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Hustle & Honor: Redemption

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[B]Cycles……[/B] It’s funny how life goes in Cycles…… Over three years ago I was living with high hopes, envisioning a future of glory and fame. Three years ago, I was down on my luck, unemployed and the idea of getting a job in the industry I loved was unthinkable. Less than three years ago Gnasher Udo gave me another opportunity, and I thrived like I had imagined I would. Now I’m back down on my luck. But now things just don’t seem as bleak. I’m older now, wiser and a much better and proven prospect than I used to be. Now I’m back in my hometown of Atlanta and I’m not worried about what I’m going to do with my life. Because this time I am older, wiser and richer! And I’ve got used to doing things my way. I’m one of those wrestlers that isn’t known to the casual fan, but any serious fan knows all about me. I have name power and I have a vision. Richard Eisen can go jump of a bridge, I don’t need him anymore. Stunner Okazawaya can take the promotion I built from me and probably run it into the ground with The Great Hisato. Companies can keep turning me and The Hype down for work because of the rumors about us. None of that matters anymore. [COLOR="Sienna"]“So Kid, how is this going to go? I know you aren’t going to be running you’re traditional old school promotion. I know that’s not you, it’s me!” [/COLOR] A voice asked waking me from my little day dream. The voice belonged to the one and only Professor Nero. Not exactly a massive name in the South East, but he was a cult hero in the South West and he had more knowledge than I would probably ever have. I didn’t have to think about my answer for very long. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well, I’m planning to do what made me popular in Japan, what I’m known for. Better wrestling than my competition! Faster pace, more athletic, harder hitting! There will always be fans of good wrestling.”[/COLOR] I realized how conceited I sounded, but that is exactly what I did. I took some of the best young wrestlers in the world, and built the fastest rising promotion in the world. And I did it by putting on great matches. It might sound conceited, but it was the truth. Hence why Katana Pro had so many of the Top 100 wrestlers of 1999 and would probably still have a good number of the Top 100 in 2000. Hell, I got No.1 but it was because I was surrounded by a roster that was as good as I was. And KP-1 got most improved promotion two years running, and if it won it the third time at the end of this year, it wasn’t because The Great Hisato put the KP-1 World Title on himself. It would more likely be because I put the International Title on someone like Acid. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Well who you going to get Shane. Only a certain number of wrestlers are willing to risk working for us that work for KP-1. We couldn’t get Cornell, or Acid for example.” [/COLOR] Kazuko Hiroyuki pointed out. Kazuko was one of the top referee’s when I got the book in KP-1. Now he was one of the top minds in the business too, at least in my opinion. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Well we got enough for the hardcore KP-1 fans in the States to watch us. We got The Hype, Black Eagle, Hell Monkey, Jack Giedroyc and some of the managers.”[/COLOR] That was the voice of Catherine Quine. This was the first time I had met her, but I had wanted to put together a good booking team, and the other man in the room was the one who had recommended her. His name was Maurice Criss, a new announcer to wrestling. I had interviewed him for KP-1 a year ago and he was a good fit, but then my commentary team resigned and he wasn’t needed. However now, I could hire him. But he was surprisingly quiet when he wasn’t announcing. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Don’t worry about it guys, I found some of the best talent for the last three years. And with all you’re help we can find some more. So get together all the tapes for all promotions that we can. We got the Hustle and Honor Roster to Build.”[/COLOR] And so began the third chapter of my wrestling career.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.COM[/SIZE][/CENTER] [RIGHT][B]Shane Winters to bring his wrestling to the United States[/B][/RIGHT] Three years ago, the wrestling industry was all talking about the sudden release of potential future SWF stars Shane Winters and The Hype. It was soon known to fans in the know that The Hype was released cause of drinking and drug issues as SWF released a press statement concerning the matter. However nothing was ever said about Shane’s release. Many presumed it was because of a similar reason, which Shane publicly denied. However many promotions saw the two as untouchable until Gnasher Udo came along and gave Shane Winters a chance, giving him the booking position for his new promotion in KP-1. With interesting storylines that didn’t take precedent over the quality of the wrestling, Japan was introduced to a new style of wrestling. Not one to choose Super Juniors over Strong Style or vice versa, Katana Pro focused on just hiring talented wrestlers and athletes and letting them shine. While this didn’t always work, a lot of the time this resulted in the type of matches that were talked about and are still talked about today. The one that sticks most in the memory is The Hype and Shane Winters epic feud that resulted in a match of the year for 1999 and a middle finger in the direction of the SWF Headquarters. However after three years of success, a TV deal and a PPV deal in the bag, Gnasher Udo unfortunately died in a tragic car accident. And the result was Udo’s family selling Katana Pro. Shane Winters made a bid with his savings, but was beaten out by Stunner Okazawaya. Stunner and Shane seemingly didn’t have the same image in mind for Katana Pro, as Stunner Okazawaya attempted to release some of the superstars and hired GCG Heavyweights to the roster after buying out the financially struggling company. After also purchasing the rights to AMW, Stunner wanted to have three Heavyweight Champions, whilst Shane desperately tried to unify the titles under the KP-1 name. However for six months, they two seemed to compromise with each other, until it came to resigning Shane Winters long time friend, Todd Cusson aka The Hype. Stunner like many other owners didn’t want a person with a past related to drink and drugs. This resulted in Shane Winters and Katana Pro parting ways. But now Shane Winters wants to start again. Speaking with a member of the Total Extreme Wrestling team yesterday, Shane Winters has already promised to bring his vision of wrestling to the United States. Under the name Hustle & Honor, Shane Winters plans to build another promotion amongst the many in today’s wrestling scene. And with help from a team consisting of Professor Nero and Catherine Quine, who’s to say he can’t emulate the success he had with Katana Pro. We at Total Extreme Wrestling can’t wait till 2001 and the beginning of Hustle and Honor! Stay tuned for more, only here on Totalextremewrestling.com.
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It took us a good couple of weeks, but eventually we had a roster ready to present to the world. Whilst I didn’t feel it was as good as the roster I had when I was booking at Katana, I definitely felt it had the potential to be just as good. The Run down for the roster was as so. [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] Dark Angel – A Super Junior worker from the United Kingdom, in some form or another he is known all over the world. Most popular in Canada and Japan, he is the biggest name on the Hustle and Honor roster. Unfortunately he has little charisma though, but other than that he should be able to be a lead guy in the company. Jack Griffith – Spent a short stint in KP-1 and has been working the American Indy scene with good success. Is also currently working with SWF so is very popular in parts of America! Has a decent presence on the microphone too, but also is known to like a drink or two. Alex Braun – A veteran worker known for being dependable. Used to work in SWF as Ace Freeze! Has good high flying skills and is good on the microphone. Thanks to these abilities, he is likely to be the lead face in the company. Freddie Datsun – Hard working and reliable and a nice guy to boot! Probably the least flash out of the main eventers, he isn’t really bad at anything and should be a decent fit to the main event scene. [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] The Hype – Probably one of the most controversial names in wrestling! There is no doubt that he is a talented performer. His two matches of the year with me are a testament to that. Great all round skills and charisma, the only reason he isn’t a big player in a big promotion is his past of drinking and drugs. However I believe he is drug and drink free, but who knows. Either way he is a friend of mine and hasn’t let me down yet. Guide – A talented brawler with a decent all round game to match. Came into the business through the independents as part of a tag team called New Wave with another wrestler named Scout. However no bigger promotion has used the tag team. A bit more charisma and he could be a big star. Flex – Another worker who was originally part of a tag team. Only thing holding him back was lack of knowledge on how to work a crowd. However with the opportunity to work with people who know how to get the crowd going, Flex could become a star. Black Eagle – Quickly becoming one of the best workers perhaps in the world. Massively over in the Kanto Region of Japan and in the South West, it shouldn’t be too long till the whole world knows about Black Eagle. Perhaps the only thing he needs is a mouthpiece. [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] Shane Winters – I’ll let my record speak for itself. 1999 Wrestler of the Year. Match of the year for two years in a row. Archangel – A champion high school wrestler, did well on the independent scene but then found himself stuck with a doomed company. Fortunately with Stunner Okazawaya buying out the company and it now ceasing to exist, Archangel is free to work where he wants, and now graces the rosters of CZCW and HGC. Very charismatic and has potential to be great in the ring. Donnie J – A good all around wrestler but nothing spectacular. All though a lot of great wrestlers start of a good but not spectacular! Sergio Juan Carlos – Goes by the name of El Bandito in Mexico, is one of the best all rounders in the sport. He can work any style and deserves a push that matches his all around ability. El Monje Negro – This mysterious character has been played for many years by various wrestlers. Currently the man is played by Hugo Lopes, who is perhaps the most talented man to play the character. Uses mind games a lot to get an advantage on his opponents. Howard Kipp – Howard is one of the best trainee’s to come out of the Piledriver Wrestling School, being well versed in brawling and mat wrestling. Lacks the ring presence though to be anything special yet. [B][U]Lower Midcarders[/U][/B] Hell Monkey – Once you’ve watched him once, you’ll never forget him. A visually memorable entrance which goes along with good striking, technical skills and high flying! Another wrestler that needs a mouthpiece though! Jack Giedroyc – A solid all around wrestler. His strong points are his ability to connect with a crowd, whilst wrestling or talking. It is thanks to this that even if he doesn’t improve as a wrestler, he will always likely be pushed because he has something that a lot of wrestlers don’t. Teika Sasaki – A product of the Diamond Dust Wrestling School, he is a decent brawler but much more solid in technical wrestling. Managed to grab the basics of psychology and safety pretty quickly and therefore is a safe bet to put in the ring. However, other than an unexpected push in GCG during it’s downfall, he seems to be a man to put over workers over. [B][U]Openers [/U][/B] Leo Price – Has the potential to be a great wrestler but at the moment is merely a solid all rounder. Was unfortunate to get a leg injury in 1996 which kept him out for a year and still effects him in his in ring work today. Jack Vars – Had a short stint in Katana Pro, and another product of the Piledriver Wrestling School. Still needs to grow as a worker but has good solid foundations. [B][U]Enhancement Talent[/U][/B] DJ Reason – A charismatic brawler. All though he isn’t as good as some of the rest of the roster, he knows how to make himself look good and has the added bonus of being a DJ, which will hopefully help with music for all the talent. [B][U]Managers[/U][/B] Emma Chase – Perhaps the most naturally gifted manager around right now. Has the looks and the charisma to manage anyone, and it can’t hurt to have her plastered on banners and flyers promoting the show. Thanks to Emma Chase, a lot of American wrestling fans hate Chris Gordan! Queen Emily – While not as naturally gifted as Emma Chase, Queen Emily has shown a good understanding for the art of managing. Sasha Genocide – If there is any manager who is as naturally gifted as Emma Chase, it is Sasha Genocide. Used to be an actress on popular British Soap Operas, but moved into wrestling as a manager for 21CW because of her love for the business. Soon her work was being raved about and now she also works for AAA. [B][U]Announcer[/U][/B] Maurice Criss – Very Charasmatic, when the camera is on or his voice can be heard. Also has a good head for the business. With practise he could become a great announcer. [B][U]Color Commentary[/U][/B] Tara Green – Started as a valet and impressed with her mircrophone skills. [B][U]Referee[/U][/B] Kazuko Hiroyuki – A massive help to me in Katana Pro. One of the best referees around and one of the best bookers too, just I’m not sure he realizes it. One day he may get head booker somewhere. [B][U]Road Agent [/U][/B] Professor Nero – Who better to Road Agent for a South Wrestling Company! [B][U]Personalities[/U][/B] Catherine Quine – She wishes to focus on her CZCW and BHOTWG:W work, so she will merely be an extra seat at the booking table and will represent the companies board for storyline purposes.
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With the roster finally finalized, and the nightmare of trying to schedule a show around other shows so there would be no scheduling conflict finished, we had our first show booked and ready to go. On the second Tuesday of January, Hustle & Honor would try and take what had been built in KP-1 away from them, by holding their first show and tournament, Best of The Best! An eight man tournament, for the best competitors that Hustle & Honor could get! And the winner would not only be the Best of The Best, but would also be crowd the first World Champion in Hustle and Honor. [B][U]First Round of Best of The Best[/U][/B] Dark Angel (BHOTWG) vs. Freddie Datsun (DAVE) Alex Braun (RPW) vs. Flex (CZCW) Dennis Butler (CGC) vs. Jack Griffith (XFW) Rip Chord (KP-1) vs. Pistol Pete Hall (HGC) [B][U]AWO Atlanta Title Match[/U][/B] Black Eagle vs. Guide [B][U]AWO Tag Team Title Match[/U][/B] Wasted Youth (Shane Winters & The Hype) vs. Howard Kipp & Hell Monkey
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]HUSTLE & HONOR PRESENTS[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]BEST OF THE BEST[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="1"]At the Arkansas Colliseum[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Best of the Best Tournament Hype[/U][/B][/CENTER] The Show opens not with the commentary team, but with a video highlighting the exploits and achievements of the eight men that will be fighting in the Best Of the Best Tournament. The list includes the future legends of the sport, Rip Chord and Pistol Pete Hall, along with big time name Dennis Butler and all the other talents and the promotions they are representing at this first Hustle And Honor show. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: Just a Nice Little Opening segment, seeing as how I have the overness of Rip Chord, Pistol Pete and Dennis Butler to take advantage of.[/I] [B][U]First Round of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Alex Braun defeats Flex with a Braun Damage [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: A fast and furious paced match as both men realized the importance of a quick win. Both went for big moves early on, and both made mistakes as they went for moves that are best hit on tired and worn out opponents. Alex Braun cements himself as one of Hustle & Honor’s contracted main stars with a good victory.[/I] [B][U]First Round of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Dennis Butler defeats Jack Griffith with a Simply Supreme Suplex [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: Dennis Butler is massively over in the States, so I was hoping that he would put on a match that got the crowd more involved, but the lower named talents of Alex Braun and Flex put on just as good a match. It was by no means ugly, it was a good match, just expected more. Jack did his job and made Dennis Butler look like a threat in this tournament after I promised him that after the loaned wrestlers take their leave, he’ll be one of the main players.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Time for the Ice Man to Shine[/U][/B][/CENTER] The cameras go backstage where we have the beautiful Emma Chase standing by with “The Ice Man” Alex Braun. Alex Braun, in a very cool yet determined manner stated that he was here to show a particular promotion the talent they had on their hands and that they wasted. And the best way to achieve that, was to win the Best of The Best Tournament and be the first AWO National Champion. [B]RATING:[/B] C- [I]Notes: Alex Braun has great charisma which has never really been utilized. Hopefully Alex Braun will get over enough so his interviews will almost be as good as the wrestling. Course, Emma Chase played her part in the segment too.[/I] [B][U]First Round of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Dark Angel defeats Freddie Datsun with a Descent into Hell [B]RATING:[/B] B+ [I]Notes: Okay, I wasn’t expecting that good a match. Freddie Datsun proves that with the right opponent he can put on spectacular matches. I told them to keep it cool, and I don’t know if they just ignored me, or just couldn’t help it, but they got the crowd into this match as if it was the finals. Freddie does what he is used to doing and puts over another wrestler, but I might have to rethink his position in my main event scene.[/I] [B][U]First Round of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Rip Chord defeats Pistol Pete Hall with a Rip Chord DDT [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: This might have been better if the match before it hadn’t been so great. Both are not the best sellers in the industry but both are extremely talented and over. I’ve found that Rip Chord usually puts on good matches but never great ones when he was in KP-1 with me.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]The American Wrestling Organization Representative[/U][/B][/CENTER] After the first round of the Best of The Best Tournament, Catherine Quine comes out in front of the crowd and takes a microphone. She introduces herself as one of the best women wrestlers in the world, but also one of the best business woman in the wrestling world. She explains that she is not here to wrestle, at least not yet, but is here to represent the American Wrestling Organization, the governing body in regards to the title betls that will be defended in Hustle & Honor as well as across the world. She then announces the next matches in the tournament, being Alex Braun vs. Dark Angel & Dennis Butler vs. Rip Chord. She then hopes that the fans enjoy the rest of the show and takes her leave. [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: Catherine Quine has a good head for the business and is quite charismatic, so she fits into the role quite well and can help backstage. Of course, if I do introduce a Women’s Division, like I did when I carried on the legacy of the 5SSW World Title in KP-1, Catherine Quine will be a good person to have around.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Tara Green likes Mr. Supreme[/U][/B][/CENTER] Maurice Criss and Tara Green get some mic time to hype up the next matches in the tournament. Tara Green seems to be pro Dennis Butler, almost to a shameful extent, where as Maurice Criss keeps a professional stance on the matter. [B]RATING:[/B] C- [I]Notes: Tara Green is good enough to help matches out with her color commentary. Unfortunately Maurice Criss is still lacking experience but it shouldn’t be too long till he eases into his role.[/I] [B][U]AWO Tag Team Title Match[/U][/B] Wasted Youth defeats Howard Kipp and Hell Monkey when Shane Winters hits Howard Kipp with the Kiss You’re Ass Goodbye. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: The Hype is just one of those natural talents, that keeps on improving and improving. Even now, with three years touring Japan and fighting great wrestlers, he finds a way to impress. Howard Kipp did a decent job for a rookie while Hell Monkey is always a great person to work with. Hype and I go over because at the moment, we are the only established tag team.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Smoke and Mirrors?[/U][/B][/CENTER] As Wasted Youth celebrate with their AWO Tag Team Titles, suddenly the lights go out and one light focuses on the entrance, where El Monje Negro appears. His hands clasped together in front of his chest, he stands extremely still until he suddenly springs his hands forward and towards the ring. The light focused on the ring comes on and the ring is covered with a thin layer of smoke, and El Monje Negro & Black Eagle are standing behind Wasted Youth. The two attack the unsuspecting victims ruthlessly and quickly, before the lights go out again. When they come back on, the new Tag Team Champions are laid out on the mat. [B]RATING:[/B] D [I]Notes: Trying to establish another tag team, and the two seemed a natural fit. The stunt was pulled by having someone of a similar build dress as El Monje Negro at the entrance ramp, and Hugo himself, was with Black Eagle the whole time and got in the ring when the lights where out. The light switch from the entrance ramp and the ring where done simultaneously so the two El Monje’s where never visible at the same time. [/I] [B][U]Semi-Finals of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Rip Chord defeats Dennis Butler with a Rip Chord DDT [B]RATING:[/B] B+ [I]Notes: Perhaps Rip Chord knows my opinion on his wrestling and is trying to put on a great match. I think the overness of the two meant a guaranteed good match, as Rip Chord even at his old age shows that he can go for two matches, we shall see if he can manage three. The original plan was for Dennis Butler to get to the final, but Dennis Butler refused to put anyone over, other than Rip Chord. [/I] [B][U]Semi-Finals of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Alex Braun defeated Dark Angel with a Braun Damage [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: Alex Braun and Dark Angel show they can almost match the likes of Rip Chord and Dennis Butler, at least down here in the South East. This tournament has shown that the main event scene at Hustle & Honor is good enough to get great matches. And who knows, maybe before too long, Hustle & Honor will be getting matches of the year.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Legend vs. Opener![/U][/B][/CENTER] The cameras go backstage, as it is now Sasha Genocide’s turn to help someone out with an interview. Rip Chord is standing alongside her and tells Alex Braun that he is out of his depth. He says that Rip Chord is a legend in the making, and has held World Titles all over the world. Meanwhile, what has Alex Braun done, other than struggle to keep a job in SWF with a lame gimmick. [B]RATING:[/B] B+ [I]Notes: Rip Chord brings the goods with his good microphone skills and his overness. Hopefully this will hype the match up so the crowd is at fever pitch.[/I] [B][U]AWO Atlanta Title Match[/U][/B] Guide defeats Black Eagle with a Guided Missile. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: Guide is a talent waiting to break through and to be honest I’ve spent three years giving Black Eagle the chance. Don’t get me wrong, Black Eagle has repaid every bit of faith I have put in him, but I felt like I should give Guide a chance. Don’t want the roster thinking I’m going to play favourites with any KP-1 Alumni.[/I] [B][U]Finals of the Best of the Best Tournament[/U][/B] Rip Chord defeats Alex Braun with a Rip Chord DDT [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: Not the amazing match I was hoping for, but memorable enough to replay a few times on shows to come and on the internet. Unfortunately when it comes down to it, I went and got names that were slightly too big, as Rip Chord wasn’t willing to lose to Alex Braun. So, Rip Chord becomes the first Best of the Best Winner and the first AWO National Champion. The show finishes with Rip Chord celebrating with his title and trophy.[/I] [B][I]Attendance:[/I][/B] 2,000 [B][I]Rating:[/I][/B] B- [B][I]Notes:[/I][/B] [I]I guess I’m used to putting on matches in Kanto, where my main events are always the best match on the card. But this is a new roster and it was definitely a great first card.[/I]
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H&H Best of The Best had come and gone, and it had been a successful show. I had hoped for more but I couldn’t be upset with what I go. All our champions had been crowned, and we had shown the world what we were about. However now we are in February, trying to get a TV deal and we need to build up some stories to go with out matches. So this months event would do just that, as we let all those in the South East know what our next card was going to be, for our H&H Till Our Last Breath event. Donnie J vs. Hell Monkey [B][U]AWO Atlanta Title Match[/U][/B] Guide © vs. Flex Sergio Juan Carlos vs. ??? Dennis Butler vs. Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jack Griffith vs. Freddie Datsun [B][U]AWO Tag Team Title Match[/U][/B] Black Eagle & El Monje Negro vs. Wasted Youth Alex Braun vs. Dark Angel
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]HUSTLE & HONOR PRESENTS[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]TILL OUR FINAL BREATH[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]At the Arkansas Colliseum[/SIZE] [B][U]Cleaning Up The Promotion[/U][/B][/CENTER] The Show Opens with some unfamiliar music playing as out from the back walks a small business man, who seems to think he is very important. He gets to the ring and introduces himself as Adrian Garcia, one of the members of the American Wrestling Organazation championship committee. He goes on to mention last months Best of The Best, and how Rip Chord defied all the odds and came out as Best of The Best and AWO National Champion. He then asked Rip Chord to join him, which Rip Chord did. Once Rip Chord was in the ring, AWO National Title over his shoulder, Adrian Garcia too the opportunity to congratulate him. However the niceties were short lived as he took the title from Rip Chord, and informed him that while they couldn’t strip the Best of The Best Tournament win from him, the American Wrestling Organazation was stripping Rip Chord Of the AWO National Title. Naturally Rip Chord was confused and pissed off by this as he stepped up right into Adrian Garcia’s face. Adrian Garcia warned Rip Chord not to make any false moves or he would be arrested, as he is a guest in this arena and not a contracted wrestler. Adrian explained that the American Wrestling Organization wanted a clean image, which meant they needed a clean champion. Rip Chord brought up the fact that the whole roster wasn’t clean, which Adrian Garcia replied to, by stating that any contracted talent was regularly checked. However Rip Chord wasn’t under such obligations and the AWO was under no obligation to tolerate Rip Chord’s past. [B]RATING:[/B] C The Tension in the ring is obvious, but it is broken up by the music of Wasted Youth, as Shane Winters and The Hype come to the ring. Shane Winters takes the microphone and says that he is sick and tired of wrestlers being punished for what they have done in the past. He brought up how Wasted Youth was kicked out of SWF and KP-1 because of what they might or might not have done in the past. Shane asked if they were to be stripped too. Adrian smugly stated that as long as they stayed clean, they’d be safe from the AWO stripping them. But, that doesn’t mean they are safe as champions. [B]RATING:[/B] D The lights went out as some dark music started to play. As the lights came back on, El Monje Negro & Black Eagle are standing in the ring, face to face with Wasted Youth. The two teams stare each other down, before almost as quickly as they came, El Monje Negro & Black Eagle disappeared, along with Adrian Garcia. [B]RATING:[/B] D (For Appearances) [B]RATING:[/B]C (For Disappearance and Rip Chord with Wasted Youth being left in the ring.) [I]Notes: I had backed myself into a corner when I got Dennis Butler, Rip Chord and Pistol Pete Hall for the tournament. None of them were willing to lose to any of my talent. Therefore we went ahead as advertised and named the winner of the tournament, the Best of the Best and AWO National Champion. This is pretty much the only way to take the title of Rip Chord, as he is unwilling to be made to look weak. Hype and I got involved because of our whole SWF and KP-1 ordeals and to set up the tag team match.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] Donnie J defeats Hell Monkey with a Death on Miami Beach [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: A Quick opener and a filler match, to showcase Hell Monkey really. Donnie J is more over, which is why he picked up the win, but I’m sure the fans will soon be on the Hell Monkey bandwagon. This was a good match for two smaller names in the company.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Defending The Title With Everything I've Got![/U][/B][/CENTER] Guide is backstage with Emma Chase, with the AWO Atlanta Title over his shoulder. Emma Chase congratulates him on his win at Best of The Best, and Guide, standing tall with his arms folded, accepted the congratulations. Emma then went on to ask Guide about his opponent tonight, Flex. Guide acknowledged Flex’s ability, his performance last month and the fact that over in CZCW, Flex was the bigger star. But this isn’t CZCW and with every ounce of energy in his body, he would defend the AWO Atlanta Title just like the Armed Forces defended the United States. Guide then saluted Emma Chase and was on his way. [B]RATING:[/B] D [I]Notes: It’s simple, put Guide next to Emma and people will care about the segment more. And hopefully Guide will pick up something from the way Emma carries herself.[/I] [B][U]AWO Atlanta Championship Match[/U][/B] Guide defeats Flex with a Guided Missile [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: This was nothing like the Guide versus Black Eagle match, as I now know that Black Eagle carried Guide to a good match. All though this is by no means bad, I was under the impression the top of my midcard where capable of better. However Flex and Guide still have a lot to learn about in ring psychology. Fortunately they do have Black Eagle as company in the Upper Midcard, so hopefully they will soon learn the art of psychology.[/I] [B][U][CENTER]I'm The Best In the World, And I'll Prove It[/CENTER][/U][/B]Sergio Juan Carlos came out, dressed in very colourful clothes to say the least. He walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone, claiming he is the greatest wrestler in the world, the world just doesn’t know it yet. And in H&H he was going to prove it, and invited anyone to come face him and it didn’t matter who cause he guaranteed to beat them in under five minutes. DJ Reason answered his challenge. [B]RATING:[/B] E+ [I]Notes: We aren’t in Mexico, and nobody in America cares about DJ Reason yet. Well, here’s to hoping they’ll care soon.[/I] [B][U]Sergio Carlos Five Minute Invitational[/U][/B] Sergio Juan Carlos defeats DJ Reason with a Hijack Suplex [B]RATING:[/B] D+ [I]Notes: An okay match, but DJ Reason is a full of potential, not the final product yet. Sergio Juan Carlos however looked great in the ring and put away DJ Reason in under two minutes.[/I] [B][U]FourWay Dance[/U][/B] Dennis Butler defeats Pistol Pete Hall, Jack Griffith & Freddie Datsun with a Simply Supreme Suplex on Pistol Pete Hall [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: That’s more like it, as the main eventers deliver a good match and lift the crowd. Dennis Butler thinks he is gods gift and refused to put anyone over, even Pistol Pete Hall. When he is gone, I think I’ll wait awhile before ever inviting him back. Hopefully Jack and Freddie will get more over just for having wrestled the former SWF Star.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Second Chance at the Gold[/U][/B][/CENTER] The cameras are backstage with Alex Braun. After Maurice Criss informs him that his main event is now for the AWO National Title, Alex Braun promises that unlike last month, he won’t let this opportunity slip out of his hands, and will do everything in his power to become the AWO National Champion after doing what he did last month, and that’s beat Dark Angel. RATING: C+ [I]Notes: Alex doesn’t need any help on the microphone, and I can see the crowd’s reaction to him just growing and growing.[/I] [B][U]AWO Tag Team Championship Match[/U][/B] Wasted Youth defeats Reign of Darkness when Shane Winters hits El Monje Negro with the Kiss You’re Ass Goodbye. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: A good tag team match considering this is the first time El Monje Negro and Black Eagle have teamed together. Whilst The Hype and I looked better as a team, I reckon with some work, Reign of Darkness could be every bit as good. Especially considering Black Eagle is improving year by year.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Posession is 9/10 of the Law![/U][/B][/CENTER] Wasted Youth hug in the ring to celebrate, as the referee goes and grabs the titles. The ref slides in to hand Wasted Youth their titles, but the lights go out, and when they come back on, Reign of Darkness and the Tag Titles are gone. [B]RATING:[/B] D [I]Notes: Reign of Darkness take the titles to continue the feud.[/I] [B][U]AWO National Championship Match[/U][/B] Dark Angel defeats Alex Braun with a Descent into Hell [B]RATING:[/B] B+ [I]Notes: This match was 23 minutes of great high flying action, with a bit of brawling and technical skills thrown in for good measure. All though Alex Braun doesn’t necessarily have the stamina to go for 23 minutes, Dark Angel covered for that and the crowd were on their feet, for one of the best matches they’ll probably see in the States. Dark Angel celebrates as the new AWO National Champion. [/I] [I][B]Attendance:[/B][/I] 2,000 [I][B]Rating:[/B][/I] B- [I][B]Notes:[/B] El Monje Negro was slightly overused, but apart from that there was no complaint. And despite having some matches that were worse than last month, we still pulled off a good show.[/I]
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Well, despite some minor hiccups in matches that didn’t perform as well as expected, we were moving along solidly. The team had been focusing mainly on storylines, and we all agreed that we were currently better suited for a heel authority in the company. Adrian Garcia would now be the authority figure, as for Catherine Quine, well we had plans for her further down the road. We were happy with the performance of our main eventers and happy with the creation of Reign of Darkness. However we were most pleased with a couple of new signings to the company. Catherine came up with the PPV name, Night of Honor. With no TV deal signed, we planned to continue storylines for another three months. [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] Flex vs. Shane Winters (Shane Winters and The Hype must win to be guaranteed possession of their titles.) [B][U]Five Minute Invitational Challenge[/U][/B] Sergio Juan Carlos vs. ??? [B][U]Triple Threat North American Showcase[/U][/B] Dennis Butler vs. Rip Chord vs. Pistol Pete Hall [B][U]Three Way Tag Team Contendership Match[/U][/B] The Reign of Darkness vs. Mean Jean Cattley & Howard Kipp vs. Nate Johnson & Jack Vars [B][U]Triple Threat No.1 Contendership Match[/U][/B] Alex Braun vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Jack Griffith [B][U]AWO Atlanta Championship Match[/U][/B] Guide vs. Hell Monkey [B][U]AWO National Championship Match[/U][/B] Dark Angel vs. The Hype (The Hype and Shane Winters must win to be guaranteed possession of their titles.)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]HUSTLE & HONOR PRESENTS[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]NIGHT OF HONOR[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]At the Arkansas Colliseum[/SIZE] [B][U]The New Champion[/U][/B][/CENTER] We are welcomed to the show by Maurice Criss, Tara Green and new to the announce table, Marty “The Voice” Papin. The team welcome us to Night of Honor, and explain the events in relation to Rip Chord, Alex Braun and Dark Angel, which have resulted in Dark Angel being the AWO National Champion. And on que, from the back walks out Dark Angel, with the AWO National Title over his shoulder. With him is a public speaker, who proceeds to hype up Dark Angel and his abilities. It is almost a history lesson on the past of Dark Angel, until Alex Braun interrupts and the two starts a massive brawl that is split up by security. [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: Dark Angel isn’t very charismatic and I’m trying to find a mouthpiece for him, so I kept him talking down to a minimum by bringing in someone to be his mouthpiece for this part of the storyline. [/I] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] Shane Winters defeats Flex with a Kiss You’re Ass Goodbye [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: This was better than I had expected, as I’ve got a new roster to get used to working with. Flex is capable, just doesn’t understand how to sell the story of a match to the fans. But with someone to call it for him, he can look amazing in that ring.[/I] [CENTER][B]Five Minute Invitational[/B][/CENTER] Similar to last week, Sergio Juan Carlos comes out to the ring and hypes himself up as one of the greatest wrestlers in the world. He said there was nobody who had a better all round game, and again he would take on anyone and beat them in under five minutes. Teika Sasaki came out to answer the challenge. [B]RATING:[/B] E [I]Notes: Still, nobody really cares about Sergio yet, and Teika Sasaki isn’t a big name opponent. But it’s not like many of the roster set the crowd alive with their microphone work, so it’s tolerable.[/I] [B][U]Five Minute Invitational Match[/U][/B] Sergio Juan Carlos defeats Teika Sasaki with a Hijack Suplex [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: A Better match than last month from Sergio, but I am pretty confident that given great opponents, Sergio would be an amazing wrestler and would get amazing reactions from the crowd. Teika Sasaki is unknown here, if this was in Japan this would have probably been better. The Match lasted all of one minute, so the rating is suprisingly good.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]Got My Own Backup[/U][/B][/CENTER] The cameras go backstage, where Adrian Garcia is seen talking to Queen Emily. Adrian thanked Queen Emily for having her boys ready to defend him last week. Queen Emily said they had no problem fighting Wasted Youth, at any time or place. She then asked if Adrian needed them this month but Adrian said that he had his own guys in today. [B]RATING:[/B] F+ [I]Notes: Neither are that over, so I’m not surprised.[/I] [B][U]North American Showcase Triple Threat Match[/U][/B] Rip Chord defeats Dennis Butler & Pistol Pete Hall with a Rip Chord DDT on Dennis Butler. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: I was expecting better from these guys, seeing as how talented and over they are. Dennis Butler refused to let Pistol Pete Hall win, and I apologised to Pistol Pete, as all he had done in H&H was look up at the lights. Pistol Pete seemed to understand, and because of Dennis Butler being the only person with a problem of putting over Pistol Pete, I made sure it was he who got pinned by Rip Chord.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]The Garcia Syndicate[/U][/B][/CENTER] The announce team start to hype up the tag team three way about to take place, to name the number one contenders for Wasted Youth’s Tag Team Titles. After pointing out that The Reign of Darkness had possession of the Tag Team Titles, Adrian Garcia came out from the back, with three men behind him. Adrian had a microphone and introduced three of the members of his Syndicate, the Garcia Syndicate. The three men where Mean Jean Cattley, Howard Kipp & Danny Bruce. And tonight, Mean Jean and Howard Kipp would show what they could do in the ring. [B]RATING:[/B] D [I]Notes: Howard Kipp seemed to benefit greatly from having Adrian Garcia doing the talking for him. All three are young talents with mass potential. Hopefully they can all pick up some mic skills from Adrian.[/I] [B][U]No.1 Contendership Three Way Tag Team Match[/U][/B] The Reign of Darkness defeats The Garcia Syndicate II & The Fun Loving Criminals with a STF by El Monje Negro on Nate Johnson [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: All three are promising tag teams. Mean Jean and Howard Kipp show more natural chemistry as partners than the others. The Reign of Darkness are probably the more talented individuals. As for Nate Johnson and Jack Vars, well they have a good ability to bring some humour to proceedings. Nate and Jack argued a lot with each other, hit moves on each other, and sometimes deliberately over sold simple moves. The finish came when El Monje locked in the STF, and for some unknown reason, Jack Vars stopped The Garcia Syndicate from breaking up the submission.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]So Close, but yet so Blind[/U][/B][/CENTER] The Garcia Syndicate slide into the ring and argue with Jack Vars, who shrugs his shoulders as if he just did what he did by mistake. Nate Johnson got up and started to argue with Jack Vars, but as soon as Howard Kipp said anything bad to Jack Vars, Nate Johnson immediately turned on him. The two teams started to fight into the crowd as Reign of Darkness watched on. Then the crowd cheered as Wasted Youth ran out and slide into the ring, in an attempt to get their titles back. However they both where greeted by green mist to their eyes as both grabbed their faces in pain and the Reign of Darkness made their exit with the AWO Tag Team Titles. [B]RATING:[/B] D [I]Notes: Didn’t want to pull the disappearing act again. Also Queen Emily isn’t necessarily a perfect fit for Reign of Darkness, but we are going to see how it works as Reign of Darkness isn’t the most charismatic tag team.[/I] [B][U]No.1 Contendership Three Way Elimination[/U][/B] Freddie Datsun defeats Alex Braun & Jack Griffith. Alex Braun was eliminated first when Jack Griffith used the ropes to get the pinfall, and then Freddie pinned Jack after hitting the Patriot Press. [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: This match was only 15 minutes but Alex Braun doesn’t seem to have the stamina to wrestle all out for 15 minutes, even in a triple threat match. So the Ice Man does have a weakness. Otherwise it was a good match, that out did the outsiders in their North American Showcase Match.[/I] [CENTER][B][U]The Other Member[/U][/B][/CENTER] Freddie Datsun celebrates the fact that he’s won a shot at the AWO National Title, but as he does so, someone slides into the ring and then hits the Ammo Dump on him. Marty Papin booms the fact that Human Arsenal is here in H&H down the microphone, as the camera zooms in on the T-shirt that he is wearing, with “Garcia Syndicate” written on the front. [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: Well, you didn’t think I was going to give the boss a stable with three midcarders. Human Arsenal is obviously the big name of the group. Others were in contention but weren’t interested. [/I] [B][U]AWO Atlanta Championship Match[/U][/B] Guide defeats Hell Monkey with a Guided Missile. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: As long as I put Guide up against someone I know is good in the ring, he will put on a good match. This match was pretty much to cement Guide as champion, and keep Hell Monkey on people’s minds.[/I] [B][U][CENTER]Who Can Stop Him?[/CENTER][/U][/B] Guide celebrates in the ring. And there is no attack like on Freddie, but the announcers wonder who can topple the AWO Atlanta Champion. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ [I]Notes: A good rating for an angle that depends on overness. [/I] [B][U]AWO National Championship Match[/U][/B] Dark Angel defeats The Hype with a Descent to Hell. [B]RATING:[/B] B+ [I]Notes: Great match by two amazing talents. Both hit their big moves, both reversed each others big moves and they managed to put across the story of a man fighting for it all, in The Hype, fighting against a man with everything to lose in Dark Angel. The crowd were into it, despite the fact that I probably had used the Hype a bit too much on this show, and applauded once the match was over, even if their favourite didn’t win. Once Again the show ends with Dark Angel standing tall as AWO National Champion. [/I] [B][I]Attendance:[/I][/B] 1,522 [B][I]Rating:[/I][/B] B- [I][B]Notes:[/B] Looks like this maybe our rating for awhile, but I am happy with the main event.[/I]
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The general feeling of the team is one of content. We’re not over the moon about how the cards are going, but it isn’t bad enough to worry about. It is probably because Kazuko and I are used to blowing crowds away week in and week out. Catherine Quine came up with the Locked and Loaded PPV name, and we were happy with the big matches. Financial we were losing some money but not too much, and it shouldn’t be too long before we are getting bigger crowds in the South East and making a profit. Locked & Loaded would see Danny Bruce and Human Arsenal make their debuts, and this roster would be a H&H show of talent only. [B][U]AWO Tag Team Championship Match[/U][/B] Wasted Youth © vs. The Reign of Darkness Wasted Youth won the AWO Tag Team Titles on the very first H&H show, Best of the Best. Now they will have to defend them against the tag team in possession of the tag titles, The Reign of Darkness. Under Queen Emily’s guidance, and thanks to the mysterious abilities of El Monje Negro, The Reign of Darkness have gotten under the skin of Wasted Youth and so far managed to avoid an all out fight with them. Will Wasted Youth get their revenge, or have the mind games worked? [B][U]Five Minute Invitational Match[/U][/B] Sergio Juan Carlos vs. ??? So far Sergio Juan Carlos has beaten rookie DJ Reason and KP-1 Alumni Taeki Sasaki. Sergio continues to showcase his ability as he holds another five minute invitational. [B][U]Singles Hardcore Grudge Match[/U][/B] Alex Braun vs. Jack Griffith Last Month on Night of Honor, there was nothing honourable about how Jack Griffith’s eliminated Alex Braun from the Elimination Three Way which would name Dark Angel’s opponent for tonight. Jack Griffith still came up short as Freddie Datsun won that Three Way, and now Alex Braun wants to make Jack Griffith pay for cheating him out of an opportunity at Dark Angel. [B][U]Tag Team Match[/U][/B] Fun Loving Criminals vs. The Garcia Syndicate II We were introduced to these two teams at Night of Honor, and a difference in style is very obvious. While The Garcia Syndicate are lethal and focused, the Fun Loving Criminals just like to have fun. Whoever wins this match will move up the growing tag team ranks. [B][U]Garcia Syndicate Exhibition Match 1[/U][/B] Danny Bruce vs. ??? Night Of Honor saw the Garcia Syndicate introduced to Hustle and Honor. We have seen Mean Jean and Howard Kipp in action all ready, and now Adrian Garcia wants to showcase just how good the men he represents are. The first match sees Danny Bruce, former SWF star take on a mystery opponent. [B][U]Garcia Syndicate Exhibition Match 2[/U][/B] Human Arsenal vs. ??? The second Garcia Syndicate Exhibition Match will showcase Human Arsenal, who shockingly showed up and attacked the Number One Contender Freddie Datsun after he won a hard thought match. Freddie Datsun will be in attendance, but with a title match following this match, will he wait to get revenge on Human Arsenal. [B][U]AWO National Title Match[/U][/B] Dark Angel © vs. Freddie Datsun In a Three Way Elimination Match, Freddie Datsun came out on top to earn this title shot. These two put on one of the matches of the Night at Best of The Best, and now Freddie gets the opportunity to do what Dark Angel did, and win the title that evaded him that night. However we know Human Arsenal will be around, will he make his presence felt again?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]HUSTLE & HONOR PRESENTS[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]LOCKED & LOADED[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]At the Arkansas Colliseum[/SIZE][/CENTER] We are welcomed to the show by Maurice Criss, Tara Green & Marty “The Voice” Papin as they cover last months PPV and inform us all about the unfortunate recent news of Ken Shimedzu retiring and that Taeki Sasaki will no longer be a part of the H&H roster. After a silence for Ken Shimedzu, the show got underway. 1) [B][U]You're Tricks Are Pointless[/U][/B] The Music of Wasted Youth plays as they come out to the ring, without their AWO Titles. They took a microphone each and informed the world that they would be taking back their titles tonight, and showing The Reign of Darkness that their little tricks will not help them against two of the best wrestlers on the planet. [B]RATING:[/B] C 2) [B][U]AWO Tag Team Titles Match[/U][/B] Wasted Youth defeats The Reign of Darkness when The Hype makes El Monje Negro submit. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: A good match considering the tag team division is so thin at the moment, and apart from Wasted Youth, not travelled partners. The match was fast paced, focusing on technical skills, each team trying to best the other. However Wasted Youth clearly had fire in their bellies. The finish came when The Hype jumped off the apron and grabbed a beer from a fan, drunk some of it, then spat it in the face of El Monje Negro as he tagged in, then took El Monje Negro down to the mat with an Ankle Lock and made El Monje Negro submit.[/I] 3) [B][U]Five Minute Invitational....AGAIN![/U][/B] In what is becoming a very regular segment on H&H shows, the Mexican music of Sergio Juan Carlos hits as he comes out to the ring. He once again sings his own praises, and claims he would be better than any of the tag teams, by himself. However, Sergio is all about Sergio, and tonight he will continue his Five Minute Invitational Challenge. Jack Giedroyc comes out to accept the challenge. [B]RATING:[/B] E 4) [B][U]Five Minute Invitational Match[/U][/B] Sergio Juan Carlos defeats Jack Giedroyc with a Hijack Suplex [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: I’ve known Jack almost three years, and I could tell he wasn’t too happy about doing the job tonight. But his overness in the US sucks because he’s only really wrestled in Japan. The match lasted two minutes, and Jack got about 30 seconds of offence in before Sergio hit the familiar looking Hijack Suplex. Despite the short length, a lack of chemistry was very clear but both are good enough to hide it from the fans.[/I] 5) [B][U]The Authorities Boys[/U][/B] The sound of a cash draw starts the entrance of the Garcia Syndicate, who come out and then stand at the top of the entrance way. Adrian Garcia stands in front of his boys, Human Arsenal, Howard Kipp, Mean Jean Cattley and Danny Bruce. He introduces us to the collective unit known as the Garcia Syndicate, and warns anyone that messes with him, will have to deal with his boys. He runs the ship, and his syndicate is the wind that will guide the H&H ship to success. And just for the fans, he’d let them see all of his boys in action tonight. [B]RATING:[/B] E+ 6) [B][U]Hardcore Grudge Match[/U][/B] Alex Braun defeats Jack Griffith with a Braun Damage. [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: Okay…………was expecting more than this.[/I] [I]These two are two of my top guys, and their match wasn’t any better than Sergio vs. Jack Giedroyc. Not sure exactly why, but the fans just didn’t get into this. Maybe they realized it was just filler before Alex goes back after Dark Angel. Either way this match disappointed. I loved it myself, the hardcore aspect let the two play characters that wanted to destroy each other. After a brutal match, Braun hit his finisher and then pinned Jack.[/I] 7) [U][B]This Ain't Over[/B][/U] After the match, Jack Griffith managed to get to his feet and see Alex Braun celebrating. His face contorted before he jumped up to his feet and attacked Alex Braun. The attack finally finished after Jack put Alex through a table and security pulled him away. [B]RATING:[/B] D- [I]Notes: Might have to pull the plug on this before it starts. And the crowd didn’t seem to like the intensity and aggression of the segment. Perhaps they were expecting the type of wrestling that I’m known for booking in Japan.[/I] 8) [B][U]Tag Team Match[/U][/B] The Garcia Syndicate II defeats The Fun Loving Criminals when Mean Jean Cattley hits the Mood Swing on Jack Vars. [B]RATING:[/B] C- [I]Notes: Wasn’t expecting a classic in this match. This match was to put over the Syndicate and to showcase The Fun Loving Criminal as the jokers they are. The Fun Loving Criminals ran in at the start of the match and Jack Vars cleared the ring of the Syndicate, and then his own partner. However the serious members of the Syndicate soon put away the criminals.[/I] 9) [B][U]First Opponent for the Syndicate[/U][/B] Adrian Garcia comes out and joins the booth, and announces the first mystery opponent for the Syndicate Showcase, Archangel of the former promotion, Awesome Max Wrestling. [B]RATING:[/B] E [I]Notes: This was going to be Joel Kovach, but KP-1 have him, and he is way to popular to sign a contract with me as he has worked for HGC.[/I] 10) [B][U]Syndicate Showcase Match[/U][/B] Danny Bruce defeats Archangel with a roll up. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ [I]Notes: Looks like Locked & Loaded maybe the worst PPV of the year, as these two have no chemistry in the ring together. This was meant to make Danny Bruce look strong, but it made neither look good at all. Not even the commentary team could do anything to salvage the match. Name power got the rating.[/I] 11) [B][U]Second Opponent for the Syndicate[/U][/B] Adrian Garcia then introduces the opponent for Human Arsenal, Johnny Martin. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ [I]Notes: These bad segments probably aren’t helping much either. Here’s to hoping I get two great final matches.[/I] 12) [B][U]Syndicate Showcase Match II[/U][/B] Human Arsenal defeats Johnny Martin with a Ammo Dump [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: Well, at least it was breaking the trend of downhill momentum as in regards to quality. Human Arsenal and Johnny Martin put on a decent match, and Johnny Martin sold all of Human Arsenal’s offence. There was no appearance by Freddie Datsun though. [/I] 13) A Small Video played hyping up Freddie’s win and Dark Angel’s Reign. [B]RATING:[/B] C 14) [B][U]AWO National Title Match[/U][/B] Dark Angel defeats Freddie Datsun with a Descent Into Hell [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: At least we finish on somewhat of a high, as Dark Angel and Freddie don’t disappoint. The fans would have probably been more into this if the show had built them up to it, but they still managed to put on a classic display. Freddie Datsun seemed to be weary of the fact that Human Arsenal might show up, especially as Adrian Garcia was still sitting at ringside. However he never came, and the distracted Freddie didn’t seem to focus fully on Dark Angel, which cost him.[/I] [B][I]Attendance:[/I][/B] 1,822 [B][I]Rating:[/I][/B] C+ [I][B]Notes:[/B] The show was no better than what Stunner was doing over in KP-1 or what SWF and HGC were doing, which disappoints me. I call the booking team before I leave to talk things over.[/I]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]“Did you see KP-1’s Trio Tournament Shane?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Course I did, I was with you Todd, how much did you have to drink?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Just a few…….”[/COLOR][/B] Todd’s voice trailed off as he looked down at his plate in the café we were at, getting some breakfast before we headed to the gym. He was avoiding my gaze, because we both knew he wasn’t clean, not from the drinking anyway. As far as I knew, he had cleaned up his act in regards to the drugs. And it wasn’t like I didn’t drink when I got the opportunity. I looked down to my plate and stuffed a couple of fries into my mouth. [B][COLOR="Red"]“Anyway, I guess you were going to say something about the Trios Tournament right?”[/COLOR][/B] The Hype nodded, looking up again and looking relieved that the subject had moved on. He was lucky we were just an average sized promotion in South East America, and that we weren’t that famous around here. His drinking was clearly noted in Japan and in Canada when he had a run with CGC. But for now, his drinking wasn’t a problem. And for once, he had a boss he knew wouldn’t fire him because of it. [B][COLOR="Blue"]“I just can’t believe what they did to it man. I mean it was bad enough that Stunner changed King of Fighters to Night of Champions in December and put the King of Fighters Title on UK Dragon. Not that Dragon didn’t deserve it, but the KP-1 Champion isn’t supposed to be in the tournament. But now, he has Nakasawa, Acid and Koiso win the Trio’s Tournament, with no explanation to why they are teaming. And the matches weren’t even as good. I reckon they are restricting the workers in the ring.”[/COLOR][/B] I looked around the room, nobody here probably even knew what KP-1 was. I had soon found that KP-1 hadn’t made as big an impact as I had thought. Sure, half a million American’s got KP-1 shows over the net. But America was a big place. And apparently, one of the hardest places to conquer when it comes to wrestling! [B][COLOR="Red"]“Look, its Stunner’s promotion now. He and Hisato can do what they want to it. That isn’t Gnasher and my promotion anymore. My promotion is Hustle and Honor, and that’s what I’m worried about. Our last show was no better than what Stunner and Hisato are doing in Kanto. We got nobody who can get on the microphone and not stink up the place. Those that can, aren’t over. We still need a mouthpiece for Dark Angel too. And the only option we got is Sasha.”[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]“You tried Airyn?”[/COLOR][/B] I laughed slightly, raising an eyebrow at Todd. He knew very well that if Airyn accepted a call of mine, it would be because she needed me and not the other way round. Airyn had been someone I had brought into KP-1, and at the time Airyn was happy to be in the wrestling industry. After not finding anything for her though, she had left. And the fact that she had been my girlfriend at the time and I couldn’t find anything for her really pissed her off. [B][COLOR="Red"]“You got any sensible suggestions.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s that Vixxen chick?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Tried here, she’s too busy.”[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]“Well look, you’re busy with booking shows, trying to sort out the fact that half the promotion isn’t as good as what KP-1 had and all the rest. How about I find a manager for Dark Angel.”[/COLOR][/B] I looked at Todd to see if he was kidding me. Todd wasn’t that great with responsibility. And the idea of him finding anyone, made me cringe at the thought of Dark Angel with someone with the looks but no charisma or acting ability. But I was busy! [B][COLOR="Red"]“Fine, but you better take this seriously.” [/COLOR][/B]
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Okay, I haven't the foggiest idea who a single character in this whole thing is, but I'll be doggoned if it wasn't one heck of an entertaining read. Very nice job on getting the backstory references in for those of us who stumbled across this as blank slates. Worthy of some pretty serious props.
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[QUOTE=MiddleGA;295058]Okay, I haven't the foggiest idea who a single character in this whole thing is, but I'll be doggoned if it wasn't one heck of an entertaining read. Very nice job on getting the backstory references in for those of us who stumbled across this as blank slates. Worthy of some pretty serious props.[/QUOTE] Well, if you've never used the Cornellverse 97 data set, then there will be a lot of people you've never heard of. I hadn't heard of a lot of them when I first started either. But there are a number of talents that those who use the Cornellverse will know of. But it gives me an oppertunity to write some people, like Danny Bruce, The Hype and others, that nobody else has done, that I know off. Anyway, thanks for my first comment, lol. I was wondering how long that would take.
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The sound of bodies hitting the mat echoed around the small gym that had been bought to be part of the Hustle & Honor Company. Budding youngsters came here to train and then hopefully get a job for one of the big wrestling companies. Some travelled all the way from the South West, some had relocated down here, but all of them wanted it. That was something Professor Nero, who had thankfully moved to the South East Region made sure of. After all, the last thing we needed was to waste our time training people who wouldn’t stick the course. Some of the H&H stars helped too, including me. Basically anyone that was a regular in the area! That wasn’t many though, as most of my roster worked other places too. At the moment, it was Hell Monkey who was taking some of the wannabe’s through their paces as we sat in Professor Nero’s office in the small, worn down gym. Catherine Quine and Kazuko Hiroyuki were the other two in the room as we looked over pieces of paper that had the roster’s strengths and weaknesses sprawled out over them. After four shows, we had a good idea about the ability of some of the roster and wanted to make sure shows like Locked and Loaded didn’t happen again. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“You know, this gym reminds me of the good old days, training in run down gyms, wrestling in small arenas. It feels like home ya know. And it’s always fun cracking a few young skulls.”[/B][/COLOR] Professor Nero took a sadistic pleasure in training youngsters, gave him the opportunity to hurt them. He never went too far, at least not yet. And if there was anyone better to learn the basics from, I’d like you to show them too me. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]“Are you going to help us look over the roster or what old man?”[/B][/COLOR] If Kaz or I had said that, we wouldn’t have got away with it, but even the “old man” was softened by the beautiful Catherine Quine. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“You’re lucky you’re a woman, and actually know a bit about this business. If you weren’t both, I’d show you why I made the cane famous in wrestling.”[/B][/COLOR] Catherine Quine gave Professor Nero a cheeky smile as she then carried on looking over the roster. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Look, we could do this a lot quicker, if we just talked about it instead of writing stuff down and reading it all.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][/COLOR][B]“Well, if you got a better way of doing this……”[/B] I trailed off, realizing that Nero naturally did have a better way. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“You’re taking this all too seriously boy. I don’t know how you did things in Japan and I don’t care. This is how we used to do it down here in the South. Simple questions, you only get to pick one person on the roster to Answer. And then, we all get to say one problem that we have with the roster or storylines or whatever, and then we fix it together. You youngn’s okay with that.”[/B][/COLOR] We all nodded our heads, as if we were listening to a teacher. [COLOR="darkslategray"][B]“Okay, so first things first, who’s the best worker on the roster?”[/B][/COLOR] We all looked at each other, trying to decide who would go first as Nero shook his head. [COLOR="darkslategray"][B]“I’ll go first, and we’ll go around the room. My pick would be you Shane.”[/B][/COLOR] I smiled ear to ear for a second, before Professor Nero obviously decided to put me down a peg. [COLOR="darkslategray"][B]“Only because Cliff Wilson hasn’t got charisma! Cat?”[/B][/COLOR] Catherine thought about it for a second and then went with the old man. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]“I’d say Shane too.”[/B][/COLOR] Kaz followed. [COLOR="Blue"][B]“I’d say the Hype, he’s got more of a character. That might be because of his past being a lot clearer than Shane’s."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“Hell Monkey.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Hell Monkey?”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“Yeah, I thought I’d be different, and he’s clearly a great all rounder.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Okay, so what we need to do is make sure Wasted Youth and Hell Monkey get TV Time, be it in the ring or on camera. Okay, now for best wrestlers. Best wrestler has to be Dark Angel. So we need him in the ring. And he’s over so we need to get him a mouthpiece.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]“Sergio Juan Carlos, and actually he’s a pretty damn good all rounder.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]“Black Eagle, he’s improving so fast he might as well be the best wrestler we got right now."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“Human Arsenal.”[/B][/COLOR] Professor Nero nodded and then held out his hands as he spoke. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Well then, Sergio needs more TV time, but that’s already the plan. Black Eagle and Human Arsenal have mouthpieces, so we need to find someone for Dark Angel.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“The problem is, we need someone that fits the Dark Angel character, unless we just have him wrestle as Cliff Wilson.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]“Well, we still got Sasha and didn’t you say the Hype is bringing in someone.”[/B][/COLOR] I shook my head at that mistake of a decision. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“Yeah, hopefully it’s someone good.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Okay, finally, potential stars? Hell Monkey is my choice.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]“Archangel.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]“Danny Bruce.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“Jack Geidroyc. The stuff this guy did in Japan shows that.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Okay, so we make sure these guys get the opportunity to get over. And finally, what do you guys see as the problems. My problem is the commentary team. It is horrible, and I’d tell Maurice that if he was here. Marty could perhaps be good with time. But otherwise, we have the worst announce team out there. Cat?”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]“We don’t have enough tag teams. Four tag teams, means there is only two possible feuds for Wasted Youth before we’d have to turn people or change champions.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]“It’s got to be our main event. I’m not sure Jack Griffith deserves to be there. I know overness dictates he should, but he’s not delivering.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“It’s Dark Angel, it’s been bugging me more than anything else, but I don’t know why. It just seems weird to have a champion that can’t cut a promo.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]“Well then kids, lets get planning on how to fix this all.”[/B][/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]HUSTLE & RESPECT[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Sergio Juan Carlos’s Five Minute Invitational Continues[/B] Sergio has gone undefeated here in Hustle & Honor and has done so in an impressive fashion. Sergio plans to continue to show his dominance as he continues his Five Minute Invitational against any opposition. [B]Alex Braun vs. Jack Griffith[/B] At Locked & Loaded, Alex Braun and Jack Griffith went through a gruesome battle, which Alex Braun came out on top of. However Jack Griffith assaulted Alex Braun after the match, and it seems nothing has been settled between the two. So, at Hustle and Respect, the two have been put in a match together, to hopefully settle the score. The winner becoming the Number One Contender to Dark Angel! [B]Reign of Darkness vs. Wasted Youth[/B] Locked & Loaded saw Reign of Darkness fall at the hands of Wasted Youth, and Wasted Youth get their tag team titles back. However, it seems that thanks to helping out the boss a few months ago, Reign of Darkness have been given a chance to put themselves right back at the top of the list of tag teams going for a title shot, if they beat Wasted Youth in a Non-Title Match. [B]Freddie Datsun vs. Human Arsenal[/B] At Night of Honor two months ago, Freddie Datsun won a three way elimination to get a shot at Dark Angel’s AWO National Title. However after the match, Adrian Garcia’s top recruit, Human Arsenal, stormed down to the ring and took out the new number one contender. With a losing effort against Dark Angel out of the way, Freddie wants revenge. [B]Guide vs. Danny Bruce[/B] In an obvious showing of favouritism, Adrian Garcia has given one of his boys a title shot, as Danny Bruce gets to take on the Atlanta Champion Guide. Guide has been impressive since the beginning of Hustle & Honor, but can Danny Bruce take that Atlanta Title away from the Patriotic American. [B]Dark Angel vs. Johnny Martin[/B] Despite losing to Human Arsenal on his first H&H match, Johnny Martin impressed the American Wrestling Organization and with all the other top competitors busy, they have given the XFW Hardcore Superstar an opportunity against Dark Angel for the AWO National Title, in a Hardcore Match. Can Dark Angel stop a Hardcore Superstar in his speciality match?[/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Prediction Key[/B] Sergio Juan Carlos vs. ??? Alex Braun vs. Jack Griffith Reign of Darkness vs. Wasted Youth Freddie Datsun vs. Human Arsenal Guide vs. Danny Bruce Johnny Martin vs. Dark Angel Predictions are naturally welcome. I mean, you know you want to. One measly response to this diary, I feel so lonely. Lol![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]HUSTLE & HONOR PRESENTS[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]HUSTLE & RESPECT[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]At the Arkansas Colliseum[/SIZE][/CENTER] Maurice Criss, Marty Papin and Tara Green welcome us to the show, while I sit backstage wishing we had a different announce team. 1) Fortunately we don’t have to listen to the announce team for long as Sergio Juan Carlos is in the ring and ready for the continuation of his five minute invitational challenge. Of course, that is after his usual rant about how great he is. Lee Rivera answers the challenge. [B]RATING:[/B] D- [I]Notes: Well, Sergio finally seems to be getting a growing response, and Lee Rivera is one of the members of our little training school, being given a run out here against a good opponent so we can see what he is capable of.[/I] 2) [B][U]Five Minute Invitational[/U][/B] Segio Juan Carlos defeats Lee Rivera when Sergio Juan Carlos hits the Hijack Suplex. [B]RATING:[/B] C- [I]Notes: Lee Rivera did his job well, selling everything Sergio Juan Carlos did. Lee Rivera managed to last longer than most, but still got beaten after five minutes.[/I] 3) [B][U]Number 1 Contendership Match[/U][/B] Alex Braun defeats Jack Griffith when Alex Braun hits the Braun Damage after interference from Johnny Martin. [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: These two promised so much but fail to deliver anything spectacular. The general feeling backstage is that it is Jack Griffith who isn’t performing. Both way this put an end to the program between Alex and Jack, as these two put it all on the line, clashing in the ring and neither giving way. The end came when Alex was pushed back by the ref as he Jack Griffith’s escaped a submission by getting to the ropes. As the ref pushed back Alex, Johnny Martin turned up and smacked a Kendo Stick over Jack Griffith’s noggin. From there it was all Alex’s as he hits the Braun Damage.[/I] 4) The commentary team finally get a chance to hype up some of the matches, and focus on the next match between the Reign of Darkness and Wasted Youth, making sure those at home know that Reign of Darkness need to win to get another title shot at Wasted Youth. [B]RATING:[/B] E+ [I]Notes: Chance to see if any of them can improve or hype up matches at all, as their calling in ring action is rather lacking. Tara Green shows some promise, Maurice Criss should obviously be a color commentator and not an announcer, but he doesn’t seem to realize that, and Marty Papin just isn’t good enough. Someone won’t be around for the next show though.[/I] 5) [B][U]Tag Team Match[/U][/B] Reign of Darkness defeats Wasted Youth when El Monje Negro pins The Hype after Queen Emily interferes. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [I]Notes: Wasted Youth came out with Catherine Quine as a counter to Queen Emily at Ringside. Wasted Youth once again seemed determined to get Reign of Darkness out of their hair, and they seemed likely to do it as none of Queen Emily’s games at ringside could help her team, until she managed to get the referee’s attention away from the match. Catherine Quine came around to get rid of the distraction, but the referee’s attention was still on the women, as El Monje Negro hit The Hype with one of the tag team titles and picked up the pinfall. The fans weren’t too pleased with the finish, but hopefully that will just add to the heat that Reign of Darkness are getting.[/I] 6) Backstage is the Atlanta Champion, Guide. He is interviewed by Emma Chase, who asks him about his rise down here in the South East and if he is worried that one of Adrian Garcia’s boys is coming after his title. Guide plays it off, saying that he will rise to any challenge, be it in a one on one match, or if Danny Bruce’s friends decide to show up. [B]RATING:[/B] C- [I]Notes: Just seeing if Guide can become one of my microphone men.[/I] 7) Elsewhere backstage, the Garcia Syndicate are standing with Sasha Genocide. They claim tonight will be another Syndicate night, as Danny Bruce will bring the Atlanta Title to the group, and Human Arsenal would put Freddie Datsun in his place and show that he is the only man worthy of taking the title from Dark Angel. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ [I]Notes: Nice little bit of improvement, as Human Arsenal seems to be growing in confidence in front of the camera. And Mean Jean Cattley seems to have the best Chemistry with Adrian Garcia, which might help him further down the road.[/I] 8) [B][U]Grudge Match[/U][/B] Freddie Datsun & Human Arsenal draw following a Double Countout. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [I]Notes: A Couple of months ago, this would have disappointed me, now I’m just happy that it’s in the good match range. Freddie was extremely fired up and didn’t let Human Arsenal finish his entrance. Human Arsenal on the other hand was calm and calculated, but also slightly surprised by the release of emotions by Freddie. Freddie clearly didn’t care about the rules as he continued to beat on Human Arsenal outside the ring, despite looking directly at the referee when the ref got to a nine count, and could have perhaps got back into the ring. The two continued to brawl all the way into the back.[/I] 9) Backstage, El Monje Negro, Black Eagle and Queen Emily are shown, arguing over their course of action regarding the Tag Team Champions, Wasted Youth. Nothing is really decided upon as the cameras fade out. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ 10) [B][U]AWO Atlanta Championship Match[/U][/B] Guide defeats Danny Bruce with a Guided Missile. Guide makes defence number three of his ATL Title. [B]RATING:[/B] C [I]Notes: Guide is slowly getting bigger and bigger in the South East. His matches don’t show it yet, but he hasn’t been given the top opponents. The match was an even affair, and Guide seemed very aware of Adrian Garcia’s presence at ringside. But it made no difference, as despite being challenge, the match ended much like the other matches Guide has been in.[/I] 11) Alex Braun comes out and takes a seat at ringside to watch the main event. [B]RATING:[/B] C 12) [B][U]AWO National Championship Match[/U][/B] Dark Angel defeats Johnny Martin with a Descent into Hell. Dark Angel makes defence number three of his National Title. [B]RATING:[/B] B [I]Notes: I wasn’t sure about putting this as the main event, and was thinking about Human Arsenal vs. Freddie Datsun being here instead, but this seemed to have the most fan interest, and it didn’t disappoint. Johnny Martin took it to Dark Angel and looked like he may dethrone the National Champion many times as the Hardcore match clearly played in his favour. However the veteran was able to hold on an mount a comeback, eventually pinning Johnny Martin and going toe to toe with him in the type of Hardcore Match that Alex Braun vs. Jack Griffith was meant to be. [/I] 13) With the match over and the groggy Dark Angel getting to his feet and being handed his title, Alex Braun slides into the ring and steps toe to toe with Dark Angel, as the show ends with the two staring each other down. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ [B][I]Attendance:[/I][/B] 1,316 [B][I]Rating:[/I][/B] C+ [I][B]Notes: [/B]Apparently Danny Bruce has been used to much, but surprisingly, despite this show just feeling better generally, it still didn’t seem to be any better than last week. [/I]
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What the hell…………. It’s funny how the wrestling world changes, all the freakin time. Everything was going okay, but the world isn’t happy with making life easy for the smaller promotions. No, they have to go and change the script. Richard Eisen is retiring from in ring action. Fans around the world are cheering. I’m actually wishing he’d get back in the ring. Don’t get me wrong, Richard Eisen never, ever should have stepped into the squared circle. But he has, and that’s something wrestling just had to deal with. But now, Richard Eisen wants time off, not only from in ring action, but from SWF. That’s right, not only has Richard Eisen stopped competing. He’s stopped everything. Owning, running, promoting, everything! And now we, and we being small promotion owners and bookers, have a new man to hate. And that man is Jerry Eisen. And why do I specifically hate the man, having never really met him apart from a few occasions. Well, the story goes………. ***** It had taken me an hour, but I had come up with the next shows name, Symphony of Destruction. And I had the card pretty much booked all out. So I was feeling pretty damn good, but that wasn’t to last! As I relaxed back in my chair and dreamt up ways of getting Hustle & Honor onto the map, there was a light tapping on my door. I knew the knock, only one person that worked for me, knocked like that. It was the soft knock of a smart and intelligent woman, who could snap most guys in half. I beckoned Catherine in, expecting her and maybe a few members of the booking team, or perhaps The Hype as the plan was for Catherine to be Wasted Youth’s manager until we found her something or someone else. However, instead she was accompanied by Jerry Eisen. I lowered my brow and looked at Jerry as he walked into the room. I had nothing against the guy, but he was the son of Richard Eisen, and Richard and I weren’t friends. I turned to Catherine who looked a bit sheepish as the two sat down, manly because Jerry Eisen had sat down and Catherine followed. [COLOR="Red"]“So, what brings an Eisen to my office?”[/COLOR] Jerry looked around the small office, almost as if asking if this was it. Richard Eisen would have probably laughed at the description of my small room, in a broken down gym, but Richard Eisen and Jerry Eisen didn’t and would never understand having to work from the ground up. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look Shane, I know we aren’t exactly you’re favourite wrestling family, but I have a proposition for you. Well, Catherine and I have a proposition for you.”[/COLOR] I looked back over to Catherine. She looked down to the floor, obviously not wanting to meet my gaze. [COLOR="Red"]“And what would that proposition be?”[/COLOR] Jerry smiled, and looked around the room again, this time with a warm look, and a fake look. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s quite a nice set up you got here. I can just imagine what this place would be like if you got the chance to be something big.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Get to the point Jerry.”[/COLOR] Jerry took his time, not letting me rush him into anything. Perhaps lessons he learnt off his father. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look, you’re never going to be able to match SWF or HGC for that matter. Just like KP-1 was never going to be as big as Burning Hammer or Pride and Glory. But, you have and incredible eye for talent and you turn promise and potential into success. Nobody can deny the skills you have. Pro Wrestling Hits wouldn’t name you’re Katana Pro the Most Improved Promotion, or give you cards and matches of the year if you weren’t good at what you do. But SWF makes stars, bigger stars than you can dream of making. And we will always be bigger than everyone else. So, you have two options, and you should consider yourself lucky to have an option, because everybody else doesn’t. Hustle and Honor will be a development territory for SWF. The only question is if we’ll be working together, or if I’ll be taking stars from you.”[/COLOR] I look at Jerry, it being abundantly obvious that he was 100% serious. I then turn to Catherine who is still looking at the floor. [COLOR="Red"]“And what is you’re role in this.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“She, is SWF’s New Head Booker. Which means I doubt she’ll be turning up for you’re Tuesday shows. So, I’ll give you a couple of weeks, and you can decide if you’ll have a roster full of people who no show you’re events because they are at mine, or we can strike up a deal, and you can develop talent for me. I look forward to hearing from you.”[/COLOR] And before I could reply, they were out the room and I was wondering what the hell just happened. I don’t know how long I sat there, but the phone snapped me out of my daze. I picked it up and rested the phone on my shoulder. [COLOR="Red"]“Shane Winters, what can I do ya for?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You can tell me if you can come up to The Maritimes?”[/COLOR]
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The trip was boring, tedious and every other mediocre word that you can think of. Turns out I had been working to hard and had ended up leaving myself nothing to do but day dream on the airplane to The Maritimes in Canada. But, after a short limousine ride, I was at my destination. And this man could afford hiring a limousine for little old me. And the destination was awe inspiring as I stepped into the training facilities of North of The Border Pro Wrestling. Everything was top of the range, hi-tech and shiny too. From weights to machines, to doors that suggested the doctors room, and all the other rooms, were just as impressive once you got inside. This is how big North of the Border had gotten, this was better than anything SWF had. And there weren’t many men that I would be in awe of as much as this facility in wrestling, but the man that approached me just happened to be one of them. [COLOR="green"]“Nice to meet you Shane.”[/COLOR] Dan Stone Snr. Held his hand out to me and we shook, his grip just as firm as anybody else’s in wrestling, despite his age. [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah.”[/COLOR] Yes, that is all that came out of my mouth as Dan Stone smiled, perhaps used to this kind of reaction. [COLOR="green"]“I’m glad you could make it up here. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.”[/COLOR] Dan Stone turned on his heels and headed towards the centre of the room, where a wrestling ring was set up as some faces I didn’t recognize were wrestling in the ring. I was already not disappointed that I had come up, as my mind raced with possibilities for why Dan Stone invited me up here. [COLOR="green"]“I’ve been watching you’re promotions. KP-1 and now H&H. Especially after Sean, Dusty and Sam told me that as far as they knew, you are as clean as anybody in wrestling.”[/COLOR] Dan was talking about Sean McFly, Dusty Streets and Sam Keith, all now NOTBPW stars. Dusty having spent some time at KP-1 as a Road Agent too! I didn’t speak, worried that I would interrupt the legend. [COLOR="green"]“And, from what I’ve seen and been told, you have a habit of taking young stars and giving them an opportunity to shine and get better in the ring. You’re style might be quicker than ours, but I can see that you’ve made some solid superstars in you’re time. And, well now that we are International, we have some trainees that I unfortunately can’t sign to NOTBPW. That happens to be the guys in the ring, training right now.”[/COLOR] I looked to the ring and watched the four wrestlers run through a tag team match. I didn’t recognize any of them, but just by watching them I could tell they were solid talents. [COLOR="green"]“They asked me where they could go, that would best set them up for a return to NOTBPW. And, to be honest, I don’t want my family’s efforts to be wasted, and see these kids go to SWF or HGC and not improve any as a wrestler. So I suggested you, which is why you are here. If you want them, these guys are ready to sign with you today.”[/COLOR] I looked back to the ring, and the idea of NOTBPW youngsters was definitely appealing. But, I didn’t know anything about these guys, and by the sound of it, they weren’t regulars on the independent scene or anything. [COLOR="Green"]“Of course, there might come a time when these guys might be approached by us, and it will be completely up to them whether to join us or stay with you. Also, as a thank you for continuing their training, we would give you access to some of our stars every now and again. Personally, I’d rather you grew to be my competition than either JK or Jerry Eisen. Anyway, I understand that you’ve not seen much of these guys, so feel free to jump into the ring, see what they are capable of.”[/COLOR] I shrugged my shoulders and took him up on his offer, taking off my top and sliding into the ring in just my tracks. The four men took turns as we called some matches, nothing to competitive. Their names turned out to be Art Reed, Greg Black, Owen Love and Johnny Bloodstone. For training graduates I found out that they all had solid basics and psychology. Well actually, Owen Love, Art Reed and Johnny Bloodstone had basics that would put most rosters to shame. Greg was probably the most well rounded, flying as well as he wrestled, but the other three were better technical wrestlers. I soon found myself thinking about them as possible champions and stars. Especially Johnny and Greg, who seemed to at least have a decent presence outside of the ring! By the time the five of us got out of the ring, I think Dan Stone already knew my answer.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]Symphony of Destruction[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]Sergio Juan Carlos’s Five Minute Invitational Continues[/U][/B] You getting bored? Well the fans in attendance have been, as Sergio Juan Carlos attempts to continue his Five Minute Invitational and pick up another impressive win. However many people are wondering why his opponents are all from the bottom rung of the roster. [B][U]Shane Winters vs. Jack Griffith[/U][/B] These two are on very different paths, but those paths will cross at Symphony of Destruction. Shane Winters has been fighting to keep hold of his Tag Team Titles with the Hype, while Jack Griffith has been fighting to be noticed, as many doubt his credentials as a main event player. Both will be looking for the win to keep or build their momentum. [B][U]Garcia Syndicate vs. The Royal Guard[/U][/B] Howard Kipp and Mean Jean Cattley are the tag team in Adrian Garcia’s group, and have impressed with their teamwork here in Hustle & Honor. The Royal Guard are a new tag team, consisting of Jack Giedroyc and new kid on the block, Adam Matravers. Will the new tag team prove themselves against the authorities boys? Or will the Garcia Syndicate prove themselves once again? [B][U]Guide vs. Johnny Martin[/U][/B] The Atlanta Champion is undefeated, and Johnny Martin is looking for a good hardcore fight, stating that he can put on the best hardcore matches out of anyone in the promotion. After his attack on Jack Griffith last month, he has explained his actions on H&H.com, as apparently Jack Griffith has been running his mouth backstage about being the toughest in Hustle & Honor. Will Johnny Martin’s interference in Jack Griffith’s match last week, cost him a chance at the ATL Title? [B][U]Human Arsenal & Danny Bruce vs. Freddie Datsun & ???[/U][/B] With nothing solved at Hustle & Respect, Human Arsenal and Freddie Datsun will clash again, this time in a tag team match. Human Arsenal has his Garcia Syndicate ally Danny Bruce ready to help out, but who does Freddie have? [B][U]Dark Angel vs. Alex Braun[/U][/B] Alex Braun has been chasing the AWO National Title since the beginning of Hustle & Honor. Now he has another chance to dethrone the champ, Dark Angel. Can Alex Braun prove his critics wrong and beat the heavily favored champion?[/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Prediction Key[/B] Sergio Juan Carlos vs. ??? Shane Winters vs. Jack Griffith Garcia Syndicate vs. The Royal Guard Guide vs. Johnny Martin Human Arsenal & Danny Bruce vs. Freddie Datsun & ??? Dark Angel vs. Alex Braun[/QUOTE]
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