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ACWA Back to the Territories

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From ProWrestlingHits.com --------------------------------- TOP STORY: Birth of the ACWA --------------------------------- After a month of speculation about the American Championship Wrestling Alliance (ACWA), today's press conference finally revealed details about the new promotion that would soon be debuting in the US, in fact, all across the US. During the conference the ACWA was hyped up by former SWF World Champion Corporal Doom as "a rebirth of the old territorial system that was usurped by the SWF in the early 80s during their national expansion, the ACWA hopes to bring back the territorial system by bringing together a number of regional promotions to co-operate under a unified banner." DAVE star Alex Braun went on to explain that each promotion is a separate entity in itself but that by having multiple promotions working under one banner there will be a lot of traveling between promotions. "Rather than have workers become stars in one area but never move on, the ACWA encourages workers to travel to other promotions and other regions, which will help them become stars across the entire country, and indeed, the entire world while helping the ACWA grow and expand further and allowing fans more access to the best wrestlers in the world wherever they live." The ACWA clearly has great ambition in setting up this project to renew the territorial system and this has seemingly been met with great enthusiasm by the industry as a number of big names have put pen to paper to sign up and play their part in this venture. With territories opening up in Houston, TX, Detroit “Rock City”, MI and “Gate City” Greensboro, NC along with the inclusion of the hard hitting New York Athletic League (now ACWA: Tri-State) some of the big names revealed included former SWF star Freddie Datsun, indy sensation Black Eagle (also known as Plague), the incomparable Jim Force and the man who won the East Coast war for DAVE, the legendary Johnny Martin. For a more in depth look at who is working for each promotion, head to the ACWA website located as acwa.com The ACWA hasn't aimed to set itself up as a direct rival to any promotion but they are clearly attempting to establish themselves as major players in the wrestling industry by revealing that in addition to their regional championships they will also have their own ACWA World champions. "Whoever becomes the ACWA World Champion will really have their work cut out for them. Not only do they have to be the best in their own home territory, they have to be the best in every ACWA affiliated territory in the world. At this time the ACWA may only consist of 4 territories across the US but we are confident that given enough time, the entire world of wrestling will stand alongside the ACWA. The level of competition is already incredible given the names of the men and women who have joined so far, “I'm excited to see what the face of the ACWA will be in a few short years time." said Joanne Rodriguez, one of America's finest female wrestlers. Naturally there has also been skepticism about bringing back a system that has been traditionally mired in internal politics, with promoters stabbing each other in the back and the logistics of traveling champions not being able to fulfill their obligations. Add to this an already crowded market for wrestling in the US along with some established local competition in some of the regions the ACWA has set up territories in and you can't help but speculate at how much success the newly formed alliance will be. All I can say is that I wish the ACWA the best of luck as they start and I hope that the first ACWA branded show happening in New York City on Friday January 5th at The Ministry is a complete success. - Dave Copcutt
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From ACWA.com Press Release Return of the Territories Welcome to the ACWA, American Championship Wrestling Association. As of today the return of the small territory wrestling promotion has been reborn. This loose alliance between four up and coming organizations around the US hopes to be able to bring talented wrestling to it’s local area while spreading talent around. Our goal is for folks in the Tri-State area to see some of the young talent growing in the Mid South and for fans in the Great Lakes to share there favorite wrestlers with fans in the Mid Atlantic. All of this talent will also help the alliance grow and hopefully we will be able to bring a quality product to every one in the US and the world. The ACWA is thus far formed of four regional promotions each with a product that fits it’s regional tastes. Houston, Texas gives us ACWA: Mid South which brings us back to the traditional Texas style where you will see some of the South’s favorite big men brawlers and tough as nails technicians. Up North ACWA: Great Lakes brings a mix of Canadian, American and European wrestling focusing on speed and technical aptitude. ACWA: Mid Atlantic, which has grown up in the wake of the great work done by MAW, looks to mix traditional and mainstream with a unique style all it’s own. Finally in the North East which is saturated with wrestling promotions such as DaVE, SWF and NYCW comes ACWA:Tri-State, formerly known as the New York Athletic League, which brings a gritty and intense style of East meets West meets Mexico with globe spanning styles and a cult fan following. For more information about each of these territories please use thing links to their individual websites and stay tuned for more information about organizational events from the ACWA. - ACWA Management
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From ACWA.com/TriState Welcome to the new face of the NYAL. We have joined forces with a number of other regional promotions and become part of the American Championship Wrestling Association. In becoming part of this alliance we have become ACWA: Tri-State and we look forward to bringing you the same hard hitting action that has made us a cult classic in New York City. With the additional funds available through this alliance we have added more of the workers you love in an attempt to bring you the wrestling you want. The NYAL Championship has been vacated and three new titles have been added. Each of these new titles will focus on one style of wrestling and each champion will be crowned through a tournament which starts with our new weekly Big Apple Battles and ends at our January big event Beatdown in the Bowery. The Strong Style title tournament will show of the brutality of our stand up fighters focusing on the Japanese Strong Style. The High Speed title tournament will show case Super Junior, Cruiserweight and Luchador wrestlers showing off their high speed talents. The Mat Warrior title will showcase the technical aptitude of both the old and new school. All of our workers will be involved in the coming tournament and as usual in the Tri-State area the women will be showing their stuff along side the men. The first 12 names, some old some new, will be released right now with the first brackets in the three tournaments. [U]High Speed Tournament Round 1[/U] Debbie Rose vs Insane Machine Ultimate Phoenix vs Inky the Squid Boy [U]Strong Style Tournament Round 1[/U] Eddie Howard vs Cherry Bomb D.C. Rayne vs Samoan Machine [U]Mat Warrior Tournament Round 1[/U] Jessica Bunny vs Warren Technique Steve Flash vs Thomas Morgan So join us on the 1st Friday of January at our home in The Ministry as we begin the new growth of ACWA:Tri-State
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Howdy folks! [b]Duke Hazzard[/b] here, writing to tell you fans about the kind of action you can expect to see when you come along to ACWA: Mid South's first event in Houston, Texas later this month. Without trying to sound biased, I can honestly say that we have the arguably the toughest roster ever assembled in Texas. We've got wrasslers coming from all over the planet to compete as a part of the ACWA and in what will undoubtedly be the roughest, toughest promotion under the entire banner if not in the entire world. Some of the most famous names include the mountain men from Canada, the legendary [b]McWade Brothers[/b] who will continue their commitments in the US of A as they bid to prove themselves to be one of the greatest tag teams in the world today. From Mexico we have one of the biggest names in all of lucha libre as the incredible [b]Champagne Lover[/b] crosses the border to help further his career. Joining him from Japan is the notorious [b]Burning EXILE[/b], one of the most controversial and talented stars in the world of professional wrestling. He makes his American debut in Texas on our debut show so be sure not to miss out on that. Also making the trip from Japan are two American stars who have carved their reputation out the hard way over there. [b]Jungle Jack[/b] is one of the best big men wrestlers on the planet and he is joined by a man who's reputation preceeds him as "The Trouble From Tennessee" [b]Henry Bennett[/b]. Also scheduled to be on the show is [b]Shawn Gonzalez[/b], one of the greatest wrestlers to never be a world champion, an honour he shares with another of our roster, a former SWF North American champion "The American Everyman" [b]Freddie Datsun[/b]. And last but certainly not least, former SWF World Heavyweight champion [b]Corporal Doom[/b] will be making an appearance, although no-one yet knows what his plans are within the company as rumours of his retirement continue to circulate. Is he planning one last run at the top or does he have other plans that do't involve stepping between the ropes? Matches for the show are yet to be announced but if you know any of these names then you already know the show is not to be missed. If you don't know the names then I encourage you to come to the show because if I know anything about wrasslin', I know that it's best seen LIVE! Without doubt, good ole traditional Texas wrasslin' makes it's return soon and with more stars joining the ACWA every day, you never know who might show up to rumble! I'm Duke Hazzard, thank you folks for taking time to check out ACWA: Mid South and I hope to see you at our debut show. - [i]DH[/i]
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My name’s [B]Steve Smith[/B], welcome to the Great Lakes region. I am the new voice of the ACWA: Great Lakes territory, and I’m writing this to catch your interest, hyping up our first show, dropping some known names, you know… the usual stuff. ACWA:GL is run by a European promoter, holds its shows in the USA and is close to the Canadian border. A clash of styles is almost guaranteed! I am British for the record. On our first show there will be a ten man battle royal to determine the first ever ACWA Great Lakes Champion. The battle royal will feature our top stars and it won’t be easy for any of them to walk away with the gold. They’ll have to earn it. Of those top stars we have no less than five people contracted to DAVE as well. We have the former two-time DAVE Extreme Champion [B]Vin Tanner[/B], who says he’s very motivated to become a big player in the ACWA. Then there’s the great technical wrestler [B]JD Morgan[/B], a three-time DAVE Extreme Champion, [B]Johnny Martin[/B], the man that won the East Coast wars for DAVE, [B]Alex Braun[/B], known for his time in SWF as Ace Freeze and [B]Nathan Coleman[/B], underrated journeyman wrestler. Other big names are [B]Donnie J[/B] and [B]James Prudence [/B](A.K.A. Jimmy P), who used to be a tag team in SWF, but are now arch rivals, second generation superstar [B]Barry Kingman [/B]and MAW’s cornerstone, [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B]. Other notable names that most likely won’t be in the battle royal are the ever violent [B]Larry Wood[/B], the most loved indy wrestler in the world [B]Hell Monkey[/B] and PGHW Tag Team legend [B]Lee Wright[/B]. We're certainly something you’ll want to check out. [I]- Steve Smith, the new voice of the Great Lakes territory[/I]
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Thanks for the heads up about this one Derek. With my own diary currently sitting in limbo, there are a few diaries that i try keep an eye on. Scapinos is one, Sebsplex is another, but giving that your the guy in the know when it comes to the cornellverse, im sure this one will soon join my must-read list
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[img]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/ACWA/ACWA_MidAtlantic.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] [B]Jim Force[/B] here... Welcome to ACWA: MA, also known as ACWA: Mid Atlantic. Many of you are familiar with this face from my SWF days and currently USPW, but you can also find me here at ACWA:MA. If you haven't heard by now, American Championship Wrestling Association has emerged as a way for there to be solid competition against the "Big 3" while still maintaining that "old school" - territorial feel. It's been the idea of several people within the business, myself included that wrestling had this gap that needed filling. And that's what ACWA is here to do. Fill that gap, challenge the top promotions in the US, and yet still have a product for everyone. Workers will have a chance to work in various territories which works out great for everyone. There's a lot going on here in the Mid Atlantic area and those who value old school traditional wrestling with entertainers such as myself who bring the "mainstream" appeal and storylines to wrestling along the southern east coast will get the pleasure of witnessing marquee names like [B]Williams Hayes[/B] of PGHW fame who happens to be one of the best performers NOT exclusive to a promotion. Their loss is ACWA:MA's gain. The young, up and-coming [B]K-Squared[/B] is calling ACWA:MA home as well. This talented youngster just needs a platform to showcase his skills and time to grow and be groomed and here in ACWA:MA, he has all the time in the world. [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] and [B]The Natural[/B] are just a few of the names joining the ACWA:MA roster as well. And don't think we've forgotten about those "womens' wrestling fans" because haven't. I don't want to drop too many names, but [B]April Appleseed[/B] and [B]Wanda Fish[/B] are just a few of the girls joining under the ACWA umbrella to help change the face of wrestling today. Some folks you've seen before and some you haven't. And we encourage all of you to come to the Mid Atlantic area and check us out. You'll be surprised what you see and WHO you see. I won't spoil everything by revealing the first show here and now but be sure to check back often here at [url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] for more details. "May the FORCE be with you." JF
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[url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] Welcome one and all to ACWA:MA... We'd like to welcome everyone to join us at the Delaware Auditorium next Sunday for the opening show. Scheduled for the show are... UK Dragon vs American Elemental [B]For the ACWA:MA Womens' Title[/B] Wanda Fish vs Sara Marie York Mainstream Hernandez vs William Hayes Joey Poison vs Joss Thompson vs Oscar Golden vs Roger Dodger Steve Grayson vs Dark Angle [B]MAIN EVENT for the ACWA:MA Mid Atlantic Championship[/B] Jim Force vs Darryl Devine Join us at the Delaware Auditorium next Sunday for ACWA:MA "Tradition Stands" Arena opens to the public at 7pm. Bell time at 8pm. Tickets just $13 for general admission seating Be there... OR BE SQUARE!
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[QUOTE=JonnyV1;291834]I really hope this one succeeds, I've always loved the idea of a multiplayer game that actually includes teamwork instead of being at war.[/QUOTE] this is actually my first multiplayer game.. :p I'm having a lot of fun with it. We've got some big ideas and big things planned for this diary. So everyone will have to stay tuned. And despite the fact we're all "working together", there's still elements of surprise from each of us that the other guys don't know about. :)
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[SIZE="4"]ACWA Tri State Predictions[/SIZE] [B][U]High Speed Tournament Round 1[/U][/B] Debbie Rose vs [B]Insane Machine[/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy [U][B]Strong Style Tournament Round 1[/B][/U] Eddie Howard vs [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] D.C. Rayne vs [B]Samoan Machine[/B] Mat Warrior Tournament Round 1 Jessica Bunny vs [B]Warren Technique[/B] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Thomas Morgan Just went for who I think the better talents are. I can't see Debbie Rose beating Insane Machine, don't even know or have any idea what Inky The Squid Boys stats are like either. So those pics were easy for me. Cherry Bomb and Samoan Machine are just more talented, and I don't like Natural Storm that much. And Steve Flash is old, so you got to get as much out of him as you can before he retires. I suppose you could just use him to help out people like Morgan but everyone loves Steve Flash. So I think he'll get a push till he retires. And I've always liked Warren Technique, just never been able to do much with him. [SIZE="4"]ACWA Mid Atlantic Predictions[/SIZE] [B]For the ACWA:MA Womens' Title[/B] Wanda Fish vs [B]Sara Marie York[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]William Hayes[/B] Joey Poison vs [B]Joss Thompson [/B]vs Oscar Golden vs Roger Dodger Steve Grayson vs [B]Dark Angle[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT for the ACWA:MA Mid Atlantic Championship[/B] [B]Jim Force[/B] vs Darryl Devine Wanda Fish just seems to predictable this early on, and Sara Marie York is a decent worker with great charisma and mic skills if I remember correctly. William Hayes is a better rounded worker, but they are both well liked so that's a close one. YOU HAVE TO HAVE JOSS THOMPSON GET OVER. HE CAN BE A MAIN PLAYER! I presume Dark Angle is Dark Angel aka Cliff Wilson, and Stevie Grayson is just a lucky kid who got put with Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins. And finally, I think Darryl should whip the floor with Jim Force, I'm not a fan to be honest. But Jim Force is a big name and if you were playing this for real, would get some media coverage.
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From ACWA.com/TriState Simon Says here, owner, operator and voice of ACWA:Tri-State. You missed a great show last night and that’s because I put it on. As the boss I set the brackets and I set the shows and all the workers listen to me. The first Big Apple Brawl under the banner of ACWA was a great and here’s what went down; [B]Insane Machine over Debbie Rose – C-[/B] Super fun Debbie Rose went toe to toe with Insane Machine in a great match up. Machine took a clean win over Rose with the Termination Kick, but had to fight for it, moving on to the next round in High Speed title tournament. [B]Cherry Bomb over Eddie Howard – D[/B] The Bomb exploded in Howard’s face as the young MAW Tag Team Champion underestimated his opponent. Cherry Bomb may be a woman but she showed she’s just as good as any man and moved forward in the Strong Style title tournament with the suprising application of the Cherry Bomb on a larger opponent. [B]Jessica Bunny over Warren Technique – D+[/B] Jessica Bunny may be the Girl-Next-Door but that girl has teeth as she takes it to the mat machine Warren Technique. It was a hard fought battle but Technique was eventually beat, by a girl, with the Bunny Boiler. [B]Samoan Machine over D.C. Rayne – B-[/B] Machine and Rayne went at it in the ring like there was no tomorrow. They both seemed to know what the other was thinking before they did which made the match much more competitive. Machine ended the match with a Samoan Driver and a pin. [B]Ultimate Phoenix over Inky the Squid Boy – C-[/B] The fans may not have known Inky but after his match they sure did. He may not have gotten the win but he fought Phoenix tooth and nail. When heroes clash this is the batt;e you get and it ends with the Phoenix Firebird Splash. [B]Steve Flash over Thomas Morgan – C+[/B] The main event may not have been the best match of the night but it certainly held it’s own. The New York fans cheered for Steve Flash their hero as he took on Egocentric Thomas Morgan. He may have been called the “Trademark” Thomas Morgan but he never got to pull of his trademark move, falling victim to the Flash Bang and a loss. The debut show of ACWA:TS was more than a success ([I]overall Rating: C[/I]) in my eyes but maybe I’m bias. Stay tuned next week for more Big Apple Brawls and the continuation of the tournaments. [U]High Speed Tournament Round 1[/U] Kate Lily vs Jacob Jett Cal Sanders vs Black Eagle [U]Strong Style Tournament Round 1[/U] Ace Youngblood vs Sayeed Ali Frankie Perez vs Frankie Dee [U]Mat Warrior Tournament Round 1[/U] Katherine Goodlooks vs Dean Daniels Joanne Rodriguez vs Alan Parent So next week Friday the 2nd Week of January be at The Ministry for more intense action. - Simon Says leader of the ACWA:TS movement
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[url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] We at ACWA:MA would like to encourage those of you in the Tri-State area to make your presence felt at the upcoming ACWA:TS event. With ACWA:TS's event drawing near, those fans in the Mid Atlantic area can enjoy the action we have to offer the following night at the Delaware Auditorium. We would also like to welcome any ACWA:TS fans who might be interested in taking the drive to the Delaware Auditorium. - [I]Michael Wayne - Color Commentator[/I]
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You missed another great show last night with some killer matches and that’s all because you didn’t do what Simon said. Heading up the biggest movement in professional wrestling, I your fearless leader brought you another great outing of ACWA: TS. [B]Ace Youngblood over “The East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali - D[/B] The headdress came off as the red streaked hair of the true blue injun Youngblood showed his stuff against super tough thug Sayeed Ali. These two brawlers beat the holy hell out of each other in what may lead to many grudge matches to come. Youngblood hit a vicious elbow to the side of the head called the Tomahawk Chop for the win. [B]Katherine Goodlooks over Dean “The Machine” Daniels - C[/B] Katherine may have seemed to be the underdog in this match due to her size and being a woman but she showed Dean that neither of those mattered. The fans were solidly on Goodlooks side as she pushed through and hit the Pretty Fly, Float Over DDT for the win. [B]“The Amazing” Jacob Jett over Kate Lily - D[/B] Jett seemed a little reluctant to fight a girl but when Kate took things to him fast and furious he wised up. The match was intense but only one of these young talents could come out on top and it was the show stealing Jacob Jett with the Jett Engine, Roll Through Powerbomb. [B]Black Eagle over “The Leaping Lumberjack” Cal Sanders - B[/B] Cal Sanders was no match for New Jersey native Black Eagle. Although both men flew around the ring only the soar of the Eagle made him the victor. Eagle took the off ramp on the New Jersey Turnpike, his slingshot corkscrew leg drop, to secure the pin. [B]Joanne “J-Ro” Rodriguez over “Parental Abuse” Alan Parent - C-[/B] This match was another technical showcase of two of the top young talents in wrestling. J-Ro has seen her share of battle against the boys in CZCW and against even better girls in AA and 5SSW and it showed in her performance. Both competitors seemed nigh indestructible until Joanne hit the J-Rocker, Twisting Face Crusher, for the win. [B]“P-Dawg” Frankie Perez over “White Angel” Frankie Dee - B-[/B] The main event was just that a main event level match up between two of the hardest hitting men on the ACWA:TS roster. Serious athlete Frankie Perez of CZCW fame went against ultra serious martial artist Frankie Dee. This match inspired by Japanese Puro Style and martial arts took things to another level. Frankie seemed to miss a few more shots then he hit but both men seemed beyond hard for most of the match. Perez ofrced Dee to tap out to the P-Clutch, his Camel Clutch variation. And the shows just keep getting better ([I]overall rating: C+[/I]) and it looks like you have to take my word for it because you missed it. First off I think all the fans should thanks us for allowing them to witness such greatness and maybe get up off your asses and come ot our next show next Saturday the 3rd week of January. Due to Samoan Machine leaving D.C. Rayne will get a second chance at a round one match when he faces a former TCW Alum. D.C. Rayne vs Former TCW Hardcore and World Tag Team champion [U]High Speed Tournament Round 2[/U] Black Eagle vs Insane Machine Jacob Jett vs Ultimate Phoenix [U]Strong Style Tournament Round 2[/U] Ace Youngblood vs Frankie Perez Cherry Bomb vs Winner of D.C. Rayne vs Former TCW Alum [U]Mat Warrior Tournament Round 2[/U] Jessica Bunny vs Joanne Rodriguez Steve Flash vs Katherine Goodlooks Also two days from now, Sunday the 3rd week of January, down the Mid Atlantic way ACWA:MA will be holding their first Tradition Stands. There won’t be any Tri State talent on the card but they certainly will bring you real athletes. So if you’re taking a trip down the coast make sure to catch them at the Delaware Auditorium. - Simon Says leader of the ACWA:TS movement
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[url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] We at ACWA:MA would like to thank the 670 people who showed up for Tradition Stands at the Delaware Auditorium. With that said, we encourage wrestling fans in the Mid Atlantic area to take the trip and come see us. And don't forget about our friends up there in the Great Lakes, the Tri-State, and over to the west in the Mid South area. These guys work hard to bring you some of the best entertainment in the US. [B]5 minute match UK Dragon vs American Elemental UK Dragon defeated American Elemental in 4:58 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop. C-[/B] The show opened with a match of the Super Juniors, American Elemental and UK Dragon. It was made public shortly before the show that American Elemental would be leaving ACWA:MA for TCW. We at ACWA:MA would like to wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. In what would be American's first and only match in ACWA:MA, UK Dragon dealt him a loss as he heads to TCW. [B]6 minute match - Women's title Wanda Fish vs Sara Marie York Wanda Fish defeated Sara Marie York in 5:58 by pinfall with the Blonde Ambition. C[/B] In what some were calling a "predictable" ending, Wanda Fish and SMY battled tooth and nail over who would stake claim to being the Women's champion. Wanda eventually finished off SMY with the Blonde Ambition, but rest assured.. This isn't over. In fact it's only just begun. Next week Wanda Fish puts her title on the line in a triple threat against SMY and Grace Harper. Can Wanda prove she's the best in the business and retain her gold next week, or will SMY prove it was a fluke... Maybe Grace will step in and claim the gold. If one thing is for sure, the women in ACWA:MA are hungry and when one faulters, another is willing to step up. It's a cutthroat division and whoever challenges the champion is sure to give her a run for her money. [B]6 minute match Mainstream Hernandez vs William Hayes William Hayes defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 5:55 by pinfall with a Slick Trick. D+[/B] The young entertainer of 20yrs old from MAW had his hands full against the established William Hayes of PGHW fame. William may be a relative newcomer to the states, but he sure came with his A game as he made relative short work of Mainstream Hernandez. Can William be as successful against Rolling Johnny Stones next week as he was against Mainstream Hernandez? What revenge if any will Mainstream play in next week's bout. A loss to The Hayes can't sit well with the brash youngster. [B]8 minute match Joey Poison vs Joss Thompson vs Oscar Golden vs Roger Dodger Joey Poison defeated Joss Thompson, Oscar Golden and Roger Dodger in 8:20 when Joey Poison defeated Oscar Golden by pinfall with an Antidote Web. D[/B] In a match that featured 4 of ACWA:MA's "cream of the crop" IMO, each man stepped into the ring looking hungry, and looking to make a name for himself. While it may not have been the best match on the card, all 4 delivered a solid performance. Joey Poison emerged victorious much to the dismay of Joss Thompson. Joey has gold on his mind and if Jim Force isn't the man he's gonna take it from, then lord have mercy when the ACWA crowns it's champion. Joey may just have his sights set higher than the Mid Atlantic title. Joss Thompson the man who some are calling the "future star" isn't out yet. While he didn't win, he wasn't pinned either. This week Thompson gets a change for redemption as he steps into the ring with Mario Heroic. [B]Steve Grayson Interview Stevie Grayson has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Dark Angel. D[/B] [B]8 minute match Steve Grayson vs Dark Angel Stevie Grayson defeated Dark Angel in 8:18 by pinfall. C-[/B] All in all, Steve Grayson had a successful ACWA:MA debut. In what was one of the best matches of the night, a rematch hasn't been ruled out. But for now, Steve will have his hands full next week as he steps into the ring with the young Trent Shaffer. Meanwhile Dark Angel will square off against fellow "Super Junior" UK Dragon in a match that's sure to get the crowd going. [B]Jim Force Interview Jim Force cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Darryl Devine. D[/B] [B]Michael Wayne hypes main event The cameras return to Michael Wayne at the podium, where he hypes up the upcoming bout between Jim Force and Darryl Devine by speaking about recent events between the two. "This promises to be a good one, folks. So don't miss it!" E[/B] [B]10 minute match Jim Force vs Darryl Devine Jim Force defeated Darryl Devine in 9:37 by pinfall with a Full Force. Jim Force wins the ACWA: Mid Atlantic Championship title. D[/B] The Force sent Darryl Devine packing out of the ACWA:MA in what would be Devine's one and only match in the ACWA:MA. Jim took Darryl for close to 10 minutes in the main event and pinned Devine's shoulders to the canvas to take the vacant ACWA:MA Mid Atlantic championship. final rating = D+ - [I]Michael Wayne - Color Commentator[/I]
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[url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] We at ACWA:MA would like to invite you to join us next week for another edition of "ACWA: MA - Tradition Stands". In what's sure to be a great show we've got.... [b] UK Dragon vs Dark Angel[/B] [B]Women's title match Wanda Fish vs Sara Marie York vs Grace Harper[/B] [B] Rolling Johnny Stones vs William Hayes[/B] [B] Mario Heroic vs Joss Thompson [/B] [B]Steve Grayson vs Trent Shaffer [/B] [B]Non title match Jim Force vs Roger Dodger [/B] and much much more - [I]Michael Wayne - Color Commentator[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/ACWA/ACWA_GreatLakes.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Showtime”[/SIZE][/B] [B]Tuesday, Week 3, January 2007 Held at The Asylum In front of 739 People.[/B][/CENTER]
[COLOR="blue"]Kris D. Maes, the owner of the territory comes to the ring, welcoming everyone to the first ever ACWA Great Lakes show. He announces that tonight in the battle royal the following ten competitors will fight for the ACWA Great Lakes Championship: Alex Braun, Nathan Coleman, Vin Tanner, JD Morgan, Donnie J, Johnny Martin, James Prudence, Barry Kingman, Mean Jean Cattley and Larry Wood.[/COLOR] [B]D+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]After hearing that list Herb Stately comes out saying he knows someone else that would dominate everyone in the battle royal when given the chance. Titan comes from behind the curtain and stand toe to toe with Maes. Maes says he’ll have to prove himself first before getting a shot at the title, after which Titan picks him up and powerslams him on the ring apron.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [B]Remmy Skye & Silver Shark def. Erik Strong & The Tic[/B] A nice opening match that delivered pretty well. Skye and Shark showed their chin dropping skills to crowd and were backed up nicely by Strong & Tic’s selling abilities. It was what people would call a decent indy match. [B]D+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mean Jean Cattley comes to the ring saying how he hopes he’ll find worthy competition here as in MAW he’s the only one with talent. He said he watched some DAVE shows and he’s not impressed by any of the DAVE guys that are in the battle royal with him tonight.[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B]Lee Wright def. Stuart Ferdinand[/B] Two older guys went at it in the second match of the night. Both competitors have built quite a legacy in Japan. Wright is kind of the “by-all-means-necessary” type of guy. That’s what he confirmed tonight by using brass knuckles as a weapon when the ref wasn’t watching. [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]A limping Maes comes out announcing that Titan is in a match against whoever wants to beat him. If Titan loses the winner will be awarded with a spot in the ten-man battle royal (which will then become an eleven-man battle royal). Matt Sparrow comes out, cheered by the crowd.[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [B]Titan def. Matt Sparrow[/B] It wasn’t a squash match as everyone’d probably expect this to be. On the contrary, it was Sparrow who went straight at it in the first part of the match, showing off his flying abilities. In the end Titan was able to gain the advantage when Herb Stately distracted the referee and Titan hit a stunning low blow. He hit the Titanic Chokeslam and it was all over for Sparrow. [B]D+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Titan continues to destroy Sparrow in the ring until Herb Stately says it’s enough. Titan is making a statement here.[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] [B]Hell Monkey def. Fumihiro Ota[/B] The match of the night was one between two wrestlers who are also active in Japan. Fumihiro is very well known for a combination of aerial and technical skills, whereas Hell Monkey is pretty much amazing at everything. That's what determined the outcome of the match as Hell Monkey won. [B]C+[/B] [B]Vin Tanner def. Alex Braun, Nathan Coleman, JD Morgan, Donnie J, Johnny Martin, James Prudence, Barry Kingman, Mean Jean Cattley and Larry Wood in a ten man battle royal for the ACWA Great Lakes Championship Title.[/B] An interesting main event, lots of things happened in this match. First of all, Jean Cattley was eliminated first because basicly everyone on the roster went after him. Coleman was eliminated after that by Larry Wood. As expected Donnie J and James Prudence went after each other from the beginning. Their fight was ended by Larry Wood who interfered and tried to tacke out both. Prudence and Donnie J managed to cooperate however and double dropkicked him out of the match, only to get eliminated a second after by Vin Tanner who clotheslined them both over the top rope. That left five men in the ring. JD Morgan took care of Barry Kingman and Johnny Martin had some fun with Alex Braun. Both men came out on top, which left Martin, Morgan and Tanner, who had some time to rest, in the ring. Martin and Tanner teamed up on Morgan and were able to throw him out. Now two of the most respected DAVE wrestlers were competing mano a mano for the gold in the Great Lakes territory. Tanner, who had the power advantage, came out on top and is the new ACWA Great Lakes territory. [B]C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Vin Tanner climbs all four ring corners celebrating with his title in the air. The crowd in the corner he is facing gives him a standing ovation. [B]C-[/B][/COLOR]
[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Final Rating: C-[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] [I]News and notes of the week[/I] Trent Shaffer makes his ACWA:MA debut under the name "The Tennessee Stud" Trent Shaffer. Stevie Grayson will run under the ring name "Street Smart" Stevie Grayson. K-Squared makes his ACWA:MA debut as Kevin "K-Squared" Klein. Mark Smart will no longer be appearing at ACWA:MA events. We apologize to any Mark Smart fans out there. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. - [I]Michael Wayne - Color Commentator[/I]
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Howdy, folks! [b]Duke Hazzard[/b] here to give the great fans of Texas a taster of the kind of action you can expect to see in the ACWA: Mid South wrasslin' ring. Coming live from Houston, TX the show will feature some of the most popular names you know and some of the brightest talents you don't yet know about. Two matches have been announced ahead of time, the first of which will see former SWF North American champion and USPW World champion [b]Freddie Datsun[/b] take on the wild and controversial star from the Orient, [b]Burning EXILE[/b]. Both men are known for being more than capable of fighting on the mat or duking it out on their feet with whatever comes to hand so this match is sure to be a spectacle. Don't miss out on your chance to see EXILE's North American debut!! Also signed for the show is the hottest star in lucha libre, [b]Champagne Lover[/b] to face "The Trouble From Tennessee" [b]Henry Bennett[/b]. Neither of these men are known to back down from a fight when one is offered and both of these men will be expecting for one on Saturday night when they square off live in Texas!! As reported on many internet sites already [b]Corporal Doom[/b] is heading to TCW but not without first unleashing his protege to the ACWA. I talked with the man himself who said "the money was too good to resist, especially at this stage of my career" but he has assured me that he will be giving his protege the toughest training regime possible in order to get him ready for the ACWA. Who will the former SWF World Champion reveal as his protege and will we have a new megastar on our hands? You have to be there to find out first!! Also scheduled to be in action will be [b]Shawn Gonzalez[/b], one of the biggest stars in the entire country. He's already made it abundantly clear that he has his sights set firmly on winning championship gold and he will take his first steps towards the ACWA World Championship by competing on Saturday night against an as yet unrevealed opponent!! The ACWA: Mid South territory looks set to become the hottest promotion in wrestling thanks to an incredible roster of talent signed to them and to the ACWA. To make sure you get to see the biggest stars of the present and the future, get on down to live shows in your area starting with the Armoury in Houston on Saturday night. Tickets are avilable on the door. I hope to see you there!! - [i]DH[/i]
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[center][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/ACWA/ACWA_MidSouth.jpg[/IMG] [b][u][size=8]LIVE![/size][/b][/u][/center] [b]Duke Hazzard[/b] and [b]Marlon King[/b] greet the 700 or so fans in the Houston Armoury from the announce table and quickly put over the entire ACWA alliance, saying that even though Texas is the place to be, if you can't be here then there are plenty more top talents wrestling under the ACWA banner that will one day be seen in Texas too. They even plug the website. :) Making history as the first wrestler to step into the ACWA: Mid South ring is [b]Dermot O'Logical[/b] who gets a lot of heat from the crowd, especially as he tries to convince a rowdy Texas crowd how good skincare can help make them better people. [b]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/b] interupts the verbiage and even though Dermot tries to back off, the match is on. It's over pretty quickly though as Dermot escapes from Diamond's clutches and heads for the back, getting himself counted out. [b](E+)[/b]. As billed, the "Mexican Sensation" known as [b]Champagne Lover[/b] makes his presence felt. After delivering a Spanglish promo about his exploits in Mexico, he is interupted by "The Trouble From Tennesee" [b]Henry Bennett[/b] who suspiciously quietly makes his way to the ring, beer in hand. He spits some beer out on his opponent and the match is on. Both men demonstrate their toughness but it's Lover with his Latino fury who pulls out the win following a Lover Stunner. [b](D)[/b] The next highlight of the night was former SWF World champion [b]Corporal Doom[/b] revealing his protege. While it was a surprise to many of the fans in attendance, the internet speak was proved right as Doom hyped up [b]Sgt Bubba Lee West[/b] as the next big thing and a man he'll be working hard with to ensure he reaches his full potential. The duo exchanged rigid salutes before they faced one of North America's finest and most destructive teams, [b]The McWade Brothers[/b]. There was no doubt this would be a brawl and this was as good as Doom has looked in years, it seems TCW have made a good acquisition if this match is anything to do by. The McWades pick up the win though by turning Doom's own cheating tactics around on him and making the cover. [b](D)[/b] After the match, the crowd and Sgt West showed their respect for Doom by saluting him even in defeat. The next match saw the North American debut of [b]Burning EXILE[/b] going up against a former SWF North American champion in [b]Freddie Datsun[/b]. Both men have carved reputations for being able to give and take a lot of punishment but this wasn't a wild brawl by any means, as both displayed some painful technical wrestling skills. In the end though it was Datsun's experience that saw him pick up the victory as he got a tight small package for the win. [b](C-)[/b] EXILE wasn't finished though and tried to attack Datsun, only to shortly find himself dumped on the floor. Shouting what were probably obscenities, security restrained him and sent him to the back as Datsun celebrated the win. Not a good start for Burning EXILE's international career but he was up against one of the best. [b]Honest Frank[/b] was out next and cut a scathing promo on [b]Shawn Gonzalez[/b] before their match. Frank said Gonzalez was the reason XFW failed, the reason that Frankie Future (his old wrestling name) had to become a used car salesman and the reason his career had stalled for so many years. He promised victory tonight, part one of Honest Frank getting what he deserves. Catchphrase of the night: "Would I lie to you?" got plenty of heat, no-one likes a bitter used-car saleman. The match itself was probably the match of the night and saw the Lone Wolf largely in control of the match, working methodically to set up the Latino Crab (single leg crab). Things were going in his favour until [b]Ace Sanders[/b] (aka: Rick Sanders) attacked, blatantly causing the DQ. Frank wasn't surprised by this at all and the two men lay a brutal beatdown on Gonzalez before making a little announcement. It basically came down to both men feeling that they were abandoned after the East Coast war, blaming men like Shawn Gonzalez and Johnny Martin (or anyone in DAVE really) for sabotaging the careers of men like Frankie Future and Rick Sanders. They said they were calling themselves [b]The Truth[/b] and that "the truth hurts". Well, it got heat if nothing else. [b][u]OVERALL SHOW RATING[/u]: (D+)[/b]
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From ACWA.com/TriState When life throws you a curveball you make lemonade. No wait that’s not right but I don’t really care because Simon Says he’s got a plan. Samoan Machine left our little circle of misfits but we replaced him with a former TCW Hardcore and TCW Tag Team champion Paul Steadyfast. So if you missed it last night you missed the ACWA:TS blow the roof off the joint. [B]Paul Steadyfast over “The Storm” D.C. Rayne – D[/B] Rayne got his second chance and like the loser he is he blew it. Steadyfast was to much of a man for him, a man on a mission to become the first ACWA: TS Strong Style Champion. After a long beating Steadyfast ended Rayne with the Strong and Steady Slingshot Suplex. [B]Black Eagle over Insane Machine – B High Speed Tournament Round 2[/B] An amazing pairing in the ring Black Eagle and Insane Machine fought like it was the end of the world and they both came out looking great. Both these great performers left it all out on in the ring with intensity beyond belief. The New Jersey Turnpike was the finisher of the night giving the incomparable Black Eagle the win. [B]Joanne “J-Ro” Rodriguez over Jessica Bunny – C Mat Warrior Tournament Round 2[/B] J-Ro and Bunny put on a great match as they continued to push on to make it to the finals of the Mat Warrior tournament. Both women are a little too goody goody for my personal taste but it’s very hard to deny their talent, which is of course why I hired them. The two women seemed to know each other very well in the ring which made the match all the more exciting. The J-Rocker finished off the bout moving J-Ro into the finals. [B]“P-Dawg” Frankie Perez over Ace Youngblood – D Strong Style Tournament Round 2[/B] Another set of goodies took to the ring with P-Dawg really taking it to the all-american, Native American that is, Ace Youngblood. Personally I still have high hopes for the other contenders but P-Dawg really looked great in this subpar match up. Perez used his Perfect Party, Ultimate Fisherman’s Suplex, to finish the match. I’m in the camp that he ripped that move from some one else but I can’t deny he made it as popular as it is. [B]Cherry Bomb over Paul Steadyfast – D Strong Style Tournament Round 2[/B] This was a hard one to pick and they god I’m not a betting man. Psycho wrestling machine Cherry Bomb show that unthinking aggression beats single minded precision as she beat Paul Steadyfast in one of the baddest brawls I’ve ever seen. Cherry even surprised me, which ain’t easy, by getting of the Cherry (Tiger) Bomb off on the larger Paul for the win. [B]“Remarkable” Steve Flash over Katherine Goodlooks – D- Mat Warrior Tournament Round 2[/B] The let down match of the night and just as I expect from some one as old as Steve Flash. Flash and Goodlooks just didn’t meet in the ring and they both looked sloppy as I always thought they would. Katherine managed to stumble into the Flash Bang, Hot Shot, and Steve picked up a quick pin. [B]Ultimate Phoenix over “The Amazing” Jacob Jett – B- High Speed Tournament Round 2[/B] A great main event saw supposed super hero Phoenix bring it to show stealer Jacob Jett. I expect a lot of trouble from these two competitors, especially on my road to a master plan but they do put on a good match. Ultimate Phoenix came down hard with the Phoenix Firebird Splash and pinned Jacob Jett quickly after. The show went totally according to plan [I](overall rating: C)[/I] and we sold out the house to 1000 rapid New York fans. The tournaments have all moved on and we have our six finalists, two each from all the divisions. Next week we’ll see something new york has been clamoring for a traditional three man lucha libre match between all these competitors. Also even without a division or a title all four of our tag teams will see competition. So come out next week Friday the 3rd week of Janaury and enjoy the best NYC has to offer. ALso don't forget to join our friends down the coast at ACWA:MA's Tradition Stands tomorrow night for some down home wrestling. Frankie Dee draws Sayeed Ali Jacob Jett over Inky the Squid Boy Paul Steadyfast over Ace Youngblood Good Lookin' Bunny over Lily & Rose Split Personality over Natural Strom Frankie Perez, Joanne Rodriguez and Ultimate Phoenix over Black Eagle, Cherry Bomb and Steve Flash
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[url]http://www.acwa-ma.com[/url] With several people leaving ACWA:MA for greener pastures, the diminished locker room felt the pressure to put out longer matches and work a little harder. However the result wasn't something that both folks in the back, the wrestlers or the fans themselves were quite pleased with. Combined with the fact that several key players have had to miss events due to prior commitments Mid Atlantic has found themselves in quite the situation. [B]UK Dragon vs Dark Angel[/B] Dark Angel defeated UK Dragon in 5:24 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. D What had potential on paper didn't quite turn out that way in front of 750 fans. The only Super Juniors in the company stepped into the ring for one on one competition and battled back and forth. However, instead of drawing the crowd in, several fans were noted as having fallen asleep. What the hell??? [B]Wanda Fish vs Grace Harper vs Sara Marie York[/B] Grace Harper defeated Wanda Fish and Sara Marie York in 6:28 when Grace Harper defeated Sara Marie York by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Grace Harper wins the ACWA: Womens title. D+ Grace made her ACWA:MA debut and set the bar high with an impressive title win. Pinning SMY's shoulders to the canvas one has to wonder if SMY has been stamped out of contendership for the title. With back to back losses, it doesn't look good. [B]"Street Smart" Stevie Grayson vs Kevin "K-Squared" Klein[/B] "Street Smart" Stevie Grayson defeated Kevin "K-Squared" Klein in 6:25 by pinfall. D- The newly named "Kevin Klein" looked to make an impressive debut against the more established "Street Smart" Stevie Grayson but it wasn't to be. In fact Stevie made relatively short work of Klein pinning his shoulders for the 3 count. Joss Thompson promo Joss Thompson made his way to the ring and insulted the fans who paid him no notice at all. In fact while he was ripping them a new one, fans were running to the bathroom, the food stand, and the merchadise area... Owch E+ [B]Mario Heroic vs Joss Thompson[/B] Joss Thompson defeated Mario Heroic in 5:45 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter. D+ The entertainment fans weren't too entralled to watch relative unknowns battle it out in less time than it takes for a commercial break for a tv show (but that's the way we're running things here in ACWA:MA) however despite not being a standout match, fans found Thompson entertaining in the ring. William Hayes promo William Hayes emerged from behind the entrance to make his way ringside and cut a promo putting himself over while putting down the fans as well. His blasting of Virginia Tech def got him heat with the crowd. D [B]Rolling Johnny Stones vs William Hayes[/B] William Hayes defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 7:21 by pinfall with a Slick Trick. D Johnny Stones made his debut against the grizzled veteran William Hayes who was looking to make an example out of Stones and he most certainly did. Stones did his best to fight back but William was determined to put him away with the Slick Trick. Roger Dodger promo Roger Dodger had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Jim Force. He talked a bunch of smack about Force and proclaimed victory. D [B]Jim Force vs Roger Dodger[/B] Jim Force defeated Roger Dodger in 9:11 by pinfall with a Full Force. E The show was actually going fairly well until this point. For some unknown reason the match bombed. Not much else to say. The match was non title and so Force not only won, but didn't have to worry about losing his title. Overall = E+ Crowd was upset that Trent Shaffer didn't make the event as scheduled. - [I]Michael Wayne - Color Commentator[/I]
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