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World Wrestling Allstars - Real World - August 07 and beyond

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[b]Monday August Week 2008[/b] I walked through the doors of Grandeur Business Building, the sun glistening from the freshly buffed tile floor. After introducing myself to the building receptionist, I was directed to go to the third floor and have a seat. The quick elevator ride did not help the butterflies in my stomach one bit and I’m glad that I hadn’t eaten any breakfast. Of course, I was too nervous to think of eating right now. I could feel my palms becoming clammy with sweat. This was the biggest interview I had ever had, and instantly, I had convinced myself that I wouldn’t get the position. Before I knew it I was escorted into his office. Kind of bland and not the typical office of someone with his rumored ego. The office was typical but did reveal one thing about the man I was about to meet: he loved this business. Posters, pictures, and articles adorned the walls of the office and I knew that I had at least one thing in common with the man: I loved wrestling. In fact, that was the thing that we talked about during the interview. I breathed and ate wrestling. I was also a fan of Mixed Martial Arts which is what excited his companion, another person whom I never dreamed of actually being able to meet. He reviewed the goals and hopes for this new venture. He had gained the video and properties from the Australian entertainment promoter who wasn’t able to produce decent results. “I am not good with numbers or budgets,” I shyly admitted to them. “That’s ok, just leave that to us,” he quipped. After about an hour both men shook my hand. My damp, humid hand. I set a goal immediately that if I was successful, I would get that taken care of. I was shown an office, my NEW office, and provided an itinerary for the week. It was going to be a busy week. I almost passed out from the excitement of it all. Was this a dream? Seeing my knee’s almost buckle I was offered a chair and a chuckle from my new associate. Nothing sunk in until I asked what my salary would be. I started to tear up when they told me. I haven’t even thought to “negotiate” a salary, but what was the need to? I had just been given the best new of my life and was walking on air. I was told to report to work tomorrow and meetings would begin at 9:30 am. I again thanked everyone through a drunken haze of thoughts. This really was too much for someone like me. After getting out of the elevator on the wrong floor, I stepped foot back into the first floor lobby and I even thanked that receptionist. I knew that my first task at hand was to go and deposit the signing bonus check I received into my bank account. Well, maybe half of it. It was time to have a party.
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