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Diamonds and Dust: a BSC Diary

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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][B]I never meant to get involved in professional wrestling.[/B] It just sort of… happened. It all started one night in December. It was quiet in the dorms of the Nevada: of . Most people were back home for the holidays, visiting their parents and spending time with their friends and families over Christmas. Me? I was stuck at school, a result of financial hardship and a result of my falling out with my mom that caused her to cut off funding. It was getting desperate. I was running out of food and the necessities of student life. Things were looking bleak. I needed a job, but most places had already filled their vacancies for the Christmas period before I started looking, and I wasn’t exactly jumping at the prospect of going into the UNLV college girl’s career of choice in the many strip clubs and brothels of the famed Sin City, though it was starting to appear to be my only choice. I scoured the want ads, desperate for a glimmer of hope. And then… [I]I saw it[/I].[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]It wasn’t much of an ad, I admit. And I almost missed it, small as it was, crammed between in the bottom corner under an ad looking for “Flexible” girls. For what purpose, I don’t want to know. But this ad… this was simple. And right up my street as a Creative writing major.[/SIZE][/FONT] Penny Lane, Las Vegas, NV, 89104[/quote][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I'm looking to latch on to a diary and read it from the beggining and i like to see lots of pictures of women - will this diary be the one for me? I dunno, but all feedback is good right? Good luck with this you may have a reader in me (but if i had a penny for every time i said that my first pint at the pub would have been free tonight!)
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[CENTER][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][B][U]Monday, Week One, January 2007[/U][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Ahh… my first day at work. My new boss Honey Golightly introduced me to the other member of the management team, Marilyn Stardust. Apparently, she used to team up with someone called Anne Stardust, who’s a big shot in a rival promotion. She seemed very bitter about it. Even more so than the fact that I was taking her job, and she didn’t seem impressed by my lack of wrestling knowledge, which she made very clear as she spent time explaining to me in a very condescending tone the whys, wherefores and terminology of “the business” as she referred to it. It’s like a religion to her. It’s scary. I made a mental note to consider replacing her when I could, though since she’s the only “road agent” in the company, she’s kinda indispensable… for now. As far as I can gather, a road agent is the person who helps the wrestlers work out the finer points of their matches, which is good because there’s no way in hell I could do that job.[/SIZE][/FONT] , who was one of the original Babes Of Sin City. She teams with her twin sister Jen as The Neptune Twins, BSC's top babyface tag team attraction. She’s one half of the original BSC Girl Power champions with her sister Jen, and The Neptune Twins are the only former champions. She’s a babyface, and works a straight edge gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] lapdancer, Britney Hollywood joined the Babes Of Sin City roster in May 2006, and thanks to her charisma and revealing outfits soon started becoming very popular. She’s one half of the reigning BSC Girl Power champions. She’s a babyface, and works a Diva gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] , who joined the Babes Of Sin City in 2006. Originally a sweet natured babyface when she debuted, she soon embraced the dark side when she turned into "The Scream Queen" Vampella, a more gothic character. Like most of her peers in BSC, she barely even qualifies as a wrestler, having only the most basic training, but that doesn't really matter as the fans of BSC don't really come to see great athletic spectacles anyway. She’s a heel, and works a goth gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] area, who just happened to be spotted by former BSC head booker Marilyn Stardust. She’s a babyface, and works a comic book hero gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] Las Vegas dancer who joined the Babes Of Sin City promotion in late 2006, playing the part of a movie director. Fortunately for her, she's cute enough to overcome such a lame gimmick, and has begun to become popular in the short time she's been with them. Unlike many of her peers in the promotion, she has some basic fighting skills, having had some training with the AAA promotion. She’s a heel, and works a movie director gimmick. [I](Note: This was Annie Hitch****, but since part of her name is censored, I changed the name to something similar...)[/I][/SIZE][/FONT] where she met Honey Golightly. She was brought in to be the referee for BSC, as she has some pro-wrestling knowledge, her brother being TCW's Clark Alexander. She’s a babyface referee, and currently has no gimmick, although she is due to start playing a staff member gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] showgirl who managed the rare trick of running her own career and being successful. She invested in the BSC promotion in 2006 after seeing a gap in the market to exploit. She’s my boss, the owner of BSC. She’s a babyface announcer, and currently has no gimmick, although she is due to start a Fan’s Own gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] showgirl, Sara Silver is a close friend of BSC owner Honey Golightly. Seeing potential in her friend's quick wit, Golightly hired Silver to do colour commentary on BSC's shows, despite her lack of wrestling knowledge. She’s a heel colour commentator, and currently has no gimmick although she is due to start a slut gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT] dancer who got into BSC having met Honey Golightly a few times. She became the primary heel manager in the promotion, playing an uber-bitch. She’s a heel manager, and is currently working a bitch gimmick.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[CENTER][B][U]Tuesday, Week One, January 2007[/U][/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]When I woke up and checked my e-mail, there was a message from Honey waiting. She gave me two goals and two limits to what I could do with regards talent. The goals were simple - to retain the company's size until the end of the year, and to have at least as much money as we have now in two years time. Simple enough, I though. Then came the worker limits - no signings over 42 and nobody who doesn't have any real athletic ability. I didn't know how that would affect me since I wasn't planning on signing anyone yet, so i put it out of mymind and instead went to work on scripts for the first show. When they were finished, I sent out a message to the marketing department, who proceded to spread the woard on the two matches I booked in advance and wanted to promote: [center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/JenNeptune.jpg[/IMG] Jen Neptune v. Charlize Angelle [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/CharlizeAngelle.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/KathyNeptune.jpg[/IMG] Kathy Neptune v. Officer Goodhead [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/OfficerGoodhead_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/center] I wasn't sure quite how much of a difference this wuld make, but I felt like letting the fans know a little of what we had planned might make a small difference to our gate. With everything planned, all I needed to do was wait and see what happened when we ran the show...[/LEFT]
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[I]I forgot to add this as part of the roster...[/I] [CENTER][B]Tag Teams:[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/AlisonCapone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/Vampella.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Bad to the Bone[/B] - Alison Capone & Vampella[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/BritneyHollywood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/Sprite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/BSCGirlPower.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Hollywood Magic[/B] - Britney Hollywood & Sprite BSC Girl Power Champions[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/JenNeptune.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/JennieBombGTH/BSC/KathyNeptune.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Neptune Twins[/B] - Jen & Kathy Neptune[/CENTER]
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Not bad for a first show...the first time I ran a BSC show (when I was starting out in TEW to learn the game) I ended up with an E, so you're already doing something right. Good luck with the referee search; I know how hard it is to find a decent ref that you can afford. Maybe someone at UNLV could be willing to help out...? Just be wary of the finances...that is a problem with any small federation. Hopefully your attendance will counteract the costs of running a weekly show. Looking forward to week two! Hopefully I can catch it in time to make predictions prior to the show.
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I will be keeping an eye on this one... I have been waiting to see a BSC diary for a while, but to give you a little pointer. I don't know what type of matches you were using, but I figured I would offer this all the same. Use matches that are based on Eye Candy... it will help the rating of the matches slightly and take some importance off in ring ablity, but the double edge of that sword is that it doesn't help improve stats that much from my experience. However I think that is well worth it when it helps you gain pop a little more quickly to where you will be able to sign some more talented workers to help in their development.
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[QUOTE=Wicked Intentions;291088] Use matches that are based on Eye Candy... it will help the rating of the matches slightly and take some importance off in ring ablity, but the double edge of that sword is that it doesn't help improve stats that much from my experience. [/QUOTE] I was about to suggest the same thing... Also, it looks like you're copying from Microsoft Word (I'm assuming this, due to the random smiley's all over the place). Open the document with WordPad and copy/paste from there, it stops this (I know from other forums, it's quite annoying really). Good show though.
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