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Supreme Wrestling Federation 2007 - Changing For The Better

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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][B][COLOR="Navy"]SUPREME TV [/COLOR][/B][/B][/SIZE] [B]JANUARY, WEEK 1[/B][/CENTER] The New Year starts off on a low note as everyone’s most hated gangster, [B]Kurt Laramee[/B], comes out to host his talk show, [B]Street Smack[/B]. After he does a fantastic job of hyping himself up, his introduces his bitter enemy who he’s been feuding with over the past few weeks, the “Rock Star” [B]Jack Bruce[/B]. Right off the bat, Kurt announces that at [B]When Hell Freezes Over[/B], Laramee and Jack will go one-on-one in a No DQ match. Laramee then gives Jack a simple question to answer, “Why do you love to embarrass me?” However, Jack has no time to answer as a huge [B]WHACK![/B] is heard by everyone in the arena. Kurt knocked out Jack Bruce with his microphone, causing blood to stream down Jack’s face. After some laughing, Kurt Laramee makes his way to the back feeling he’s done his job! After that brutal assault, resident interviewer [B]Duane Fry[/B] is backstage with [B]Frederique Antonio Garcia[/B] and his muscle, [B]Andre Jones[/B]. Duane Fry interrogates the two men (even though Andre never says a word) into their obsession with [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B]. The message comes in loud and clear – the [B]SWF Shooting Star Championship[/B]! After a quick commercial break, Andre comes to the ring and awaits his opponent. Eventually, his opponent comes out as the high-flying [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] races to the ring to get things started. Randy shows he has a lot of heart in this match. Even after Andre dominates the match, Randy makes a comeback. The fans are solidly behind the Shooting Star’s brother as he tries to upset his bigger opponent. However, it’s not to be as Andre Jones lands his finisher to put it away. [B]The Almighty Dollar, Remo[/B] and the [B]SWF North American Champion Rich Money[/B] defeated [B]The Squid Squad, Calamari Kid[/B] and [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] in tag team action. Prior to the match, Remo and Rich Money laughed about an attack that took out [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] by two masked men who were hired by the money men. It was later revealed by SWF Owner, [B]Richard Eisen[/B] that the two would be opponents at When Hell Freezes Over along with Lobster Warrior in a triple threat match for the title. The match showed how much respect the Underwater Union had for each other, as Jumbo Shrimp and The Kid almost won the match to avenge their partner’s attack. But a low blow and two finishers later, Remo covered Jumbo to win the match. In the tag division, things got serious as three teams all seemed to gun for the same things, the SWF World Tag Team Championships. [B]The Samoan Wildboys, Akima Brave[/B] and [B]Kid Toma[/B] defeated [B]Death Row, Knuckles[/B] and [B]Shady K[/B] to set themselves ahead of the pack as contenders. The Samoans’ hard-hitting style was nothing for the so-called Hardcore Bad Boys. [B]The Dirty White Boyz[/B] threw their name in the hat as well by telling the Wildboys that they wanted a shot at the [B]Biggz Boyz[/B], too. Four steel chair shots later and Knuckles and Shady K had evened the score with their earlier opponents. Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia were left wondering which team would get their shot! Backstage, [B]The Guru[/B] hyped his client and [B]SWF World Heavyweight Champion Runaway Train[/B] telling their next “victim” [B]Skull DeBones[/B] that mind games have no affect on the monster. Backstage, a new alliance was formed as [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] agreed to help [B]Eric Eisen[/B] take the thorn out of his side, [B]Steve Frehley[/B] by teaming with the “Icon” [B]Sam Keith[/B] at the upcoming PPV. Eric Eisen dared Frehley to find a partner who would team with him. To add insult to injury, Sam Keith brought an unconscious Steve Frehley to the ring where Eric Eisen slapped him across the face. Moments later the ring was cleared as the lights flickered on and off. The returning [B]Enygma[/B] stood in the middle of the ring, helping Steve Frehley to his feet signaling that Steve had found a partner! Speaking of alliances, [B]Robbie Retro[/B] may have a fan club as [B]Mikel Alonso[/B] seemed fond of his work as Robbie solidly defeated [B]Big Smack Scott[/B]. And in main event action [B]Runaway Train[/B] defeated the happy-go-lucky superstars [B]High Concept (Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling)[/B] in a handicap match. It was a long, tedious effort but Train was able to put it away after more than 10 minutes. After the match, the lights flickered off and on and a lightning bolt hit the ring. When things appeared normal, Runaway Train began smacking himself in the head. It wasn’t long before Train was running towards the entrance for no apparent reason. Peter Michaels, Ana Garcia, The Guru and the world were left wondering what the hell happened to Runaway Train as the show came to an end. [B]Quick Results[/B] [I]Andre Jones bt. Randy Bumfhole (C+) The Almighty Dollar bt. The Squid Squad (C+) The Samoan Wildboys bt. Death Row (D+) Robbie Retro bt. Big Smack Scott (C-) Runaway Train bt. High Concept (C+)[/I] [I]Overall: C[/I] [QUOTE][B]totalEXTREMEwrestling.com[/B] SWF [B]Supreme TV[/B] received a 8.40 for its broadcast on [B]America-Sports-1[/B] on Tuesday. The first half-hour was watched the most, as it received an 8.46. The third half-hour was surprisingly rated the lowest, with an 8.33. While still a good number, management is slightly disappointed with this since the main event is supposed to be the highlight of the show. The second half-hour received an 8.40. On the [B]UK Broadcasting Secondary Network[/B], it scored a 0.21. SWF went on a huge signing spree the past week as they added 10 people to their roster. [B]Craig Prince[/B] and [B]Crippler Ray Kingman[/B] were both signed as road agents backstage, seeing as [B]Richard Eisen[/B] was doing all the work. With Ray Kingman on the payroll as well as his influence, don’t be surprised if his son [B]Barry Kingman[/B] was offered a contract in the upcoming months. Two Canadian tag teams were signed as the [B]Gilberts, Jesse[/B] and [B]Joe[/B] and the [B]McWade Brothers, Dean[/B] and [B]Dallas[/B] will be debuting shortly in the tag division. Former tag team partners [B]James Prudence (Jimmy P)[/B] and [B]Donnie J[/B] were both hired. It’s unconfirmed whether they’ll be put back together as a tag team or they’ll work as singles stars. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] was released by SWF last year but he will be making his way back into a ring this year as he was re-signed on Thursday. It is rumored he’ll be paired up with the McWade Brothers along with another SWF star. Finally, [B]DAVE[/B] star [B]JD Morgan[/B] signed with the company on Saturday. The hope is that his experience can guide the younger stars and eventually he’ll move into a backstage role. [B]TCW[/B] hired two managers, DAVE’s [B]Carl Batch[/B] and [B]Playboy Jake Sawyer[/B] as well as the legendary [B]Pat Deacon[/B]. Here’s an update on the huge injury bug that bit SWF late last year took out four major players in the SWF. If you watched Supreme TV this week, you would’ve noticed [B]Enygma[/B] returned. [B]Skull DeBones[/B] will also return at the PPV next week. Former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, [B]Christian Faith[/B] will return to action in late April as he recovers from a Hernia operation. However, things look much less bright for former SWF North American Champion [B]Joe Sexy[/B] as he’ll have to wait nearly 10 months to return to the ring. It won’t be until October that Sexy will be able to make his return. However, the star’s contract expires in June and with his extremely lack-luster year (even with a 6 month North American title reign) many wonder if his contract will be renewed. [B]TCW Total Wrestling[/B] seemed to be the better show this week. Their main event featured [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] defeating [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] as well as a huge 6-Man Tag Team match that saw [B]Tommy Cornell, Liberty,[/B] and [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] beat [B]Texas Pete, Joel Bryant[/B] and [B]Jay Darkness.[/B] The company is also hyping up [B]Aaron Andrew[/B]’s return next week as he’ll get a shot at [B]Chance Fortune’[/B]s All-Action title. ‘[B]When Hell Freezes Over[/B]’ is looking to be a great event next Thursday. Many are excited for [B]Skull DeBones[/B]’ return to challenge [B]Runaway Train[/B] for the [B]SWF World Heavyweight title[/B]. Both stars share similar brawling styles and hopefully, they can connect for a great match. [B]Rich Money, Remo, and Lobster Warrior[/B] are expected to put on a classic for the [B]North American title[/B]. The star power alone in the tag match between [B]Angry Gilmore, Sam Keith, Enygma[/B] and [B]Steve Frehley[/B] should make it an awesome match. Expect some sort of tag team title match to be booked next Tuesday. [B]Richard Eisen[/B] has high hopes for [B]Laramee[/B] and [B]Bruce’s[/B] match. The outcome of the match has not yet been determined. Richard sees bright futures for both stars. Korver from Green Bay sent in the following about Supreme TV. -- [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] defeated a hometown rookie -- [B]Brett Biggz[/B] (with [B]Jessie[/B] and [B]Bart[/B]) defeated [B]Marc DuBois[/B] -- [B]Dawn The Cheerleader[/B] came out and welcomed everyone to the show. She then sang the American National Anthem -- [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] walked out to the ring with no entrance music -- [B]Peter Michaels[/B] came out to a decent pop -- [B]Ana Garcia[/B] came out to a larger pop -- During the second commercial break, [B]Jessie[/B] came out to the ring to do the kiss cam. -- During the fourth commercial break, [B]Jessie[/B] came back out and shot t-shirts into the crowd, the [B]Biggz Boyz[/B] then came out and acted jealous and brought them to the back. -- After the show went off the air, [B]The Guru[/B] left and then [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] came out with [B]Eric Eisen[/B]. They were heavily booed. -- [B]Steve Frehley[/B] came out to a massive pop! The biggest of the night! -- [B]Steve Frehley[/B] beat [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] in a good 10 minute match! (B)[/QUOTE]
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