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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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RAW Part 4 "Welcome back to RAW ladies and gentlemen, this is a tag match for the World Tag Team Championship's, during the comercial break, Deuce and Domino took controle of this match after Cherry distracted the ref and Double teamed JTG" [COLOR="Red"]WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] vs Cryme Tyme vs Deuce & Domino w/Cherry This match suffred a little as Cryme Tyme wernt vary good at calling it in the ring evan though they assuredme they could, something i will have to take into cincideration next time. near the end of the match Cherry distracted the referee and Shad was taken out with a Chair Shot then as the ref got back into the match JTG was hit with the Crack'm in The Mouth, goodnight god bless 1,2,3 "KING WE HAVE DUAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS ON RAW" (C-) *boo's echo the arena as Deuce and Domino Celebrate* "WAIT A MINUETE" *Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch enter behind Deuce & Domino, they came through the crowd, they both have iron bars, they take out Deuce & Domino as cherry screams* *Fans Cheer these actions* (C+) *Cade gets a mic* "Well looks like the rough and tough greasy haired city boys got a good old country ass kicking" *Murdoch to gets a mic* "Now thats what Las Vegas wants to see, someone get there ass's handed to'em not some fruits in leather jackets" *crowd cheers* "Now me 'n' Murdoch, we got a call at the ranch today, from someone all anonymus 'like' and he says that fellurs, pack yer bags your going to Smackdown!" "Me n Cade aint meant to know this, but we fig'ered that why should the World Tag Team Championship's stay on RAW, and after we saw these two excuses for men had won, we got special permission" J.R- "Permission For What??" King-"I have no idea J.R" Cade- "Now incase yer wonderin what we meen, we meen this, Ring the Bell" (C+) *after Murdoch and cade talk to lillian she anounces-* "THE FOLLOWING MATCH IS FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP'S , IN THE RING DEUCE AND DOMINO, AND THERE OPNENTS,,, LANCE CADE AND TREVOR MURDOCH" "Why thos clever s.o.b's king" "looks like this is going to be the shortest title rain ever" [COLOR="Red"]WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] vs Deuce & Domino w/Cherry vs Cade & Murdoch Simple 2 minuete match, They throw Deuce from the ring, Sweet & Sour on Domino Cade pins 1,2,3, New World Tag Team Champions, Titles taken to Smackdown, to Smackdown drafts early, easiest booking i made in my life. (B-) *next shown are highlights from Cena vs HHH lastnight at the Royal Rumble* "Right After the comercial break J.R, well be hearing from The Game" "THATS WHEN WE COME BACK ON MONDAY NIGHT RAW" (B+) (C+) -Comercial-
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right nearl finished my first show after what seems like a lot of posts hehe, going to have to go to bed though as our lass is starting to give me dirty looks for keeping lights on, so would be great to come back to comments so i know what you all think so far. Keep reading and hope your all enjoying so far.
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*as we return to RAW Todd Grishem is back stage* "hello im Todd Grishem and my guest at this time is The Game Tripple H" *Tripple H strolls up takes the mic then pushes Todd of screen" "im going to say this once, so Cena and anyone else thats listening, listen now and listen carefully, I AM THE GAME, THE KING OF KINGS, THESE PEOPLE WANT TO SEE A CHAMPION, NOT A WHITE GUY WHO THINKS THAT BECAUSE HE WEARS A DOG TAG, SPITS OF A FEW RHYMS AND TALKS LIKE HES FROM THE GOD DAM GHETTO HES THE NEW VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, AND THE RIGHTFULL CHAMPION. last night Cena i beat you within an inch of your life in a ni disqualification match, YOU CLAIM YOU NEVER BACK DOWN, YOU SAY IF ANYONE WANTS SOME THEY SHOULD COME GET SOME, LAST NIGHT THE GAME GOT HIS SHARE THEN YOU WALKED YOUR ASS OFF TO THE BACK AND GOT YOURSELF COUNTED OUT YOU SON OF A BITCH! tonight, John, its going to be a bloodbath, there will be no running you will fell the rath of the King of Kings, and i will be an eleven time world champion, and anyone else who is thinking of trying to take me on after tonight, watch what hapens to Cena, and think long and hard, because when you step into my ring, the King of Kings Kingdom, there is going to be only one man standing tall, THE GAME!" * tripple H walks off* (A) "Well folks looks like the game is pumped up for tonight" "he sure is J.R but next up we have got one heck of a match to show" "its going to be Mr Kennedy with Ashley in his Corner to take on the samoan Bulldozer UMAGA" "and King thats next" (B+) -comercial-
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sorry guys having to rush the last post as im suposed to be working, mint try and sneak another post later. taking final predictions for next match if anyone has any by the way. plus would love to get some detailed feedback, i have apreciated every scrap of feedback so far, but wanting some detail, to what you think im doing right, and what you think im doing wrong so far, wont be offended will just help me make a better story if i got some detail :) thanks in advance. keep reading and hope your enjoying.
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"well here comes Ken Kennedy, the loud talking hard hitting fan favourite" "and King last night he lasted 53 minuets in the Royal Rumble, after eventually being eliminated by the winner RVD" *kennedy is in the ring with Ashley, he grasps the falling mic and begins to speak* "Last night you saw me give the performance of a lifetime, last night you saw number 2 entrant eliminated as number 29, and now you see before you a man with the hottest girl in WWE by his side, a man who will prove his worth and be champion soon, a man who hails from GREEN BAY WISCONSIN,,, MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNNNNEEEDYYYYYYYYYY,,,, *crowd cheers and finishes the next part as he climbs the ropes* KENNNNNNNEEEEDYYYYYYYY" *the crowd go's wild* *as Umaga aproaches the ring boo's echo the arena* "king last night Umaga was entrant number 6 and lasted 40 minuets, it took9 other men to eliminate Umaga from the Rumble" "and one of those men was Great Khali evan he couldnt do it alone J.R" w/ vs Mr.Kennedy w/ Ashley vs UMAGA the two battle it out Umaga is on top "King who will come on top in this match, we will find out when we come back" -Comercial-
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*The match returns and Kennedy is getting beat on* "Ladies and Gentlemen were back on RAW and things arnt going well for Mr.Kennedy Kennedy hits the kenton bomb after reversing the samoan spike into a ddt. the match was ok but i didnt like having to script it due to Umagas weakneses at calling in the ring. (B) Kennedy is celebrating in the ring, his mic comes down ready for him to anounce himself as winner. , , , , , , , "KING OH MY GOD, THAT DAMN MONSTER IS BACK ON RAW AFTER A YEAR WITHOUT HIM" "and J.R Umaga, the man who beat him, in that loser leaves RAW match all that time ago is in the ring still down, so i think i have a pretty good idea what kanes doing here" *Umaga rises, Kane enters the ring they stare at eachother, Kane ignores umaga and Upracuts Kennedy whowas about to leave the ring* "WHAT THE HELL!! KING WHAT DID KENNEDY DO THE INFLICT THE RATH OF KANE" *Kane leaves the ring and grabs ashley by the throat* "J.R I THINK KANES GOING TO CHOKESLAM ASHLEY ONTO THE FLOOR" "GET OFF HER YOU SON OF A BITCH THATS A DAMN WOMAN, HE CANT DO THIS KING" *Kennedy gets out of ring and beats on Kane, Ashley runs away when Kane lets go, but Kane easily overpowers the Tired Kennedy and delivers a hurendus Tombstone Piledriver onto the Steel Steps* "MY GOD, THANK GOD FOR KENNEDY SAVING ASHLEY, BUT NOW WE NEED HELP FOR HIM" "J.R his career could be in jepordy,,, this,,this is just sickening to watch, Kennedy's whole face and most of his shoulders are covred in blood" *Kane hits Kennedy with a chair* "MY GOD WHAT A VIAL EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN KANE IS!!" "J.R, Kane is back and his first victim is Mr. Kennedy, and vary nearly Ashley" (B+) *HBK is backstage, he is giving a promo about his match with Lashley* "Lashley tonight you go one on one with the Showstopper, the Heartbreak Kid THE MAN WHO WILL HAND YOUR ASS TO YOU TONIGHT, now Lashley you went from a hard hitting, bad ass son of a gun, now,,, well, your a whining, sensetive wuss, who quite frankly is showing all the traits of,,, a HORMONAL PREGNENT WOMAN, and tonight you go into that ring with no respect from me, from the roster the fans man enan the arena janators dont respect ya, so tonight leave the tissues and the tears in the lockeroom and bring you A-game otherwise the band will be tuned up early tonight, and we will all be hearing SWEET CHIN MUSIC BEFORE THE MATCH IS FIVE SECONDS OLD! and that is a promise" *HBK smiles and then walks off* (B+) "Ladies and Gentlemen that match is NEXT" -comercial-
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"and here comes Shawn Michaels, and King i think tonight he has a point to prove, after The rivalry between him and Lashley heated up at the Royal Rumble" "and J.R here comes Lashley, and after all the whining he's been doing, do you think he will follow HBK's advice and bring his A-Game??" "who knows, but Lashley better do if he wants to have a chance against the Show Stopper" vs Lashley vs HBK NO DISQUALIFICATION'S Lashley and Michaels gad an amazing match, i told them to call it in the ring, and that they did and they were outstanding together, the chemistry between the two was outstanding, to bad i had other plans for the two near the end of the match "KING MY GOD, THATS RANDY ORTON, HE JUST KICKED HBK IN THE HEAD, AND THERES NOT A DAMN THING THE REF CAN DO ABOUT IT" *Lashley pins HBK 1,2,3* Lashley wins the match Orton stands outside smiling then walks off as Lashley celebrates (A) *Backstage a new face on RAW introduces himself* "Ladies and Gentlemen, fans of RAW, MVP Fans world wide, rejoyce, as your Favorite, the most exiting and athletic Superstar in the WWE is now the face of RAW,now im not going to lie, it wont be long before im carrying gold, and no one will or will be able to stop me" (B) *Jeff Hardy walks up to MVP just as he is about to cut more of his promo,* "MVP, so youre RAW now, before you worry about titles maybe you should remember my brothers on RAW aswell, the guy you lost nearly evry competition you ever had with him from last year, the guy who took the U.S title from you, the guy who proved that,,,,YOU SUCK" (C+) *MVP SMILES* "well what you have to say about that MVP" *MVP then cheap shots Hardy and the to Brawl all around the backstage, untill they go off fighting into the parking lot and the cameras lose them* (B+) "ladies and gentlemen i dont think those to are getting of to a good start, and neither did our next to superstars lastnight, Tripple H & John Cena are next!" (B+) -Comercial-
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"Well here comes the ever contraversial champ, and King these Boo's are just getting louder, and it seems the more they Boo, the more of an ******* Cena becomes" "Well J.R i dont know weather thats the right word to use, but i have to agree Cena has gone from being loved by these fans, and loving them back to hating them to a point that he discusts them back, hes turned his back on his Chain Gang" *THE CROWD ERUPTS* "WELL KING HERE COMES THE GAME" [COLOR="Red"]WWE CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR] vs This match was scripted, i couldnt have Cena calling it in the ring, because i also had to make sure he was protected and hide his flaws as much as i could, also i have heard if i get them to call it in the ring Paul will just take controle and Cena will get no offence, the two worked well, saying it was scripted the crowd loved it, there was blood, weapon shots behind the refs back from both competators, evrything a main event should be in my book near the end i gave the fans something to confuse them *The lights go out, we hear a chairshot, when the lights come back on Cena is standing, but the game is down* "KING WHAT THE HELL HAPNED" "I HAVE NO IDEA BUT ITS NOT TAKEN CENA LONG TO TAKE ADVANTAGE" "DAMN IT KING 1,2,3 DAMN IT CENA IS STILL CHAMPION I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL HAPNED, BUT THIS DISRISPECTFULL, TACTLESS LITTLE THUG IS STILL OUR WWE CHAMPION" (A) *tripple H rises to his feet* *LIGHTS GO OUT* "OH MY GOD KING ITS THE UNDERTAKER THE UNDERTAKER IS ON RAW" "Cena has ran for the hills J.R" "King he is long gone through the crowd and gone, but why did the lights go out, why was Tripple H taken out, only the Undertaker could have done that only he has that kind of power" "and J.R he may be about to do the same again" *Taker proceeds to beat the game down, chairshoy, tombstone, chokeslam into the crowd, other stuff* *The crowd know whats hapening Undertaker is my new Master Heel on RAW, i just hope my plans for this dont backfire, because mark is a natural Heel performer when he needs to be, and the crowd are giving him heat so far so good* (A) "Damn it King, the Game has been dismantled by the Undertaker and were going to have to wait untill next week to find out why, Good Night evrybody" -END SHOW- Final rating (B+) Sell Out Crowd Increase of popularity in the area MVP turns up late for show Good feedback from crowd
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i feel like i have een writing that one show for years, sorry about all the gaps, i wont be doing that for evryshow, hopefully in future the whole show will be one big post, just i have been really busy last few days. Anyways would love some feedback on what you all thaught to my first shows, like and dislikes. also what did you think to the use of visual material?? and finally what do you think i can do better and any predictions for next week's RAW? keep reading and hope your enjoying
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hey guysjust about to get on with the next installment, but a little disapointed due to the lack of feedback, i dont meen to sound like an atention seeking whore, but put a lot of effort into my show and story so would be nice to get some possotive and negetive feedback before i continue, this way i can move forward and make the dynisty better.
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I agree with Chris on the point of splitting the shows over so many posts. Just wait until you finish the show then post it. It keeps you straight on what you're doing and prevents frustration from the readers. Its too early to comment on booking or the like. After the first month people can see where you're taking things. As for formatting... Personally I would cut down on the pics and vids, they aren't really adding a lot and the positioning makes things look a little messy. Match contenders are fine and sometimes other pics can work to accentuate things. Again though, that's personal preference there. The vs. pics are really nice, did you make them? If so I would maybe restrict them to PPVs or you're going to be giving yourself an awful lot of work in the long run. Toy around with your format, at the end of the day though, its what makes you happy that counts. Don't get hung up on feedback. People who comment beyond predictions are a rare breed! Your view count is a better indicator of whether people are reading your work. I'll be keeping an eye on this to see where you go with it. Remember to have fun with it, this is for your own enjoyment first and foremost! :)
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thanks for the comments guys, sorry about splitting my first show, just wanted to gte the show up in one post but by the time i had finished writing one post i had to go someware or go to work, wont be hapening in future, as for the messyness, i will try and cut down on pics and vids as sugested and see how that go's. and yes i did make the vs pics, they arnt that much trouble i have them saved as templates so only quick jobs. Glad to get some good hounest feedback, feedback isnt what motivates me just wanted to gte a genoroul idea of how people viewed the layout and stuff, but now i know i can continue with the story. thanks guys Keep reading and hope your all enjoying.
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Its 2am when the phone rings, my phone vibrates violantly awaiting my ansear, i look at the screen wich reads simply, the boss, i saved vinc's number as this so i would allways know when he is calling. "Hello,," "Ian its Vince" duh "Hello sir, is evrything ok? its 2am" "Well theres good news and bad news" My god ive f*cked things up allready! "The good news is, myself and most of the roster are loving the ideas, and the ratings are High" i was in dibalief "how high?" "41.54 on the USA NETWORK, the last show was a 39.12" "wow,,, im glad viewers have risen sir, i dont supose you know what it got,,," "0.72 on Sky Sports in the UK" how did he know i was going to ask that? "thats great, but sir if you dont mind me asking whtas the bad news?" "well it depends how you want to take it really, your first meeting with your booing team is Thursday morning, and while Paul Heyman will go on screen, and while he has given his,,,blessing shall we say, i have it on authority that,,, well hes furious about your plans for the third brand, and he is going to try and make life tough for you." this was a shock, i was expecting some negative feedback about my plans from Heyman, but to hear he is going to try and make things hard for me,,, thats just unprofesional "what about your daughter sir, is she ok with my plans for her?" "Yes both Stephanie and Paul are fine with your plans, as long as its what you say it is, no booking and only working on the day she is needed" "yes sir thats agreed, and my meeting with the new talent tomorow, is that aranged?" "Yes thats all aranged, i have my doubts though about a few things, i was hoping you could ansear a few questions for me?" I knew he wasnt going to be happy about some of my signings, well here we go, i have t try and convince him its a good step forward. "Yes fire away" "The workers you have signed from the development terrotory, and some of the younger talent you signed to the full roster instead of sending to development, since there are so many of them,, ware do they fit in to your plans?" "well sir, at the moment we are short of openers, jobbers and so forth, and thats ware they fit in,,, right now. but with my plans for the third brand, i need new blood to push and the ones I have hand picked, well they are the ones i can see having the brightist future in the company" "Well i hope your right on all this, my second question, the workers who wernt on written contracts at The other company (TNA) are you sure its a good move pushing them straight away?" "well sir i think they have the ability, and since im going to be putting more emphisis into managers i think there skills and popularity willl be invaluable" "Ok and my last question, the workers you have signed from your old promotion UKWA,,, there will be no favrotisam or special treatment" "No definatley not sir" "well thast all, good luck with ECW tomorow, hope evrything works ok, and by the way expect a phone call from the Sci-Fi network tomorow, about your proposal" "ok sir, good night, morning, erm ,, i mean,,, bye sir" "goodbye Ian" as soon as my head hit the pillow i was gone again.
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i woke up again to my phone, at least this time it was my landline, the phone was in the living room, the largest of my 3 room flat (apartmant) wich at the moment to call a mess would be an understatement, 3 full ashtrays, clothes evryware, half eaten meals, papers with notes and ideas strewn evryware, there wasnt much inside, a small tv and a small sofa in the living room, in the bedroom a bed and lamp with a small bedside table, no wardrbe i was still living out of my suitcase's. As i rushed up for the phone i was trembeling, so i took my medication, the only problem was what i thaught was water turned out to be vodka, so as i took my pill's i burnt my throat intensley. I anseared my small landline phone "Hello is this Ian Devine of Worl Wrestling Entertainment?" "yes, erm who is this exactly" "my name is Lee Morris , i am an employee of The Sci-Fi Chanel, we have decided that we will extend your show on our chanel to two hours starting next week, hope this is good news" "well yes this is tremen,," "good good, well good luck with evrything goodbye" *click ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* rude bas*ard anyway i need to get ready for my meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------ "are you ok?" Grace could see i was nervous, she could tell that standing infront of all of these people and giving a speech trying to convince them that there future is now is making me feel like i would rather be anyware but here,,, well maybe not in so many words but she could tell i was nervous. "Grace i will be fine when all this is over, is there anychance you have a cigarette with you i left mine in the office, im going to have to have one outside before the last workers arive" "sure, ill go and have one with you if you like" "yea sure thats fine" "just remember you owe me" she smiled as she said this, her eyes were seductive, i was lost in them for a moment, then she turned and walked, and as i followed i realised, this woman is more than good looking, she is damn right georgus, maybe not the sharpest ever but definatley hot, the black dress she had chose to ware today instead of the shirt and skirt was a great choice, it emphisisised her allready beautifull figure. While we were outside she handed me a ciggy, it was a Mallborough light, a weak cigarette, it will fell as though i have only had half of one by the time i have finished, but i was complaining. we chatted, and got on well, i had spent most of the time eying up her figure, and decided that i should ask her out for a drink, but before i could make my advance i was taped on the shoulder by a security guy, there all here Mr. Devine,, damn it maybe next time. "see you later Grace, i dont worry i wont forget that i owe you, as i walked away she was stood smiling, i think im starting to like this girl, a lot, but is it just for looks, i mean she isnt vary clever but i can talk to her brilliantly, anyway cant think about this now, i need to adress evryone, but i cant concentrate, Grace was raveshing. as I walked in, more than 20 workers stared me in the face as i gave my speech. "Well now evryone is hear i'll start by saying welcome, I to am new hear so dont think that im some old WWE backroom guy hear to give out the welcoming parade, My name is Ian Devine, i am the head booker here, and im the one who picked all of you, some of you came because i offred you a way into this illustrious company, some came because i promised that i can turn them into star's, some because unlike the other company (TNA) i think your worth written contracts for your talent, now some of you are allready being pushed evan though a lot of you are unable to start perfroming untill next week. I wont lie some of you are going to be jobbing for a while, but dont let this worry you, you are my next generation of stars, and stars you will become." i wasnt convinced that i had raised morale and got them fired up for there new job's, but the guys i allready knew, Jonny and Ben, Rachael, Joy and Jay (AJ Styles) started clapping and cheering and the others followed, out of politness i think, but i emant evry word i said, evan if they dont believe me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonight ECW go's live for the first time, as it will from now on, we now only have one pre recorded show, and i think thats the best way to keep it.
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Tonights Venue UCF Arena Orlando Florida Tonights dark matches were vastly unimportant, they were used soley to warm up the crowd, they had no real purpose like the ones on HEAT before RAW. BRA & PANTIES MATCH vs Layla vs Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly picked up the win stripping her former Extreme Expose assosiate down to her Bra & Panties. (D) vs Marcus Cor Von vs The MIZ MCV wins the match hitting MIZ with the pounce after a vary ordinary match (C-) MAIN SHOW "HELLO LADYS AND GENTLEMEN AND WELCOME TO ECW, IM JOEY STYLES AND IM HERE WITH ECW LEGEND TAZZ, AND TAZZ TONIGHT PROMISES TO BE A BLOCKBUSTER SHOW" "Thats right Joey we'got two main event calaber matches tonight" "Thats right, first up we have, a monster, a mammoth, a mountain of a man and he is only intrested in taking out his former handler" "Joey its g'na be Big Daddy V taking on Matt Striker!" (C-) "Butt that's not all, weve got our vary own ECW Origional, and Royal Rumble Winner, MR ECW HIMSELF ROB VAN DAMN! and hes going to be taking on ECW champion John Morrison" "Joey this one is g'na be of the chain" (B) "Also as we know Tazz we will also discover how ECW ha done in the secret draft, with anylook the Extreme Brand could get evan more,,,," *Music interups Joey* ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , *Paul Heyman walks to the ring* "MY GOD TAZZ, ITS, ITS THE MAD SCIENTIST, THE BOSS,,,, THE INVENTER,,, THE INOVATER OF ECW,," "ITS PAUL HEYMAN, DOES THIS MEEN WE HAVE A NEW G.M??" *Heyman picks up a mic* "WELL WELL WELL,,,,,,,,,,,,,immmmmmmmm baaaaaaaaaacccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,,," *the crowd erupts* "and well to be here again, on ECW, well its a feeling i cant describe, but unforunatley for evryone i am the bearer of bad new's,,, i am NOT the new ECW general manager" *the crowd boo's* "i know i know, unfortunatley,,, im a draft pick, now is it just me, or is me having to ansear to someone else on my own cration just wrong, OR IS IT JUST PLAIN BLASPHOMY?!?!?" "buuutttttttt,,,,,, i do howver have some good news, now im not sure who he is yet, but ECW does have a new General Manager, and they sent me a memo,,, Yuk,, memo, the word makes my skin crawl,, euggghh, its so civolised, so buisness like,,, so,,,, SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!!" *crowd cheers paul's comments, im just glad thats all he said that he didnt like, were live, he could say what he wants to make my life hell, especially after the threat* "now this,,,,," *PAUL SHUDERS* "MEMO, said that tonight is a special night for ECW, its going to have big news about ECW, wich to me sounds intresting, but evan more intresting was what the end of the,,,, THING said, its said tonight that I PAUL HEYMAN WILL TAKE CONTROL OF THE SHOW AND I SHOULD MAKE IT AS SPECIAL AS POSSIBLE!! *crowd erupts into a frenzy* "AND THATS WHAT I PLAN TO DO, NOT OLY TONIGHT HAVE I MADE THE MATCHES FOR BIG DADDY V TO TAK OUT THAT BITCH STRIKER, BUT I HAVE MAID OUR MAIN EVENT ECW LEGEND ROB VAN DAM TO TAKE ON THE ECW EMBARESSMENT POSER CHAMP JOHN NITACE OR WHATEVER THE PUNKS NAME IS! butt,, thats not all, we will see a FATAL FOUR WAY EXTREME RULES MATCH WITH FOR ECW ORIGIONALS, TOMMY DREAMER, SANDMAN, BALLS MAHONEY AND STEVIE RICHARDS!!" *Paul drops the MIC bows to the crowd and walks back stage* -COMERCIAL- *we return backstage and find John Morrison on screen* "now tonight I,, JOHN MORRISON,, the showman of Extreme, the premier star in this industy THE GREATIST ECW CHAMPION OF ALL TIME,, take on some worthless piece of crap named Rob Van Dam, now tonight im going to introduce this overated piece of trash to the mat as i pick up the win 1,2,3,,,, but i wont be doing it alone, for i have a new,,,,, aquaintance in my corner tonight,,,,,,,,,TORIE WILSON" *Torie is now in shot stood next to John* (B) "Now as evryone can see, I am a draftee to ECW, and i plan to leave my mark here, i plan to guide John to hs prime, im determind to show that as a team myself and John,, wer going to dominate evryone and evry,,," *Torie is interupted* (C) *BY MELINA* "ahem, sorry Torie, but may i have a word with my ex?" "sure but make it quick, i dont have all night" "of corse not, i meen i wouldnt want to make you wait to long, retirement is drawing closer as it is without me wasting your time" *Torie looks take back and stuned by this coment" "John" "what the hell do you want?!" "John im on ECW now, but i thaught i should let you know something i found out when i got into the arena" "and what mint that be!" "HE'S BACK AND HES HERE TONIGHT, and despite the fact were not together anymore i dont want anything to hapen to you" *Melina walks off* "WHOS HERE JOHN?!?!" ",,,no,,no one,, she,,,,she's just trying to freak me out,, c'mon Torrie lets go" (B) "Tazz here comes Big Daddy V, and as allways, he looks unstopable, how can any one take this big man down?" "Im not sure Joey but ill tell you what, striker better be ready for a brawl" vs Big Daddy V vs Matt Striker We see Big Daddy V dominate this match, it is short lived but the crowd were happy at the performences, and also at seing Striker getting busted open, the match ends with Big Daddy V hitting the Samoan Drop 1,2,3 "WOW, Tazz that was destructiveness at its best, and i dont think Striker will ever be the same sfter that" (C-) -Comercial- "HEY JOEY ITS TEDDY LONG, I THINK WE HAVE OUR NEW G.M" *Theodore Long walks into the ring and grabs a mic* "GOOD EVENING ECW" *Theodore gets a good reaction* "Now im sure you all dying to know, so ill let you know now, i am NOT the General Manager of ECW, but plainly just a draft pick, now im happy with that, becaus it has given me this opertunity, I,,, T-LO,," *some of the crowd laugh* "T-LO??" "Thats what he said Joey the mans name is T-LO" "I T-LO am proud to be back in the managment game, and i allready have my first clients,, so without further delay here they are,,,,,,,,,,,," ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , "HEY JOEY HIDE YOU WALLET CRYME TYME ARE ON ECW" "Now me and my boys Cryme Tyme are here to step it up in ECW and furthermore we,," (C) *Music interupts T-LO* ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , , , , "WAIT ONE DAMN MINUETE TAZZ, THIS CANT BE REAL, RODDY PIPER, HERE,,ON ECW!!" *Piper gets in the ring and grabs a mic* "now Theodore" "Thats T-LO Playa!" "Sorry, sorry, T-Blow" "T-LO!!" "Thats what i said G-Bow" *crowd laughs* "Before you go promising to rule the ranks here on, ECW, let me show'ye somethin' because I to am know in managment here on ECW, and id like ye ta meet m boys! and your oponents right here right now" ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, "ITS A SCOTTISH INVASION JOEY, AND THERE IN ACTION AGAINST CRYME TYME RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" w/vsw/ Cryme Tyme w/T-Lo vs The Highlanders w/Roddy Piper a good well balanced match, now i didnt think they would but the scottish trio shone as heels in this encounter, and the outside th ring work by both managers were good and solid, but the main plus from the match were that Cryme Tyme were calling it in the ring better, and The Highlanders were also showing they had ability to think on there feet. The Match ended when Roddy Piper Hit Shad with brass knucks while Robbie distracted the Ref then the Scoth Drop was hit, game over a win for the Scottish Team (C) -Comercial- *we return to find a discruntled Booker T and Sharmell* "Tonight a lot has hapned, we have heard people say how good it is to be on ECW,,, im afraid that I however have a vary different attitude. I NEVER THAUGHT I WOULD HAVE TO APEAR ON THIS GOD FOR SAKEN SHOW, OR WORK FOR THIS SHODDY BRAND FULL OF SUKKAS! but it seems that fate had a funny way od dealng with things, hence my wife and I were drafted,,,to this piece of crap brand known as E,,,C,,,W!" *crowd boo's booker* "now as you may have noticed, i m not wearing my crown, or my Kingly attire, this is because this is no place for a king, so i have abdicatedmy thrown untill i reurn to a brand worth working for, I A 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME, WCW Champion, will dominate this show, untill there is no choice but for another brand, to take me on board. NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUKKKAAAAAAAAAAA" *Booker T walks off to boo's* (B+) *we go to RVD's dressing room as Paul Heyman enters* "hey Rob, congratulations for lastnight" "thanks Paul, i apreciate that man" "So come on spill, wich title you going to chose, you know we could use a REAL ECW champ, instead of that Prima Dona whore Morrison" "to be hounest Paul, im going to wait to pick wich title im going for, but one things for sure, Morrison best bring his A-Game, because tonight, Rob,,Van,,Dam, is going to prove, that beating a champion is wht i do best" "Tazz will John Morrison bring his A-Game or will RVD get a huge win on his road to wrestlmania were going to find out later tonight" (B+) -Comercial- "well Joey its time for our ECW origionals fatal four way" "and first out its our residant chair swinging freak, Balls Mahoney" vsvsvs [COLOR="Purple"]EXTREME RULES FATAL FOUR WAY[/COLOR] Balls Mahoney vs Stevie Richards vs Tommy Dreamer vs The Sandman This match was pure violance, we see blood, tears, and eventually Tommy Dreamer Hit a DDT through a table for the win (B-) *we join Finlay backstage* "now you all know who i am, now i dont meen to imitate Booker, but i to am furious about being on this piece of crap brand, but that wont stope me from taking out evrysingle person, CRAZY ENOUGH TO STEP INTO TAHT RING WITH ME, THE FIGHTING IRISHMAN FINLAY!" (B) *The Boogeyman dances up to finlay* "IM THE BOOGEY MAN AND IM CO,," *Boogeyman is cut short as Finlay Smashes him over the head with his shellaly, Finlay then taunts Bogeyman by doing the Boogeyman dance over his laid out body* "AS I SAID, I WILL TAKE OUT EVRYONE INFRONT OF ME" (B) -Comercial- *we return as John Morrison makes his way to the ring* "WELL JOEY HERES OUR MAIN EVENT AND HER IS OUR ECW CHAMPION" "and Torie Wilson, and Tazz no guesses on who im most happy to see" vsw/ RVD vs John Morrison w/ Torrie Wilson This match went really well, John was a natural at calling it in the ring, the crowd liked the match, it was open, but both competators were giving it there all, and Torrie really spiced the match up, Morrison eventually wins, Torrie distracts the ref, low blow 1,2,3 "MORRISON STOL IT TAZZ" "and Joey that cant be good for RVD's morale going into wrestlemania" (A) *Melina runs to the ring and she shouts to John, her words clear enough for all to hear* "JOHN HE'S HERE HES COMING, YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE" *Morrison climbs out of the ring he and Melina argue and scream at eachother* (B+) "HEY WAIT JOEY IS THAT??" *Morrison is spun round and punched straight in the face, a brawl follows* "Joey thats Joe Mathews, formally Joey Mercury Morrisons old partner from the MNM days" "Your right Tazz but whats he doing here and whys he attacking Morrison?!?!" *they brawl all the way up to the stage and off camera* (A) *heyman comes to the ring and grabs a mic* "Well as I said, i gave evryone a special show, i gave you some main event style matches, we saw draft pics, we saw action, now i think evryone, IN THIS ARENA WILL AGREE,, I SHOULD BE ECW GENERAL MANAGER" (B) "WAIT JOEY,,,, ITS STEPHANIE MCMAHON" *Stephanie stand on stage with a mic* "Now Paul, I gave you a chance for one more turn in the controle seat, but unfortunatley, you wont be General Manager of ECW,,, THATS MY JOB!!" *Mixed reaction, mostlky cheers* "So th billionairs little madam is i controle, well what makes you think you could run ECW better than me?" "well Paul let me start by saying something, i dont think i could run ECW as well as you" *heyman smiles his sadistic smile* "THATS WHY TONIGHT IS THE FINAL ECW,, EVER!!" "WHAT!" Tazz-"What the Hell, Joey what do's she meen by that?!" "You see Paul, i have owned ECW once before, and to be hounest,, i wasnt that keen on it, so i have some major news, you see next tuesday, here on Sci-Fi This Show will be 2 HOURS LONG AS IT WILL EVRY WEEK FROM NOW!" *cheers* "But it wont be an ECW show, and neither will this brand be ECW any longer, for next week we see the debut of,,,,, VELOCITY!!" "Tazz this is huge, stephanie McMahon has got rid of ECW and created her ownd brand and show,, can she do that" "well not only is she the GM Joey but shes Vince's Daughter, so i guess she can do what she wants,, but this meens that this is the end for ECW" "whats all this going to change, i guess well have to find out next week on,,,,,,,,,, Velocity!" *Heyman on his knees in ring in disbelief as Stephanie walks backstage* (A) -End Show- Final Rating (B) Sell Out Crowd - 7,451
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