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Cena out 6-8 months, surrenders title


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Is it bad that I'm not upset? Best case is that when Cena gets back, they repackage him with his rapper gimmick and make him heel. Then he can carry the title. Kennedy vs. Orton at No Mercy? Dare I say... best match in recent time candidate for WWE?
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;296727]Wow. Just, wow. This is like the Blazers losing Oden for the season. For all the Cena hater internet dorks, prepare for a return to "All Trips All The Time." And we all saw how great that was during the Katie Vick/Steiner/Goldberg Era. :rolleyes: :([/QUOTE] I honestly hope that they don't give Trips the title. I actually like him alot more when he doesn't have the title. Let other guys shine for once other than Cena and Trips. And Umaga... he's just useless....
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[QUOTE=Corleone;296728]Is it bad that I'm not upset? Best case is that when Cena gets back, they repackage him with his rapper gimmick and make him heel. Then he can carry the title. [B]Kennedy vs. Orton at No Mercy? Dare I say... best match in recent time candidate for WWE?[/B] [/QUOTE] Oh god, tell me your joking :eek:
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This screws over the WWE as they have been pushing Cena to the MOON! Especially since he's held the title for a year this is kind of a crappy way for it to change hands. I mean, the WWE misses out on some superstar getting a massive rub by defeating the year long champion John Cena! Now while this sucks for them (and their roster just seems to be massively depleted now a days) this could push creative to create new stars?! However, I doubt it because no one will be able to get over fast enough to really pick up the slack. Even if they pushed a superstar to the moon right now, by the time Cena gets back they won't be as big of a name as he is. All in all, The Title will end back up on Triple H probably. I would LOVE to see them move Taker back to RAW and have him take the title, but we all know that isn't going to happen. This may be the time that they finally move Batista back to RAW tho?!
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;296747]I honestly think it should be an Elimination Chamber... Orton vs Taker vs Kennedy vs Trips vs Umaga vs whoevers returning... HBK or Chris Jericho.. that would be a good match I think. Or even add in Lashley if hes gonna return any time soon[/QUOTE] An EC match is one that they'd want to hype and sell PPVs, not announce days in advance.
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The phrase 'all your eggs in one basket' kinda springs to mind. Cena has undoubtedly been the WWE's MVP over the last year, even moreso post Wrestlemania and post Benoit. There is no one on the roster right now who gets the same sort of heat injected into their matches than Cena can (whether it be good or positive). I'm not so bothered about Cena keeping or losing the title as I just found his character and forced promos a bit stale. I also think his anti-authority style character seems incredibly awkward and unconvincing, but regardless he's still going to be missed by the WWE. It also means that whoever picks up the belt isn't going to get the huge rub of actually toppling Cena, which is a shame after such a long title reign. As for replacement champions. I suspect the WWE will keep their HHH/McMahon storyline in place and that doesn't require HHH getting the belt in the forseeable future. I'm interested to see where they go from here... it's just a shame that it's taken an injury to one of the WWE's major stars to gain my interest as opposed to anything they've intentionally done recently. Here's to hoping they can make something good out of a bad situation.
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Guest The Aussie
Val Venis FTW! Honestly, even if the polls are fixed on WWE.com that means that the WWE is showing more preference towards Val than Orton.
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[QUOTE=mystic;296779]all is finally right with the world! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D :D :D :cool: :cool: :D :D[/QUOTE] Yeah, how long have we been actually waiting for this? But looking on the business side, this is just another long blow to WWE's already crippled roster. Wouldn't it be somethin' if they just throw Y2J in the match?
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[QUOTE=ya_its_me;296780]Yeah, how long have we been actually waiting for this? But looking on the business side, this is just another long blow to WWE's already crippled roster. Wouldn't it be somethin' if they just throw Y2J in the match?[/QUOTE] personally forever, but honestly screw the business side of the WWE (TNA for that matter as well) If I wanted to care about the "business side" I would go work for them.
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