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Cena out 6-8 months, surrenders title


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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;297279]Exactly where do you dissagree? All I said was, other's said that he could work... You bassically just said that. I did NOT say that other's WANTED it to happen. Pluss, my full statement started with So your statement about anyone off of the Smackdown roster would be fine is irrelevant, is it not? Did you just put me in my place? Ermm... Not really. What's Up? I even commented how that was NOT one of my thoughts, and I made it clear that I don't like that idea.[/QUOTE] Whoa, hold your horses, Tonto. You're getting bent out of shape over nothing here. I wasn't having a go. I don't think it would work, as it's a tired storyline that in know way develops new characters or gets anywhere with new talent, but it's ultimately all that's left for them. So in a way you're right, as the goal would be ratings and that, but I think there should be better options than the "Austin vs McMahon" angle again. I think we're actually arguing the same point here. And my "not really" comment wasn't meant as a disrespectful jibe, more trying to distance myself from the McMahon - Trips stroyline as it's not one I would enjoy (if I still watched WWE, that is!)
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Of course, HHH may want to feud with Vince (again) to prove that he's a bigger draw than Austin ever was :p I hope that Creative can come up with something better than McMahon getting the belt. Orton is the logical choice, which puts in motion the road to 'Mania a little early - but it can work. If Jericho is returning, I hope he's not pitched into a title match that he doesn't win - there's no bigger way to squash the momentum of a major return than having someone lose. Conversely, having Michaels return in the match, after a few months out, would make perfect sense - and his screwing Orton could be good. HHH surely is better served by a longish chase - although if Orton gets the belt and another one month reign to Survivor Series and HHH winning, I think we can just forget any chance of him ever becoming a true legend in the business - Tommy Rich mk. 2, maybe... Jericho returning to snatch the gold would be awesome, and could put him in Orton's way 'til Armageddon or thereabouts. But everyone seems to be looking at HHH headlining WM, and unless Jericho is going to come back as a heel and hold the belt all the way through 'til then, then the belt seems destined of Orton sooner rather than later. I stand by my call of a left field taking challenger taking it. If Orton and HHH are to be kept apart until WM, which seems the obvious way to go for now, then Orton needs to be kept busy and away from HHH at least until the Rumble. The way I'd go for now would be to have Orton, Kennedy, Umaga, Hardy, HHH, and - why not? - Mick Foley all arguing their right to a shot. Vince decides that he's going to pitch it open to everyone, and while I hate Battle Royals for something as important as a World title, it serves my purpose :p Have the last entrant to the match be Shawn Michaels - a surprise from Hornswoggle - who goes after Orton immediately. Orton and Michaels do the Austin/McMahon routine where they brawl all around the arena without getting eliminiated. They return near the end of the fight with a few others left. HHH and Umaga are beating the blazes out of each other, and eliminate each other, Micahels does the old skinning the cat routine, returns, and elinimates Orton, and that leaves Michaels and A.N.Other, who pitches Michaels with help from Orton (see Hogan/Sid/Flair at RR '92) for the shock win. I can't see the WWE putting the belt on someone like Kennedy or Hardy, given their recent issues, but a company man like Simmons or Venis could easily have a transitional reign where they're put over as 'easily under-estimated' 'full of surprises' and so on, and even if they only hold the belt for a month, it would make WWE appear a bit less predictable. Besides, imagine the "DAMN!" we'd get out of Simmons the next night on Raw... And you could ship in people like Austin and Rock for one night only to put him over... Nah. It's Orton's belt, but it'd be cool nonetheless. I know Ron can't go these days, and the fans'd probably never buy someone like Val (or, God forbid, Bob Holly) as champion. Still, there's a little part of me that thinks a Brian Kendirck or Shelton Benjamin could do the job...
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Jericho returning and winning the belt would suck. I want to have one credible run in the E before his time in the business is over. Coming back and winning the title after Cena forfeits is such a joke. Anyway, I'd be all for some old star going over in a battle royal or six man tag. I wonder what Austin is doing these days. Imagine another brief SCSA run. Personally I would love that to happen for one reason. I want a SC / HBK rematch in which HBK goes over. :) No but really, if the goal is to eventually put the belt on Orton, who better than an old dog like Austin, Foley, Flair, etc. to eventually job to him and give him the rub. Or...gasp...Hogan? LOL
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... y'know, forget Smackdown, this'd be a heck of a time for the New Hart Foundation to debut. Have Teddy Hart beat Orton with a (bleep)-ton of cheating from his buds, use the numbers game to keep the WWE title and maybe the tag and women's titles... use their new 'power' as champs to ship a couple people to Smackdown to help that roster...
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