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TNA Wrestling: Takeover

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With another week of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] behind us, and the early PPV card posted on the website, we all gathered for a meeting at the office. We had all agreed to pour as much work as we could into making the last two weeks before the PPV as enticing as we possibly could. [B]Arn Anderson: [/B]Alright boys, its time to kick our rear-ends into top gear for [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B]. I don't want a single second worth of TV that isn't building towards something at the PPV. Now, we announced the Monster's Ball match on the website and this week will be the first mention of it, so I want some build this week between all four guys. [B]Scott D'Amore: [/B]I've got a great idea for [B]Brian Kendrick[/B], and it'll be a quick build to a potential show stealer at the PPV! Scott shared his idea, and I have to admit it was damn good on paper; the PPV match he mapped out was almost guaranteed to be great. All through this, [B]Terry Taylor[/B] had been eyeballing me again and I still had no idea why. I decided that I'd ask Arn since he seemed to like me. . . I didn't want to seem agitated at a rib, but I wasn't sure if I had somehow disrespected him. [B]Terry Taylor: [/B] The crowd s--- all over [B]TAJIRI[/B]'s turn last week. How do we recover from that? [B]Arn: [/B]Easy, this week put [B]Lethal[/B] and TV, and just talk about the turn. Lethal builds the match and we don't put heel TAJIRI out there to draw the wrong kind of heat. [B]Black[/B], watcha' got on deck for the tag story this week? I laid out a plan that would involve Team 3D in the main event on [B][I]Impact![/I][/B], if the team liked it anyway, and gave them loose production notes on each segment for TV. Looking around and trying not to act nervous, I took a glance at each guys face: Arn must read slower than the others, because he was still reading through it; D'Amore seemed to like it because he gave me a thumbs up and a goofy smile; Taylor looked at me and rolled his, shaking his head with smirk; and [B]Tom Pritchard[/B] just sat waiting for Arn to finish. [B]Terry: [/B]Do you really-- [B]Arn: [/B]Well hellfire, kid! I think you just booked your first main event! Everyone but Terry agreed and congratulated me; Terry just nodded a silent agreement. He must have something against me, I'm sure of it now! We spent the better part of the morning laying out notes for this week's show, and it all seemed to come together beautifully. When we all broke for lunch, I made sure to stay behind so I could talk to Arn. I told him that I didn't want to seem annoyed by what might be a rib in front of the boys, but since I was new to the business I wanted to make sure I hadn't inadvertantly gotten heat with Terry; Arn just laughed. [B]Arn: [/B]Ah, that old codger is always worried about his damn spot. Got a good mind, and he's a good guy to boot, but he's as nervous as a whore in church! Just rib him one and he'll lighten up; just make sure its nothing too big 'cause you are the new guy around here. I thanked him and headed to lunch.
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TNAWrestling.com [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]TNA IMPACT! ON SPIKETV [/COLOR]THUSDAY NIGHT @ 9:00PM[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] OFFICIAL PREVIEW With [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] just two weeks away, things are really starting to heat up in TNA. This week we bring you a gigantic tag team main event that will see TNA World Heavyweight Champion [B]Kurt Angle[/B] forced to team with his PPV opponent [B]Sting[/B] for a match against [B]Team 3D[/B] by order of [B]Jim Cornette[/B]. Can the two coexist long enougg to come out with the victory, or will Team 3D get the win heading into the PPV? Tune in to find out! With the announcement of the Monster's Ball at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], Jim Cornette has booked a single preview: "The Monster" [B]Abyss[/B] will go head-to-head with "The War Machine" [B]Rhino[/B]! This is one is sure to blow the roof off of the Impact Zone! And we understand that someone who described himself as just 'a former champion' has issued a challenge to X Division title holder [B]Jay Lethal[/B]. Lethal has agreed to meet one-on-one in the six-sided ring for an X Division title match! All of this, plus we'll hear from "The Instant Classic" [B]Christian Cage[/B] about his recent losses, and more on [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] from head of management Jim Cornette! Tune in to SpikeTV this Thursday at 9:00 for your one hour adrenaline rush! [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]CONFIRMED BOUTS/PREDICTION KEY MAIN EVENT - KURT ANGLE & STING -VS TEAM 3D ABYSS -VS- RHINO JAY LETHAL (C) -VS- ??? [I]THESE 3 MATCHES ARE ALL OF THE MATCHES FOR IMPACT! THIS WEEK, SO PREDICTIONS ARE WELCOME. BONUS POINTS FOR ANYONE WHO GUESSES LETHAL'S OPPONENT, AND ANYONE WHO GUESSES A FINISH OR TWO WILL WIN IN THE RESULT OF A TIE. WINNER WILL GET SOME SPECIAL INPUT INTO THE PPV![/I][/SIZE]
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MAIN EVENT - [B]KURT ANGLE & STING [/B]-VS TEAM 3D Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop...when all of a sudden Angle hits Sting with the Angle Slam and gets the win! [B]ABYSS[/B] -VS- RHINO Abyss pins Rhino! JAY LETHAL (C) -VS- [B]???[/B] Brian "Spanky" Kendrick debuts and wins the X title!
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Just a little note to upate, after looking over the last show I think I might have rushed it too much in hopes of meeting the DOTM deadline. And with my busy schedule this weekend I decided not to rush another card and not be satisfied with how it comes out. So hopefully I can keep everyone interested and earn a nomination for next month when I'm eligible. Anyway, predictions are still welcome for Impact, which should be posted sometime Monday/Tuesday followed by the PPV (and a new show format) on Wednesday/Thursday.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://images.ciao.com/iuk/images/products/normal/966/TNA_iMPACT_PS3__6541966.gif[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]WEEK 3, SEPTEMBER 2007[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [QUOTE]In Xplosion matches, [B]Lance Hoyt[/B] defeated [B]Petey Williams[/B] and [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] beat [B]Alex Shelley[/B] with an Angel's Wings.[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"][I]BOOM![/I][/COLOR][/B] [I]The pyro explosions signal the beginning of another episode of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] as the crowd cheers. [B]Mike Tenay[/B] & [B]Don West[/B] welcome us to the show as the camera pan over signs in the crowd. While the music is still playing, [B]Jim Cornette[/B] steps out and makes his way down to the ring.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jim Cornette: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen, this past weekend on our [B][I]Xplosion[/I][/B] show I told [B]Robert Roode[/B] that I would have a special announcement concerning him & his recent actions. Well, one thing a lot of people forget around here, and something I'll admit I've neglected myself, is that we actually have a rankings system in place. Based on a number of factors, we have a list of contenders for the TNA World title, and at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] I'm going to make sure those rankings are taken seriously![/COLOR] [I]The crowd begings to cheer, but they're still unsure of why this concerns Roode.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cornette: [/B]Now at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], I had a match scheduled that would see "Wildcat" [B]Chris Harris[/B] and [B]Christian Cage[/B] seeing as they were ranked in the top five but without opponents. Now this may seem like a bit of a reward for Robert Roode, but after his actions with the fireball put Harris out of action for a little while, I had no other choice but to put Roode into the match in Harris' place![/COLOR] [I]The crowd boo the announcement, but they don't seem to entirely hate the idea; Roode has been slowly getting over with the crowd in his heel role.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cornette: [/B]The winner of that match will get a TNA World title shot again the champion, whomever that may be, on the following episode of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B][/COLOR] [I]The crowd gets behind that announcement a little more, cheering as Cornette thanks the crowd for coming before heading to the back.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B][B]Jay Lethal[/B] is up next![/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, as you can see the X Division Champion [B]Jay Lethal[/B] is in the ring awaiting the introduction of his opponent.[/COLOR] [I]Lethal hands the X Division belt over to referee [B]Mark Johnson[/B] as a bell sounds in the arena, a generic, racous version of "London Calling" by The Claash playing in the arena. From the entrance tunnel, with a wicked looking goatee and shaggy hair, [B]Paul London[/B] enters the Impact Zone looking (and even dressing a bit like) Future Ted "Theodore" Logan from Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. The crowd goes absolutely bonkers.[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Don West: [/B]OH MY GOD!! IT'S PAUL LONDON![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]We haven't seen him in TNA since June of 2003! Paul London is back in TNA![/COLOR] [B]X DIVISION TITLE MATCH JAY LETHAL (C) -VS- PAUL LONDON[/B] The two men shake hands before the bell, and begin circling for what is fure to be a great match. The two start off with an impressive bit of chain wrestling, London nailing the first offense with a hammerlock backbreaker. Lethal rolls back up, and the two square off again as the crowd applauds. We gave them a good eight minutes for this opening match, and they used it beautifully. The match was fairly open, each man hitting a few of their trademark spots (including a great dropsault by London worthy of the opening video- in fact, I'm going to get [B]David Sahadi[/B] on that right now). The end came from nowhere as London fell to a Lethal Combination. [B]WINNER, AND STILL X DIVISION CHAMPION: JAY LETHAL[/B] [I]The crowd applauds a great match, Lethal eventually helping London up and the two shake hands again before Mike Tenay sends us off to commercial. When we return, "The Instant Classic" [B]Christian Cage[/B] is backstage, flanked by [B]Tomko[/B] and [B]Jeremy Borash[/B].[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Christian Cage: [/B]Alright Borash, let's get one thing straight, this isn't an interview, this is a promo by the greatest mic man in the business: Captain Charisma himself, "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage! So you just keep the microphone in your grubby little paw, and keep it up here so the peeps can hear me. You see, lately people have been saying that Christian Cage is on a. . . a losing streak here in TNA! Nevermind all the time I went unpinned, unsubmitted, because I've got a couple losses on my record now. It doesn't matter, because "The Instant Classic". . . [I]always[/I] bounces back. And at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] this little 'streak' people are talking comes to an end. Alright Tomko, let's go. . .[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Jeremy Borash: [/B]What about your opponent, [B]Robert Roode[/B]?[/COLOR] [I]Cage pauses for a moment, looking at Borash like he's a complete idiot.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cage: [/B]Who in the [I]hell[/I] is Robert Roode?[/COLOR] [I]Tomko shakes his head like he doesn't know, and Christian scoffs as they walk off.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Tenay: [/B]How arrogant! I'm not the biggest fan of Robert Roode, but its thinking like that that'll do Cage in at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B]![/COLOR] [I]The scene fades, and a new video for [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] airs. He doesn't speak, but he plays up to camera that he is a good looking, fun loving babyface. He seems a little arrogant in his actions, but nothing out of place really. At the end, a message reveals that he will be at [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] next week! When we come back from commercial, [B]AJ Styles[/B] is in his locker room where the monitor had shown the video of Kendrick.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]AJ Styles: [/B]I can't believe all of these rejects are coming into [I]my[/I] X Division like they own the place. I built that title, and I think its about time for daddy to come home for a little while.[/COLOR] [I]He looks like he's thinking about something for a moment, playing up the more putz-y character he's had playing second fiddle to Christian Cage. Strangely enough he seems to do it pretty well, but we all know he's beyong it.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]AJ: [/B]I got it! Oh, [B]Cornette[/B]'s going to love this one![/COLOR] [I]AJ rushes out of the room and we head back to the Impact Zone, where the sound of a stampede signal that "The War Machine" [B]Rhino[/B] is on his way to the ring. His opponent for tonight is [B]Abyss[/B]![/I] [B]ABYSS -VS- RHINO[/B] Really, this match never officially got underway as the two Monster's Ball competitors began brawling outside the ring before the bell even rang. The two monsterous brawlers plundered the ringside area of tables, chairs, ringsteps, and more for nearly five minutes before [B]Tomko[/B] came charging into the arena, bee-lining towards Rhino with a big boot. Tomko and Abyss join forces in beating down Rhino as the crowd chants for [B]Samoa Joe[/B]! Sure enough, "The Samoan Submission Machine" bursts into the arena with a chair in his hands. Screaming down the aisle, he leaps into the air and plants the chair across Tomko's skull! Security rushes out, trying to seperate them all as we head to commercial! [B]WINNER: NO CONTEST[/B] [I][B]The James Gang[/B] are making their way into the Impact Zone when we return, looking pissed.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]BG James: [/B]Now I know we've said before that we don't play well with others, but we hate to be left out of the game all together! Now we warned you not to overlook us, and you've gone and booked yourself a little tables match. Well that's just fine. . . but you both better watch out. You see, me & Kipper are more than just a little peeved that you boys didn't include us in your little game, and well. . . you wouldn't like Kip when he's angry.[/COLOR] [I]Like the moron he is, [B]Kip James[/B] screams like the Incredible Hulk and beats his chest while laughing; I swear I'd fire him if he didn't draw in the fans.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]BG James: [/B]And me, well. . . I tend to get a little crazy myself. And we might just be so inclined to show up at the pay-per-view, whoop the tar out of [B]LAX[/B], and stick around long enough to ruin your sham of match to decide whose. . . [/COLOR] [I]And the censors took care of that one. The James Gang mock [B]Team 3D[/B] and [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] for a moment as they head out of the ring. . . but Team 3D is here! They quickly send The James Gang running and [B]Ray[/B] grabs a mic.[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Brother Ray: [/B]We ain't scared of you two little New York punks! You never meant s--- anywhere else, and you don't mean s--- here! If you wanna' keep messing with the best, we will turn you into a grease spot just like all the others![/COLOR] [I]We head to a commercial break before the main event.[/I] [B]TEAM 3D -VS- STING & KURT ANGLE[/B] Unfortunately, Tom's idea didn't work out so well with the TNA audience and these guys' effort was almost lost. They manage to pull off a decent match, with [B]Kurt Angle[/B] turning on [B]Sting[/B] and leaving him to take a 3D for the win. [B]WINNERS: TEAM 3D[/B] [I]Kurt Angle and Sting have a staredown, Sting in the ring and Angle atop the entrance ramp as the scene fades.[/I] [SIZE="1"]MAIN EVENT RATING: C- FINAL OVERALL RATING: C- ATTETNDANCE: 2000 (SELL OUT)[/SIZE]
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So with the most recent Impact!, we all learned that our momentum isn't untouchable. The audience crapped all over having a random tag match in the main event slot, and I guess there were better things we could have done to build up to the PPV. We think that running the show somewhere other than Universal is something that's going to take time before it proves really effective. Thankfully the segments concerning the Monster's Ball went over incredibly well, as did Paul London's return to the company. He was completely cool with putting Lethal over too, which helped us build credibility with the audience. Arn says this week has to go off without a hitch, being the last TV before we go home to the PPV on Sunday. I had butterflies all the time now, and Terry Taylor wasn't making things any better; I still needed a plan to get back at him, but I wanted to focus everything on proving myself under pressure. This had to work. . .
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An Interesting Impact, although i really thought London would win and face Brian Kendrick at No Surrender, until the AJ segment :D Speaking of No Surrender, I can't wait for it :D I so wish there was a real life Kendrick / Styles match, it would rock so much! Congrats on another great read of a show and a great dynasty so far ;)
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WrestlingHeat.com [QUOTE]THE DIRTSHEET [B]HUGE WWE NEWS! RAW & SMACKDOWN PULLED FROM THE AIR![/B] You read correctly, both [B][I]RAW[/I][/B] and [B][I]SmackDown![/I][/B] have gone into TV retirement land. With ratings plunging, SD! lost its deal with UPN after the Friday airing and WWE offices were informed of RAW being pulled just after the show went off air Monday night. The plan is to move forward with [B][I]WWE Tuesday Night's Main Event[/I][/B] as the flagship show; Main Event airs Tuesday nights at 10PM on Sci-Fi. [B]TNA RELEASES GAIL KIM, MORE ON THE WAY[/B] TNAWrestling.com recently announced the release of [B]Gail Kim[/B], and the feeling is that more releases are to come. Despite the new booking team trying to improve morale, many feel that they are just making room for more talent recently released by WWE. [B]THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS MAN IS BACK![/B] [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] recently announced via his MySpace that he 100% through with the world of MMA after his stint with the IFL. He hinted at a return to wrestling, saying that he was brushing up his 'entertainment' skills with the NJPW dojo in California. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TNAPPVREPORT.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"](In the interest of getting to the PPV, I'm present Impact! for September, Week 4 in review format. I hate writing commentary, so I'm thinking of using this as the new format for Impact! I think it will show a n contrast between the how the fans react (since I'll base the tone of the review on the ratings I get) and how the booking team thinks things are going. Please let me know what you think.)[/SIZE][/CENTER] ProWrestlingHits.com [QUOTE][B]The Impact Report[/B] by Eugene Tobias Here's to hopping this week is better than last! I mean, they had done a great job of building the PPV and then all of a sudden we got an hour of semi-useless crap. Oh boy, and [B]Robert Roode[/B] opens the show. Hope is fading fast. . . He makes fun of [B]Chris Harris[/B] for a moment, but "The Instant Classic" is here! Okay, so maybe this won't be all bad. Cage says that, first off, he doesn't even know who this guy is! This schtick is funny, but I hope they don't keep it up if they plan of getting Roode over, which seems to be their plan. Cage says that he doesn't want to hear anymore about 'Roode International' and he certainly doesn't want to have to see [B]James Storm[/B] haul his drunken carcass out to the ring claiming to be a bodyguard or something. [B]Tomko[/B] is a problem solver, Storm looks like a midnight cowboy! Roode tries to interupt, but Cage just tells him to practice laying on his back. . . maybe the 'Tennessee Cowboy' can help him with that. Classic! I really hope they don't job Cage at the PPV with this 'losing streak' storyline. Roode versus Angle just seems stupid, and there's no way Sting would put this guy over. Back from commercial, and [B]Jason Jett[/B] is out to do another job. We get a slick rock song, and [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] is out! Sweet! He's wearing new tights with a new look and jacket, kind of like "The Franchise" without the goofy tassels on his boots. Kendrick slaps some hands on his way down, and makes pretty quick work of Jett in a decent TV match; definitely nothing special. [I]Winner: Brian Kendrick, **[/I] [B]AJ Styles[/B] is out! I don't know why, but I'm marking out for his whole putz gimmick. Styles/Cage kind of reminds me of Raven/Richards without AJ being a complete dumbass. He says that he won't stand for this 'corporate invasion' of the X Division, and that [B]Jim Cornette[/B] has booked a match that will let them all see why AJ Styles, THE X Division wrestler, is phenomenal. Oh, and it won't just be AJ versus Kendrick! Whoa, this could be good. It'll be AJ versus Kendrick. . . versus [B]Paul London[/B]! Holy **** that's awesome! Definite show stealer potential there. So that was definitely a smart move. Give those guys the opening slot and a solid 15-20 minutes and you've got match of the night easily, and a potential MOTY candidate on your hands. Back as Robert Roode and [B]Ms. Brooks[/B] are back out. Brooks sits down for commentary, asserting that she is here to show [B]Don West[/B] what a real announcer sounds like. West sounds offended, but tries to remain polite. Great, so Ms. Brooks is now the corporate Missy Hyatt. Actually, this could work. . . Out next is [B]Samoa Joe[/B]! He looks all business, and he is. . . a decent match, but I have a feeling this was more about Brooks than Roode. A solid match with Joe going over, while Roode got in some solid offense against The Samoan Submission Machine. [I]Winner: Samoa Joe, **1/2[/I] They hype that [B]Sting[/B] has a mystery opponent next! We're back, and its [B]Tomko[/B]. Gee, I wonder who wins here. You know, since coming to TNA, Tomko really doesn't seem so useless. I have a feeling Japan is teaching him well, and he's allowed to really develop. Call me crazy, but he could be big in the next few years. He certainly showed it here, putting on a good match with Sting to put him over before the PPV. [I]Winner: Sting, **[/I] Another commercial, and we're back with [B]Kurt Angle[/B]'s entrance. TNAngle has really been lacking lately, I think. The fact that the contract signing will apparently be the main event angle evidences this. What the. . . [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] is out? Angle looks satisfied, and shakes Jeff's hand thinking that Jarrett is going to lay down for him. Jarrett tells him it ain't happening, and said that he was tired of doing the wrong thing. His life has changed drastically over the last year and a half, and it was time to give back to the only thing he loved as much as his departed wife, wrestling! So I guess they're still going with this even though Jarrett's been off TV a while. Personally I think Jarrett sucks as a face, but I think its a much needed change for at least a few months. Jarrett didn't show hardly any ring rust, and these two put on a good match to main event TV. Not sure what re-introducing Jarrett right before the PPV is supposed to do, but the match itself was good. [I]Winner: Kurt Angle, ***[/I] And so here we have the contract signing; they've done a good job of making this the undercard main event, and I think its warranted this main event angle. We get the typical mic work back and forth between [B]Team 3D[/B] and [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] with head of management/commisoner/whatever [B]Jim Cornette[/B] monitoring. "Bingo hall" this from Scott, "roid rage" that from Ray, and so on back and forth. They eventually sign the contracts just before [B]The Jame Gang[/B] rush the ring from the crowd. They are both holding signs, which they waffle all four men with and reveal they were loaded with stop signs! It's been a while since I've seen that one! BG swears that the match will NOT take place without them in it, and threatens that they'll see to it neither team wins! And that's that for this week, overall a decent build but it still seems jumbled. The PPV card is pretty packed, but I don't think they've done the build-up quite the way they wanted. [SIZE="1"][U]RECAP[/U] [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] over Jason Jett with Sliced Bread No. 2 [B]Samoa Joe[/B] over Robert Roode with a Muscle Buster [B]Sting[/B] over Tomko via submission with Scorpion Deathlock [B]Kurt Angle[/B] over Jeff Jarrett with roll-up & a handful of tights[/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]MAIN EVENT RATING: C+ FINAL OVERALL RATING: C TV RATING: 11.06 ATTENDANCE: 2000 (SELL OUT)[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TNA_Logo.gif[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"]NO SURRENDER[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="4"][B]MAIN EVENT TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH KURT ANGLE (C) VS STING[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/KurtAngle2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Sting4.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]X DIVISION TITLE MATCH JAY LETHAL (C) VS TAJIRI[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/JayLeathalMachoMan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]TABLES MATCH TEAM 3D VS THE STEINER BROTHERS[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BubbaDudley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/DevonDudley.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/RickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]MONSTER'S BALL SAMOA JOE VS ABYSS VS RHINO VS TOMKO[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/SamoaJoe2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TravisBane.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]WINNER GETS A TNA WORLD TITLE SHOT ON IMPACT! CHRISTIAN CAGE VS ROBERT ROODE[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/ChristianCage4.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BobbyRoode2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]THE JAMES GANG VS LAX[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BGJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Homicide.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Hernandez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]X DIVISION SURVIVAL AJ STYLES VS BRIAN KENDRICK VS PAUL LONDON[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/PaulLondon-1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][U]PREDICTIONS[/U] KURT ANGLE VS STING JAY LETHAL VS TAJIRI TEAM 3D VS THE STEINER BROTHERS SAMOA JOE VS ABYSS VS RHINO VS TOMKO CHRISTIAN CAGE VS ROBERT ROODE THE JAMES GANG VS LAX AJ STYLES VS BRIAN KENDRICK VS PAUL LONDON[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Courier New"][B]Backstage: TNA Office Buzz[/B] I can't believe that [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] is almost here; whatsmore is that the first payoff to my first big angle was coming with the tag team match. The buzz around the show seemed to be good, and while we were trying to expand into new areas that some of our ratings & reviews were going to slip. The show was only a few days away, and everything was falling into place pretty well as we put together the layout. A few of the guys weren't exactly pleased with what they were going to be doing, but [B]Arn Anderson[/B] made it very clear to everyone that we were going to be fixing the overness gap in our roster and that no one was going to be getting special treatment. The X Division three-way match was [B]Tom Pritchard[/B]'s idea, and it seemed like an obvious opener and potential show stealer. We were giving all of the internet fans here a dream match, and we hoped the three would deliver. The title match went pretty much unnoticed in the last week, but it had some interest going into it. Arn told me to start paying more attention to the way things were going with the IWC; their general opinion of TNA, thoughts on the storylines, standout talent, etc. Things were going to be getting really interesting around the office.[/FONT]
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Predictions [b]kurt Angle[/b] Vs Sting Jay Lethal Vs [b]tajiri[/b] Team 3d Vs [b]the Steiner Brothers[/b] [b]samoa Joe[/b] Vs Abyss Vs Rhino Vs Tomko Christian Cage Vs [b]robert Roode[/b] The James Gang Vs [b]lax[/b] Aj Styles Vs [b]brian Kendrick [/b]vs Paul London
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TNA_Logo.gif[/IMG] [I][SIZE="1"]proudly presents. . .[/SIZE][/I] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]NO SURRENDER[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B][U]THE PRE-SHOW[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*][B]Jeremy Borash[/B] welcomes us to the show, and to a new format where we will see more action from the TNA stars who didn't make it to the PPV showcasing their talents. Also, you'll see some great video packages to tell you more about what you'll be seeing when you order [B][I]No Surrender[/B][/I]! [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/PeteyWilliams.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] These two put on a good X Division match, with Sabin picking up the win after a Cradle Shock. Match was rated a C. [B]WINNER: CHRIS SABIN[/B][/CENTER] [*]We get a video package of the fued between [B]Team 3D, The Steiner Brothers[/B], and [B]The James Gang[/B]. [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/AlexShelley.jpg[/IMG] This match would have done better on the actual PPV as these two put on one helluva crowd pleaser. Shelley picked up the win after rolling out of a BME attempt and nailing Daniels with a Shellshock. Match picked up a B- rating. [B]WINNER: ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/CENTER] [*]After all the great X Division action, Borash talks about the upcoming matches at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], [B]Jay Lethal[/B] defending his X Division title against [B]TAJIRI[/B], and the X Division Survival with [B]AJ Styles, Paul London[/B], and [B]Brian Kendrick[/B]. [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] After making his return this past week, Jarrett wasn't around for a match on the PPV. Jarrett didn't show much ring rust, and if this is how they plan to use him it could only be a good thing. Match was rated a C. [B]WINNER: JEFF JARRETT[/B][/CENTER] [*]A video plays hyping the main event of [B]Kurt Angle[/B] versus [B]Sting[/B]. [*]Borash makes one last attempt at the hard sell before sending us to the show![/LIST][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TNA_nsppv.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Your announcers for this evening are [B]Mike Tenay[/B] and [B]Don West[/B]. A nice pyro display opens the show, with long silver streamers shooting from the entrance tunnels and meeting above the six-sided ring where gold begins to rain down and a huge explosion of red pyro ignites. The crowd is racous after the excellent matches in the pre-show, and they all stand as the entrance of [B]Paul London[/B] signals the first match of [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] 2007! [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/PaulLondon-1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [B]"PHENOMENAL" AJ STYLES VS PAUL LONDON VS BRIAN KENDRICK[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]These three men circled as the bell sounded, each man looking to the others while waiting for this first sign of offense. After they switch in & out on some back-and-forth chain wrestling, they move into a three-way headlock to cheers from the crowd. London comes out with the upperhand, tossing his opponents into the ropes and connecting with a one-foot dropkick on each man. Kendrick is eventually knocked out of the ring, allowing Styles & London to work one-on-one for a bit, and the crowd is hot for this opening contest! A top-rope powerbomb attempt by Styles sees Kendrick returning to the ring for a three-man Tower of DOOM~! powerbomb! Kendrick with the advantage now, taking it to Styles as London rolls to the outside to recover. Kendrick/Styles' exchange is full of high impact manuevers and a breathtaking frogsplash (known as the 'Left Turn at Albuquerque') from the inside onto Styles on the outside. London rushes in for the advantage now, tossing Kendrick back into the ring and slingshotting to the inside with a nice looking legdrop. London's time for a showcase now with some great matwork against Kendrick, nailing him with a chicken-wing facebuster before Styles charges back in with a clothesline. All three back up now for some three-man spots, ending with a bizarre display of triple-chain wrestling before Kendrick nails both men with a DDT! Kendrick drags London up by his hair, nailing a few vicious closed-fist punches to his head on the way up, which Mike Tenay notes is pretty uncharacteristic. Kendrick sets up for Sliced Bread No. 2, but Styles out of nowhere with a boot to the gut that sends London over the top to the outside! Styles has him. . . STYLES CLASH!!! 1. . . 2. . . 3!! That came out of nowhere!! [SIZE="1"][I]Rating: B-[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]WINNER: AJ STYLES[/B] Kendrick has a sour look on his face as he looks around, Styles celebrating his victory all the way up the ramp. Paul London is back in to help Kendrick up and offer a handshake, but Kendrick shoves him away! London looks confused, but shoves back and is met with a superkick for his troubles! The crowd boos as the usually fun-loving 'Spanky' puts the boots to his former partner before showboating to the crowd on his way out. London looks up the ramp, betrayed. The announcers give a quick rundown of the build-up for our next match, starting with [B]TAJIRI[/B]'s debut on [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] a few weeks ago. [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]X DIVISION TITLE MATCH[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/JayLeathalMachoMan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] "BLACK MACHISMO" JAY LETHAL (C) VS TAJIRI[/B] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]With the crowd still pumped, these two hit the ring and got right down to business. Lethal proved that he can easily hold his own with a lot of the veterans and more highly recognized workers in the X Division, putting to rest any doubts about him deserving the championship. TAJIRI really showed here that his wrestling fire had been reignited after several years off from the grind of working up north. A good match, ending with a Lethal Combination not long after escaping the Tarantula! [SIZE="1"][I]Rating: C+[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]WINNER, AND STILL X DIVISION CHAMPION: JAY LETHAL[/B] Backstage, [B]Jeremy Borash[/B] is with [B]The Jame Gang[/B]. [COLOR="Blue"][I]"I just want to let everybody out there know that The James Gang warned you! We tried to tell what would happen if Team 3D and The Steiners went ahead with their match and left us out it! First up LAX, and next on the list is crashing the par--"[/I][/COLOR] [B]BG James[/B] is interupted as head of TNA management [B]Jim Cornette[/B] pulls Borash's microphone hand towards him. [COLOR="Red"][I]"Listen up you two, because what I have to say is going to put a damper on your plans for later on tonight. You see, I want to give our fans the tables match between Team 3D and The Steiners that they came to see! So after your match with [B]LAX[/B], you guys are outta' here! I got a couple of security guys waiting on the ramp to escort you out the back door immediately after the winner is announced. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got things to do. See you boys on [B][I]Impact![/I][/B][/I][/COLOR] The James Gang does not look happy, and the announcers prattle on about it during the entrances for our next match. [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BGJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Homicide.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Hernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]THE JAMES GANG VS LAX[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]These two teams worked a decent brawl back and forth, but as the only real 'filler' match on the card it wasn't anything spectacular. BG & Kip pick up the win with their new double-team finish, recently dubbed the 'Guillotine Driver'. [SIZE="1"][I]Rating: C-[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]WINNERS: THE JAMES GANG[/B] Making good on Cornette's promise, security hauls The James Gang out of the ring in cuffs and escorts them out as we're taken to a video highlighting our next match: The Monster's Ball! [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][B]MONSTER'S BALL 6[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TravisBane.jpg[/IMG] ABYSS VS SAMOA JOE VS RHINO VS TOMKO[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]This match promises to be the most brutal of the night, and quite possibly the most violent Monster's Ball in TNA history. Joe starts off with Abyss, Rhino going after Tomko as the action immediately spills to the outside. Joe and Abyss trade blows, neither man backing down, as Rhino starts to dominate Tomko before flinging him into the ring steps. The first several minutes are pure chaos until Samoa Joe slides into the ring and launches himself into the others a la Monster's Ball 5. Then the spots began, with Tomko taking a Black Hole Slam through a table covered in glass shards, Joe taking Rhino with him on a sidewalk slam off the ramp and through a table, and Abyss getting GORED~! through a section of the set. The finish saw Abyss taking a Muscle Buster onto the wreckage of table & glass shards for the three count. [SIZE="1"][I]Rating: B-[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]WINNER: SAMOA JOE[/B] After the match, Joe grabs a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"][I]"Anytime. . . anywhere. . . anyone!! If you got the brass to step into the ring with me, I got the time to CHOKE YOU OUT!!"[/I][/COLOR] The crowd chants "Joe's Gonna' Kill You" as he makes the throat-cutting sign before heading out of the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/ChristianCage4.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BobbyRoode2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]WINNER RECIEVES A TITLE SHOT ON IMPACT![/B][/SIZE] [B]CHRISTIAN CAGE VS ROBERT ROODE[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Cage shined for most of this match, although Roode definitely looked like he deserved to be in there. [B]Ms. Brooks[/B] did some good work at ringside, including distracting Cage long enough for Roode to roll him up with a handful of tights for the win! [I][SIZE="1"]Rating: C+[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [B]WINNER: ROBERT ROODE[/B] Christian can't believe it! Roode International retreats as Cage explodes about taking another loss, especially to someone he's never even heard of! The announcers play up his bad luck and recent losing streak, the crowd chanting gleefully at the humiliation of "The Instant Classic." A video plays, hyping the long history of both teams involved in our next match, as well as all the controversy leading up to it. [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/BubbaDudley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/DevonDudley.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/RickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]TABLES MATCH[/SIZE] TEAM 3D VS THE STEINER BROTHERS[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]These teams started brawling before the bell even sounded, and brought the tables into play early with a lot of false finish spots. You can tell that The Steiners are a far cry from their prime, but they still put on one helluva brawl as these two tear the house down together. In the ending moments, Brother Ray and Scott Steiner are in the ring with a table set-up while Devon and Rick recover outside. From the crowd, a broken cuff still on each wrist, [B]The James Gang[/B] charge through the crowd and into the ring. After a brief assault, they send Ray and Scott through the table together!! The bell sounds, BG and Kip still stomping away as security rushes the ring to remove them. [SIZE="1"][I]Rating: C[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]WINNERS: NO CONTEST[/B] A video package hypes the match we've all been waiting for; tonight's main event-- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/KurtAngle2.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/Sting4.jpg[/IMG] [B]KURT ANGLE (C) VS STING[/B] [IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Angle & Sting faced off, putting on essentially a shorter version of the match they had at [B][I]Sacrifice[/I][/B]. The crowd got into it, but the match seemed a little tired. The finish this time was clean, with Sting submitting to the Ankle Lock.[I][SIZE="1"]Rating: C+[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [B]WINNER, AND STILL TNA WORLD CHAMPION: KURT ANGLE[/B] [SIZE="1"]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C- PPV BUYRATE: 2.82 ATTENDANCE: 6,872[/SIZE] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][U]QUICK RESULTS[/U] (PRE-SHOW) [B]CHRIS SABIN[/B] OVER PETEY WILLIAMS (PRE-SHOW) [B]ALEX SHELLEY[/B] OVER CHRISTOPHER DANIELS (PRE-SHOW) [B]JEFF JARRETT[/B] OVER JAMES STORM PAUL LONDON & BRIAN KENDRICK FALL TO [B]AJ STYLES[/B] [B]JAY LETHAL[/B] RETAINS OVER TAJIRI [B]THE JAMES GANG[/B] OVER LAX [B]SAMOA JOE[/B] WINS THE MONSTERS BALL [B]ROBERT ROODE[/B] PULLS THE UPSET OVER CHRISTIAN CAGE THE JAMES GANG RUINED THE TABLES MATCH AS PROMISED [B]KURT ANGLE[/B] RETAINED OVER STING[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Sorry the card is later than I promised; hurt my ankle at work and was doped up on painkillers yesterday. Hope you enjoy, and if you like please stop by and vote for me in the [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26371"]Diary of the Month[/URL] thread. Thanks, hope you enjoyed![/SIZE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks to everyone who had been reading this, but over the past two weeks I've had to come to terms with the fact that present day wrestling just doesn't hold my interest anymore. I've been trying since a few days before the PPV was posted to figure out where I'm going with TNA and I just can't. I've been toying with the idea of a different diary, possibly playing The Fall data (I have a game about seven months in that could be a really good diary) or with DAVE in the CornellVerse. But, as of now, TNA: Takeover is dead.
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I suppose if enough people really want to see it, I could give it one more go 'round. . . I do have another two weeks worth of TV written out that I haven't done in-game yet. I just didn't think I had quite enough readers to make me want to do it (although, thanks to W3LSHY for his continued support!).
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