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BCW: The Great British Wrestling Wars

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee91/BCWwrestling/bcw.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Great British Wrestling Wars[/B] [/CENTER] [B][I]The Story So far....[/I][/B] My name is Chris. Most people however, especially on the British wrestling scene, know me as CJ Sharpe. I've loved this business for as long as I can remember, and when my friends in school all had talks of being proffesional football players or race car drivers or any of the sundry other dream proffesions that are so prominent int he fantasies of young men, I knew there was only one thing I ever wanted to do with my life; I wanted to wrestle. So I did. I got my break on the British indie scene, and started to pick up quite a name for myself. I trecked from city to city, dirty little dive to dirty little dive, collecting wins and losses and titles and broken bones en route, hoping and praying and dreaming that one day, I'd make it to the big time. And I almost got there too, thanks to an old friend and former training partner, Tom Costello. It had been a long while since I'd spoken to Tom, our paths up and down the circuit rarely crossed. But one day, one day he called me up and we had the conversation that would change my life. It went like this: [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "Yo, CJ, how's things, mate? Heard you had a pretty good match last night up in Glasgow."[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]CJ: "Yeah, it went went pretty well, suffering for it this morning though. Any way, Tom boy, how the hell are you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "I'm OK, had some bad news though, CJ."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: "Really, what happened? Everything OK?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "Had a car crash, bad one, three weeks back, been told I'll never wrestle again."[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]CJ: "Jezus. You'll be back mate, thousands of guys have been told that and gone on to massive success."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "Nah, I don't want that, I'd much rather sacrifice the spotlight and be alive and healthy than keep taking bumps for years and die in some crappy B&B from an overdose of painkillers."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: "Jezus. I don't know what to say, Tom."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "Say you'll work for me."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: "What?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "Say you'll work for me. I might not be able to wrestle, but the doc' never said I couldn't start my own promotion."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: "You? You're starting your own wrestling promotion?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: "Yep, already mate a start. It's gonna be called British Championship Wrestling, it's gonna take the whole freakin' world by storm and you, my friend, are gonna be one of our biggest stars...if you agree, of course."[/COLOR] Of course I agreed, and though we didn't neccessarily take the world by storm, we did at least create a buzz here in Blighty. For close to four years we were the hottest thing in British wrestling, and for most of those four years, thanks to Tom's unashamed nepotism and what I had to believe was a decent ammount of talent on my behalf, CJ Sharpe was the hottest thing in British Championship Wrestling. By end of our run, we'd be selling out venues quicker than any of us had ever imagined possible, and when the bell rung, we delighted British wrestling fans with some of the greatest action they'd seen in years. And it was that action, plus Tom's natural ability to script together some wildly entertaining angles, that took us to the top. But as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. For reasons we'll never fully understand, the wrestling industry in Great Britain sank faster than a fat man in a paddling pool, and with so much of his own money going down the drain, Tom had no choice but to close down British Championship Wrestling. He was OK though. With what little money he had left, he bought himself a pub, and set about on his new life as a Landlord. But me, all I could do, all I wanted to do, all I knew how to do, was wrestle. I went to Japan, I went to the States, I went anywhere where they'd pay me enough to eat, but I always kept a watchful eye on my beloved homeland, and knew that one day, I'd be back. I didn't know exactly when I'd be back, wrestling on home turf. All I knew, was that when the time was right, I'd feel it. And man, did I ever feel it. Keeping tabs on the fledling British scene, I watched, first with curiousity, then with rage, then with enthusiasm and excitement as Jeff Nova came along, declared 21CW to be the hottest new thing in British Wrestling, and went about pilfering talent from lesser leagues left, right, and indeed, center. I'd seen this happen before, especially in America. Guys throwing their weight and money around, raiding the rosters of smaller companies and positioning themselves as the biggest company in the land, and usually, nobody did anythng about it. Well, that wasn't going to happen in the UK, not if I had anything to do with it. If Jeff Nova wanted to be the number one wrestling company in Britain, he'd have a fight on his hands. OK, so Jeff Nova had the power, the fame and all the rest of it, but I didn't get into this bussiness for the power, or the fame, I got into this bussiness because I love wrestling, because I love putting on great wrestling shows, and it was those great shows that were going to beat 21CW. The time was right, the time was now, for the return, of British Championship Wrestling.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee91/BCWwrestling/bcw.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Great British Wrestling Wars[/B] [/CENTER] [B][I]The Story So far....Continued.[/I][/B] I caught a plane back home to Blighty, and without even taking the time to visit my parents or figure out where I was going to say, I drove to the outskirts of Liverpool, to a little pub called The Shooters Den. Despite the name, with which I always assumed Tommy boy wanted to create the impression that the place was full of hard cases like himself, The Shooters Den was a quiet little place where the same group of old folk gathered every day to pass the time and where strangers were a rarity. When I walked through the door, everyone turned to stare at me, I smiled politely and made my way over to the bar. A young girl; slim, pale, a firey shock of red hair dancing in all directions atop her head and a smile that could melt the ice caps, turned to me and asked me what I wanted. [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: [I]"I'm looking for Tom, he around is he?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]BARMAID: [I]"I'm sorry, love, he's out, he won't be back for a while."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]CJ: [COLOR="Blue"]"[I]It's OK, I'll wait, pint of larger please."[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]BARMAID: [I]"He'll be gone for a while, you know, won't be back til quite late on."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: "Like I said, I'll wait."[/COLOR] And so I waited, and I drank, and I waited some more, and I drank some more. The more I waited, and the more I drank, the more I started to think about all the wonderful things we could do once BCW was re-open for business, about all the great matches we'd have and all the great shows people would come to see. I thought about Jeff Nova too, about the look on his face when he realised that his 21CW was about to be overtaken by the second coming of the greatest British promotion of all time. I thought so much, that the four hours I waited for Tom to return passed by quickly, and when he did, we greeted each other with open arms. [COLOR="blue"]CJ: [I]"Tommy boy!! How's tricks, me old mucker?"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: [I]"CJ!! What the hell brings you here, thought you were in the US these days?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: [I]"I was, but I'm back, and I need a favour."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: [I]"Right. Well, let's get settled down first, Suzy, fetch two pints over here will you!!"[/I][/COLOR] The beautiful red-haired barmaid brought us two pints over, and Tom settled into his chair. [COLOR="Red"]TOM: [I]"Right then, what can I do you for?"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: [I]"OK, Tom, I know this may sound crazy, but I want you to re-open BCW>" TOM: "You're right, Seej', that does sound crazy. No way, not a chance. Those days are behind me now, mate."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: [I]"Aw, come on Tom, me and you, we'll run it together, we'll take it to the top. One more time. I'm sick of seeing this Jeff Nova guy run around in 21st Century without anyone even coming close to giving him any competition. We can be that competition, Tom boy, we can be the best again."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]TOM: [I]"I'm sorry, Chris, but I'm just not going to get back into the bussiness. Wrestling cost me my health, it cost me damn near every penny I had, it cost me a wife, you do remember Katherine left me when the company went bust last time, don't you."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]CJ: [I]"I do, and I'm sorry Tom. It was stupid of me to ask. But, mate, can I please just ask you one last favour? If you won't re-open BCW, at least sell me the rights so that I can. Please Tom, I'm desperate to do this."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]TOM: [I]"I won't sell you the rights."[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR] I got angry and slammed my fists on the table. [COLOR="Blue"]CJ: [I]"Jesus Tom, why the hell not!?!"[/I][/COLOR][COLOR="red"]TOM: [I]"Because, I'll give them to you, they're yours."[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]CJ: [I]"You'll give them to me? For free?"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]TOM: [I]"yep. I've no use for 'em, and besides, you're gonna need every penny you can lay your hands on."[/I][/COLOR] He was right. A few days later, the contracts were signed. CJ Sharpe was the new owner of British Championship Wrestling. Now all I had to do was get some cash together and get the thing up and running. To fund this thing, I sold everything. My house, my car, everything. I took out a loan, I moved back in with my parents and got a real, normal 9-5 job for a while, until finally, in January 2007, I was ready. I'd sacrificed everything to re-start British Championship Wrestling. There was no going back now, it was time to go to war.
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irst, I had to get myself a roster, and I knew exactly where to start looking. It may have been hypocritical of me, but I wanted to show Jeff nova that British Championship Wrestling were back in town, and we meant business, so I got in touch with Joss Thompson, Adam Matravers and DJ Lethal, and they, along with a few others, left 21CW to come work for me. To be honest, I didn't think they would, after all, I couldn't promise them TV time or any of the perks that came from working for Nova, but what I could promise them was the chance to be a part of something special, to work somewhere where all that mattered was putting on a great show, and some how, it seemed to do the trick. Over the next few months, I expanded my roster whilst at the same time running the odd small show. OK, they weren't great shows, but we were testing the waters, [I]settling in[/I], and they were all building up to something big. Fast forward to the third Sunday of April 2007. This is where the real story begins. We're picking up momentum now, we're ready to roll, and we have a full roster, which looks like this. [COLOR="Red"]Heels: red[/COLOR] Faces: blue. MAIN EVENT: [COLOR="red"]Joss Thompson[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]CJ Sharpe (user character) (BCW World Heavyweight Champion)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]UK Dragon Daniel Black Francis.[/COLOR] UPPER MID CARD: [COLOR="red"]Leo Price[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Ali Bloxsome (British Heavyweight Champion)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Adam Matravers DJ Reason[/COLOR] MID CARD [COLOR="red"]Kelly Martin Lance Martin[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Beast Bantom[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Cannonball Logan (World Tag Team Title co-holder) Ian Vincible (World Tag Team Title co-holder) Petey Barnes[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Walter Morgan[/COLOR] LOWER MID: [COLOR="blue"]Ruud Van Anger Frank De Pain[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Black Eagle[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Martin Heath[/COLOR] OPENER: [COLOR="red"]Larry Wood[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Axxis Jr.[/COLOR] ENHANCEMENT: [COLOR="blue"]Hijo Del Relampago [/COLOR] WOMEN's DIVISION [COLOR="blue"]Steph Blake (BCW Women's World Champion) Roxxy Kitten Alicia Strong Jamie Quine[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Vixxen Black Widow Agent 69 Wanda Fish Angel Takudome.[/COLOR] MANAGERS: [COLOR="Blue"] Phoebe Plumridge (managers Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) Vita (manages Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible) Katrina Lynn (a.k.a 'Seduction' ) (Doesn't currently manage anyone sine her last charge, Sematsu, left the company)[/COLOR] (Black Widow and Roxxy Kitten also work as part wrestlers/part managers) TAG TEAMS: [COLOR="red"]The Wigan Warriors (a.k.a 'Wigan Bulldogs) - Walter Morgan & Leo Price The Supremists - Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Martin Foundation (a.k.a Absolutely Flawless) - Lance & Kelly Martin[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Double Dutch - Frank De Pain & Ruud Van Anger The Showstealers - Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Legion of Darkness - Vixxen & Black Widow.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------- *Just a quick background on how I'm running this game. Cverse, default database, started at medium but edited my presige down to E- and my cash up to $600,000. Also took off worker restrictions so that anyone could work anywhere. I've skipped the story along to April because pretty much everything that happens at the next show will explain the back story of the last three months of shows.
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The day of the show, I find myself walking around The Cobra Den nervously all day, not only because I've got a big match at tonight's event, but because the show, BCW Final Stand will finally see the last few months of storylines and matches and damn hard work either pay off, or turn round and kick us in the ass. I've been dating Steph Blake for the last few weeks, and she does her best to try and calm me down, but it's no use. I won't be calm until that final bell rings and Final Stand has come to an end. Outside the venue, a large poster hangs, advertising tonight's card. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee91/BCWwrestling/bcwfinalstand.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] CJ Sharpe (c) VS UK Dragon [I][B]UK Dragon puts his career on the line against CJ's World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match.[/B][/I] [B]GRUDGE MATCH:[/B] Daniel Black Francis VS Joss Thompson. [B]WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE LADDER MATCH[/B] The Supremists (c) VS The Martin Foundation [B]WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH[/B] Steph Blake (c) VS Angel Takudome.
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CJ Sharpe (c) VS [B]UK Dragon[/B] UK Dragon puts his career on the line against CJ's World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. GRUDGE MATCH: Daniel Black Francis VS [B]Joss Thompson[/B]. WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE LADDER MATCH [B]The Supremists (c)[/B] VS The Martin Foundation WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH [B]Steph Blake (c)[/B] VS Angel Takudome.
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[CENTER] [url]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee91/BCWwrestling/bcwfinalstand.gif[/url] [B]BCW – Final Stand [I]Sunday, Week 3, April 07.[/I] The Cobra Den, North of England.[/B] [B]Dark Match[/B] [B][I]Axxis Jr Hijo Del Rapalego[/I][/B] BCW’s newest recruits go at it in a fast-paced, high-flying bout. Sadly, noone seems to care. Axxis Jr. picks up the win in 8.14 via submission. [B]Winner: Axxis Jr.[/B] ------------------ Match Rating: E+ ------------------ The show kicks off proper with a video, looking back at the bitter rivalry between CJ Sharpe and UK Dragon. As a voice over hypes their upcoming match tonight, we see clips of the following events. [B]Voice Over: [I]“In the beginning, there was the Inception. A newly laid battle field where warriors could do battle for the biggest prize in professional wrestling, where only one man could emerge victorious and become champion.”[/I][/B] On the screen, we see clips of our first ever event, BCW Inception. Kathleen Lee our on-screen president set up a 3-Way ladder match for the vacant title between CJ Sharpe, UK Dragon and Joss Thompson. CJ walked away with the belt. [B] Voice Over: [I]“Yet wherever there are champions, there are challengers.”[/I][/B] We see a clip of our first weekly ‘CyberSlam’ show, where Lee sets up a #1 Contenders match between UK Dragon and Joss Thompson, which the Dragon won. [B] Voice Over: [I]“And when challenged for the one thing that matters the most to them, some men will do anything to keep it.”[/I][/B] We see clips of our second and third big end of month shows, Hostile Intent and Day of Reckoning, each time UK Dragon challenged CJ for the title, each time CJ cheated his way to victory. [B]Voice Over: [I]“And some men, will do anything to take it from them.”[/I][/B] Another clip of our last CyberSlam show, where CJ denies UK Dragon a third title shot, until the Dragon agrees that he will retire if he doesn’t win the belt tonight. [B]Voice Over: [I]“Tonight, UK Dragon puts his career on the line against CJ Sharpe’s BCW World Heavyweight Championship in a no-holds barred, Last Man Standing match. This is his last chance, this is their..FINAL STAND.”[/I][/B] ------------- Angle Rating: B- ------------- The crowds go crazy as the house lights go down, fireworks explode from the stage and cameras pan across the arena. [B]Rob L Miskovsky:[/B] [I]“Welcome everyone to The Cobra Den, welcome to British Championship Wrestling, FINAL STAND!! I’m Rob L Miskovsky, as ever alongside the endearing Melanie Florence, and Melanie, may I just say you’re looking especially radiant this evening."[/I] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I]“Such a charmer, Rob. Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what goes down tonight, what a show we’ve got on our hands.”[/I][B]Rob L Miskovsky:[/B] [I]“You can say that again, so let’s get right to it shall we, I believe Peaches McCream is standing by backstage with the women’s champion, Steph Blake.”[/I] ------------------------------------------------------- [B]Peaches McCream:[/B] [I]“Steph, ever since Angel Tokudome arrived here in BCW, she’s been a constant thorn in your side, interfering in your matches, and last week, she took out your good friend, Roxxy Kitten in that horrific attack…”[/I] [B]Steph Blake: [/B][I]“That’s right, and all this, it ends tonight. Roxxy isn’t here tonight, she’s laid up at home. She’s out of action, which is exactly what Angel Tokudome will be once I’ve finished with her. Angel, you wanna attack my friends to get my attention and a shot at the Women’s Championship? Well you got it, and tonight, you’re gonna get the beating of your life.”[/I] Steph Blake storms off towards the ring. [B]Peaches McCream:[/B] [I]“Rob, Melanie, it’s back to you.”[/I] --------------------------------------------------------- Angle rating: E- --------------------------------------------------------- [B]Women’s Championship Match [I]Steph Blake (c) VS Angel Tokudome[/I] [/B] Angel took the advantage early on, attacking Blake before the bell and continuing to beat on her throughout the match, but Steph fought back, and got the win on 6.02 with a slingshot DDT. Neither woman is particularly over in the UK and the live crowd didn’t really seem all that enthusiastic about this match, but the commentary helped sell the match to the DVD audience. [B]Winner: Steph Blake[/B] -------------------------- Match rating: E -------------------------- Backstage, Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes and Phoebe Plumridge are hanging out backstage when Leo Price and Walter Morgan arrive. The two teams stare each other down for a second, before Leo Price speaks. [B]Leo Price:[/B] [I]“Boys, you may have beaten us last week at CyberSlam, but that was nothing more than a fluke, and tonight, we’ll prove it, give us a rematch.”[/I] Petey and Adam look at each other. [B]Petey Barnes:[/B] [I]“What d’ya say, Adam? Not like we’ve got anything better to do tonight.”[/I] [B]Adam Matravers:[/B] [I]“ I guess you’re right, boys, you’ve got yourself a deal.”[/I] ---------------- Angle Rating: D- ---------------- …Back in the arena… [B]Melanie Florence: [/B][I]“Did you hear that Rob, looks like we’ve got another tag match on our hands tonight!”[/I] [B]Rob L Miskovsky:[/B] [I]“We certainly do, and you’ve gotta believe that if The Showstealers beat the Wigan Warriors again, they’ll be in line for a title shot against our tag team champions Ian Vincible and Cannonball Logan.”[/I][B]Melanie Florence:[/B] “[I]It could well be, but I don’t think The Supremists will be too concerned with that right now, as they’re about to defend their tag team titles against the Martin Foundation in a ladder match[/I].” --------------------------------------------- [B]Tag Team Title Ladder Match [I]The Supremists (c) VS The Martin Foundation[/B][/I] Both teams go back and forth with their offence, but even though Cannonball Logan seems really off his game tonight, he picks up the win by climbing the ladder and retrieving the titles. Worst. Match. Ever. [B]Winner: The Supremists (Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible)[/B] -------------------------------- Match rating: F+ -------------------------------- [B]Rob:[/B] [I]“What a match that was, and we’ve got lots more still to come, including that Last Man Standing Match pitting CJ Sharpe against the UK Dragon, and I do believe Peaches McCream is backstage right now with the challenger, UK Dragon.”[/I] ------------------------------------- [B]Peaches McCream:[/B] [I]“UK Dragon, tonight you take on CJ Sharpe in a Last Man Standing Match for the World Heavyweight Championship, and you said that if you don’t win tonight, you’ll retire. That’s quite a hefty promise to make, will you actually go through with it if you’re unsuccessful?”[/I] [B]UK Dragon:[/B] [I]“I certainly will. I’m a man of my word, Peaches. If I make a promise, I stick to it. But loosing isn’t an issue, I came to BCW with one goal in mind, to be the best, to be the Champion, and tonight, that’s exactly what I’ll be. For weeks and weeks now, that weasel CJ Sharpe has ducked and dived, every time he’s had to defend that title against me, he’s cheated to win. Well not tonight, CJ. Tonight, it’s no-holds barred, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop me from beating you. And if you do try anything funny, if you do try to cheat, well guess what, I’ve got myself a special enforcer. He’s gonna be backstage during our match, watching my back, and if you try anything, you’d better believe he’s gonna be out there quicker than you can say New-World-Champion.”[/I] [B]Peaches McCream: [/B] [I]“Wow, who’s the special enforcer?”[/I] [B]UK Dragon:[/B] [I]“That would be telling.”[/I] [B]Peaches McCream:[/B] [I]“OK then, thanks for your time UK Dragon, let’s get back to ringside.”[/I] -------------------------- Angle rating: C- -------------------------- ..back in the arena.. [B]Rob:[/B] [I]“Big news there from UK Dragon, he’s got a special enforcer watching his back tonight, I wonder who that could be, Melanie..”[/I] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I]“I’ve no idea, Rob, but I’m sure we’ll find out if CJ Sharpe tries anything out of hand tonight. But up next, we’ve got that re-match from last week’s CyberSlam where the Wigan Warriors will face the newly reformed ‘Showstealers. Let’s take a look at how this match came about.”[/I] --------------------------------------------- A video plays on the screen, recapping the events of last week’s CyberSlam show. We see Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge hanging out backstage when Petey Barnes arrives through the backstage doors. He and Adam hug and Petey tells him that he’s joined the company. They agree to reform The Showstealers. Later, the Wigan Warriors challenge them to a match, which the Showstealers win. The video also replays the scene from earlier when the Warriors challenge them to a rematch. ------------------------------------------------- Angle rating: D- ------------------------------------------------- [B]Wigan Warriors VS The Showstealers.[/B] Petey Barnes and Adam Matravers get in some high flying offence against Walter Morgan and Leo Price in the early going of the match, until a few minutes in, when the ‘Warriors take control and dominate Adam Matravers, cutting him off from his corner. Eventually, Matravers reverses a suplex attempt and the crowd go crazy as he heads to make the hot tag to Petey Barnes, but shockingly, instead of tagging in, Barnes socks his partner with a right hand to the face, allowing Walt Morgan to apply a submission hold and pick up the win. [B]Winners: Wigan Warriors (Leo Price & Walt Morgan)[/B] ------------------------- Match rating: D- ------------------------- To add insult to injury, Barnes enters the ring and turns heel on Matravers as he joins Leo Price and Walter Morgan in beating him down. The Wigan Warriors raise Barnes’ hands in the air and the three of them leave together, laughing. ------------- Angle rating: E+ --------------- Phoebe Plumridge enters the ring, tending to her fallen boyfriend and screaming for help until paramedics arrive. ---------------- Angle Rating: E ---------------- [B]Rob:[/B] [I]“I can’t believe what I’ve just seen, Melanie. Petey Barnes just turned against his Showstealers partner, Adam Matravers. Whatever possessed him to do something like that?”[/I] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I]“I’ve no idea, Rob. If you ask me, that young man has some explaining to do…What the??”[/I] The lights go out and the arena is covered in total darkness. [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I]“Did someone forget to pay the bills around here or what?”[/I] When the lights come back on, British Heavyweight Champion Ali Bloxsome is in the ring with his Disciples of Darkness stablemates Vixxen, Black Widow and Black Eagle. [B]Ali Bloxsome:[/B] [I]“Behold your new British Heavyweight Champion, behold a new reign of terror. Behold, the Disciples of Darkness! DJ Reason, you thought you were so good, going on your little winning streak over the past few weeks. But it was a winning streak that started when you beat me, and ended, when I beat you. And now, with this gold, I entice the powers of the darkside to be on my side, and a new era of fear is about to begin in British Championship Wrestling. The Disciples of Darkness have arrived, and we're taking you all straight to Helllllllll!!!”[/I] The lights go out again, and just as mysteriously as they arrived, the Disciples of Darkness disappear. -------------------------------- Angle rating: E+ -------------------------------- [B]Melanie Florence: [/B][I]“That, was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen, Rob, what the hell just happened?”[/I] [B]Rob:[/B] [I]“Your guess is as good as mine, Melanie. Anyway, I’m getting word in my ear that Joss Thompson is backstage, and he has a few words for Daniel Black Francis."[/I] ------------------------ …Backstage… [B]Joss Thompson:[/B] [I]“Daniel Black Francis. Poor, deluded Daniel. Last month, at Day of Reckoning, I kicked your sorry little arse all over the arena and pinned you clean in the middle of the ring. So naturally, when I heard you wanted a rematch with me tonight at Final Stand,, well I just laughed so hard I nearly split my sides. Fer cryin’ out loud Francis, what’s it gonna take for you to realize that I am just simply better than you? I’ll tell you what it’s gonna take, it’s gonna take me, heading out to that ring right now and tearing you apart, one more time. See you out there, Francis, it’s gonna be fun.”[/I] -------------------------- Angle rating: C- -------------------------- [B]Daniel Black Francis VS Joss Thompson.[/B] This match is intense. Right from the opening bell, the two charge into each other and brawl all around the ring. It’s a gripping bout that finally ends when Daniel Black Francis gets his revenge against Joss Thompson and wins with the Dreadlock Drop. [B]Winner: Daniel Black Francis[/B] ------------------------------- Match rating: C ------------------------------ [B]Melanie Florence: [/B] [I]“Wow, how exciting was that!?! What a match!!”[/I] [B]Rob:[/B] [I]“Indeed, and we’ve still got one more to come. No wait, make that two! I’ve just been told that a special bonus match has been added to tonight’s card as a thank you to all our fans for turning out to see us, and it’s gonna take place, right now!”[/I] ------------------------------ [B]Alicia Strong VS Agent 69[/B] A decent effort from the two girls, but still, our women still have a long way to go before they’re over here in Britain. The crowd’s only get excited when Wanda Fish races to ringside and costs Alicia Strong the match. [B]Winner: Agent 69[/B] ------------------------------- Match rating: D- ------------------------------- [B]Melanie:[/B] [I]“Alright! And now, we’ve made it to the main event Rob. World Heavyweight Champion CJ Sharpe takes on UK Dragon in a Last Man Standing Match. And if UK Dragon looses, Rob, he has to retire, not only from BCW, but from pro wrestling completely.”[/I] [B]Rob: [/B]“[I]That’s right, and you know UK Dragon isn’t taking any chances tonight. Remember earlier he said he’s got himself a special enforcer in case CJ tries to cheat again?”[/I] [B]Melanie:[/B] [I]“How could I forget? Anyway, before we head to the ring, let’s here a few words from the Champion.”[/I] --------------------------------- …Backstage… [B]CJ Sharpe:[/B] [I]“History is rife with tales of mighty dragons tearing mortals limb from limb, breathing fire and spreading fear. Yet in every tale of mighty dragons, there’s a slayer. A man so great, so awesome, who finally puts the dragon away once and for all, and tonight, UK Dragon, I am your Dragon Slayer. Now I heard what you said before about having some special enforcer watching your back. And you know what? I don’t blame you. Hell, Dragon, I’ve already beaten you twice. I think if I was in your shoes, I’d get all the help I could get too. After all, this is your final chance, your final match, before this dragon slayer puts you away once and for ALL.”[/I] ---------------------- Angle rating: B ---------------------- [B]World Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing Match [I]CJ Sharpe (c) VS UK Dragon.[/I][/B] UK Dragon makes his way to the ring first, then, as CJ makes his entrance, The Dragon chases up the isle after him and the two start brawling. Both men get in roughly the same amount of offense to begin with, until CJ takes control of the match. Yet every time he knocks Dragon down and the ref starts the count, Dragon gets back to his feet. Frustrated, CJ drills his foe with a chairshot, heads outside and pulls a spare set of ring ropes from under the ring. UK Dragon crawls to his feet, but CJ drills him with another chairshot, then, trying to make sure there’s no way he can get up again, ties the ring ropes around Dragon’s arms and legs and begins to tie the opposite ends to the bottom of the ring posts. Surely if UK Dragon’s special enforcer was going to make an appearance, it would be now, and low and behold, Daniel Black Francis races to the ringside, tackles CJ to the ground and unties UK Dragon. DBF then stands guard at the side of the ring. Undeterred, CJ goes back on the offence, but before too long, UK Dragon makes a comeback, and lays CJ out cold with a top rope suplex onto two steel chairs. The ref makes the count, he reaches ten, WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!! [B]Winner: UK Dragon[/B] ------------------------- Match rating: B- ------------------------- Red, white and blue confetti rains down from the celing as UK Dragon celebrates winning the British Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Title. ------------------------ Angle rating: C [/CENTER] Overall show rating: C-
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;294806]CJ Sharpe (c) VS [B]UK Dragon[/B] UK Dragon puts his career on the line against CJ's World Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. GRUDGE MATCH: Daniel Black Francis VS [B]Joss Thompson[/B]. WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE LADDER MATCH [B]The Supremists (c)[/B] VS The Martin Foundation WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH [B]Steph Blake (c)[/B] VS Angel Takudome.[/QUOTE] 3/4, though to be honest, the DBF/Thompson match could've gone either way and I only decided the winner right at the last moment.
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[B]Monday, Week 4, April 2007[/B] In an old warehouse at the arse end of Manchester, more affectionatly known to our staff as 'BCW HQ', we conviene for our usual post-show meeting. Naturally, I sit at the head of the table. To my left, our esteemed road agent, who we call 'Buttercup' simply because nobody has bothered to ask her her real name. To my right, our confident young booking team, Kathleen Lee and Katrina Lynn. Directly opposite me, some fat git called Frank who did all our accounts. "Right, ladies and gentlefolk, how did you think we did last night?," I asked them all. Buttercup spoke first. "We did great CJ, I estimate that show should at least help to raise our popularity, the feedback from the 'net nerds has been pretty postitive too, so that can't be bad." "That's what we like to here," I turned to Katrina and Kathleen "Girls, what did you make of it." "We did well," said Kathleen. "Only problem is, we really need to get those tag team titles off The Supremists. They're decent wrestlers, I'll give them that, but Cannonball Logan has been 'off his game so much' recently it's not even funny." "Fair point, sort it. Frank, anything you'd like to say?" "Yes, there is actually. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?! WE'll BE BANKRUPT BY THE END OF THE YEAR AT THIS RATE!!" "Chill, Frank. What are you talking about?" "CJ, with all due respect, you're loosing around $50,000 every month!! THAT'S OUTRAGOUS!!" "Don't worry Frank, it'll all be cool, you'll see. We'll keep on running one medium sized events a month, with four small Cyberslam shows a month to build up, before you know it, our popularity will blow your mind, and we'll be in the money! Ahem, speaking of Cyberslam, girls, you got a plan for this week's show?" Katrina stood up. "This week's show, we propose the following matches. CJ Sharpe & Joss Thompson VS UK Dragon & Daniel Black Francis [I]In the fall out from Final Stand, CJ looks to seek revenge against both UK Dragon and DBF, whilst Joss Thompson hopes to make his mark in the title picture[/I] DJ Reason VS To Be Announced [I]Reason seeks to take out his frustrations on someone after being cheated out of the British Heavyweight Champion.[/I] Frank De Pain & Ruud Van Anger VS Lance & Kelly Martin [I]In a number one contenders match for the BCW Tag Team Titles[/I] Steph Blake (C) VS Wanda Fish [I]After her surprise appearence at Final Stand, attacking Alicia Strong for no good reason, Wanda Fish looks to make her mark in BCW by taking on women's champion, Steph Blake[/I]" "Nice work, gang, let's get this show on the road!"
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