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ICW: Old-School Style 1983

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[I]Here's an article I saw off the Wrestling Observer...[/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WRESTLING OBSERVER - JANUARY 1983[/SIZE][/B] [B]ICW: Debut[/B][/CENTER] And so probably with every year, a new wrestling promotion opens it's doors to the world, some falter at the steps on the road to greatness, while others can take the elevator to the side of the stairs and go straight to the top. The road to greatness is a long and winding one, just look at the World Wrestling Federation ever since it opened it's doors to the world in 1952 it has started at the top and stayed there, the NWA's flagship promotion, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, same story with them as well. Well this article of mine this month focuses on a new upstart promotion that started on the first of this year. International Championship Wrestling, below is what I think so far... [B]Talent:[/B] For Talent I'd give ICW a C, there is a low amount of Main Eventers in the promotion, even for it's size. With the cornerstone feud right now being Jimmy Snuka against Dusty Rhodes, and here's something, where's the focus on Hulk Hogan? Hogan is major star in NJPW and the AWA so his AWOL status right now is definitely not working for the promotion. So for Main Eventers I'd say they definitely have to hire some more, but with the NWA's territories system still in place, I'd say ICW is going to have their fingers tied trying to get some new talent. Their Midcard to Upper Midcard slots though is well-populated. With the likes of WWF World Champ Bob Backlund in their along with AWA heel Jesse Ventura, throw in Paul Orndorff, Jake Roberts, Tito Santana, and you have yourself a solid midcard. Now for the lower midcard, and God knows why but we don't, why is there a wrestler on the Lower Midcard named The Undertaker taking out Main Eventers? Either Pat Rogers is a complete imbecile or this Undertaker might be the next greatest star in professional wrestling. ICW's tag-team division though is one of the strongest I've seen of an upstart federation, WWF's Wild Samoans, The Moondogs, GCW's Road Warriors, The Rock 'n Roll Express, and PNW's own Malenko Brothers all are in this and there are very good tag team bouts in every card, if the singles action isn't what you want, then you should defenitely stay tuned towards the tag team action, because that's where most of the action takes place. [B]Titles and Feuds:[/B] The main title is the ICW World Heavyweight Championship and currently has a hot feud between champion Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Snuka. This feud is carrying the promotion right now and it looks like it's carrying it in the right direction. Their epic match at their Big Show in January looks like this feud has a possibility for feud of the year at the end of the year Wrestling Observer awards, it also has a possibility for winning match of the year as well. The Upper Midcard currently has another great feud going, that would be Bob Backlund who is the ICW National Champion, squaring off against Jesse 'The Body' of Ventura at the February Big Show coming up in 2 weeks, Tito Santana usually a lovable face in every promotion has unexpectedly turned heel, a move that left many wrestling fans' jaws hanging wide open, though it isn't nationally televised, the ICW mainly tours in the New England and Tri-State areas so those are your best chances of seeing them tour. A upper-midcard battle is also being ensued right now between Hulk Hogan and Mark Calloway, better off known as his stage name The Undertaker, the ICW has gone to great lengths to push and promote Calloway, and it seems to be working, his popularity has skyrocketed lately in the Tri-State area after defeating the ICW Champ Dusty Rhodes. But with Hogan MIA lately, could Taker win this feud? And finally the tag-team title feud between The Savage Samoans, The Moondogs, and The Road Warriors seems to be in jeopardy, with Sika's latest arm injury, those ICW Tag Titles might be in new hands come the end of February. So overall, International Championship Wrestling, seems to be doing well in it's infant stages, let's just see if the booking team can now pull it to stardom.[/QUOTE] I was actually very pleased reading this article, at least we've got some fans from the Wrestling Observer who definitely praised us, hopefully the attraction from that magazine has definitely left an impact on fans around the world and helped promote our company, oh and btw, our popularity now looks like this New England = [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] Tri State = [COLOR="darkorange"]D[/COLOR] Mid-Atlantic = [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] South East = [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] Definitely up from last month.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]ICW Weekly Card[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Savage Samoans vs. The Road Warriors - Non-Title Match Hulk Hogan vs. Tito Santana Bob Backlund vs. The Undertaker - Non-Title Dusty Rhodes & Paul Orndorff vs. Jimmy Snuka & Jake Roberts [B]Plus matches will be announced for next week's Big Show of February![/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]ICW Weekly[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Live from Springfield VFW Bingo Hall in New England in front of 207 people.[/I] [I][COLOR="blue"]Mean Gene Okerland and Buddy Colt welcome the fans to tonight's weekly event and go down's the night's card but also the matches so far for the Big Show next week.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Match 1: The Road Warriors vs. The Savage Samoans[/B] [COLOR="blue"]An average match, the action was slowed a little bit by Sika's arm injury but other then that it was okay in my opinion. Towards the end, Animal was ready to deliver a Running Powerslam on Sika but Afa broke it up by hitting Animal over the back of the head with his forearm, Hawk then powerslammed Afa and allowed Animal to hit the Doomsday Device on Sika for the upset victory.[/COLOR] [B]Winners: The Road Warriors[/B] [COLOR="Yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Gene Okerland then makes an announcement that since The Road Warriors won their match they'll face the Savage Samoans at the Big Show for the ICW World Tag Team Titles.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="Blue"][I]Hulk Hogan then comes out to a tremendous applause from the New England crowd.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Hogan:[/B] Thank you, lemme tell ya something New England, I was not here last week because I had some personal business to take care of but today Hulkamania is runnin' wild all over the country, no the world! Something that's been on my mind that you all know is that The so-called Phenom, The Undertaker has been undefeated since his debut, since then, also he has not been knocked flat on his back yet, so I'm issuing a $5,000 dollar reward to whoever can take out The Undertaker and each and every week the reward will go up by $5,000 more dollars. But until then Taker, what'cha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?! [COLOR="Green"]B[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Match 2: Hulk Hogan vs. Tito Santana[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Well, I wouldn't call this match a classic or a squash though Hogan practically dominated for the whole match. The end was pretty much the same classic Hogan punching away at Santana in the corner, the Big Boot, and then The Atomic Leg Drop for the quick win.[/COLOR] [B]Winner: Hulk Hogan[/B] [COLOR="Green"]B[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][COLOR="Blue"]As Hulk Hogan leaves the ring, Bob Backlund runs in and starts attacking his opponent for next week's big event Backlund then smacks Santana across the face with his ICW National Title and leaves him down and out.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Match 3: Bob Backlund vs. The Undertaker[/B] [COLOR="blue"]A great match between the two, specifically in part of their chemistry of working with each other. Backlund continously punched away at Taker's gut trying to take down the behemoth when it seemed the giant was about to fall he then hit a throat thrust on the National Champ, Taker then hit a leg drop on the champ and picked Backlund up for a chokeslam, Backlund reverses out of the choke and then starts backhand chopping the phenom, Taker then hits a big punch and goes to the corner for some Old School, Backlund knocks Taker off the rope making him land in a compromising position on the ring rope. Backlund starts punching away at the trapped Taker but Undertaker then knocks Bob out of the way, hits a Big Boot and then waits for Backlund to get up, Backlund then stands up and then hits a Tombstone Piledriver for the win.[/COLOR] [B]Winner: The Undertaker[/B] [COLOR="Green"]B-[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][COLOR="Blue"]A surprise manager comes from the back, former wrestler Johnny Valiant comes out to try and claim the $5,000 that Hulk Hogan issued, Valiant hammers away at Undertaker but to no avail as Undertaker then hits a chokeslam on the Moondog's manager and then leaves the ring.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][COLOR="Blue"]ICW World Heavyweight Champion 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes is backstage with a microphone to hype his upcoming tag team matchup.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Dusty:[/B] Woo!!! Once again, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes comin' stwaight to ya people from New England, the Champion is in the buildin'! And tonight I'm in tag team action with "Mr Wondeful" Paul Orndorff against 'Supafly' Jimmy Snuka and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, well lemma tell ya somethin babay, I said this before and I'll say it again. Nothing will stop me from beatin Snuka, be it tonight, next week, or any time, any place. I will defeat Snuka. Now see you soon babay, my match is up next. [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN EVENT: Jimmy Snuka & Jake Roberts vs. Paul Orndorff and Dusty Rhodes[/B] [COLOR="blue"]A tremendous matchup but it didn't as well as I hoped, even after Dusty's interview. The end featured Snuka up against Dusty, they locked up in the center of the ring with Snuka gaining control. Snuka then whipped Rhodes across the ring and hit a big back body drop. Roberts constantly taunted Orndorff from his side of the ring so Paul got in to give Jake a piece of his mind the ref went to stop Orndorff which allowed Jake to get in the ring and hit Dusty over the head with a chair he kept at ringside. Snuka then pinned Dusty for the controversial win.[/COLOR] [B]Winners: Jimmy Snuka & Jake Roberts[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]B[/COLOR] [B]------------------------------END OF SHOW-------------------------------[/B] [I]Final Rating: [COLOR="seagreen"]B-[/COLOR][/I] [U]Final Results[/U] [B]Road Warriors def. Savage Samoans Hulk Hogan def. Tito Santana The Undertaker def. Bob Backlund Jimmy Snuka & Jake Roberts def. Dusty Rhodes & Paul Orndorff[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]ICW WEEKLY CARD[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Bob Backlund vs. Dean Malenko The Moondogs vs. The Wild Samoans Jake Roberts & The Undertaker vs. Paul Orndorff & Hulk Hogan Dusty Rhodes & The Road Warriors vs. Jimmy Snuka, Jesse Ventura, and Tito Santana [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"]ICW BIG SHOW (FEB) CARD[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] The Road Warriors vs. The Wild Samoans (c) - ICW World Tag Team Titles Jake Roberts vs. Paul Orndorff - #1 Contendership to ICW National Title The Undertaker vs. Hulk Hogan Jesse Ventura vs. Bob Backlund (c) vs. Tito Santana - ICW National Title Jimmy Snuka vs. Dusty Rhodes (c) - ICW World Heavyweight Championship [I]Please Predict :) Winner gets to choose match type to ICW Big Show (Mar)'s WH Title match. Cage, Submission, or Street Fight match.[/I] [B]In other news, congratulations to Sika on winning the WWF Intercontinental Title and Jimmy Snuka for winning the WWF World Heavyweight Title.[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Any votes? Anyone? Hopefully this down below will shake things up in the DOTT World. [I]Well, I'm here at a Tri-State radio station that has a program called, The Wrestling Hour. Apparently Vince is going to appear on it over the phone and I hope it goes well for him, though ever since inheriting the company he seems to be using only his ideas and none from his booking team or road agents.I enter the studio and no one's even in the their yet, not even the broudcaster. I just fill myself up a coffee conviently located next to me and just sit in the leather office chair. I reflect back on tonight's card, I could just see the 1,000 fans in their seats cheering on my competitors as they wage war at our big event tonight, oh here comes the host now.[/I] [B]Thornton:[/B] Hi I'm Roger. [B]Pat:[/B] I'm Pat Rogers, nice to meet you. [B]Thornton:[/B] So you run ICW huh? [B]Pat:[/B] Wha..? Oh yeah yes I do. [B]Thornton:[/B] My son went to your show last week, he said it was a great show. You guys tourin' around the States? [B]Pat:[/B] Nah, we're just got started a month ago, so we got to build up popularity here first. [B]Thornton:[/B] True, okay, we're goin' on air now. [QUOTE][B]Thornton:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 103.1 KGDS New York where I'm with the owner and promoter of upstart wrestling promotion International Championship Wrestling, help me introduce, Mr. Pat Rogers. So Pat, what's it like being on your own out there in the wrestling world. [BPat:[/B] Well I can start off by saying it's exciting, this business is a great one to be in, I used to run an auto insurance company back up around the Subarban Boston area, but this is just completely different. [B]Thornton:[/B] How so Pat? [B]Pat:[/B] Well you're dealing with the entertainment of thousands upon thousands of people and your employees are helping people get the action they need in their lives, it feels good just entertaining others. [B]Thornton:[/B] Well your Main Events are always entertaining to me, say how about tonight's Big Show Main Event? [B]Pat:[/B] Roger, you will want to be watchin' this one, ICW World Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes vs. WWF World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Snuka under the roof of Albany, NY. Can you feel the heat already lol. [B]Thornton:[/B] Oh I definitely can, what other matches are lined up for tonight's show? [B]Pat:[/B] Tonight for our ICW National Championship we will have a triple-threat match, featuring our champion former WWF WH champ Bob Backlund taking on Tito Santana & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura. But not only that one of America's most beloved wrestlers, Hulk Hogan, will take on the mysterious Undertaker. Paul Orndorff takes on Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and for our ICW World Tag Titles, the champs Wild Samoans will fight the Road Warriors. [B]Thornton:[/B] Sounds like a very exciting card, and this all happens tonight right? [B]Pat:[/B] Right. [B]Thornton:[/B] Sounds like a great card, that's all the time we have for today's edition. See you tommorow morning![/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][I]All over the wrestling world, the edition of Wrestling Hour that I was just on, not about lil' old Pat Rogers and his ICW but the whole story was on Vince McMahon. Who stated that he would systematically destroy the National Wrestling Alliance and that he would be the only wrestling promotion left standing, saying that he'll eliminate anyone that gets in his way. Everyone was issuing comments about it, JPUK, Giant Baba and NJPW, even the American Wrestling Assosciation, who were freelance, not siding with anyone. We (Verne Gagne and I) agreed to meet with Jim Crockett over this situation. Just in case there'd be an NWA doomsday coming up soon. This is how the meeting played out.[/I] [B]Jim:[/B] I thank you two for coming to this meeting, as you both know, Vince is trying to run the NWA out of business, not only that but currently he's trying to absorb Georgia Championship Wrestling into the WWF. [B]Pat:[/B] You can't be serious, GCW is running fine, how could that happen? [B]Jim:[/B] Apparently, Vince didn't ask them to merge with him. He's doing it by [U]force.[/U] [B]Verne:[/B] Well Jim, what are you Crocketts proposing to us? [B]Pat:[/B] You know we're not joining the NWA. But at the same time we can't allow this to happen, it would destroy the Territories system! [B]Jim:[/B] I'm not asking you two to join, or in Verne's case, re-join. But I'm asking for more or less, an alliance. [B]Verne:[/B] And what if we refuse? [B]Jim:[/B] Then most likely you'll be watching the AWA crumble to the ground, that means you two Pat, ICW will be gone. [B]Pat:[/B] Hang on, first off who's supporting this idea? [B]Jim:[/B] MSW, SWCW, WCCW, CWF, SECW, PNW, CSTATES, ASW, AJPW, JPUK, Joint-Promotions. We're all onboard except NJPW. Our job is going to have to be to go to war with the WWF and take them out. [B]Verne:[/B] That'd make us no better than them. [B]Pat:[/B] But then again, he does have a point, it's us or Vince, who's going to go bankrupt? [B]Verne:[/B] ... [B]Jim:[/B] So, we all agree just to work together but keep our non-aggresion pacts the same? [B]Verne:[/B] Fine I'm on board for the ride. [B]Pat:[/B] I'm not sure, give me a month or so. [I]So this was it, WWF vs. the NWA + AWA with ICW on the sidelines. What's the fallout going to be?[/I] OOC: I wrote this so I could explain some future talent coming into the company, here's a hint for one of them, he's a champion in MACW.[/CENTER]
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