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TNA: Two Hours and Beyond!

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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;295237]Impact Quick Picks TNA World Title [B]Sting[/B] vs. Kurt Angle (c) [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Christian Cage One Night Only AMW (Harris and Storm) vs. [B]Judas Mesias & Black Reign w/James Mitchell[/B] X Division Title Senshi vs. [B]Jay Lethal [/B](c) Christy Hemme/Ms. Tennessee/Ms. Brooks vs. [B]LuFisto/Gail Kim/Cheerleader Melissa[/B] [B]The Motor City Machine Guns [/B]vs. Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave w/Christy Hemme Tie Breaker: Gail Kim via pinfall over Hemme Prize: Pick the winner of a BFG match!!! (excluding the main event)[/QUOTE] ....
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]From The Impact Zone with 1,000 People in Attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The show opens with a video package featuring Sting, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Scott Steiner and Rhino[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]*The music of Kurt Angle hits and he makes his way to the ring with the TNA and IWGP Heavyweight Titles on his shoulders! Angle is in the ring and has a microphone.* Angle: Last week I pinned Sting in this very ring!!! Crowd: BOO! Angle: You can boo all you want it doesn’t change the fact of what happened! So then Jimbo Cornette decides to come out here and stick his nose in my business! He decides in his little moronic mind to stack the deck against me! He books me not only against Sting, but also against Christian Cage and Samoa Joe! Crowd: JOE’S GONNA KILL YOU!!! JOE’S GONNA KILL YOU!!! Crowd: STING! STING! STING! STING! Crowd: INSTANT CLASSIC (clap, clap, clap clap clap) Angle: SHUT UP! Well let me tell all of you something…you will all leave Bound For Glory in Atlanta, Georgia…where I won my two gold medals…with broken ankles! Crowd: Boo! Angle: And then…Cornette…after I’ve successfully defended my title…I’m coming for you…oh it’s real…it’s *** real!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]*Jim Cornette comes out with microphone in hand* Cornette: Now hold on just one second Angle! Crowd: YAY!!! Cornette: If you think you’re going to get away with threatening me then you’re sadly mistaken!!! Angle I oughta strip you of that TNA World title right now for even making a threat against me!!! Crowd: DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Cornette: Oh believe me I would love to, but I’m going to have to much fun watching you get beat at Bound For Glory! Now Angle you seem to be looking past something! Tonight you will defend that TNA World Title against…….STING!!! *Angle starts throwing a fit in the ring* Cornette: Angle you’re not even guaranteed to make it to Atlanta with the title on your waist…so I suggest you get to the back and get ready to defend that title tonight! *Angle starts to come up the ramp towards Cornette* Cornette: Oh one more thing…you better stop right there, because if you so much as lay a finger on me or shoot me a dirty look I will strip you of that title and you will be removed from the Bound For Glory main event and suspended indefinitely without pay! So Kurt you better get it under control! *Angle sneers as he heads towards the back*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage to see James Mitchell walking into the arena with Black Reign and Judas Mesias*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]*We go backstage with Jeremy Borash* Borash: Folks at this time I welcome to the interview area for the first time in a long time…AMW! Now guys you have a huge match toni… *Harris yanks the mic away from Jeremy* Chris Harris: First things first! James you and I have a lot of history…good and bad, but tonight we have to leave the bad outside and take care of business! There are two crazy monsters that want our blood! Hell, one of em’ got quite a bit of mine a couple of months ago. So I need to know right now if the old America’s Most Wanted can return for one night? *Harris hands the mic to Storm* James Storm: For tonight all of the junk will be left behind and we’ll take care of business Chris…oh and Black Reign…Judas Mesias………Sorry about your **** luck!!! *AMW walk off together as JB looks pumped up*[/QUOTE] [U] Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage as the camera is panning up the leg of a beautiful woman* Mike Tenay: WHOA!!! Who can this be??? *The camera reveals her face* Mike Tenay: That’s Torrie Wilson! Don West: It sure is Mike! Mike Tenay: Torrie Wilson has arrived in TNA!!! Shane Douglas: Well this could be interesting!!! Torrie what are you doing later? Mike Tenay: Don’t even think about it Franchise![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]Torrie Wilson, Gail Kim and Cheerleader Melissa vs. Ms. Tennessee, Ms. Brooks w/Robert Roode and Christy Hemme[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In a match that never really got going Cheerleader Melissa pins Ms. Tennessee with the German Suplex! Sections of the crowd were very vocal in their displeasure with Christy Hemme and new acquisition Torrie Wilson.[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Cheerleader Melissa, Gail Kim and Torrie Wilson Time: 7 Minutes ~ 4:44 Match Time Rating: E[/U] [QUOTE]*After the match Robert Roode gets in Ms. Brooks face about not winning the match…he berates her into the corner until she slides out of the ring and runs up the ramp…Kaz comes out to console her* Tenay: This Sunday Kaz will get the chance to free Ms. Brooks from Robert Roode Douglas: Why would she want to leave him? Kaz is just trying to break up a great relationship. West: Are you seeing what I am? Douglas: Shut up West! I was in wrestling when you were selling crap on HSN![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1Minute Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage to Jeremy Borash* Borash: At this time I would like to welcome a man who will challenge for the X Division Title at Bound For Glory, The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels! *Daniels walks in* Daniels: Jay Lethal…you are everything that I am against! You make wrestling a joke! My passion…my love…my only desire you make a mockery of! Well no longer! At Bound For Glory, I’m going to take what is rightfully mine! I’m going to once again become X Division Champion, and when I do I promise that you will never get another shot! Of course all of this is riding on the fact that you walk out of here tonight with the gold around your waist…and believe me…I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that you don’t! And that’s the Gospel according to The Fallen Angel![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]*A video plays hyping the XXX vs. LAX Ultimate X Match for Bound For Glory*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]X Division Title “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal © vs. “The Warrior” Senshi[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In a contest that saw a lot of interference (Daniels and Skipper both got involved) Jay Lethal won after some help from Homicide of LAX![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Jay Lethal Time: 12 Minutes ~ 10:20 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]*Lethal leaves the ring as quick as he can with the belt* Tenay: Jay Lethal is going to Bound For Glory as the X Division Champion! *Skipper and Daniels nail Homicide who has been standing outside the ring* West: Oh my goodness! Homicide looks like he’s hurt! *XXX savagely begin to beat down on Cide* Tenay: They’re setting up for that combination move that XX does! *Play Of The Day…BME…Warrior’s Way* Douglas: YES! Get him that’s what he gets for getting involved with a title match! *Senshi and Skipper get chairs and are setting up for a Conchairto* Tenay: If they do this Homicide will be luck to make it to Atlanta! *Hernandez comes running out from the back and cleans house with a chair* Tenay: Hernandez may have just saved the career of Homicide![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage where VKM are in their locker room* BG James: We asked for this time to set some things straight! My and my brother Kip have been in this business for a long time. We are one of the…strike that…We are the greatest tag team to ever wrestle, and what do we get at Bound For Glory??? A four way tag match against some jobbers! We should be competing for the TNA Tag Team Titles! Let me tell you boys in the office something…after we win we better be getting a Tag Title shot…if we don’t…then you boys in Tennessee better watch out! Kip James: Like my brother said it’s time for us to once again become the most dominant team in pro wrestling…and if you don’t like it…then…SUCK IT!!! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage where Tomko is walking…all of a sudden out of nowhere he is nailed by Ron Killings with a club!* Killings: Come on Pac-Man!!! *Truth and Pac-Man put the boots to Tomko and tag him with spray paint before walking off*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Hoyt/Rave w/Christy Hemme[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In a small preview of the four corner tag match at Bound For Glory the Machine Guns came out on top after nailing Jimmy Rave with a lethal combination of moves for the pinfall.[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: MCMG’s Time: 11 Minutes ~ 9:29 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage to the locker room of Samoa Joe* Joe: At Bound For Glory it will finally happen! I will finally become TNA World Heavyweight Champion! Christian tonight I will make you tap out to the clutch and end the feud that you and I started! Kurt at Bound For Glory you know that I’m out for your blood. Which brings me to Sting…Sting you and I have a bit of a history here in TNA. We’ve fought each other, we’ve tagged up and now we’re going for the same belt. Sting let me tell you something you would be better not to show up on Sunday, because I’m going to be focused and I’m taking no prisoners. Sting if you get in my way this Sunday in Atlanta…YOU WILL BE BROKEN!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Hardcore Match AMW vs. Black Reign and Judas Mesias w/James Mitchell[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]We join the match in progress - We’re twelve minutes into the match and AMW has the upper hand - Harris says something to Storm - Storm grabs Black Reign - Tenay: They’re setting him up for the Death Sentence! - DEATH SENTENCE! - West: AMW have this one won! - SUPERKICK!!! - Tenay: My God! James Storm just nailed Chris Harris with the super kick! - Judas Mesias gets in the ring and covers Harris. - 1…2…3! - Tenay: I can’t believe we actually trusted James Storm![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Black Reign and Judas Mesias Time: 17 Minutes ~ 13:41 Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]*After the match Harris continues to get beaten down by James Storm…Judas Mesias and Black Reign join in on the beat down. Chris Harris is bleeding profusely!* Tenay: Someone has to stop this! *Abyss and Rhino come running into the ring to save Chris Harris* West: ABYSS AND RHINO ARE BACK!!! Douglas: They may be on the same page now, but come Sunday it’s every man for himself![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE] *A video plays hyping the history between Samoa Joe and Christian Cage*[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage vs. "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]In a really good match Christian Cage gets the win after Kurt Angle nailed Samoa Joe with a chair while the referee was distracted.[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Christian Cage Time: 22 Minutes ~ 19:46 Match Time Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage where Robert Roode is beating up Kaz* Roode: Kaz you think you’ve got it all…WELL YOU DON’T!!! YOU DON’T HAVE MS. BROOKS AND MARK MY WORDS YOU NEVER WILL!!! I’LL SEE YOU ON SUNDAY!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: E[/U] [QUOTE]*We cut backstage with Jeremy Borash* Borash: At this time I would like to welcome the former TNA Tag Team Champion, Team 3D. *Ray snatches the mic away from Borash* Ray: Borash why don’t you go find your boyfriend… *Borash shoots Ray a dirty look and walks off* Ray: You better not ever look at like that again Borash! Steiner Brothers this Sunday at Bound For Glory me and my brother Devon are going to retire both of you! Scott you and your brother can share a hospital room in Atlanta after we’re through with you. You guys think that you’re the greatest tag team of all time…you dare to insult the legacy of Team 3D…this Sunday you’re going to find out what it’s like to be taken to the extreme in our tables match! Steiners it’s a good thing we’re going to be in your old stomping grounds because I promise it will be your final resting place! Devon: OH MY BROTHER TESTIFY!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]A video plays hyping the history between Sting and Kurt Angle[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] TNA [COLOR="red"][U][B]Heavyweight Title Match “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle vs. “The Icon” Sting[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]A great match goes to a double DQ following interference from Christian Cage and Samoa Joe…before that both of these guys looked better in the ring than they had in years![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: DRAW Time: 12 Minutes ~ 10:22 Match Time Rating: A*[/U] [QUOTE]*After the bell rings the four men continue to brawl all over the Impact Zone and eventually winds up with Kurt Angle having the upper hand after an exchange of finishers by all of the men that ends when Angle nailed Samoa Joe with the Angle Slam!* Tenay: This Sunday all four of these men will go at it for the TNA World Heavyweight Title in an elimination style match…we’ll see you on Sunday for Bound For Glory 3![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [U]FINAL RATING: B TV Rating: 23.15[/U]
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Bound For Glory Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Elimination Match Kurt Angle (c) vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage TNA Tag Team Title Team Pac-Man (c) vs. AJ Styles & Tomko TNA X Division Title Match Jay Lethal (c) vs. Christopher Daniels TNA Knockout Title 10 Woman Gauntlet Ultimate X LAX vs. XXX Monsters Ball Chris Harris vs. James Storm vs. Black Reign vs. Judas Mesias vs. Rhino vs. Abyss Tables Match Team 3D vs. The Steiner Brothers Four Corners Tag Match The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Rave/Hoyt vs. VKM vs. Raven/Havok Winner Gets Ms. Brooks Kaz vs. Robert Roode Bonus 1: Who will be pinned/submitted in the 4 way tag match? Bonus 2: Predict the order of elimination in the Main Event Prize: Put together stable...it's all up to you...members...name...everything!!!
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TNA World Heavyweight Title Elimination Match Kurt Angle (c) vs. Sting vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Christian Cage Pinned 1st: Kurt Angle Pinned 2nd: Christian Cage Pinned 3th: Sting TNA Tag Team Title Team Pac-Man (c) vs. [B]AJ Styles & Tomko[/B] TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. Christopher Daniels TNA Knockout Title 10 Woman Gauntlet : [B]Gail Kim[/B] Ultimate X LAX vs. [B]XXX[/B] Monsters Ball Chris Harris vs. James Storm vs. Black Reign vs. Judas Mesias vs. Rhino vs. [B]Abyss[/B] Tables Match [B]Team 3D[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers Four Corners Tag Match [B]The Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. Rave/Hoyt vs. VKM vs. Raven/Havok Eliminated 1sts: Serotonin Eliminated 2nds: Vodoo Kin Mafia Eliminated 2ths: Jimmy Raven & Lance Hoyt Winner Gets Ms. Brooks Kaz vs. Robert Roode
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Hey Josh, glad to see you are back. i enjoyed the last impact alot, as it really built towards BFG. not really sure about bringing in torrie as she only adds eye candy and not much at all in the ring (however i'm willing to wait and see just where you go with it). Bound For Glory Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Elimination Match Kurt Angle (c) vs. Sting vs. [B][U]Samoa Joe [/U][/B]vs. Christian Cage TNA Tag Team Title Team Pac-Man (c) vs. [B][U]AJ Styles & Tomko[/U][/B] TNA X Division Title Match [B][U]Jay Lethal (c)[/U][/B] vs. Christopher Daniels TNA Knockout Title 10 Woman Gauntlet: [B][U]Gail Kim[/U][/B] Ultimate X [B][U]LAX[/U][/B] vs. XXX Monsters Ball Chris Harris vs. James Storm vs. Black Reign vs. Judas Mesias vs. Rhino vs. [B][U]Abyss[/U][/B] Tables Match [B][U]Team 3D [/U][/B]vs. The Steiner Brothers Four Corners Tag Match [B][U]The Motor City Machine Guns [/U][/B]vs. Rave/Hoyt vs. VKM vs. Raven/Havok Winner Gets Ms. Brooks [B][U]Kaz[/U][/B] vs. Robert Roode Bonus 1: Shelley pins Havok Bonus 2: Sting, then Cage, then Angle
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