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WWE: The Superstars Story

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OK so I decided that it was about time i did a Dynasty. I have followed some different ones only for them to suddenly stop. A am using TZone 1.1 so is starts all the way back in may with a few tweeks. (No RVD in wwe, Benoit will not be in this diary, No ECW brand but there will be an ECW one night stand PPV, ECW on sci fi will now be a 1 hour duel brand show and most of the ppvs except the big 4 will be single branded). OK now thats done I can begin. 14th March 1987 born in London England is a young boy by the name of Tony. Single 23 year old mother knows who the father is but agrees with rich father to never let the boy know who his father is. Fast forward 16 years and Tony is training to become what he always wanted to be and that it a wrestler. The boy is a natural on the mic and has so much carisma that people are saying thats it just a matter of time untill he becomes a breakout star. 2 years later and Tony has been booked in his first ever match in british fed FWA. He gives a great promo as his in ring charactor The Superstar and impresses the crowd with his mix of high flying and Technical wrestling. The Crowd eats it up and in his first match Tony shows that he has a bright future ahead of him. 1 Year later and British heavyweight champion The Superstar is fast becoming one of the best in the business. A contract by WWE offering him a place at OVW is delivered to his door. His mother is fast to say no to the contract but it has always been a dream of Tonys to wrestle for the WWE and a 19 years old he feels he is old enough to make his own mind up. His mother can't bring herself to tell him why and has to let him go. 1 week later and Tony is in a meeting with Mcmahon and other WWE officals putting the final touches to his contract. The whole time in the meeting Mcmahon is looking at Tony in a weird way. Mr McMahon: Do I know you from someware kid. Tony: No sir I have never met you face to face in my life. Mr McMahon: I just feel like I have seen your face someware before. Tony: With respect sir I was the British Heavyweight Champion you may have seen me on a video of one of my matches or in a magazine. Mr McMahon: You might be right anyway I like what I have seen of you. I am going to sent you down to OVW for a couple of months just to get you ready for the WWE style of wrestling. Fast forward 4 months and Tony has been called up to the main roster for a dark match with Mike Knox. The match was going fine, The Superstar was selling for Knox and timing his moves to perfection. He went up to the top rope and was going for a drop kick when he was crouched on the top rope. Knox was going for a superplex when he slipped off the top rope dropping Tony right on his head breaking his neck with the impact. Doctors and EMTs came rushing to the ring but Tony was complaining that he could not feel his legs. He was strechtered to the back and off to the hospital. 1 week later and the results of the tests are back and it reveals that Tony's neck is in such bad shape that doctors have ordered that he never returns to the ring again. Good news is that with rehab he will be able to walk again. His mother is by his beside when in walks Mr Mcmahon. He is shocked when he sees Tony's mother at his beside and it sinks in that his son is laying in the bed. Things look bad for Vince when he realises a that if a lawsuit is filed he would lose everything. Vince drags Tonys mother into the janitors closit in the hospital to have a word with her. Vince: What the hell is this. Miss Dorian: I knew something like this would happen. Vince: What would happen. Miss Dorian: You offer him a contract, him working for his own father. Vince: How was I to know he was my son. Miss Dorian: I thought the name was a give away. Vince: I sleep with a lot of women how am I ment to remember their names. Miss Dorian: You pig I knew you were an ******* but never this big of an *******. Vince: What can I say I have a thing for the ladies. Miss Dorian: Well thats all well and good but your son is in there wondering how in the hell he is going to pay for rehab. Vince: I will pay for it. I will take care of everything on one condition. Miss Dorian: Let me guess. Vince: He never finds out I am his dad and this never goes to court. Miss Dorian: You dick your just after saving your own back. Vince: Ok ok in return as well I will give him a job backstage as well maybe a role in booking. I have heard he has a great mind for wrestling and this company need some good boking right now. Miss Dorian: Now I will need to know if I agree to this that you will keep your word. Vince: Trust me his my flesh and blood and as long as I know that and he doesn't I will do right by him. Oh and one more condition. Miss Dorian: Whats that then. Vince: If I keep him on as a booker you must never see him again. Miss Dorian: What why. Vince: I need to know that you will never tell him the truth. Miss Dorian: But Vince please he is all I have. Vince: But my family is all I have I am willing to set you up for life with a new name and new identy and a lot of money. Miss Dorian: You know you realy are the biggest piece of **** I have ever met in my life. Vince: Your choice take the deal or watch your son suffer. Fast Forward 6 Months and Tony is able to walk with aide of a caine. He is settling into his backstage role realy well and some of his ideas have gone down pretty well with Vince. He is called into Vince's office with no idea that he will walk out with his life change forever. Vince: Tony sit down take a seat. Tony: Thank you sir. Vince: Now Tony as you know my daughter Stephanie has wanted to spend more time with her daughter and that means I had to find a new head booker. Over the last for months you have shown me that you have a strong mind for this business and I have watched you overcome so many obstcals in that short space of time as well. From learning how to walk again and whilst getting over the death of your mother all those months ago and I would like you to be our new head booker what do you say. Tony: Yes I would love it. Thank you so much sir for being so understanding through these tough months I will not let you down. Both men shake hands and a new era is apon us the era of DORIAN. The diary starts at the 1st of may with Dorians first job being bookng raw. Questions will be answers during this diary. : Is Dorians Mother realy dead! : Will Tony ever find out Vince is his father! : Will Tony save the WWE from its downward spiral!
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