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TNA - 2007 - From the Backseat

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OOC - None of this is real, but you knew that, 'cause this is a Dynasty... I didn't win the lottery, I'm not Dixie Carter's lover, and I'm not her son, or any of the above... I didn't magically become the Booker of TNA, or take it over, nope, I just got lucky. In fact, I'll be having no influence on the booking whatsoever, because I'm just a wrestler, a lucky ass son of a bitch, who happened to be called up from the indies, within a few months on my debut in the indies. Yeah, I wasn't great, but I was a decent cruiserweight high flyer, and I guess they thought I had potencial. I was pretty good on the stick too, but I don't wanna toot my own horn. So when I got the call, I immediatly thought I was dreaming, being called up to the number two promotion in the USA? That's insane, I was sixteen and a half! I was still in school, I couldn't believe this! This was, well, this was amazing! Yeah, farfetched right? Well, **** you, **** happens and this **** just happened to be the most beautiful **** I've ever seen! I went into the office to talk with Jim Cornette, and he asked me about my in-ring details. I told him, I went under the name Nick Omen. He laughed, and said they'd probably change that, but I didn't want to change it. But- that's when they offered me my contract! Three hundred bucks a show, at THE START! They said they'd be willing to up it to four and half by the end of the year. I dubbed September, Week 1, 2007, the greatest day of my life. And it was, oh yes, it was. So I walked backstage, and I wanted to meet up with some people, right off the bat, I knew it was a warm and friendly, bloodsucking mafia. There were the nice and quiet people, and then there was Kevin Nash. First thing he did when he saw me was told me that he wanted to find my mother, so he could **** her. What the hell? When I looked at him, I cracked my neck looking up, so I decided to ignore him and walk along. That's when I met up with some of the nicer people there. Like AJ Styles, Christian Cage, Christopher Daniels, Shark Boy, and many others. I talked about matches and such, and if they wanted me to do some house shows, but they said they'd seen my stuff, so it wouldn't be needed. They also said that I would be being pushed into the main event, and they were non-chalent about it. They told me flat out, they had too many jackass main eventers who wanted everything, and they just wanted talent that could be built at this point. I agreed, and said it was an honor just to be there. That was a mistake. "Suck up!" I was called, and I looked to see who it was, a ****-freak Scott Steiner. I looked at him, and he towered over me and hit me over the head. "Lighten up bucker." I had no idea what that meant, but that was okay. I went to my hotel, and they told me to come up on Thursday, in the morning, and they'd try and fit me in a match. So that's it, I'm just a normal kid, watching TNA unfold, from my backseat. [QUOTE][B]iMPACT Week 1 Card[/B] LAX vs. 3D Alex Shelley vs. Senshi Sting vs. Kurt Angle[/QUOTE]
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Thursday Night iMPACT! [B]Time Slot :[/B] 9:00 - 10:00 [B]Attendance :[/B] 2,000 - Sold Out! [B]Overall Rating :[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]C[/B][/COLOR] [B]Dark Matches :[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/2376/christopherdanielsxs8.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/3976/generic36vm3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christopher Daniels vs. Nick Omen[/B][/CENTER] -Oh man, I don’t think I did very good on this match. For some reason, Daniels and I didn’t click very well, at all. My job was simple, make Christopher Daniels look good, and I did just that. Daniels pinned me after a Angel’s Wings, followed by a BME at 5:34. I did get in SOME offence though, including a spingboard cross body pin! : C- The show opened up to Kurt Angle in the ring with a microphone. [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] Sting, get out here right now, we have business to discuss! Just then, Sting came from the tunnel, to a ovation from the fans! [B]Sting :[/B] What Angle? Here to talk about how you cost us our tag titles? [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] What are you talking about?! You got pinned Sting, because you couldn’t take the pressure of being champions with the Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt FREAKING Angle! [B](Rating : B+)[/B] Just then, a counter came up, and numbers flashed, when Christian Cage walked out from the opposite tunnel that Sting was at! He had a microphone and he began talking. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Step aside Sting, you can get your chance later, but Angle, I want MY chance! I want a shot at your World Title! But then, AJ Styles walked out from the tunnel that Sting was at! He had his own microphone and began yelling at Cage! [B]AJ Styles :[/B] Shut up Christian! I’m sick of being your lap dog, you’ve gotten your chance numerous times, but Angle, consider this, you’re a Triple Crown Champion in TNA, and who’s the only other superstar to do that? That’s right, the Phenominal One, AJ STYLES! So Angle, I want MY title shot! After that Christian Cage grabbed his microphone and yelled back at AJ Styles! [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Shut up Styles, you’re nothing compare d to the Instant Classic, the only man who’s heart beets for his peeps, Christian Cage! [B](Rating :C+)[/B] Just then, Jim Cornette came on the screen, and spoke to the crowd. [B]Jim Cornette :[/B] Tonight, it will be Sting against Kurt Angle, and the winner will choose the match stipulation for TNA’s biggest Pay Per View of the year, Bound For Glory! Because if you haven’t gotten it through your thick skulls, that means at Bound For Glory, for the TNA World Title, it will be Sting vs. Kurt Angle! The crowd popped, and the screen went down, and Cage and Styles dropped their mikes, angry at what the outcome as. [B](Rating : B)[/B] The announcers, Don West and Mike Tenay, hype up the match made by Cornette! [B](Rating : B+)[/B] The announcers hype up the next match. [B](Rating : D+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/2415/homicide4wv4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/6928/hernandezma2.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/5815/brotherraysq8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/5421/brotherdevonle5.jpg[/IMG] [B]LAX vs. Team 3D[/B][/CENTER] - An okay match for the tournament, showcasing some good talent. They all seem to be getting better in performance skills, but Devon is getting better at rumble and technical skills. The end of the match saw Brother Devon hitting the 3D with Ray on Homicide, and getting the pin on him. [B](Rating : C+)[/B] The announcers hype up that next week in the Tag Tournament it will be The Steiners taking on VKM! [B](Rating : C)[/B] The screen lights up to show Jay Lethal with JB, Jeremy Borash. [B]Jay Lethal :[/B] Oooohhh right, so man, the next match has been declared a nummbberrr onnnee contenders match! So the winner will face me next week for my title, OOOH YYEEAHHHH! [B](Rating : D-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/7383/alexshelley2gt5.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/7963/lowki2uu5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Shelley vs. Senshi[/B][/CENTER] - These two didn’t click at all , and it showed! Alex Shelley got the win at 3:46 with a Shellshock, getting the CLEAN victory! Say what? [B](Rating : C-)[/B] The announcers hype up the Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal next week. [B](Rating : D-)[/B] The screen cut to backstage where Cage, Tomko, and AJ Styles were there. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] What the heck is your problem? It’s my turn, the instant classic, Christian Cage for a title shot! I’m telling you, once I get my title back, you’re the first number one contender! [B]Tomko : [/B]What? [B]Christian Cage :[/B] After you Tomko! [B]AJ Styles :[/B] What?! [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Just shut up! Shut up! AJ, mind your own business, and go get our dinner! I want a BLT, what about you Tomko? [B]Tomko :[/B] A title shot. [B]Chrisitan Cage :[/B] ... [B]AJ Styles :[/B] No Cage, I don’t wanna do your jobs any more! Goodbye Cage! AJ then pushed Cage, storming off. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] “Title Shot” , shut up Tomko and go get him! Tomko then walked off. [B](Rating :C)[/B] AJ Styles is seen walking backstage, when Tomko comes running at him with a chair, when someone picks him up, spins him around and then slams him on the ground! It was... [B]ABYSS![/B] Abyss just saved AJ Styles! [B]AJ Styles :[/B] Whoa man, your quicker then a rattlesnake swallowing a wee rodent! Abyss shifted an eyebrow, and the screen went to the arena. [B](Rating : D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/9481/sting4vm1.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/251/kurtangle4ei5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sting vs. Kurt Angle[/B][/CENTER] - Another match that didn’t click well at all, and it showed. Angle was showing off his technical skills, while Sting was a good ol’ school brawler. This isn’t good for Bound For Glory... The match ended with the two brawling on the outside, and Sting locking in the death lock, and Angle tapping out! But, they were outside the ring, so it didn’t count, when Angle countered the hold into an Ankle lock and submitted Sting! The ref called for the ten count! It was a draw! at 14:05. [B](Rating : C+)[/B] The announcers hype Andrew "The Punisher" Martin vs. Rhino vs. Samoa Joe next week, and they also put over the main event of this week. [B](Rating : C-)[/B]
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Man! What a show, or so I thought... boy were the boys in the back angry! It turns out, that Sting was supposed to win when Angle tapped, but the ref never called it! Oh boy, well, they made it a submission match anyway. They didn't seem to click, but hey, it's not like I'm booking it... My match against Daniels definately wasn't great. I wish I could try again, but they said next week I'm going to be on TV. Against Robert Roode! Internet smarks said it was a good show, but a bit underwhelming. WWE is releasing like mad people, but so far I can't see anyone that TNA would want to hire. Mostly just unneeded backstage people. I heard some yelling backstage too, apparently WWE was trying to rehire Tomko, and also hire Ms. Tennesee Jackie Moore? They're trying to get a written contract with Tomko. Also, WWE FIRED Mick Foley! Not released, but fired, so I've heard we're trying to get into negotiations with him, yeah, good luck. Also, Poor Vickie, she's a goner. Darn. Heh, if Chavo Jr. wasn't written contract'ed, we could bring in Mando and Chavo Classic and have a bash... I miss Eddie, he was one of my inspirations to become a pro wrestler. I- I just wish a had a chance to wrestle him. Holy ****. Eric Bischoff has become the owner of CZW. Didn't see that coming, and right after Paul-E got fired from the 'E. TNA scored a 6.37 rating on Spike TV, which the backstage crew wasn't happy or mad about. They are seeking improvement so they can score a two hour slot. Oh did I mention? I freaking "injured" Daniels in our match. Dislocated his arm, that's why he said our match was so sloppy, he says next time it'll be better, and he's feeling better now. TNA got 0.01 on Bravo 2... TNA also got a 0.80 on RDS. But seriously. Who watches re-runs? ... WWE hired Scott Hall and Molly Holly. And Jacquline Moore... from us. Meanies, but who cares REALLY? They also hired Rene Dupree. Also- Suprise! Mick Foley said no! WHAT?! I know. Suprise right?
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[B]TNA Today![/B] (Monday, Week 2) [B]Jeremy Borash :[/B] JB, Jeremy Borash here with you today, on TNA Today, the most watched internet program today! Today we have a few big announcements, like of course about our biggest Pay-Per-View of the year, Bound For Glory! It will be Sting vs. Kurt Angle, and yes fans, we have the match... it will be quite possibly the biggest match of each of these men's careers! It will be pitting The Ankle Lock against the Scorpion Death Lock, for this match will only be able to be ended through submission! That's right, it's going to be a submission's only match! As we saw, Kurt Angle has tapped, Sting has tapped, but who will tap first? Just then, Christian Cage, along with Tomko walked into the scene with Jeremy Borash. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Hey fruit, have you seen AJ Styles around here? [B]Jeremy Borash :[/B] Actually Christian, now that you mention it, I haven't. Tomko murmurs something to Cage. [B]Christian Cage : [/B]What about.. Christian shifts his head left to right, looking behind JB, and then behind himself. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Abyss? [B]Jeremy Borash :[/B] Well... I haven't seen A- Just then JB's eyes widened, as a looming shadow came up behind Cage and Tomko, and the heavy breathing started up. Dressed in black, he cackled and walked into the camera view. It was.. [B]BLACK REIGN![/B] [B]Black Reign :[/B] Hello my kittens, having a little monster problem I see? Well, I can easilly solve that, for a price. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] What are you talking about freak? Get out of my face. [B]Black Reign :[/B] But that's the price... your body for only a moment...hhiiisssshh.... [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Back the hell away from me, come on Tomko! The two shuffled away, and Black Reign turned to the camera, smiling and followed them. [B]Jeremy Borash :[/B] Odd, anyway, remember to what iMPACT! on Thursday, we have Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal for the X-Division Title, Steiners vs. VKM in the Tag Title Tournament, and Rhino, Andrew Martin, and Samoa Joe in a triple threat match for the #25 spot! And the stipulation is, that whoever gets pinned will enter the Gauntlet FIRST! Just then Samoa Joe walked into the screen. [B]Samoa Joe :[/B] Jeremy, that won't be happening. Because I fully intend on pinning either Andrew Martin or Rhino, and then going on to win that Gauntlet and then become a Triple Crown Champion in TNA! [B]??? :[/B] Is that right? Just then Rhino walked into the area, staring at Samoa Joe. [B]Rhino :[/B] I don't think that'll be happening, because I fully intend on taking you or Martin out with the GORE!!! GOORREE!! GGGGOOOOORRREEEEE!! But BAM! A tall and muscular figure jumped into the picture and decked them both down with a wooden baseball bat. He turned to the camera, and it was obvious who it was. [B]Andrew Martin :[/B] Kurt Angle, keep the title warm for me, will you? Then he walked off, and JB looked at the camera and TNA Today reached it end. [list][B]TNA iMPACT![/B] Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal - X-Division Title VKM vs. The Steiners - Tag Title Tournament Rhino vs. Samoa Joe vs. Andrew Martin - #25 Qualifier Spot Christian Cage vs. Abyss / AJ Styles (I know, talk about killing the heat xD)[/list]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [B][U]Jeff Jarrett Returning![/U][/B] [I]After his wife's death, he vowed not to wrestle again, but after a revalation, has decided to start up wrestling again. He is set to appear sometime on TNA iMPACT! Stay tuned to see his role.[/I][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="2"][FONT="century gothic"]It started as a mumble, but then it was full fledged yelling. Soon I knew what it was, after being promised a push toward the World Title, and a higher pay promise, Travis Tomko had still decided to go job on HEAT for the WWE. Well, let's just say Jeff Jarrett wasn't exactly "happy" with this decision. [B]"What the **** are you talking about!? Are you some kind of idoit!? WWE screwed you, and we made you a sustainable and suitable superstar! There only hiring you because they want to job you down again!"[/B] Jeff yelled, and then Tomko slammed open the door and walked out. I didn't notice it before, but he was freaking huge! Then I saw something I wouldn't ever have believed unless I saw it in real life, Tomko went to punch the wall, but Jerry Jarrett was walking by, and bam! Jerry was leveled, and instantly Jeff jumped to his aid. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but I was pissed, because for some reason I could see my own grandfather in Jerry, so I dove at him. Did I mention he was freaking huge? Yeah, my efforts were pretty useless, as Travis THREW me into the wall, denting the drywall and damn near knocking me unconcious. ****, that hurt. [B]"**** this, **** you Jarrett, **** TNA!"[/B] were the last words Tomko said before he slammed the entrance door. I struggled up to my feet, and was helped up by... an angel. But really, it was Barbie Blank, possibly the most attractive woman I've ever seen. My eyes went bug eyed, and I rushed to act like a macho man, but it was obvious I had been ruffed up pretty bad. She brushed off my shoulders and chuckled. [B]"That was pretty brave of you, getting your butt kicked aside."[/B] She said, and walked away. I was amazed, she actually talked to me, touched me, and complimented me? Well, the next iMPACT! Was coming up, and I was set to face Robert Roode, so I went to talk with him. --- I dialed his number. [B]"Hello, is this Robert?" "Yeah, who's asking?" "Oh, it's your opponent in our next match, Nick." "Squash." "Excuse me?" "It's not really a match, just a squash to put me over." "Dude, are you freaking serious? I-argh."[/B] I just hung up, what kind of a freaking prick does he think he is? Because I bet I could correct him, and it would be a lot worse then he thinks he is. I know that makes no sense, but that's because I'm freaking frusterated right now. I called Russo, to talk with him about the match. [B]"So, yeah, Bobby's a douche." "What?" "Sorry, just he's being a total prick about our match. It's not a total squash right, I mean I can get in SOME offence right?" "Well, that's the problem, it's a four minute match, meant to Bobby to go over..." "Oh." "But don't worry, after he wins, stay in the ring, knocked outish, you'll like what you see." "What?" "Gotta go!"[/B] And he hung up, what did he mean? Well, anyway, time for bed.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][B]Thursday Night iMPACT![/B] [B]Time Slot :[/B] 9:00 - 10:00 [B]Attendance :[/B] 3,181 [B]Overall Rating :[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c22/stuanderson/TEW07/TNAXDivision2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/AlexShelley2.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/JayLethal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jay Lethal vs. Alex Shelley[/B][/CENTER] - A good X-Division title defence from Jay Lethal, that ended at around 6 minutes with him hitting a springboard inverted DDT, followed by a Lethal Injection. [B](Rating : C)[/B] After the match, Jay Lethal stayed in the ring and celebrated for a while. [B](Rating : D-)[/B] Tomko and Christian Cage are shown talking backstage. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] So what are we going to do about Styles, Tomko? [B]Tomko :[/B] I don’t know. [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Well dammit Tomko, what did I bring you to TNA for? [B]Tomko :[/B] ... [B]Christian Cage :[/B] Whatever, get your title belt, we’re going to go see AJ later... [B](Rating : B-)[/B] The announcers hype up The Steiners vs. VKM. [B](Rating : D+)[/B] Samoa Joe is shown backstage, cutting a promo. [B]Samoa Joe :[/B] Hello JB, tonight I’m in a match against Rhino and Andrew Martin. At first, this was just a match for the advantage in the Gauntlet for the Gold Match, but now, it’s personal. Andrew Martin, you assaulted me, and that’s why tonight, I vow to take YOU out! Muscle Buster, 1-2-3! So for the Pride of Samoa, and my honor, you better be ready Martin, because...Joe’s...Gonna....Kill...You... [B](Rating : C-)[/B] The announcers hype up the triple threat match, including Rhino, Samoa Joe, and Andrew Martin. [B](Rating : C-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BobbyRoode.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Generic36.jpg[/IMG] [B]Robert Roode vs. Nick Omen[/B][/CENTER] - I didn’t get in a bit of momentum, and whenever I tried, Roode stiffed me, that prick. Anyway, at around 4 minutes, he hit me with the Spiral Bomb, and I got pinned. But as Russo said, I stayed around a while as Roode went to celebrate. [B](Rating : D)[/B] Robert Roode is celebrating in the ring, when Black Reign comes down, and beats Roode down with his signature weapon, finally bludgeoning him in the forehead, making him bleed streams of blood! [B](Rating : D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/RickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BGJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Steiner Brothers vs. VKM[/B][/CENTER] - A good match, that made Scott Steiner look really good out there. There all improving still, even though being quite of the age. The match ended with BG James hitting Scott Steiner with a Piledriver, and then pinning him at around 6 minutes. [B](Rating : C-)[/B] VKM are walking up one tunnel, when from another, the men they’ll be facing at the next PPV, Team 3D, come and attack them from behind! (Rating : C-) The announcers put over the triple threat match between Andrew Martin, Samoa Joe, and Rhino! [B](Rating : C-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/SamoaJoe3.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Test.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samoa Joe vs. Rhino vs. Andrew Martin[/B][/CENTER] - This was a great match, when Jeff Jarrett made his surprise return, nailing Rhino with the stroke, and then Samoa Joe with his guitar! When he went to shake hands with Andrew Martin, Martin hit him with a snap power bomb! Martin then covered Joe, getting the three count! [B](Rating : B-)[/B] Jim Cornette comes out and announces that tonight’s main event is not done, as we will be seing Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles and Abyss! [B](Rating : C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Christian.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/AJStyles2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian Cage vs. Abyss and AJ Styles[/B][/CENTER] - Christian Cage was constantly straying clear of Abyss, and looking up to the tunnels a lot, but mostly just dodging moves from his opponents. But when he irish whipped AJ Styles and clotheslined him, the fans errupted in cheer, and when he turned around, he was choke slammed by Abyss! But before Abyss could go for the pin, he was taken out by Tomko’s big boot! Tomko then picked up Styles, and hurled him over the top rope, throwing Cage on Abyss for the three count! [B](Rating : B-)[/B]
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Oh boy, this is going to be fun. Guess who got released, a day before he was going to leave TNA? Yup, that's right Tomko. So you know what he does? He goes to Jeff Jarrett and begs him and begs and begs and begs, and I think you get the point, for his job. Think he got it? If you guessed no, you're ccccooorrreeecccttt! TV Ratings : 5.88 : Spike TV 0.01 : Bravo 2 0.75 : RDS Apparently, WWE had made contract offers to the following... Andrew Martin Senshi (Low Ki) Rick Steiner Black Reign (Dustin Rhodes) DSW made offers to... Christy Hemme Shane Douglas Mark Johnson ECWA made an offer to... Christy Hemme So yeah. If the 'E takes Dustin and Martin, there goes two storylines... uh-oh. By the way, for all the people who care about WWE, here are their current champions, Post-Unforgiven. ECW World - King Booker - Beat John Morrison at Unforgiven World Heavweight - The Great Khali - 0 Defences WWE Championship - John Cena - 0 Defences WWE Intercontinental - Umaga - 1 Defence WWE United States - MVP - 2 Defences World Tag Team - Cade/Murdoch - 1 Defence WWE Tag Team - Deuce/Domino - 1 Defence WWE Women's - Candice Michelle - 2 Defences WWE Cruiserweight - Jimmy Wang Yang - Beat Shannon Moore at Unforgiven On a side note, how do you people think I'm doing so far? =) Comments would be loved, it helps a writer keep on kickin'!
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[CENTER]Interview on TNAwrestling.com With Jeff Jarrett[/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"] [B]JB :[/B] Hello Jarrett, as you know we are conducting an interview for TNAwrestling.com [B]JJ :[/B] Yes, I know. [B]JB :[/B] Alright, let's get this underway, of course, our first question is, what are your thoughts about the recent actions of Travis Tomko? [B]JJ :[/B] What do you think? He assaulted my father, told us to screw ourselves, and then went and jumped ship to WWE! [B]JB :[/B] And then WWE released him after quite the scandal... [B]JJ :[/B] Yes, and immediately he begged me for his contract to be renewed. [B]JB :[/B] Did you? [B]JJ :[/B] Of course not, we do not need those kind of people in our promotion. In fact, we are starting up a new policy in Total Nonstop Action, the no tolerance act, meaning if you screw up, you're fired. [B]JB :[/B] I see, and what about the recent drop of stars from the WWE? [B]JJ :[/B] We've looked them over, and some of them have some excellent talent, but our roster is already ripping the pants that covers them, so maybe when we get some more exposure we'll hire up some more talent. [B]JB : [/B]It's been told that a lot of workers would be getting let go in TNA, is that true? [B]JJ :[/B] Unfortunately, it is, we are currently working on getting another promotion to be our child company, so we can send workers down there until we can use them. We want to use them, but with a weekly one hour slot, it's hard to use 40+ stars correctly. [B]JB :[/B] So does that mean you're working on the two hour timeslot? [B]JJ :[/B] Of course we are, but it's hard, because Spike TV wants to see a bit of a bump in ratings, and ours have been a little scattered, but I'm pretty sure that after Bound For Glory, Spike TV will have no choice but to give us our two hour slot. [B]JB :[/B] Any major changes when we get that slot? [B]JJ :[/B] Yes, of course, I plan on bringing in a Television Title, and possibly focusing more on our Women's division. Also, with a two hour slot, I might possibly want to branch into two shows, possibly a brand split. [B]JB :[/B] Well, that sounds great, how long do you think it will take to do all of these things? [B]JJ :[/B] Impossible to tell, with the current economy skyrocketing, but the wrestling industry sinking, we don't know what's what or who's who. I mean, look, WWE's getting in quite the slump, TNA can either jump at that, or be pulled down with the 'E. [B]JB :[/B] I see, well, that's all the time we have, thank you Jeff. [B]JJ :[/B] No problem, make sure to watch TNA iMPACT! on Thursday at 9PM, where we're going to have a four on four tag match! Steiners/LAX vs. VKM/3D, can the two teams facing for the tag titles work together, or will the first round losers pull an upset? Find out on iMPACT![/FONT]
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[CENTER][B]Thursday Night iMPACT![/B] [B]Time Slot :[/B] 9:00 - 10:00 [B]Attendance[/B] - 3,223 [B]Final Rating[/B] : [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Dark Match :[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/SamoaJoe3.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/AJStyles2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles[/B][/CENTER] - A pure crowd pleaser, as this match definitely lifted the crowd. They were into the high flying action of AJ Styles, along with the mix of pure power and adrenaline from Joe. At around 10:30, it saw Joe hit the Muscle Buster, and Styles couldn’t kick out. [B](Rating : B-)[/B] [B]Main Show :[/B] Jim Cornette announces the next match will be a six way for the contendership to Jay Lethal’s X-Division Title! [B](Rating : D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/PeteyWilliams.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/SharkBoy.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/LowKi3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Petey Williams vs. Shark Boy vs. Senshi[/B][/CENTER] - A quick, high paced, high flying action match that had the crowd on their feet the whole time. They all seem to be improving, but it was definitely Petey Williams who was showing the most improvement. At around 8:30, Chris Sabin hit Petey Williams with the Future Shock, and got the pinfall, making him the new #1 contender, and would fight for the title next week. [B](Rating : B-)[/B] Jim Cornette announces Sting vs. Christian Cage for the Main Event! [B](Rating : B)[/B] Kurt Angle is shown walking down the hallway, and then pushed open the door to Cornette’s room, who was at the computer, typing. [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] Jim Cornette, I’m just here to tell you I don’t think it’s at all fair that I have to defend my title every freaking month! I’m fine with just a match, but if I have my title on the line, it’s a different story! So at Bound for Glory, I’m not defending my title. [B]Jim Cornette :[/B] Hold on there, what makes you think that? You are defending your title, and just because of your smart ass remarks, if you get disqualified, or counted out, or anything besides a pinfall or submission, you lose your damn title! [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] What?! Are you crazy, this isn’t fair, and I’ll get back at you Cornette, trust me, I will! [B](Rating : C+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Hernandez2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Homicide4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/RickSteiner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/KipJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BGJames.jpg[/IMG] [B]LAX and The Steiners vs. Team 3D and VKM[/B][/CENTER] - A huge four on four tag match that could have gone for longer, but it ended when Brother Ray and Brother Devon turned on VKM, and hit them both with 3Ds, allowing Steiner to choke out Kip James with the Steiner Recliner at about 9 minutes. [B](Rating : C-)[/B] Sting comes out to the ring. [B]Sting :[/B] Kurt Angle, if all you can do is bitch about how things are unfair, I’m going to do what I did for Jeff Jarrett. Because of the stipulations stacked against you, to make things “fair”, if I don’t walk out of Bound for Glory as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, I will retire from wrestling! [B](Rating : A)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Sting.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sting vs. Christian Cage[/B][/CENTER] - A great match that had the crowd on their feet from start to finish when Abyss came out and hit Cage with the Black Hole Slam, and Sting chased him out of the ring, and barely made it back for the 10 count. When Sting got back in, Cage went for the Unprettier, Sting countered and hit the Scorpion Death Drop, and then locked in the Death Lock, making him tap out at around 14 minutes. [B](Rating : A)[/B] AJ Styles comes out to the ring. [B]AJ Styles :[/B] Christian, I wanna apologize for what I did to you. I told Abyss to attack you, and I’m sorry I cost you the match, forgive me... Christian looked at him with a look that said “What the hell?”, when AJ frowned. [B]AJ Styles :[/B] Fine. Then out from behind Christian, Abyss hits him with a chairshot, AJ Styles laughing as the show went off the air! [B](Rating : C) [/B]
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[FONT="Georgia"]More Backstage News... TNA got a 6.50 Rating on Spike TV. TNA got a 0.83 Rating on RDS. TNA got a 0.01 Rating on Bravo 2. Now for some of the more unfortunate news. Low Ki has rejected a contract extension, because he wants to leave. And, TNA wants to start cutting a lot of stars, and I could easily be on that chopping block. What did my father say, that's right, "You want to fit in, but you also don't wanna be fitted in." I have no idea what that means, but I figure, I gotta bring something big to the table, so I went to talk to Jeff Jarrett... --- [B]"Hey Jeff, I know recently TNA has been having some backstage issues, and that there are going to be a lot of people being let go. I just was wondering, am I on that list?"[/B] I asked weakly. [B]"Honestly?"[/B] Jeff said, and my expression changed to a mortified chicken staring at the ax about to cut it's head off. [B]"Y-Yes."[/B] I replied. [B] "At this moment and time, yes, I'm sorry but you're young, and yes you have potential, but we don't have time to build your character fast enough. We need stars and talent, we don't have room for extra baggage."[/B] Jeff said. [B]"How long do I have?"[/B] [B]"A month, that's when your contract expires."[/B] Jeff said. I couldn't believe it, I thought my contract was at least six months! Then I took the courage I had, and fired it like a cannon. [B]"What if I change your mind?"[/B] [B]"Then I guess I'd have to keep you wouldn't I?"[/B] Jeff said, with a smile that almost said "It worked." [B]"Well, then would you mind giving me Low Ki's send off match?"[/B] I said. [B]"You heard?" [/B]Jeff replied. [B]"Everyone knows,"[/B] I said. [B]"Then sure, you've got six minutes though."[/B] He said. I went to go find Low Ki, he wasn't a douche, he was a free spirit, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind losing to me in his send off match... would he? --- [B]"Hello, is this Brandon?"[/B] I asked, Low Ki's real name for you non-smark fans. [B]"Yes."[/B] he replied. [B]"We have a match, for your send off, and I thought we should discuss it."[/B] I said. [B]"Sure, what's the result?"[/B] He asked, in a kind of pissy tone, but I ignored it. [B]"Six minutes, and I'll be going over, is that alright with you?"[/B] I asked. [B]"Those ****ers, well, it was expected, what do you have in mind?"[/B] he said. I thought about it for a moment, that was kind of stupid for me to think. He should be put over for his send off match, but TNA wants me to win, and that's when I got an idea that would give him a win, but hopefully put me over. Thank you Eddie Guerrero. [B]"Let's meet up, alright?"[/B] I asked. [B]"Sure."[/B] he said, and then hung up the phone. Yeah, so it was one of those movie moments where, they tell you they'll call, and they do, when they never really asked for the number. Kind of like how I knew his number? Yeah, shut up.[/FONT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.tnawrestling.com/images/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [list][B]Scheduled Matches for iMPACT![/B] Team 3D / Brother Runt vs. Seretonin Damaja/Basham vs. VKM Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal - X-Division Title Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle [/CENTER][/list] (Feel free to post predictions, this is the full card.)
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[CENTER][B]TNA iMPACT![/B] [B]Attendance :[/B] 3,201 [B]Overall Rating :[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C[/COLOR] [B]Time Slot :[/B] 9:00 - 10:00[/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches :[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Sting.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sting vs. Scott Steiner[/B][/CENTER] - It was an awkward bout but the fans still enjoyed it, Steiner tapped in the Scorpion Death lock around 7 minutes. [B](Rating : B-)[/B] Kurt Angle comes to the ring before the show begins. [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] I’m just out here to say, that tonight in the main event, the Captain Charisma’s un-pinned streak won’t end... And it will never. Because tonight Christian, I’m going to make you tap, and BREAK YOUR ANKLE! [B](Rating : B+)[/B] [B]Main Show :[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BrotherRunt.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Raven.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/MattBentley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/JohnnyDevine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Team 3D vs. Seretonin[/B][/CENTER] - A little bit of a train wreck, as Kaz came down and attacked Raven, which gave 3D the chance to hit the 3D on Marytr and get the pin. [B](Rating : D)[/B] Kaz is being attacked by Seretonin, and 3D just shrugs it off and leaves, when Christopher Daniels comes down and saves Kaz! [B](Rating : D-)[/B] I(Nick Omen) went to the ring, when I was told by Don West that Senshi was reported missing, so I decided to wing it and I grabbed a microphone. [B]Nick Omen :[/B] Look at that, Senshi has decided to skip the show to go to some lesser show! Senshi, you sold out, and to be honest, I’m glad you’re not here, because I’m a nice guy, and I can guarentee, I would break your spine two minutes into the match, and poof, there goes your damn career! So screw you Senshi, you sold out! Because TNA is the Future! TNA is the Past! And most definitely, TNA is the PRESENT! I threw my microphone into the air, but it was stale, and I just shifted out of the ring and I heard some comments on “who the hell was that”. There goes my dream of starting up a “TNA! TNA!” chant. [B](Rating : E-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/KipJames.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/BGJames.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/DannyBasham.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/DougBasham.jpg[/IMG] [B]VKM(BG James/Kip James) vs. Basham and Damaja[/B][/CENTER] - Another bleh match, that four minutes into it, Basham/Damaja had gotten barely any offense in, and after their four punches, VKM destroyed them, and then ended the match with a piledriver at around 8 minutes. [B](Rating : D)[/B] The announcers hype up Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle in the main event. [B](Rating : C+)[/B] Andrew Martin comes out to the ring. [B]Andrew Martin :[/B] As you saw last week, Jarrett decided to attack my opponent’s, and unlike those losers, I was not taken out, and instead, I took out Jeff Jarrett! So come Bound for Glory, when I win the Gauntlet for the Gold, I will then become TNA World Heavyweight Champion! So to celebrate this, I have gotten myself a present. You may call her, Barbie. Just then, Barbie Blank came walking down to the ring, in a bikini to a lot of boos. The two smiled, and Andrew felt her up and then the show went to commercial, when they secretly left. [B](Rating : D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c22/stuanderson/TEW07/TNAXDivision2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/JayLethal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal[/B][/CENTER] - So far the best match of the night, that went on for a good nine minutes, and when it looked like Chris Sabin was going to get the pin, Lethal turned it around and made defence number 2 of his X-Division title. [B](Rating : C)[/B] Andrew Martin is walking backstage with Barbie, when Jeff Jarrett comes out and goes to hit him with the guitar, Martin throws Barbie in front, and he stops the Guitar. Andrew Martin then spears Jeff to the ground, and began to punch the crap out of him. Then, from the back Joe smacked Martin with a steel chair in the back, and he shot up and went for Joe when out from the corner, GOORRREEE! And he took out Martin, and Joe beat up Jarrett! In the end, officials came and separated the four. [B](Rating : D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/KurtAngle5.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage[/B][/CENTER] - A main event with a lot of potential, but wasn’t as good because of it being an awkward match. Abyss came into the ring, and went for the Black Hole Slam, but Cage ended up hitting him with a steel chair, but AJ Styles then hit the jump kick on the chair, hitting Cage. Angle then taunted the crowd, and then locked on the Ankle Lock, making Cage tap out at about nine minutes. [B](Rating : C)[/B] OOC - Kind of a weak show in my mind, sorry. I've got school, and I'm trying to keep a steady flow of shows, and third page is not good. :(
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[FONT="Georgia"]Betcha thought I had balls for doing what I did right? Well, that didn't matter, because they were pissed anyway. The show got a 5.92 rating, but man were they pissed, because of the "publicity" that I gave WWE. **** that. I got a creative message from JJ too. [B] "Hello, this is Jeff Jarrett speaking, and I guess you're not there. Well, I'm just here to call to say that when you said you wanted your contract to be extended, I didn't think you'd **** it up like this. What's your problem? You could have easily not gone out there, nobody would have cared. I'm sorry kid, but your match, it was nothing. It was just a little something to see if we could market someone so young, and so far, we can't. So don't bother showing up next week, we won't be using you."[/B] What the hell does that mean? I'm in deep ****, and I need to get out of it. Then I got an idea...[/FONT]
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[B]TNAWrestling.com Poll![/B] [FONT="Georgia"][B]At Bound For Glory what type of match should Jay Lethal defend his X-Division Title in?[/B] A) Singles B) Ultimate X C) Ladder D) 2/3 Falls Match [B]At Bound For Glory what type of match should the tag match between Christian Cage/Tomko vs. Abyss / AJ Styles be?[/B] A) Six Sides of Steel B) First Blood Elimation Match C) TLCC D) Tables Match [B]At Bound For Glory what type of match should the tag match between VKM and Team 3D be?[/B] A) Six Sides of Steel B) Tables Elimation C) Tazer Match D) One Weapon Legal Match [B]At Bound For Glory who should Jeff Jarrett face in his return?[/B] A) Rhino B) Andrew Martin C) Samoa Joe D) Other (Specify : ) [B]At Bound For Glory who should team with Christopher Daniels and Kaz to take on Seretonin in a 3 on 3 Tag Match?[/B] A) Petey Williams B) Black Reign C) Shark Boy D) Other (Specify : ) Plus, leave comments for TNAWrestling.com! Comment : "Text Here"[/FONT]
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[CENTER]TNA iMPACT! [B]Attedance[/B] - 2,000 (Sold Out) [B]Overall Rating[/B] - [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C[/COLOR] [B]Time Slot :[/B] 9:00 - 10:00 [B]TV Rating :[/B] 5.50[/CENTER] [B]Main Show:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Test.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] [B]Andrew Martin vs. Abyss[/B][/CENTER] - A big man brawl, which saw Christian Cage screw over Abyss and let Martin hit the Big Boot and pin Abyss. Barbie Blank was working pretty well as a manager. [B](Rating : C)[/B] Kaz was seen walking backstage, when Seretonin came crashing in, and throwing him outside, and then beating him with wooden canes. After a while of beatings, they threw him into a dumpster, and then locked it with their wooden canes. They all walked away, their sadistic laughs filling the frustrated cries from Kaz. [B](Rating : E+)[/B] Eric Young is seen walking backstage, murmuring about things when he sees a knife on a barrell backstage. He grabs it, and places it to his wrist, contemplating the end, when officials grab him, and he begins murmuring like a crazy man, and they take him away, hushing off the cameras. [B](Rating : D-)[/B] A hype video plays for Kurt Angle vs. Sting at Bound For Glory, Submission Only, Career vs. Title match! [B](Rating : B+)[/B] Raven comes to the ring, with Seretonin, and says that if Jay Lethal is taking any challengers, he’ll fight the next man out here for a chance at his X-Division title! When out from the tunnel comes Rhino! [B](Rating : C-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Rhino.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rhino vs. Raven[/B][/CENTER] - A good match, but could have been a little better. It ended with Seretonin each getting a wack at Rhino’s back with a wooden cane, and then him getting nailed with the Raven Effect, giving Raven the win. [B](Rating : B-)[/B] A video plays, hyping up Raven vs. Jay Lethal at Bound For Glory, X-Division Title on the line! [B](Rating : D+)[/B] Jeff Jarrett is shown backstage with Jeremy Borash. [B]Jeff Jarrett :[/B] Last week, things didn’t go like I would have wanted. And since it’s againsts “regulations” to fight someone who’s already been in a match. I shall fight the only man who hasn’t had a match tonight, Samoa Joe. [B](Rating: D)[/B] Just then, Samoa Joe walked on to the screen, grabbing the microphone from Jeremy Borash. [B]Samoa Joe :[/B] You want a match? I’ll see you in the ring Jeff, take a deep breath, because I’m CHOKING YOU OUT! [B](Rating : B-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/jeffjarrett3.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/SamoaJoe3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe[/B][/CENTER] - Jeff Jarrett was a cheater the whole match, and Jeff was constantly checking the vest he was wearing during the match. When Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch, Jeff pulled a aerosal can from his vest, and sprayed it into Joe’s eyes, but it did nothing! Finally, Jeff started screaming that Joe had blinded him, and the ref made Joe release the hold, and when the ref went to talk to the officals, Jeff low blowed Joe, and then rolled him up, getting the three count! [B](Rating : C+)[/B]
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[FONT="Georgia"]Oh crap... So many firings from TNA. And three new hirings! TNA has Released... Doug Basham Brother Runt Damaja Gail Kim Jackie Gayda Kevin Nash Lance Hoyt Ricky Banderas Ron Killings Simon Diamond Shane Douglas Oh crap! TNA has made three hirings, but it wasn't on the website, so I couldn't find out... they're probably big signings though =) Anyway, I've decided to pitch a few booking ideas to Jeff. Over email. I figure, hell, I used to play those booking games, I think I could write a good storyline. So I sent my email. [/FONT]
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[FONT="Georgia"](Out of My Point of View) TNA Management Meeting [B]Dixie Carter :[/B] Uh-oh, our finances have been shooting down, even after those cuts, we'll still be losing money if things don't turn around. Last month, we had a drop... of [B]$710,000![/B] What do you suppose we do about this? I know a lot of you are going to point to people like Sting and Angle, costing us a total of $36,000 a month. I know, but we need to think about the other finances too. Look at our merchandise revenue, last month, WE LOST MONEY! I can't believe that, I really thought, so we need to change things. [B]Jeff Jarrett :[/B] What about our ratings? [B]Jim Cornette :[/B] Slipping. [B]Dixie Carter :[/B] What? Argh- what've you got for us Jeff? [B]Jeff Jarrett :[/B] Well, actually... I've got a few booking ideas...they might not be golden, but I think they'll freshen things up. [B]Dixie Carter :[/B] Let's hear them then. And so they went on, Jeff using Nick's ideas, and hoping they would be enough to push TNA's ratings up. For the next TNA show, they'll just have to wing it. Time to have a brawl.[/FONT]
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[CENTER]TNA Impact! [B]Attendance : [/B]2,000 (Sold Out) [B]Final Rating :[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR] [B]Time Slot :[/B] 9:00 - 10:00 [B]TV Rating :[/B] 8.64[/CENTER] A video is played hyping up the upcoming debut of Sabu. [B](Rating : C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/AlexShelley2.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Homicide4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Shelley vs. Homicide[/B][/CENTER] - A good match, which ended in about six minutes with Alex Shelley hitting a Shell Shock, and then getting the pinfall. [B](Rating : B-)[/B] The debuting star, Joey Matthews comes to the ring with a microphone. [B]Joey Matthews :[/B] Look, all the puke stains have come to show, because they heard that I, Joey Matthews, the image of greatness, has decided to grace your presence. Well, I’m here for one reason, and that’s because they paid me to do it. I don’t enjoy you fans, and I’m here to win the TNA World Title, and after I beat a few boys to a pulp, I’ll be boasting that strap. Now, let’s see, who’s up first? [B](Rating : C-)[/B] Just then, Eric Young came running down to a small pop. [B]Eric Young : [/B] I-I-I-I’ll I’ll t-take you o-on! [B](Rating : D-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/EricYoung.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/JoeyMatthews.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Young vs. Joey Matthews[/B][/CENTER] - A five minute match with Eric Young freaking out after some creepy music is played, and then Joey Matthews hitting him with a Cobra Clutch Backbreaker. [B](Rating : D+)[/B] A video is played hyping up the brawls between Andrew Martin, Rhino, Samoa Joe, and Jeff Jarrett. [B](Rating : D)[/B] Havok/Martyr are shown backstage, beating down Christopher Daniels. [B](Rating E-)[/B] Raven is in the ring, alone with a microphone. [B]Raven :[/B] It’s time, for the clock to strike, and the punishment to be dealt. Come forth X-Division, I’ll prove my worth. Champion soon, challenger now. I’m up for a brawl, I don’t care who, I just want one... Now. Quote the Raven... Never- But then, AJ Style’s music interrupted him, rushing to the ring for a match! [B](Rating : C-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/Raven.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/Senka_Surakei/AJStyles2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Raven vs. AJ Styles[/B][/CENTER] - A ten minute match, which was actually quite average, and it saw Christian Cage screwing AJ out of the match. [B](Rating : C)[/B] Abyss comes into the ring, and beats down Cage, Raven sneaks into the back. [B](Rating : C)[/B] Back from commerical, Sting and Kurt Angle are in the ring, contract on the table. Cornette is overseeing, and Sting grabs the contract. He signs it, and Angle grabs it from him, clearly pissing him off. [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] I sign here, and then Sting gets fired right? [B]Jim Cornette :[/B] If you win, then yes. [B]Kurt Angle :[/B] Same difference. Kurt Angle then signed the contract, and Sting turned to leave. But then Angle grabbed him, and slammed him through the table with an Angle Slam! Kurt Angle then continued to brutalize him, three days before Bound For Glory! [B](Rating : B)[/B]
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[FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][IMG]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/d/d1/200px-Bfg_logo.jpg[/IMG] Bound For Glory Card [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]TNA World Heavyweight Title[/B][/COLOR] [B]Submission Match - Career vs. Title Kurt Angle vs. Sting[/B] - This feud has been boiling, since their loss of the tag team titles, and Angle blaming Sting, and from the beatdowns, the namecalling, and just the blood boiling. It will end here, for if Angle taps out, Sting becomes the new champion, but if Sting taps out, he'll be fired! Scorpion Deathlock vs. The Ankle Lock! [B]Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles[/B] - It finally collides, as the lackey had turned on his superior, they now go all out in the ring together! We can expect to see some heads fly in this match, as we have the Phenominal AJ Styles going against the Captain of Charisma, Christian Cage! [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]TNA World Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] Elimination Tables Match VKM vs. Team 3D[/B] - The finals of the tournament was decided quickly, and then their blood started to get red. For these two superstars have traded blows, words, sweat, spit, tears, and blood to get at each other. Now they have their chance, but to get the titles, they must send both of the opponent's team members through a table! [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]TNA X-Division Title[/COLOR] Jay Lethal vs. Raven[/B] - Jay Lethal was on a roll, defending his title against fellow X-Division stars, but since he clearly stated that he was accepting all challenges, Raven stepped in and beat Rhino to qualify for this match! If Raven wins, he could walk away the next X-Division Champion! [B]Havok/Martr vs. Christopher Daniels/Kaz[/B] - Seretonin has been attacking Kaz and doing horrid things to him, and he couldn't fight back, that is, until Daniels came to his rescue! But unfortunately he was trampled too! Now, if Kaz can make it, it will be a tag match between the two opposing teams! [B]Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino vs. Andrew Martin vs. Samoa Joe[/B] - These four have been at each other's throats, for that #25 spot, and with the return of Jeff Jarrett, it only got worse! Now, before the Gauntlet for the Gold match, they face off in a fourway. Will this make them not as adequate for their match later on in the night? [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]#1 Contendership : X-Division Title[/COLOR] Six Man Ultimate X Match[/B] [B]??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???[/B] - A perfect showcase of TNA's high flying X-Division, with six superstars competing to get the X, and a chance at the X-Division title! [B]Hardcore Match Abyss vs. ???[/B] - The challenge set, with Tomko being fired, he needs someone to take his rage out against! Who will accept this deadly challenge? Whoever does, has got to be suicidal, because Abyss not only has the rage in him, but also the weapons around him, and they're all legal! [B]Gauntlet For The Gold Samoa Joe vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. Andrew Martin[/B] - The Gauntlet For The Gold will decide the next contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Title! With Joe at the #1 spot, he has the least chance, but with Andrew Martin at spot 25, he has the highest chance! Or will someone step up and make a name for themselves? Anything goes, you're thrown over the top rope, you're eliminated! New man every 1:30! [/center] [list][SIZE="1"]Quick Picks Kurt Angle vs. Sting Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles VKM vs. Team 3D Jay Lethal vs. Raven Havok/Martyr vs. Christopher Daniels/Kaz Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino vs. Samoa Joe vs. Andrew Martin Ultimate X Match - ??? Abyss vs. ??? Gauntlet For The Gold - ???[/SIZE][/list][/FONT]
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