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TNA: Two Hours and Beyond!

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[CENTER][SIZE="3"]I've been a wrestling fan my entire life! I remember Hulkamania when it was in full force! I remember watching Shawn Michaels win the WWF title at Wrestlemania 12! I remember watching the NWO form! I remember Steve Austin when he was The Ringmaster! I remember "The Finger Poke Of Doom"! The thing I remember most though was the demise of WCW as I attended the final Nitro in Panama City. With that the thing that the wrestling industry needed most to thrive was gone...competition! My love for wrestling began to wane as the product that the former WWF, now WWE, was airing was terrible. On June 19, 2002 things would begin to change...this was the first show for NWA:TNA! Competition was back...at least that's what we thought. Over the years TNA would have high and low points...extreme highs (Unbreakable 3 Way ~ Joe/Styles/Daniels) and extreme lows (Stomper)! Even the arrivals of Rhino, Team 3D, Christian Cage, Sting, The Steiner Brothers and Kurt Angle couldn't get TNA into the mainstream spotlight. The hiring of Vince Russo by TNA only seemed to make things worse. The advent of the reverse battle royal was brought about by this creative "genius". Things became even more convulted than before in TNA! Somehow they had managed to screw up the push of the hottest prospect in pro wrestling today, Samoa Joe! The once unstoppable force had been reduced to nothing more than an upper midcard jobber for Kurt Angle. TNA had problems...and going into their biggest PPV of the year that Main Event was slated to be the over the hill Sting facing off against Kurt Angle for the TNA Title. Through all of this there still was a shining ray of hope...TNA iMPACT! had just been given two hours by Spike TV! Unfortunatley with Vince Russo and Dutch Mantell booking things probably wouldn't get any better. Dixie Carter had to take desperate measures...that's where I come in......[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]To Be Continued...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Thursday, September 20th[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]I received an e-mail one morning from...DIXIE CARTER! I was shocked! I had sent her an email a couple of weeks ago expressing my concern with the current TNA product and what I would do if I was in charge. The e-mail said this. [LEFT][FONT="Courier New"]Joshua, Thank you for your thoughts on the current TNA product. I agree with you in your concerns, and I've realized that something needs to be changed. I like your long range vision for TNA and would like to formally offer you a job as a member of the booking team here in TNA! Vince Russo and Dutch Mantell have been removed from the team and we have some voids that need to be filled, and I believe that you have what it takes to fill the void! The new booking team will consist of Jim Cornette, Mike Tenay, Raven and yourself with you having the final say in what happens in TNA! Respond to me ASAP as I would like you to begin this Monday at the first two hour Impact tapings! Sincerely, Dixie Carter[/FONT][/LEFT] [CENTER]Looks like I'm going to Orlando...[/SIZE][/CENTER][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]To Be Continued...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Saturday, September 22nd[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]As I arrived in Orlando I was amazed as I saw some of my favorite wrestlers around me! Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Senshi, Jay Lethal, Kurt Angle...I was amazed that I was standing in the presence of these guys...and I was going to be writing for them! I came into a meeting with Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter. I laid my plans out for TNA and even Jeff liked what he heard. Dixie told Jeff "I told you he was good". Jeff formally told me "welcome to TNA, kid", and with that I was now a staff member of TNA! Dixie let me know that though I was the booker I would have to follow through with the matches already scheduled for Bound For Glory. I asked her if we could make one change, and change the Reverse Battle Royal to a different match and Dixie said that would be okay. Jeff and I went into a room to begin planning the first two hour Impact on Spike TV! This is going to be a crazy ride![/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[B]iMPACT! Quick Picks[/B] Angle & Cage vs. Joe & Sting Tomko vs. Ron Killings XXX vs. LAX & Lethal AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris No DQ Match Rhino vs. Black Reign Scott Steiner vs. Brother Devon Tie Breaker: who will pin/submit who in the main event Prize: Winner can name a future iMPACT Main Event
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[B]Angle & Cage[/B] vs. Joe & Sting Tough one. Cage has never been pinned in TNA so there's no point making him the fall guy. Sting is the only name that really stands out as being expendible in regards to his reputation. Tomko vs. [B]Ron Killings[/B] Possibly via DQ. XXX vs. [B]LAX & Lethal[/B] I like XXX, although realistically I think LAX and Lethal will go over... XXX just don't have the same heat. [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Chris Harris Meh to Harris. No DQ Match Rhino vs. [B]Black Reign[/B] Unless you want to bury this horribley executed gimmick, Rhino will be jobbing. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs. Brother Devon Flipped a coin... it landed on the Big Poppa Roid side. ;) Tie Breaker: who will pin/submit who in the main event. Cage will pin Sting.
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Angle & Cage vs. [B]Joe & Sting[/B] I will take a risk voting for Joe and Sting [B]Tomko[/B] vs. Ron Killings killing's good, but not with Pacman [B]XXX[/B] vs. LAX & Lethal Probably AJ Styles vs. [B]Chris Harris[/B] Harris has been pushed so much by TNA now... but I like Harris, and I hope he wins No DQ Match [B]Rhino[/B] vs. Black Reign I have a feeling that you will bury Dustin. Scott Steiner vs. [B]Brother Devon[/B] Devon wins by interference from Ray Tie Breaker: who will pin/submit who in the main event [B]Joe pins Angle[/B] (I know, a little risky)
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[B]Angle & Cage[/B] vs. Joe & Sting It really depends on what your PPV main event is going to be, but I'm guessing Angle over Sting by pinfall (for the tie breaker). Tomko vs.[B] Ron Killings[/B] Whether or not you have Team Pacman as the tag champs, I think Killings is far more deserving of the push. [B]XXX[/B] vs. LAX & Lethal This just seems like a good way to ignite an X Division fued. [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Chris Harris Styles needs some good direction, and this is a decent place to start. No DQ Match Rhino vs. [B]Black Reign[/B] I could see this building towards a PPV rematch, though. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs. Brother Devon Steiner has been a singles wrestler, and barring some interference in the outcome I see him going over.
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This will be the final BFG Card...so predictions can go ahead and begin now! TNA Bound For Glory Quick Picks TNA Heavyweight Title Kurt Angle (c) vs. Sting Number One Contenders Match Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage TNA X Division Title Match Jay Lethal (c) vs. Christopher Daniels TNA Tag Team Title Match Team Pac-Man (c) vs. AJ Styles & Tomko Tables Match Team 3D vs. The Steiner Brothers Ultimate X XXX vs. The LAX Monster's Ball Harris vs. Storm vs. Rhino vs. Abyss vs. Judas Mesias vs. Black Reign The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Hoyt/Rave vs. Serotonin vs. VKM Winner Gets Ms. Brooks Robert Roode vs. Kaz [B]BONUS:[/B] Name the winner of the Knockout's Gauntlet to determine the first ever TNA Women's Champ (Every lady in the game world is eligible) [B]Prize:[/B] Put a stipulation on any match at the next PPV.
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I really like the way this is starting (nice graphics by the way) Predictions: [B][U]IMPACT[/U][/B]: [B]Angle & Cage [/B]vs. Joe & Sting : Cage pins Sting Tomko vs. [B]Ron Killings[/B] XXX vs. [B]LAX & Lethal[/B] [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Chris Harris [B]Rhino[/B] vs. Black Reign (hoping Black Reign goes away) [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs. Brother Devon [B][U]BOUND FOR GLORY[/U][/B]: [B]Kurt Angle (c)[/B] vs. Sting [B]Samoa Joe [/B]vs. Christian Cage [B]Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. Christopher Daniels Team Pac-Man (c) vs. [B]AJ Styles & Tomko[/B] Team 3D vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] XXX vs. [B]The LAX[/B] Harris vs. Storm vs. Rhino vs. Abyss vs. [B]Judas Mesias [/B]vs. Black Reign [B]The Motor City Machine Guns [/B]vs. Hoyt/Rave vs. Serotonin vs. VKM Robert Roode vs. [B]Kaz[/B] Bonus: Lita (signs with TNA to promote album sales for Luchagors)
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TNA Heavyweight Title [B]Kurt Angle (c)[/B] vs. Sting Number One Contenders Match [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Christian Cage TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. Christopher Daniels TNA Tag Team Title Match [B]Team Pac-Man (c)[/B] vs. AJ Styles & Tomko Tables Match [B]Team 3D[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers Ultimate X XXX vs. [B]The LAX[/B] Monster's Ball Harris vs. Storm vs. Rhino vs. Abyss vs. [B]Judas Mesias[/B] vs. Black Reign [B]The Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. Hoyt/Rave vs. Serotonin vs. VKM Winner Gets Ms. Brooks [B]Robert Roode[/B] vs. Kaz BONUS: Allison Danger, who could make a good fit with XXX after her debut
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[CENTER][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"][B]October 1st, 2007[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]After meeting with the booking team for the day we think we have everything set for Impact! This one should be a crazy ride...tonight the new era of TNA begins![/CENTER]
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Predictions: IMPACT: Angle & Cage vs. [B]Joe & Sting[/B] : Joe pins Cage Tomko vs. [B]Ron Killings[/B] [B]XXX [/B]vs. LAX & Lethal [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Chris Harris [B]Rhino[/B] vs. Black Reign (hoping Black Reign goes away) Scott Steiner vs. [B]Brother Devon[/B] BOUND FOR GLORY: [B]Kurt Angle (c) [/B]vs. Sting [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Christian Cage Jay Lethal (c) vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] [B]Team Pac-Man (c)[/B] vs. AJ Styles & Tomko Team 3D vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] XXX vs. [B]The LAX[/B] Harris vs. Storm vs. [B]Rhino[/B] vs. Abyss vs. Judas Mesias vs. Black Reign [B]The Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. Hoyt/Rave vs. Serotonin vs. VKM [B]Robert Roode [/B]vs. Kaz Bonus: Trish Stratus
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]From The Impact Zone with 1,000 People in Attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The show opens with a video package featuring Sting, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Team 3D[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]We cut backstage as Kurt Angle arrives in a limo to The Impact Zone alone with the IWGP and TNA World Titles draped over his shoulders[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][B][U]“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal & The LAX vs. XXX[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In a hot opening match that featured a lot of back and forth action prompting several TNA chants Homicide pinned Elix Skipper following a Gringo Killa![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Jay Lethal & The LAX Time: 15 Minutes ~ 13:12 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]The cameras cut backstage to The Christian Coalition Christian: All right guys we all have big matches tonight! AJ you’ve got Harris, Tomko you’ve got Killings and I have Sloppy Joe and Stung. AJ: Who are they…? SILENCE Tomko: You are such and idiot! Christian: Never mind him! Tonight we show the world why The Christian Coalition is the best thing in wrestling today AJ: We are the best thing today aren’t we! Christian: Yeah that’s why I just said that! *Tomko rolls his eyes in the background* Tomko: AJ you better get your head in the game because at Bound For Glory I plan on becoming TNA Tag Team Champions! AJ: Oh my head is in the game! I’ve been playing Halo 3 all night long! Tomko: ……….moron AJ: You are! *Tomko pulls his fist back as to punch AJ* Christian: ENOUGH! I’M TIRED OF YOUR GAMES! GET OUT THERE AND GET A VICTORY FOR THE COALITION!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]A video is shown to hype the Monsters Ball match at Bound For Glory[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]*Black Reign is in the boiler room of the Impact Zone* Black Reign: Rhino! Tonight out there…there will be no escape for you…there will be no shelter from which you can hide from my rage! I will unleash upon you a violence that you have never known…you think you are extreme…YOU THINK YOU ARE EXTREME…my mind knows no pain…my body enjoys suffering…and at Bound For Glory…….you, Abyss, Chris Harris, James Storm, Judas Mesias…you will never forget the name…..BLACK REIGN!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Hardcore Match Black Reign vs. “The War Machine” Rhino[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In an awesome hardcore match that previewed the Monsters Ball match Rhino pinned Black Reign after the Gore! We join the commentary after the pin fall Mike Tenay: What a huge win for Rhino! Shane Douglas: Mike he cheated he nailed Black Reign with the chair before he pinned him! Don West: Shane, It’s a hardcore match it’s all legal… *The camera zooms in on the bloodied Black Reign* Mike Tenay: Oh My God! He’s laughing! Don West: What kind of sick freak are we dealing with here? Shane Douglas: I’m telling you that man right there is my pick to win the Monsters Ball match at Bound For Glory! *Black Reign tastes his own blood as he laughs at the pain*[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Rhino Match Time: 10 Minutes ~ 6:46 Match Time Rating: A[/U] [QUOTE]*Rhino begins to back up the ramp as he watches Black Reign acting like a psycho in the ring…the lights go out* Mike Tenay: What’s going on…? *The lights come back on and Judas Mesias is standing behind Rhino* Don West: Rhino look out! *Rhino turns and Judas throws a fireball right in his face* Mike Tenay: OH MY GOD! Shane Douglas: That’s what I’m talking about! *Rhino rolls around in agony and Mesias laughs as his music begins to play* Mike Tenay: Rhino may not make it to Bound For Glory! Don West: His career may be over! Shane Douglas: GOOD! I hope his career is over…Rhino is a punk![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing by with the X Division Champion Jay Lethal* Borash: Congratulations Jay Lethal on your victory over XXX in our opening match Lethal: OOOOOHHHHH YEAH! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING…DIG IT! *…………* Borash: Are you going to tell me something? Lethal: OOOOHHHHH YEAH! DIG IT!!! Borash: ………moving on! Black Machismo at Bound For Glory in just under two weeks you will be defending that X Division Title against “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels. Lethal: OOOOOHHHHH YEAH! Let me tell you something Daniels…just like when I dropped the elbow on Snake Roberts to protect my Elizabeth…I’ll drop my elbow on you to defend my new love…my new Elizabeth…The X Division Title…DIG IT…SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!!! *Lethal leaves looking like a mad man* Borash: Well it’s going to be Christopher Daniels vying for the Jay Lethal’s X Division Title at Bound For Glory![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]*A video plays recapping the feud between The Steiner Brothers and Team 3D*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing by* Borash: At this time I want to welcome a couple of guys who we haven’t seen in a while…one of the most legendary tag teams in professional wrestling history…Rick and Scott The Steiner Brothers! *The Steiner Brothers walk into frame and Scott snatches the mic from Borash* Scott: Let me tell you something…those two fat morons thought that they could kill The Steiner Brothers! They were wrong! We are two of the most dangerous bad*** guys you will ever meet! At Bound For Glory in Atlanta Georgia…the place me and my brother got started! It’s going to be a tables match and let me tell you something you two fat hogs aren’t going to be putting us through any more tables I can guarantee you that! Devon! Tonight is your time…you’re gonna find out what happens when you mess with The Steiner’s! Rick: *Barks* 3D…BEWARE OF DOG!!![/QUOTE] [U] Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Scott Steiner vs. Brother Devon[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In a little preview of Bound For Glory one half of The Steiners met one half of Team 3D…in a solid match Scott defeated Devon by submission by way of The Steiner Recliner![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Scott Steiner Time: 11 Minutes ~ 8:43 Match Time Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage where Judas Mesias and Black Reign are putting a beat down on Abyss* Mike Tenay: Judas Mesias and Black Reign are targeting every person in Monster’s Ball! Shane Douglas: Of course that way the two best men can go one on one at Bound For Glory! *Mesias and Reign bloody Abyss up and walk away laughing*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]*The music of Kurt Angle hits as he makes his way to the ring with the IWGP and TNA Titles on his shoulders* Crowd: ANGLE SUCKS! ANGLE SUCKS! ANGLE SUCKS! ANGLE SUCKS! Angle: Yes you can say whatever you want to about me…but remember this…I’m the one with the gold! Not Sting…not Joe…not even my tag team partner tonight Christian! Crowd: BOO!!! Angle: I have ordered Karen that since Sting has been harassing her and obviously has the hots for her that she needs to stay home from now on! Crowd: YAY!!! Angle: Shut Up…you ignorant inbred morons couldn’t score a woman half as hot as my wife! Crowd: She’s a stripper (CLAP! CLAP! CLAP CLAP CLAP!) She’s a stripper (CLAP! CLAP! CLAP CLAP CLAP!) Angle: You will not talk about my wife like that! She’s a saint! STING! At Bound For Glory I guarantee you that you will tap out…or you will have your ankle broken! You see Sting I remember watching you when I was a young man. I remember watching you in WCW…you were the greatest athlete in professional wrestling! That’s who I want to face at Bound For Glory! I want to face the Sting who went to a sixty minute time limit draw with Ric Flair…not the current washed up has been that you’ve become! Sting if you’ve got anything left in you, you better bring it to Bound For Glory…because if you don’t I guarantee you that you will be destroyed! At Bound For Glory…it’s TAP…OR SNAP! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]*Sting’s music hits and he comes out onto the stage* Sting: OOOOHHHH KURT! Let me tell you something! At Bound For Glory you’re not going to get the old Sting! You’re going to get something even better…a new and improved Sting! With your stripper wife out of the way…it’s going to be you and me one on one for that TNA title, and I can promise you it won’t be the Ankle lock that makes me tap! No Angle the Scorpion Death Lock will have you going home to your floozy wife getting her to lick your wounds! A new era is upon TNA! The era of Sting!!! Oh and by the way Kurt…turn around! *Angle turns around to see SAMOA JOE!!!* Mike Tenay: Joe is taking it to Angle! *Angle not being ready for the fight is overtaken by Joe! Joe is unloading on Angle with brutal force! Joe gets Angle up…MUSCLE BUSTER!!! Joe locks in THE CLUTCH! Joe holds it for over a minute while security tries to drag him off to no avail…Angle passes out* Don West: Sting and Joe are on the same page! Mike Tenay: And one has to wonder where Christian was through all of this? Shane Douglas: I’m sure he has a great excuse why he didn’t come out here and help the champ![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 6 Minutes Total Rating: Promo ~ B+ - Attack ~ B[/U] [QUOTE]*A video is played hyping Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin…The Motor City Machine Guns*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: E+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Ron “The Truth” Killings w/“Pac-Man” Jones vs. Tomko[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]A decent back and forth match that ends when “Pac-Man” sprays Tomko in the eyes with spray paint allowing Truth to hit the Axe Kick…AJ Styles was nowhere to be found[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Ron Killings Time: 13 Minutes ~ 11:11 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]*After the match AJ Styles comes out from the back and gets in the ring with Tomko. AJ appears to be apologizing, but Tomko doesn’t want to hear it as he pushes AJ to the ground and begins to yell at him*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]*A video is played hyping the history between Christian Cage and Samoa Joe*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles vs. “The Wildcat” Chris Harris[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]AJ will vie for the Tag Titles at BFG while Harris will be in Monsters Ball…a good back and forth match between the TNA originals that ends when Harris bounces off the ropes and Tomko nails him with a chair allowing AJ to hit the Styles Clash for the three…we join the commentary after the match Shane Douglas: I knew these guys would wind up on the same page! Mike Tenay: Apparently AJ and Tomko can set aside their differences for the Tag Team Titles![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: AJ Styles Time: 18 Minutes ~ 15:31 Match Time Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE] *We cut backstage as Sting and Samoa Joe are walking towards the ring* Mike Tenay: Our Main Event is coming up next! Don West: I can’t wait![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]*A video is played hyping the history between Sting and Kurt Angle going all the way back to BFG 06*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Icon” Sting and “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage and “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]A great Impact Main event that sees a lot of back and forth action Samoa Joe plays the face in distress for most of the match. Sting eventually gets in the ring and cleans house, but Angle surprises him with a roll up with a hand on the ropes for the 3![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Kurt Angle and Christian Cage Time: 13 Minutes ~ 10:34 Match Time Rating: A[/U] [QUOTE]*Jim Cornette walks out with a microphone in his hand* Cornette: Now hold on just one second! Crowd: CHEERS! Cornette: Angle if you think that you’re going to get away that easy you are wrong! I was watching in the back earlier whenever Joe was whoopin’ your *** and I thought boy that man looks like he could be TNA World Champ! Crowd: CHEERS! Cornette: Then I got to thinking about your tag partner…Christian Cage! He’s a former two-time world champion and he’s never been pinned and never submitted in TNA. I thought to myself…that man could be TNA World Champ! Crowd: A mix of cheers and boos! Cornette: So in all fairness…at Bound For Glory…I’m making a change! Kurt Angle you will defend that TNA World Title against Sting…but also against Christian Cage…and also against SAMOA JOE!!! In a fatal four way elimination match!!! Mike Tenay: WOW! How great is that going to be!?!?!?! Shane Douglas: He’s stacking the deck against the champ! Don West: And I like it! Mike Tenay: Folks we’ll see you next week!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [U]Final Rating: B+ TV Rating: 23.24 [/U]
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Brat99 and Chris Caulfield tied on the picks contest correctly predicting every match so the first one to reply with their thoughts on the show will get the prize! Sorry about the BFG change to all of you who had already made picks, but I've decided to change that one match...you can update or make all new picks if you would like! Feedback is appreciated...what you liked...what you didn't like...what you would change...etc. Thanks
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;295004]Brat99 and Chris Caulfield tied on the picks contest correctly predicting every match so the first one to reply with their thoughts on the show will get the prize! Sorry about the BFG change to all of you who had already made picks, but I've decided to change that one match...you can update or make all new picks if you would like! Feedback is appreciated...what you liked...what you didn't like...what you would change...etc. Thanks[/QUOTE] Good show Josh. I like the 4-way elimination match @ BFG and I'll keep Angle as my pick (Cornette stacking the deck aside). I really like you characterization of Lethal (I'd love to see this go on to him treating the X-title kinda like Saturn treated Moppy or Snow treated Head just for the comedy value) Good build for most of the matches @ Bound For Glory (especially Monster's Ball -- Freaks On The Rampage.....ooooh maybe a team name for Judas & Reign), only thing I thought was missing was that there was no mention of Roode / Kaz or the Women's Gauntlet. The show was easy to read and follow, but I did miss the graphics (is this only gonna be for PPV or will there be some graphics for Impact?)
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Impact Quick Picks TNA World Title Sting vs. Kurt Angle (c) Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage One Night Only AMW (Harris and Storm) vs. Judas Mesias & Black Reign w/James Mitchell X Division Title Senshi vs. Jay Lethal (c) Christy Hemme/Ms. Tennessee/Ms. Brooks vs. LuFisto/Gail Kim/Cheerleader Melissa The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave w/Christy Hemme Tie Breaker: Who pins/submits who in the Knockouts Tag Match Prize: Pick the winner of a BFG match!!! (excluding the main event)
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Impact Picks TNA World Title Sting vs. [B][U]Kurt Angle (c)[/U][/B] [B][U]Samoa Joe[/U][/B] vs. Christian Cage One Night Only AMW (Harris and Storm) vs. [B][U]Judas Mesias & Black Reign w/James Mitchell[/U][/B] X Division Title Senshi vs. [B][U]Jay Lethal (c)[/U][/B] Christy Hemme/Ms. Tennessee/Ms. Brooks vs. [B][U]Ms. Chif/Gail Kim/Cheerleader Melissa[/U][/B] [B][U]The Motor City Machine Guns[/U][/B] vs. Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave w/Christy Hemme Tie Breaker: Gail Kim pins Ms. Brooks
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