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merchandise ?

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ok i want to start running the Merchandise Department. The first 2 yrs i let the computer run the Merchandise. but now that i have a better handle of making matchs would love to take over the Merchandise Dept. the question is what should the workers get Main Event - think all Upper Mid, Mid, L M,open,enhance gets nothings i believe thanks for the help.
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I say it depends on the workers involved. Faces get more than heels, higher overness workers get the most working on a sliding scale from A* to F-. Doesn't matter IMO on card position as a main eventer in a tiny promotion won't sell much. I say start low and work your way up to see who your most profitable guys are. At a guess I'd say half of all your merchandise is being sold by main event level guys so be sure to take that into account when setting them up. Derek B
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