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WWE- A Stiff Upper Lip

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this phone call could shae my career, it could lad to me being sacked less than a month into the job, but my morals made me call him, i was allready keeping one person out of th crap, but i couldnt stand by and let it go any further than this one person, so i made the call "Hello?" "Mr McMahon, its Ian" "what can i do for you" "i just checked the website" "yes I think we escaped a fiasko dealig with it early" "but Vince, 12 workers tested possotiv not 10" ",,,,," "Sir, you there?" "we cant release the other two" "Sir I think we have to, both moaly and profesionaly, I dont think its wise to keep them on" "But they are key Main Eventers" "But sir im not using them as main eventers" "They ae important to buisness however, what if TNA got hold of them?!" "Then TNA would have two more WWE cast off's, with drug problems added to the eqasion" ",,,,,," "Sir?" "After tonight's show i will have my decision" *click*
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Velocity Joe Louis Arena Detroit Michagen Dark Matches VS Scotty 2 Hotty VS Johnny Jeter Scotty showed he can still get a crowd from just settling into seats to jumping out of there chairs screaming with aproval, Scotty wins. (C+) VS Colt Cobanna, Eric Young & Jonathan Gascoigne VS Chet Skyline, Doug Williamson & Nathan Jones This was a match to bild on some of the upcoming talent on the Velocity roster The performences of Colt Cobanna, Jonathan Gascoigne and Doug Williamson stood out as being outstanding Nathan Jones didnt shine as much but showed he has the agression to progress in the buisness. Jonathan and Colt finished the match Jonthan first hitting his finishing move the steel cutter (modyfied Pedegree) on Doug Williamson setting up to Colt Cobanna hitting a diving elbow from the the top on him straight after 1,2,3 Winners Eric Young, Jonathan Gascoigne and Colt Cobanna MAIN SHOW "HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MY NAME IS JOEY STYLES AND IM ALONGSIDE TAZZ AT RINGSIDE, AND WERE THRILLED TO SAY WERE NOT OUT OF THE JOB YET!" "NO WAY JOEY, THANKS TO OUR NEW GM MRS MCMAHON WE ARE THE NEW VOICES OF" *both say this at same time, sounds vary cheesey*- "VELOCITY!" "And tonight Taz we have got to matches of Epic Proportions lined up" "Thats Right Joey lets start with a match taht stems from the Big Tag Team Match last week" "Its going to be JTG of Cryme Tyme taking on Robbie of The Highlanders" (C-) "Also Tonight we are going to have Royal Rumble Winner Rob Van Dam, and he will go toe to toe with non other than five time WCW Champion Booker T" "Joey that match will be off the CHAIN!" (B) "Here comes our Brand New GM for our Brand New Show" "She apears to have a bag with her Taz" *Stephanie walks in to the ring with the bag and grabs a mic* "Ladies, Gentlmen and Wrestling Fans World wide I would like to introduce you to the first adition of WWE's latest 2 hour Phenominom! Velocity!!" *crowd gives a fairly good reaction* "And as well as giving you the best talent that WWE has to offer i will also be giving you fans another suprise tonight! and it involves the items i have in this bag with me Right Now! so without further hesitation i would like to unvail the championships of VELOCITY!" *Steph pulls a Championship Belt from the bag and lays it down on the canvas* "FIRST WE HAVE THE WWE WOMANS WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP!" *She Removes two belts this time and lays them on top of eachother next to the Womans Wrestling title* "THE WWE TAG TEAM WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP!" *Third title is removed, it is very familier to the crowd and they cheer loudly, the biggest reaction all night so far* "YOU ALL REMEMBER THIS! THE WWE HARDCORE TITLE!" *more cheers* *she pulls another familier looking title out of the bag* "THE WWE EUROPEAN TITLE!, and now, the biggest prize on Velocity, and the replacment to the ECW title here on Tuesday nights on Sci-Fi!" "THE WWE WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD!!" (B+) "And what does this clown want Taz?!" "Im not sure Joey but he isnt carrying the ECW Championship" "I think it may have been once again retired Taz" *Morrison walks to the ring with Torrie Wilson and grabs a mic* "Stephanie, Torie and I would like to congratulate you on your fine maekover to what was once a disaster of a Wrestling brand and show, and i swear while I am The WWE Wrestling Cha,pion of the World, I will show how a Champions hould be, I will be a true Champion, a fighting Champion, but most of all i will be Velocitys Champion, so thank you Stephanie, for rewarding me with this brand new Championship" "Rewarding you, now John, True you were the ECW Champion before ECW became Velocity, but this is not ECW, and You are not Champion!" "BUT,BUT I DESERVE THAT BELT, I NEVER LOST THE TOP TITLE!!" "Well John i have taken this into consideration, and thats why you will be first inline for a shot at Cyber Sunday" "shot? shot against who?!" (B) "ITS JOEY MATHEWS TAZ!!" "last week on ECW Joey Mathews took it to the former ECW champ" "John Morrison i would like to introduce you to your oponent at Cyber Sunday Joey Mathews" (B+) "HIM, YOU EXPECT ME TH FACE THIS PIECE OF,," "SHUT THE HELL UP JOHN!" *Morrison & Torrie look shocked at the Anger in Mathews responce* "EVER SINCE I STARTED IN THIS COMPANY YOU HAVE HELD ME DOWN YOU SON OF A BIT*H! last year while you were strutting around with your Intercontinental Championship I WAS WALKING ROUND WITH A BUSTED FACE! and after you managed to end your constant beating's from The Hardy's i once again found out THAT YOU DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ME! YOU NEVER HAVE! YOU LEFT ME TO ROT, I HAD TO BEG STEPHANIE TO GIVE ME A SECOND CHANCE IN THE BUISNESS, I HAD TO BEG JOHN! WHILE YOU LIVED YOUR LIFE WINNING TITLES AND LIVING THE HIGH LIFE! BUT NOW! NOW ITS MY TURN TO PUT YOU DOWN, LEAVE YOU BEHIND, LET YOU ROT!!!!" (B) "NOW MELINA IS ON HER WAY OUT HERE!" "The trio is reunited, but why, why is Melina gettying involved?!" *Melina allready has a mic* "JUST STOP IT! you two shouldnt be like this, we were the greatist Trio in WWE History, we were the revolution over on SmackDown, YOU TWO WERE THE BEST SMACKDOWN IN WRESTLING HISTORY! now i no its not my place, but i cant let you two go into Cyber Sunday and kill eachother! and I also cant believe that John, your so called Woman here Isnt doing anything to stop this! AND THATS BECSAUSE SHE IS A NO GOOD SLUT!" (B-) *Torrie attacks Melina, Then Mathews and Morrison go head to head punching at eachother wildly* (C+) *Stephanie exits the ring then Yells down the Mic* "I HAVE HAD IT, HERE ON THIS SHOW WE ARE GOING TO DO THINGS PROPERLY!! so tonight We are Going to See John Morrison and Torrie Wilson taking on JOEY MATHEWS AND MELINA!" (B) "TAZ THATS MAIN EVENT MATCH MAKING!" "YOUR NOT KIDDING AND THATS GOING TO BE TONIGHT!" -comercial- *we return to the action as a young woman stands in the ring* "Ladys and Gentlemen welcome back to Velocity in the ring is Rebbecca Knox awaiting her oponant to come to the ring" "WHOA!! JOEY HOW THE HELL IS THIS HAPPENING ITS BETH PHEOIX!" "WASNT SHE ON RAW JUST LAST NIGHT?!?!?!" *beth gets in the ring and pics up a mic* "Now im sure your all wondering what im doing here, Now as im sure some of you Glamazon Fans out there know, my RAW contract ended at 11am this morning, now at 11:01am i was contacted by Velocity GM Stephanie McMahon, she told me about the WWE Womans Wrestling Championship, and by 11:05 i became the new dominant Female force on Velocity" (D+) VS Beth Pheonix vs Rebbecca Knox Beth started the match by aproaching Knox arogantly and slapping here, but that was a big mistake by Beth as Rebbecca Knox hit her with a dropkick, Knox spent the rest of the match running rings around Pheoix, hitting her with speed and power moves, infuriating Pheonix, untill she snaps and grabs Knox by the hair and frags the back of her head down to her Knee, the refaree see's this as a dangorous and illegal manover and rings the bell YOUR WINNER BY DISQUALIFICATION REBECCA KNOX!!! (D+) "WOW ON HER DEBUT BETH PHEONIX HAS GOT HERSELF DISQUALIFIED" "But on paper Taz what a huge win for Rebecca Knox and she was nothing but impressive! and,, WAIT A MINUETE OH MY GOD, THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS" *Beth attacks Knox with a chair, untill she is passed out, Pheonix poses as the camera fades to backstage* (C-) *Finlay is backstage with Velocity's new anouncer Todd Grisham* "Im Todd Grisham here with the fighting Irishman Finlay now Fin,," *Finlay pushes Grishm off camera* "NO STUPID MIND GAMES< NO SMASH TALK, JUST SMASH MOUTH WRESTLING, THATS WHAT I AM GOING TO DELIVER HERE ON VELOCITY! I DONT CARE WHAT TITLE I WIN BUT THE FINLAY ERA WILL BEGIN SOON AND WHEN IT DOES EVRYONE LOOK OUT BECAUSE I WILL NOT TAKE ANY CRAP, now my match tonight aparantly will be watched closley as they look for people to be involved with the European Championship, THEY SHOULD LOOK NO CLOSER AS I AM THE NEXT EUROPEAN CHAMP!" *a slightly poor promo by Finlay* (C-) *Roddy Piper and the Highlanders are backstage laughing* "Next Up Robbie McCallister will go one on one with JTG!" (C) -comercial- While the comercials were going on i went outside the arena for a cigarette, i was enjoying the piece and quiet when i was confronted by one of the poeple i was trying to get Vince to Release. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS I HAVE BEEN HEARING MR BOOKER MAN< YOU WANT TO GET RID OF ME, YOU WANT ME OUT OF THE COMPANY!!" "Hey, im not saying anything, I just think the company could do without someone who is using drugs" "IM NOT ON F*CKING DRUGS" "Well mate thats not what the tests and the police checks say, and how did you find out about my recomendation any way?" "BECAUSE I HAVE TO MEET VINCE TONIGHT TO DISCUSS MY FUTURE! If i get fired YOURE GUNNA REGRET IT MOTHER F*CKER!" "Is that a threat?" "No, but if i dont have a job in the morning you better watch your back SUCKA!!" -end of comercial- "Here comes Robbie along with Roddy" "Think theres any relation" "Who knows there all brothers of the Highland I supose" "And here comes JTG along with T-LO" "I still cant get used to the name Joey" "You have some need to talk wared you get the name Taz?" "Touche Joey Touche" w/VSw/ JTG W/ T-LO VS Robbie McCallister W/ Roddy Piper The two go at it well, i actually requested this one to be scripted, JTG is only just pulling of calling in the ring with a tag team partner and Robbie is the same, they did quite well, but never really got the crowd going as much as i hoped, as much outside quality as Teddy Long and Roddy The crowd jus seemed to be very restless during the matchup. Eventually T-LO imitated last weeks performence of Roddy Piper by grabbing the leg of Robbie alowing JTG to hit a Super Kick 1,2,3 Winner JTG (C-) (D) "Who in the Hell is this guy?" "im not totally sure Joey" *The worker walks to the ring and grabs a mic* "My Name is Carl Sabin, and I am here to show the WWE that I am the future, THAT I AM THE EVOLUTION OF WRESTLING! and I am here to give the fans the SHOW OF A LIFETIME" *good reaction as most know who he is* "AND MOST OF ALL I AM HERE TO WIN TITLES!!" (C+) *Backstage Stephanie is in her office when in walks in a familier face* "Billy Kidman, let me be the first to welcome you to Velocity" "Mrs McMahon, im thrilled to be here, theres something i would like to ask, Finlay seems to think he is the running for the WWE European Title, and im involved in the match he is in later, now what im asking is, what exactly is going to hapen with all the vacant titles here on the show?" "Well Mr Kidman, I wil be anouncing that next week, but if your after one of those titles, i sugest you put on a good show, because i wont be making these decisions, THE FANS WILL!" "No Disrispect, But WHAT DO THE FANS KNOW?!?!" "Thats no the point, the point is Mr Kidman, Its them you have to convince" "I will convince them Mrs McMahon, but evan if those idiots dont vote me in, I will find a way to those titles!" (B+) -comercial- "Here Comes Finlay and Joey he has been evan more angry than ever since being drafted off of Smackdown" "And Here comes Kidman, and the crowd seem less happy to seem him than they did Finlay!" "HEY ITS STEVIE!" "An ECW Origional Taz, just like us, and it looks like he will be in this Fatal Four Way Match representing the memory of ECW" "Yea but who's number 4?" ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , , , , "OH MY GOD" "JOEY ITS THE MONSTER TRUCK" *crowd gives good reaction to Big Daddy V* VSVSVS Finlay VS Billy Kidman VS Stevie Richards VS Big Daddy-V The four put on a suprisingly good match, Big Daddy-V controles a lot of the match, But Finlay and Kidman are the stars of the show, Beating 10 shades of crap out of eachother, the match ends when Stevie and Finlay knock Big Daddy-V out of the ring, Celtic cross by Finlay on Richards, Kidman clothslines Finlay out, Shooting Star Press on Richards 1,2,3 Kidman wins to the duiscust of the fans (A) *Backstage Booker is with Todd Grishem and Sharmell* "Booker T firs,,," *Before Todd Can Finish Booker Headbuts Grisham sending him to the floor bleeding* "MY GOD, WHAT,,WHAT MADE BOOKER REACT LIKE THAT?!?!" "joey I,,I'm in shock,, I have no Idea" (B+) "WAIT A DAMN MINUETE?!?! ITS MR. KENNEDY!" "WHATS HE DOING HERE ON VELOCITY!" "DO YOU THINK HE TWO HAS SIGNED WITH US?!?!" *Kennedy Gets in the ring and down comes his Mic* "Now first of all before evryone wonders to much, NO I AM NOT SIGNING WITH VELOCITY, I AM HEAR FOR ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY! I COULDNT WAIT A WEEK UNTILL MONDAY! IM HERE TO DELIVER MY MESSAGE KANE BRING ASHLEY BACK, BRING HERE BACK NOW! AND KANE WEATHER YOU BRING HERE BACK OR NOT, AT CYBER SUNDAY YOUR DEFORMED ASS IS MINE!" *up go's the mic promo over, the crowd loves it evan without the traditional Kennedy catphrases* (A) "Taz Kennedy is all buisness, but up next is one of tonights main events its Booker T vs RVD" (B+) -comercial- "Here comes ECW Origional and Royal Rumble Winner, MR PAY PER VIEW, ROB VAN,," *Booker T runs up behind RVD as he aproaches the ring and hits him with a large pipe putting RVD to the floor Out Cold* "THIS IS REVOLTING, what is Booker T DOING, WHY IS HE DOING THIS! WHAT THE HELL!" "Joey im again in shock" (B+) *EMT's and paramedics tend to the unconcious RVD, Taz leaves the desk to help* "Ladies and Gentlmen, what we have sen is,,, is, its nothing but a grotuesqe act by Booker T, we apologize for the delay here, but RVD has not moved since he was attacked by Booker T" *eventually they carry odd RVD on a stretcher* *the crowd Chants RVD,RVD,RVD,RVD!* (B+) WWE- FROM THE VAULT WWE RAW 2005 (C-) -comercial- "Ladies and Gentlemen were back on Velocity, we will now take you to back before the break, we warn you this footage is vary graphic" *replays in slow mo etc of Bookers attack* "i know for me the way RVD just went limp is very hard to look at, and Joey i dont know whats come over Booker T tonight" "obviously RVD canot go ahead with his match with Booker tonight, but the show will go on, and we will try and get an update on RVD as soon as we can." (C) "And here comes Morrison and Torrie ready for this Main Event mixed tag match" "and here comes Mathews and Melina, its going to be a MnM Reunion in there, but adding Torrie to the picture, being a, lets say Torrie fan Joey you must be loving this match" "cant you se my smile, of corse im releshing the prospect of this match!" &VS& John Morrison & Torrie Wilson VS Joey Mathews & Melina This match showed some brilliant chemistry with Mathews and Morrison, they can work agaisnt each other just as well as they used to work with eachother, the eye candy effect of Melina and Torrie worked a treat, especially when Melina nearly suffred a wardrobe malfunction. The match ended when Mathews hit the Vodoo Driver (Powerbomb to facebuster) on Morrison 1,2,3 the winners Mathews and Melina (B+) *As Mathews gets up to celebrate with Melina she hits him with a low blow!* "WHAT THE HELL, MELINA JUST LOW BLOWED MATHEWS, WHY THE HELL!" (C-) *Melina and Morrison then double team Torrie Morrison hits her with a Retro Effect (new finisher,spinning spike DDT) then hits it on teh groggy Mathews!* "I THINK THAT MATHEWS AND TORRIE HAVE BEEN HAD BYE THESE TWO EXCUSES FOR HUMAN BEINGS!" "I agree Taz they have had this planed since last week, they must have, Goodnight evrybody!" *The show go's off as Morrison and Melina Reunite embracing and posing over the fallen Torrie and Joey Mathews* -END SHOW- C (increase of popularity in the area) 12,000 sell out
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"SOMEONE FIND ME BOOKER AND FIND HIM NOW!" I was furious, I havnt felt like this since i moved hear, i wasnt nervous as usual, i was livid! shouting at evryone i passed, especially when i got to the gurilla area, "SOME ONE F*CKING FIND HIM NOW I SAID!!" My phone is vibrating,,,,,,,, Vince, here comes the nervousness again! "Hello,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," ,,,,,
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I anseared the phone, and to be hounest i was bricking it, nervous, scared, SHI*ING MYSELF!! becasue after Bookers TWO non organised actions, an assault on our Royal Rumble winner with a possible injury involved, I should have not let anything like this hapen, and now, I Think my ride in the top flight will be over. "Hello MrMcMahon?" "I have decided to take your advice, im releasing both of them, make sure RVD is ok then call me back" *click*
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as I arived back from the hospitsl i was more than relieved, RVD has only a mild headach and he has been cleared for competition, so it looks as though I have dodged a bullet, after I contacted Vince i learned that One of The 2 Will be released within the upcoming hours, but the release may end up with there being 3 releases instead if two. This second week has got to be as bad as it gets, things could not get worse,,,,,,,,,,
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"Mr McMahon i have seen the website update, i have to say i think we have handled it well" "Yes, with Booker's performence on TV the fans think it was all scripted so we got away with that one, so thats one drug user out of the company" "Yes but our next anouncment when will that be made?" "Within the hour, the next release will be anounced" "do you think he will go public, i meen he tested possitive for Cocaine, Ketamine AND Vallium, he could make a fortune to the press and it would make us look really bad" "No i dont think so, he wont want to tarnish his glittering reputation, and while it will be a shock and evryone will wonder why he has been released,,,,,,,,, we have no obligation to make a statment" "but shouldnt we think of a story, a reason why we let him go, i meen the fans are going to be pretty pi*sed off!" "No, we dont have to"
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The Roster [CENTER]FULL WWE ROSTER General Manager Shane McMahon - Face [COLOR="Red"][U]Main Eventers[/U] EDGE - Heel KANE - Heel Mr Kennedy - Face The Undertaker - Heel Triple H - Face [U]Upper Midcarders[/U] Abyss - Heel Calito - Heel CM Punk - Face Jeff Hardy - Face Matt Hardy - Face MVP - Heel Umaga - Heel [U]Midcarders[/U] Brett Major - Face Brian Major - Face Deuce - Heel Domino - Heel Elijah Burke - Heel Jay Styles - Face [U]Lower Midcarders[/U] Burchill - Face David Copani - Heel Festus - Face Jesse - Face Pete Williamson - Face [U]Womans Division[/U] Candice Michelle - Face Maria - Face Mickie James - Face Victoria - Heel [U]Managers[/U] Ashley - Face (Mr Kennedy) Becky - Face (CM Punk) Cherry - Hell (Deuce & Domino) David Lactino - Heel (Abyss) Lita - Heel (Edge) [U]personalities[/U] Horswaggle McMahon - Face Ron Simmons - Face [U]Anouncers[/U] Jim Ross Jerry "THE KING" Lawler [U]Tag Teams[/U] Deuce & Domino Jesse & Festus Major Brothers World Heavyweight Champion Vacant Intercontinental Champion Carlito WWE Tag Team Champion's Deuce & Domino WWE Womans Champion Mickie James[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]General Manager Jonathan Coachman - Heel [U]Main Eventers[/U] Batista - Face Bobby Lashley - Heel John Cena - Heel Randy Orton - Heel Rey Mysterio - Face Shawn Michaels - Face [U]Upper Midcarders[/U] Chris Masters - Heel Kenny Dykstra - Heel Lance Cade - Face Mark Henry - Heel Santino Morella - Heel The Fallen Angel - Heel Trevor Murdoch - Face Val Venis - Face [U]Midcarders[/U] Balls Mahoney - Face Brian Kendrick - Face Charlie Haas - Heel Cody Rhodes - Face Goldust- Face Jamie Noble - Heel Juvi - Heel Kevin Thorn - Heel Marcus Cor Von - Heel Paul London - Face Shannon Moore - Face Shelton Benjamin - Heel Snitskey - Heel [U]Lower Midcard[/U] Benjamin Gascoigne - Heel Lowkey Silvestry - Heel [U]Openers[/U] Jack Evans - Face Raji Ditto - Face [U]Womans Division[/U] Barbie Talia - Heel Jillian Hall - Heel Michelle McCool - Face Trinity - Face [U]managers[/U] Alexis Roucka - Heel (Chris Masters) Ariel Martinez - (The Fallen Angel) Armondo Alejandero Estrada - Heel (Mark Henry) Kelly Kelly - Face (Cody Rhodes) [U]Anouncers[/U] Michael Cole John Bradshaw Layfield [U]Personalities[/U] Runjin Singh [U]Tag Teams[/U] Cade & Murdoch London & Kendrick Worlds Greatist Tag Team WWE Champion John Cena United States Chmpion Mark Henry World Tag Team Titles Vacant WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]General Manager Stephanie McMahon - Face [U]Main Eventers[/U] Joe Mathews - Face John Morrison - Heel Rob Van Dam - Face [U]Upper Midcarders[/U] Big Daddy V - Face Billy Kidman - Heel Finlay - Heel Hardcore Holly - Face The Boogeyman - Face [U]Midcard[/U] Akido - Heel Brian Christopher - Face Carl Sabin - Face Colt Cobanna - Face JTG - Face Robbie McAllister - Heel Rory McAllister - Heel Scott Taylor - Face Shad - Face Stevie Richards - Face Striker - Heel Super Crazy - Face Tommy Dreamer - Face [U]Lower Midcard[/U] Eric Young - Face Jaki Numazawa - Heel Jonathan Gascoigne - Face Joel Maximo - Face Jose Maximo - Face [U]Openers[/U] Doug Williams - Face Sean O'Hair - Heel [U]Womans Division[/U] Beth Pheonix - Heel Bobbi - Heel Joy Giovani - Face Melina - Heel Rachael Briggs - Face Rebecca Knox - Face Torrie Wilso - Face [U]Managers[/U] Maryse Oullet - Face Melina - Heel (John Morrison) Roddy Piper - Heel (The Highlanders) T-LO - Face(Cryme Tyme) Torrie Wilson - Face (Joe Mathews) [U]Anouncers[/U] Joey Styles Tazz [U]Tag Teams[/U] Cryme Tyme Highlanders The Maximos Too Much WWE World Wrestling Champion Vacant WWE European Champion Vacant WWE Word Wrestling Tag Team Champion's Vacant WWE Hardcore Title Vacant WWE Womans Wrestling Champion Vacant[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER ROB VAN DAM chosing to face (NOT YET DECIDED) at Wrestlemania[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"][U]TRI BRANDED[/U] [U]Ocasional Wrestlers[/U] Hulk Hogan Mick Foley [U]Openers[/U] Nathan Jones - Heel Wildfire James - Heel [U]Enhancment Talent[/U] Chet Skyline - Heel Johnny Jeter - Face Michael Mondo - Heel Teddy Hart - Face Terry Dalton - Face [U]AUTHORITY FIGURES[/U] Vince McMahon - Heel[/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][U]BEHIND THE SCENES[/U] WWE CHAIRMAN VINCE MCMAHON CREATIVE TEAM IAN DEVINE -Head Booker- Jim Ross Eric Bishoff -Booking Team-[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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There you go for the people who have been waiting for the full roster a long time here it is in it fullness (hope thats put a smile on your face Halfman_Halfamazing) alos what did People think to the first Velocity and the 2 Drug Releases? was it who you were expecting or a total shock? let me know anyways keep reading and hope your enjoying
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FINALLLLLLLLLLY A FULL ROSTER HAHA, looks pretty powerfull man! also loving the pictures in there, you make them? As for Velocity was a good show, can tell it was first show however as things were just gelling rather than taking of from the get go at full throttle, but good never the less, Booker i kinda expected, BUT FLAIR!! BRAVE MOVE!!
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OBSESSED WITH WRESTLING NEWS WWE NEWS With the Release of Ric Flair Obsessed with Wrestling can bring you the excluive reason why! an unkown source from inside the WWE has reported that flair broke intop the LOCKED womans shower room during a Smackdown house show and exposed himself to the WWE Divas, and aparantly they were not impressed by Ric Flair All Naturel (BOY) this however has led to a lawsuit threat unless Flair was released by one of the Woman, so The WWE have released him to the womans wishes. as fr Booker T and Sharmell, WWE has never really progressed with the two and we feel WWE's lack of creativity will be TNA's Gain TNA NEWS The New TNA World Champion is ,,TOMKO!?!?! We are not sure what TNA were thinking in this move but we shall have to wait to see how this develops. TNA roster problms continue as the WWE have anounced officially The signing of Samoa Joe (who will perform as Samoan Joe on The RAW Brand how origional) [SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]NEWS OF THE DAY[/COLOR][/SIZE] IS NO MORE Ring of Hounour have been strugeling financially as of late and guess who has baught the company?? stumped? PAUL HEYMAN! Paul took his $4 and a half MILLION PAYOFF after being fired from WWE and his life savings and has took controle of the ROH and has left his mark Renaming the Company after 3 hours in charge guess what the H now stands for in ROH,,, THAS RIGHT ONLY A DUFUS WOULDNT HAVE GUESSED IT
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