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World Wrestling Entertainment 2008-Alternate Reality

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Velocity Tapings: Ricky Banderas over Shannon Moore with an Electric Chair Suplex in 2:01(D) Kenny Dykstra pins Gregory Helms with the Springboard Legdrop in 5:44(C+) Jamie Noble retained his WWE Cruiserweight Title over Jimmy Wang Yang with a guillotine choke in 5:44(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Friday Week Three June 2008(Taped Wednesday Week Three, June 2008)[/COLOR][/B] We open up with Mr. Kennedy coming down to the ring, as we see a clip of two weeks ago on Smackdown with Mr. Kennedy getting attacked by Edge, leading to a countout victory by James Storm. Then last week on this program where Kennedy challenged Storm to a return match this week. Back to live action as Kennedy does the usual entrance spiel, hyping up his match with James Storm. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Mr. Kennedy vs. James Storm[/COLOR][/B] Both men lock up with Kennedy gaining advantage with a headlock but Storm shoves him off. Leapfrog and dropkick rocks Kennedy, before Storm punches away on Kennedy, ramming him in the corner, before chopping away on him. Running bulldog out of the corner and Kennedy clutches his face, before Storm fires some kicks to Kennedy and hoists him up. Whip into the corner and James Storm charges in with a running shoulder, doubling Kennedy over. James Storm climbs to the second rope and Kennedy turns around. Double axe handle and Kennedy rolls to the floor. Storm goes after Kennedy but Kennedy goes to the eyes, before ramming Storm into the apron. Elbows to the back of the head and irish whip sends Storm backfirst into the barricade. Kennedy back in, standing ten count but Storm makes it back into the ring to get a knee from Kennedy. Punches and Storm is hung up in the tree of woe. Kennedy chokes Storm in the corner, running knee. Storm flips out of the corner and leaping kneedrop to the top of the head of Storm. Kennedy lifts up Storm and snap suplex delivered. Kennedy works on Storm in a chinlock, putting his feet on the ropes for leverage but Storm fights out, with elbows but Kennedy shoves Storm off and nice powerslam rocks James Storm. Kennedy picks up Storm and whips him into the corner. Charging in but Storm rolls Kennedy up with a sunset flip out of the corner for a quick two count. Kennedy kicks Storm and hooks him. [B]Vicious DDT plants Storm down to the canvas![/B] Kennedy rolls over Storm and two count only! Kennedy punches away at Storm, before pulling him up by the hair. Chops rock Storm and Kennedy puts Storm up top, his back towards the crowd. Kennedy climbs up, forearm down across the back of Storm. Another forearm across the back and Kennedy grabs Storm, attempting a superplex but Storm grabs onto the top rope, blocking it. Kennedy is shoved off the ropes, hitting the back of his head on the canvas! Storm readjusts his footing and leaps off, connecting with a flying cross body press! The crowd cheers as Storm covers hooking the leg. Two count. Storm picks up Kennedy and pounds away at him, before whipping him into the ropes, high back body drop. Kennedy begs off but Storm kicks Kennedy. Another kick to Kennedy and Storm steps back, going for the Superkick but [B]Kennedy slides to the floor![/B] Storm slides to the outside, grabbing Kennedy before rolling him back into the ring. To the top rope and Kennedy turns around, before eating a shoulderblock from Storm! Kennedy is down and Storm picks up Kennedy, before punching away at him. Irish whip into the ropes and Storm goes for a back elbow smash, Kennedy ducks.[B]Kennedy cracks Storm right in the jaw with a vicious lariat![/B] The crowd boos as Storm crumples into a heap. Kennedy covers Storm and scores the academic pin in 13:44(B+) Cole and JBL introduce a video package, detailing the last few months of the career of the World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy. We see Hardy’s triumphs, from winning the Royal Rumble, to finally beating Edge at No Way Out to capturing the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania from Mr. Kennedy, all the way to his recent champion vs. champion match at King of the Ring against Rey Mysterio. Cole says that Hardy has impressed all and may be the World Heavyweight Champion for quite some time, which JBL responds that Hardy might be the greatest champion on Smackdown since the heyday of John Bradshaw Layfield. (B-) Edge looks at that last video package with disgust, saying that Smackdown is wasting their time, they should be doing a video package on the Greatness of the Rated R-Superstar. The Miz enters the dressing room, with Edge saying that the Miz might have scored a victory over Jimmy Wang Yang last week, but he has a long way to go before he reaches the superstar status of the former two time WWE Champion and former World Heavyweight Champion. The Miz says he will show his greatness tonight, which causes Edge to roll his eyes as the Miz leaves for his match. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]The Miz vs. Ray Dalton(w/Dorian Dalton and Angel Dalton)[/COLOR][/B] Ray Dalton along with his cousins Dorian and Angel make their way to the ring for this match with the Miz. The Miz gets pummeled by Ray, who is a rough and tumble brawler, beating down the Miz for the majority of the match. Miz begs off in the corner and as Ray grabs him, Miz catches him with a low blow, before connecting with the Mizard of Oz to score the pin in 4:21(C-) William Regal is backstage, drinking tea, when Booker T walks up to him. Booker says he has a problem with Cryme Tyme and was hoping that Regal would do him a favor. Regal looks disgusted, but Booker says that he needs a tag team partner and since Regal is a master of double teaming, Booker was hoping that he could be his partner against Cryme Tyme. Regal looks up at Booker, scrunching his nose up, saying that he’ll be Booker’s partner, but only because Cryme Tyme are a pair of hooligans who need to be taught respect with a bloody good trashing. With that, Booker has his partner for tonight. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Vladimir Koslov vs. Frankie Kazarian[/COLOR][/B] Koslov is the number one contender for the United States Title held by Rey Mysterio. The big Russian attacks Kazarian at the bell, throwing him to the canvas. Koslov pounces on Kazarian, drilling a series of elbowsmashes to the side of the head of Kazarian. Koslov backs off as Kazarian has been knocked out cold, so the referee calls for the bell in 0:51, with Koslov winning via knock out(C) Koslov gets on the microphone, talking about all the puny little Americans on Smackdown and how he was training for his whole life to “come to Double Double E and win championship gold”. Koslov talks about how men like the Undertaker, Matt Hardy, Edge, Mr. Kennedy and that puny little man Rey Mysterio are too afraid to fight him because of his superior training and condition. He reminds us that he is the number one contender to the United States Championship, a pathetic belt, representing a pathetic country, but Koslov says he will win it to prove that he is superior to all the American slime. With that, Koslov leaves as JBL gets all indignant on commentary, telling Koslov that if he doesn’t like America, “he should ship his ass back to Russia!”(B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Booker T and William Regal vs. Cryme Tyme[/COLOR][/B] Regal enters the ring, starting with Shad, sticking his nose up in the air, before trading moves with Shad. JTG gets tagged in and double team effort on Regal. JTG pounds away on Regal, but Booker thumps him from behind, allowing Regal and Booker to double team JTG in the corner, but JTG manages to fight out and tag made to Shad. Shad runs wild in the ring, before JTG recovers and joins him, double teaming Booker T and knocking him to the floor. Booker leaves the ring, throwing his hands up in the air as the double team assault continues on Regal. Shad comes off the second rope with a sunset flip, struggling to bring Regal over, but JTG catches Regal with a running dropkick, causing Shad to complete the roll up, as Booker walks to the back without a second look. Cryme Tyme score the victory in 6:28(C+) Cryme Tyme are in the ring, having Regal’s robe. Regal gets up, and Cryme Tyme wipes Regal out with a double spinebuster, before they get on the microphone, proceeding to auction off Regal’s robe to the crowd. After sample haggling, Cryme Tyme sell the robe to a fan in the front row for fifty dollars, which Shad calls a real “steal”. As they give the fan the robe, Regal gets up again, so Cryme Tyme enters the ring, beating down Regal, before throwing him to the floor. Cryme Tyme plays to the crowd some more before leaving the ring. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Tag Team Champions the Gringo Killerz(w/Konnan) vs. Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty in a non title match[/COLOR][/B] This was a workout for Chavo and Homicide, as Konnan joins JBL and Cole on commentary, saying that the Gringo Killerz are the number one team on Smackdown and no tag team can come close in touching them. Funaki gets pinned when Homicide slams him off the second rope, before Chavo comes off with the Frog Splash in 2:47. Kick to the face wipes out Scotty as he attempts to make the save. The Gringo Killerz show why they are the WWE Tag Team Champions, with a dominating performance tonight on Smackdown. (C) Armando Estrada leads Umaga to the ring, with Estrada stiched up from that backstage attack last week. Estrada says that Rey Mysterio is the luckiest man on Smackdown, because if he had been out to guide Umaga, the Samoan Bulldozer would have rolled Rey back into the ring and pinned him, instead of leaving Rey for dead on the floor. Talk about the Undertaker, as Estrada says that the Undertaker’s playing mind games with Umaga but hasn’t shown up, because he knows Umaga will crush the Taker. The lights go out on this note and chanting echoes through the arena, as a dozen druids walk out, bringing out a casket. Umaga stairs down at the ramp, as the casket is put down before bursting open and [B]The Undertaker sits up inside the casket![/B] Taker gets up to his feet as Estrada orders Umaga to attack Taker. Taker steps into the ring and Umaga attacks the Undertaker, but Taker comes back with punches of his own, before whipping Umaga into the corner. Taker with a clothesline and he chokes Umaga in the corner but Estrada attacks the Undertaker from behind, but Taker turns around, grabbing Estrada by the throat. Umaga attacks Taker from behind and goes for the Samoan Spike but Taker ducks it and grabs Umaga by the throat. [B]Huge Choke Slam sends Umaga for the ride![/B] The Undertaker rolls the eyes into the back of the head, as Umaga rolls to the floor, shaking off the effects of the Choke Slam but Estrada convinces Umaga not to enter the ring as the Undertaker as returned to Smackdown! (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Edge vs. Eric Young[/COLOR][/B] Eric Young has bruises on his back from that strap beat down last week. Edge slaps him at the bell, and Eric Young punches away at Edge, all fired up, before whipping him into the ropes. Drop toe hold, into a stepover armbar, into a la magistral cradle scores a quick two count. Edge slides to the floor, stalling for time as Eric Young plays the crowd in the center of the ring. Edge is back in and Eric Young fires an elbowsmash to the chest of Edge. Another pair of elbows and Young whips Edge into the ropes, ducking the head. Edge fires a knee to the face of Young, before popping him with a clothesline. Stomps and choking delivered by Edge, before he picks up Young and slams him down. Soccer kicks to the ribs drills Young in the ribs and Edge picks up Young in a fireman’s carry, before bringing him down with a gutbuster! Young favors the ribs before Edge applies an abdominal stretch, working his ribs. The referee checks on Young as Edge uses the ropes behind the back of the referee. This goes on for a few minutes before referee Nick Patrick catches Edge. Patrick kicks Edge’s arm off, causing Young to connect with a hiptoss, but Young favors his ribs, allowing Edge to catch him with a kick and a spinning heel kick. Edge picks up Young and hooks him, before bringing him down with a running faceplant! Edge raises his arm, waiting on Young to get up, going for the Spear but [B]Young leapfrogs over Edge![/B] Edge staggers and Young hooks the arms, before bringing Edge down with a backslide for a two count! Edge is up and kicks Young, picking him up for a slam but Young counters with a small package for a two count! Young knees Edge, grabbing him by the hair, before bringing him down with a jawbreaker! Edge is stunned and Young goes to the outside, climbing all the way to the top rope. Edge gets up to his feet and Young leaps off, connecting with a dropkick, sending Edge down to the canvas. Young steps back off the ropes, waiting for Edge to get up. Edge is on his feet and Young grabs him but [B]Edge connects with a low blow to Young![/B] Young is doubled over and Edge steps back, before [B]spearing Young![/B] Young’s ribs have been softened up throughout the match, making that move rather devastating. Edge makes the cover, scoring the pin in 11:44(C+) We go backstage where Teddy Long is sitting in his office. Next week on Smackdown, a return match from King of the Ring will take place, between World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy and United States Champion Rey Mysterio. Also, a number one contenders match will take place between Jeff Hardy and Edge, where the winner will receive a World Heavyweight Title shot at the Great American Bash and much more. Long hypes that it will be a big night on Smackdown action next Friday on the CW! (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Matt Striker vs. Brian Kendrick[/COLOR][/B] Paul London comes down to ringside for some color commentary. Striker attacks Kendrick from behind as he stares down London, pounding away on him, before whipping him into the ropes. Pair of clotheslines and chokehold, before Striker lifts up London, and elbow drilled across the back of the head. Another pair of elbows and Striker scoops up Kendrick, before drilling him with a backbreaker. Striker climbs to the second rope but he leaps up, drilling the boots to the mouth of Striker! Striker stands back and Kendrick leaps on the shoulders, before flipping Striker over with a Frankensteiner, before delivering a series of punches. Kneelift and Kendrick puts Striker in a facelock, before running up the buckles and bringing him down with Sliced Bread #2, before floating over and hooking the leg to score the pin in 3:36. Kendrick leans over the ropes, challenging London to get in the ring, but London says he beat Kendrick in the King of the Ring Tournament, so according to London, he has nothing to prove. London walks off as the crowd boos, with Kendrick telling London to bring it but London ignores him. (B-) Bree is backstage with Deuce, Domino, and Cherry. Deuce and Domino say they are the greatest tag team on Smackdown today, but tonight they are going to add to their legend, defeating Matt and Jeff Hardy, who may be one of the top tag teams in WWE history. Deuce reminds us that he pinned Matt Hardy two weeks ago in a tag team match and tonight, he’s going to do it again. Deuce and Domino talk more trash before leaving the backstage area to go down to the ring. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Deuce and Domino(w/Cherry) vs. The Hardy Boyz[/COLOR][/B] Pier six brawl to start, with Matt and Jeff battering Deuce and Domino, knocking them to the floor. JBL and Cole talk about how after next week, we could have Hardy vs. Hardy for the World Heavyweight Title at the Great American Bash. Domino enters the ring and Matt Hardy punches away at him, before whipping Domino into the ropes and clothesline. Another pair of clotheslines and inverted atomic drop and running dropkick. Domino is whipped into the corner and tag to Jeff. [B]Poetry In Motion delivered by the Hardy Boyz rocking Domino![/B] Jeff spreads the legs and drilling a legdrop to the groin of Domino. Domino is in pain and Jeff punches away at Domino before bouncing off the ropes, but Deuce pulls down the top rope, causing Jeff to take a nasty spill to the floor! Domino steps backwards, distracting the referee, allowing Deuce drills a double axe handle down across the back of the head of Jeff, before whipping him into the barricade, and rolling him back into the ring. Domino with punches and stomps, before he lifts up Hardy, before hooking him and bringing him down with a gutwrench suplex. Deuce is tagged in the ring. Domino hoists up Jeff Hardy, before Deuce backs off the ropes and a modified version of the Hart Attack drills Jeff Hardy! Deuce covers but two count as Matt Hardy breaks the cover. Matt is taken back to the corner, allowing Deuce and Domino to double team his brother in the corner, as the announcers hype up Matt Hardy/Rey Mysterio in the return match from King of the Ring next week, along with Jeff Hardy and Edge in the number one contenders match. Tag made to Domino as Deuce hooks the legs of Hardy before rocking him and catapault into a second rope clothesline from Domino. Jeff clutches his throat and Domino stomps away at Jeff, before Domino drills an elbow to the chest, before whipping him into the ropes. Running knee into the corner and Domino climbs behind Jeff, punching down on the top of the head and Domino puts his knees across the back of the head of Jeff, before drilling both knees into the face of Jeff, as his head was driven to the canvas. Domino picks up Jeff and European uppercut, before making the tag to Deuce. Deuce climbs to the top rope, as Domino holds Jeff, before Deuce leaps off with an elbow down across the back of the head. Pair of elbowdrops by Deuce, some stomps, some choking. Deuce scoops up Jeff Hardy, before bodyslamming him. Deuce climbs to the second rope, leaping off with a legdrop, but Jeff rolls out of the way. Race for the tag as Domino is tagged in but tag is made to Matt Hardy. The World Heavyweight Champion rushes into the ring, fists of fire, knocking Deuce and Domino around with punches and kicks. Domino is hooked and Side Effect drills him down. Matt Hardy covers hooking the leg, but Deuce makes the save, with a double axe handle to the back. Deuce punches away at Matt Hardy, before Domino joins him, holding Hardy down. Deuce goes for the Smack Em in the Mouth but [B]Jeff Hardy wipes out Deuce with a missile dropkick![/B] Domino attacks Jeff from behind, bouncing him to the floor, but Matt Hardy is up and kicks Domino!. [B]Twist of Fate brings Domino down![/B] Matt Hardy covers hooking the leg scoring the pin to win the match in 17:28(B) [B]Overall Rating: B[/B] [B]Quick Results:[/B] Mr. Kennedy over James Storm The Miz defeated Ray Dalton Vladmir Koslov knocked out Frankie Kazarian Cryme Tyme beat Booker T and William Regal The Gringo Killerz rolled over Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty Edge defeated Eric Young Brian Kendrick defeated Matt Striker The Hardy Boyz over Deuce and Domino [B]Prediction League Results:[/B] Since the Striker/Kendrick match was printed in error as Moore/Striker, everyone gets a point for that match due to my mistake. For Smackdown: De@d Frog: 5/6 Wink: 4/6 Lexa90: 3/6 Overall Rankings: 1) De@d Frog: 39/59 2) Wink: 34/59 3) chris caulfied: 26/59 4) softflake: 22/59 5) Lexa90: 14/59 6) The Human Cancer: 2/59
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News Updates Saturday-Monday. Raw Preview will be up shortly. [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Saturday Week Three June 2008[/B][/U][/I] Last night’s NJPW Throwback show featured Masahiro Chono defeating Koji Kanemoto in the main event on what was a solid card of wrestling action from top to bottom. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a brand new Jersey All Pro Wrestling Lightheavyweight Champion as last night on the JAPW TV tapings, Trent Acid defeated B-Boy to capture the JAPW Lightheavyweight Title. Also, Mark Briscoe and Jose Maximo defeated Joel Maximo and Oman Tortuga in an odd main event. Also, after their television taping, JAPW Held their monthly show called, the Big Bang. Quick results are as follows: -Mercedes Martinez defeated Cheerleader Melissa(C+) -F.E.A.R.(B-Boy and Trent Acid) retained their JAPW Tag Team Titles over The Spanish Announcer’s Team(C+) -Oman Tortuga defeated Diablo Santiago(D+) -Boog Washington defeated Xavier(C+) -Sonjay Dutt retained the JAPW Heavyweight Title against Mark Briscoe(B) A perfectly acceptable night of wrestling action. That’s it for the news today. See you tomorrow. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Sunday Week Three, June 2008.[/B][/I][/U] On AAA last night, we have new Mexican National Tag Team Champions as Los Barrio Boys III(Decniss and Billy Boy) captured the belts from the Real Main Event(Silver Cat and El Hijo De Anibal). No other title matches, but a double main event featuring a trios match, with Octagon, Negro Casas, and Juventud Guerrera defeating Gran Apache, Cibernectico, and Pirata Morgan. In the other half of the double main event, Zorro and Scorpio Jr. triumphed over the duo of El Brazo and La Parka Jr. Average show, better than some of the other recent “efforts” from AAA. Last Night ROH had their Death Before Dishonor show. The show was rather lack luster, for the most part with a pretty good main event. -Lotus and Larry Sweeney battled to a no contest after Bryan Danielson attacked both men, demanding his title shot. (D) -Lacey defeated Daizee Haze(D) -Naruki Doi defeated Jack Evans in the first match of the evening that showed promise, but was way too short to mean anything. (C) -Brent Albright pins Jimmy Jacobs(C-) -Jay Briscoe defeated El Generico with the Jay Driller (C) -ROH Tag Team Champions Shingo and Kevin Steen defeated Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer when Steen pins Whitmer. (C) -Mark Briscoe defeats Ricky Reyes(C-) -Bryan Danielson defeats Ace Steel after Danielson elbows the hell out of Steel, knocking him unconscious. (C+) -Alex Shelley retained his ROH Tag Team Title against Nigel McGuinness in a pretty good match that ended with Shelley making Nigel submit to the Border City Stretch. (B-) The reports indicated that the two title matches and the Danielson match were worth a watch, but everything else is a pass. Last night the IWA-MS promotion had their Glory Days supercard. Quick rundown shows the following top matches -Marek Brave over Eric Priest(D) -Madman Pondo defeated Trik Davis(D+) -Tyler Black defeated Arik Cannon (D+) -IWA:MS Lightheavyweight Champion Josh Ambercombie battled Darin Corbin to a no-contest(D+) -Toby Klein defeated Necro Butcher(D) -Salvatore Thomaselli defeated Brandon Thomaselli to retain the IWA-MS Nationwide Title(D+) -Eddie Kingston over Milano Collection AT(C) -Vito Thomaselli defeated WWE Intercontinental Champion CM Punk in a non title match. It should be noted that WWE sends wrestlers down to IWA-MS on occasion, in exchange for using some of their wrestlers as extras for Heat and Velocity. Punk’s appearance was one of these concessions. (C+) -WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble defeated Matt Striker with a Guillotine Choke. Noble played the babyface in this match and was very over with the crowd.(C+) Overall it seems like the top three matches were good, the rest standard independent fare. Without the WWE guests, it seems like the shows wouldn’t be as fluid. This week’s CZW Television included a tag team match with Justin Credible and the Messiah defeating Davey Richards and B-Boy. Also in the main event was a successful CZW Heavyweight Championship defense for Sonjay Dutt as he defeated Matt Sydal. See you tomorrow for the OVW, TNA, and AAA supercard reports, along with the television ratings. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Monday Week Four June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Ladies and Gentlemen, TNA had a Pay Per View last night. Oh boy, did they have a Pay Per View last night. The main event result was stupid beyond belief but let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. Six years of TNA folks and this is your best hope for competition against the evil empire of McMahon -Lance Hoyt defeated Ultramantis Black. Yes. Lance Hoyt gets airtime about three years after anyone really cared. He won. The big guy squashed the cruiserweight. **** TNA. (D) -Okay, the next match is a fatal four way match that was thrown out on the show for no ****ing reason at all. Your contestants are Sean Waltman, Chuck Taylor, Steve Corino, and Dan Maff! Now out of these four wrestlers, who do you think won? If you picked Sean Waltman, a wrestler who hasn’t been relevant since 2000, then you too can book Total NonStop Action Wrestling! Waltman pins Corino with the X-Factor cleanly in the center of the ring. Somehow we were supposed to care. (D+) -TOMKO~! Defeated Vito Thomaselli. If you remember from yesterday’s update, Vito Thomaselli beat CM Punk, the WWE Intercontinental Champion at an IWA-MS wrestling. So in theory, that means that Tomko is better than the number two men on Raw. If CM Punk loses the belt to Snitsky tonight, I’m blaming it on Russo. (D) -Team 3D defeated The Pain Game. The Pain Game is of course Robert Roode and Matt Bentley. This match is a Tables Match, because, we need more stipulations in wrestling. Bubba superbombs Bentley through the table, before putting Roode through with a 3D. Fairly passable brawl. Team 3D win. They are getting the belts soon, maybe, who knows. (C) -Chris Sabin pins Petey Williams after reversing the Canadian Destroyer into the Cradle Shock. Holy ****, Sabin wins a match! Now put the X-Division Title back on Sabin and get Daniels into the TNA Title division. And fire Tomko, and Waltman, and Vince Russo and Lance Hoyt. (C) -Juventud Guerrera pins Norman Smiley with the Juvi Driver. Great just what TNA needs, another known drug addict. Just after BG James died from a drug overdose earlier this year. Juvi, Angle, and Waltman, I wonder who will drag TNA’s reputation further into the gutter first. Still, for what it was, to reintroduce Juvi to an American audience, it was good. (C) -Sonjay Dutt, Chris Harris, and Chase Stevens defeated Andy Douglas, Hernandez, and Shark Boy. DID RUSSO USE A ROULETTE WHEEL TO BOOK THIS SHOW? Maybe a dartboard? The only good thing about this match is no heatless Naturals singles matches. Hernandez and Harris are loving life I’m sure. Their partners go onto be pretty prominent wrestlers on Smackdown and these two wrestle in pointless six mans on TNA. I bet Harris is regretting turning down WWE now. Chris Harris pins Shark Boy with the Catatonic, because Shark Boy never wins. (C) -Alex Shelley pins Austin Starr with the Shell Shock. The Ring of Honor champion against a former ROH Champion. Shelley has really been rocking lately, in both ROH and TNA. Seriously, this was a great match, which actually frustrates me even more, because TNA has great wrestlers. It’s not the lack of talent, it’s the misuse of talent. -Scott Steiner destroyed Kip James in ten seconds flat. This was the best use of Billy Gunn in years. Of course, it would have meant more to give the rub to someone like Shelley or Daniels or Sabin or even Tomko(well maybe not Tomko). Kip James enters the ring, gets attacked, suplexed, and pinned. Scott Steiner wants the TNA title belt. If he gets back into late WCW form, he may have a case. (C) -The Return of the Ultimate X-Match featured Christopher Daniels defeating AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, and Brother Runt. Thankfully Runt didn’t win the title back! Styles and Lethal are the TNA Tag Team Champions, but since TNA’s tag team division is even more shallow than Smackdown’s, they don’t defend the titles. Styles and Lethal brawled with each other, as Runt came close to grabbing the belt but Daniels saved the X-Division from getting flushed down the drain, by hitting a missile dropkick, before grabbing the belt for the win. (B-) -Sting defeated Senshi and Kurt Angle. This match made no sense, considering Christian Cage and Angle have been feuding recently. Senshi gets pinned by Sting with the Scorpion Death Drop. You know what this reminds me of? Vampiro’s “push” during the Kevin Sullivan booking regime of WCW. WCW was trying to pass off Vampiro losing every week to main event talent as him getting a push. Fans weren’t fooled. Senshi has had two big matches in the main event scene and has jobbed both of them. Angle wasn’t thrilled with this outcome. (B) -Okay, the main event. The match was good, but the booking ruined the match for me. Let’s review, Christian Cage gets a TNA World Championship match against Samoa Joe. Christian is looking to regain the title and puts in a good hard fight, even busting the champion open. In the end, Joe fights back with a pair of Muscle Busters before locking on the Kokina Clutch. Christian taps out, so Joe retains the title, right? Well, this is where Vince Russo, everyone’s favorite booker, decides to get cute with the booking. Joe refuses to break the hold, so the referee puts the five count on Samoa Joe. Joe still doesn’t break, so the referee reverses the decision, ruling it a disqualification victory for Christian and guess what? [B]Titles in TNA can change hands on a disqualification![/B] So ladies and gentlemen your winner and new TNA Champion, Christian Cage. TNA has just topped themselves and the last time the main title changed hands in this matter, with Abyss and Sting at Genesis 2006, the fans **** on that too. I don’t think the fans rioted and burned down the Impact Zone, but some serious trash piled up in the ring as the show went off the air. (B+) As for my Slammiversary 2008 review, this can sum up my thoughts in three simple lines. 1) There was some good wrestling 2) Some ****ty booking! 3) **** Vince Russo! OVW had their monthly show tonight. Who knows, some of these stars may be the next John Cena or maybe the next Rob Conway for all we know. -Teddy Hart pins Mack Johnson with a sunset flip. (E) -Nattie Neidhart and Mickie Knuckles defeated LuFisto and Krissy Vaine when Nattie pins LuFisto with a spinebuster slam. Nattie may get called up soon(E-) -Chad Toland and Colt Cabana defeated the Iron Men(Barradock and Cassidy Riley)(D+) -Simon Dean defeated Shawn Spears with the Simonizer.(D) -Christy Hemme defeated Shantelle Taylor to retain the OVW Women’s Championship. (D) -K-Krush(Ron Killings) pinned Danny Inferno with a fisherman buster. Killings and Simon Dean are the main trainers down in OVW, while also giving the younger wrestlers down their some valuable experience by wrestling against them. (D-) -Johnny Jeter pins Mark Canterbury with the springboard Moonsault to retain the OVW Television Champion. Yes, OVW has a TV title still, despite the fact it doesn’t have a television show. (D-) -Mike Mondo and Idol Stevens defeated The Death Squad(KC James and Mike Kruel) Mondo pins KC James with a springboard kneedrop. (E+) -In the main event, Burchill defeated John Toland to retain the OVW Heavyweight Title with a reverse faceplant. (D) Teddy Hart, Colt Cabana, Nattie Neidhart, Johnny Jeter, and Burchill are the top prospects are far as WWE management are concerned, so don’t be surprised to seem them called up sometime over the summer or fall. AAA had their Triple Mania Show last night as well. A rather big event for AAA. The main event was a defense of the Mexico National Six Man Tag Team Titles when La Parka Jr, Scorpio Jr. and Zorro retained their belts against Gran Apache, El Brazo, and Negro Casas. Second from the top was a battle with Pirata Morgan defeating Octagon. This show was on Pay Per View in Mexico and select areas of the United States, so the buyrates should be coming in within a few weeks. CMLL rules as usual. Main event featured Atlantis defeating Blue Panther. Also, Cien Caras defeated Universio 2000 to retain the NWA World Middleweight Title. For the Television Ratings, Raw received a 4.3 rating(4,850, 400 viewers), Smackdown retained a 2.7(4,165, 830 viewers), Impact received a 1.4 rating(1, 579, 200 viewers). AAA Monday Night received a 0.5(564, 000 viewers), while AAA’s Saturday Night show received a 0.3(338, 400 viewers). CMLL’s show on Tuesday received a 0.8(902, 400 viewers) while the Sunday night show for CMLL received a 0.9(1, 015, 200 viewers). NJPW Blaze of Glory received a 1.3 rating(1, 466, 400 viewers), while Throwback received a 1.1 rating(1, 240, 800). Zero One receives the usual 0.01 rating(11, 280 viewers, the same loyal fanbase tuning in every week but I suppose their viewer ship can’t drop any more at the basement numbers they’re doing right now. News has come in that the WWE King of the Ring Buyrate is 2.09, which translates into roughly 836,000 buys. Right up there with this year’s Wrestlemania, which proves that War Games was a big draw. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Preview for Monday Week Four, June 2008[/COLOR][/B] We are six days away from Vengeance and the superstars of Raw make one last push to the gold with a big night of wrestling on Monday Night Raw. DeGeneration X reunites for one night only on Raw, to fight their respective Vengeance opponents. That's right, it will be Triple H and Shawn Michaels colliding with Batista and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar and Triple H have that big championship vs. career match this Sunday at Vengeance, so this could be the last time we see Triple H on the USA Network. Its going to be a powder keg in this big tag team match. Last week, Shelton Benjamin, out of frustration, challenged the Great Khali to a Punjabi Prison Match. While the challenge may have been made in jest, Raw General Manager Kevin Nash has made the match official. That's right, Shelton will step inside the Punjabi Prison to face off against the Great Khali. Two bamboo cages, the only way to win is to escape. CM Punk finally captured the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Abyss, but he is going to have his first big title defense tonight. Against the monster known as Snitsky. Punk managed to get by Snitsky in the KOTR semifinals, but can Punk survive a second round with the man who likes to make our pain his pleasure? And what of Abyss, who is no doubt waiting in the wings? Recently Mark Henry and Kane have been feuding but Raw General Manager Kevin Nash has decided that these two titans will have to settle their differences. So on Raw, it will be Kane colliding with Mark Henry one on one in the center of the ring. Also, Jillian squares off against WWE Women's Champion Mickie James in a non title match, Super Crazy collides against the Nature Boy Ric Flair, and in a return match from two weeks ago, Bobby Lashley attempts to gain revenge against Carlito. All this and much more on Raw! [B]Confirmed Matches:[/B] Batista and Brock Lesnar vs. DeGeneration X Punjabi Prison Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. the Great Khali WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Snitsky vs. CM Punk(c) Mark Henry vs. Kane Jillian vs. WWE Women's Champion Mickie James in a non title match. Ric Flair vs. Super Crazy Carlito vs. Bobby Lashley.
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Batista and Brock Lesnar vs. [B]DeGeneration X [/B]Punjabi Prison Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. [B]the Great Khali [/B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Snitsky vs. [B]CM Punk(c) Mark Henry[/B] vs. Kane [B]Jillian [/B]vs. WWE Women's Champion Mickie James in a non title match. [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Super Crazy Carlito vs. [B]Bobby Lashley.[/B]
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[B]Batista and Brock Lesnar[/B] vs. DeGeneration X Punjabi Prison Match: [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] vs. the Great Khali WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Snitsky vs. [B]CM Punk[/B](c) Mark Henry vs. [B]Kane[/B] [B]Jillian[/B] vs. WWE Women's Champion Mickie James in a non title match. [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Super Crazy [B]Carlito[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley.
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Batista and Brock Lesnar vs. [B]DeGeneration X[/B] Punjabi Prison Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. [B]the Great Khali[/B] WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Snitsky vs. [B]CM Punk(c)[/B] Mark Henry vs. [B]Kane[/B] [B]Jillian[/B] vs. WWE Women's Champion Mickie James in a non title match. [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Super Crazy [B]Carlito[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Heat Tapings: Charlie Haas pins Eugene with the Haastruction in 2:54(B+) Beth Phoenix pins Candice with a reverse DDT in 1:34(C) Chuck Palumbo pins Rene Dupree with the Superkick in 3:47(C) Cade and Murdoch defeated Balls Mahoney and Tommy Dreamer with the High Low in 3:44(B-) [COLOR=red][B]Monday Night Raw Week Four June 2008[/COLOR][/B] Batista is backstage when the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar walks up to him, asking Batista if he has his back tonight against DeGeneration X. Looking at Lesnar, Batista says he’s the one who should be asking that question, considering how Lesnar screwed his partners over in War Games back at King of the Ring. Lesnar replies that he hates DeGeneration X and Batista shouldn’t worry, but Batista says he will trust Lesnar…if Lesnar gives him a WWE Championship Match. Lesnar looks shocked but accepts, saying that after he retires Triple H, he will give Batista a shot at the WWE Championship next Monday night on Raw. Both men shake hands, staring down each other as we fade out to the arena. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Carlito(w/Ric Flair) vs. Bobby Lashley[/COLOR][/B] Lashley and Rhino this Sunday at Vengeance, in a Best Two Out of Three Tables Match, where to win the match, you have to use an offensive move to put your opponent through a table twice. Lashley knocks Carlito around for thirty seconds with punches and a clothesline but Rhino rushes out, with the crowd on their feet, hot and attacks Lashley from behind to draw the disqualification in 0:45(A*) Rhino chokes Lashley in the corner, stomping him, before Carlito rolls to the outside, to join Flair in setting up a table right by the apron. Knee to the midsection by Rhino and he whips Lashley into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Lashley ducks it and leaps at him, catching Rhino with a leaping shoulderblock, knocking him all the way to the floor! Lashley grabs Carlito by the hair, before hoisting him up into a Gorilla Press and [B]drops him right through the table![/B] The crowd cheers as Carlito has been injured but Rhino enters the ring and goes for the Gore but Lashley leapfrogs over the charge! Lashley spins around and punches delivered to Rhino, knocking him down, but Ric Flair enters the ring and chops Lashley, but Lashley shrugs it off and clothesline takes Flair to the floor. Rhino steps back and clothesline to Lashley and punches, as referees and security come out, to pull the Man Beast off. Lashley springs up and attacks Rhino, as they are detained, with Cade, Murdoch, Stevie Richards, Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer, and Rene Dupree come out in an attempt to pull these men apart. Finally, both men are pulled apart as the match for this Sunday is hyped up. (B+) Todd Grisham is backstage with the brand new WWE Intercontinental Champion CM Punk. Punk says that the Intercontinental Title is the most prestigious belt he’s ever held and he hopes to live up to the standards that past champions have. He says that Abyss was a tough opponent and a great champion, offering Abyss a rematch any time, any place. Grisham asks him about Snitsky, and Punk says that Snitsky is a tough rival, he gave Punk quite an uphill battle in the King of the Ring Tournament, but Punk is confident that the values of Straight Edge will see him through to his first successful title defense. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]The New Breed vs. Hardcore Productions[/COLOR][/B] Brawl to start, with Val Venis and Hardcore Holly double teaming Burke in the corner, before Cor Von makes the save and tosses Holly to the floor, before working over Venis. Venis gets double teamed for several minutes by heels, but Val fights out and tag made to Hardcore Holly. Holly pounds away at his opponents, dropkicks all around, knocking them down to the canvas. Forearm smash takes Cor Von to the floor and Val Venis takes Cor Von out with the baseball slide, allowing Holly to connect with the Alabama Slam, before covering Elijah Burke to score the pin in 4:23(B-) The crowd boos as out comes MNM II. The World Tag Team Champions talk about losing back to back singles matches with Holly over the past two weeks. Holly gets on the microphone, saying that MNM II should put their belts on the line at Vengeance against Hardcore Productions. Nitro accepts the challenge on behalf of his team, saying that they are the best tag team on Raw and no one could even match up to MNM II. It looks like the World Tag Team Title Match is on for Vengeance. (C+) [COLOR=red][B]Punjabi Prison Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. The Great Khali[/B][/COLOR] Two bamboo cages. Sixteen foot and four sides surround the ring, while a twenty foot eight side cage surrounds that one. Four doors on the inner cage, that can be only opened once for a period of sixteen seconds and you have to escape both cages with both feet touching the floor to win. Shelton attacks Khali with a dropkick to the back of the leg and kicks to the leg, going for a kick but Khali catches it and chops away at Shelton before throwing him into the bamboo. Tree Slam attempt but Shelton goes to the eyes and climbs to the top right. Nice springboard clothesline drops Khali to the knee, hits some chops, a couple of kicks, spinning leg lariat to the chest and Shelton feels that he has Khali stunned enough, so he demands the door to be open. The door opens and Shelton sprints out, with Khali lumbering after him. The door slams shut before Khali can reach Shelton and Shelton is on the outside, climbing the cage so Khali grabs the cage door with both hands and [b]rips it open with his bare hands, showing a great deal of strength![/B] Shelton looks over his shoulder, beginning to sprint up the cage, but Khali grabs him, pulling him off the cage and chopping Shelton, before whipping him into the ring steps. Khali slowly climbs up the cage but Shelton climbs up behind him, attempting to beat Khali to the outside but Khali grabs Shelton by the throat, choking him before twisting around and [b]hanging tree slam delivered to Shelton, dropping him down to the floor![/B] Shelton isn’t getting up and Khali manages to climb over the cage, before dropping to the floor to score the win in 6:35(B+) Maria is backstage with Snitsky, who talks about how CM Punk’s pain will be his pleasure tonight. Snitsky promises to destroy all the hope of the fans of the WWE by ripping Punk into shreds and taking his WWE Intercontinental Title. Snitsky scowls at the camera, before storming off. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match Snitsky vs. CM Punk©[/COLOR][/B] Clip is shown detailing Punk’s title victory over Abyss last week. Snitsky attacks Punk at the bell, beating him down in the corner, before whipping him in the corner. Running knee in the corner, and Punk staggers into a side slam for a two count. Snitsky attempts to smother Punk with his forearm and picks him up but Punk manages to connect with an armdrag. Another pair of armdrags, a dropkick to the knee, and a jawbreaker drills Snitsky, before Punk climbs to the top rope. Cross body but Snitsky catches Punk and powerslam sends him down for a two count. Stomps and Punk is put in the tree of woe, before Snitsky rams some knees into the face, before pulling Punk out of the corner and steps behind, before delivering a vicious belly to back suplex nearly spiking Punk into the canvas. Stomps, punches, and choking, before Snitsky lifts up Punk, chokelift, shaking Punk like a rag doll. The referee counts to four and Snitsky drops Punk to his feet, before delivering a vicious lariat, turning Punk inside out for a two and a half count. Gutwrench power bomb scores another close fall and Snitsky picks up Punk for a Pumphandle but Punk drops down and waistlock into a German Suplex. Bridge for a two and a half count. Punk climbs to the top rope and missile dropkick knocks Snitsky to the floor. Punk backs off and leaps up Snitsky with a pescado, pounding away at him, before rolling him into the ring. Signal for the Go to Sleep but [B]James Mitchell leads Abyss out to the ring![/B] Abyss rolls in and Punk attacks him, drilling him with punches but Snitsky attacks Punk from behind. Abyss wraps a chain around his fist as Snitsky gives the signal for the Pumphandle Slam but [B]Abyss waffles Punk right in the face with the chain, disqualifying Snitsky in 7:05[/B] (A*) Punk retains the title and Snitsky loses it, going after Abyss, rocking him with punches. Snitsky rushes and knocks Abyss down with a huge clothesline, with Abyss dropping the chain. Snitsky grabs the chain and wraps it around the throat of Abyss, attempting to throttle him. Mitchell enters the ring but Snitsky grabs him by the throat, pulling him into the ring, before throwing him to the floor. Snitsky attacks Abyss, before grabbing the back of the chain and pushing Abyss towards the ropes. Abyss struggles but Snitsky dumps Abyss over, with the chain wrapped around his throat. [B]Snitsky is attempting to hang Abyss with his own chain![/B] Out come referees but Snitsky is a crazed mad man and the referees pull him off and Abyss drops down for a minute, before the monster’s head snaps off and enters the ring, going for Snitsky but Mitchell grabs his monster by the hair, causing him to back off. Snitsky and Abyss exchange grunts as we fade out of this chaotic scene. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Non Title Match Jillian vs. WWE Women’s Champion Mickie James[/COLOR][/b] Jillian still has the belt with her but Mickie attacks at the bell, pummeling away at Jillian in the corner, before whipping her into the ropes, hitting a crisp spin kick, nearly beating Jillian in under a minute but she kicks out at the last split second. Dropkick by Mickie, uppercuts, and snap suplex. Mickie James climbs to the top rope, but Jillian catches her with a punch as she comes off. Jillian hoists up Mickie and falls back, snapping her neck off the top rope with a hotshot. Jillian works away at Mickie, hitting a flipping neckbreaker for a two count. Punches by Mickie and hoists her up, before dropping her with a slam. Kneedrop and Jillian climbs to the top rope. [B]Elbow is missed when the WWE Women’s Champion rolls out of the way[/B]Mickie is up and punches away at Jillian, before whipping her into the ropes. High back body drop, before Mickie bends down, hooking the legs and [B]Giant Swing dizzies Jillian![/B] The crowd cheers as Mickie pumps up the crowd as Jillian gets to her knees, head bent down and Mickie rushes Jillian, before connecting with a spinning DDT! Cover but Jillian manages to drape her leg over the bottom rope at two and a half. Mickie picks up Jillian, kick to the midsection doubling her over, before attempting a sunset flip but [B]Jillian sits down on Mickie’s chest, grabbing the middle rope for added leverage, and scores the pin in 5:43[/B](C+) Jillian bolts from the ring, before Mickie gets to her feet, walking out with the championship belt. Mickie demands the microphone, and gets one, demanding a match with Jillian at Vengeance. Jillian says she has nothing to prove against Mickie, unless she puts the belt on the line. Mickie accepts and it will be Mickie against Jillian for the WWE Women’s Championship at Vengeance. (C-) [COLOR=red][B]Mark Henry vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Video clips are shown during the entrances, hyping up their confrontations over the past month. Kane and Henry exchange punches, with Henry hitting Kane with a clothesline, sending him to the arena floor but Kane lands on his feet and pulls Mark Henry to the outside, punching away at him, before throwing him into the barricade, hitting some thrusts to the throat and rolling him back into the ring. Kane climbs to the top rope, raising his arm into the air before leaping off and clothesline delivered to Mark Henry causing him to stagger back into the corner, but remain on his feet. Kane punches away at Mark Henry and chokes him, before the Big Red Machine rushes into the corner with a boot but Henry moves and Kane gets hung up on the top rope. Henry pounds away at Kane, before grabbing him by the head, twisting his head, causing Kane to drop to his knees in pain. Soccer kick to Kane’s ribs and Mark Henry hoists up Kane, before hoisting him above his head in a Gorilla Press. Over three hundred pounds of Kane is held up over Henry’s head for ten seconds before Henry drops Kane into position before a powerslam. Henry backs off the ropes with a full head of steam before [b]dropping all of his weight on Kane with a splash![/B] Cover hooking the leg with Henry scoring the pin in 4:56. Mark Henry has just crushed Kane in under five minutes! (B-) Raw General Manager Kevin Nash appears on the titan tron, congratulating Henry on his victory. As a result of that win, Nash is giving Mark Henry a WWE Intercontinental Title match against CM Punk at Vengeance, as Nash admits he really isn’t down with straight edge. He also makes Snitsky and Abyss one on one in a no disqualification match. Finally, Nash says MNM II will be defending their World Tag Team Titles at Vengeance against three other teams in a fatal four way match. Those three teams will be Hardcore Productions, the World’s Greatest Tag Team, and Eugene and Khali. Nash says he has spoken and Vengeance will be the greatest Raw brand Pay Per View ever. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Ric Flair vs. Super Crazy[/COLOR][/B] MVP is out for commentary, reminding us that he will be putting his Money in the Bank contract on the line against Ric Flair at Vengeance. Flair shoves Crazy into the corner at the start, rocks him with chops but Crazy fights right back with chops of his own, before stunning Flair with an armdrag and a spinning headscissors, catching the sixteen time world champion off balance. Crazy with chops, into the ropes and ten count punches but Flair drops Crazy with an inverted atomic drop, before kicking him in the face and setting him up, delivering a vertical suplex. Flair pummels away at Crazy, whipping him into the corner and back elbowsmash catches Crazy before Flair climbs to the top rope but Crazy catches him off guard and slams him off the top rope. Flair begs off but Crazy will have none of that, punches before Crazy leaps onto the shoulders of Flair, delivering a Frankensteiner for a nearfall! Crazy attempts to whip Flair into the ropes but Flair reverses it. To the middle rope and backspring cross body block scores another nearfall. Dropkick to Flair and Crazy climbs to the top rope, springboard dropkick but Flair moves and Crazy hits his right leg hard. Flair stomps the leg before spinning around and falling back, locking on the Figure Four Leglock. Crazy struggles but Flair uses the ropes behind the back of the official, adding more pressure. After about thirty seconds, Crazy taps out, giving Flair the victory in 4:43(A*) Flair releases the hold, before getting the microphone, talking about his match with MVP this Sunday. Flair says that MVP is a great young athlete, with a great future but the Nature Boy still has one more run left in him, a seventeenth World Title and taking MVP’s money in the bank away from him is the quickest way there. To be the man, you have to beat the man, and MVP is the man. MVP gets up from the announcer’s position, before pointing to the briefcase which Flair gives a giant “wooo!” before strutting around the ring as the crowd heat is rather nuclear. It will be Ric Flair and MVP this Sunday at Vengeance! (A*) [COLOR=red][B]Brock Lesnar and Batista vs. DeGeneration X[/COLOR][/B] This could very well be the last time we see Triple H here on Raw, as he puts his career on the line this Sunday at Vengeance against the WWE Championship of Lesnar. DX cleans house at the bell, sending Batista and Lesnar to the floor, before playing to the crowd with a pair of crotch chops. When have Batista and Triple H to start out, as the history between these two men in the past is well known. Batista powers Triple H into the corner with some punches and a pair of shoulders to the midsection before whipping the Game across the ring. Batista rushes across the ring but Triple H moves and Batista hits the corner. [B]Triple H connects with a neckbreaker, bringing Batista down to the canvas![/B] Cover with a one count and Triple H punches away at the Animal, before making the tag to Shawn Michaels. Triple H holds Batista and Michaels comes off the top rope with a double axe handle chop to the arm. Armwringer and Shawn whips Batista into the ropes. Clothesline delivered as he comes to the ropes and Michaels goes to the outside. Batista is up and cross body off the top rope connects for a two count. Leaping kneedrop and stomps before Michaels picks up Batista and whips him into the ropes. Head is ducked and forearm down across the back of the head. Batista rushes off the ropes and nearly caves in the head of Shawn Michaels with a vicious clothesline! Batista picks up Michaels and hoists him up, before dropping him down across the top buckle with a snake eyes before tagging in the WWE Champion. Batista holds the arms of Michaels behind his back, allowing Lesnar to get some free shots in, before leaving the ring. Lesnar headbutts Michaels and whips him into the ropes. Catching him as he comes off with an overhead belly to belly suplex! Michaels is crumpled and Lesnar picks up Michaels, before setting him up. Nice vertical suplex and Lesnar floats over for a two count. Tag made to Batista and Lesnar whips Michaels into a clothesline. Batista covers for a two count. Pound away on Michaels and Batista whips Michaels into the corner. Knee to the midsection and Batista spins Michaels around, before choking him across the top rope. Michaels falls back and Batista rocks Michaels with stomps, before dragging Michaels up by the hair and whipping him into the corner. Running shoulder to the midsection and Batista hooks Michaels, before gutwrench suplexing him down to the canvas. Tag made to Brock Lesnar and Lesnar grabs Michaels before whipping him into the corner. Waistlcok and German Suplex release dumps Michaels! Lesnar covers Michaels hooking the leg but only a nearfall! Lesnar pummels Michaels and tags in Batista. Holds him and kick by Batista to the midsection. Lesnar leaves the ring and Batista whips Michaels into the ropes before hoisting him up and planting him with the spinebuster! Thumbs down by Batista and he picks up Michaels, going for the Batista Bomb but [B]the Heartbreak Kid counters with a back drop in a flash![/B]. Batista quickly pops up and goes for a lariat as Michaels gets up but Michaels comes underneath and [b]leaping forearm sends Batista down to the canvas![/B] Batista rolls towards the corner, closer than Shawn Michaels is to Triple H. Brock Lesnar calmly reaches into the ring, before making the tag as Triple H leans over the top rope, attempting to rally the crowd behind Michaels. Lesnar grabs the ankle but Michaels manages to squirm out and [b]hot tag made to Triple H![/B] Triple H steps into the ring and attacks Brock Lesnar with a series of punches, cleaning house, before rushing over and cheapshotting Batista between the eyes with a forearm, knocking him to the floor. Lesnar goes for a punch but Triple H blocks that and punches away at Lesnar, before whipping him into the ropes. Leaping knee to the chest knocks Lesnar down and Batista enters the ring but Shawn Michaels enters the ring, catching Batista off guard with punches. It is all breaking down as Triple H and Shawn Michaels irish whip their foes together! Batista is rolled to the floor and Shawn Michaels rolls to the floor as Triple H grabs Lesnar before shoving him off and kicks him. Triple H signals for the Pedigree as Batista reverses a whip, sending Shawn Michaels nearly flying over the barricade! Another kick and Triple H sets up Lesnar but Batista is on the apron, so Triple H puts down Lesnar, before grabbing Batista, pulling him into the ring. Facebuster rocks Batista and Triple H turns around, right into a knee from Lesnar. [B]Lesnar hoists up Triple H and sends him spiraling down with the F-5![/B] The champion rolls the Game over as the crowd holds their collective breath and Lesnar covers Triple H to score the pin, cleanly in the center of the ring in 20:35!(A) Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about if Lesnar repeats this feat this Sunday at Vengeance, Triple H will never step foot in a WWE ring ever again. Lesnar rips the WWE Championship Belt from the hands of the referee, before standing over Triple H, taunting his semi-conscious form with the belt that Triple H has been chasing for nearly six months against Lesnar! When Triple H stirs some more, Lesnar departs, as we fade out. Good night everyone! (B+) [B]Quick Results:[/B] Bobby Lashley defeated Carlito via disqualification Hardcore Productions over the New Breed The Great Khali defeated Shelton Benjamin in a Punjabi Prison Match CM Punk defeated Snitsky via disqualification to retain his WWE Intercontinental Title. Jillian cheated to beat Mickie James in a non title match. Mark Henry rolled over Kane. Ric Flair humbled Super Crazy Batista and Brock Lesnar triumphed over DeGeneration X when Lesnar pinned Triple H cleanly with the F-5. ******************************************************* Prediction League Results: For Raw: De@d frog: 6/7 Lexa90: 4/7 Wink: 4/7 Overall Rankings: 1) De@d frog: 45/ 66 2) Wink: 34/66 3) chris caulfied: 26/66 4) softflake: 22/66 5) Lexa90: 18/66 6) The Human Cancer: 2/66
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News Updates for Tuesday-Friday: [QUOTE] [B][I][U]News and Notes for Tuesday Week Four June 2008[/B][/I][/U] I’m going to say this about the TNA show this week. It’s not worth watching. It’s not bad, but it’s not good either. It’s just another show. Quick rundown of the television taping results. -Brother Devon defeated Vito Thomaselli with a reverse DDT(D+) -Hernandez, Andy Stevens, and Brother Ray defeated Chase Stevens, Sonjay Dutt, and Chris Sabin when Andy Douglas pins Sabin. I believe this match happened at the Pay Per View because I remember something equally as random happening but who knows and quite frankly who cares. (C) -Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Senshi defeated TNA X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels, Sting, and TNA World Champion Sting when Kurt Angle made Daniels submit to the Ankle Lock in a good twelve minute six man tag team match. Senshi plays face in peril. (B) -Scott Steiner makes Alex Shelley submit to the Steiner Recliner. Words fail me for this result, much like all logic fails TNA. (C+) Catch the second six man, ignore the rest. Six years ladies and gentlemen! AAA had a show last night. Gran Apache defeated Pirata Morgan in the main event. This promotion makes TNA look smartly booked, as it least TNA doesn’t try and overextend itself into regions that no one gives two ****s about Lucha. New Japan had a big show last night, dubbed “It Won’t Last Too Long”. Let’s go over the quick results. -Tatsumi Fujinami defeated Toru Yano(C) -Samurai and Taguchi defeated Jado and Gedo (C) -GENTARO defeated BADBOY Hido(C+) -Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Takashi Iizuka(C+) -Nagata and Tenzan defeated Ishii and Serjudee(C) -Giant Bernard defeated Naofumi Yamamoto(C-) -Kanemura and Black Tiger defeated Tiger Mask IV and Naruse(B-) -Koji and Inoue retained their IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Titles over Suzuki and K. Fujita(B-) -Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Minoru Tanaka to retain the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title(C+) -Hirooki Goto retained his IWGP U30 title over Mitsuhide Hirasawa(C-) -Takao Omori defeated Jushin Thunder Liger(B) -In the main event, in what was said to be the best NJPW match of the year, Manabu Nakanishi retained his IWGP Heavyweight Title against Masahiro Chono(B+) Dragon Gate had another great show last night with Mag & Doi retaining their War International Jr. Tag Team Championships against the tandem of Masato Yoshino and Kaz Hayashi, Ryo Saito retaining his Open the Brave Gate title over Keni’chiro Arai, and in the main event, Susumi Mochizuki keeping his Open the Dream Gate Title over CIMA. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News and Notes for Wednesday Week Four June 2008[/B][/U][/I] The Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Promotion had their monthly supercard, called Decimation. Quick results are as follows -Top Gun Talwar defeated Disco Machine -Scott Epperson defeated Quicksilver -T.J. Perkins defeated Joey Ryan -Human Tornado defeated Super Dragon -Excalibur defeated El Generico -Then of course there was the double main event, featuring two great matches from independent wrestling standards(outside of ROH of course). Bryan Danielson retained his PWG Heavyweight Championship against Kid Kash, with the Cattle Mutillation. The other half of the double main event saw a successful defense of the PWG Tag Team Titles when Petey Williams and Kevin Steen, known as the Masters of War, defeated B-Boy and Davey Richards when Petey Williams pins Davey Richards with the Canadian Destroyer to retain the titles. On the international scene, CMLL had a main event featuring Aguila, Blue Panther, and Ray Bucanero defeating Black Warrior, Memphisto and Tarzan Boy. Also, El Hijo Del Santo defeated Averno in the semi main event. No title matches but a night of solid lucha libre action. Last Week’s NJPW featured a great main event that went to a no contest involving Masahiro Chono battling Shinsuke Nakamura. The rest of the card was rather solid as well but once again, no title matches. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][I][U]Thursday Week Four Week Four June 2008 News and Notes:[/B][/I][/U] Big Japan Pro Wrestling had a main event of Tomohiro Ishii and Ryuji Hijikata defeating Ryo Saito and Shadow WX in a wild main event. Also Tomoaki Honda retained his BJW Deathmatch Title against Ryuji Yamakawa. The Apache Army promotion had a double main event, with BADBOY Hido defeating Asian Cougar to retain the Apache National Title and Tengu Kaiser defeated GENTARO to retain the Apache World Heavyweight Title. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B][U][I]News and Notes for Friday Week Four, June 2008[/B][/I][/U] Deep South Wrestling is pretty much below OVW in the pecking order, but it has a few good names that may have a future. The card featured -Reid Flair defeating Michael Alexander Dell and Dallas Hart in a “Young Lions” Triple Threat Match. Reid is of course the son of Ric Flair and Dallas is the son of Bret Hart. All three are rather green.(F+) -Greg Jennings made Ryan O’ Reilly submit to a cross armbreaker(E-) -Trytus squashes Frankie Capone in under a minute. (E-) -The Son of the Dragon(Richard Blood Jr under a hood) defeated Derrick Neikirk with a cross body press. (E) -Dan Maff pins Alex Wright with a Death Valley Bomb(E) -Johnny Devine pins Harry Smith using the ropes for leverage. Harry Smith may be getting a call up, as he is the most promising name out of the DSW bunch(E+) -The Messiah pins Sonny Siaki with the Godsmack(E+) -Nick Nemeth defeated Trent Acid with a Tornado DDT to retain his DSW Heavyweight Title. (E+) Ring of Honor attempts to break into the Northwest with their latest show with one great match and a few solid matches, but mostly average. The show featured: -Chad Collyer and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Jimmy Jacobs and Ricky Reyes(C) -Jack Evans defeated Lotus in what was detailed as a spotfest with no psychology(D) -Davey Richards defeated Matt Sydal(C) -Nigel McGuinness and BJ Whitmer defeated Larry Sweeney and El Generico in a match that was mainly a showcase between Nigel and Whitmer(C+) -Roderick Strong defeats Brent Albright(C+) -ROH Tag Team Champion Kevin Steen and ROH Champion Alex Shelley defeated the Briscoe Brothers when Shelley makes Jay Briscoe submit to the Border City Stretch in the match of the evening. (B-) -Chris Hero and Ace Steel defeated Bryan Danielson and Adam Pearce when Hero pins Danielson. Danielson toys with Hero a bit too long and this may have cost him in the end. (C+) Dragon Gate featured a main event of Kanemura and K-ness defeating CIMA and Kikutaro Also two title matches took place with Mag & Doi retaining the War International Jr. Tag Team Belts over Araken and Mori and Ryo Saito retaining his Open the Brave Gate Title over Shingo. A rather average show compared to recent efforts but still better than most. [/QUOTE]
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[COLOR=blue][B]Smackdown Preview for Friday Week Four June 2008[/COLOR][/B] Smackdown features a series of big matches this week. While Raw has a big Pay Per View this Sunday, the most exciting show of Friday Night has it's share of excitement, including a return match from King of the Ring. Indeed, at King of the Ring, Matt Hardy managed to come out with the World Heavyweight Championship against WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio. Tonight, a return match is held. Will Rey become the World Heavyweight Champion for the third time or will Matt Hardy brush past Rey once more? After that match, we need a new number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title so Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long has made Jeff Hardy and Edge, where the winner will face off against the World Heavyweight Champion at Smackdown's Great American Bash in July. The Undertaker will make his return to the ring this week against Booker T, Umaga squares off against Sabu, and Mr. Kennedy takes on Eric Young. All this and more tonight on Smackdown. [B]Confirmed Matches:[/B] World Heavyweight Title Match: Rey Mysterio vs Matt Hardy(c) Number One Contenders Match: Edge vs. Jeff Hardy Booker T vs. The Undertaker Umaga vs. Sabu Mr. Kennedy vs. Eric Young
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