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WWE: When the Going Gets Tough...

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[I]This is my first attempt at a Dynasty. With all the problems facing the WWE I thought running a scenario post-Signature Pharmacy. I've fudged with some of the info, but I tried to keep it as realistic as possible. Updates probably won't be posted on a regular basis, but I'm hoping to do one week in game time every few days.[/I] [B]Wind back the clock. [/B] Before The Sandman was released. Before Hornswoggle was revealed as the McBastard. Before Cryme Tyme and Eugene met their WWE-demises. Before CM Punk won the ECW World Title. The WWE has been targeted by Congressional Committees after the Benoit murders/suicide. Fans are becoming more and more alienated with the WWE product as The Great Kahli wins the WWE Championship and Hornswoggle takes the Cruiserweight Title. To make matters worse, a dozen WWE employees have been named as clients of Signature Pharmacy. And they weren't purchasing Rogaine. Charlie Haas, Gregory Helms, Mike Bucci, Adam "Edge" Copeland, John Morrison, William Regal, Mr. Ken Kennedy, Umaga, Chris Masters, Funaki, Chavo Guerrero, and Booker T have all been found in direct violation of the WWE Wellness Program. The hits keep on coming. The Head of Talent Relations (Mike Bucci) and well as many of his top stars were going to be out of action. This was the final straw. Mr. McMahon suffered a heart attack while enroute to the arena to address the talent. Stephanie and Shane have taken a leave of absence to take care of their father. However, in typical McMahon fashion, they had a meeting with the talent and staff to inform them that the show must go on. As of August 31st, the WWE is being run by non-McMahons for the first time ever. Booking plans are going to be altered or abanddoned all together. A few roster-jumps might occur. [B]The only thing that is for-sure is that this is a make or break time for World Wrestling Entertainment.[/B]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Newly appointed Interm Head of Creative Writing Clint Smith had a teleconference with WWE Brass (including Shane and Stephanie McMahon) on September 1st. Here's a few note-worthy tidbits: The contract of Mike Bucci, Head of Talent Relations, has been terminated. There was debate about whether or not to fire Bucci all together, however Smith and the McMahons felt that keeping Bucci in the position did not send the right message to talent or the general public. Contract offers are going out to a few former WWE Employees. The names of a few Developmental Talent were brought up. Look for a few OVW & FCW workers to be placed on the fast track to the main roster. Any house show taking place before September 3rd will be rescheduled. Look for some of the Signature Pharmacy workers to appear on one last taping before their suspension goes into effect.[/FONT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/cm_phunk/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"]PREVIEW [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]September 3rd Columbus, OH[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] Next week, Raw explodes from Columbus, Ohio! And you can be sure that [B]Randy Orton[/B] has the attention of [B]WWE Champion John Cena[/B] after delivering a vicious boot to Cena's father's head last week. With the leader of The Chain Gang seething with anger at his Unforgiven opponent Randy Orton, will The Champ be able to keep his cool when he finds himself in the same building as The Legend Killer, or will Cena make sure that Orton's savage attack backfires in his face? [B] Raw GM William Regal[/B] is expected to address the situation before it boils over into complete chaos! [B]Triple H[/B] had his fun at [B]Carlito's[/B] expense last week. You can be sure the Carribean doesn't think Triple H's invasion of his Cabana was "cool". What does the Islander have in store for The Game this week? [B]WWE Tag Team Champions Lace Cade and Trevor Murdoch[/B] will be taken to the "Extreme" one more time as they face one of them men they beat for their titles, [B]Jeff Hardy[/B], and his tag team partner [B]The Sandman[/B]! Will the South rise again? Or will Hardy wear the Tag Team Straps once more? Find out as Raw emanates live from Columbus on USA Network Monday at 9/8 CT.
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[SIZE="2"](Quick note...only the first week's shows will be written in this format. I need to do some title switches and angles with some of the suspended wrestlers. Starting with episode 2 of each brand the write-ups will be much different. A lot of the show has similar content to the Sept. 3rd episode. I'm slowly moving away from the angles, but wanted to keep as much realism and continuity as possible this week.)[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Monday Night Raw Results[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Segment 1: Carlito's Cabana with Raw General Manager William Regal[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Carlito puts the verbal boots to Triple H before introducing his guest Raw GM William Regal. Regal tells Carlito and the crowd that he is out here to address the Orton-Cena situation before it gets entirely out of hand. Carlito interrupts Regal and says he has a video Regal should see before giving anyone a title match. Carlito intros a video package he put together of him beating Cena in his debut match. The video plays, however it is a highlight package of Triple H from his appearance on the Cabana last week. It shows Triple H introducing Carlito's "sister", saying Carlito likes to suck on grapefruits, and then HHH Pedigreeing Carlito. The Titan Tron fades to black for only a few seconds before.... [CENTER]
[/CENTER] [LEFT]Triple H came out to a huge ovation and told Carlito that his new nickname should be Hurricane, because his Cabana blows. Carlito, furious that Trips has interrupted his Cabana for the second time in a row, attacks. Triple H accidently back-elbows Regal in the eye during the scuffle, and Regal goes down hard. A furious Regal books Triple H against Carlito, Mr. Kennedy, and Umaga tonight in a three-on-one match![/LEFT] [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 2: Shelton Benjamin vs. Cody Rhodes[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Shelton Benjamin took advantage of a few of Rhodes' rookie mistakes early on. Rhodes walked right into a T-Bone Suplex from Benjamin. Shelton's T-Bone on Rhodes gets him a three count. Rhodes looks upset and refuses to high-five a young fan as he storms to the back.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 3: Video package of the damage done to John Cena's father by Randy Orton[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Segment 4: Backstage with Val Venis & Cody Rhodes[/QUOTE] [INDENT] Val Venis is watching the monitors as a depressed Cody Rhodes enters the backstage area. Val tells Cody how much he respects Cody's family. He also tells Cody not to let these losses get him down. Cody replies with "Tell me Val, when was the last time YOU won a match on Raw??" Val looks a little upset as Cody storms off.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 5: Maria & Val Venis vs. Melina & Snitsky[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Melina is horrified of her tag team partner, and does her best to avoid Snitsky. Santino Marella, sporting an arm-cast, escorts Maria and Val to the ring. Marella does not seem to be too happy with Val being Maria's partner. Snitsky hits a big Pump Handle Slam on Venis for the win. After the match, Maria tends to Val while Santino is eye-balling Melina. Once Santino realizes Maria has concern for Val, he jumps into the ring and pulls Maria away by the arm. He shouts insults at Val as he leads Maria backstage. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 6: The Sandman & The GM[/QUOTE] [INDENT]The Sandman enters William Regal's Office with a Singapore Cane in one hand and a beer in the other. Regal tells Sandman that his partner for tonight, Jeff Hardy, isn't in the arena. Unless Sandman can find a replacement against Cade & Murdoch he must wrestle them by himself.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 7: John Cena In-Ring Interview[/QUOTE] [INDENT]The Champ is here, but he's in a foul mood as he hits the ring. John Cena looked around the arena and looked at his dog-tags and then lays his title belt down in the center of the ring. Cena knows why Orton did what he did. He was making it personal so that Cena would want the rematch too. Cena tells Orton his plan worked. Cena wants the match. And he will get his hands on Orton, whether its in a ring, back stage, or in a hotel lobby. Cena tells Orton he's killed his last legend. Its time for Cena to kill the killer.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 8: World Tag Team Title Match: Cade & Murdoch vs. The Sandman & ???[/QUOTE] [INDENT]The World Tag Team Champions wait as The Sandman makes his wayto ringside. Cade and Murdoch grin fiendishly as The Sandman stands alone.[/INDENT] [CENTER]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][INDENT]CM Punk is The Sandman's tag partner, and the duo hit the ring. Punk and Sandman take the fight to the champs. Punk lifts Cade up for the GTS at the 8 minute mark, but Murdoch pulls Cade down and out of the ring. The World Tag Team Champions get themselves intentionally counted-out so that they can save their titles. Punk tells the champs that they haven't seen the last of him.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 9: GM William Regal Addresses Orton & Cena[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Raw GM William Regal hits the ring. Regal announces that the rematch will take place at Unforgiven. But in the mean time, neither man is to touch the other. If Cena breaks this rule, he will be stripped of the WWE Championship. If Orton violates this rule, he will be suspended without pay for 90 days. As Regal turns his attention to Triple H, three men in black suits approach the ring. One of the men identified himself as an employee of the US Immigration Service. Apparently there is something wrong with Regal's paperwork and he must be deported until further notice. The men handcuff Regal after restraining him and take him to the back. Triple H is waiting in the Guerilla. He smiles and waves goodbye to Regal. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 10: Triple H vs. Ken Kennedy, Umaga, and Carlito[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Triple H charges the ring and takes the fight right to his opponents. The numbers soon prove to be too much for Triple H and he is taken down by Umaga. Carlito only tags in once Triple H has taken a good deal of damage. A miscue by Carlito causes a collision between Umaga and Kennedy. This allows Triple H to slide under the ring and get his trusty sledgehammer. Trips slides back in and hits Umaga and Kennedy in the head. The referee disqualifies Triple H immediately. Carlito ducks the shot that was intended for him and immediatly bails from the ring. Triple H and Carlito are engaged in an intense stare-down as Raw goes off the air. [/INDENT] [/LEFT] [I][SIZE="1"]Quick Results Shelton Benjamin defeated Cody Rhodes Snitsky & Melina defeated Maria & Val Venis The Sandman & CM Punk defeated World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch via count-out. Ken Kennedy, Carlito, and Umaga defeated Triple H via DQ in a handicap match.[/SIZE][/I]
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[COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Fixedsys"] [SIZE="5"][U]WWE Dirtsheet Round-Up[/U][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]Jeff Hardy's 'absence' from last night's show was a work. Hardy is in Cinncinatti, the location of tonights ECW/Smackdown taping. [*]Val Venis is going to be used more on WWE TV. The early groundwork for his new push was laid last night. [*]Rumor has it that a number of developmental talent will be called up over the next few weeks. [*]WWE is in heavy negotiations with a number of familar faces. [*]CM Punk's move from ECW to Raw may not be a temporary one. [*]The new creative force does not have much faith in Snitsky. Look for him to be moved to ECW, or possibly released all together. [*]Rumor has it that an ECW Original may be taking an on-air 'coaching' role. [/LIST] [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/cm_phunk/ecwtv.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]Preview: Number One Contender Chaos![/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] Much to the suprise of the Columbus crowd last night, CM Punk came to The Sandman's aid on Monday Night Raw and picked up a count-out victory over WWE World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Did CM Punk jump ship? Will he be in Cincinatti tonight? And what will become of his Number One Contendership? ECW General Manager Armando Estrada will address The Straight Edge Superstar at the top of the show! Also on ECW on Sci Fi, Stevie Richards will try to keep his momentum going as he teams with fellow ECW Original Balls Mahoney against Kevin Thorn and The Miz, accompanied by Extreme Expose. Balls' infatuation with Kelly Kelly seems to grow each week. What will happen when they are both at ringside once more? ECW Original Tommy Dreamer will lock up with Matt Striker. You have to ask yourself what kind of role will Striker's protege Big Daddy V play in this match. And will his latest rival The Boogeyman be lurking in his large shadow? Find out the answers to these questions and much more on the next ECW on Sci Fi on Tuesday at 10/9 CT.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/cm_phunk/ecw.gif[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Results![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]Segment 1: ECW GM Armando Estrada addresses CM Punk & ECW World Champion John Morrison[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Armando Estrada hits the ring and immediately tears into CM Punk. Estrada labels Punk a traitor to ECW. Estrada doesn't want a potential ECW Champion to appear with the ECW World Title on another brand. Estrada then strips CM Punk of his Number One Contendership This brings out CM Punk, who explains he was there visiting friends backstage. Punk saw a chance to compete against one of the best Tag Teams in the WWE, and took it. Punk told Estrada that the whole situation reeks of BS cooked up to keep the belt on Morrison. Estrada denied Punk's claim and said that there will be an ECW World Title match tonight. But CM Punk won't be in it. John Morrison will put the belt on the line in a Three Way Dance against Elijah Burke and the newest ECW Extremeist... [/INDENT] [CENTER]

[/CENTER] [LEFT][INDENT]Jeff Hardy hits the ring to a loud reaction. Hardy tells Punk that he has nothing against CM Punk Hardy says can't pass up an opportunity to win the ECW World Title on his first night in ECW. Estrada then tells Punk he forgot to mention one last thing....Punk is fired. Estrada tells Hardy to remove Punk from the ring. Hardy doesn't move. Estrada then tells Hardy to remove Punk from the ring or else Hardy is fired as well. Before Estrada can continue, Punk hits his combo strikes on Estrada and hits him with the Go To Sleep! Punk then motions for Hardy to go up top. Hardy swantons Estrada. Punk and Hardy shake hands and leave the GM laying in the center of the ECW ring. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 2: Stevie Richards & Balls Mahoney vs Kevin Thorn & The Miz (with Extreme Expose)[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Stevie comes out wearing a "Stevie the Vampire Slayer" t-shirt. Kevin Thorn goes right for Stevie during his entrance and the bell sounds. Stevie is beaten down by Thorn for the first few minutes of the match. Balls is transfixed on Kelly Kelly while standing on the apron waiting for a tag. After Thorn does significant damage to Richards, Miz and Thorn tag several times and keep the fresh man in. Once Richards finally gets a chance to make a hot tag, Brooke and Layla lift up Kelly's shirt, exposing a black bra. That distracts Balls long enough for him to miss the dive Stevie took towards him in an attempt to tag out. Kelly pushes her Extreme Expose members away as Miz drags Stevie back towards the middle of the ring. At this point the Expose girls begin arguing, which distracts Miz. Stevie takes advantage of the situation and rolls up The Miz for the three count. Before Stevie can get to his feet and celebrate, Kevin Thorn nails a hard lariat to the back of the head. Miz knocks Balls of the apron as Thorn delivers The Last Kiss to Stevie. Thorn and Miz then pull the Expose girls apart and drag them towards the back. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 3: Elijah Burke Backstage Promo[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Burke cuts a promo on the title shot he has tonight. Burke runs down several former "bush league" ECW World Champions, Tazz being one of them. Burke promises that Morrison and Hardy will feel first-hand The Elijah Experience tonight. Tazz takes exception to some of his comments as ECW goes to commercial. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 4: Tommy Dreamer vs Matt Striker (with Big Daddy V)[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Tommy Dreamer comes out with two singapore canes to try to even the odds. Dreamer and Striker go back and forward until Dreamer hits the Dreamer Driver for the three count. After the match, Big Daddy V climbs the stairs behind Tommy Dreamer to sneak-attack him. The arena goes black with the dim red light on the ring, and The Boogeyman crawls out from under the ring. As Big Daddy V goes to climb through the ropes, Boogeyman hops up on the apron behind V's back. Boogeyman pulls the second rope upwards, crotching Big Daddy V. Dreamer grabs the singapore canes and tosses one to Boogeyman. Dreamer and Boogey hit V in the head simlutaneously, sending V crashing to the arena floor. Boogeyman pulls out a handful of worms and throws them at Big Daddy V's mouth as we go to commerical. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 5:Three Way Dance for the ECW World Title: John Morrison (c) vs. Elijah Burke vs. Jeff Hardy[/QUOTE] [INDENT] ECW Champion John Morrison is eliminated first after a 4-Up and a Swanton Bomb combo. Jeff Hardy and Elijah Burke take the fight to the outside of the ring, where Hardy mis-times a dive and crashes and burns. Elijah uses this as a chance to mouth-off to Tazz. As Tazz stands up, Burke slaps the head-set off Tazz's head and slides back into the ring. Hardy rolls back in the ring as well. Tazz climbs onto the apron as Jeff Hardy charges Burke. Burke side-steps Hardy and sends him crashing into Tazz. As Hardy staggers backwards, Burke hits the Elijah Experience and covers Hardy! [SIZE="3"][B]Elijah Burke is the new ECW World Champion![/B][/SIZE] [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 6: He's Baaaa-aaack![/QUOTE] [INDENT]Burke grabs his title and rolls out of harms way as Tazz enters the ring. Burke gloats and jaw-jacks with Tazz as he walks backwards toward the entrance way. As Burke almost makes it out of the arena, you can hear someone clapping from behind the entranceway. [B]Its PAUL HEYMAN![/B] And from the look on his face, the clapping is anything but sincere. Burke looks like he's just seen a ghost as we go off the air![/INDENT] [/LEFT] [CENTER][SIZE="1"][I]Quick Results: Stevie Richards & Balls Mahoney defeated Kevin Thorn & The Miz Tommy Dreamer defeated Matt Striker Elijah Burke defeated John Morrison & Jeff Hardy in a Three Way Dance for the ECW World Championship.[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/cm_phunk/smackdowntv.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Arial Black"]Preview: Kahli On The Loose[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] After being on the recieving end of a 619 and a vertebrae-rattling spinebuster courtesy of Rey Mysterio and Batista at the end of last week's show, World Heavyweight Champion The Great Kahli was filled with pure rage. It took an army of stadium employees and local law enforcement officers to get Kahli out of the building. Has the Punjabi Giant cooled down in the last week, or will he be out for blood? The WWE Tag Team Champions will be kicking off the show as Tag Team and United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter welcomes his partner Matt Hardy to his VIP Lounge. Will the Tag Team Champions play nice, or will we see this golden duo explode? Jamie Noble gets his shot at Hornswoggle's Crusierweight Champion. Will Irish Eyes be smiling on the Redneck Messiah, or will Hornswoggle defy the odds one more time and leave with his Cruiserweight Championship? "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry will also be on hand. Will The Undertaker make his presence known as well? Finally, Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio are going to meet one last time. Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long has declared their match a no time-limit, no-disqualification, no-count out match. There must be a winner! Will Rey prevail, or will Chavo lie, cheat, and steal his way to a win? To find out the answers to these questions and much more, tune in to Friday Night SmackDown at 8/7 CT, only on The CW Network.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="1"](As a reminder, this week will look similar in parts to September 7th's Smackdown. This is for one week only, as I am already tweaking angles and moving in different directions.)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="5"][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee211/cm_phunk/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Results![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE]Segment 1: Matt Hardy in Montel Vontavious Porter's VIP Lounge[/QUOTE] [INDENT] MVP said he is pulling double duty and will be both the host and the guest on the VIP Lounge tonight.. MVP introduced his guests, the WWE Tag Team champions, Montel Vontavious Porter (himself) & Matt Hardy.. MVP told Matt Hardy that he elevated him to championship status and said that he was better than Hardy.. MVP showed a video of himself winning the WWE Tag Team titles but didn't show Matt Hardy doing all the work.. Matt Hardy showed video from backstage after the match when he confronted MVP about taking both of the belts.. Matt Hardy punched out Montel Vontavious Porter and took his half of the WWE Tag Team championship straps.. Matt Hardy said that he wanted another match for the WWE United States MVP said he already signed them to defend the WWE Tag Team titles against Dave Taylor and Paul Burchall at Unforgiven. MVP also tells Hardy that Hardy has a match tonight against Dave Taylor...and it starts right NOW. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 2: Matt Hardy vs Dave Taylor[/QUOTE] [INDENT]During the match, Cole notes that MVP's body-language makes it look like he might be in cahoots with the Englishmen. JBL claims that to be preposterous! Taylor attempts an Irish Whip into to the ropes near where MVP is standing. MVP starts to turn around and doesn't see Hardy reverse the whip, sending Taylor instead. MVP trips Taylor who stumbles into a Twist of Fate. Matt Hardy gets the three count and MVP, still with his back-turned, counts along with the ref. As Matt Hardy's music plays, a shocked MVP turns around. Hardy jaw-jacks with him as Burchall spins MVP around and shoves him. It's apparent that MVP did have a pre-arrangement with the Englishmen, and he screwed it up. Paul kicks MVP in the midsection and rolls him into the ring. Hardy leaves the ring on the other side. As MVP begs off of Burchall, Taylor lifts him to his feet from behind and rocks him with a European Uppercut. Burchall places MVP in position and hits the C-4 as Hardy grabs both of the WWE Tag Team Titles and heads to the back.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 3: Kahli Is Here...And So Were the Daltons.[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Jesse and Festus Dalton are almost instantly attacked by The Great Kahli int he parking lot. Kahli tosses Jesse like a rag-doll onto a stack of wooden pallets. Festus attacks and briefly rocks Kahli before getting chokeslamed through the windshield of a car.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 4: Jamie Noble Backstage Vignette[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Noble is shown jogging around the backstage area, getting prepped for his title match. He enters his dressing room and finds Lucky Charms spilled all over his bag. He knocks the bags off the bench in disgust.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 5: Kenny Dykstra vs Chuck Palumbo[/QUOTE] [INDENT]During the match Kenny Dykstra looked to have landed hard on his knee. Dykstra rolled to the outside and began rolling around on the floor in agony. The referee kept backing Palumbo off. The ref finally throws up the 'X' and several agents rush to ringside to check on Dykstra. Palumbo then looked genuinely concerned. As he turned to the fans to shrug, Dykstra quickly got to his feet, shoved the agents aside. Dykstra spun Palumbo around and DDTed him on the arena floor. Dykstra then rolled Palumbo back into the ring and hit a Top Rope Leg Drop Dykstra covered Palumbo for the win. Kenny jumped to his feet and celebrated, obviously not injured at all. A loud "Kenny Sucks!" chant broke out from the crowd as Dykstra made his way to the back. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 6: Kenny Arrives Backstage[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Kenny makes it to the catering area where Torrie, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Shannon Moore all look at him with disgust. Kenny asks them what they are looking at. He tells Yang and Moore that they lose all the time because they aren't willing to do whatever it takes. Kenny Dykstra is. Michelle McCool walks in and looks just as disgusted. She tells the group that Palumbo has a concussion. McCool tells Dykstra that she hopes he's happy with himself. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 7: WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Hornswoggle (c) vs Jamie Noble[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Jamie Noble goes on the attack early on. It doesn't take Noble long to lock on a modified Dragon Sleeper. Hornswoggle in unconscious seconds later. [B][I]The referee calls for the bell and declares Jamie Noble the New Cruiserweight Champion.[/I][/B] Noble has still not released the hold. JBL notes that Noble has been ribbed constantly since he was pinned by Hornswoggle at the Great American Bash. Noble wants to make Hornswoggle pay. The referee calls for the bell three more times before Noble lets go. The referee then whispers something to Smackdown Ring Annoucner Tony Chimel. As the referee picks up Hornswoggle and takes him to the back, Chimel announced that the referee reversed the decision. [I][B]The winner as a result of a disqualification and still the Cruiserweight Champion, Hornswoggle.[/B][/I] Noble flips out and takes out his anger on the ringside area, and hitting the stairs with a chair. Noble takes swings at nearby camera men as he heads to the back. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 8: Backstage: Funaki Intreviews Mark Henry...and a Suprise Guest Crashes the Party[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Funaki, obviously still reeling from Henry squashing him recently, timidly interviews Mark Henry. Henry announces that The Undertaker has had way too many comeback matches. He guarantees that this will be the last. As Henry walks off, Funaki begins to sign-off, but a hand engulfs his head. The Great Kahli effortlessly sends Funaki into a wall. Funaki's head punches a hole in the wall. Kahli leaves him, and heads towards the lockerroom mumbling something about Mysterio.[/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 9: One Fall To A Finish Match: Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero[/QUOTE] [INDENT]A video package highlights the long history between Rey & Chavo, dating back to WCW and beyond. Rey Mysterio & Chavo leave it all in the ring. After 25:00 of several near-falls, Rey Mysterio finally hits a top-rope hurricanarana and gets the pinfall. After the match, both men appear to have tears in their eyes. The fans can't hear them, but they are talking to each other. As they move towards each other The Great Kahli appears in the entranceway. Kahli enters the ring and heads right for Mysterio, who is battle-worn but doesn't look to be backing down. He goes to grab Mysterio, but Chavo pushes Rey out of the ring. Kahli then focuses his attention on Chavo. Kahli grabs Guerrero by the throat, lifts him up high, and tosses him hard on his back to the arena floor! Rey checks on Chavo. Enraged he climbs up to the ring apron and attempts a springboard onto Kahli. Kahli catches Rey and looks like he's going to toss Rey into the crowd when... [/INDENT] [CENTER]

[/CENTER] [LEFT][INDENT] Batista comes racing out of the entrance way. Khali sees Batista and hurdles Rey at him. Batista catches Rey and sets him down. As Rey and Batista get ready to charge the ring Teddy Long's music hits. [/INDENT] [QUOTE]Segment 10: Teddy Long's Announces Next Week's Main Event[/QUOTE] [INDENT]Teddy Long tells everyone to freeze. Long tells Kahli that he notices Kahli is trying to take out damn near everyone on the Smackdown roster. Teddy Long is going to make it easier on Kahli. He's bringing the Smackdown roster to HIM. [B]Next week Kahli will defend his World Heavyweight Championship in a Six Man Challenge.[/LEFT] [CENTER]His challengers are: Mark Henry Kane Finlay Rey Mysterio and Batista![/CENTER] [/INDENT][/B]
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Thanks for the feedback! I'm a newb so it's appreciated. Yeah this format is pretty much done for. I didn't like it either, but I was trying to find something original. I might check out some more dynasties and find a more reader-friendly style that I can put my own spin on. Thanks again!
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