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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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My head felt as though it had Andre the Giant trying to break out of it, my mouth felt like a dirt road in a drout, all in all i think them putting an open bar in my office was a clear mistake. I got up and checked my e-mails on my laptop 3 new mails, its official i will never be one of these people with 600 new mails a day, The first e-mail was from Jonathan Gascoigne- "Yo mate, thanks again for the call up, i know im not going to get a push straight away, but anychance i can get used in some pre-show matches, i dont think much to the training facilities here, me and ben cant get any ring practice as all the more,,, 'esteblished guys' hog the friggin thing anyways write me or call me back, Laters -Jonny" It was good to hear from Jonny, while i was happy to put him in some dark matches i was angry that the bigger stars were not giving the younger guys any ring practice time, i was more angry due to the huge hangover, i e-mailed Jonny back saying i have plans for some matches, and also if it keeps going the same while he is training give me a shout and i will do something about it. The Next E-mail was a short one from 'The Boss' "Mr.Devine please find enclosed the ECW ratings, i liked the show, we need to see you about production later today, production offices at 4pm. ECW Rating's -Sci-Fi Network -12.80" This shocking rating definatley needed improving. The final e-mail was from Grace "Hey Ian, dont forget you still owe me a smoke, i thaught maybe you could give it to me over coffee" i had never smiled so muh through an e-mail, altough i had no intentions of going for a coffee with her. i replyed quickly "Sorry Grace im not a coffee fan, how about a pint (Beer) or maybe some wine at this nice little bar near my flat (Apartment)" I put beer and apartment in brackets as i had a suspicion she wouldnt know what a pint or flat was. Now i had to get ready for my meeting with the production team, we had moved Smackdowns tapings to Thursday this week so we had a lot of time to plan the show. as i got dressed i was thrilled to notice that last night evan though i was s*itbag wasted i didnt do anything stupid, i have been known to get tattoo's and the sort when out on the drink, me Jonny and Ben all got the same tattoo's on our arses while in Amsterdam, the tattoo was stupid, but it makes good conversation when drinking with the lads. (arse tattoo)
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i parked my crappy rusty car that i buaght with my savings in my designated parking spot, all around me were sports cars and Large glamorous SUV's but my car a burgandy 1998 toyoto Tercel stuck out like a sore thumb, its all i could afford on my mediocre budget untill my first pay comes at the end of the month. I walked into the building expecting o see Graces cheeky grin but instead i was greeted by a large man with a terrible haircut, it turns out its Graces day off, i signed in and walked to the producion offices to be greeted by Mr.McMahon and the rest of the production team. We talked about the graphics and videos for the new Velocity show, we decided we would stick aith it being green as it was when it was Smackdowns highlight show. We also planed the new opening videos for RAW and Smackdown wich would be used after we finish tinkering with the rosters. I also put across my views about the website, the meeting was a sucsess in my view, and we pened some great ideas and made some story boards for videos, after the meeting we all shook hands and wished eachother luck for smackdown. Mr Mcmahon also praised me on the plans i had but warned me that now i had signed the majority of people i wanted to strengthen the roster any other signings must either be allready established superstars or talented athletic youngsters for the development teratory, i saw no problem with this. After the meeting i went to my office and started making paperwork for storylines and show details. Mr McMahon also took my advice and got a contract with a major record label rather than using a minor label. I was busy working when i got a knock on my door and Paul Levesque strolled in, he introduced himself and also thanked me for keeping him on RAW, we also discussed some ideas for his storyline with The Undertaker, he had some good ideas and some pretty crap ones, i felt he was trying to push his ideas on me, maybe he wasn and i was just being paranoid because of his reputation as a polotician and an egomaniac, but he took my comments well, we decided to go with some of his ideas, and after we took a confrence call with Mark Calaway and hearing his ideas we had some brilliant plans to improve this allready heated storyline, Paul shook my hand and left, he also warned me not to listen to much to Heyman he was allways going to give me a hard time as he wanted the job after Steph stood down. This signaled that Heyman had allready started bad mouthing me behind my back. All in all the day was a sucsess and i was happy we could move forward, i checked my e-mails, still nothing from grace, i just hope she was back at work tomorow before i set of for the show, i would rather see her in all her glory than the guy who was working today. Smackdown tomorow, and the Match anouncments go on WWE.COM in around an hour.
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The Preview page for smackdown had been updated, they decided to use the new graphics we had designed in the meeting straight away, Smackdown and Velocity were being re-designed, new music new style, raw was jus getting new faces, i thaught this was the best way to go about buisness. Still no reply from grace!
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Right, i have a proposal for you guys, Prediction time, If you can guess the winner of Batista Henry The Mystory oponont for flair and the winner of that match and guess 3 draft pics corectly you get to pick something vary important for my first P.P.V good luck and as allways keep reading and hope enjoying
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dont want to sound like im being mardy or bitching about it to much im not exactly crying into my keyboard ;) but its just with what im planning coming up being about interaction with people following the story its just dosent seem as though people are actually reading
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Smackdown Tonights Venue HSBC ARENA BUFFALO NEW YORK DARK MATCHES vs Michelle McCool vs Victoria This match was just a way of adding some momentum to Michelle as i had some plans for her future, she picked up a win with a roll up . (C+) vs Terry Dalton vs Chuck Palumbo This match saw some good spots from the youngster Dalton, i told him i wanted him to mount a bit of a fight back, but overall just show me what he can do before Chuck puts him away for the win, i was impressed with his skills. (C-) MAIN SHOW *THE PYRO'S EXPLODE AND THE RUCAS BUFFALO CROWD GO'S NUTS* "HELLO EVRYONE IM MICHAEL COLE ALONGSIDE MY BROADCAST COLLEGE JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD AND WELCOME TO FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN" "And Michael tonight we are going to see Smackdown pull some jackpots in the lottery and show why we are the flagship of the WWE" "AND JOHN HERE COMES OUR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! and John lastnight he went through an absolute WAR, he was in a tripple threat match with Batista and Finlay" "As much as i hate that little jumping bean Michael for retiring me i have to admit, last night he pulled of the Miracle of his life, but now with Finlay gone will it be Batista who go's for the title?" *Rey Grabs the mike and begins his promo* "Well despite what many people may have thaught, I Rey Mysterio am still the 2 time World Heavyweight Champion, wich is 2 times more than anyone would have ever expected, now last night i Hit Finlay with the 619, I Hit my freind Batista With the 619, and i have a message, to anyone after my title, EXPECT 619 TO YOU BECAUSE I WILL PROVE I AM A REAL CHAMPION!!" *The crowd go's nuts despite it being a slightly poor promo, i hadnt scripted it, i think that may have been a mistake with him* (B) "JOHN, WAIT, I HAVNT HEARD THIS SONG IN A LONG TIME, BUT IM PRETTY SURE OF WHAT IT MEENS" *John Cena dressed like a rapper like back in the olden days walks out to a reighn of boo's as he rises his title in the air* "And Michael, these fans cant stand to look at him!" "Well looky here we got our selves two world champions here on smackdown, its just a shame that one looks like a masked Mexican Charlie Brown, Now i didnt come here to rap for to long i just have an idea of master class, how about we have a match for unification, so i can kick your MEXICAN ASS!" *The crowd boos heavily* *The crowd then cheers as Mysterio go's face to face with Cena* (A) "John What the HELL IS THIS!" "Im not sure Michael it looks like we have a new anouncer here on Smackdown" "Well John, Rey it looks like you two being the two Champions of Smackdown should be the first to hear the Coaches news, now on RAW monday night, Shane McMahon told me that maybe things will get better for me this week, and that evryone was an understatement, now evryone please rise to your feet and show your respects to your new general manager,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THE COACH!!!" "You godda be kidding me" "What are you walking about Michael This is great news, congratulations coach" (B+) "Now it seems we have a problam, now RAW has no Champon on there brand, and after taking over my duties as GM yesterday and finding out my draft pics i made a deal with Shane McMahon over on RAW, you see tonight were going to have a main event match to end all main event matches!" "Looks like he is going to make his impact imediatley Michael" "WERE GOING TO SEE JOHN CENA GO ONE ON ONE WITH REY MYSTERIO!" *THE CROWD GO's APE* "And the loser will be stript of his title and the title will be sent to RAW" "JOHN THATS HUGE NEWS WHAT A MAIN EVENT" *Cena and Rey stare off for a moment before following Coaches lead and leaving* (B+) "NOW JOHN THATS NOT OUR ONLY MATCH TONIGHT!" "Your right Michael hold on for this one, two bohemaths go one on one" "Its Going to be Batista taking on The United States Champion Mark Henry" (B+) "Michael This one is a doozey, we know that Ric Flair will be performing tonight, what we dont know is who it will be!" "Ric Flair takes on a draft Pic for Smackdown here tonight, who will it be?" (B+) "And as we just found out in our MAIN EVENT ITS CHAMPION VERSUS CHAMPION" "And the loser loses his title" (A) -COMERCIAL- (sorry guys, im unable to write more at the moment, this will be the only time this show is broken up i promise, but while im gone if anyone wants to leave predictions feel free, also what did you all think to the first part of the show)
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*as Smackdown restarts Funaki is stood in the ring hs music playing* "John looks like were going to see Smackdowns number one anouncer in action" "NUMBER ONE ANOUNCER, THAT PIECE OF TRASH COULDNT EAT SUSHI WITHOUT SCREWING IT UP!" "well who will he be facing John?" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , "SANTINO MORELLA JOHN, SANTINO MORELLA IS NOW A SMACKDOW SUPERSTAR!!" *Santino walks down the ramp to a chorus of boo's" "These people are idiots Michael, why are they booing Santino, he is a great superstar and deserves some respect" "But John lets not forget how he insulte the crowd at the Royal Rumble just before he eliminatd The Home Town Hero CM Punk!" "Thats erelovant Michael they were diffrent fans" "BUT HE NEVER SHOWS RESPECT JOHN!" "THESE PEOPLE DONT DESERVE RESPECT!" vs Funaki vs Santino Morella Santino makes an impactfull debut taking out Funaki with some goodwrestling and some decent Judo moves, giving Funaki little offencive momentum, Santino locks in his finishing move The Scicilly Steel Lock (Modified Fujuitsu Armbar) Debut victory for Morella (D+) *We Go Backstage to Krystal Marshall* "Ladies at this moment in time i would like to welcome Smackdowns newist superstar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BOBBY LASHLEY!!!" *BOOS ECHO THROUGH THE ARENA AS LASHLEY WALKS ON SCREEN" "Now Bobby the firs thing i would like to as,," "SHUT UP KRYSTAL!" *more boos as a shocked Kristal has the mic snatched off her* "Now im not here to do a lotof talking, im here to prove im the most dominant Powehouse, Showman and superstar in the WWE, Im Bigger, Im Badder, IM SUPERIOUR, Im better than Brock Lesnar, Im Better than THE BIG SHOW, Im Better Than,,,BATISTA" *HUGE CHEER AT MENTION OF BATISTAS NAME* "and now im here on Smackdown i will no longer complain, but i wont do any suking up, and evry one of you pathetic fans can go to hell if you think im going to be what i was last time i was on Smackdown, im no longer going to just sit back and be golden boy while evryone else does less work and gets all the credit, I WILL DOMINATE!" *Lashley walks off to boo's as Kristal looks on* (B) *We go backstage to see Mark Henry talkingto someone out of view* "Now the reason i hired you is because the SILVERBACK needs your help, now i dont say that often, but with your Brains, your conections and My Power, This US Title will just be the start, it wont be long before I OWN Smackdown, so you think your up for th Job, Mr Estrada?" *Camera zooms out and we fnd armando alejandro estrada* "HAHA, Mark Henry, Listen,,,,,,to me, not only will you rule Smackdown but with me as your manager pretty soon, the silver back and me ,,,,ARMONDO, ALEJANDRO,, ESTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRADA! will dominate the entire sports entertainment world!" (B+) -comercial- *As we return to smackdown the ring is empty* "HEY MICHAEL LOOK WHOS ON SMACKDOWN! THIS IS GREAT, WE HAVE HIT THE JACKPOT, MICHAEL DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS??" "of corse i do John it Kelly Kelly" "NO MICHAEL, THATS THE NEXT MRS LAYFIELD!!" *Kelly Kelly takes a mic and begins talking* "Well guys im on SMACKDOWN!" *Crowd gives a quite good cheer* "THATS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE EVER HEARD MICHAEL" "and as you guys may allready know, I have a playboy apearence coming soon, so what better time than my Smackdown debut to reveal MY PLAYBOY COVER!!" "THIS JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER COLE" "things certainly did just improve out here John" *Crowd Gives a loud Cheer as The cover apears on the Titantron* "WOW JOHN THATS HOT!!" "HOT, HOT MICHAEL ITS SIMPLY THE BEST THING I HAVE SEEN SINCE I STARTED IN THIS INDUSTRY" "and guys you think my cover is good, buy the issue and whats inside will blow you away!! (C) "What the heck is this" "I have no idea Michael" *an unkown beautifull woman begins walking to the ring from the stage* "WHOA, FORGET KELLY KELLY THERES THE NEXT MISSIS LAYFIELD RIGHT THERE" *The dark haired woman walks into the ring and takes the mic from Kelly Kelly* "Wow Kel Kel, that picture sure is something, and as im new to Smackdown id like to congratulate you" *Kelly Kelly can be heare speaking faintly* "really? thanks" "as i said congratulations YOU ARE NOW SHOWN AS WHA YOU ARE, A DESPRATE SLUT WHOS WILLING TO DO ANYTHING JUST TO BE NAKED AND GET SOME MONEY" *crowd boos ferociously* "Im sorry, i have a habbit of being to blunt, bu yet i never lie, let me introduce myself, my name i Alexis Roucka, and im Smackdowns newist Diva and Newist Manager" "AND I COULDNT BE MORE HAPPY TO SEE HER" "calm down John" "yes Kel Kel you heard me right, now without further adue i would like to introduce you the snot nosed WWE fansand this piece of underage trailor trash slut in the ring to my FIRST CLIENT HERE ON SMACKDOWN!! ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , "OH MY GOD" "what do you meen oh my god Michael Cole, Alexis Roucka had a Greatfirst Client on her books, be happy for her" "its not that im not happy for her John, its jus im worried for Kelly Kelly, with the attitude miss Roucka has had with her and now the masterpiece being in the equasion i cant help but think this has bad news all over it!" (C-) "Now Kel Kel say hello to my client CHRIS MASTERS" *boos reign out as Kelly Kelly moves back cleary feeling threatned* "Now Kel Kel i would also like you you to meet,,, TH MASTER LOCK GET HER CHRIS!!" "NO THIS CANT HAPPEN, JOHN THIS IS SICK" "shes just trying o make an impact" *masters slowly aproaches a nearly tearfull Kelly Kelly who is frozen with fear* ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , , , , "WAIT JOHN THATS, THATS CODY RHODES" "WHAT THE HELL IS HERE DOING HERE" "I THINK WE HAVE ANOTHER DRAFT PIC AND THANK GOD HE IS HERE" *Rhodes runs to the ring and trades punches with Masters after ducking a clothsline he hits a dropkick sending masters to the ropes he then signals for the Chainsaw Kick (new finisher) but masters has it scouted and ducks under the ropes. They shout at eachother as Rhodes is on the ropes with Kelly Kelly behind him, and Masters and Roucka walk back up the stage* (C-) "Well Thank god for Cody Rhodes John" "THANK GOD FOR CODY HE PREVENTED ALEXIS FROM MAKING HER BIG IMPACT" "But John Cody saved an inocent girl from getting hurt, and he made a prety big impact of his own" "YEA WELL IF YOU ASK ME IT WONT BE LONG BEFORE MASTERS KICKS HIS SKINNY ASS!" "Well John aside from whats just hapned in the ring we now join The Legendary Ric Flair backstage" *we screen over to Flair with a mic in hand* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" *the crowd imitates the woooooooooo and cheer loudley* "well tonight the natureee boy will step into the ring, he will enter the main event collusium, HE WILL BE MOVING AND SHAKING HIS GOD LIKE SELF TO THE RING WARE ANY LEGEND CAN BE HUMBLED IN FRONT OF YOU FANS!! an i will show why evan at my old ae of 21" *the crowd laughs and cheers* "Yes like i said, my old age of 21, i will take on this Smackdown new comer, nd i will give him not only a lesson of how The NACH, The dirtyist Player in the Game, THE BEST IN THE BIDNISS goes about things in the ring, but i will give him a propper Smackdown Welcome" *we screen back to Michael Cole and JBL as the Crowd Cheers* (B+) "Well the Nature Boy seems confident tonight and we will see him action a little later tonight" "Thats right Michael, But up nexy WE WILL SEE A TRUE POWER STRUGGLE!!" "and thats next" (B+) -comercial- "John Here comes Mark Henry, The Worlds Stronest Man, Now thats not just a moniker or a gimmick" "Your Damn Right its not, Mark Henry IS THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN,, FACT! and next to me THE WRESTLING GOD! possibly the greatist Unitd States Champion in Smackdown History" "Well John that case is questionable, but with the brain of Armondo Estrada at his size i think he could have that belt for longer than he may deserv" "DESERVE MICHAEL?? ill tell you SOMETHING,, NOW WITH ESTRADA IN HIS CORNER HENRY WILL HAVE THAT BELT UNTILL ONE OF TWO THINGS HAPEN, ONE I COME OUT OF RETIREMENT AND DECIDE I WANT THE BELT OR TWO HE DECIDES THE BELT BORING HIM!!" "WELL JBL HERES ONE MAN WHO MAY DISAGREE WITH YOU!!" "I DONT CARE IF HE DISAGREES OR NOT BATISTA IS A CHUMP HE COULDNT EVAN WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE LAST NIGHT WICH HE TOLD ME HE COULD DO!!" "John he said in that interview he makes no gaurantees but he will give 100%" "WELL 100% ISNT GOOD ENOUGH DAMN IT HES A SCISSY" w/vs Mark Henry w/Armondo Estrada VS Batista I made sure the Roadies informed the two to keep it as a power game bu have it fairly open, unfortunatly the chemistry between the two hadnt improved since i saw them fight on TV last year. Th Highlight of the match was Henry distracting the ref then Estrada poking Batista in the eye with a Cigar, Worlds Strongest Slam 1,2,3 we have a winner. But this match was a poor specticle, luckily Estrada kept the fans entertained (C-) *LASHLEY RUNS INTO THE RING AND BEATS ON BATISTA TO HUGE BOOS* "WHAT THE HELL!! BATISTA HAS ALLREADY BEEN THROUGH HELL WHAT DO'S THIS PROVE FOR LASHLEY" "hes making an impact, hes doing what he said he would he said he is going to dominate!" "SPEAK OF THE DEVIL JOHN,,,DOMINATOR BY LASHLEY AND BATISTA IS DOWN AND OUT" "SOMEBODY CALL A FAT LADY AND TELL HER SHE MISSED THE CONCRT!!" *Lashley walks away while Batista lies motionless to echos of boos and plastic cups flying at Lashley by the ever emotiona Buffalo crowd* (B+) *we go backstage and see Shannon Moore & Jamie Noble arguing and shouting but we cant quite tell what about but referees and trainers soon get between them to prevent the shoving becoming a brawl* "WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THAT ABOUT, well have to find out when we come back" -comercial- *WGTT come to the ring and get a mic* "Now im sure it would be great if we came down here hyped our selves up said how great it is to be drafted to Smackdown but Charlie and I, we have something more important to say" "Damn right Shelton, you see dem two crackers Cade & Murdoch" "Michael that boy came straight from the funny farm" "well dem two snook dem belt right into this here Smackdown hood under our noses, and Shelton and I well to be dam dizzley, straight shootin, playa proppin,,," *Shelton cuts his partner off looking angry and unamused by Haas's atempts at taling,,,,Jive* "WE JUST WANT THE DAMN TITLES,, and we want an ansear tonight" (C-) *A short video is shown hyping two new workers* (B-) *we join Trinity backstage* "Now 3 weeks ago when i ame to smackdown, i said that i would find someone to represent my ambition, someone who could handle me, and someone who i can mould into teh greatist superstar in the industry, but thanks to the secret draft, my search is definatley over, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Trinity Team,,,, VAL VENIS" *HUGE CHEER FOR THE EVER POPULAR VAL* "Hello,,SMACKDOWN, now you see when Trinity found me, big Val,,well he was,,,,,,,prepairig his weapon for batte,, and lets just sa Trinity liked what she saw,,and after turning off the cameras and showing Trinity just how well the weapon works" *Huge cheers and laughs* "She showed Val some weapon handeling ad monouver techniques i will never forget, and lets just say we were both left impressed and i had no hesitation joining the team knowing that my leader can go into battle and lead by example" *crowd gives pretty good reaction, Vals a bit rusty but the charisma is there as allways, hes still getting back into the swing of thinking on his feet rather than scripts* (B-) "Well ladies and Gentlemen sounds like Vals havig a great time on his First Night here on Smackdown, but what kid of night will flair have when he faces a draf Pic Next?" "A TERRIBLE ONE THE MAN NEEDS A NEW DAMN HIP MICHAEL!!" (B+) -comercial- "HERE COMES THE NATURE BOY, THE SOON TO BE HALL OF FAMER AND OF CORSE THE 16 TIME WORLD CHAMPION" "and Michael hes a walking billboard for Arthritus and senile dimentia" "come on John thats just tasteless" "ITS THE DAMN TRUTH!!" "well lets see what Ric Flair has on his plate tonight who will it be?" , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , *crowd erupts in boos* "OH MY" "WELL MICHAEL THIS IS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD ALL NIGHT, FINALLY SOMEONE WHO DOSENT QUALIFY FOR A FREE BUS PASS IS IN A SMACKDOWN RING!!" vs Ric Flair VS Randy Orton The match starts with Orton on the attack being ruthless as ever, then Flair counters an RKO attempt and sends Orton over the ropes to the outside "Folks will Ric Flair be able t turn things around, well find out when we return to Friday Night Smacksown" -comercial- "Folks were back and its been a pretty evan acount during the break" "Flairs just lucky Orton hasnt kicked him in the Hip otherwise this one would be over" *The match is fairly open, the two seem to shine in this match, they play off eacother brilliantly, Flairs calling in the ring outshines Orton's but He is doing well out there considering he usually works to a script, the match eventually ends when Orton hits an RKO out of no ware and gets the win* (B+) *Orton celabrates but then a hooded figure comes out of the crowd and beats down on Orton* "JOHN WHO THE HELL IS THIS" "I DONT KNOW MICHAEL BUT WE NEED SECURITY ONE OF OUR BEST DRAFT PICS IS GETTING TAKEN OUT" *Hooded Figure hits a super Kick* "WAIT A MUINETE JOHN THAT ALLMOST LOOKED LIKE A,,,," *hooded figure removes hood to reveal,,,,* "MY GOD IT WAS, IT WAS SWEET CHIN MUSIC, HBK IS ON SMACKDOWN AND HE JUST GOT PAYBACK FOR ORTONS ACIONS MONDAY NIGHT!" "THIS IS A DISGRACE MICHAEL, NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE ALLOED TO COME FROM THE CROWD AND LAY THERE HANDS ON OUR TOP GUYS!" (B+) *we move backstage to Cade and Murdoch talkng* "So were agreed?" "DAMN RIGHT, Cade hose sons of bitches want to try and take our titles, well we got no choice but to put em in there place" "Hell Yea Trevor at Cyber Sunday we show that no matter what there name is Thers only One WORLDS GREATIST TAG TEAM, and here name s CADE!" "and MURDOCH" (B-) - comercial- *We return to find coach lookingthrough some papers when Kenny Dykstr enters the office* "YOOO COACH, Congratulations man, allways new someday you would be a GM!" "Thanks Kenny i apreciate that, and now im in controle, there will be no more screw up decisions here on Smackdown" "Well thats what im here o ask you" "ask me what, whats on your mind?" "Well Coach, i think its about time i took my skills, My Speed, My Agility, my pure athletic ability and took on the Powerhouse Mark Henry for his U.S Title, next week, what dya think?" (B-) "Well Kenny, i wuld normally say thats a good idea, but you see i allready have a pretty full show next week, you see not only will we see Shanon Moore vs Jamie Noble o settle there argumant tonight" "Yea that argument what the Hell was that about?" "I Have no earhley idea, but as i was saying they will go one on one" "that sounds pretty cool Coach, but what has that go to do with me chalenging Mark Henry?" "Well nothing, but wht i was also going to say is you allready have a match next week" "a match? against who?" "Im glad you asked, next week one on one we will see Kenny Dykstra vs,,,,,,, THE RETURNING GOLDUST!" "GOLDUST, WHAT THE HELL, YOU CANT PUT ME IN AGAINST THAT FREAK, ITS NOT FAIR, ITS NOT CALLED FOR IT'S" "Its signes and sealed, sorry man, but ill tell you what, beat Goldust next week, then well talk" "bu, but" "Sorry Kenny but youll have to excuse me, im going to watch our main event" *We go to the stage awaiting the two Champions* "AND JOHN HERE COMES OUR WORLD HEAVNYWEIGHT CHAMPION!" *Big Cheers for Mysterio* "HES A PINT SIZED PIPSQUEEK MICHAEL, TNIGHT CENA IS GOING TO WIPE THE DAN FLOOR WITH HIM!" *he crowd Boos Heavily as Mysterios, music ends awaiting the WWE Campion* *Boos get louder* vs [COLOR="Purple"]TITLE VS TITLE[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]WORLD HEAVYWIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR]VS[COLOR="Red"]WWE CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR] Rey Mysterio vs John Cena *The Match itself is not what I expected, i tol them personally to go out and call the match themself, telling Cena just to try his bet at it, but I also instructed the to try and hide Cena Flaws but keep rey Looking extra dangorous, now to keep ths open, have an all out match, protect Cena but Keep Rey Dangorous may sound like one Giant Contradiction bu they pulled off one hell of a macth, and Rey as Face vs Cena as Heel worked perfectly, Cena took evryunder handed tactic he could muster as Noble Rey put on a mexican airways arial spectacular. The match eventuially ended with Cena bringing in a chair but as the ref took it off him and put it outside the ring Cena took advantage Kicking Rey in the been bag behid the back of the reff, an FU later 1,2,3!! "JOHN THI IS A DAMN DAYLIGHT ROBERY, A TRAGADY A,," "SHUT UP MICHAEL THIS WAS A TREMENDOUS DISPLAY BY SMACKDOWNS WWE CHAMPION!" "NOW MYSTERIO WILL BE STRIPED OF HIS TITLE, THIS IS NOT JUST UNFAIR THIS IS CRIMINAL!" (A*) "Rey Mysterio, a valliunt effrt but i regeret to inform you, that since you failed to win thi match, YOU ARE NO LONGER WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, ref,,take the belt" *The ref takes the belt and follows a gloating Cena up the ramp* (B+) *The show ends on Mysterio in the ring with his head in his hands then fades to Cena laughing and bad mouthing before going off air* -END OF SHOW- Final Rating B+ an increase in popularity in the area 18,000 sell out My first Smackdown went off better than expected, and now i have evrything moving ware i want it, hopefully things can only go up from here, then again the only thing im doing is going down, damn the beer was cheap here, best go back to the hotel!
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OWW NEWS [COLOR="Red"]WWE NEWS[/COLOR] Obsessed with wrestling has today learned that the WWE for the last week has been under creative controle by an unnamed Brittish Writer, while his identity hasnt been confirme it is thaught to be William Regals Father, so expect abig Push for him in the near future, looks as though yet again the WWE has picked someone who is about as imparcial as a Metz fan being the Umpire at a Yankees game! In other WWE news it is thaught that the WWE have snatched up anyone fomr TNA who wasnt tied down to a written contract, its not the first time WWE has resorted to these tactics, but as allways we give it a month before they are all released, after creative dificulties. WWE This morning released Chuck Palumbo, he will worked his last match for the pre Smackdown and internet Show Bottom Line last night but has now ben released fomr WWE, they wish him luck in his future endevours. Smackdown was recorded lastnight in front of 18,000 people lastnight, the show was said to be above the usual standards but still rather scrappy and unformed due to the secret draft. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]TNA NEWS[/COLOR] Christian Cage has left TNA after failing to renew his contract, it is unsure weather he is one of the workers signed by WWE, but all we know is the TNA Heavyweight Champion has left the company on bad erms and will not drop the title on TV, this leaves the company increative termoil, the bust up between Cage and TNA hapned when Kurt Angle pushed for a storyline ware Cage Droped the title cleanly to Shark Boy then Angle Beat Shark boy to win the title in a 3 second match. Cage stated in an interview "I went to TNA to escape bullcrap like this, but it seems as Thoe Kurt 'V KENNEDY' Angle is running things now, and lets just say id rather leave and not drop the belt than help ruin the company all together by letting angle run that bullsh*t" also in TNA The new signing's of Goldberg and Randy Savage has raised some eybrows in the back, but Owner Dixie Cater who has pumped a reported $25 million into the buisness to expand including $4 million to sign talent has claimed the 2 signings show just how serious the company is, and we think she meens it. again Impact was the best thing on TV thsi week. dspite what the ratigs say [COLOR="DarkRed"]ROH NEWS[/COLOR] Ring Of Houner Today signed D-Lo Brown and Ken Shamrock to written contracts, a bold move for the indie promotion, but one that may prove to be a big step in going against the mainstream. *Again allways nice to read something so imparcial and unbiast on the net, i swear if i wasnt hungover id give a damn, stil waiting for Vince to phone with the rating's, thsi is no good for my health all this damn waiting!*
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hey s, thanks for helpin get over the 1000 views milestone, would love some feedback on not just the last show but the story overall, the visual aspect and storyline aspect, i have done my first week (on here im in like week 12 in the game but hard to right looking for jobs and stuff hehe) but would love to know what you are all thinking, andwhat you would like to see more and less of. thanks in advance guys as allways keep reading and hope our enjoying
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i signed up to this forum after reading this story, and i have to say it is F*CKING AMAZING, i usually just check the storys out as a guest and not comment, but I have joined and waited to be activated just to say this story freaking rocks. Please keep up the good standards and please people give this guy the feedback he deserves. only one thing i dont get, why is the story tagline- a stiff upper lip?? KUTGW
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