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[I]Excerpt from [B]"The Outlaw Within: The Johnny Garrett Story"[/B] by Johnny Garrett (Published May 4, 2034)[/I] [QUOTE]When people ask me how I've reached the plateaus I have, I always have to start from the beginning. First however, I always tell them, it wasn't easy. And if not for those times where I payed my dues, I never would be where I am now. Those men who I did battle with taught me everything I ever learned. If it weren't for them, I'd still be only a local pulp hero, remembered by a few old me who sit on their porches talking about "the old days". In 2006, New York City Wrestling was falling on hard times. Their roster was being raped by the larger feds and everything was being taken from them. Derek Bradford, better known by old school elitists as "The Stomper", wanted a change of pace for the new year. He wanted a fresh mind at the helm of NYCW and went out looking for someone who he felt could do the job. That's when he happened to meet me. I was wrestling a charity Thanksgiving show to raise money for soup kitchens around the city. I was in a Three Way match. I actually lost the match, being pinned by Marky Upton, but I was the one approached by Derek. He took me to dinner and two hours later, I agreed to come on board to NYCW.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Big City Slam[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Live from The Weston Gym[/CENTER] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B]Wiley Coyote[/B] are in the ring drinking beers. Wiley Steinway: How y'all doing! The crowd cheers s the two raise their beers to the fans. Coyote Dynamite: Last month, we announced that there is an open challenge tonight. Anyone can come down here and challenge us to a match! So... are there any takers? Rating: E The crowd holds their breath. The Sting's music hits, and [B]Sammy The Shark [/B]and [B]Roger Dodger[/B] walk down to the ring. Roger Dodger: We accept your challenge. Let's get this party started. Rating: E[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U]NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote (c) vs. The Sting[/U] [I]A decent match for these two rather unspectacular teams. It was a fairly open match and a slip up on the part of Roger caused the champs to retain.[/I] Winner: Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting in 10:02 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Roger Dodger by pinfall with a Spinebuster. Wiley Coyote make defence number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. Rating: E+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage, Marv Ernest is standing with a microphone. Marv: I'm here with one of the most recent signings to NYCW, [B]Johnny Garrett[/B]. Johnny, tonight you're fighting NYCW mainstay, THe New York Doll. Do you have any thoughts going into this match? Johnny Garret: Well, this is my first debut, so I'm really looking forward to it. I just keep tell myself that this is the shot I've been waiting for since I was twelve. I can't mess this up. Marv: Are you nervous at all? Johnny laughs. Johnny: Of course I am! But I can't let that stop me. THs is my chance to prove myself to the locker room, and you'd better believe that I'm not going to mess this up for myself. Marv: Thank you Johnny and good luck in your match. Johnny: Thank you. Rating: D+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is played for recent signing Gareth Wayne. Clips of him from SCCW are shown along with a tag line: "Your luck's run out!" Rating: D-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U]Johnny Garrett vs. The New York Doll[/U] [I]Another ok undercard match. Johnny debuted and looked good out there against The New York Doll.[/I] Winner: Johnny Garrett defeated The New York Doll in 11:41 by pinfall with a Runaway Neckbreaker. Rating: E+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rock Downpour: Johnny boy here looks like he could be something to come. Herb Stately: That he does actually. RD: As the ring is being cleared, don't forget about tonight where the hardened veteran [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] challenges [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] for the NYCW Empire Championship. HS: That's right, and you know that this is going to be a battle. RD: And the crowd is going wild right now! Here comes the Hardcore Icon, [B]Lee Wright[/B]. HS: Yes sir, Lee Wright is the definition of hardcore wrestling. So much so that he absolutely refuses to fight any match unless it's a hardcore match! RD: And that's what the crowd loves so much about him. He's willing to take anything thrown at him and will stand right back up and deliver a beating! Rating: C [/Quote] [QUOTE]Hardcore Match: Lee Wright vs. Kashmir Singh [I]A very good match by our local Hardcore Hero. Great spots, great selling, a great match.[/I] Winner:Lee Wright defeated Kashmir Singh in 7:32 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff. Rating: D-[/QUOTE] [Quote] After the match, Lee grabs a microphone. He waits for the cheers to die down before speaking. Lee Wright: As I look around, I see that all my work has not been in vain. But more importantly, I see that there are still some wrestling fans who are intelligent. They don't settle for the bs that exists out there. They don't want to see the owner of a promotion hold the main title, nor will they be tricked into watching some daytime soap opera with a ring. The crowd marks out. LW: Your time is too valuable to waste watching horrible stuff. That's why I only deliver the best. The meanest experience you'll ever witness! It - Strange music comes on and a strangely effeminate looking man walks out to the ring, holding a box. Lee just stares at him. The man climbs into the ring and puts the box down. LW: Who the hell are you? Man: I'm [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] and I'm here to tell you about my new line of skin care products. He pulls out a container of cream. DO'L: This is my patented cream called Dolo. After applying to your face, it gently exfoliates your pores and moisturizes. Here. He holds out the cream to Lee. Lee looks around and slaps the container out of Dermot's hand, eliciting cheers from the crowd. LW: Get that nasty stuff out of my face. And while your at it, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY RING! DO'L: Temper, temper. I have every right to be here. Lee takes a deep breath. Lee: Ok, ok. He slides out of the ring and over to the crowd. He takes his bandanna off, gives it to a fan and takes his chair. At this point security is running to the ring and hold him back from slamming Dermot over the head with the chair. Rating: D-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is played showing [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B]'s title reign so far. Rating: C[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U]Rick Sanders vs. American Machine[/U] [I]Our two uppercarders didn't disappoint in this match. An open match, American Machine managed to have Sander's number and got the submission.[/I] Winner: American Machine defeated Rick Sanders in 6:53 by submission. Rating: D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U]NYCW Empire Title Match: Grandmaster Phunk (c) vs. Black Hat Bailey[/U] [I]An excellent show, both men gave it all they had and the crowd loved it. Phunk got the clean win after using his pimp hand.[/I] Winner: Grandmaster Phunk defeated Black Hat Bailey in 7:43 by pinfall with a Pimp Slap. Grandmaster Phunk makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Empire title. Rating: C-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]After the match, Phunk continues beating on Bailey. He grabs his pimp cane and walks over to him when Whistler slides into the ring. Phunk jumps over the ropes out of the ring and yells at [B]Whistler[/B] as the American Hero checks on Bailey. Rating: C-[/QUOTE] [B]Show Rating: D[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="6"]NYCW LAST STAND PREVIEW[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]The Sting vs. International Concoction (Kashmir Singh & The New York Doll)[/B] [I]This is all about deciding number 1 contenders for next month's "March Into Mayhem" show. The Sting is trying to rebound after losing to the current champs. Can they show that they have what it takes for a rematch or will the rookies score the upset?[/I] [B]Johnny Garrett vs. Dermot O'Logical[/B] The rookie Johnny Garrett is showing great promise in the ring. Can he continue by beating Dermot O'Logical, or will the aficionado of skin care slip by for victory? [B]Tri-State Regional Championship Match: Steve Flash (c) vs. Lee Wright[/B] [I]Fought with the stipulation that "Anything Goes", this could very well be the dark horse highlight of the night as two grizzled veterans of the sport battle it out for the Tri-State belt.[/I] [B]American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey[/B] [I]A win here could be huge for American Machine who is trying to thrust himself into the spotlight, however, Black Hat Bailey wants a rematch, and a win here could convince the higher ups in NYCW to give it to him.[/I] [B]#1 Contenders Match: Honest Frank vs. Whistler[/B] [I]Both men are familiar with being headliners, but only one will headline next month's "March Into Mayhem". Which one will get the chance of a lifetime to take on Grandmaster Phunk for the highly coveted Empire Championship?[/I] [B]Quick Picks[/B] The Sting vs. International Concoction Johnny Garrett vs. Dermot O'Logical Steve Flash (c) vs. Lee Wright American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey Honest Frank vs. Whistler
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;297598]I enjoy this so far. Seems like an easy read. I especially like your banners. Nice work.[/QUOTE] Thanks alot. I was trying a new format and was hoping it worked. I hate dynasties where you can't tell what the hell is going on because everything is clumped together. And thanks for the banners. I actually really enjoy working with photoshop and want to try some more advanced stuff (T-Shirts, anyone?)
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The Sting vs. [B]International Concoction[/B] Johnny Garrett vs. [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] [B]Steve Flash [/B](c) vs. Lee Wright [B]American Machine [/B]vs. Black Hat Bailey Honest Frank vs. [B]Whistler[/B] Not that impressed with The Sting as a team, so I'll go with the underdogs to represent a new challenge to the champs...O'Logical could do with a win in his debut match, especially if a Lee Wright feud is in his future...Flash to beat Wright, either without help or with interference from O'Logical...Machine is probably not at Bailey's level yet, but how much longer does Black Hat have with you? I'll go with the younger man...Whistler is the more viable challenger at this point, I reckon. Plus if Frank wins it'll be heel vs heel. Nice job so far and it's good to see you trying another diary. As someone who uses graphics myself in my diary, I like your banners as well. They just add a bit of clarity. I especially like the font you used for the Last Stand banner. Care to share what it is?
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Last Stand[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [I]February 2007[/I] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B]The Sting vs. International Concoction[/B] [I]A solid opening. Sammy The Shark put on a great show with Kasmir Singh. Near the end of the match, Roger missed a clothesline on Singh and laid out Sammy The Shark. Roger later fell victim to an armbar a few seconds later.[/I] Winner: International Concoction defeated The Sting in 8:39 when Kashmir Singh defeated Roger Dodger by submission. Rating: E[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]After the match, [B]Sammy The Shark[/B] blows his top, yelling at [B]Roger Dodger[/B]. Roger gets in Sammy's face and the two walk up the ramp yelling at each other. Rating: D-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Backstage, [B]Marv Ernest[/B] is standing with [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B]. Marv: Grandmaster. Tonight decides who will face you next month at "March Into Mayhem". are you at all worried? Phunk: Worried? Worried? Worried about what? You don't seem to understand. I am the king of the hood. I made it to the top. My little homies back home look at me like a god. I am not at all worried about who I fight next week, whether it's Black Hat Blarney or the worlds oldest relic, I'll win next month. Rating: C[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Johnny Garrett vs. Dermot O'Logical [I]A good midcard match up. These two put it together nicely and gve the crowd a nice open match. At the end of it, Dermot blinded Johnny with some lotion in the eyes while the ref wasn't looking and scored the pinfall.[/I] Winner:Dermot O'Logical defeated Johnny Garrett in 11:05 by pinfall with an Oil of Olay. Rating: D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]After the match, Dermot grabs some lotion from a bag at ringside and proceeds to wipe it all over Johnny Garrett's face until it's completely covered. Rating: D-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video hyping up The Gambler plays. Rating: C-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Tri-State Regional Title Match: Steve Flash (c) vs. Lee Wright [I]These two connected for this title match and made for an electrifying environment. Near the middle of the match, Dermot O'Logical walked down to the ring with his lotion and bothered Lee throughout the match to try it. He distracted Lee to the point that Lee took a swing at Dermot, giving Flash an opening.[/I] Winner: Steve Flash defeated Lee Wright in 12:16 by pinfall following interference from Dermot O'Logical. Steve Flash makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. Rating: C-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Steve Flash celebrates while Lee gets in Dermot's face. Dermot holds out a glass bottle of lotion to the hardcore icon. Lee after some hesitation takes the lotion and then smashes it over the head of Dermot and leaves the ring. Rating: E-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey A good match, but Bailey seemed out of it today. Probably due to age. Machine kept himself strong and sealed Bailey's fate. Winner: American Machine defeated Black Hat Bailey in 9:53 by pinfall. Rating: D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]After a commercial break, [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] is walking backstage to watch the upcoming match when [B]American Machine[/B] deliberately bumps him. American Machine: I just want you to know, I'm watching that belt. I don't care who I have to beat for it, soon that belt will be around my waist. He pushes Phunk away and continues walking. Phunk scoffs and walks towards the breakroom. Rating: C[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Honest Frank vs. Whistler [I]The crowd was cheering and all over this match. Both guys looked great and the crowd really got behind Whistler.[/I] Winner: Whistler defeated Honest Frank in 9:49 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell Rating: D[/QUOTE] [B]Show Rating: D+[/B]
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[QUOTE]By the way, for those who asked, the font on the Last Stand banner is called "Bleeding Cowboys". You can find it at [url]www.dafont.com[/url] Oh, and if you ever come across a cool font you like, feel free to share it's name with me! :D. I'll be sure to do the same.[/QUOTE] [I]Appearing on the home page of [url]www.NYCWrestling.com[/url][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/MWA/X-2.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[I]Excerpt from [B]"The Outlaw Within: The Johnny Garrett Story"[/B] by Johnny Garrett (Published May 4, 2034)[/I] [QUOTE]The first two shows went off without a hitch. We were all proud of ourselves, as we were finally getting something right. Derek [Bradford] came up to me directly after the second show and congratulated me for a job well done. The biggest thing for me though was continuing the high praise we were getting from the local wrestling community. At this point in time, we made a lot of signings that the booking team and I felt would correlate to the traditional style of NYCW, that means: NO HIGH FLYER SPOT MONKEYS! A rant about that later....[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="6"]March Into Mayhem Preview[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]The Sting vs. The Fighting Irish[/B] Jason O'Connor & Robbie McNamara (C.H. Treepwood & Crocket Tubbs) have signed onto NYCW and look to make a spalsh by defeated The struglle Tag Team, The Sting. Can The Sting rain on their St. Patrick's Day Parade? Or will The Fighting Irish get their win? [B]NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote (c) vs. International Concoction[/B] International Concoction scored the upset last month, beating out The Sting for a shot at the Tag Team belts. Can the International team dethrone the 4 time Tag Team Champs? [B]Johnny Garrett vs. Zeus[/B] Dermot O'Logical announced a few days ago on NYCWrestling.com that he has hired Zeus Maxmillion as his personal model for his O'Logical Skin Care line. Johnny, infuriated at last month's events, asked for this match to get back at O'Logical. [B]Tri-State Regional Title Match: Steve Flash (c) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] The former University of Minnesota standout is now in NYCW and is looking to make an impact in his very first match. Will he be able to force the wrestling world to take notice, or will the veteran blind the world again with a Flash Bang? [B]American Machine & Rick Sanders vs. Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank[/B] In a match up that could be it's own Main Event, each of these teams are looking to be taken seriously, and a win here could put both members on the fast track to the Empire Title. [B]NYCW Empire Title Match: Grandmaster Phunk (c) vs. Whistler[/B] This has been coming for a while and now it's here.The American Hero vs. the scum of the streets for the Title. Will the hero of the just be able to take on the pimp train? Quick Picks The Sting vs. The Fighting Irish NYCW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote (c) vs. International Concoction Johnny Garrett vs. Zeus Tri-State Regional Title Match: Steve Flash (c) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith American Machine & Rick Sanders vs. Black Hat Bailey and Honest Frank NYCW Empire Title Match: Grandmaster Phunk (c) vs. Whistler
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