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TNAWrestling.com [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]TNA IMPACT! ON SPIKETV [/COLOR]THUSDAY NIGHT @ 9:00PM[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] OFFICIAL PREVIEW With [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] in the record books, TNA heads into another exciting edition of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] as we start to build towards the big one-- [B][I]Bound For Glory[/I][/B]! [B]Kurt Angle[/B] managed to get the duke in his match against "The Icon" [B]Sting[/B] at the PPV, and so did his opponent this week [B]Robert Roode[/B]. Roode pulled out what has to be considered an upset against "The Instant Classic" [B]Christian Cage[/B]. Can Roode prevail again, or will his luck run out? And what does Cage have to say about his recent losing streak? Also at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B], we saw "The Phenomenal" [B]AJ Styles[/B] pick up a win over [B]Paul London[/B] and [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] in a triple threat match. Afterwards, Kendrick nailed his former partner with a vicious looking superkick before strutting his way out the arena with a smile on his face. This week, Kendrick has promises to address the Impact Zone as well as his former friend. Plus, after defying [B]Jim Cornette[/B] and ruining a classic match between two of the greatest teams in wrestling history, [B]The James Gang[/B] will be in the house and promise to have a big surprise for everyone. Be sure to tune in this Thursday night at 9PM for another exciting edition of TNA Impact! [/QUOTE] (unholyicon won the prediction game, so I'll be PMing him soon for his input into the direction of TNA heading into Bound For Glory.)
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From WrestlingHeat.com [QUOTE][B]THE DIRT SHEET[/B] - The initial buyrate is in for TNA's [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B] PPV, and things aren't looking quite as good as they'd like everyone to think. The final buyrate looks to be around the 2.8 mark and several of their carriers are said to be disappointed with the buyrate. - [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] has been fueling the fire via MySpace about his return to the ring, recently saying that he had talked to 'Florida' and 'New York' about a comeback (meaning WWE & TNA). The TNA office is said to be on good terms with Shamrock despite his last two runs with the company being cut short due to his MMA return. - In possibly related news, rumours are spreading throughout various circles that TNA is talking about a former World champion's return to the ring possilbly as early as this week's [B][I]Impact![/I][/B]. The booking team is said to be a little frustrated with their numbers as of late, and are trying desperately to improve morale. How bringing in another former World champion to try and cram into the main event will help is beyond me, but This Is TNA. - In WWE, it seems they've taken the Delorean back to 1995 as [B]Scott Hall[/B] and [B]Sean Waltman[/B] have returned in full force as members of the D-Generation X group. Hall won the ECW World title just before RAW & SmackDown! were dropped from the air. - Recently on Between the Ropes, this year's Ted Petty Invitational winner [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] appeared and talked about his career with Ring of Honor. He said the he still gets nervous before matches, and also mentioned that the company may be turning him heel soon. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;299716]Yay! Can't wait for the next show :D Hopefully you can get Shamrock on board (I'm abit of a mark lo)l :) DX? More like Kliq lol :D I wonder who the former champ is...?[/QUOTE] He won the belt off of John Morrison; Nash & Justin Credible are really the only members of The Kliq that aren't in WWE at the moment. Even down to one show, WWE still has the WWE, World, and ECW titles, as well as the US & IC, both Tag Team titles, and the Women's.
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[FONT="Courier New"][B]TNA OFFICE BUZZ[/B][/FONT] [QUOTE]So my first official PPV with the company has passed; we were very pleased with the way it came off, but unfortunately the ratings didn't match our expectations. A low buyrate was bad, but we even got poor reviews from all over the net; I'm already starting to see why a lot of people in the industry hate the IWC. [B]Arn[/B] said that it was time to kick our tails into high-gear and pull out all the stops heading into [B][I]Bound For Glory[/I][/B]. We let word leak out that a 'former World champion' would be returning soon to cause some buzz, and it seems to be working. I think EVERYONE is in for a surprise with this one and hopefully the viewers will flock to see it. We're also preparing to make an important announcement regarding this week's [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] via TNAWrestling.com.[/QUOTE]
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From [B]TNAWrestling.com[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]HUGE IMPACT! UPDATE[/SIZE][/FONT] The head office at TNA has just announced that this week's Impact! will feature a rematch from Sunday's No Surrender! Head of Management Jim Cornette held a small meeting to let it be known that Team 3D will be squaring off against The Steiner Brothers, and he has advised senior referee Rudy Charles to be lax on the rules because this time there must be a winner! Tune in this Thursday at 9PM to SpikeTV! to catch this awesome rematch, as well as Kurt Angle defending his TNA World title against Robert Roode![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TNA_impact.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][U]Dark Matches/Xplosion Taping[/U][/B] - Matt Bentley, introduced as '[B]Shane Michaels[/B]', defeated [B]Shark Boy[/B] - [B]Paul London[/B] defeated [B]TAJIRI[/B] in a great match[/QUOTE] With a huge explosion of pyro, we're set for another episode of TNA Impact!! The lights in the Impact Zone dim, and the music signals the entrance of "The Instant Classic" [B]Christian Cage[/B]! [COLOR="Red"][B]"You know, they're saying that 'Captain Charisma' has lost a step or two recently here in TNA. I've even heard a few people say that 'The Instant Classic' can't get it done anymore without the Coalition. How dare they besmirch the good names of AJ Styles and Tomko! You see the fact of the matter is that I, Christian Cage, have lost NOTHING! Not a step, not a spot, and I certainly did NOT lost to Richard Rod or whatever that guys name was at No Surrender!"[/B][/COLOR] The crowd jeers as our commentary team, [B]Mike Tenay[/B] and [B]Don West[/B] assure the viewers that Cage did indeed lose. [COLOR="Red"][B]"If we had any sort of real officials here in TNA, they would have seen that gremlin [B]Ms. Brooks[/B] causing the distraction and thrown her from ringside! Now, Roderick, or whoever, you need to come out here so we can settle this li--"[/B][/COLOR] Cage is cut off as the lights in the arena drop off, the crowd popping as a blue light floods the Impact Zone! With the crash of a cymbal, a faint swirling noise gives way to a drumbeat to which the blue lights & narrow spotlights start to move in time. Eventually, a familiar guitar riff begins to play as the newly-placed giant screens in the Impact Zone flicker to life. . . [CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/tna3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The crowd cheers, [B]Raven[/B] making his return to the Impact Zone after a few months off of TV; the Serotonin angle only lasted a few weeks as Raven needed time to get himself back into shape once getting his health issues under control. He looks better than he has in quite a well, back down to about 240 lbs. and wearing his classic attire of jean shorts and a black t-shirt with some black paint on his face. He now wears a tophat, standing at the top of the entrance tunnel with his arms outstretched in a familiar pose. [COLOR="Red"][B]"Just what in the [I]hell[/I] do you want, freakboy?![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]"Cage, listen to yourself. It's this persons fault, or that persons, or it didn't happen. You've lost your way. . . but I can help."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]"And how's that?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]"I can show you the way back, I can refocus you on your goals. Serotonin refused to see the light, and like everything else in my life they left me behind. But you. . . you, Christian Cage. . . you'll see it, won't you?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]". . . what in the blue hell are you talking about?!"[/B][/COLOR] Raven snickers to himself, a devilish smile on his face as he shakes his head. Cage watches from the ring, confused and more than a little peeved at the interuption. Raven, still laughing, simply turns and walks away leaving everyone stunned. . .
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When we return from the commercial break, [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] is making his way into the Impact Zone. "The Fallen Angel" hasn't had a major role on TV lately but has been turning in some stellar performances. Out next is [B]Brian Kendrick[/B], who showed a very ****y, heelish side of himself at [B][I]No Surrender[/I][/B]. [QUOTE][B][U]BRIAN KENDRICK VS CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/U][/B] A good opening match from these two, as can be expected. They showed very good psychology in a very fluid match, managing to work in most of their trademark spots. The finish saw Kendrick slipout of an Angel's Wings attempt and nail Sliced Bread No. 2 for win! [B]WINNER: BRIAN KENDRICK, RATING: C[/B][/QUOTE] Following the match, Kendrick grabs a microphone. [COLOR="Red"][B]"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner: H B K - "Handsome" Brian Kendrick![/B][/COLOR] The crowd jeers as Kendrick strikes a smiling pose, a much better heel reaction then we anticipated. [COLOR="Red"][B]"You see, up north I had to paw around with that weirdo Paul London because Vinny said I had to do it. But here it happening! I am [I]the[/I] most excitin', most [I]electrifyin'[/I], [I]show stoppin'[/I] superstar in the wrestling world today! No more Mr. Nice Spanky from me, because it got me [I]nowhere[/I]! Prepare yourself for a new era; because H B K has arrived![/B][/COLOR] Kendrick walks off, looking very satisfied with himself as the crowd boos. Tenay sends us off to commercial, and we return with a video hyping up tonight's rematch between [B]Team 3D[/B] and [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B]. First out are Rick & Scott, followed by Team 3D who enter the Impact Zone with a personalized table for both of the Steiners. [QUOTE][B][U]TEAM 3D VS THE STEINER BROTHERS[/U][/B] From the first bell, these two teams tore the house down with a fantastic hardcore brawl. It seemed that one member of each team would be brutalizing one of their opponents for most of the match, neither team gaining an advantage until the tables came into play. Several nice double-team spots played out before [B]The James Gang[/B] entered the Impact Zone! Kip & BG worked their way through both teams one member at a time, finally coming to Brother Ray and delivering a vicious Gulliotine Driver through the table made for Rick Steiner! Leaving the wreckage in their wake, The James Gang scram as Rick crawls over to make the pin. [B]WINNERS: THE STEINER BROTHERS, RATING: C+[/B][/QUOTE] Tenay & West rant about how The James Gang has once again cost the fans a clear winner in this great rivalry as we head to commercial. When we return, [B]Kurt Angle[/B] is standing against a concrete wall backstage warming up for his title defence in just a few moments. [COLOR="Red"][B]"Robert Roode. . . you might've pulled a fast one on Christian Cage last night to get this match. . . but I'm not some damned fool like Christian Cage! You might be on a roll here in TNA lately, but tonight you [I]will. . . tap. . .out!!![/I] And everyone is going to see, as we head into Bound For Glory that I am the King of the Mountain here in TNA!"[/B][/COLOR] For the first time, the announcers put over that the main event of [B][I]Bound For Glory[/I][/B] will be a five-man King of the Mountain match to decide the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Before we head to the main event, an announcement over the loudspeaker interupts the program. [B][I]"Ladies and gentlmen. . . Brian Kendrick has left the building!"[/I][/B] Tenay groans, commenting on the nerve of 'HBK' and his allusion to an old gimmick of the guy who trained him. Before he can continue, [B]Robert Roode[/B] makes his entrance along with [B]Ms. Brooks[/B], and there is a last commercial break before Angle's entrance so the match can go on uninterupted. [QUOTE][B][U]TNA WORLD TITLE MATCH: KURT ANGLE (C) VS ROBERT ROODE[/U][/B] Robert Roode showed he is definitely worthy of the push he's been getting lately. Working with a ring general like Angle made him look even better, and despite being two heels these two put on an entertaining match that had the crowd enthralled. After the interference of [B]James Storm[/B] proved ineffective, Roode tapped out to the Ankle Lock at around 16 minutes. [B]WINNER, AND STILL TNA WORLD CHAMPION: KURT ANGLE, RATING: C[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT) Final Rating: C+ Rating: 11.28[/SIZE]
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From WrestlingHeat.com [QUOTE][B]THE DIRT SHEET[/B] - Word is that TNA was very happy about this week's Impact!, and the buzz they created for the 'returning former World Champion' (who turned out to be [B]Raven[/B]). Early word has them drawing over an 11.0 for the third week in a row, and possibly their highest rating yet at around 11.3. This is a very good sign for the company headed into their biggest PPV of the year. - [B]Nigel McGuiness[/B] became ROH's Survival of the Fittest 2007 winner last night, defeating [B]SHINGO[/B] in the finals. Participants this year were McGuiness, SHINGO, [B]Ricky Reyes, Delirious, Kevin Steen, Adam Pearce, Rocky Romereo[/B], and [B]Mark Briscoe[/B]. -Early reports show TNA's [B][I]Bound For Glory[/I][/B] card looking something like this: [B]KING OF THE MOUTAIN FOR THE TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE[/B] KURT ANGLE VS ABYSS VS SAMOA JOE VS RHINO VS STING [B]ULTIMATE X FOR THE X DIVISION TITLE[/B] JAY LETHAL VS PAUL LONDON VS AJ STYLES VS BRIAN KENDRICK [B]CLOCKWORK ORANGE HOUSE OF FUN[/B] RAVEN VS CHRISTIAN CAGE [B]CLASSIC ELIMINATION-STLE THREE-WAY DANCE[/B] TEAM 3D VS THE STEINER BROTHERS VS THE JAMES GANG ROBERT ROODE VS CHRIS HARRIS JEFF JARRETT VS JAMES STORM X-DIVISION GAUNTLET TO DETERMINE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER As always, gimmick-match heavy; This Is TNA. And here I thought the new booking team was supposed to be making things LESS ridiculous? Le sigh. - [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] was recently crowned the first ever IWA: MS Intercontential Champion. - [B]Hardcore Holly[/B] recently announced that he has signed a new deal with WWE. Despite his health issues and thought of retirement, he decided to stick with the company during their difficult times to help them out. [/QUOTE]
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Yeah, I'm only running one hour shows. I forgot to change the data when I started, but I decided to work with it to add to the drama in the diary. I'm still tweaking the format because I want to show the backstage side and locker room buzz, and contrast it with the sarcasm of the IWC in things like The Dirt Sheet and occasional 'Impact Report' summaries when I don't feel like writing an entire card.
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From TNAWrestling.com [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"][B]TNAWRESTLING.COM TO PRESENT EXTRA 20 MINUTES OF IMPACT! THIS WEEK[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [I]This week, TNAWrestling.com will present an exclusive 20 minutes of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] before we go live on SpikeTV! In a special live presentation we will decide just who will make it to King of the Mountain in qualifying match-ups. Exclusively on TNAWrestling.com, you'll see X Division Champion "Black Machismo" [B]Jay Lethal[/B] defend his title against "The Fallen Angel" [B]Christopher Daniels[/B]! Also, in a King of the Mountain qualifyer, [B]Raven[/B] will take on [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B]! Then we head live to SpikeTV where you'll see two more qualifying match-ups: [B]Sting[/B] vies for a spot against The Monster [B]Abyss[/B], and [B]Samoa Joe[/B] faces off with "The Instant Classic" [B]Christian Cage[/B]! All of this and much more, Thursday starting at 8:30PM here on TNAWrestling.com before we head to SpikeTV at 9 for this week's edition of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B]![/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][U]QUICK PICKS[/U] (WINNER GETS TO PICK THE FINAL ENTRANT FOR KING OF THE MOUNTAIN!) X TITLE MATCH: JAY LETHAL (C) VS CHRISTOPHER DANIELS KOTM QUALIFYER: RAVEN VS JEFF JARRETT KOTM QUALIFYER: STING VS ABYSS KOTM QUALIFYER: SAMOA JOE VS CHRISTIAN CAGE[/SIZE]
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X TITLE MATCH: [B]JAY LETHAL (C) [/B]VS CHRISTOPHER DANIELS - Just like Lethal more and there's no point him losing it in a dark match. KOTM QUALIFYER: RAVEN VS [B]JEFF JARRETT[/B] - Christian to perhaps cost Raven the victory? KOTM QUALIFYER: [B]STING[/B] VS ABYSS - Probably needs it more, off the back of his loss to Angle. KOTM QUALIFYER: [B]SAMOA JOE[/B] VS CHRISTIAN CAGE - Joe is coming off the back of a huge Monster's Ball Win. Raven intereference?
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ProWrestlingHits.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff94/falling_starTNA/TNAPPVREPORT.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]The Impact Report[/B] by Eugene Tobias Welcome to, apparently, a special edition of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] as this week you have to tune-in online about 20 minutes early. Borash welcomes us to the show, and they kick things off with an X Division title match! [B]Jay Lethal[/B] and [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] put on a decent match, with Lethal getting the win. Two stars. Out next is [B]Raven[/B], because apparently its just going to be two matches. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] is his opponent in this KOTM Qualifyer. Why would either of these just returning guys be in the main event? A good match in the beginning, neither of them really showing much ring rust. Great psychology throughout, with Raven picking up the win due to the interference of [B]James Storm[/B]! Okay, so I guess good matches like that is why they had a shot at getting into the main event. Three stars! Borash sends us off, the internet feed conveniently ending just as the opening credits begin on SpikeTV! Not exactly the best idea to do that online, but a nice treat for their diehard fans I guess. The show opens with [B]Jim Cornette[/B], who comes out to hype King of the Mountain. He announces that due to the earlier match, Raven has earned a spot in the match along with [B]Kurt Angle[/B]. Tonight we will learn two more entrants, and next week the final man will be decided. Up first, a [B][I]Sacrifice[/I][/B] rematch between "The Instant Classic" [B]Christian Cage[/B] and "The Samoan Submission Machine" [B]Samoa Joe[/B]!! Their fued blow-off match was excellent, this should be good, too. Some good back-and-forth, Joe humiliating Cage a bit with some paintbrush slaps & facewashes. They're really giving these guys time to make it good, as we're a solid ten minutes in and its already got my seal of approval. [B]Tomko[/B] is out! Cage is down, [B]AJ Styles[/B] from the other side to distract the ref! Tomko is in, Big Boot to Joe! 1. . . 2. .. NO!! Joe kicks out at the last second! Styles on the apron to protest, but Rudy Charles throws him out!! Tomko into the arguement now. . . [B]RAVEN[/B] IS OUT!! Joe nails a Samoan drop as the ref argues. . . RAVEN EFFECT!! Raven rolls Christian on top and hightails it out of the ring. Charles sees the pin! 1. . . 2. . . 3!!! Well, even with the schmooze of a finish, this was a great TV match! Three stars from me! Cage looks shocked, Raven posing in front of the entrance tunnel before he ducks out. When we come back, [B]Ms. Brooks[/B] is at the announce table with Tenay & West. She talks about how [B]Robert Roode[/B] just [B]Chris Harris[/B] out of action, and how now she plans to put West out of action. . . by taking his job?! Okay, this could be an interesting story, but I think if there is one worse person for the job than West, it's Brooks. Oh, okay, I get it. . . Harris is out, making his return to face Handsome [B]Brian Kendrick[/B]. I'm REALLY digging this psuedo-rib on Shawn Michaels with the whole HBK thing, and when they announced that he had left the building, I marked out like a kid again! Decent match between Kendrick & Harris, much better than I would expect. Ms. Brooks provides the obvious distraction, allowing HBK to hit Sliced Bread No. 2 for the pin. Two and a half stars. Backstage, Christian Cage catches up with Raven and demands to know what's going on. Raven: "I told you that with me, you could win again." Cage: "Tomko had it covered, I don't need you!" Raven laughs, turning around and walking off, leaving Cage more ticked off than before. This is good stuff, why has no one thought to let these two go at it on the mic before? Oh boy, and here comes [B]Sting[/B] with a microphone. For two guys supposedly fueding, I totally forgot that this is Sting and [B]Abyss[/B]' first match until he just mentioned it in his promo. This Is TNA. At least their giving it some good time; Kendrick and Harris was a typical TV match, but both KOTM qualifying matches are getting 15+ minutes. Abyss out, and its a brawl from the start! They wreck the ringside area for a good three or four minutes before making it to the ring for the bell to sound. You know, for the first time since I can remember, Impact! actually makes sense this week! Inside the ring now, Sting & Abyss go at it like rabid dogs, both guys are looking pretty good but. . . wait a minute, did Sting just screw up a Stinger Splash? Abyss wobbly, Sting nails a crappy looking Scorpion Death Drop for the win. The last half of that match so did not live up to the opening. Two stars, but just barely. So we come out of [B][I]Impact![/I][/B] this week with Angle, Raven, Cage, and Sting as four of the five King of the Mountain participants. Chris Harris is back just in time for Harris/Roode at Bound For Glory. Things are kind of looking up around here! [SIZE="1"][B][U]REACP[/U][/B] [B]JAY LETHAL[/B] RETAINS AGAINST CHRISTOPHER DANIELS [B]RAVEN[/B] DEFEATS JEFF JARRETT VIA INTERFERENCE [B]CHRISTIAN CAGE[/B] ADVANCES TO KOTM IN A BIZZARE WIN OVER SAMOA JOE [B]HANDSOME BRIAN KENDRICK[/B] GETS THE WIN OVER CHRIS HARRIS [B]STING[/B] OVER ABYSS TO ADVANCE[/SIZE] [/QUOTE]
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