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Ridley Revolution Wrestling (Cornellverse)

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Ben Williams vs [b]TJ Bailey[/b] [i]He ain't called the Bump Machine for nothin'.[/i] K-Squared vs [b]Velocidad[/b] [i]Velocidad has a lot of momentum coming out of Seven Deadly Sins. It would be a shame to kill that off so soon.[/i] [b]Alan Parent[/b] vs Cal Sanders [i]Re-establishing himself.[/i] RRW Revolution Championship : Thomas Morgan (c) vs [b]Kashmir Singh[/b] [i]I'm thinking this will be a DQ or CO. Something to build momentum towards the next Big 4 event.[/i]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]RRW Razor’s Edge[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B][CENTER]The Weston Gymnasium[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Friday, Week 4, August 2007[/CENTER][/B] [B]Segment 1 :[/B] Ben Williams vs TJ Bailey [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TJBailey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Ben Williams defeated TJ Bailey in 4:23 by pinfall. TJ Bailey is the favourite for this match, and he dominates Williams for most of it, out wrestling him in every aspect. Not to be denied however, Williams picks up the fluke victory by accidentally reversing a pinfall attempt as he was trying to reach the ring ropes. [B]Match Rating :[/B] E- [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 2 :[/B] Having picked up the victory, Ben Williams goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people. Once again, “The Fan’s Own” Ben Williams celebrates by partying with the crowd, and now used to his antics they urge him on, celebrating and cheering as he does a victory lap of the first few rows of seating. [B]Segment Rating :[/B] F [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 3 :[/B] K-Squared vs Velocidad [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Velocidad defeated K-Squared in 3:34 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado. Velocidad was too good for K-Squared in the nights second match. K-Squared unsuccessfully tried every cheap tactic in the book, but the young Mexican ran rings around his opponent, eventually catching him off guard with his speed and hitting a Velocidad Tornado for the victory. [B]Match Rating :[/B] D [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 4 :[/B] Alan Parent cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Cal Sanders. [I]“Welcome to Ridley Revolution Wrestling. This show is rated PG – Parental Guidance recommended. So. Cal Sanders hey. “The Leaping Lumberjack”. Hmmm – when I put you in one of my many submission manoeuvres and force you to pass out they’ll have to rename you Cal Sanders : “The Sleeping Slumber-jack”. And while you are enjoy your little rest in the centre of the ring remember - I’m Alan Parent and I’m Gonna Make You Tap!”[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] F+ [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 5 :[/B] Cal Sanders vs Alan Parent [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Alan Parent defeated Cal Sanders in 4:20 by pinfall. Cal Sanders put up a good showing against Alan Parent, surprising Parent by matching him move for move and displaying an as yet unseen array of technical prowess. Parent tried gallantly to put Sanders in a submission hold but Sanders was able to escape or counter everything Parent tried. Parent eventually wore Sanders down though, and won the match via pinfall after a viscous series of suplexes. [B]Match Rating :[/B] D- [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 6 :[/B] Thomas Morgan has an interview in which he taunts Kashmir Singh. [I]“At ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ I, “Trademark” Thomas Morgan, did the unthinkable, overcoming all the odds to retain my RRW Revolution Championship. Yet after the show, instead of the fans showering me with adulation, all I heard about was how “wonderful” Kashmir Singh was for wrestling in THREE matches! Ha! That’s nothing! He could wrestle me three HUNDRED times and still not come close to beating me. And tonight I will prove it, when he is counted down for the one, two, THREE! Remember, my name is Thomas Morgan and you can Mark My Words!“[/I] [B]Segment Rating :[/B] D- [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B]Segment 7 :[/B] RRW Revolution Championship – Thomas Morgan vs Kashmir Singh [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/icon_vs2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Match Result :[/B] Thomas Morgan defeated Kashmir Singh in 3:35 by pinfall. Thomas Morgan makes defence number 5 of his RRW Revolution Championship title. Kashmir Singh was still showing the effects of his gruelling performance at “Seven Deadly Sins”, coming to the ring heavily bandaged, and being the experienced professional he is Thomas Morgan took full advantage, battering the Indian from pillar to post. To his credit, Singh never gave up and Morgan had plenty of trouble putting him away. In the end a violent power bomb from the top rope did enough damage to Singh’s back and ribs to keep him down for the three count as Morgan retained his title. Despite being beaten, Singh undoubtedly came away from the match with his reputation enhanced and left the fans wondering how he would match up against Morgan when he was in full health. [B]Match Rating :[/B] D+ [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Overall Show Rating :[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/grade_d.jpg[/IMG]
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From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW Razor’s Edge[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling held RRW Razor’s Edge last night in The Weston Gymnasium, and drew 39 fans. The feedback has been extremely positive, it was apparently a great show for them. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Reese Paige and I had McDonald’s for breakfast (so much for her health kick!) as we discussed her notes from the previous nights show. The fast food led to a fast meeting. [I]“Well I don’t really have much to say this month,”[/I] Reese started. [I]“I’ve got no specific comments about any of the angles, the colour commentary boosted most of the matches and the announcing job done by Lee Bambino was pretty weak – it wasn’t up to the same standard as any of the matches.”[/I] [I]“Fair enough,”[/I] I said, [I]“do you have anything interesting at all?”[/I] [I]“Well I noticed that Ben Williams is improving in performance skills,”[/I] she offered. [I]“Yay?”[/I] I replied, [I]“Well at least that’s not a bad thing.”[/I] [I]“And of course,”[/I] Reese Paige concluded, [I]“I can let you know that this show can be considered a success, it should have increased out popularity”.[/I] [I]“Of course,”[/I] I said with a smile, [I]“I’d expect nothing less.”[/I] So RRW had just stayed on it’s slow and steady course, putting on an adequate show that nonetheless improved our popularity. I was happy with that, and I hoped I would be happy with what the accountant had to tell me. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] I had liked the format of the financial report the accountant had done up for me while he was off sick in July so much that I decided instead of getting out of bed early on Sunday, Week 4, August to go and meet with him he should just fax through his analysis instead, and I would call him if there were any problems. So he did : [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Financial Report - Ridley Revolution Wrestling[/B][/CENTER] August 2007 [U]Income[/U] Ticket Sales - $117 <-- [I]39 people @ $3 (up from July)[/I] Sponsors - $3139 <-- [I]down slightly from July ($3146)[/I] Merchandise - $32 <-- [I]down from July ($59)[/I] [B]Total Income - $3288 [/B] [U]Expenditure[/U] Show Costs - $700 <-- [I]Weston Gymnasium ($200), small show ($500)[/I] Marketing - $150 <-- [I]regular standard cost[/I] Production - $150 <-- [I]regular standard cost[/I] Legal Costs - $150 <-- [I]regular standard cost[/I] Administration - $150 <-- [I]regular standard cost[/I] Merchandising - $150 <-- [I]regular standard cost[/I] Cost Of Merch - $25 <-- [I]$41 in July[/I] [B]Total Expenditure - $1475[/B] [U]Wages[/U] Chad Brent - $225 Reese Paige - $200 Katie Cameron - $100 Lee Bambino - $100 Thomas Morgan - $150 K-Squared - $150 Alan Parent - $125 Kashmir Singh - $125 Velocidad - $125 TJ Bailey - $125 Ben Williams - $125 Cal Sanders - $125 [B]Total Wages - $1675[/B] <-- [I]down $350 from July ($2025) due to using L. Bambino[/I] [B][U]Financial Summary[/U][/B] Opening Balance - $173 Income - $3288 Expenditure - $1475 Wages - $1675 [B]August Performance - +$138[/B] Closing Balance - $311 [/QUOTE] Thus we continued to make our small amount of money each month, enough to keep the promotion above water as well as put something away for the future. Using Lee Bambino as an announcer instead of Remmington Remus makes all the difference to the balance sheet, if not necessarily on the shows themselves, but in the cut-throat world of professional wrestling, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] So August 2007 ends and Ridley Revolution Wrestling continues to make small but meaningful gains, hopefully building up to much bigger and much brighter things in the future. In the meantime though, September offers it’s own challenges as it marks the ninth month of existence for RRW, and thus the first wave of worker contracts are about to expire.
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With the contracts of all of my workers about to expire, I decided it would be a good time to conduct performance reviews on each of them, to assess where they stood in the company, what improvements they had made during the contract period, and in what areas they still had the potential to improve. The creative team members, including road agent Reese Paige, helped me put together the following appraisals of each of our twelve workers. [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Alan Parent [B]Age :[/B] 22 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 4 wins – 4 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D+ (Alan Parent defeated Kashmir Singh - Friday, Week 4, July 2007 – RRW Seven Deadly Sins) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D- [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Puroresu (D- to D), Aerial (F to F+), Microphone (E+ to D-), Selling (F+ to E-), Respect (F- to F) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Alan Parent has good Performance skills, decent Rumble abilities, good Technical abilities and weak Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are weak and physically he is good. He is coming to his peak in terms of Rumble Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Flying Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Entertainment Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Physical Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Performance Skills. His strongest area is with Technical skills, so it would make sense to book him against other technically-minded workers to focus on his strengths. He is very dull, so should be kept well away from any live microphones at all costs. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Ben Williams [B]Age :[/B] 21 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Upper Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 5 wins – 0 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] E+ (Ben Williams defeated K-Squared - Friday, Week 4, June 2007 – RRW Anarchy) [B]Average Rating :[/B] E [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Puroresu (E- to E), Chain (E- to E), Acting (C to C+), Psychology (E to E+) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Ben Williams has good Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, weak Technical abilities and weak Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are good and physically he is weak. He is coming to his peak in terms of Flying Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. He can still improve at Entertainment Skills. He can still improve at Physical Skills. He can still improve at Performance Skills. Ben Williams is pretty awful in the ring, we’re not going to get good matches out of him, period. He is quite entertaining, he should do well in interviews and angles. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Cal Sanders [B]Age :[/B] 27 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Lower Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Lower Midcarder (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 1 win – 4 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D (Thomas Morgan defeated Cal Sanders - Friday, Week 4, May 2007 – RRW Live For The Moment) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Brawling (F+ to E-), Hardcore (F+ to E-), Chain (C to C+), Respect (F to F+) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Cal Sanders has great Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, good Technical abilities and decent Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are weak and physically he is great. He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Physical Skills. He can still improve at Performance Skills. His strongest area is with Technical skills, so it would make sense to book him against other technically-minded workers to focus on his strengths. He is very dull, so should be kept well away from any live microphones at all costs. He has excellent Performance skills, and could be useful in helping to train up some of our workers who aren’t so good. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Frankie Dee [B]Age :[/B] 21 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $150 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 3 wins – 4 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D+ (Thomas Morgan defeated Frankie Dee - Friday, Week 4, July 2007 – RRW Seven Deadly Sins) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Consistency (E+ to D-), Selling (D to D+), Respect (E- to E) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Frankie Dee has good Performance skills, decent Rumble abilities, good Technical abilities and decent Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are decent and physically he is great. He can still improve at Rumble Skills. He can still improve at Flying Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Entertainment Skills. He can still improve at Physical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. His strongest area is with Technical skills, so it would make sense to book him against other technically-minded workers to focus on his strengths. He lacks charisma, he definitely won’t get over on his great interviews. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/GentlemanJimKing.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Gentleman Jim King [B]Age :[/B] 28 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 2 wins – 2 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D (Gentleman Jim King defeated Velocidad and Cal Sanders - Friday, Week 4, March 2007 – RRW Line In The Sand) [B]Average Rating :[/B] E [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Respect (E to E+) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Gentleman Jim King has decent Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, decent Technical abilities and weak Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are decent and physically he is decent. He is coming to his peak in terms of Flying Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Entertainment Skills. He can still improve at Physical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. His strongest area is with Technical skills, so it would make sense to book him against other technically-minded workers to focus on his strengths. He lacks charisma, he definitely won’t get over on his great interviews. Booking him in matches with some superior workers are the best way to help him improve. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Kashmir Singh [B]Age :[/B] 30 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 4 wins – 5 losses Best Rating : D+ (Thomas Morgan defeated Kashmir Singh - Friday, Week 4, August 2007 – RRW Razor’s Edge) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Puroresu (E+ to D-), Safety (C+ to B-), Respect (E+ to D-) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Kashmir Singh has great Performance skills, good Rumble abilities, good Technical abilities and decent Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are decent and physically he is great. He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble Skills. He can still improve at Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He can still improve at Performance Skills. Kashmir Singh is a good all-rounder, although using him against someone really awful would probably expose his weaknesses. He lacks charisma, he definitely won’t get over on his great interviews. He has excellent Performance skills, and could be useful in helping train up some of our workers who aren’t so good. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] K-Squared [B]Age :[/B] 23 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $150 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 0 wins – 4 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D (Velocidad defeated K-Squared - Friday, Week 4, August 2007 – RRW Razor’s Edge) [B]Average Rating :[/B] E+ [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Submissions (E+ to D-) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] K-Squared has good Performance skills, decent Rumble abilities, decent Technical abilities and decent Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are decent and physically he is good. He can still improve at Flying Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. He can still improve at Entertainment Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Physical Skills. He can still improve at Performance Skills. K-Squared has OK all-round skills, keeping him with superior workers should keep his flaws hidden. He lacks charisma, he definitely won’t get over on his great interviews. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Tempest Appleby [B]Age :[/B] 32 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Opener (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Opener (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 0 wins – 4 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D (Velocidad defeated Tempest Appleby - Friday, Week 4, May 2007 – RRW Live For The Moment) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D- [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Puroresu (F to F+), Chain (F to F+), Submissions (F- to F), Respect (F+ to E-) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Tempest Appleby has good Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, weak Technical abilities and good Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are decent and physically he is good. He is coming to his peak in terms of Rumble Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Entertainment Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Physical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. His strongest area is with High Flying, so he should be booked against other speedy workers to maximise his strengths. He lacks charisma, he definitely won’t get over on his great interviews. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Thomas Morgan [B]Age :[/B] 33 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $150 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Main Eventer (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 7 wins – 1 loss [B]Best Rating :[/B] D+ (Thomas Morgan defeated Kashmir Singh - Friday, Week 4, August 2007 – RRW Razor’s Edge) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Safety (D to D+), Respect (E+ to D-) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Thomas Morgan has good Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, good Technical abilities and decent Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are good and physically he is great. He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Entertainment Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Physical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Performance Skills. His strongest area is with Technical skills, so it would make sense to book him against other technically-minded workers to focus on his strengths. He is quite entertaining, he should do well in interviews and angles. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/TJBailey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] TJ Bailey [B]Age :[/B] 24 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Lower Midcarder (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 2 wins – 4 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D- (Velocidad and Gentleman Jim King defeated TJ Bailey and Tempest Appleby - Friday, Week 4, July 2007 – RRW Seven Deadly Sins) [B]Average Rating :[/B] E+ [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Brawling (E+ to D-), Submissions (F+ to E-), Charisma (F+ to E-) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] TJ Bailey has good Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, decent Technical abilities and decent Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are weak and physically he is decent. He has the potential to get a lot better at Rumble Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He can still improve at Entertainment Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Physical Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Performance Skills. TJ Bailey has OK all-round skills, keeping him with superior workers should keep his flaws hidden. He is very dull, so should be kept well away from any live microphones at all costs. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/Valentine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Valentine [B]Age :[/B] 21 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Enhancement Talent (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Opener (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 0 wins – 3 losses [B]Best Rating :[/B] D- (Frankie Dee defeated Valentine - Friday, Week 4, April 2007 – RRW Survival Of The Fittest) [B]Average Rating :[/B] E+ [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] None [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Valentine has good Performance skills, decent Rumble abilities, decent Technical abilities and weak Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are decent and physically he is good. He can still improve at Rumble Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Flying Skills. He can still improve at Technical Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Entertainment Skills. He can still improve at Physical Skills. He is coming to his peak in terms of Performance Skills. Valentine has OK all-round skills, keeping him with superior workers should keep his flaws hidden. He lacks charisma, he definitely won’t get over on his great interviews. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Ridley Revolution Wrestling - Performance Appraisal[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name :[/B] Velocidad [B]Age :[/B] 20 years old [B]Current Contract :[/B] $125 per appearance [B]Computed Push :[/B] Lower Midcarder (based on overall United States popularity) [B]Creative Push :[/B] Lower Midcarder (based on Tri-State region popularity) [B]Match History :[/B] 4 wins – 1 loss [B]Best Rating :[/B] D (Velocidad defeated K-Squared - Friday, Week 4, August 2007 – RRW Razor’s Edge) [B]Average Rating :[/B] D- [B]Skill Improvements :[/B] Psychology (E- to E) [B]Road Agent Assessment :[/B] Velocidad has good Performance skills, weak Rumble abilities, decent Technical abilities and good Flying abilities. His Entertainment skills are great and physically he is great. He can still improve at Rumble Skills. He has the potential to get a lot better at Technical Skills. He can still improve at Performance Skills. His strongest area is with High Flying, so he should be booked against other speedy workers to maximise his strengths. He is very entertaining, he has no problem connecting with the fans. [/QUOTE] So plenty of the wrestlers still had lots to work on, but it was good to see (almost) all of them make improvements in various areas of their wrestling skills during the time they had been working with Ridley Revolution Wrestling. Reese’s notes also brought up some interesting information that would most certainly be useful for the booking team in the future. All in all it was a good (though time consuming) exercise and left me armed with great information as I entered into contract negotiations with each worker.
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Like clockwork, the first thing I did on Monday, Week 1, September 2007 was to email the workers and staff for their feedback and opinions. “I think that my current push is good, I have no complaints”, and “I have no complaints to make” (about their morale) were once again the replies I received. The workers and staff were still happy with their positions and the direction of the company, and it was good to know that things were going well for them all. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] A quick check of the wrestling websites revealed that the general opinion (and this was confirmed by “The Insider”) was that the RRW Championship match at “Razor’s Edge” between Thomas Morgan and Kashmir Singh had taken the mantle as the best match RRW had put on, beating out the previous favourite from the month before. Once again, it was great to see the workers improving their performance month to month and continuing to raise the bar. I also received a glowing review from “The Insider”, appearing in the “Hot” section of his “What’s Hot & What’s Not” column. He stated that although I was still new on the scene, my booking skill had shown enormous promise and has definitely improved over the eight shows I had put on (from ‘Lowest’ to ‘Very Low’ and now to ‘Low’). He was apparently looking forward to seeing more of my good work in the future. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] With an eye to our “Big 4” event for October, the focus of the September creative meeting was mainly to spend as little money as we could while still putting on a great show. I also wanted to reward some of the talent that had been impressive lately but had received limited opportunities, so I asked each member of the creative team to nominate who they thought deserved to wrestle at the event. [I]“Well if Roderick Remus worked for us, he’d certainly be impressive,”[/I] said Remmington Remus dejectedly, as I had once again refused his request to sign his brother. [I]“I think Valentine has plenty of potential,”[/I] said Katie Cameron, [I]“He is a quick learner and I have really enjoyed being in angles with him and helping him along.”[/I] [I]“Well I’d like to see Tempest Appleby be given the chance to shine,”[/I] offered Chad Brent, [I]“His opportunities have been very limited and I’d like to see what he can do.”[/I] [I]“Wrestling wise,”[/I] said road agent Reese Paige, [I]“I believe Velocidad is the one person who could really be a big star. He’s only young but he has ticks in all the right boxes.”[/I] Keeping the suggestions in mind, the team came up with a show that would hopefully showcase all of these talents. From [url]www.TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/url] : [QUOTE] [B]RRW to present RRW Rockin’ The Suburbs[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/joelridley13/Total%20Extreme%20Wrestling/RRW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ridley Revolution Wrestling today announced the details of their September show, RRW Rockin’ The Suburbs. It will be held at The Weston Gymnasium in New Jersey on Friday, Week 4, September 2007. “The Ladies Man” Valentine will attempt to wow the females in attendance when he takes on high-flyer Tempest Appleby, Gentleman Jim King will try and teach Frankie Dee some manners, and after a string of impressive performances Velocidad steps up to challenge Thomas Morgan for the RRW Revolution Championship. Tickets to the show can be purchased at the venue for only $3. [/QUOTE] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Meanwhile, things continued to go from bad to worse for the larger wrestling companies in the United States. Once again, “The Insider” was all over it, emailing me about the latest developments : [QUOTE] [B]Header :[/B] Sam Keith Loses Book [B]Date :[/B] Monday, Week 1, September 2007 [B]Content :[/B] Sam Keith has been removed as head booker of SWF. [/QUOTE] After their shocking fall from grace it came as no surprise that heads would roll in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, but few would have thought it would be this head. Sam Keith was a wrestling icon, famous for being a part of hundreds great matches all over the world throughout a lengthy career, and many thought that his status in the industry would save him from any serious repercussions. However, as he has shown in the past SWF owner Richard Eisen can be ruthless when it comes to his company, and he isn’t scared to make the hard decisions. On Friday, Week 1, September 2007 it was announced that Farrah Hesketh would become the new head booker of SWF, as the company looked to bring in someone from the outside with fresh ideas to revitalise the company. Whether Farrah would have what it takes would remain to be seen. Things weren’t rosy for Total Championship Wrestling either, as on Wednesday, Week 2, September 2007 television network GNN Total Sports announced that it would be dropping TCW Presents Total Wrestling. This was a huge blow for the company as it was their flagship show and was telecast throughout the United States, as well as into Canada and parts of Mexico. Luckily for them, TCW were left with their recently debuted TCW Head To Head show, telecast on East Coast Today, but that network was only available in the Mid Atlantic, New England, South East and Tri State regions (USPW also telecast into the South East area). So if you were a wrestling fan living anywhere else in America then you couldn’t watch wrestling on TV, you would have to attend a show in your local area for your wrestling fix. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Week 2, September 2007 was contract renewal time. I sat down with each of the workers in turn and went through the performance appraisal I had prepared, and each of them was willing to listen and take my feedback on board. With the success of the company so far, each worker asked for a small pay rise of $25 an appearance, and I was happy to be able to oblige. Consequently, all twelve workers were resigned for a further 9 month period. Each of the staff members contracts were up for renewal as well, and with little fuss Remmington Remus, Katie Cameron and Reese Paige also signed for a further 9 months with a $25 pay rise. However Chad Brent was the exception. Perhaps realising the value he added to the promotion he asked for $350 per appearance, a significant jump from the $225 he had been getting. This prompted me to actually look elsewhere for a referee, but the available alternatives were either more expensive or less talented, so I resigned Chad for his asking price. However, if the budget started to strain because of him, I would have no choice but to let him go. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] With the negotiations out of the way and everyone’s future secured for the next nine months, it was now Friday, Week 4, September 2007, and it was time to get back to the real reason we were here – to put on great wrestling shows. [U]Predictions welcome :[/U] [B]RRW Rockin’ The Suburbs[/B] 1) Valentine vs Tempest Appleby 2) Frankie Dee vs Gentleman Jim King 3) RRW Revolution Championship : Thomas Morgan (c) vs Velocidad
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