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Halo 3


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Ill be honest, I have never ever played any Halo campaigns but because it is always hard to play mutliplayer slayer on the same screen and there is no match making right now I have gotten through 7 of the levels on legendary with my Bro and this game is amazing. I am loving it. I am picking up my copy on Monday so we I will be getting my Gamer points then. My sn is JUICED MACHINE
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I am soooooo sick of minor game stores getting away with this crap. Why don't the game manufacturers put a stop to these places? There is one in town here that has been busted by the FEDS for being nothing but a modded systems shop and pirated games and movies place, yet they file no charges or get no convictions on the charges. This crap combined with employees of several electronics stores (stores with Buy and City in their names) can rob their stores blind and not get fired (there were almost 10 copies of Vista out TWO WEEKS before release all from the local Best Buy). I'm amazed these companies and movie studios ever net a dime on their stuff. Oh wait, they are forced to jack up the prices to $60 for games and $20 for movies because of the outright thievery of a large group of people. So enjoy your illegally bought game (since it was sold before the official release date, it is illegally purchased fwiw). Glad you don't have to waste your Monday night standing in line.
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Games aren't $60 and movies $20 for pirating... they're at those prices because people will pay for it. It's also why gas is hovering around $3 a gallon... it's not because they're struggling for profit... it's cause people willingly fork over their dough for the goods.
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I love this release date hype for games. I bet by the time Halo 5 rolls around an armada of nerds is going to have attempted a day-of-delivery heist on a Gamestop somewhere. As for me, I could get my copy tonight if I wanted to suffer the company of the other people who'll be there, but I'll just watch the Titans on MNF and get mine Tuesday.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;294175]Games aren't $60 and movies $20 for pirating... they're at those prices because people will pay for it. It's also why gas is hovering around $3 a gallon... it's not because they're struggling for profit... it's cause people willingly fork over their dough for the goods.[/QUOTE] Thanks for saying what I was going to say. Also want to point out that if you go over to Bungie.net you would see that there was something like 34,000 original players in the last 24hrs or so. I pretty much think you are mad do to the fact that your on the side of the arguement that doesn't make out on this situtation. Just so you know the company in which this was bought from didn't sell it to my brother, he was given it for busting his back working OT on saturday for like 5hrs. So since he hasn't paid for it and was given it as a gift of sorts who has done anything illegal on his end? Maybe the company but not him.
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;294247]I got my copy 2 weeks ago, I've already got the 1000 achievement points!!! ;) my friend is getting it tomorrow, I'll check it out this weekend..[/QUOTE] If I couldn't tell you were joking I would have blasted you with the fact that online isn't available yet and those are a majority of the points.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;294246]So since he hasn't paid for it and was given it as a gift of sorts who has done anything illegal on his end? Maybe the company but not him.[/QUOTE] That argument wouldn't hold water in court. That's like saying if someone gives you a stolen TV then it's ok because you didn't pay for it. In the eyes of the law it's still you that is in receipt of stolen goods and therefore could be arrested because of "possession of stolen property".
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;294256]That argument wouldn't hold water in court. That's like saying if someone gives you a stolen TV then it's ok because you didn't pay for it. In the eyes of the law it's still you that is in receipt of stolen goods and therefore could be arrested because of "possession of stolen property".[/QUOTE] See but the difference here would be nothing has been stolen. The company broke street date not him. He was given a gift from a company that owned the game not giving him anything stolen. IDK, to be honest I am also not worried since nothing wrong was done on our part. I am however just letting everyone know that Halo 3 is an amazing game. Simply amazing. I have never played the series other then to play multiplayer, but this time since that isn't avaialable I sat down with my Bro and have rocked through the first 8 maps on legendary and only have the last one to do. Good game either way. I look forward to playing with you guys once we all can.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;294246]Thanks for saying what I was going to say. Also want to point out that if you go over to Bungie.net you would see that there was something like 34,000 original players in the last 24hrs or so. I pretty much think you are mad do to the fact that your on the side of the arguement that doesn't make out on this situtation. Just so you know the company in which this was bought from didn't sell it to my brother, he was given it for busting his back working OT on saturday for like 5hrs. So since he hasn't paid for it and was given it as a gift of sorts who has done anything illegal on his end? Maybe the company but not him.[/QUOTE] Dude... I've never touched a Halo game and I have no interest in it. I was just stating a fact of business. :P
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;294260]See but the difference here would be nothing has been stolen. The company broke street date not him. He was given a gift from a company that owned the game not giving him anything stolen. IDK, to be honest I am also not worried since nothing wrong was done on our part.[/QUOTE] You said it yourself, "the company broke street date", so therefore the game shouldn't currently be in the possession of the someone who's part of the general public. If it's not currently supposed to be in someone's console then it must be illegal, that's where the "possession of stolen property" comes into play. It doesn't matter if he was given it as a gift or if he paid for it, it still shouldn't be in his possession. I'm not annoyed that you/he has got to play the game early, I only realised yesterday that it was being released so I wasn't that hyped up about it, i'm just pointing out that it is currently an illegal copy of the game. But then again, if all laws were fully enforced then we'd all probably be in prison. :D
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;294286]I second that one...looks over his list of DAZ torrents currently downloading....stack of *** next to my tv.....But hell yeah.[/QUOTE] It's probably best not to mention that to someone who's an affiliate of DAZ. [I]*points at self*[/I] The only reason that DAZ is able to distribute Studio for free is because of the money it generates from selling 3d content and the Platinum Club memberships. If people like yourself are stealing what they're selling then they'll be forced to charge people for Studio, isolating a huge part of the artistic community that can't afford to buy the software.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;294289]It's probably best not to mention that to someone who's an affiliate of DAZ. [I]*points at self*[/I] The only reason that DAZ is able to distribute Studio for free is because of the money it generates from selling 3d content and the Platinum Club memberships. If people like yourself are stealing what they're selling then they'll be forced to charge people for Studio, isolating a huge part of the artistic community that can't afford to buy the software.[/QUOTE] ****..sorry, I only download m2 stuff if it makes you feel better...sorry man. I have paid for a chunk of stuff though. I was thinking about getting the platnium so it doesn't cost me so much. I was kind of pissed cause the first thing I bought was like 15 and then was like ehhh I wont by so much of this stuff so Ill by full price instead of signing up. I then turned around and bout a few more things somewhere in the area of 45 dollars peice by peice and was like ****. Should of bout the membership. They should work out a deal if you spend so many dollars within a year you get refunded a bunch cause i got f'ed for doing this way. But yeah I do pay for most of my stuff.
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I'll be getting it tomorrow...! I'm excited about every facet of the game, especially this new Forge editor thing... It'll be SOOOOO fun, because I'm like a game creating master. If you've played "Dodgeball", I invented it... Also, Rugby, but I assume that has been "Invented" by lots of people. Also, I believe Bungie was quite mad that the game was released early, and was going to ban everyone who played it pre-release, but they changed their mind and decided the gamers were not to blame.
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me, my bro and his online friend were kicking but on co-operative, the ending sucks on normal, nearly finished heroic and then its on to legendary difficulty this weekend. im enjoying playing but its not much different from the prior two halo's but im a halo fan so thats why i play :) i hate playing the multiplayer online especially with headsets there is to many kids who's balls havent dropped, they just whinge and moan all the time... so annoying!
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I have a beef w/ Halo 3, it's screwing up xbl.. me and several of my COD3 buddies are having difficulty w/ xbl, I can't read or listen to messages w/o waiting 10-15 minutes because the servers are so bogged down.. and random other things as well... this didn't happen until Halo 3 was released and it's not my internet service, this game is sucking the juice out of everything!!!!
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