look like rock stars. Near the end, HBK countered out of the Go To Sleep and nailed the Sweet Chin Music. Before HBK could cover Punk, both HHH and Jeff Hardy attacked HBK. The ref called for the bell, throwing the match out. (A*) [B][CENTER]Brawl To End The Show...[/CENTER][/B] Punk is rolled out of the ring, suffering from the SCM. Kendrick joins the brawl, evening up the odds eventually for the Clique. However, Paul Lond shows up for the second time in the night. As the five men brawl, RAW goes off the air. (B+) (B+ Card, 7,760 attendance, 29.71 rating on USA Network)
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[IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/internet.jpg[/IMG] -Many reports have been circulating from the unusual occurence of Edge not being on the Smackdown show last week. We have learned that apparently Edge got himself into a big of trouble showing up very late to the show and since this wasn't his first late appearance, he was suspended for a week. This has not been confirmed by the WWE but with the unusual dissappearance of Edge on Friday's show leads credibility to what had occured. - WWE's RAW TV show was another well-recieved show which further many of the storylines in one way or another. It seems that WWE has at least one last Kendrick-London match in the pipeline and the three way feud over the WWE Title has been enertaining so far with Jeff Hardy and HHH switching being allies against The Clique and then as opponents vying for the WWE Title. - Tune in later for more information coming your way!
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[OOC Note: I had a weird mish-mash of working shifts for the past month and it really threw me off. I still was playing TEW on my free times that I weren't switching between the regular day shifts I was working and the overnight shifts I was picking up to help out. So I look ahead and realize that hey, I played two more months in and I've found out I start to tire out writing the cards if I'm already moving onto a new storyline or cool moment. So I'm gonna flash forward to where I am now...but to catch up...] [B]WWE: The Conclusion of April... [/B] On the RAW side of things, two big events occured during the last Raw before Backlash... [B][CENTER]WWE RAW: Week 4, April 2008 [/CENTER][/B] [I]JR: It is saddening to realize that "Stone Cold" is leaving the WWE once again but what a way for the Texas Rattlesnake to leave, giving us one more show. And who better than his friend, Mick Foley. King: And these two have battled out JR. These two guys are showing the younger generation that the "old" school still has it! Styles: And look at Foley! Double Arm DDT! That has to be it...no! Austin with the kickout! JR: These two are givin-wait...kick...Stunner! A bloody Austin covers Foley...one...two...three! [/I] A huge ovation came from the crowd as "Stone Cold" celebrates his final match in the WWE [for now...] and the sight of Austin and Foley tossing back a few cold ones is a memory wrestling fans will never forget. [B][I]Later in the evening...[/I][/B] [I]JR: HHH has promised he would have a partner for one night only to compete against The Clique. But who could the Game possibly have found to team up? Who could he have possibily trusted? Styles: I had a few guesses...and they all surely are wrong. [/I] "Hey Yo" The old "Razor Ramon" theme cues up and the place comes unglued as HHH is all smiles as his partner steps out. [I]JR: Oh my God! Scott Hall! "The Bad Guy" He's here! Styles: I guess I wasn't wrong. [/I] The crowd enjoys it as Hall does the "Survey Says" routine and HHH follows it up with a "Suck It!". The match was a classic that kept the fans glued to their sets. Hall came in for brief sessons, obviously masking his ring rust. Despite nailing the Outsider Edge [for a HEYUUUUUGE pop] on HBK, a Left Turn at Alberque was enough to put down one of the Founding Fathers of the original Clique. After cameras run, the young Kendrick steps out and the three long time friends celebrate, climbing the turnbuckles to pose and flash the "2 Sweet" sign. [B][CENTER]WWE Backlash [/CENTER][/B] -The continuing story in the Womens Division was that Mickie James and Trish's competitive ways were getting the best of them and they to the point where they were refusing a handshake after the match, like Trish did when she lost the Women's Title to Mickie in a triple threat that also including Melina. -A seed is planted that CM Punk may be the secret admirer of Maria. -Paul London won a Last Man Standing match that did better than the last match he had against Brian Kendrick at Wrestlemania. He wins the IC title again. After the match, the two former partners shake hands and embrace much to the delight of the fans. But, in a scene remiscent of WM19's HBK/Y2J, Kendrick then shocked London by nailing the Sliced Bread #2 on him. -Jeff Hardy proves his title reign is not a fluke as he pins HHH in a great main event triple threat match that also had Shawn Micheals in it. After the match, Hardy and HHH shook hands and the show went to black with Hardy posing. Now on the Smackdown side of things... -Following his real life suspension of a week, Edge was suspended on screen when he attacked Teddy Long after being refused a title shot. Edge would be a pain in Smackdown's rear for the rest of April. -Samoa Joe seemed to be holding water with title defences. No major program, possibly due to Edge's brief suspension. -Undertaker, Kane and Rey have a brief flurry of triple threat matches that see Taker winning them all. Next up...May!
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[CENTER][B]WWE: A Look Back At May 2008...[/B][/CENTER] -The WWE held a Draft Lottery which had five superstars from each brand switch. This month seemed to be a placeholder month as loose strands were tied up and new feuds were started. -[B]RAW Week 1[/B] saw the first draft pick arrive at the conclusion of a HHH/HBK street fight that was billed as the last singles encounter between the two men on RAW. After HHH won the match with a Pedigree on a steel chair, the masked Kane appeared and ended the show beating the two men down with a double chokeslam. -[B]Smackdown Week 1[/B] saw SD's first pick arrive in the form of a mystery opponent of Chris Masters. And he was none other than John Cena who easily defeated the "Masterpiece". A staredown with "The Animal", Batista, set the stage for a future encounter. -[B]RAW Week 3[/B] saw the tag team roster get boosted a bit as the hard nosed team of Finlay/Burchill arrived, beating the Briscoes in a tag match. -[B]RAW Week 4 [/B] saw the last two draftees show up. First Kenny Dykstra had interfered in a London/Morrison match, costing London his chance to regain the IC Title he had lost at Judgement Day. And then, at the conclusion of the World Title match between Jeff Hardy, HBK and CM Punk, the Undertaker arrives as the last draft pick. -[B]Smackdown Week 4[/B] debut their last four picks on the same show. Randy Orton was announced as the newest SD member and soon later, Kevin Thorn appeared as a odd partner of Boogeyman's. In a non title match, Edge lost to Joe [who is still undeated] and the Clique appears, attacking BOTH men and revealing themselves as the last two draftees. -A shocking heel turn came into effect when CM Punk, after losing an amazing ladder match to Jeff Hardy, turned on the WWE Champ. These two would go to have a great TLC match at Judgement Day where Hardy would retain. -Two Smackdown dream matches would occur during May as Joe fought against both 'Taker and Edge. -Kane spent May teaming with both sides of the HHH/Clique feud, ultimately turning on both sides and forging his own path. -In what some saw as the shocking swerve at the conclusion of the Trish-Mickie distrust story, Trish turned on Mickie, brutalizing her. -The biggest news of them all came midway through the month and we pick up on [B]RAW, Week 3[/B] as the audience had been shocked to see the arrival of Eric Bischoff. They grew more shocked when Bisch arrive at the ringside and was joined by Shane and Stephanie McMahon. Bischoff had ripped into a tirade, lashing out into Vince McMahon in a very shootish promo. Ultimately, Bischoff said he wasted too much time playing "patsy" to Vince and since Vince's kids were growing tired of their father's egotistical manner, he said he was back to finish the job that should have been finished in 2001. That the Alliance was back. -With the IWC positively confused about what had just happened, the surrealness of it all continued as on [B]Smackdown, Week 3 [/B] the Alliance declared war on the WWE and challenged McMahon to a five man elimination match at Judgement Day. McMahon did accept and the main event wasn't even announced until bell time. -Come Judgement Day, Brock Lesnar makes a shocking return to the WWE when he interferes in a Cena-Batista match and makes that match a no-contest. -Joe would retain his title in the long hyped Edge match and this would come under much controversy as The Rock make the second shocking return to the WWE in as many matches, attacking Edge and leading to a Edge countout. -The huge Survivor Series-esque main event arrive. The WWE team was announced and it was a very odd couple pairing. The Clique were announced first and the fans got excited as "The Game" was announced as the third member. Matt Hardy was the fourth man announced and the fifth spot belong to the one man who had bled the WWE for nearly a decade and half...the Undertaker. The Alliance's team was set to be announced. First Brock Lesnar came out to the suprise of no one since he attacked the WWE's stars earlier. Likewise The Rock came out as the second member of the Alliance team to a deafening round of boos. Booker T and Rob Van Dam rounded out the first four, defecting from the WWE to the Alliance team. And as everyone waited to see who Bischoff had lined up for the fifth men, names ran through their minds. Hall, Hogan, Nash, Dreamer, Tazz, Douglas, hell even Sid Viscious. But no one actually expected the iconic video to cue up. For the little girl to speak that haunted poem...a poem once delivered to the nWo and now, seemingly, to the evils of Vince McMahon, no one expected the girl to tell them that this is the man...called Sting. Once the surrealness of seeing these collective ten in a wrestling ring together wore off, especially that of seeing Sting in a WWE ring, a fantastic main event occured. The first elimination came at the hands of Sting himself, pinning Matt Hardy with a Scorpion Death Drop. Everyone in the match seemed to get a cup of tea in the ring until things circled back around to Sting who ended up in the ring with Kendrick. And with what seemed to be one of the more shocking upsets in recent history, the ****y Kendrick nailed a Sliced Bread #2 to pin the Icon! Lesnar snapped at the elmination of a team member and brutalized Kendrick with a steel chair, getting himself a DQ. A F-5 followed ONTO the steel chair and that led to Kendrick being easy prey for a RVD frogsplash. The next elimination ended up being Booker T courtesy of a Tombstone from Undertaker. The crowd popped for the brief in ring runion of DX as HHH and HBK had took turns working Rock, capping it off with stereo crotch chops. As the ref tried to get HBK out of the ring, RVD caught HHH with a Van Daminator and got a shocking pinfall on the "King of Kings". A Chokeslam from Taker ended up eliminating Rob Van Damn. And then after an exchange, The Rock beat Taker with the Rock Bottom. And then it came down to one match the wrestling fans never thought they would see. The Rock vs. Shawn Micheals. The two legends tore down the house and after a kickout of the Rock Bottom, HBK tried to keep Rock down with some Sweet Chin Music but that proved to be not enough as the Rock kicked out of the superkick. One Rock Bottom to Rock from HBK proved to the straw that broke the camel's back and HBK found himself the sole survivor. -The last bombshell would be dropped on RAW as Vince McMahon, due to some clause Bischoff had alluded to, actually announced the return of WCW. Now as the third brand of the WWE. He went on to announce that the WWE Cruiserweight Title would be defended on WCW and that the European Title will be reactivated on Smackdown. June would be next. The month of returns. The return of the one wrestling program to even beat RAW. The return of a stable. The return of the King of the Ring. And in regards to World Championship Wrestling, they would see the return of a Savior.
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[B][CENTER]WWE: A Look Back At June...[/CENTER][/B] -The wrestling world had been turned upside down once again. The return of the WCW name was the biggest news item without a doubt. A storyline explanation had been used that Eric Bischoff had threaten to use a little loophole written into the WCW purchase contract. It seems Bisch had the ear of Jamie Kellner, warning the man who ended up cancelling Nitro and Thunder, warning him that if Vince turned wrestling into a media juggernaut, AOL-Time Warner would not be able to compete. Thus Eric had at least talked Kellner into writing a loophole that basically allowed Eric to seize control of the WCW brand if had been buried. In reality, that storyline had many, many holes but it was just a reason. Just that and nothing more. The fans weren't really caring about the explanation, they just cared that WCW was back. Not as a seperate promotion but neverthless, the name...the show...WCW was back. It seemed that this "new" WCW was going to be that. A new mish-mash. A little WWE Sports Entertainment, a little ECW Extreme, and it would also contain that classic wrestling of WCW. A spot with MTV had been arranged. It was Nitro reborn, two hours starting at midnight. Not the best spot, of course, but it had to do. -In RAW news, the Jeff Hardy/Triple H title feud continued with both men, despite their mutual respect, going to hell and back over the title. The end culminated at the King of the Ring show when Hardy and HHH competed in a 30 minute Iron Man match that saw Hardy use the tights to beat the Game for the second fall over HHH. -The returned Worlds Greatest Tag Team [now faces] continued their feud with the current tag champs, Big & Black. -On the Smackdown side of things, the Clique took on bWo in a series of matches that culminated with the devious Clique beating the bWo at KotR for the tag titles. This led to an apparent heel turn by Steve Richards when he nailed the Stevie Kick after the match on Blue Meanie. On the next Smackdown, Richards failed to helped Meanie in a handicap match but attacked HBK at the end of the match instead. -Samoa Joe and Edge went head to head once again at the King of the Ring, Joe's title reign and undefeated streak on the line. This time it was in a Last Man Standing match that saw Joe eventually retain after a brutal Muscle Buster through two extended chairs. However, Joe's celebration was cut short as CM Punk arrived on the stage. Joe watched as Punk pointed at his MitB briefcase and then pointed at the banner up in the rafters hyping "Summerslam". -In WCW's first month, they had a huge Nitro main event where Rock and Brock Lesnar teamed up to take on Sting and a partner of his choosing. The arena erupted when the tron started a countdown which led to a burst of pyro and "Break Down The Walls" began to play. With the returning Chris Jericho as his partner, the first Nitro main event ended with Sting pinning Brock with the Scorpion Death Drop. The conclusion of the match saw Sting getting F-5'ed by Lensar and a Rock-Y2J staredown to close the show. -Booker T became the first WCW Television Champion since the days of WCW being an actual promotion. -The monster known as Abyss arrived in WCW and became loosely aligned with the heel group of Rock and Brock. -Rock and Y2J competed for the WCW Title which was fitting since [discounting the "Unification Belt] the two were the last men to compete in for the big gold belt. Their first encounter went to a draw which led to a rematch inside a steel cage. It had seemed Y2J had won the match but a Rock Bottom to the ref earlier had prevented the ref from being up to see Jericho exit. Inteference by Lensar who had tore the door open and F-5'ed Jericho allowed the Rock, once the ref was back up, to crawl out of the cage and win the rechristened WCW Heavyweight Title. The three would gang up on Jericho in the cage, brutalizing the "Aylatollah of Rock and Rollah". -The Highlanders became the WCW Tag Champs after being sent over from RAW in a supplemental draft, a title win that perhaps was spurned on by their recent heel turn [along with an inexplicable Deuce & Domino face turn]. -A small program has started between Sandman and the young son of Ric Flair, Reid Flair where Sandman has beat the youngster at each stop but Flair ends up attacking Sandman after the match. -The last major news occured during June and that was the King of the Ring tournament. KotR highlights will be shown later in the week but the final eight were RAW's Paul London, Kane, Ken Kennedy, Tommy Dreamer, Smackdown's John Cena, Mark Henry, Rob Van Dam and Randy Orton. The semi-finals saw London advance over Kane but recieve one hell of a beating after the match. Kennedy cheated with a pair of brass knucks to beat Tommy Dreamer. Cena nailed a F-U in convincing fashion to advance over Mark Henry and Batista interfered in the Orton-RVD match, allowing Orton to advance. Orton beat RVD in the Smackdown final after Carlito AND Batista interfered. London pulled out a heartstopping win over Kennedy but was attacked by Orton after the match. This led to an awesome KotR final that saw London gave his all but to fall under the numbers game of Orton and his partners. Things looked up as Cody Rhodes appeared to even the odds and the fans cheered at the thought of one member of a wrestling family squaring off against another family legacy. However, Rhodes turned on London, setting him up for an RKO that allowed Orton to be crowned King of the Ring. And the first thing the new King did was announce that Evolution has risen, with Orton at helm. With July lying ahead, things were just going to get even better!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/RAW.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Live from Telford Ice Park in Telford, England [/CENTER][/I] -In a dark match, a mixed tag occured with Hornswoggle and Torrie Wilson teaming up against Snitsky and Victoria. Someone must not liked Snitsky because after some hijinks, Torried ended up dropping Hornswoggle [who had a ring bell between his body and Snitsky] onto Snitsky for the win. This led to a rather disturbing segment that saw Torrie give the little leperchaun a lapdance. [B][CENTER]WWE World Tag Team Titles Cade & Murdoach vs. Big & Black [/CENTER][/B] Decent match, it might have hurt a big that both teams are heels but the work in the ring kept the match watchable. The end came when Big & Black got distracted by the sound of WGTT's theme song playing over the PA. This allowed the rednecks to nail the Sweet N' Sour on Lashley for the win. (C-) [B][CENTER]I'm STILL Your Champion... [/CENTER][/B] John Morrison shines his Intercontinental Title up as he stands backstage. [I]Morrison- I'm John Morrison baby. I'm the Shaman of Sexy. And I'm YOUR Intercontinental champion. And tonight, I fight that Extreme relic, Tommy Dreamer. The days of Extreme are over Tommy and so are you. [/I] (B-) [B][CENTER]WWE Intercontinental Title John Morrison vs. Tommy Dreamer [/CENTER][/B] This match was all Tommy Dreamer with Morrison using every cheap tactic in the book to get away from the Innovator of Violence. At one point, Dreamer had threaten to hit the Spicoli Driver but Morrison slipped loose. Before Dreamer could get any more offense in on him, Morrison slipped out of the ring and took off up the ramp, getting counted out. Angry, Dreamer took off after him. (B) [B][CENTER]Eating Exhaust...[/CENTER][/B] Dreamer reaches the parking lot just as Morrison takes off in his car. Dreamer curses as Morrison escapes. (B) [B]The Undertaker vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. Paul Birchall [/B] A true legend in the buisness against two of the newer stars in wrestling. The story in this match was that Birchall and Dykstra put their competitive urges away and focused on trying to put away 'Taker. However, the Phenom fought back eventually, catching Kenny with a big boot. One Last Ride to Birchall later and 'Taker was able to focus on the ****y Kenny. Kenny got to his feet after that big boot and walked right into a Chokeslam from Taker that finished the match. (B+) [B][CENTER]Some Grudges Will Never Die...[/CENTER][/B] The Undertaker attempts to do his customary pose after the match but before he could, the Big Red Machine hits ringside, attacking his brother. The two brawl for a bit, trading punches and throat thrusts. Taker actually gets an opportunity to try to chokeslam Kane but Kane throws his arm off and grabs him with a goozle of his own...and then chokeslams him! Kane does the throat cut gesture and delivers a Tombstone for good measure. He ignites the corners and the arena goes to red. (B+) [B][CENTER]I'm Sorry...[/CENTER][/B] Maria arrives at the hospital room of Paul London who has his face bandaged up after the fireball that had been thrown by Batista. She swears to London she'll get revenge on Orton and his Evolution. [OOC note: The secret admirer storyline that I had alluded to ended with London revealing he was the Secret Admirer...right before he got taken out by Orton]. (C) [B][CENTER]Mickie James & Beth Phoenix vs. Trish Stratus & Nikita [/CENTER][/B] The transition back to heel has taken a little time but Trish seems to be getting back to her heelish deliciousness. The main story in this short match was that Mickie was hell bent on getting her hands on Trish and that eventually caused those two to powder out at the end of the match. This allowed Beth to nail the Down in Flames on Nikita for the win. (C-) [B][CENTER]A Little Celebration...[/CENTER][/B] Mickie and Beth pose for the fans after the tag team victory. (D-) [B]World's Greatest Tag Team vs. William Regal & Finlay [/B] This was a pretty good match and why wouldn't it be? All four men have a solid mat game and both Haas and Benjamin can bring the air game into at anytime. Plus this tag match has the regular face-heel dynamic that is always helpful. This was a good match that was finished with Haas deliving the Haastruction on Regal for the win. (B) [B][CENTER]Main Event Hype...[/CENTER][/B] A video package hyping the big main event. [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENT [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Mr. Kennedy & Umaga & Kane & Santino Marella vs. Jeff Hardy & Triple H & The Stampede Bulldogs [/CENTER][/B] The Canadian crowd was pyched to see the Stampede Bulldogs in the main event. This match was found under elimination rules and this proved to be a pretty good main event. The first elimination came when Harry Smith nailed the Running Powerslam on Santino Marella to a huge pop from the Canadian crowd. The heels would even things back up when Kane caught TJ Wilson with a Chokeslam. Smith would come back in and come close to beating Kane with the Running Powerslam but Kennedy interfered. This allowed Kane to Chokeslam Smith and that was the end for Harry. The heels were up 3-2 but after a lengthy beatdown on Triple H, the hot tag was delivered to Jeff who went nuts in the ring, nailing any member of the heel team that enter his line of vision. He nailed Kennedy with a Whisper in the Wind and springboard off the ropes to knock Kane out of the ring with a flying forearm. A Twist of Fate preceded a Swanton Bomb that eliminated the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. This led to a sequence with Kennedy and Hardy, Kennedy getting the advantage at many points due to his dirty tactics. The ****y loudmouth set the WWE Champ up for a Standing Green Bay Plunge but HHH came in and Pedigreed him. HHH started fighting with Kane and this allowed Hardy to throw an arm over Kennedy and get the fall, eliminating Kennedy. As this was going on, HHH got blasted with a chair shot from Kane outside the ring and the Big Red Machine got back into the ring right after the pinfall. Hardy turned around and got caught with the Chokeslam...and just like that...the WWE Champ was eliminated from the match. This led to an End Game between Kane and HHH. Kane was about to nail HHH with the Chokeslam but the Undertaker's gong sounded and Kane's attention got spooked. That allowed HHH to nail a low blow and then a Pedigree for the win. (B+) [B][CENTER]Show Closing...[/CENTER][/B] Kennedy attacks Hardy after the match, beating up on him (seperate segment that was (B+) until HHH comes over to help and attacks Kennedy. The lights go out briefly and when they come back on, 'Taker is in the ring and he attacks Kane. As the five men brawl, RAW fades to black. It was a B- show that had 2,000 in attendance and got a 34.58 rating on USA.
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-Nitro and Smackdown will go up tomorrow since its a day off. Right now I just want to ask if anyone has any input they would like to mention. Problems with my booking? People I should push? Folks getting a push that shouldn't be getting a push? Anything like that, feel free to post it here.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/Wcwalliancelogo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Live from Canada Games Centre in Corner Brook, CN[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Sandman vs. Reid Flair [/CENTER][/B] These two clash in styles in so many ways. Sandman is so deterioated in the ring and Flair is very green. So this match, just like the rest, has been barely passable. But neverthless, Flair finally gets his first win on the WCW brand after rolling Sandman up and holding the tights, cheating just like his old man. (D+) [CENTER][B]Time To Go To Sleep Mr. Sandman [/B][/CENTER] After the match, Reid picks Sandman up and throws him out of the ring. A few moments later and Reid has pulled back the protective mats. He picks Sandman up and piledrives him onto the concrete. (D) [CENTER][B]A Legendary Encounter...[/B][/CENTER] The Man Called Sting makes his way to ringside, dressed in his trenchcoat and face painted up. He grabs the mic and begins to speak. [I]Sting: I've never been a man of many words. The words I do speak are important. So that is why I will make sure to prove that The Rock is a fraud, a man who does not deserve to be WCW Heavyweight Champion. He brutalized Chris Jericho as he cheated his way into the title. I don't believe Rock can get the job done anymore without the help of Brock or Abyss. So Rock, tonight I'm laying down the challenge. The Great One versus the Icon. Rock-Sting. WCW Heavyweight Title...tonight. [/I] The Rock appears on the tron and the WCW belt is slung over his shoulder. [I]Rock: Hey there Stinger! Looks like you should get some sun, you're looking pale. Too many long nights in the rafters? You're challenging me, the Great One, to a match tonight? You want to one on one with the People's Champion? [/I] The crowd boos... [I]Rock: Oh c'mon fans, stop booing Sting. You want to go one on one with the Great One? Well you're on Sting because I'm not afraid of your big black bat. In fact, we're going to take that big black bat. Shine it up real nice...turn that sumbitch sideways and shove it straight up your old candyass! If Ya Smell What the Rock....[/I] Sting cuts Rock off and yells in the mic. [I]Sting: Tonight Rock, you lose! WHOOO, IT'S SHOWTIME FOLKS! [/I] (B+) [B][CENTER]The Briscoes vs. The Jung Dragons[/CENTER][/B] Well these two put on a good show in the ring but neither team is really over right now so the crowd wasn't it it, except for the rather humours re-teaming of Jamie and Yang in their redneck and Asian cowboy gimmicks. The end came when Jay Briscoe nailed the Jay Driller on Noble for the win. (D-) [CENTER][B]Match Announcement...[/B][/CENTER] Eric Bischoff comes out with a microphone. [I]Bischoff: Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight WCW will have a Television Title match. The current Champ, Booker T, will defend against the scholastic Matt Striker. The only question you have to ask is, will Booker make the grade? [/I] (C+) [CENTER][B]#1 Contenders Match For the WWE Cruiserweight Title Jack Evans vs. Super Crazy vs. Billy Kidman [/B][/CENTER] These three are also suffering from the fact that the majority of the Cruiserweights [those without the name of Mysterio or Guerrero] are woefully not over. Part of that is my blame and work needs to be done on that. This was fought under elimination rules and the first elimination came when Crazy nailed a hurricaranna on Kidman. Eventually, Evans missed on a missle dropkick and Crazy took advantage of the situation and nailed a Asai Moonsault for the win. (D+) [B][CENTER]Lesnar Sets The Bar High...[/CENTER][/B] Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring, wearing his ring gear. He grabs a mic and speaks. [I]Lesnar: So that old fossil Sting gets a title shot tonight? Just because I respect The Rock doesn't mean I don't want to get my hands on the Heavyweight Title. I'm Brock Lesnar, I am the measuring stick. Its talent like me that sets the bar so high. So until Eric Bischoff seems to believe I'm the man who should be holding that strap, I will destroy anyone that dares to get in my way. So anyone in the back, come face me. You'll fear the F-5. You'll fear Brock Lesnar. [/I] [B][CENTER]Of Course...This Guy Loves Being High...[/CENTER][/B] "One of a Kind" begins to play over the PA system and the crowd erupts as Rob Van Dam arrives on stage. Van Dam has a mic in hands. [I]RVD: Open Challenge? Pfft, I wasn't going to com out here because of your whining but then you just had to go and say that you set the bar high. Damn it, now I'm interested. You bring your F-5. I'll bring my 5 Star Frogsplash. Tonight Brock, you get to face [the fans chant along] ROB VAN DAM [/I] (B+) [B][CENTER]Rob Van Dam vs. Brock Lesnar [/CENTER][/B] Now this match got the crowd going. Van Dam got the fans pumped with his high risk offense, including busting out the always popular spin kick onto the guard rail aftr leaping off the apron. Brock fought back and brutalized RVD for a good portion of the match, working the leg of RVD so Van Dam couldn't nail the 5 Star. RVD fought back with a dropkick and a somewhat sluggish Rolling Thunder. He attempted to nail the 5 Star but his leg gave out on him and that allowed Lesnar to pick him off his perch. One F-5 later and Brock wins. (B+) [B][CENTER]Another Hit...[/CENTER][/B] Lesnar, angered, picks RVD up again and nails the former WWE and ECW Champ with another F-5. (B+) [B][CENTER]Hyping the Man of Sin...[/CENTER][/B] [I]Styles: And what a match we have coming up next. In singles action, you are going to see Sean O'Haire. This WCW alumni has returned, still as egnimatic as ever. Through his tenure in the game, this self professed "sinner" seems to have learn the ways of the ring from his brief partnership with the Rowdy One, Roddy Piper. And tonight he faces an ECW alumni, Nova! [/I] [B][CENTER]Sean O'Haire vs. Nova [/CENTER][/B] This match wasn't much to write home about but it got O'Haire's name back out. The end easily came at the end of a Widow-Maker by O'Haire. (D+) [B][CENTER]Cruiserweight Hype...[/CENTER][/B] Mene Gene Okerlund stands backstage with the current Cruiserweight Champ, Chavo Guerrero Jr. [I]Gene: Chavo, earlier tonight Super Crazy won a triple threat elimination match for the right to challenge you at WCW's Great American Bash. What do you have to say about that? Chavo: Simple Gene. I'm a part of the Guerrero family legacy. If that maniac thinks he can beat me at the Bash, then he truly is...Super Crazy. [/I] (D+) [CENTER][B]WCW Televison Title Booker T [c] vs. Matt Striker [/B][/CENTER] This was a by the numbers match. Booker's a great talent but Striker wasn't quite in his league. The match seemed to be all Booker as he nailed the Scissors Kick but before he could make a pinfall, his ankle was grabbed by Sean O'Haire who appeared at ringside. Booker jawed with O'Haire and that allowed Striker to get up and roll up Booker for the win, grabbing the tights for good measure. (C) [CENTER][B]Bitter Feelings...[/B][/CENTER] After the conclusion of the last match, Booker wasn't happy about losing his TV title so he started brawling with O'Haire who stayed at ringside. The two brawled until security broke them up. (D+) [B][CENTER]Y2J Will Return...[/CENTER][/B] A video hyping the brutal beatdown inside the steel cage and the doctor's announcement that ensured Chris Jericho would not be competing in the ring for the next month. But the end of the video was the most important. Jericho would return. WCW's Savior would return. And there would be HELL to pay. (B+) [CENTER] [B]WCW Heavyweight Title The Rock [c] vs. Sting [/B][/CENTER] The crowd was without a shadow of a doubt into this match. The Rock was up to his heelish best and Sting played the grizzled veteran role perfect. One of the hightlights was Rock putting Sting in the Sharpshooter and after reversing it, Sting had a look on his face that said "Let me show you how to do it" and then he applied the Scorpion Deathlock, trapping the Rock. Before the fans were able to see if Rock was going to tap out, Abyss arrived on the scene. Sting released the hold and slammed the big man off the apron. He turned back into the Rock Bottom from the champ. Rock struggled to crawl on top of Sting. He finally did but Sting was able to kick out at 2. Sting stumbled up and he almost was Rock Bottom'ed again but he elbowed out of it and took Rock down with a DDT. Sting suddenly got whipped around and there was Brock Lesnar! F-5! The ref calls for the bell and awards the match to Sting via DQ. As Sting lies out cold on the mat, Rock, Brock and Abyss stand tall as the show goes to close. (B-) [B- card, 2,000 in attendance and a 7.91 rating on MTV.]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/Fridaynightsmackdown.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Live from DeSoto Civic Center in South Haven, MS [/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Big Balls vs. Major Brothers [/CENTER][/B] A harmless opening. The Major Brothers put up a good show but the big team of Balls and Big Daddy V is just too much for the young team as Mahoney nails the Nutcracker Suite for the win. (C) [B][CENTER]We Got Big Balls![/CENTER][/B] Balls Mahoney and Big Daddy V celebrate in the ring, even going out of the ring to get a sign from a fan that reads "I Love Big Balls!". They swing the sign around for a bit before commercial break. [B][CENTER]Stand Back...Evolution Is Passing You By[/CENTER][/B] [I]Teddy Long is interuppted in his office by the trio of Randy Orton, Batista, and Cody Rhodes. 3/4 of the new Evolution for the uninformed. Teddy: I don't know what's going on playa but Orton, you remember who your boss is. Understand? Orton: I don't think you understand Teddy. I am Randy Orton, the Legend Killer. The prized jewel of the WWE. The man to my right is the Animal, the man who has beat some of the best in this buisness. HHH, JBL, Booker T, the late Eddie Guerrero, they all fall victim to Batista. And to my left you have a second generation star, Cody Rhodes. The man has seen the light and has chosen to fall the path that Evolution will pave. We are the best in this buisness and Smackdown will be just a playground to us. Teddy: You think so playa? Well if you are so great Orton, two of your stablemates will be in action tonight! If you've noticed, your buddy Carlito is not here. Why? Because he is in action next against Jimmy Jacobs, feel me playa? And Mr. Rhodes? He is going to be in action against the Masterpiece, Chris Masters! You feel me on that Orton? And next week? Randy Orton and Batista will face the same tag team that is in the main event tonight. John Cena and the Samoan Submission Machine, the WWE World Champ...Samoa Joe! Holla playa, now get out of my office![/I] (B) [B][CENTER]Jimmy Jacobs w/ Ashley vs. Carlito [/CENTER][/B] The young Jimmy Jacobs is starting to get over with the Smackdown crowd. Granted it is a little harder now that the Cruiserweight Division is now on the WCW brand but he has a good lock about him. However tonight, the experience Carlito has was enough to allow him to elude getting hit with the Contra Code and gaining a victory after nailing the Backstabber. (C) [B][CENTER]Also Next Week...[/CENTER][/B] Teddy Long sits at his desk as his image is shown on the tron. [I]Teddy: Holla playas, keep on enjoying Friday Night Smackdown! TV That is Changing Friday Nights! Keep your eyes moving forward though as next week, Stevie Richards will compete one on one with the Clique's Brian Kendrick. Feel me? Holla. [/I] (B+) [B][CENTER]Cody Rhodes vs. Chris Masters [/CENTER][/B] This match was made good by Rhodes continuing improvement as a competitor. The crowd wasn't too much into it due to the fact that both men are heels. Masters almost gained a victory due to the Masterlock but Rhodes managed to struggle close enough to the ropes where he was able to entangle his feet in them. Masters, of course, had to break the hold. As Masters argue with the ref, Rhodes slipped on a pair of brass knucks hidden in his trunks. As Masters turned, Rhodes clocked him one and covered Masters in a way where the ref couldn't see the knucks. As the ref counted the fall, he slipped the knucks back in his trunk. Rhodes smiled ****ily as his hand was raised in victory. (C+) [B][CENTER]Revenge Will Be Mine! [/CENTER][/B] Before Rhodes leaves the ring, the tron lights up and the lovely Maria is onscreen. The usual ditsy manner is gone and she has an angry look on her face. [I]Maria: Evolution, what you did to Paul London was horrible! I'm going to make you pay! Do you hear me? While Paul is currently hospitalized, he can't gain the measure of revenge he is owed. So I'm doing it for him. Evolution, watch out. [/I] (B) [B][CENTER]WWE European Title Triple Threat Boogeyman vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Kevin Thorn [/CENTER][/B] With the loss of the cruiserweight division, the European Title has been reactivated and the first European Champ since Jeff Hardy will be crowned. A generally stiff match, not surprising since Holly was in the match. Two Alabama Slams late in the match, the first to Boogey and the second to Thorn was enough for Holly to pin Thorn and win the European Title. (C) [CENTER][B]How Do You Like Me Now Holly? [/B][/CENTER] Holly holds the newly reactivated European Title up to a mixed reaction. Suddenly from behind, Cody Rhodes jumps him. The two brawl for a few moments before Rhodes catches him with a DDT on the European Title. Rhodes poses above him. (C) [B][CENTER]WWE Tag Team Titles The Clique vs. Cryme Tyme [/CENTER][/B] This was a solid match but the only problem with the Clique as a team is that when you have freakin' Shawn Micheals on your team, you feel like a division killer. And perhaps that is what this team might end up being as Kendrick nails Shad with the Sliced Bread #2 as Micheals nails a Diving Elbow drop on JTG for the pin. (B-) [B][CENTER]A Little Something To Remember Them By...[/CENTER][/B] After the match, HBK and Kendrick nail both men with their finishers one more time, posing over the fallen Cryme Tyme. (B) [B][CENTER]MAIN EVENT Samoa Joe & John Cena vs. Randy Orton & Batista [/CENTER][/B] The two top faces on the Smackdown roster teaming up to take on the dastardly duo that conspired to not only win the King of the Ring crown but put the popular Paul London out of commission. This match went over pretty well with the fans as all four men were super over. Most of the match, Orton tried to stay away from Joe, only taking potshots at the champ. Eventually Batista and Cena ended up brawling outside which led to Cena being Batista Bombed through the announce table. This had left Orton and Joe alone in the ring. Joe had gone to lock the Coquina Clutch on Orton but the "Legend Killer" had evaded the attempt. Joe shrugged out of a RKO attempt but fell prey to a clothesline from Orton. Getting sort of desperate, Orton climbed the ropes, attempting to go for a crossbody...a move he doesn't do all that often anymore. Joe shook the ropes before Orton could do anything and that crotched Orton. He was then easy pickings for a Muscle Buster. (A) [B][CENTER]Won the Battle, Not the War? [/CENTER][/B] After the match, Batista barrels into the ring, attacking Joe. He delivers one hell of a spinebuster and then helps Orton to his feet as Carlito enters the ring. The three take turns attacking Joe until, now armed with a steel chair, a battered Cena re-enters the ring, chasing them off with a steel chair. As Cena disappears backstage, chasing off Evolution, Joe takes the moment to get his bearings. [B][CENTER]Tension Is Building...[/CENTER][/B] Joe ends up having but moments to rest as CM Punk's music plays and out walks the MitB winner. Punk makes his way to the ring and he gets into a in-ring staredown with Joe. [I]Cole: Listen to this crowd reaction John! They are going crazy over the thought of these two squaring off! JBL: They look like they not going to wait anymore! [/I] The two start bad-mouthing each other and look like they are about to clash when suddenly most of the locker room storms out, getting between the two before they make contact. As almost the entire Smackdown roster holds them apart, the two jaw jack at each other as Smackdown goes off the air. B rated card. 9,085 people in attendance and a 22.73 rating on CW.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/RAW.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]LIve from Hirsch Memorial Colisuem in Shreveport, LA [/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Mickie James & Beth Pheonix vs. Melina & Trish Stratus [/CENTER][/B] More hot diva action. And by hot, I don't mean just their bodies. Although those look nice too. No, four of the best women wrestlers the WWE can offer going toe to toe. This match was the continuing story of Mickie attempting to get her hands on her former friend and mentor. Last week, Beth had scored the victory for the team and this time, Mickie gets the win...by pinning the Women's Champion following a Mick Kick! (C+) [B][CENTER]It's Time To Play The Game...GAAAAAME![/CENTER][/B] The King of Kings makes his entrance to ringside and begins to speak. [I]HHH: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages...are you ready? I said ARE YOU READY?!?! Then for the thousand in attendance, millions watching at home, LET'S GET READY TO...[/I] MRRRRRR. KENNNNNNEDYYYYY! HHH turns, irritated at the sight of Ken Kennedy making his entrance. As he enters the ring, Kennedy speaks into the mic he is carrying. [I]Kennedy: Hunter, Hunter, no one wants to listen to you. They don't want to listen on how you are going to be facing the Undertaker tonight. No, they want to hear how Mr. Kennedy is going to walk over Umaga and Kenny Dykstra tonight on his way to the top. These idiots in the crowd would rather listen to MRRRRR. KENNNNNNEDYYYYY! [/I] Kennedy pauses, ready to finish with the second Kennedy but HHH does a crotch chop and nails the Pedigree on Kennedy. HHH picks his mic back up. [I]HHH: Ken, got two words for ya. SUUUUUUCK ITTTTT! [/I] HHH pauses, lifting his hands high. He brings them down for one last crotch chop. [I]HHH: SUCK IT! [/I] (B) [B][CENTER]The Stampede Bulldogs vs. Finlay & Burchill [/CENTER][/B] This was a pretty decent match. Finlay is a great teacher in the ring, which is helpful not only to his partner, Burchill, but to the duo that they are facing. The young TJ Wilson and Harry Smith. A good, straight up technial match that saw Smith bodyslam Finlay and then finish him off with a Diving Headbutt off the top rope. (C) [B][CENTER]Next Week On RAW! [/CENTER][/B] [I]JR: Fans, what a doozy we have for you next week. Tonight, HHH is facing the Phenom, the Undertaker, but come next week, he will be competing against the Undertaker's brother, Kane! What a slobberknocker! [/I] (B+) [B][CENTER]Triple Threat Umaga vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Kenny Dykstra [/CENTER][/B] This was a pretty good match. All three are young talent and there is a diversity in style in this match. Eventually the end came with Umaga nailing the Samoan Spike on Kenny. This allowed Kennedy to sneak up and DDT Umaga. Moving quick. Kennedy got to the top rope and nailed the Kenton Bomb on Umaga. (C+) [B][CENTER]The Winner....WINNNNNERRR![/CENTER][/B] Mr. Kennedy grabs the mic and announces his win. [I]Kennedy: The winner of this match and the future WWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION....MR. KENNNNNNNNEEEEDYYYY! [PAUSE] KENNEDY! [/I] (B) [B][CENTER]WWE World Tag Team Title Cade & Murdoch [c] vs. Big & Black vs. World's Greatest Tag Team [/CENTER][/B] With the return of Cade and & Murdoch, and with the surprise win they had over Big & Black to win the Tag Titles, it threw the WGTT/B&B feud on its head. This match saw Cade and Murdoch letting the agression that B&B and WGTT had for each other play out, allowing the redneck boys to pick their shots. Eventually that ended up blowing up in their face and the match soon deterioated into a huge mess. In the midst of the brawls, Murdoch and Cade ended up nailing the Sweet n' Sour on Bob Sapp, for the win! (C+) [B][CENTER]He's Coming Back...[/CENTER][/B] A promo hyping the injury of Paul London plays, especially pointing out the fireball he took at the hands of Batista. A shadowed image of London stares at the camera as his voice echos, "I'm Coming Back". (B+) [B][CENTER]HHH vs. The Undertaker [/CENTER][/B] It seemed these two icons of the WWE were going through the paces tonight. It was in no way a bad match but these two have done so much better. They teased a few finishes here and there, including they teased the possiblity that Taker was going to nail the Last Ride out of the corner again, just like he did at Wrestlemania. However, the match ended up a no-contest following interference from both Mr. Kennedy and Kane. (B-) [B][CENTER]The Fight Still Rages... [/CENTER][/B] Taker and Kane pair off and HHH and Kennedy pair off. The foursome branch off into different directions, brawling with each other. (B+) [B][CENTER]Jeff Hardy & ??? vs. John Morrison & Kane [/CENTER][/B] The heels make their entrances first and then the WWE Champ makes his entrance. He grabs a mic and speaks. [I]Hardy: When I was told I could choose my own partner tonight, I had a lot of choices to pick from RAW. But no one stuck out at me as my partner. Thankfully, since CM Punk is now a Smackdown Superstar, Teddy Long ended up giving up a Smackdown superstar in exchange. So let me introduce my tag partner, the only tag partner I ever need. MATT HARDY! [/I] The crowd goes nuts as Matt Hardy, still wearing the United States Title he won at a few weeks ago on Smackdown. He and Jeff look at each other and then nod, hitting the ring. The match was very popular with the fans who popped huge for every classic Hardy double team. The end of this very enertaining match came when Jeff and Matt nailed Kane with their legdrop/splash combo and the WWE Champ pinned Kane. (A) [B][CENTER]The Brothers Celebrate! [/CENTER][/B] The crowd goes nuts as the Hardys celebrate, reunited in the ring as the show goes off the air. (A) (B card. 8, 483 attendance) (35.66 rating on USA)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a198/The_JMan/WWE%20Evolution%20Pics/Wcwalliancelogo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER] Live from Joe Byrne Memorial Stadium in Grand Falls, CN[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]It's Showtime! [/CENTER][/B] The show opens with the arrival of the Icon, Sting. He doesn't waste time getting to the ring and getting a mic. [I]Sting: Last week, I had the WCW Heavyweight Title in my grasp but The Rock cheated his way to victory thanks to Abyss and Brock Lesnar. You all seem to have forgotten that I've fought the odds my entire career. I was the guy always competing against the Horsemen when they ran roughshod over the NWA and WCW. It was the man they call Sting who was the one force they looked to when the nWo invaded the WCW. So Rock, Brock, Abyss, I'm used to this fight. [/I] Sting pauses as if what he is trying to say takes alot of effort. [I]Sting: I believe I can do it again. If I can't, then that means I can't go at the same pace I used to. So since the Rock didn't want to give me another title shot, I appealed to Eric Bischoff and was granted one last match at the Great American Bash. The only stipulation? If I lose, there will be no more title matches. There will be no more matches in fact. A loss at the Great American Bash means the retirement of Sting. [/I] And with that Sting takes a deep breath... [I]Sting: So come Great American Bash, win...lose...I promise you one thing Rock. It's Gonna Be...SHOWTIME! [/I] [B][CENTER]Sandman & The Jung Dragons vs. Reid Flair & The Briscoes[/CENTER][/B] This opening match, while not the greatest, was a good mix of styles. Mat based, aerial and hardcore. Halfway through the match, as the ref attempted to break up a short brawl between the two tag teams, Sandman attempted to nail Reid with the Singapore Cane but Flair ducked the blow and kicked Sandman in the gut and then nailed him with the cane! The match continued for a little longer until during an exchange between Flair and Noble, Reid slipped behind and did a roll up on Noble, hooking the tights for added measure and he gains the win. (D-) [B][CENTER]Cheating To Win Is Still Winning...[/CENTER][/B] Reid and the Briscoes celebrate their victory. (D) [B][CENTER]WCW Television Title Match Triple Threat Elimination Matt Striker (c) vs. Elix Skipper vs. Nova [/CENTER][/B] Another mediocre match in terms of crowd involvement but stars aren't made overnight. The young Striker nails a DDT on Nova and pins him with his foot on the ropes. This leaves it down to Striker and Nova and the end came when Striker nailed the agile Skipper with a Golden Rule to finish things. (D+) [B][CENTER]A Clap For The Teacher! [/CENTER][/B] Striker arrogantly poses for the fans as they boo him without mercy. (D+) [B][CENTER]If You Smelllll....What The Stoner Is Cooking? [/CENTER][/B] The Rock is in the ring, mic in hand. [I]Rock: So Easy Eric Bischoff has relented to the complains of Sting and given that old codger...[/I] Rock pauses and raises his eyebrow... [I]Rock: Yeah, the Rock just used the word "codger". It seems Bisch has given Sting one more stab at glory, one more chance to climb the mountain. One more time to do battle under the brightest lights of them all for the richest prize. To go ONE ON ONE...with the GREAT ONE! Fine, come the Great American Bash next Sunday, the Rock will make sure he ends Sting's career and puts it where it belongs. At the Rock Bottom! [/I] The tron has fireworks burst out of it and "One of a Kind" plays. Out from the back steps Rob Van Dam. [I]RVD: Rock Bottom? Clever Rock, very clever. However I'm not out here to exchange phrases that allude to our finishers. No, I'm out here to talk about a "Five Star" match that will happen tonight. It will be the WCW Heavyweight Champion, The Rock, and his partner with the rhyming name, Brock Lesnar, taking on the Icon, Sting, and well... [with crowd playing along] ROB...VAN...DAM! So watch out Rock, the "thunder" is going to "roll" on you and at the end of the night, your dreams of victory are going...up in smoke. [/I] [B][CENTER]Booker T vs. Abyss [/CENTER][/B] Booker T is still treading water, simply being a talented performer that has been plugged in every spot that has been needed of him. Abyss is a monster that has been on a slow burn due to the fact that two of the guys above him on the ladder are his "allies". Pretty decent match though, crowd was into it because Booker played an excellent underdog. The end came after Booker actually nailed Abyss with a Book-End. It only got a two count but Booker neverthless kept on trucking. He missed a Scissors Kick and Abyss nailed him with a huge powerslam. Angry about how the match was going, Abyss started choking Booker with the ring rope. The ref warned the monster to relent but Abyss continued on, prompting the ref to DQ him. (B-) [B][CENTER]Oh the Brutality![/CENTER][/B] Abyss isn't done with Booker yet. He throws the former WCW and WWE champ out of the ring and pulls away the protective mat, exposing the concrete under it. Abyss picks Booker up and nails him with a Black Hole Slam onto the cold, unforgiving concrete! (C) [B][CENTER]Sin Inc. vs. Deuce & Domino [/CENTER][/B] Deuce & Domino's face turn sucked. The crowd has not gotten into them and so it hurt this match a relative bit because the crowd didn't care that the dastardy O'Haire and Palumbo were beating up the Greasers. The end came with a Widowmaker. (C-) [B][CENTER]A Sinful Beatdown [/CENTER][/B] O'Haire and Palumbo keep on beating on Deuce & Domino for a bit longer as the show goes to commercial break. (D) [B][CENTER]Chavo Guerrero & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Super Crazy & Shark Boy[/CENTER][/B] Another match that the crowd really didn't get behind. The intent was to build heat for the Chavo-Super Crazy match at GAB. Crazy almost got the win on Chavo with a Asai Moonsault but Claudio had brokened that up. A few minutes later, Chavo nailed the Gory Special on Shark Boy and that was all she wrote. (D+) [B][CENTER]Main Event The Rock & Brock Lesnar vs. Sting & Rob Van Dam [/CENTER][/B] As long as the WCW brand can keep on delivering matches like this one, the rather weak undercard can be given time to develop. This tag match was pretty darn good. Sting had the early offense, going to town on both Rock and Brock. Later on, after some brief offense from RVD, the heels started to gain an edge and RVD was simply brutalized. One spot saw RVD get slammed into the ring post from the F-5 position on the outside. That almost saw RVD get counted out but RVD made it back in. A hot tag eventually was given to the Stinger and the Icon ended up delivering Stinger Splashes to both men. After RVD took the Champ out with a dropkick, Sting nailed the Scorpion Death Drop on Brock and scored the win in a brutal tag match! (B+) [It was a B- rated crowd that drew 2,000 fans and a 7.04 rating on MTV]
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