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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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[QUOTE=Halfman_halfamazing;313095]i signed up to this forum after reading this story, and i have to say it is F*CKING AMAZING, i usually just check the storys out as a guest and not comment, but I have joined and waited to be activated just to say this story freaking rocks. Please keep up the good standards and please people give this guy the feedback he deserves. only one thing i dont get, why is the story tagline- a stiff upper lip?? KUTGW[/QUOTE] thanks for the edback, im not sure im worthy of all that praise after only 3 shows but thaks all the saem allways good to get feedback, next show will hopefully be up before weekend, ad to ansear your question, because im english and people allways claim we brits have a stiff upper lip i thaught it should be the name of my story :) thanks for the praise again Halfman_Halfamazing and hope youenjoy the rest of the diary as allways evryone keep reading and hope your enjoying
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the ratings came by e-mail, 39.2 on The CW, this was a rise since there last show wich was a 37 something, BUT i felt the ratings should be fighting with RAW's this way the whole company would grow. I stroled into work almost forgetting my first meeting with the booking team, i had to give them a full roster list, and show them the new Velocity intro video, AND try and deal with Heymans fu*kin* ego, today asnt going to be fun. At leas grace was there when i walked in, i chatted to her for a while while i signed into the building, evrytime she turned to do some filling i got a look at that perfect ass, today she was wearig a grey skirt, lower than usual you could just make out the top of those lucious thighs damn! i was gutted to say the least when i actually had to go upstairsand leave her there, smiling knowing i wanted to stay and chat all day, but oh well time for the crusifixion! I stood outside the door just staring at it, the wood grain just stairing back,,,,F*CK THIS, i ran to my office, and lit up a cigarette, i had only had one all morning and by this time (9:45am) i usually have had 10 by now an my office is the only place I can smoke. I went back to he door and staired again for a moment, dee breath, into the fire we go,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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"YOU WANT TO PUSH BLLY FREAKIN KIDMAN ON HIS FIRST NIGHT, THE GUY HAS AS MUCH CHARISMA AS A F*CKING MUTE INVALID!" Heymans remark's were like venom spitting into my face, Bishoff and Jim Ross were staying out of our little discussion, the argument started after my first point in the meeting was that i would be pushing new signing Billy Kidman from the get go over on Velocity, he dispised the idea of the show being changed from ECW in the first place. He and McMahon had the same plans for the new ECW but i had managed to sway Mr McMahon into seeing the light, Heyman on the other hand was being a complete idiot, he was just so obsessed with ECW being on TV, he thaught any ECW activity was good activity, but he failed to see the obvious, the fact that his own creation died a long time ago, and the New ECW was defacating the memory of the clasic ECW, but Heymans ignorance was huge. "look Paul, Kidman and Styles were first on my list for a reason, they have talent, and they can conect with the crowd!" "CONECT WITH THE CROWD, VAN DAM, DREAMER, SABU THEY CONECT WITH THE CROWD, PUSH THEM FOR F*CK SAKE, BUT THEN AGAIN YOU WONT WILL YOU THERE ECW ORIGIONALS, AND THIS COMPANY HATES REAL WRESTLERS LIKE THEM!" Pauls coments were expected "Van Dam just won the damn Rumble, He is getting his Push the others Paul, they are to old, they are going to be used sutably, you cant persuade me there is any glory in pushing performers that will go out there ad look bad because there bodys cant take the pace anymore because Paul thats what will hapen! and then what WE WILL LOSE POPULARITY FOR PUSHING PERFORMERS THAT COULD BE USED MORE SUTABLY FOR OTHER PURPOSES!" "Jobbing to the likes of no talenters like Kidman and Styles yea that sounds like a great F*CKING PLAN!" "THEY WONT BE JOBBERS PAUL! NO ONE SAID THAT PAUL WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IS STEP BACK AND SEE THE BIG PICTURE!" "THE BIG PICTURE YOU WOULDNT SEE THE BIG PICTURE IF IT HIT YOU IN THE FACE YOU BRITTISH PIECE OF ****!" this in my book was uncalled for and when Heyman stormed out of the room I have to admitt i was happy to see the back of him. "my apolgies gentlmen, i had no idea Paul would react like that" Jim and Eric asured me it was fine and they expected an altercation, we carryd on the meeting without Paul, we tinckred with the Roster plans and reviewed the new Show openings for the following week before planing our next few shows, i also told Bihoff my plans for him wich he seemed happy to take part in, in my view Bishoff was just happy to get back into the public eye, but i never expected him to be as helpfull as he was in all hounestly i expected Bishoff would be the problematic one, oh how i was wrong. after a long meeting and writing my letter of greavence to Mr McMahon concerning Heymans lack of tact in the meeting i drove home, i was ready for this day to end, i opned up a beer and sat in my living room smoking and drinking for the rest of the evening.
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My phone awoke me after what seemed to be 30 seconds of sleep, I was in shock when i noticed it was 9am, i greeted the call grogily, "h,hello?" "Ian its Jim" "Jim?" "Jim Ross" "Jim, hi, hello" "Hello, im sorry for ringing early but i thaught you should know that Heyman has been fired" "Fired what for?" "Because he went to Vince atempting to gte you fired, then after Vince refused Paul called him an ass*ole i was shocked, Mr McMahon had kept me, a newcomer to the Global Stage of the buisness to a vetran of booking and the industry "how have the workers took it?" "apart from Van Damn, Sabu and Mahoney evryone is glad to be rid of him" This again shocked me "how did those three take it?" "There furious" damn this isnt what i needed "but there willing to work?" "for the time being yes" "Right ok thats something to build on, thanks for the heads up Jim" "No problem see you Monday" when he hung up i looked at my phone, one new text message recieved from Grace "Hi Ian Monday after RAW me you Hotel bar? hows that sound to you?" i replyed with a possotive responce, seems that Monday will be eventfull.
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hey guys cant wait to get your predictions in before i post my second RAW show, also wouldnt mind some feedback on what you thaugt of the first 3 shows an the story in general. also below are 3 of the new videos for the shows, as RAW's video is fairly new i have kept the same concept and music but edited it to fit the draft, the other 2 are complete redo's would love to know what you think of them, and hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed making them.
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full roster will be anounced after RAW, Wildfire James (Kasey James) also thanks for the comments on the vid's Halfman_Halfamazing, a little disapointed i only got 2 people's predictions, would be great if i couldget 3 or 4 more, also wouldnt mind hearing what more people think of the vids. thanks in advance guys, as allways guys keep reading and hope your enjoying.
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No Problemo i will make 99% of posts updates from now on, sorry about that guys so without further rambeling heres RAW Tonights Venue Staples Centre LA Dark Matches VS David Copani VS Chet Skyline David Copani and Chet didnt really click in there match but Copani showed why i reinstated him, while i cant call him Muhamed Hussan i can use him as the talented Heel that he is. He finished the match with a Camal Clutch making skyline tap out, while the crowd was taunting Muhamed to him Copani took it well telling the crowd to shut up on many an ocasion (D+) VS Pete Williamson VS Terry Dalton Pete Williamson and Terry Dalton were two i wanted to keep my eye on, huge prospects, they clicked well enough and got the crowd going hitting some great spots and pulling of some great moves, the crowd went barmy after Pete Williamson hit The Canadian Destroyer, then he slaped on the Sharpshooter making Daltn tap out. (C+) MAIN SHOW "HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MY NAME IS JIM ROSS ALONGSIDE JERRY THE KIN LAWLER AND WELCOME THE MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!" "AND J.R TONIGHT WE HAVE SOMEMATCHES THA YOU MAY WANT TO CALL,,,,WELL J.R GO AHEAD AND SAY IT!" "TONIGHT WE HAVE SOME REAL SLOBBERKNOCKERS!" "including J.R THE HARDYS REUNITING!" "and they will be taking on a team i can only describe as Team EGO, The intercontinental Champion Carlito and RAW newcomer MVP" "and J.R this match is main event status on its own but our next match is evan bigger!" (B) "THE BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION WILL REUNITE and they will be taking on the vitims of there brutal attacks last week" "J.R last week The gruesome twosome too out there oponants last week" (B+) A short video plays recaping on the attacks last week (B+) "J.R it looks like the King of King's has something to say" "Last week that overzelus Zombie Taker had the gaul to come out here and lay his hands on the King of Kings, he thinks thatb he can come out here AND MAKE HIS BIG IMPACT BY PICKING A FIGHT WITH ME! now Taker you bettersit back there and realise THAT I HAVE KICKED YOUR ASS BEFORE AND SURE AS HELL WILL KICK YOUR ASS ALLOVER ANY ARENA ANY TIME ANYPLACE!" "looks like the Game has some anomosity towards The Undertaker King" "What gave that way J.R" "Now aside from that Horror Movie Reject, I Have another point to adress, it looks like we have a new top title here on RAW, and as an eleven time World Champion i think its pretty safe to say there should only be one contender to be THE NEXT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!" (A) "KING ITS C.M PUNK, THE SUPRISES HAVNT STOPED!" "THE 3 TIME ECW CHAMPION IS IN FACT ON RAW! but whos that young lady with him" "I think i saw her backstage J.R , her name is Becky" *becky gets a mic and getes in the ring with Punk* "Now Tripple H, we are not here to disrespect you, were not here for a figh and were not here to challange your acomplishments, My Name is Becky and im the Woman who will be transfering C.M Punks ECW sucsess here to RAW, and what better way to do this bu by formaly chalanging you to a macth for the World Heavyweight Championshiop, no stupid rivalry's, no stupid badmouthing, Just A STRAIGHT EDGE CHALLANGE FOR CM PUNK TO HAVE THE HONOUR OF TAKING ON A FUTURE HALL OF FAER FOR RAWS TOP TITLE?!" "WOW what will The Games Responce be J.R?" (B) *THE LIGHTS GO OUT* "THE AIR JUST GOT COLD KING HERE COMES THE DEADMAN!" "and J.R if looks could kill Tripple H would be charged for the murder of a on Mr Taker!" "do you think The Undertaker can be murdred" "i d'no why dont you go try J.R" "I think ill pass on tht King" *Undertaker gets in the ring and nose to nose with HHH then steps back looks at CM Punk with that evil glare before motioning he wants the title* (A) "WAIT A DAMN MINUETE KING!! I CANT BELEVE IT!! EDGE IS BACK FROM INJURY BUT NOT ON SMACKDOWN! EDGE I ON RAW!!!" *edge allready has a mic* "You didnt think i would come alone did you!" "ITS THE SHE WITCH J.R" "I HAVE BETTER NAMES FOR HER KING, SHES MEANT TO BE RETIRED!!" *crow erupts in cheers of HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* (B+) *Edge starts his promo* "Now You three in the ring, you dont deserve the damn title, now whn i was drafted here i found out on my last day of Rehab, the i find out on friday THAT MY TITLEIS NOW HERE AND VACANT! NOW I NEVER LOST THAT TITLE, I SHOULDNT EVEAN HAVE TO COMPETE I SHOULD BE ABLE TO STROLL MY RATED R AS* DOWN TO THAT RING HAVE LITA AND A REF RAISEMY HAND THEN STROLL BACK WITH THE BELT AND TAKE LITA BACK TO MY HOTEL TO SHOW HER HOW A CHAMP MOVES IN THE BEDROOM!" (A) HHH-"Now Edge as much as you want to Spear Lita with a Championship round your waist i think you should try and avoid the mistake evryone in this arena made and remember to Spear Lita with a condom on first!" *crowd erupts as lita pulls that face she allways does after been called a slut* HHH-"Im sure evan the Zombie here has made that mistake" *Undertaker smirks a little in one corner of his mouth before looking serious again, the crowd again laughs and cheers HOOOOOOOOOOOOO* EDGE-"SHUT UP HELMSLEY, YOU CAN MAKE ALL THE JOKES YOU WANT BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY I,," *Punk Interupts* CM-"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! face facts Edge the closest thing to a title you deserve is THE DENTISTS WET DREM AWARD!" Edge-"Oh thats rich junior why dont you shut up before i come down to that ring and kick your ASS you little beer fearing scissy!" (B+) "Now Now Now Gentlemen, now im in charge here on RAW i think that i should stop all this childish bad mouthing and give the crowd what they want! AND ILL START BY MAKING A MATCH THAT HAS NEVER HAPNED BEFORE! TONIGHT WE WILL SEE EDGE VS CM PUNK!! and as for the title, Taker, Triple H, you two wont have that to worry about untill after Cyber Sunday because at Cyber Suday IT WILL BE TRIPLE H ONE ON ONE WITH, THE UNDERTAKER!" *the crowd erupts!* "and as for the title, next week i will have my decision!" (B+) -comercial- *A video is played hyping a new worker* (B-) *Wildfire James stands in the ring* "Now J.R this young man in the ring is Wildfire James, a youngster, a rookie, but if i was him i would run for the hills, because his oponont tonight is,,,," "King hre comes that vile nasty Umaga, the Samoan Bulldozer has been dominent the only person to defeat him in the last 2 months was Mr Kennedy last week and he went through hell to do so!" VS Umaga VS Wildfire James Total Jobbing mission by Wildfire James, Umaga does the usual 3 moves befor htting the Samaona Spike 1,2,3 (C-) *a masked man comes through the crowd and takes out UMAGA!* "WHO THE HELL IS THIS KING!" " I HAVE NO IDEA BUT HES BIGGER THAN UMAGA! AND APARANTLY STRONGER!" *The masked stranger picks up umaga with ease and hits a modified STO then a chokeslam, Umaga lies motionless as the masked stranger poses!* "KING I DONT KNOW WHO THIS GUY IS! BUT I THINK HE WILL BE A FORCE TO BE RECKNED WITH!! WHAT A MONSTER!" (B) *Backstage MVP walks into Carlio's dressing room* "Hey Carlito hows it hanging" "Im not intrested man, i dont wana start a team, i dont wana form an alliane, i just wana go out there and kick Matt Hardys ass!" "You think i do wana start a team, no no no, your mistaken, im here just to say, tonight we goda be on the same page, they have experiance together, but i know Matt Hardy, we were former Tag Team Chmpions, now the only way we can wn is if we go out there and work together, but after the match, we will no longer meet in teh ring, and it will ed with me becoming Intercontinental Chamion" "now as for being on teh same page,, thats cool,, but after the match,, if you want this title,,, YOU BETTER GET READY FOR THE BEATING OF A LIFE TIME! Now that,, THATS COOL!" (B) *backstage Ashly is walking when Kane comes up from behind and grabs her, then covers her mouth* "Now Ashley, i cant lie, your body, your face, YOUR FEAR! it makes me crazier than usual, and i will be taking you to a place you have only een in your nightmares, and it will end with You becomng a part of ME!" *Kane then kisses Ashley against here will then pushes her to the ground tearfull ad scared* (B-) "UP NEXT THE HARDYS REUNITE TO TAKE ON TEAM EGO!" (B) -comercial- "HERE COME POSSIBLY ONE OF THE GREATIST TAG TEAMS IN WRESTLING HISTORY!" "ARGUBALLY THE BEST EVE J.R! and every time they come out here the atmosphere switches from Wrestling to Rock Concert!" "Now here comes MVP formally the Highest Paid Superstar in Smackdown History!" "it will be intresting to see how that wage lays up o our roster now he's with the big boys J.R" "And heres our Intercontinental champion! the ****y, arogant, self centred,," "you betetr stop right there J.R otherwise you may end up with an apple shower if he hears you!" "Good advice king, now MVP and Carlito didnt seem as though they were capable of being on teh same page earlier lets see how they fair up as prtners" & VS & Thismatch was a plesure to watch the Hardys are just pure entertainment in thering espcially when together, and The Youngsters of MVP and Carlito showed that while they have no experiance as a team they can put on the match of a lie time, the match ended after Carliro was hit by the Twist of Fate then MVP suffers the Swanton Bomb 1,2,3 (A) *The hardys Celabrate but s they do MVP and Carlito attack with Chairs, first MVP piledrives Jeff through a table* (B) *Carlito then ploaces matts head on the steps then hits him with a chair!* (B) Then the two stare eachother out before walking back uip the ramp (C-) *Mr Kennedy is bckstage* "KANE SINCE SHOWING UP ON RAW YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE, FIRST YOU TRY AND ATTACK MY ASHLEY! THEN WHILE IM TRYING TO HELP HER YOU BEAT ON ME! THIS,, THIS IS THE BUISNESS! BUT WHEN YOU RAPE THE FACE OF MY GIRLFREIND!! THATS BLOWING THE LINE UP, NOW IM GOING TO KEEP THIS SIMPLE, TONIGHT I TEAM UP WITH AN ALL TIME GREAT, THE KING OF KINGS! AND WE TAKE ON A DEADMAN WHO ISNT DEAD AND HIS BURNT UP BROTHER WHO FOR A URN VICTIM HAS SKIN SMOOTH AS A BABY ASS! NOW YOU TWO MAYBE THE BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION BUT IF ANYONE WANTS TO PIK A FIGHT, THEY FOUND ONE, AND AT THE END OF TEH MATCH I WILL BE STANDING TALL TELLING YOU EXACTLY WHO BEAT YOUR ASS! MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,,,KENNNNNEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KENNEDYYYY!!!" (B+) (A) -comercial- "And here comes our Womans Champion Mickie James, and King i would apreciate it if you braught you hands up from under the table so i can see them!" "and her challanger J.R that Glamazon, thet powerhouse Beth Pheonix, shes beutifull, but shes a little scary in my book!" [COLOR="Red"]WWE WOMANS CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR] VS Mickie James (C) VS Beth Pheonix This match showed that Woman can wrestle and give the crowd the sex apeal that they want. Mickie hit the Mickie Roundhouse Kick 1,2,3 (C+) Backstage Candice and Meria are talking when they decide to practice there kissing pose for there next WWE magazine shoot, halfway up walks ,,, "DAMN!!" (B-) "Here comes a phenominal young athlete in CM Punk a 3 time Champion over on ECW,, sorry Velocity" "and with him comes that woman from earlier Becky who I have to say im DELIGHTED TO SEE!" "please control yourself King" "heres Edge, as good a wrestler as Edge is and as talented as Lita is im not sure how i feel about there return to RAW King" "Well its allways good to have another main event calabre superstar on RAW but lets hope he do's more wrestling and less whining than the last time he was here" W/VSW/ CM Punk w/Becky VS Edge w/ Lita This match saw some amaing spots, i booked them to call it in the ring but also go out there and work the crowd, evan though i didnt want them to go overboard they showed why theye are 2 of the best and brightist in the company, Lita and Becky gave some good outsid work Lita playing to the crowd after every chant of HOOOOOOOOOOO Eventually Egde missed the spear and after hitting the ring post CM Punk dived straight in and hit teh Pepsi Plunge, the move he made famous in the indies but so far hadnt used here in WWE 1,2,3 CM Punk defeats Edge! (B) "Ladies and Gentlmen up Nest is our Main Event!" (B+) -comercial- "Here comes the Game King, and this crowd is going nuts!" "J.R I THINK THE CROWD HAS GONE FROM GOIN INSANE FOR KENNEDY! THIS OVATION IS RIVALING THAT OF TRIPLE H'S!" "AND KING WE SAID EARLIER HOW THE HARDY WERE ONE OF THE GREATIST TAG TEAMS IN THE WORLD! WELL THESE TWO ARE POSSIBLY THE MOST PHYICALLY DOMINATING I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY CAREER!" "And J.R thi evil duo will come out here with one thing on there mind DESTRUCTION!" &W/VS& Mr Kennedy & Triple H w/Ashley VS The Brothers of Destruction This Match showed what a main event should be, a roller coaster of exitment, twists turns, high spots, gritty and edgy parts, blood sweat and tears! The match ended when kane low blowd Kennedy after the ref was destracted by Taker then a chokeslam and 1,2,3 winner Brothers of Destrution. (A*) After the match Taker and HHH brawl off into the crowd out of shot (B+) Kane then beats on Kennedy with a steel chair leaving him a bloody mess (B) Kane then turns and stares and smiles at Ashley, sensing shes in danger she trys to run, but Kane cathches her and carrys her away laughing! (B) -End Of Show- B+
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i wasnt angry, i was just,,disapointed, like my father allways used to say, disapointed that Grace had missed her flight, disapointed that she only sent me a voice mail AFTER the show, but i spose these things hapen, and I supose al in all its a good thing Vince wants a full finalised Roster sending to evry one who works in the back at the company, especially the People at WWE.com and WWE magazine, so i have to go and finish printing those, but as i walked to my room thats when it hapned my first hand experiance of something i thaught was exagerated in this buisness but a moment i will never forget "IAN!! IAN MATE COME QUICK" I would recognize Jonathans voice anyware "Jonny what the hells the matter?" "COME QUICK ITS ALL KICKIN'OFF!" in a panic i ran upstairs to find two of our performers fighting in the halls ater Myself, Jonny, Sean Morley (Val Venis) and Glen Jacobs (Kane and thank god it was him) pulled them off of eachother we found them to be Chuck Palumbo and Chavo Guerrero, unfortunatley since Chavo was threatening to Kill Chuck i felt it necosary to call the police. This is ware things got complicated, after searching there room (they were sharing, the police found steroids and cocaine, this was the last thing i needed my career was barley 2 weeks old and this bombshell has been droped, why couldnt Vince or someone else have been in the Hotel instead of me, I allowed the police to search evryone under a WWE contracts room, i felt this would save the press getting involved ater a warrent report was issued over a radio if i had refused, this was what made the bombshells worse, more drugs were found, this whole night has gone teribly teribly wrong, after several arests i did what i had to do,,, i called Vince,,,,,,,
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"WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU MEEN ARESTED?!" "Sir once the police arived and found the roids and coke in Chuck and Chavo's room there were allways going to be arests!" "I CANT BELIEVE THIS! WHY DID YOU CALL THE POLICE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHY NOT JUT CALL ME!" "sir,, with all due respect there were death threats, and if i hadnt called them the Hotel would have, they were disturbing other guests" "Do you have a definae number of those involved, names, ANYHING!?!?" "not curently, I have informed evryone to stay in there room's and i have kept itas quiet as possible so far there is no press involvment what so ever" "good, well thats one plus to take out of this god for saken mess" "sir i have to ask, what are we going to do about all this, I know im new hear but i dont see after the whole Benoit tragedy we can keep those involved in the company" "well that depends were any of them main eventers or set for a big push "only 2 that i know of sir non Main Eventers, but were set to be pushed, but sir regardless of tha i think they need to be released, tomorow at th earliest, after all the sh*t the company got after Benoit we cant afford to have any leaway" "thats easier said than done, were short on talent as it is!" "sir please trust me, im confident the signings I have made, the roster we have assembled, and all the work we have been preparing for can cope without those involved!" Vince went quiet, the only reason i knew he was still there was because i could hear him breathin heavily, deep in thaught "Get to the Police Station Ian, get the nams of all involved, we release all the ones who test possitive in the morning, it will be on WWE.COM by no later than 4pm, and make sure the press dont get hold of any of this" "understood sir" after he hung up i quickly put out my cigarette before the aproaching Hotel Manager saw it, its a $250 on the spot fine if you are caught smoking inthe halls, thats the last thing i needed, especially as i STILL havnt been paid yet, I told the manager evrything was under controle and he shouldnt worry. As i got ready for my trip to the station i made a stop into room 244, as I opned the door it was dark, the smell of beer and the tension in the air hit me like a brick wall as I muttred "You got rid of all of it?!" "Yea" "You better f*ckin well have!" "I have, I owe you one man" "You better believe you F*cking do!"
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"IAN IAN" Jonny and his brother Ben came running up to me with a laptop, Sh*t the press were quick "What, whats going on im about to leave" "yea but we found this on the net, you better take a look!" "Damn, is it the Press?!?!" "Just Look" [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd299/kevg1889/jonnys/wwedrugs.jpg[/IMG] I had to hold back my laughter "THATS NOT FUNNY MAN!!" and with tht they walked of giggling and i just had to burst out laughing as i started my journey to the police station
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My phone just strted vibrting, i wasnt evan 3 minuets ino my journey to the police station and allready Vince ws checking up on me, no i was wrong! It was Bishoff "hey Eric, look i cant talk right now im busy dealing with something urgent for Vince" "I think this will be just as important as anything your doing" "What is it, please tell me its good news" "not unless you count having no Tag Team Champions on Smackdown Good news?" "Your Joking how the hell has this hapned?!?!" "Lance Cade is hurt, doctors too him foran X-Ray damaged a bon in his foot, 18 weeks minimum plus rehab on his foot wich could be another month after not to mention training wich could be," "right I get it I get it,,,,how did he do it?" "Aparantly a domestic with his ladyfreind turned ugly and she stamped on his foot wearing high heals" "well this night gets better and better!! i trust were staying out of the domestic conflict" "DAMN RIGHT!! im not getting involved in one of those things, thats up to Vince and if i were him i wouldnt full stop end of story!" "me either, anyways Eric thanks for the heads up, Ill talk to you an Jim tomorow and fill you in on my drama of the evening, looks like we have evan more work to do than i first thaught"
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hehe thanks for the feedback, i have started scowering the dictionary every time I pos now to make the whole thing easyier to read glad someone picked up on that :D and by the way im trying to stem away from real life events, seeing as the story is set in 2008 dont think it would make much sense to release all the same people.
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