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[I]Martin Theocott stands in the middle of the paint deck of a small 19th century warehouse. A welding company 50 years bankrupt. Twenty kerosene lanterns hang by chains from the rafters, bathing the deck in crimson and gold, but beyond the deck, there is only the deep darkness of this dangerous place. There are no chairs, but rather a stack of crates piled on one side. The folks who came thought this was going to be something entirely different. Many shift nervously and look back at the pull-gate through which they entered. [/I] Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
[B]Theocott[/B] My friends, thank you for coming. Many have seen the internet videos of the street fighters, the ex-convicts, and the bad-*** mothers. And you have loved them. Tonight, you will not stare into the blue glow your computer. Tonight, you will not watch quietly as distant men fight for their lives. No, tonight you will feel the shock of every punch, taste the grit kicked from this very dirt floor, and tomorrow you will wash the blood stains from your attire. Welcome, Fight Fans, to Gladius! [I]The pull gate slams shut. A second ring of lanterns lights, this time giving full glow to the entire warehouse. Standing opposite the crates are 10 rather intimidating men—even from across the room. [/I] Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
[B]Theocott[/B] These are the finest Gladiators from among the professional fighting world… not the finest because they are more schooled, or more accomplished, or more famous than the De La Hoyas, the Gracies, or the Tanakas… No those are fighters. These, my friends, are GLADIATORS! [I]Theocott walks off stage toward the audience and as he does, there is a flash from above, something catching the light, glinting as it falls… a belt. And it lands in the center of the open deck. [/I] Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
[I]And the ten men charge for it. The crowd goes nuts, filling the warehouse with noise that nearly rivals the force of the punches and slams on the old wooden deck.[/I] [B]Theocott:[/B] The first to the belt is Disco Morgan. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
He quickly takes the legs out from under Cowboy, who is swarmed by Crash Lewis and Mad Dog Mortimer. Oh, God… is that an iron bar in Blackjack’s hand? Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Where did he find that? While Disco fights off the Mountain Goat Dusty Bin, Blackjack is absolutely going psycho on Kashmir Singh and Mikey Murder… oh, and there’s blood flowing… Singh is motionless. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Ozz Lord, our referee is going into the fracas to pull him to safety. I sure hope we thought to bring some paramedics. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Looks like Kenny Kuntz is going to try and put a stop to Blackjack’s madness… he’s on the big man’s back… but KK looks like a child compared to Blackjack. Regardless, he’s got that bar pressed tightly up against the big man’s throat. Here comes Mikey Murder with a telegraph… Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
and Blackjack ducks Kuntz right into the blow. Kenny is out cold, and Mikey is on the run. Blackjack is chasing him around, now outside the Deck. Back to the middle. Ozz is bringing the Mountain Goat out of the action, and here comes the Cowboy, Alan Parent, too. He’s got a real mouse under that left eye, and it’s open and spurting. Looks like Trauma has the belt now. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Disco Morgan is taking a real beating from it. And here comes Blackjack from out of the darkness! He’s got that pipe, but look! He’s tossed it toward the crowd. An unlucky souvenir no doubt. He’s taking Trauma by the neck, and twisting… I think I heard a crunch! Trauma is out and Ozz is trying to stabilize his neck. This guy’s an animal! Morgan is easily pinned; Mad Dog has sent Kenny Kuntz out. Who’s left? It looks like Blackjack, Crash, and Mad Dog. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
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Crash is way out-sized by the other two big men, but I don’t know if Mad Dog wants to go it alone with Blackjack after what that man just did to the very dangerous Trauma. Crash and Mad Dog nod to one another and here they come, two on one – but wait! Crash stands aside at the last minute – he must be crazy… Mad Dog and Blackjack exchange heavy blows – and Crash is still just watching. Smiling. I hope he knows what he is… What’s that moving back there? It’s coming awfully fast! Is that… oh, my! Here comes Mikey Murder, full speed, right at Crash who has his back turned completely. Mikey has a chain wrapped around his fist and it looks like he’s holding something heavy in there. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
And Crash is not getting up from that one. I’m going to need to find a dry cleaner tomorrow. Blackjack has Mad Dog in his clutches. Lifting… and a devastating Side Suplex… I think he busted some of the floor boards with that. Mad Dog is out cold. Blackjack turns to pick up his belt… and there’s Mikey!! A huge right cross with that steel chained fist… that could’ve shattered Blackjack’s face… and Mikey is pouring it on now, as Blackjack retreats toward the edge of the Deck! Mikey comes in for the final haymaker… but Blackjack ducks under the momentum and lifts Mikey Murder into the air… that’s 340lbs of muscle on a ten foot drop… and he lands awkwardly on his shoulder and neck… this is going to do it. Ozz is counting. Blackjack isn’t even waiting to see if Mikey will get up… He’s got the belt… and… [B]Blackjack[/B] Shut the **** up!! [B]Theocott[/B] I think he’s coming over here! Keep filming… Oh crap! [I]Blackjack kicks the box and amplifier the announcer was using as his table and there is a piercing squeal that echoes off the bare walls of the warehouse. [/I] [I]Theocott runs into the darkness and Blackjack laughs… then turns to the audience. [/I] [B]Blackjack[/B] SHOW’S OVER! GO HOME! [I]The big man, now the holder of the Rex Coliseum belt, walks off toward the offices hidden in darkness… everything is silent except the groans of the fallen wrestlers, their bodies heaped in the corners of the hall. And that seems like it’s it. A few people from the audience get up to leave. A few more. Some wait a while to see if anything else will happen. One yells to Ozz, the Referee, if that really is the whole show…[/I] [B]Ozz[/B] See you next month, folks. [QUOTE] Blackjack Robbins won a battle royal in 19:59. The final four competitors also included Murderous Mikey, Mad Dog Mortimer and Crash Lewis, with Murderous Mikey being the final elimination. Blackjack Robbins wins the Rex Coliseum title. [B]Match Rating: E+[/B] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Show Totals:[/U][/B] [B]E- Final Rating[/B] Fans wanted more matches and angles… 61 total in attendance. [/QUOTE] _________________________________ This marks the first installment of my first TEW AAR, Gladius. It will take place in the C-Verse, and it will likely (eventually) borrow heavily from art and other imagery collected by the community. The challege: Rock Hard difficulty, new promotion starting in January 2007 of the C-Verse. The Promotion is Gladius Games Ohio, with a plan to eventually expand as much as possible. Key Features of Gladius: Modern, Realism, Hardcore. Heavy Feature: Mainstream... Ratio: 60-40 match/angle Current Budget after one event: $58.00 - lets hope some potential sponsors came to that first show!
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