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WWE 2008: The New Revolution

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WWE No Mercy had just gone off the air. In the ring Randy Orton stood holding the WWE Championship and the fans in the arena were angry. Back at the gorilla position Vincent Kennedy McMahon took off his headset. He set it down on the table in front of him, on top of his coffee ring-stained copy of the show's production itinerary. Leaning back in his seat McMahon took a deep breath. While the show might have been pretty good by WWE 2007 standards, Vince wasn't happy. For weeks he was conflicted. Does he keep his company on it's current pace? Does he do something drastic to change things up? Various WWE "producers" and employees would come up to Vince and congratulate him on another successful pay-per-view. Vince smiled and said thank you and then thanked each one for their help, but then it would be back to being engaged in thought. That night as Vince climbed into bed in his hotel suite he continued to think about what he could do to change his company. Sure it was making money, but he yearned for me. He yearned for a better on-screen product. The next morning he spread the word that there would be a closed-door meeting with his most trusted advisors. The wrestlers of the Raw brand were walking on egg shells. What was the meeting about? What would be the outcome? At approximately 3 PM, hours before show time, WWE "road agents" went around and rallied the workers together for a meeting. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, his daughter Stephanie, his son Shane, and Senior Vice President Of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis stood in front of a room full of wrestlers, road agents, announcers, and producers. For the next hour and 30 minutes, Vince, Stephanie, Shane and John would talk to the workers about the future of the WWE. [QUOTE]From WrestlingObserver.com... - Apparently at a meeting before Raw this past Monday Vince McMahon announced major changes in the power structure of WWE. The booking teams for each brand have been shaken up and have each been given special requirements and booking guidelines. Each brand will now have a head writer who will report directly to Stephanie McMahon. Under these three head writers will be a booking committee of no more than 5 people. Word is that Vince McMahon decided that the brands were too similar in product and style and has given each brand a designated "style." Raw will still be the main sports entertainment show featuring the biggest angles and most popular stars. SmackDown! will be a more old school style show and ECW will be a breeding ground of sorts by featuring young workers. ECW will also feature more realistic and modern angles and gimmicks.[/QUOTE] NOTE: My diary starts with the Raw immediately following No Mercy. To do this I had to make No Mercy take place on the final Sunday in September. [CENTER][B]================== [U]ROSTERS[/U] ==================[/B] [I]Italics[/I] = Heel Normal = Face [COLOR="Red"][B][U]RAW[/U][/B] [B]WWE CHAMPION: Randy Orton INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION: Jeff Hardy WOMENS CHAMPION: Beth Phoenix WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch[/B] [I]Beth Phoenix[/I] Lashley (Injured) [I]Brent Albright[/I] Brian Kendrick Candice [I]Carlito[/I] [I]Charlie Haas[/I] Cody Rhodes Colt Cabana [I]Daivari[/I] Hacksaw Jim Duggan Hardcore Holly Jeff Hardy Jerry Lawler [I]Jillian[/I] Jim Ross John Cena (Injured) [I]Jonathan Coachman King Booker Lance Cade[/I] Lillian Garcia Maria [I]Melina[/I] Mickie James [I]Mr. Kennedy Mr. McMahon[/I] Paul London [I]Queen Sharmell Randy Orton Robbie McAllister[/I] Ron Simmons [I]Rory McAllister Santino Marella[/I] Shawn Michaels [I]Shelton Benjamin Snitsky[/I] Stone Cold Steve Austin Super Crazy Todd Grisham [I]Trevor Murdoch[/I] Triple H [I]Umaga[/I] Val Venis [I]William Regal[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]SmackDown![/U][/B] [B]WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Batista UNITED STATES CHAMPION: Montel Vontavious Porter WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Undertaker & Kane CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION: VACANT[/B] Ashley Batista Brett Major Brian Major [I]Burchill Chavo Guerrero (Injured) Cherry Chris Masters[/I] Chuck Palumbo [I]Dave Taylor Deuce Domino Drew Galloway Edge[/I] (Injured) Festus [I]Finlay[/I] Funaki [I]Gregory Helms[/I] (Injured) [I]Harry Smith Hornswoggle McMahon Jamie Noble JBL[/I] Jesse Jimmy Wang Yang Justin Roberts Kane [I]Kenny Dykstra[/I] Kristal [I]Mark Henry[/I] Maryse Matt Hardy Michael Cole Michelle McCool [I]Montel Vontavious Porter[/I] Rey Mysterio [I]Nelson Creed[/I] Ric Flair [I]Shannon Moore The Great Khali[/I] Theodore Long (Injured) Torrie Wilson The Undertaker [I]Vickie Guerrero Victoria[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][U]ECW[/U][/B] [B]ECW CHAMPION: CM PUNK[/B] [I]Armando Estrada[/I] Balls Mahoney [I]Big Daddy V[/I] Boogeyman [I]Brooke[/I] CM Punk [I]C.ocky Siaki[/I] [I]Elijah Burke[/I] Joey Styles [I]John Morrison[/I] Johnny Jeter Kelly Kelly [I]Kevin Thorn Layla Matt Striker Mike Knox[/I] Nunzio Stevie Richards Tazz [I]The Miz[/I] TJ Wilson Tommy Dreamer Tony Chimel Mike Tolar[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"][B][U]FREE AGENTS[/U][/B] Chris Jericho[/COLOR] [B][U]THE RULES[/U][/B] [I]- I cannot make any unnecessary roster moves (firings, trades, call ups and hires are okay) until everyone assigned to each brand's roster as of the start of the diary is used during a tv show or PPV. - Every wrestler signed to a contract must appear on his or her brand's show at least once a month after their debut.[/I] [B][U]INFO[/U][/B] Next Show: SmackDown! (Friday Week 1 October 2007) [I]WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Matt Hardy & MVP (C) Vs. The Undertaker & Kane[/I] Next Pay-Per-View: Cyber Sunday (Sunday Week 3 October 2007) [B][U]Current PPV Card[/U][/B] --MAIN EVENT-- FANS CHOOSE THE STIPULATION WWE CHAMPION "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton & Umaga Vs. "The Game" Triple H & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels [ECW Championship Match] CM Punk (C) Vs. FANS CHOICE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Jeff Hardy (C) Vs. FANS CHOICE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH --LADDER MATCH-- **Top Two Vote Getters Will Be In Match** FANS CHOICE Vs. FANS CHOICE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch Vs. FANS CHOICE[/CENTER]
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Raw - Week 1 - October 2007 [COLOR=Red](A video package airs showing highlights of last night's No Mercy event. The video focuses on the WWE Championship and the events surrounding it. The video ends with a shot of Randy Orton holding the title over his head. A video disolve effect transitions into the Raw intro video as"To Be Loved" by Papa Roach plays. Once the Raw intro ends we get a shot from inside the arena.) ("HEY!" New WWE Champion Randy Orton's music plays and he appears on the stage with the brand new WWE Championship draped over his shoulder. Orton is wearing a suit and chewing gum as he walks down the ramp and into the ring. The crowd is booing him but some smalls sections are cheering as Randy Orton is handed the microphone.)[/COLOR] [B]Orton:[/B] Your eyes aren't deceiving you. I really am the WWE Champion. [I](crowd boos)[/I] Last night will go down in history as the greatest night one athlete has ever had. You see in the span of 3 hours I became a two-time WWE Champion! And if you wanna go back a little further I think you'll see that I have had the best month of any wrestler in the history of this business. First I did something no one has been able to do I took out John Cena! [COLOR=Red] ("TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!" The crowd goes crazy as Triple H's music hits. Triple H comes out onto the stage with a microphone in hand. He waits for the crowd's cheers to die down.)[/COLOR] [B]Triple H:[/B] Sorry to interrupt but I figured if I didn't do something to add excitement to this show everyone in the arena and everyone at home would've fallen asleep! [I](crowd pops)[/I] No but seriously, the reason I came out here tonight was just to let you know Randy that your 2nd reign as WWE Champion is only going to last slightly longer than the first because I'm invoking my rematch clause. Tonight! [COLOR=Red](The crowd goes crazy as Randy Orton looks incensed. Triple H flashes Orton his signature "I'm such an *******" smirk as the show goes to commercial.) [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]**SEGMENT RATING: B** [--COMMERCIALS--][/CENTER] [/COLOR][/B] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome fans to WWE Raw! What a way to start the night huh King? [B]King:[/B] You're not kidding JR! What a main event we have tonight! Orton and Triple H for the WWE Title! [B]JR:[/B] In case you missed it folks, here's what we're talking about. [I]{Triple H: No but seriously, the reason I came out here tonight was just to let you know Randy that your 2nd reign as WWE Champion is only going to last slightly longer than the first because I'm invoking my rematch clause. Tonight! (The crowd goes crazy as Randy Orton looks incensed. Triple H flashes Orton his signature "I'm such an *******" smirk.)}[/I] [COLOR=Red](We then get a live shot of what is presumably Mr. McMahon's office. WWE Champion Randy Orton is standing around talking to Raw General Manager William Regal and Mr. McMahon's assistant Jonathan Coachman. Mr. McMahon is seen pacing back in forth in the background.)[/COLOR] [B]Orton:[/B] ...I mean surely there's a way to get around this! I can't defend the title tonight! Not after such a hellish match last night! [B]McMahon:[/B] Coach, I want you to scour the rulebooks, search Triple H's match contract for a loophole, come up with something! I don't want Triple H to even SNIFF the WWE Championship, you got me? [B]Coach:[/B] Yes sir. [B]McMahon:[/B] I have a business meeting tonight so I have to leave, but I will be back. And when I get back, I want a way out of this match! [B]Coach:[/B] I'll do my best sir. [B]McMahon:[/B] You just better hope it's good enough. [COLOR=Red](McMahon exits the room and Coach gives Regal a hopeless look.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]**SEGMENT RATING: B**[/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](Some southern rock/metal sounding music hits and rookie Cody Rhodes makes his way down to the ring. He slides in the ring and awaits his opponent. "AIN'T NO STOPPIN' ME NOOOOOOOW!" Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring accompanied by his tag team partner Charlie Haas. Shelton gets in the ring and the match is underway.)[/COLOR] [B][U][CENTER]SHELTON BENJAMIN VS. CODY RHODES[/CENTER] [/U][/B] The match starts off evenly. It's back-and-forth, high impact action. Cody Rhodes nails a high knee lift on Shelton and then takes control. Cody controls the tempo of the match by keeping Shelton off balance and working Shelton's left arm. Cody Rhodes nails a shoulder breaker on Shelton and goes to cover him, but Charlie Haas gets up on the apron. The rookie goes over to where Haas is standing and begins jawing with him. This allows Shelton to get to his feet and when Cody turns around Shelton kicks him in the side of the face and then nails the T-Bone suplex. A cover and a three count and this one is over. [B][U][CENTER] WINNER by pinfall: SHELTON BENJAMIN[/CENTER] [/U][/B] [COLOR=Red](After the match Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin continue to beat on Cody Rhodes. After nailing their new finishing maneuver The World's Greatest Double Team [Total Elimination] they keep it up. But suddenly Hardcore Holly runs out. He chases off the heels. When Cody Rhodes recovers and gets to his feet. He offers a handshake to Holly, and Holly shakes his hand...and then flattens him with a left hand sucker punch. Cody Rhodes is out before he hits the mat.)[/COLOR] [B]JR:[/B] What the hell?!? Hardcore Holly just knocked out the poor young man he just saved from a beating! [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]**MATCH RATING: D+** [--COMMERCIALS--][/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](Back in Vince's office Coach is sitting on a leather couch and still looking over the contract when his face lights up. Coach's eureka moment causes him to jump up off the couch.)[/COLOR] [B]Coach:[/B] I think I found it! [B]Regal:[/B] Found what? [B]Coach:[/B] The loophole. Here, check it out. [COLOR=Red](Coach hands Regal the contract. Regal looks at the section Coach is pointing at. Regal quickly stops reading and looks at Coach. Coach is smiling proudly but the smile goes away quickly once he realizes Regal is looking at him.)[/COLOR] [B] Coach:[/B] What? [B]Regal:[/B] You bloody idiot there's nothing here that would be considered a loophole. Do you know nothing about law and the legal system? Keep looking! [B][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]**SEGMENT RATING: B-**[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Red](Todd Grisham is standing in the backstage area with brand new Womens Champion "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix.)[/COLOR] [B]Grisham:[/B] Beth first off congratulations on your win last night, but less than 24 hours after winning your first WWE Womens Championship you have to defend it against Maria... [B]Phoenix:[/B] First of all, I don't need your congratulations. It was just a matter of time until I won this title. It was a foregone conclusion. And now tonight I have to go up against Maria? What has she done to earn a title shot? Well...you know what, I don't think I wanna know! Just know this Todd, tonight that little bimbo's gonna get messed up. [COLOR=Red](Phoenix walks off.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed] **SEGMENT RATING: D+**[/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](A commercial for Santino Marella's "School For Men Who Can't Get Women" airs.)[/COLOR] [B]Voice Over:[/B] Are you more of a dud than a stud? [COLOR=Red] (Live shot of a fan in the crowd)[/COLOR] [B]VO:[/B] More of a nerd than a casanova? [COLOR=Red] (Live shot of another fan in the crowd) [/COLOR] [B]VO:[/B] Then call [I]1-800-SANTINO[/I] to enroll in the Santino Marella School For Men Who Can't Get Women! [COLOR=Red](Cut to shot of Santino standing in front of blue background)[/COLOR] [B]Santino:[/B] Learn to pick up-a women. Like me, Santino Marella! I turn you from loser to lothario, GUARANTEED! [COLOR=Red](As the commercial ends we see Trevor Murdoch standing in the hallway watching the commercial on a monitor. He searches around frantically but when he can't find a pen, he walks off reciting the number to help remember it.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]**SEGMENT RATING: D** [--COMMERCIALS--][/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](Back in the arena Kurt Sterling and Kyle O'Reilly are standing in the ring waiting to be jobbers to their opponent. Suddenly Snitsky's music begins to play and the big ugly bohemeth makes his way down to the ring. He steps in the ring and the match begins.) [/COLOR] [B][U][CENTER]SNITSKY VS. KURT STERLING & KYLE O'REILLY[/CENTER] [/U][/B] This is your basic handicap jobber squash. Snitsky beats the hell out of both of his opponents. Kyle O'Reilly gets a small bit of offense in but that ends when Snitsky nails him right in the face with a big boot. Snitsky drops Kurt Sterling with a pumphandle slam and immediately covers him for the three count. [B][CENTER]WINNER by pinfall: SNITSKY **MATCH RATING: C-**[/CENTER] [/B][COLOR=Red] (After the match ends Snitsky decides he's not done and goes back into the ring. He destroys both men for a little bit until WWE Officials and road agents rush out and get him to finally stop and head to the back.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red](Back in Mr. McMahon's office Coach is still reading the contract carefully. A knock at the door startles him and his head lifts and he stares at the door. William Regal gets up off the couch and goes to the door. When he opens it we see an arena staff member standing at the door.) [/COLOR] [B]Regal:[/B] Can I help you? [B] Staffer:[/B] Are you William Regal? [B]Regal:[/B] Yes I am, what can I help you with my dear? [B]Staffer:[/B] You're needed out in the hallway sir, we have a situation. [B]Regal:[/B] What kind of situation? [B]Staffer:[/B] See for yourself. [COLOR=Red](Regal walks out and the camera angle cuts to a shot from out in the hallway. Regal takes two steps out into the hall, stops and then sniffs around.)[/COLOR] [B]Regal: [/B]Did someone, defecate in the hall? [B]Staffer:[/B] That's what it appears to be sir. One of our security guards came around the corner and saw what looked like a little leprechaun thing just um...y'know, going on the floor right there. Our security guard yelled and the little thing got up and ran off. [B]Regal:[/B] COACH! COACH GET OUT HERE! [COLOR=Red](Coach appears in the doorway.) [/COLOR] [B]Regal:[/B] Coach, I have to guy find that bloody midget! You better find that loophole or Mr. McMahon will have our heads. Do you understand? [B]Coach:[/B] Don't worry I think I'm close. [COLOR=Red](Regal's facial expression changes from anger to disgust as he very visibly steps over the feces that is laying on the floor.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]**SEGMENT RATING: C-** [--COMMERCIALS--][/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](As we get back from commercial music is playing and Maria is in the ring posing and waving to the crowd. Her music stops and Beth Phoenix's begins as the new WWE Women's Champion makes her way down to the ring. Phoenix gets in the ring, takes the belt off, lets it fall to the mat and without so much as a change in her facial expression goes right over to Maria and kicks her in the midsection.)[/COLOR] [B][U][CENTER] WWE WOMENS TITLE MATCH: BETH PHOENIX (C) VS. MARIA.[/CENTER] [/U][/B] Phoenix dominates to start. Kicks to the midsection and then a hip toss and Maria is hurting. Beth Phoenix grabs her by the hair and drags her into the corner. Phoenix climbs up to the second turnbuckle and then leaps off and drops a knee down into Maria's midsection. After a few more minutes of working on Maria's midsection as well as her lower back, Beth Phoenix drops her with a dominator in which she slams her opponent down onto her knee. Phoenix covers Maria for the three count. [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]WINNER by pinfall and STILL WWE WOMENS CHAMPION: "THE GLAMAZON" BETH PHOENIX[/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](After the match Beth Phoenix decides that she still hasn't had enough and begins to slap, kick, and stomp Maria as she lays hurt on the mat. Suddenly Candice Michelle comes running down to the ring and Beth Phoenix decides to bail. She takes the Womens Title and holds it above her head to taunt Candice as she heads up the rampway to the back.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]**MATCH RATING: D**[/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B] [COLOR=Red](In the back we see William Regal continuing his search for Hornswoggle. The camera cuts to a shot of Hornswoggle running out the door of the arena to the parking lot. Regal gives chase and the camera follows. When Regal gets out to the parking lot he immediately stops in his tracks. In front of him is a limousine. The driver exits the limo and opens the door. Out steps Mr. McMahon. Regal gulps.)[/COLOR] [B]McMahon:[/B] Well hello William. You didn't have to meet me as I returned. Where's Coach? Did he find the loophole? [B]Regal:[/B] Well sir, you see uh... [COLOR=Red](Just then Coach appears by Regal's side.)[/COLOR] [B]Coach:[/B] Did you find that little bast....(realizes Mr. McMahon is standing in front of him)...Mr. McMahon! Hey! You're back! That's...excellent! [B]McMahon:[/B] So...the loophole? [B]Coach:[/B] Oh right, well unfortunately Mr. McMahon it appears that this contract is ironclad. So we can't prevent the match from happening, but fortunately for us...we CAN add some stipulations. [B]McMahon:[/B] Ok...I'm listening. [COLOR=Red](McMahon, Regal and Coach continue to discuss this as they walk back inside the arena.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]**SEGMENT RATING: B** [--COMMERCIALS--][/COLOR][/CENTER] [/B][COLOR=Red] (Back from commercial there's a shot of Ken Kennedy standing at the announce table putting a headset on.)[/COLOR] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome Ken have a seat! [B]Kennedy:[/B] Don't mind if I do JR. [B]King:[/B] So what brings you out here tonight? [B]Kennedy:[/B] Isn't it obvious? I'm scouting because it's just a matter of time before I get sick of watching Jeff Hardy ruin the reputation of the Intercontinental title. It's gonna be mine as soon as I decide to take it from Jeff. [COLOR=Red](Daivari's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.)[/COLOR] [B]JR:[/B] And there's Daivari about to make his way into the ring for this non-title match. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Good thing it's non-title, now Jeff doesn't have to worry about losing the belt from flopping around like a jackass! [COLOR=Red] (Jeff Hardy's music hits and the crowd goes crazy as the Intercontinental Champion makes his way down to the ring.)[/COLOR] [B] Kennedy:[/B] Here's a question for you guys, why do these idiots cheer Jeff Hardy? He looks like he's sneezing and having a seizure at the same time. [B] King:[/B] A sneizure? [CENTER] [U][B]NON-TITLE MATCH: WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION JEFF HARDY VS. DAIVARI[/B][/U] [/CENTER] The match starts off with fast paced exciting exchange of moves and holds that ends when Daivari stops short on an irish whip, reverses and sends Jeff Hardy flying between the ropes and down to the floor. Hardy gets back in the ring and Daivari controls the match with kicks and boots to Hardy's back and head. Daivari continues to control the match for the next few moments, but Jeff Hardy moves out of the way of a stinger splash and then turns it on as he takes it to Daivari. Jeff Hardy body slams Daivari and then nails a quick legdrop. Hardy then climbs to the top rope and signals for the Swanton. Suddenly, Ken Kennedy leaves his seat at the broadcast booth and shoves Hardy from the top rope down onto the barricade outside the ring. Hardy hits hard and Daivari is disqualified. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]WINNER by disqualification: WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION JEFF HARDY[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red] (After the match is cancelled Ken Kennedy continues his assault of Jeff Hardy on the outside. He lifts Jeff up and drops him down onto the barricade. He also whips into the steel steps. Kennedy punches Hardy in the face until Hardy is bleeding. Kennedy grabs the IC title and poses with it before dropping it at Jeff Hardy's feet as he lays injured on the floor of the arena.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B]**MATCH RATING: C+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] JR:[/B] I can't believe Ken Kennedy King! [B] King:[/B] He really did a number on Jeff Hardy didn't he JR? [B] JR:[/B] Absolutely he did and let me tell you something, Ken Kennedy will get his some day. But up next, will Randy Orton get his? It's Randy Orton vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship...and it's NEXT! [CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]**SEGMENT RATING: B+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] (The Savior_Self.222 video airs.) [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B]**SEGMENT RATING: A**[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] ("No Chance" hits and Mr. McMahon begins to swagger his way down to the ring. The crowd is confused as they expected the WWE Title Match to begin. McMahon gets in the ring.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] Before we begin our main event of the evening I'd just like to make a quick announcement. You see Triple H's rematch clause is ironclad. There's no getting out it for Randy Orton, but to make sure tonight's main event is fair I have decided that not only will I personally be sitting at ringside for tonight's match, but there will be a special guest referee as well as a special enforcer for tonight's match. First the special guest referee...General Manager of Raw, [I]WILLIAM REGAL[/I]! [COLOR=Red] (The crowd boos as Regal comes out wearing a referee's shirt. He gets in the ring and stands next to Mr. McMahon.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] And tonight's special enforcer...[I]UMAGA[/I]! [COLOR=Red] (The crowd's boos get even louder and an "*******!" chant can be heard as Umaga makes his way down to the ring to be the enforcer. As Umaga takes his place outside the ring Randy Orton's music begins to play and he makes his way down to the ring to a massive chorus of boos. Orton climbs into the ring and hands his title to Regal, who then gives it to Mr. McMahon. The lights go out and Triple H's music begins. The spotlight is on him the entire way to the ring and he stares down Orton the whole way down to the ring. Triple H totally ignores Umaga as he climbs up to the apron. Triple H forgoes his usual antics and just climbs into the ring. The lights come up and Regal calls for the bell.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][U][B]MAIN EVENT. WWE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: WWE CHAMPION "THE LEGEND KILLER" RANDY ORTON VS. "THE GAME" TRIPLE H[/B][/U] [/CENTER] [B] ****[/B]Triple H goes right after Orton. He backs him into the corner and Orton tries to beg off but Triple H kicks him in the midsection. Regal gives Trips a quick five count and Triple H backs off. Orton nails Triple H with a forearm to the face and then whips him into the corner. Randy Orton holds onto the top rope and kicks Triple H in the midsection repeatedly, Regal gives no count. Orton swings to punch Triple H in the face, but Triple H blocks the punch and kicks Orton in the midsection himself. Triple H then knees Orton in the face and Orton staggers backwards. A clothesline from the Game puts Orton down on the mat. Triple H kicks Orton hard in the midsection and Orton quickly rolls to the outside. Orton takes his time and catches his breath. Triple H gets sick of waiting and decides to go out after Orton, but Trips is stopped by William Regal. Triple H begins to argue with Regal. Trips has his back turned to Randy Orton who slides back in the ring. Orton clips Triple H in the knee and The Game goes down onto the mat. Orton bends down and taunts Triple H, who is clutching at his knee. Orton kicks Trips in the knee and then bends down and grabs him by the head and picks him up. Orton whips Triple H into the corner and then charges. Triple H gets his boot up and connects with Orton. Triple H runs out of the corner and nails a clothesline before his knee gives out and he falls to the mat. Orton gets to his feet first and Triple H crawls to the ropes. Trips uses the ropes to pull himself up but as soon as he does Randy Orton kicks the...leg out of his leg and Triple H falls back to the mat. Triple H rolls to the outside. Umaga is out there and he walks over to Triple H. He grabs Trips by the hair and rolls him back into the ring. Orton stomps Triple H once and then picks him up. A kick to the midsection sets up a suplex, but Triple H blocks it. Orton tries again, but again Triple H blocks it. Finally Orton gets Triple H up, but Trips slides down his back. Trips lands wrong on his knee and it nearly collapses but he manages to stay on his feet. A kick to the midsection and then a pedigree attempt, but Orton back body drops Triple H and gets out of it. Orton picks Triple H up, but Trips quickly turns it into a small package. A conveniently slow count from Regal allows Orton to kick out on two. As Triple H gets to his feet and questions Regal Regal threatens him. Triple H is jumped from behind with a clothesline from Orton. Triple H is knocked forward into the corner. Orton charges and again Triple H reverses, this time by moving. Orton hits hard chest first and Triple H nails a neckbreaker. Orton is hurting and Triple H covers him, 1-----------2--------Triple H breaks the count himself and yells at Regal. Triple H threatens him and grabs his shirt. Regal threatens to disqualify him and Triple H lets Regal go. Orton gets to his feet and Triple H turns around. RKO attempt, but it's blocked and Triple H shoves Orton into the ropes. Orton bounces off and takes a high knee lift from Trips who once again collapses when his knee gives out. Orton gets to the ropes and pulls himself up. He gets to his feet and walks over to Triple H. Trips nails a low blow on Orton that Regal missed. Orton is hurting. Triple H sets him up for the pedigree, but somehow Orton regains his strength and shoves Triple H backwards. Trips runs into Regal, knocking him to the mat. Triple H turns around to see what happened. When he turns back around Orton attempts another RKO. Triple H blocks it again and shoves Orton into the corner. When Orton bounces backward Triple H spins him around. Kick to the stomach. Pedigree, but Mr. McMahon hops up on the apron. Triple H throws Orton aside and grabs Vince by the tie. A right hand from Trips drops Vince to the arena floor. Meanwhile Umaga has slid into the ring behind Triple H. Triple H turns around...SAMOAN SPIKE! Triple H falls to the mat. Randy Orton crawls quickly over to Triple H. Umaga places his hands down on Orton's back to assure the pinfall attempt works. Regal gets in position, 1--2--3![B]****[/B] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B]WINNER by pinfall and STILL WWE CHAMPION: "THE LEGEND KILLER" RANDY ORTON[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] **MATCH RATING: B-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (After the match Orton, Umaga, Regal and Mr. McMahon take turns beating on Triple H. Umaga nails a belly-to-belly suplex and then a legdrop. They pick Triple H up and Orton nails an RKO. Trips is down and Mr. McMahon kicks him. Umaga and Regal pick Triple H up and hold him in place for McMahon. Randy Orton hands his WWE Championship to Mr. McMahon who hoists it into the air and holds it as if he's going to charge at Triple H and hit him with it. Suddenly Hornswoggle comes running down the ramp. As quick as he can, he climbs up the steel steps and into the ring. He begins to pull on Vince's pant leg and points to the rampway. Vince tells him to go away but he keeps trying to warn Vince about something. Suddenly Vince kicks his foot and Hornswoggle goes flying backwards. Just as Vince is about to charge at Triple H...)[/COLOR] ..."OH! OH! SHAWN!" HBK's music hits and the crowd goes wild. Mr. McMahon turns around and gulps hard as Shawn Michaels comes running down the ramp with a chair. The heels haul ass and Shawn stands in the ring with a chair. He checks on his friend Triple H and stares down with Randy Orton as we go off the air. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B]RATING: C[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed][B] ATTENDANCE: 9,699[/B][B] VENUE: Allstate Arena[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] NOTES: Cody Rhodes was used too much. [/B][CENTER][quote][U][B] WWE CYBER SUNDAY [/B][/U]No Card Yet [/quote][/CENTER]
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ECW ON SCI-FI - Tuesday Week 1 October 2007 [COLOR=green]("Bodies" by Drowning Pool plays and the ECW On Sci-Fi opening video rolls. As soon as it ends we get a shot of the outside of the arena. ECW Champion CM Punk is walking into the arena when he is approached by ECW General Manager Armando Estrada.)[/COLOR] [B]Estrada:[/B] CM Punk, I need a word wit you. [B]Punk:[/B] Yeah what's up? [B]Estrada:[/B] Well as you know Cyber Sunday is fast approaching and seeing as it is an interactive event I have made the decision that the fans of ECW and WWE will select your opponent in your ECW Championship match. But the catch is...they can select anyone from the ECW brand. So you have a locker room full of potential opponents. Should be fun no? [B]Punk:[/B] [I][sarcastically][/I] Oh yeah...great. [B]Estrada:[/B] But tonight, you will be in tag team action. You see I think tonight fans want to see you and Tommy Dreamer team up to take on Matt Striker and Big Daddy V. Enjoy your evening. [COLOR=green](Estrada walks away and Punk just shakes his head and continues on into the arena.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome fans to ECW On Sci-Fi! You heard it live just as we did, tonight CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer will take on Matt Striker & Big Daddy V. [B]Tazz:[/B] That's gonna be epic Joey! [B]Styles:[/B] That it is Tazz but right now let's get to the ring for some action. [COLOR=green](In the ring already stands ECW newcomer Mike Tolar.)[/COLOR] [B]Tazz:[/B] Mike Tolar? What do we know about him Joey? [B]Styles:[/B] Well he's obviously a newcomer here to ECW. He's fighting for a roster spot, if he gets a win you can be sure he'll get another opportunity here in ECW, but that's gonna be a tough task going up against the Miz. [COLOR=green](The Miz's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with the Extreme Expose at his side. The Miz steps into the ring and the match begins.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR=darkolivegreen]THE MIZ VS. MIKE TOLAR[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Miz and Tolar lock up and Miz controls the match from the start. Miz takes Tolar to the mat and tries to out wrestle him, but Tolar will have none of it and reverses Miz every time he tries something. Miz gets angry and pounds on the mat. He gets back to his feet and tries to regain his composure. They lock up again and this time Tolar takes advantage and gets a side headlock. Tolar takes Miz to the mat and wears Miz down. They get back to their feet and Tolar hits a dropkick. Miz rolls to the outside and the crowd pops for the youngster as he raises his arms. Miz gets back in the ring and when they go to lock-up, Miz kicks him in the midsection. Miz hits a ddt but only gets two on the pin. Miz picks Tolar up and whips him into the corner. Tolar hits and Miz follows with an elbow to the face. Miz hip tosses Tolar out of the corner and goes for an elbow drop, but Tolar moves. Miz gets to his feet and Tolar dropkicks him. Miz pops back up and Tolar goes for another dropkick, but Miz moves. When Tolar pops back up, Miz kicks him in the midsection. Miz grabs Tolar with a waistlock and takes Tolar to the ropes. Tolar bounces off the ropes and Miz rolls him up quickly. [B]A handfull of tights allows Miz to get the victory.[/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]WINNER by pinfall: THE MIZ[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkolivegreen][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**MATCH RATING: D+**[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] The Miz steals one from the rookie Mike Tolar! [B]Tazz:[/B] Miz should've lost that match, man Tolar impressed me tonight. [B]Styles:[/B] Hopefully he'll get another chance to show what he can do here in ECW. [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen][COMMERCIALS][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=green](Kevin Thorn is standing in a darkened room with a spotlight shining on him.)[/COLOR] [B]Thorn:[/B] Tonight, mere minutes away, I will step into the ring with the Boogeyman. A man who scares some, intimidates others, and freaks out all. Except for me. Boogeyman I am not afraid of you, I am not intimidated by you, and I am not freaked out by you. Your antics merely make me see you as a clown. And tonight I will destroy you in that ring. Are you ready for it? [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=green](A video airs showing clips of a man flying around a ring in training. The clip then shows the same man wearing a suit in a casino playing craps. A voice over kicks in.)[/COLOR] [B]VO:[/B] Some say I am nice. Some say I am mean. Others think that I'm selfish. While the rest think that I'm greedy. But there's one thing they can all agree on, I am what I say I am. I am ****y. And my name....is Siaki. [COLOR=green](The words "'****y' Siaki COMING SOON" appear on the screen as the clip ends and we cut back to the ring.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**SEGMENT RATING: D-**[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=green](Kevin Thorn's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. The red spotlight that shines down on him goes away as he gets in the ring. Thorn takes off his long coat and hand it and his cane to the ring attendant. The Boogeyman's music plays and Boogey comes out. He smashes a clock over his head and pyro shoots off. Boogey then slides into the ring with a mouth full of worms. The lights come up and the match begins.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR=darkolivegreen]KEVIN THORN VS. THE BOOGEYMAN[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Thorn was on the offensive from the very start. At the bell Thorn began to punch and kick Boogey. Thorn backed him into the corner and chopped him hard. Thorn used an irish whip into the corner that caused the Boogeyman to flip up and sit on the top turnbuckle, facing the crowd to use his patented top rope neckbreaker. Boogey is down but Thorn doesn't cover. The match continues with Thorn getting Boogey to his feet and choking him in the corner. Boogey reverses his fortunes with a kick to Thorn's groin and then Boogey takes over. Headbutts, clotheslines and chops are Boogeyman's main choice for offensive maneuvers as he controls the match. A suplex attempt is blocked by Kevin Thorn, and Thorn then tosses Boogeyman out of the ring through the ropes. Thorn hits a baseball slide and knocks Boogey into the announce table. Thorn rolls Boogey back in and nails his finishing maneuver, the Original Sin Modified Neckbreaker. A pin attempt gets a three count. [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]WINNER by pinfall: KEVIN THORN[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=green](Thorn grabs his cane and begins to beat Boogeyman with it after the match. Thorn eventually heads to the back after leaving Boogeyman down and injured in the ring.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**MATCH RATING: C-**[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkolivegreen][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkolivegreen][COMMERCIALS][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=green](Back from commercial we see Stevie Richards standing in front of the typical black ECW background.)[/COLOR] [B]Stevie:[/B] Hello everyone, my name is Stevie Richards and I'd like to take a second to ask you to please vote for me to be CM Punk's opponent at Cyber Sunday. You see for years I've wallowed in mediocrity here in the WWE, but not because I don't have talent. No, but because I haven't been given an opportunity. Well Cyber Sunday could be my opportunity. WWE Fans, YOU have the ability to make my career. Don't diss me, I'm begging you. Vote Stevie on Cyber Sunday. It's the cool thing to do. [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Well, that's certainly one way to try and garner votes for Cyber Sunday eh Tazz? [B]Tazz:[/B] Hey if it works, more power to him. [B]Styles:[/B] But right now let's get back to Justin Roberts for our main event of the evening. [B]Justin Roberts:[/B] It's now time for our main event... [COLOR=green](Just then Elijah Burke's music hits and Burke makes his way out from behind the curtain and comes down to the ring. He takes the mic out of Roberts' hands.)[/COLOR] [B]Burke:[/B] Now this show has really picked up. The reason I came out here tonight wrestling fans, is because with Cyber Sunday coming up I wanted to make sure ya'll would make the right choice and vote for the Elijah Experience! [COLOR=green]("BIG. DADDY. V." Big Daddy V's music plays and he and Matt Striker make their way down to the ring for their match. Striker has a mic and immediately begins talking.)[/COLOR] [B]Striker:[/B] I suggest you take your hype machine and get the hell out of the ring Elijah, before you "experience" Big Daddy V. [COLOR=green](Burke takes this as his cue to leave and he does. But he takes a seat at the announce table next to Joey and Tazz.)[/COLOR] [B]Striker:[/B] Now, with that taken care of...tonight me and Big Daddy V are going to prove that WE deserve your votes. By destroying CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer. [COLOR=green](Tommy Dreamer's music hits and he comes down the aisle. He stops halfway and his music ends and ECW Champion CM Punk's music starts and he comes down to the ring. He and Dreamer make their way down to the ring at the same time and get in the ring together.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]MAIN EVENT: ECW CHAMPION CM PUNK & TOMMY DREAMER VS. BIG DADDY V & MATT STRIKER[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]****[/B]The match begins with Punk and Striker. They lock up and Striker gets a side headlock. Punk pushes Striker into the ropes. Punk hits the mat, Striker steps over him. Punk gets back up and hip tosses Striker as he comes back off the ropes. Striker gets right back up and is clotheslined down by Punk. Punk grabs Striker by the hair and walks him over to the face corner. Punk gets an arm wringer on Striker and then tags in Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer comes in and punches Striker's exposed midsection. Striker is hurting and Dreamer takes over the arm wringer. Dreamer yanks down on Striker's left arm a few times and Striker eventually goes down to his knee. Dreamer kicks him hard in the chest and Striker falls to the mat. Dreamer goes for an elbow drop, but Striker rolls out of the way. Striker crawls towards his corner, and just as Dreamer goes to grab Striker's foot, Striker makes the tag to Big Daddy V. Big Daddy V comes in the ring and Dreamer hammers him with a right hand that has no affect. Another right hand, but still no affect. Big Daddy V grabs Dreamer by the head with both hands and throws him into the corner. Big Daddy V charges Dreamer and squashes him in the corner. V backs away and Dreamer falls to his knees. Big Daddy picks Dreamer up by the hair and lifts him up for a bodyslam. A hard slam and Dreamer arches his back in pain. Big Daddy V runs off the ropes and drops a leg down on Dreamer's chest. Big Daddy V covers Dreamer, 1---2---CM Punk comes in to break the pin. The referee backs Punk back to his corner and Big Daddy V picks Dreamer up by the head. Big Daddy V whips Dreamer into the corner. Dreamer hits hard. Big Daddy V runs at Dreamer and elbows him in the side of the head. Big Daddy V tags in Matt Striker. Striker comes in and unloads on Tommy Dreamer with lefts and rights to the midsection and the head. Striker whips Dreamer across the ring and into the ropes. Dreamer comes off the ropes and Striker ducks for a back body drop, but Dreamer catches him with a ddt. Dreamer leaps to his corner and tags in CM Punk. Punk comes in and Striker is staggering to his feet. Punk nails Striker with a right hand and then a left, backing Striker into the corner. CM Punk kicks Striker in the midsection and then backs up. He charges Striker, runs up the ropes and nails Striker in the side of the head with a knee strike. Striker is hurt and Punk tells the crowd to get louder. They do, and then he taunts Big Daddy V. As V tries to get in the ring the referee is distracted and tries to keep him out. While this is going on Punk is still antagonizing Big Daddy V. Elijah Burke leaves the announce position and slides in the ring behind Punk. Elijah turns Punk around, kicks him in the midsection and turns Punk around. [B]While standing behind Punk he nails the Elijah Experience.[/B] Burke then turns his attention to Dreamer. Burke knocks him off the apron and then goes to the outside to brawl with him. In the ring, Matt Striker crawls over to CM Punk. He covers him and the referee turns around. 1---2---3!!![B]****[/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]WINNERS by pinfall: Matt Striker & Big Daddy V[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Styles: STRIKER AND BIG DADDY V STEAL ONE WITH HELP OF ELIJAH BURKE! [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]**MATCH RATING: C+**[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=green](Outside the ring Elijah Burke and Tommy Dreamer are brawling. Inside CM Punk is being attacked by Big Daddy V and Matt Striker. Suddenly Stevie Richards runs out with a chair and nails Big Daddy V and Matt Striker with it. As Richards is standing triumphant in the ring, John Morrison slides in the ring behind him. Stevie turns around and turns right into a superkick from John Morrison. Morrison grabs the ECW title and holds it high above his head as the show goes off the air.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]SHOW RATING: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkolivegreen]ATTENDANCE: 6,903[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#556b2f][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE] [B][U]CYBER SUNDAY CARD[/U][/B] [U]ECW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/U] CM Punk (C) --VS-- FANS CHOICE: Anyone On ECW Roster [COLOR=black](Balls Mahoney - Big Daddy V -Boogeyman - Elijah Burke - John Morrison - Kevin Thorn - Matt Striker - Mike Knox - Nunzio - Stevie Richards - The Miz - Tommy Dreamer)[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] NOTE: If you wish to vote for the Cyber Sunday card...PM me with your selections.[/CENTER]
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News Latest news: [QUOTE]From PWInsider.com... - Mike Tolar is said to be the first of a few call-ups to the ECW brand. Look for more new talent debuting in the coming weeks. - The Boogeyman suffered a bruised thigh in his match with Kevin Thorn on ECW On Sci-Fi last night. He will be held off this weekend's house show as a precaution. - Rumors are that this year's Royal Rumble match will feature 40 superstars. 15 Raw, 15 SmackDown! and 10 ECW superstars.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]From WWE.COM... [CENTER][B]ECW ON SCI-FI MAIN EVENT ANNOUNCED[/B][/CENTER] WWE.COM has learned that ECW General Manager Armando Estrada has announced that next week on ECW On Sci-Fi will feature a huge 6-man elimination match as the main event as Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards, Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Big Daddy V and John Morrison will battle it out for the right to try and earn some of your votes for the Cyber Sunday main event! Also, ECW Champion CM Punk will be in the house. And also signed for next Tuesday night is a big tag match as Balls Mahoney teams with Mike Tolar to take on The Miz and Kevin Thorn.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]From WWE.COM... [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]WWE Friday Night SmackDown! Preview[/COLOR][/U][/B] Coming off of Sunday night's No Mercy pay-per-view Friday Night SmackDown! is going to be buzzing with excitement. WWE World Heavyweight Champion "The Animal" Batista successfully retained his title at No Mercy in the Punjabi Prison Match but he did not leave without injury. Suffering severely bruised ribs, Batista will be in the house Friday night...but who will enter the picture and be the next to challenge the champ? Plus, in our main event WWE Tag Team Champions MVP and Matt Hardy will face their toughest challenge to date as they defend the titles against the Undertaker and his brother Kane. Can MVP & Matt Hardy work together well enough to take down the Brothers Of Destruction? Or will the Brothers become the new champs? All this and much more action this Friday night on WWE Friday Night SmackDown!![/QUOTE]
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Friday Night SmackDown! Week 1 - October 2007 [COLOR=Blue](The SmackDown! opening video airs. Upon it's completion we get a shot of the crowd inside the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. The crowd is going crazy as pyro shoots off from the stage area and above the ring. As soon as the pyro ends WWE World Heavyweight Champion "The Animal" Batista's music hits and the champ makes his way down to the ring with the World Heavyweight title around his waist. He gets in the ring and takes his sunglasses off and puts them in suit coat pocket. He has a mic and is ready to speak.)[/COLOR] [B]Batista:[/B] Well here we are, five days removed from No Mercy and the Punjabi Prison Match and I am still feeling the effects of it. My ribs are heavily taped, it hurts to walk, and my back hasn't been the same since. But I am still the champion. The Great Khali put up a hell of a fight, but he couldn't take my title. But the reason I came out here tonight was to thank you fans for your support. It was your cheers that propelled me through the match. Even when I didn't think I could continue, the cheers gave me the momentum I needed to go on and win. [COLOR=Blue](Suddenly the Great Khali's music hits. He and his interpreter make their way down to the ring. They stop at the bottom of the ramp.)[/COLOR] [B]Interpreter:[/B] Batista, these fans you speak of hold no power over you! They cannot guide you to victory just as you cannot hold them up when they fall. But if what you say about them holds even a tiny thread of truth...then the fans must pay! [COLOR=Blue](Suddenly the Great Khali reaches over the barricade and grabs a fan by the throat. He pulls him over the barricade and then tosses him down onto the steel steps. Khali then applies the claw on the fan who quickly passes out. Batista rushes to aid the fan, but Khali lets go and hightails it out of there. As Khali and his interpreter are making their way up the ramp arena security and WWE officials run out and escort him to the back. Batista is outside the ring checking on the fan and paramedics quickly rush down to the ring to tend to the fan. We go to commercial with no commentary and just the audio from the camera.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: B-**[/B] [B][COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]Michael Cole:[/B] Welcome back to SmackDown! fans and in case you missed it before the break, we've just had an incident here in Cleveland as the Great Khali just assaulted a fan. He actually pulled him over the barricade, threw him down on the steel steps and then applied the claw until the poor man passed out. [B]JBL:[/B] What a despicable act by the Great Khali! I hope that poor fan makes a complete recovery and I hope Khali pays big time for what he did. [B]Cole:[/B] Well Khali has been escorted from the building and could be facing criminal charges, I mean...that was assault. Plain and simple. But folks, the show must go on and tonight's main event is going to be a huge match! WWE Tag Team Champions MVP and Matt Hardy will defend those belts against The Undertaker & Kane. What a match that's going to be! [COLOR=Blue](Kenny Dykstra's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with Victoria at his side. Kenny slides in the ring and grabs a microphone.)[/COLOR] [B]Kenny:[/B] Here's a question...why is that once again, I was left off a pay-per-view? No Mercy was without Kenny Dykstra. Why? I'll tell you why it's because people fear me! The front office is afraid that I am going to come in and beat some of their precious stars. Well that's just not fair. I know that I am a great wrestler. Hell I know that I'm better than at least 98% of the guys in the locker room. So what I'm gonna do right now, I'm gonna give someone a shot. Anyone in the back who wants to make a name for themself, get out here and lose to Kenny Dykstra! [COLOR=Blue](A revving motorcycle signals the arrival of Chuck Palumbo and sure enough Chuck rides his bike down to ringside. He rides it all the way around the ring and then parks it in the aisle. Chuck Palumbo climbs in the ring and grabs the microphone.)[/COLOR] [B]Palumbo:[/B] Be careful what you wish for Kenny. [COLOR=Blue](Palumbo then shoves the mic back into Kenny's chest hard and when Kenny looks down at the mic Palumbo suckerpunches him.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B]KENNY DYKSTRA VS. CHUCK PALUMBO[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Palumbo dominates to start. He whips Dykstra into the corner and follows it in with a charging clothesline. Dykstra is hurting. Palumbo hip tosses him. Dykstra pops back up and Palumbo nails a running kick to the chest. Dykstra flies back into the ropes and Palumbo clotheslines him over the ropes and down to the floor. Victoria checks on Kenny and nurses his ego. Kenny climbs back in and when Palumbo misses a clothesline Kenny takes over. Kenny works Palumbo's left knee and leg and gets Chuck down on one knee. Kenny runs off the ropes and charges Palumbo, but Palumbo pops up and catches Kenny with a powerslam. Palumbo covers him, 1---2---3! [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]WINNER by pinfall: CHUCK PALUMBO[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](After the match Palumbo gets on his bike and rides it to the back while Victoria holds Kenny in her arms and comforts him in the ring.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**MATCH RATING: C**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](In the back wrestling legend Killer Kowalski is sitting in a wheelchair that's being pushed around by his handler. Many different wrestlers are coming up to Kowalski and shaking his hand and talking to him. Deuce, Domino and Cherry approach him.)[/COLOR] [B]Deuce:[/B] Hey lookit, it's some old guy! [B]Domino:[/B] Yeah I know him! He's that old fogie wrestler, Killer Kowalski. [B]Deuce:[/B] Yeah you know dat, but does he know dat? Hahahaha. [B]Domino:[/B] Agh, you smell something? Is that old guy smell or does he need his Depends changed? HAHAHAHAHAHA! [COLOR=Blue](Suddenly Ric Flair approaches them from behind. He has his hands on his hips and a "what the hell did you say?" look on his face.)[/COLOR] [B]Flair:[/B] Woah woah woah hold up. How dare you two insult this man! On his worst day, he was still light years ahead of both of you! And that's being generous my friends. [B]Domino:[/B] You know it doesn't surprise me that you'd say that, seeing as how you two old fogies probably grew up together. Probably lived right next door to Moses eh? HAHAHAHA! [B]Deuce:[/B] Yeah what are you talking about Flair, we could wrestle circles around you...old man. [B]Flair:[/B] Is that so? Well then why don't you two prove it and step into the ring with me tonight? [B]Domino:[/B] Well, we would but we can't. [B]Flair:[/B] Why not? [B]Deuce:[/B] 'Cos we got a match against the Major Brothers already dumbo! Jeez...let's get the hell outta here before we start to smell like old people. [COLOR=Blue](Deuce and Domino walk away and Flair just stands there shaking his head.)[/COLOR] [B]Kowalski:[/B] What a bunch of wimps! [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: B-**[/B] [B][COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](Back from commercial Drew McIntyre and his manager Dave Taylor are standing in the ring. "BOOOYAKA! 6...1...9!" Rey Mysterio's music plays and he is catapaulted out of the stage. He makes his way down to the ring to a huge ovation. Before he makes it to the ring, Finlay runs out behind him and jumps Mysterio from behind. Finlay beats Mysterio down to ringside and whips him into the steel steps. Mysterio is hurt and the referee forces Finlay to leave the ringside area. Mysterio crawls into the ring and the referee calls for the bell.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B]REY MYSTERIO VS. DREW McINTYRE w/DAVE TAYLOR[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] McIntyre bends down and picks Rey up. Rey is hurting and McIntyre nails a northern lights suplex, but Rey kicks out. McIntyre dominates the match over the injured Mysterio, but can't quite put him away. Eventually Finlay makes his way back down to the ring. McIntyre whips Rey into the ropes and Finlay nails Rey with the shillelagh. Rey stumbles forward and McIntyre rolls him up in a small package. 1---2---3! [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]WINNER by pinfall: DREW McINTYRE[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Drew picks up a shocking upset! With help from Finlay! [COLOR=Blue](Finlay gets in the ring, and the three Europeans beat down Rey Mysterio. Finlay lifts Rey up over his head and drops him down on his knee. Finlay, McIntyre and Taylor head to the back with Rey Mysterio laying on the mat hurting.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**MATCH RATING: D+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back Maryse is standing by with SmackDown! GM Vickie Guerrero.)[/COLOR] [B] Maryse:[/B] Ms. Guerrero earlier tonight we saw the Great Khali pull a fan over the railing and attack him. Do you have any comments about this? [B]Guerrero:[/B] What Khali did was despicable and we here in the WWE and the SmackDown! brand will not tolerate that kind of behavior. Khali will be punished but as of yet I cannot say what the punishment will be. I am going to sit down with some WWE Officials tonight and determine Khali's punishment. [COLOR=Blue](Suddenly the door bursts open and Batista steps in.)[/COLOR] [B]Batista:[/B] Vickie! Vickie I want Khali tonight! That poor fan was just taken out in an ambulance. He should be okay, but Khali deserves a beating! Give me a match with him tonight! [B]Guerrero:[/B] I'm sorry but Great Khali has already been escorted off the property and will not be welcomed back for the rest of the night. But since I can sense you are angry, I'll give you a match tonight. [COLOR=Blue](Batista seems satisified and turns and walks away, but first he stops and checks out Maryse, who is flattered.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](A Survivor Series hype video rolls. It hypes up the Survivor Series matches and something called "Battle Of The Brands." Edge is featured heavily in the ad, hinting at his return.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: B+**[/B] [B][COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](Brett and Brian Major are already in the ring and Deuce and Domino's music hits and they come out with their signature entrance riding a car to the ring. They hop out of the car and make their way down to the ring, accompanied by the lovely Cherry. They get in the ring and the match is underway.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B]THE MAJOR BROTHERS VS. DEUCE AND DOMINO[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Brett and Deuce start off. They lock up and Deuce whips Brett into the ropes. Domino knees Brett in the back and then Deuce levels him with a clothesline. Deuce keeps Brett held in the heels' corner and dominating the early going. At one point Domino holds Brett in the corner and Deuce charges from the middle of the ring. Brett breaks free and moves and Deuce hits chest first in the corner. He bounces back and Brett school boys him but only gets a two count. Brett tags in Brian and Deuce tags in Domino. The two men brawl in the ring for a bit, but Domino kicks Brian in the midsection and nails a suplex. Suddenly "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring. He walks to the side of the ring and starts talking to Cherry. Deuce is tagged back in and he sees Flair talking to Cherry. Brian Major nails a dropkick and then a stinger splash in the corner. Brian goes for a spinning punch, but Deuce blocks it and gets a ddt. Suddenly Deuce looks over and sees Ric Flair grab Cherry and give her a deep kiss. Deuce is pissed and screaming at Flair, Cherry's brother Domino runs over to chase Flair off and does, but not before Brian Major rolls Deuce up and gets a three count for the win. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]WINNERS by pinfall: THE MAJOR BROTHERS[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](The Major Brothers and Ric Flair walk up the ramp taunting Deuce & Domino. Cherry is standing in between the heels smiling from her kiss, but she quickly wipes the smile off her face when Deuce & Domino look over at her.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**MATCH RATING: C-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](In the back WWE Tag Team Champions Matt Hardy and the WWE US Champion MVP are standing by.)[/COLOR] [B]Hardy:[/B] What a challenge we have in front of us tonight MVP. Undertaker and Kane, the Brothers Of Destruction. They've been the champs before, but by God they will NOT be the champions after tonight. You see me and my partner MVP here, we may have a friendly rivalry going. We may not be the best of friends, but for my money we are the best TEAM on SmackDown! if not all of WWE. Undertaker and Kane? They've got the size advantage, but we've got more heart, more brains and more speed. And we will not lose. We will not die! [B]MVP:[/B] Undertaker, Kane, tonight y'all have a chance to go into the history books. Beating Matt Hardy and myself will skyrocket you to heights you've never experienced. It's just too bad that won't happen. You see y'all are about to step into the ring with MVP and Matt Hardy and there ain't no way you're ready for the beating we're about to put on y'all. And I will be the one to score the pinfall. [B]Hardy:[/B] Don't be so sure about that man. [B]MVP:[/B] What you're gonna score the pin? Please. It's all me baby! [COLOR=Blue] (They continue arguing as we cut to a shot of the entranceway.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: B**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue]("The Masterpiece" Chris Masters' music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Masters gets in the ring and as soon as he's settled "The Animal" Batista's music plays and the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out to a huge ovation. Batista's pyro goes off, but he doesn't bother to do his lame machine gun pose thing. Instead it's all about ass kicking as he climbs in the ring, tosses his belt in the corner and approaches Masters.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B]NON-TITLE: WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION "THE ANIMAL" BATISTA VS. "THE MASTERPIECE" CHRIS MASTERS[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Batista walks up to Masters and just starts beating the hell out of him. Batista delivers lefts and rights to Masters. Masters covers up but Batista just stiffs Masters over and over again. Batista whips Masters into the ropes. Masters comes off the ropes and gets spinebustered. Batista gets huge cheers from the crowd as he bends down and picks Masters up. Masters shoves Batista away, but Batista kicks him in the midsection. Batista nails the Batista Bomb on Masters and covers him for the 3 count. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]WINNER by pinfall: WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION "THE ANIMAL" BATISTA[/B] [B]**MATCH RATING: C**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back we get a shot of Jesse and Festus walking down a hallway. Festus is wearing overalls and nothing underneath. Jesse has on a tuxedo t-shirt.)[/COLOR] [B]Jesse:[/B] I can't wait to get out on the town to-night! Yee haw! It's gon' be, well...we gon' paint this here town red ya know! [COLOR=Blue] (Festus nods. Suddenly the men come across Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool who are talking in the hallway. Jesse and Festus walk up behind them.)[/COLOR] [B]Jesse:[/B] Ahem. [COLOR=Blue](The women turn around.)[/COLOR] [B]Jesse:[/B] Ya'll are real purdy an' uh we was jus' well we was wonderin' if ya'll would like to um...come out on the town with us tonight. We'll have fun 'n stuff ya know? [COLOR=Blue](Wilson and McCool look horrified.)[/COLOR] [B]McCool: [/B]Uh...no thanks. We have to wash our hair. [B]Jesse:[/B] Alright, your loss. [COLOR=Blue](Jesse and Festus exit the arena and Michelle and Torrie simultaneously shake in disgust.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: D-**[/B] [B][COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](Back from commercial MVP's music hits and he and Matt Hardy make their way down to the ring with the WWE Tag Team titles around their waists. The crowd cheers as the champs get in the ring and await their opponents. The lights go out and a gong sounds. Smoke fills the entrance way and purple lights shine down on the stage. Suddenly fire shoots out of the stage and the Undertaker and Kane make their way down to the ring. Matt Hardy and MVP look slightly imtimidated as their opponents climb up onto the apron. The Undertaker raises his arms and the lights in the arena come on. As he does this and he and Kane get in the ring, Kane stands in the middle of the ring and slowly raises his arms. When he drops them pyro shoots out of the ringposts. MVP attacks Kane from behind to begin the match.) [/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B]MAIN EVENT: WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: WWE US CHAMPION MONTEL VONTAVIOUS PORTER & MATT HARDY VS. THE UNDERTAKER & KANE[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]****[/B]MVP hammers away on Kane's back, but it seems to have no effect. Kane turns around and shoves MVP. MVP's momentum takes him back into his corner and he confers with Matt Hardy. MVP then comes back out and asks for a knucklelock with Kane. Kane goes to oblige MVP and MVP kicks him in the midsection. Kane doubles over and MVP nails a European uppercut. Kane snaps back and MVP runs off the ropes. A clothesline has no effect on Kane and barely moves him. MVP runs off the ropes again, and Kane raises his boot and kicks MVP in the face. MVP drops to the mat and Kane tags out to the Undertaker. Undertaker comes in and MVP is just getting to his feet. Taker kicks MVP in the side of the head and knocks him into the corner. Taker elbows MVP in the side of the head repeatedly. Taker then grabs MVP's arm and goes up to the top rope for the old school chop to the side of the head. MVP falls down and Taker kicks him in the head again as he tries to get up. Taker picks MVP up and whips him into the Brothers of Destruction's corner. MVP hits hard and Taker follows in with a clothesline. MVP is hurting and Taker tags Kane back in. Kane straddles MVP as MVP is down on all fours. Kane leaps into the air and drops a knee into the center of MVP's back and MVP falls to the mat. Kane grabs MVP by the back of his shirt and lifts him up. Kane shoves MVP into the neutral corner diagnol to MVP's own corner. Kane chokes MVP with his boot. Referee Nick Patrick gives Kane a 5-count and Kane lets go on 5. Kane then whips MVP across the ring into his corner. MVP manages to make a blind tag to Matt Hardy. MVP's momentum propels him forward toward the middle of the ring and right into a sidewalk slam from Kane. But Kane doesn't see Matt Hardy enter the ring. Kane gets to his feet and Matt Hardy dives at Kane's knee. Kane's leg buckles and he goes down on one knee. Matt Hardy kicks Kane repeatedly in the chest and head and continually backs away after doing so so that Kane can't fight back. Hardy keeps using this "stick and move" gameplan and Kane can't get back up to his feet. [B]Cole:[/B] You have to wonder if Matt Hardy learned this technique in his preparation to face MVP in a boxing match? [B]JBL:[/B] It's possible Cole. Definitely possible. Kane finally gets back up to his feet, but Matt Hardy kicks Kane in the back of the knee and again Kane falls to one knee. Matt Hardy tries to lock Kane in for the Twist Of Fate, but Kane shoves Matt into the ropes. Matt bounces off the ropes and Kane ducks for a back body drop. Matt Hardy kicks Kane in the face and Kane snaps back up. Hardy charges Kane, but gets caught with a big boot to the face. Kane limps over to his corner and tags in The Undertaker. Taker comes in the ring and Matt Hardy kicks him in the midsection. Taker shrugs it off and shoves Matt Hardy down. Hardy pops right back up and starts circling the ring trying to think up a strategy to attack The Undertaker. Taker and Hardy lock-up. Taker shoves Hardy down. Hardy pops right back up and charges The Undertaker. Taker grabs Hardy by the throat for a chokeslam, but Matt kicks Taker in the groin and gets out of the choke. Hardy tags MVP in as Taker is down on his knees MVP punches Taker a few times with some jabs. Taker is rocked, but doesn't seem too hurt. MVP runs off the ropes and running full blast, kicks Taker in the face. Taker falls to the mat. MVP runs off the ropes and goes for a knee drop, but the Undertaker sits straight up. MVP hits knee first on the mat and holds his knee in pain. Taker gets to his feet at the same time as MVP. MVP and Taker exchange right hands. Taker kicks MVP and whips him into the corner. MVP hits his corner and Matt Hardy tags in. MVP charges out of the corner and gets dropped with a back body drop. Taker turns his back to the corner where Matt Hardy is climbing to the top rope. Hardy leaps off the top, but Undertaker turns around just in time to catch him by the throat. Taker lifts Hardy high into the air and chokeslams him down hard. The Undertaker covers Matt Hardy, as MVP tries to break the pin attempt, Kane catches him with a clothesline. 1---2---3!!!**** [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]WINNERS by pinfall and NEW WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: THE UNDERTAKER & KANE[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]**MATCH RATING: B+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue](Taker and Kane are handed the belts and begin celebrating when suddenly The Great Khali comes out from the back on the side of the ramp. He is being pursued by security, but shoves the security guards to the side. Khali climbs in the ring.)[/COLOR] [B]Cole:[/B] THE GREAT KHALI IS OUT HERE! WHAT'S HE DOING?! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ESCORTED FROM THE ARENA! [COLOR=Blue](Khali tosses MVP and Matt Hardy from the ring like they are rag dolls. He also clotheslines Kane out of the ring and kicks The Undertaker in the face, knocking him outside. Suddenly the crowd pops and we see Batista sliding into the ring. Batista and Khali begin brawling. Batista holds his own for a bit until Khali nails him with a headbutt and then tosses him into the corner. Khali begins to choke the life out of Batista. The Undertaker and Kane get back in the ring and Taker stands behind Khali. He punches Khali in the back, and Khali turns around to see what that was. He turns and tries to chop Taker in the head, but Taker uses both hands to block the chop, but he doesn't have enough strength to block it on his own, but Kane kicks Khali in the midsection. A double team begins and Taker and Kane grab Khali and lift him into the air for a double chokeslam that has Khali down. Outside the ring the camera catches MVP and Matt Hardy arguing. MVP turns to walk away, but instead turns back around and cracks an unsuspecting Matt Hardy in the face with the US Title. Hardy hits the floor hard and MVP hightails it to the back. But back in the ring the double chokeslam on Khali has it's effect and Khali is down on the mat. Khali is kicked to the outside by Taker and Kane and arena security secure him and begin to escort him out of the building. Batista comes out of the corner and when Taker and Kane turn around, Batista offers a handshake to Kane. Kane shakes Batista's hand. He then offers a handshake to The Undertaker. The Undertaker stares at Batista's hand and then finally shakes Batista's hand. Batista goes to walk away, but 'Taker pulls Batista back towards him. The camera catches the Undertaker lean in and whisper something to Batista as the show goes off the air.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]**SEGMENT RATING: B**[/B] [B]SHOW RATING: C+[/B] [B]ATTENDANCE: 11,205[/B] [B]VENUE: TD Banknorth Garden [/B][/COLOR][LEFT][QUOTE]From WWE.COM... WWE.COM has learned of two matches that have been signed for Cyber Sunday. First WWE.COM has learned that Raw General Manager William Regal has signed WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy to a title defense in which you fans will choose his opponent! Your choices will be: Ken Kennedy, Snitsky, Carlito, Cody Rhodes & Super Crazy. Also signed for Cyber Sunday is a ladder match for the vacant WWE Cruiserweight championship. The participants? Well the fans will get to choose. The top two vote getters will be placed in the match. Your choices are: Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Shannon Moore, Brett Major, Brian Major, and Kenny Dykstra.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][QUOTE][U][B]WWE CYBER SUNDAY CARD[/B][/U] [U]ECW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/U] CM Punk (C) --VS-- FANS CHOICE: Anyone On ECW Roster [COLOR=black](Balls Mahoney - Big Daddy V -Boogeyman - Elijah Burke - John Morrison - Kevin Thorn - Matt Striker - Mike Knox - Nunzio - Stevie Richards - The Miz - Tommy Dreamer)[/COLOR] [U] WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/U] Jeff Hardy (C) --VS-- FANS CHOICE (Ken Kennedy - Snitsky - Carlito - Cody Rhodes - Super Crazy) [U]WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/U] [I]--LADDER MATCH--[/I] **Top Two Vote Getters Will Be In Match** FANS CHOICE --VS-- FANS CHOICE (Jamie Noble - Jimmy Wang Yang - Kenny Dykstra - Funaki - Shannon Moore - Brett Major - Brian Major)[/QUOTE] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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RAW - Week 2 - October 2007 [COLOR=Red]("Mice And Gods" by Clutch plays, it is apparently the new Raw theme song. The Raw video runs its course and we immediately get a shot of the entrance way. "No Chance" hits and Mr. McMahon makes his way down to the ring with Raw General Manager William Regal, Assistant General Manager Jonathan Coachman who is walking Hornswoggle on a leash, WWE Champion "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton, and "The Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga. The 5 1/2 men get into the ring and McMahon gets a microphone.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] Last week here on Raw we had a travesty! Last week we had someone who couldn't help but stick his nose in my business. [I]["HBK" Chant begins][/I] SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP! You see last week, Shawn Michaels decided it was a good night to make his unannounce and unceremonious return to Raw by sticking his nose in my business and helping his friend. Shawn Michaels ruined my night! And now, I'm gonna ruin Shawn Michaels' night! But before I do that, there's a little matter of the Cyber Sunday main event that we must tend to. At Cyber Sunday I have decided that there is going to be a tag team main event! WWE Champion Randy Orton and Umaga will team up to take on Shawn Michaels and Triple H! And just to make it more interesting, there's going to be 3 options that the...[said with disdain] fans can vote for! They are, a Steel Cage Match where the first one to escape wins the WWE Champion, next is a No DQ Match where the winner wins the WWE Champion, and well...a Fatal Fourway for the WWE Championship. But now, back to the matter at hand, tonight in a preview of the steel cage option for Cyber Sunday, Shawn Michaels is going to take on Randy Orton and Umaga inside the 15 feet high steel cage! [B] JR:[/B] THAT'S DESPICABLE! [B] McMahon:[/B] And Shawn, if your good buddy Triple H decides to interfere, he will not get another WWE Title match for an entire year! [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: A-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (In the back Cody Rhodes is standing by with Todd Grisham.)[/COLOR] [B] Grisham:[/B] Cody last week you seemed to have a problem with Hardcore Holly... [B] Cody:[/B] ...Well he seemed to have a problem with me, but whatever. I don't know what I did, and I don't understand why he attacked me last week, but I do know that I'm gonna get my revenge tonight! That's a promise! [COLOR=Red] (Cody walks off and we cut to commercial.) [/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D+**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Back from commercial we see Cody Rhodes already standing in the ring and Hardcore Holly's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][U][B] CODY RHODES VS. HARDCORE HOLLY[/B][/U] [/CENTER] The match begins with Holly slapping Cody in the face and asking him if he's tough. Cody fires back with a slap of his own and then Holly kicks Cody in the midsection. Holly dominates the match and Cody gets one or two moves in, but for the most part it's a squash. The match ends when Holly nails Cody with a brainbuster. Holly covers Cody and gets a three count. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] WINNER by pinfall: HARDCORE HOLLY[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (After the match Holly picks Cody up and slaps him across the face. Holly tells Cody that he's not tough enough and that he needs to grow up fast if he wants to be anything here on Raw.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **MATCH RATING: C-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (A video highlights the soon-to-debut Brent Albright. Albright is seen talking about his desire to be a pro wrestler and how from the time he was little he always wanted to be a pro wrestler. Albright says that making his Raw debut won't be the culmination of a boyhood dream, it'll just be the beginning.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (In the back Shawn Michaels and Triple H are talking in a locker room.)[/COLOR] [B] Triple H:[/B] ...no it's okay. Look Shawn, I will gladly take a year without title shots to come out and give you a hand. [B] HBK:[/B] No, don't worry about it man. I have another idea. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed] **SEGMENT RATING: A-**[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] [COMMERCIALS][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (In the back WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy is standing by with Todd Grisham.)[/COLOR] [B] Grisham:[/B] Jeff in just under two weeks the WWE fans get to decide your fate as they will vote on who you face at Cyber Sunday. What're your thoughts going into Cyber Sunday? [B] Hardy:[/B] Well quite frankly Todd it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. Snitsky's big but he's dumb, Carlito would be a tough match but he's beatable, Cody Rhodes is inexperienced, Super Crazy is my partner tonight and it'd be an honor to defend the title against him. [B] Grisham:[/B] What about Ken Kennedy? [B] Hardy:[/B] Oh right Kennedy, well there's no way Kennedy could ever beat me, if the fans were to vote for him that is. But don't hold your breath on that one. And tonight I'll prove that when me and Super Crazy take down Kennedy and Daivari. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (We cut to a shot of a door that says "Santino Marella's School For Men Who Can't Get Women" the door is open and the camera goes inside. The room is set up like a classroom with Trevor Murdoch, Snitsky and Hacksaw Jim Duggan sitting at desks and standing at the front is Santino Marella. He has a blow-up doll presumably dressed up to look like Maria as he keeps referring to her as Maria.)[/COLOR] [B] Santino: [/B]Okay so now let's say this is a beautiful woman. What would you do to her to get her to want your masculine ways? Trevor diMurdoch, you go first. [COLOR=Red] (Trevor comes up to the front of the class and quickly begins to kiss the blow-up doll.)[/COLOR] [B] Santino:[/B] No no no no no! You don't just walk up to a woman and begin to kiss her, no no. You must use a pick her up line. Mr. Snitsky, you may now go. [COLOR=Red] (Trevor goes and sits down and Snitsky comes up to the front of the class. He grabs the blow-up doll by the feet and begins to sniff and smell the dolls feet. Santino is freaked out and disturbed by this.)[/COLOR] [B] Santino:[/B] WHAT IS YOU DO?!? No no! Stop that now! A woman's foot is...[I][shivers in disgust][/I]...disgusting! [B] Snitsky: [/B]I like feet! [B] Santino:[/B] No you don't! No one does! [B] Snitsky:[/B] I do. It's my...thing. [B] Santino:[/B] Ok well go sit down now. That can be your new thing. Hacksaw Doogan, you're up next. Show those two how it should be done. [B] Duggan:[/B] My pleasure. Ok, so say you see this lovely lady in a bar and you saunter up to her and you put your arm around her, okay? Here's what I always say. Ok here goes... 'So, what's up....HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" [COLOR=Red] (Santino puts his face into his hands and shakes his head in disbelief. Suddenly the camera cuts outside the room where Ron Simmons and Val Venis were supposedly standing and watching the entire time.)[/COLOR] [B] Simmons:[/B] ....... [B] Venis: [/B]....DAMN! [COLOR=Red] (Crowd pops.)[/COLOR] [B] Santino:[/B] You! Shut up! You are interrupting my class! [B] Venis: [/B]Interrupting? Dude, you're class is a joke and so are you. And it's such a shame that poor Maria actually likes you. In fact, maybe I should go ahead and show her how a real man treats a lady! [B] Santino:[/B] Leave Maria alone! Maria is mine! I own her! [B] Venis: [/B]You own her? (looks into classroom) Look guys, if I were you three, I'd ask for a refund. Santino can't help you get women. [B] Duggan:[/B] Yeah! You're right! Santino...I want my money back! [B] Santino:[/B] See what you did Venis?!!? I lost a student because of you! I want you in the ring! Tonight! [B] Venis:[/B] See ya there. [COLOR=Red] (Venis, Simmons, and Duggan all walk off leaving Santino standing in his class room angry.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Back from commercial we get a shot of the entranceway. "KENNEDY!" Mr. Kennedy's music plays and he comes down to the ring to join his partner, Daivari whose already standing in the ring. Kennedy gets in the ring and is ready to wrestle. "I am super. I am crazy. I am...SUPER CRAZY!" Super Crazy's music plays and the crowd pops surprisingly loud as Crazy runs down to the ring. He slides in the ring and awaits his partner. When Jeff Hardy's music begins the crowd goes insane, especially the women. Hardy gets in the ring and the match begins.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][U][B] WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION JEFF HARDY & SUPER CRAZY VS. KEN KENNEDY & DAIVARI.[/B][/U] [/CENTER] The match begins with Super Crazy and Ken Kennedy. Crazy and Kennedy battle back and forth but Kennedy gains an advantage after a thumb to the eyes. Kennedy keeps Crazy in the heels' corner and beats him down. Kennedy and Daivari tag in and out and beat Super Crazy all over the ring. Daivari nails a sick looking snap suplex and Super Crazy is in obvious pain. Daivari tags in Kennedy who goes for the Lambeau Leap from the top rope. Crazy moves and Kennedy lands on his back. Crazy tags in Jeff Hardy. Hardy cleans house. Daivari comes in the ring and nails Hardy with a spin kick. From there Daivari and Kennedy control the match again until Jeff Hardy ducks out of the way of a Ken Kennedy clothesline and scores a neckbreaker. Hardy however, didn't see the blind tag made moments earlier, and as he laid on the mat trying to catch his breath, Daivari came off the top rope with a flying legdrop. Daivari covered Hardy and got the three count. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] WINNERS by pinfall: KEN KENNEDY & DAIVARI[/B] [B] **MATCH RATING: C**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Paul London and Brian Kendrick are standing in the back.)[/COLOR] [B] London:[/B] [I][to camera][/I] Hey guys, what's up? [B] Kendrick:[/B] We're Paul London and Brian Kendrick and at Cyber Sunday we're in the running for the tag team title match against Cade & Murdoch. And needless to say, we'd like you to vote for us. [B] London:[/B] But we're not gonna be like most lame-a-zoids and demand that you vote for us, I mean we know you're busy playing XBOX and drinking Surge so we figure we'll do something to get you to vote for us. [B] Kendrick:[/B] So shoot us an email at [email]londonandkendrick@wwe.com[/email] and make a request, if it's something we can do on tv, we'll do it. And we'll even mention your name and address on tv. How cool is that? [B] London: [/B]And at Cyber Sunday, when you vote for us...we'll win the tag team titles from Brokeback Mountain, er...Cade and Murdoch. So anyway, send us some email. [B] Kendrick:[/B] But no spam please, I don't need male enhancement! [CENTER][COLOR=Magenta][B] [[[[[[[OOC: If anyone wants to actually request something, PM me and I'll add it into the shows]]]]]]]][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (In the back we see what looks to be some sort of trap, inside the trap is a box of Lucky Charms. Suddenly, Hornswoggle enters the picture and walks over to the trap.)[/COLOR] [B] Lawler:[/B] No! It's a trap! [COLOR=Red] (Hornswoggle reaches in to grab the Lucky Charms and suddenly a boot falls on his head and knocks him over. Suddenly Shawn Michaels and Triple H enter the picture and lift the trap up. Triple H grabs Hornswoggle and they begin to carry him away.)[/COLOR] [B] HBK:[/B] Come with us, Hornswoggle...we need to talk to you about something. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: B**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Another Save_Us commercial. This one features the phrases "Save_Us.X22" , "SAVIORSELF", and "Vote_4_" the end of the Vote_4 phrase is obscured and cut off by the end of the tv screen.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: B-**[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (In the back Randy Orton stands in the Raw interview area with Todd Grisham.)[/COLOR] [B] Grisham:[/B] Randy Orton, tonight you team with Umaga to take on Shawn Michaels in a steel cage match. [B] Orton:[/B] What's your point? [B] Grisham:[/B] Well don't you think that's a little bit of overkill? [B] Orton:[/B] Overkill? Are you serious? Michaels is getting what he deserves! He had no business showing up last week! Hell, he has no business even returning to the ring! I ended his career and he dares to not only come back but to flaunt his health in my face? Tonight, me and Umaga are gonna make sure that he won't be able to come back. If you thought what I did to Michaels before was sick, do yourself a favor and don't watch tonight! [COLOR=Red] (Orton turns and walks off.) [/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: B-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Back at ringside Santino Marella's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with Maria by his side. Santino slides in the ring and doesn't even bother to hold the ropes for Maria. When referee Mike Chioda does, Santino yells at him and accuses him of trying to make a move on Maria. Santino stands in his corner and readies himself. "HELLOOOOOOO LADIES!" Val Venis' music hits and Val makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and he begins to do his gyrations when he's jumped from behind by Santino.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][U][B] SANTINO MARELLA w/MARIA VS. VAL VENIS.[/B][/U] [/CENTER] The match is pretty one-sided for the first few moments as Santino's attack before the bell allows him to beat on Val. Santino loses his advantage when he whips Val into the corner, but Val reverses it and whips Santino instead. Santino hits hard and Val nails a clothesline in the corner. Venis then takes over and takes it to Santino and works on Santino's left arm. The match goes back and forth for the next few moments until Santino manages to get a roll-up on Venis. Santino gets a hand full of tights and his feet on the ropes for the win. [CENTER][B] WINNER by pinfall: SANTINO MARELLA[/B] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (After the match Santino goes outside and grabs the microphone off Lillian. He gets in the ring and is about to say something when Val Venis gets to his feet. Santino charges and smacks Venis in the face with the mic, busting Val open. Maria tells Santino that she's not happy with what he did, but he tells her that he doesn't care, it's all about winning. Santino grabs Maria by the arm and leads her to the back as she keeps looking back with worry in her eyes for Val Venis.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **MATCH RATING: C**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (The Coach is in a hall in the bowels of the arena walking around apparently looking for something.)[/COLOR] [B] Coach:[/B] Damn midget. And how dare Regal putting me in charge of him. HORNSWOGGLE! HORNSWOGGLE COME OUT HERE! [COLOR=Red] (Suddenly Coach stops in his tracks and Triple H comes into the screen.)[/COLOR] [B] Triple H: [/B]Hey Coach, how's it going? [B] Coach: [/B]What do you want? [B] Triple H:[/B] Calm down man, I just want to talk. [B] Coach: [/B]I can scream. I can scream real loud. So don't try anything. [B] Triple H:[/B] Coach, RELAX. We just need to talk. Come with me. [COLOR=Red] (Triple H puts his arm around Coach's shoulders like one would do to their friend and they walk off screen.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C+**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Back in the arena we get a shot of the cage with the usual flashing lights and throbbing music. The cage is lowered all the way down and then Umaga's music begins and he comes down to the ring. Umaga is followed closely by WWE Champion Randy Orton. Orton gets in the cage and then "No Chance" hits. Mr. McMahon makes his way down to the ring and sits next to JR and the King at ringside. After McMahon sits Shawn Michaels' music plays and the crowd erupts as "The Heartbreak Kid" makes his way down to the ring. His pyro shoots off and he continues down the aisle. Shawn doesn't look worried at all as he steps foot into the ring and the cage door is closed behind him.)[/COLOR] [U][B] MAIN EVENT: STEEL CAGE HANDICAP MATCH: "THE HEARTBREAK KID" SHAWN MICHAELS VS. WWE CHAMPION RANDY ORTON & UMAGA.[/B][/U] [B] ****[/B]Michaels gulps as he knows he's in for a beating. Michaels stands in the corner and Umaga charges to start. HBK actually gets the upperhand with a few right hands. Shawn gets Umaga rocking until Randy Orton sees that Shawn has turned his back to him and Orton clothesline Michaels from behind. Michaels hits the corner and Orton turns him around. Right hands from Orton followed by hard chops from Umaga. Orton grabs Shawn's arm and whips him across the ring and into the corner. Umaga charges, but HBK dives out of the way. Umaga hits chest first and bounces backwards. HBK gets back to his feet and goes for a superkick to Umaga, but Umaga catches the leg and spins Shawn around. Orton nearly takes Shawn's head off with a clothesline. Mr. McMahon gets up out of his seat and yells for Umaga and Orton to throw Shawn into the cage. Orton and Umaga then pick HBK up and Umaga lifts Shawn up over his head. He slams HBK face-first into the steel cage. HBK falls down onto the top rope, and Umaga holds Shawn's legs. Orton kicks HBK hard in the midsection. Umaga grabs HBK by the back of the head and backs him into the corner. Umaga chokes HBK and then holds him while Randy Orton drives his knee hard into HBK's midsection repeatedly. [COLOR=Red] (Suddenly the camera cuts to Jonathan Coachman running down the aisle. He runs over to where Mr. McMahon is and the camera picks up what they're saying.)[/COLOR] [B] Coach:[/B] Sir, there's been an incident. [B] McMahon: [/B]What kind of incident? [B] Coach:[/B] It's Hornswoggle, sir. [B] McMahon:[/B] SO? [B] Coach:[/B] He uh...well your limo... [B] McMahon:[/B] MY LIMO?!?! [COLOR=Red] (McMahon and Coach storm back to the aisle and then up the ramp and to the back.)[/COLOR] Back in the ring Shawn Michaels is busted open and sitting in the corner. Randy Orton is choking him with his boot and pulling up on the top rope for leverage. Umaga backs away into the opposite corner to begin his run at HBK. Suddenly a man wearing a long black shirt and black pants, as well as a black mask hops the barricade. He starts climbing the cage and gets in the ring. Orton and Umaga stare at the man. Umaga goes on the offensive, but the man hammers away on Umaga. Randy Orton goes to nail the masked man with a knee to the back, but the man moves and Orton hits Umaga. Umaga knocks Orton down and then the masked man grabs HBK and drags him to the door. Orton shoves Umaga and the two men begin to brawl. The door of the cage opens and a bloodied Shawn Michaels and the masked man exit. Orton and Umaga stop brawling and look on in disbelief.[B]****[/B] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] WINNER by escape: "THE HEARTBREAK KID" SHAWN MICHAELS[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Red] (Back outside McMahon is staring at his limo. The interior is all tore up. McMahon has a stunned look on his face.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] DAMMIT! GO FIND THAT LITTLE BASTARD! GO GET 'IM! [COLOR=Red] (Coach goes to find Hornswoggle and suddenly Raw GM William Regal appears and stands next to Mr. McMahon.)[/COLOR] [B] Regal: [/B]Mr. McMahon, there's been another incident in the ring. Some masked man jumped the rail and helped Shawn Michaels win the Steel Cage match. [B] McMahon:[/B] DAMMIT! THAT HAD TO BE TRIPLE H! NO TITLE SHOTS FOR A YEAR! [COLOR=Red] (McMahon and Regal storm back into the building. Shawn Michaels and the mask man are standing outside the cage and they grab chairs. They go back into the cage and begin to clean house on Umaga and Orton. A double chair shot to Umaga and he is dropped to the ground. Orton sneaks behind them and bails to the outside. But inside the cage the masked man pulls a set of handcuffs out of his pocket. He handcuffs Umaga to the ropes and he and Shawn Michaels begin to not only punch and kick Umaga repeatedly, but they also hit him in the face and ribs with the chair. They really do a number on Umaga in the ring until McMahon comes out onto the stage.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] TRIPLE H! OH YOU JUST MADE A HUGE MISTAKE HUNTER! NO TITLE SHOTS FOR A YEAR, I KNOW THAT'S YOU! [COLOR=Red] (Suddenly the TitanTron lights up with a shot of Triple H standing outside in front of Vince's limo.)[/COLOR] [B] Triple H:[/B] Looking for me Vince? [COLOR=Red] (McMahon turns around and looks up. He sees Triple H on the screen and his jaw drops.)[/COLOR] [B] Triple H:[/B] I have a confession to make. Your limo...wasn't Hornswoggle's fault. IT WAS MINE VINCE! And here's a question for ya, how exactly can I be in two places at once? How can I be standing out here and also be in the ring? [COLOR=Red] (Vince shrugs and suddenly the lights go out. They come back on and not only are Shawn Michaels and the masked man gone, but Umaga has a big X spray painted on his chest and stomach. On the TitanTron we see a photo of Vince McMahon with the word "SUCKER!" underneath it. Suddenly a green spraypaint X appears over Vince's face. Mr. McMahon stands on the ramp way fuming and furious as we go off the air.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B] **MATCH RATING: B**[/B] [B] SHOW RATING: B-[/B] [B] ATTENDANCE: 13,215[/B] [B] VENUE: MCI Center (Washington, D.C.)[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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News Update | Tuesday Week 2 October 2007 From WWE.COM... [QUOTE]WWE.COM has learned of another match that has just been added to the already stacked Cyber Sunday card! Rey Mysterio will take on Finlay and you the fans will get to select the stipulation, either Mask Vs. Hair, Loser Leaves SmackDown!, or Loser Wears A Dress. Also, WWE.COM has learned that there will be a 10 woman inter-brand battle royal to determine who faces WWE Womens Champion Beth Phoenix the following night on Raw. And you fans will get to select if they were school girl outfits, french maid outfits, or lingerie.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][QUOTE]WWE.COM's ECW ON SCI-FI PREVIEW [/CENTER] Less than 2 weeks away from WWE Cyber Sunday, six of the top wrestlers in ECW will vie for your votes as they clash in a Six-Man elimination match. Who will separate themself from the pack and do the most to earn your votes? Also, Balls Mahoney teams up with the rookie Mike Tolar. Tolar nearly defeated The Miz in his ECW debut, but cheating by the Miz put Tolar away. Tolar vowed to not let it happen twice as he and Balls take on The Miz and Kevin Thorn. Will Mike Tolar score the first win of his ECW career, or will The Miz and Kevin Thorn put themselves in a position to gain your votes for Cyber Sunay? Find out this week on ECW On Sci-Fi![/QUOTE] [CENTER][U][B]CURRENT WWE CYBER SUNDAY CARD --MAIN EVENT-- [/B][/U][B]Fans Choice The Stipulation [/B][I]Steel Cage (First to escape is Champ) NO DQ (Winner is WWE Champ) Fatal Fourway For The WWE Title[/I] WWE CHAMPION "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton & Umaga --VS-- "The Game" Triple H & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels [U][B]ECW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/U] ECW CHAMPION CM Punk --VS-- FANS CHOICE OF ANYONE ON ECW ROSTER [U][B]WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/U] INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION Jeff Hardy --VS-- FANS CHOICE [I](Ken Kennedy - Carlito - Snitsky - Super Crazy - Daivari)[/I] [U][B]LADDER MATCH FOR WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP[/B][/U] [I]Top 2 Vote Getters Enter The Match[/I] FANS CHOICE: Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Shannon Moore, Brett Major, Brian Major [B] FANS CHOOSE STIPULATION [/B][I]Loser Wears A Dress Loser Leaves SmackDown! Hair Vs. Mask [/I]Rey Mysterio --VS-- Finlay [U][B] WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/U] WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch --VS-- Fans Choice [I](London & Kendrick - The Highlanders - World's Greatest Tag Team)[/I] [U][B]Womens Battle Royal Winner Meets Beth Phoenix For The Womens Title On Raw[/B][/U] [I]Fans Choose The Outfits: School Girl -- French Maid -- Lingerie[/I] Mickie James - Jillian Hall - Candice Michelle - Melina - Maria - Ashley - Michelle McCool - Torrie Wilson - Victoria - Kelly Kelly [/CENTER]
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MAIN EVENT-- Fans Choice The Stipulation [B]Steel Cage (First to escape is Champ)[/B] NO DQ (Winner is WWE Champ) Fatal Fourway For The WWE Title WWE CHAMPION "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton & Umaga --VS-- "The Game" Triple H & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels ECW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH ECW CHAMPION CM Punk --VS-- FANS CHOICE OF ANYONE ON ECW ROSTER - John Morrison WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION Jeff Hardy --VS-- FANS CHOICE ([B]Ken Kennedy[/B] - Carlito - Snitsky - Super Crazy - Daivari) LADDER MATCH FOR WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Top 2 Vote Getters Enter The Match FANS CHOICE: Jamie Noble, [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B], Funaki, [B]Shannon Moore[/B], Brett Major, Brian Major FANS CHOOSE STIPULATION Loser Wears A Dress [B]Loser Leaves SmackDown![/B] Hair Vs. Mask Rey Mysterio --VS-- Finlay WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch --VS-- Fans Choice (London & Kendrick - The Highlanders - [B]World's Greatest Tag Team[/B]) Womens Battle Royal Winner Meets Beth Phoenix For The Womens Title On Raw Fans Choose The Outfits: School Girl -- French Maid -- [B]Lingerie[/B] Mickie James - Jillian Hall - Candice Michelle - Melina - Maria - Ashley - Michelle McCool - Torrie Wilson - Victoria - Kelly Kelly
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--MAIN EVENT-- Fans Choice The Stipulation [B]Steel Cage (First to escape is Champ)[/B] NO DQ (Winner is WWE Champ) Fatal Fourway For The WWE Title WWE CHAMPION "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton & Umaga --VS-- "The Game" Triple H & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels ECW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH ECW CHAMPION CM Punk --VS-- [B]Elijah Burke[/B] WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION Jeff Hardy --VS-- FANS CHOICE ([B]Ken Kennedy[/B] - Carlito - Snitsky - Super Crazy - Daivari) LADDER MATCH FOR WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Top 2 Vote Getters Enter The Match FANS CHOICE: [B]Jamie Noble[/B], [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B], Funaki, Shannon Moore, Brett Major, Brian Major FANS CHOOSE STIPULATION Loser Wears A Dress Loser Leaves SmackDown! [B]Hair Vs. Mask[/B] Rey Mysterio --VS-- Finlay WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch --VS-- Fans Choice ([B]London & Kendrick[/B] - The Highlanders - World's Greatest Tag Team) Womens Battle Royal Winner Meets Beth Phoenix For The Womens Title On Raw Fans Choose The Outfits: [B]School Girl [/B]-- French Maid -- Lingerie Mickie James - Jillian Hall - Candice Michelle - Melina - Maria - Ashley - Michelle McCool - Torrie Wilson - Victoria - Kelly Kelly
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ECW On Sci-Fi | Tuesday Week 2 October 2007 [COLOR=DarkGreen]("Bodies" plays and the ECW On Sci-Fi video airs. As it ends we cut to a shot of the ring and standing inside it is ECW Champion CM Punk. He has a microphone in hand.)[/COLOR] [B] Punk:[/B] I'm out here tonight to address everyone of the fans who will be voting for my opponent at Cyber Sunday. I really dig the idea, but to be honest, it doesn't matter who is voted in to be my opponent. One way or another I am going to retain my title. I don't care if you guys vote for Big Daddy V, John Morrison, Tommy Dreamer, whoever. Vote for who you want to see me wrestle. I'm not gonna be one of those losers who begs you to vote for the guy I think I have the best chance to beat, because quite frankly, I can beat all of them. And tonight, when six of the nominees step into the ring and six-man elimination match to try and win you over...I'll be at ringside scouting and... [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Suddenly music that sounds quite a bit like "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" hits and out comes Nunzio. Nunzio stamps down to the ring like a man much bigger than he actually is. Nunzio gets in the ring and gets a microphone of his own.)[/COLOR] [B] Nunzio:[/B] Ya know, this fan voting thing...it's really great! It means that I finally get a chance to show what I can do against the ECW Champion CM Punk! It means that I can finally fulfill a goal I've had since coming into this business, and that's being a World Champion! [B] Punk:[/B] Woah woah woah, wait. Nunzio is it? [Nunzio says "Yeah"] Ok, Nunzio, the fans vote for my opponent, what makes you think that they would pick you? [B] Nunzio: [/B]Hah. Are you kiddin'? You're such a stunad! All my friends and family in Brooklyn, and not to mention Italy are gonna vote for me in record numbers. And when they do vote me in, prepare for a beating. [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Generic Theme #424 plays and Mike Knox makes his way down to the ring. Knox climbs into the ring and rips the mic out of Nunzio's hand.)[/COLOR] [B] Knox:[/B] Don't kid yourself little man, you don't deserve a title shot! [B] Nunzio:[/B] Oh like you do? [COLOR=DarkGreen] (CM Punk backs away and starts laughing.)[/COLOR] [B] Punk:[/B] Hey uh...big guy. What's the name? Knox? Yeah uh, just thought you'd like to know that Nunzio was just in the back earlier telling everyone that you came onto him. [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Knox's eyes get big with anger and rage and Nunzio tries to explain that it's a mistake and that Punk's lying. Suddenly Knox swings at Nunzio, but Nunzio ducks. Nunzio gets a few shots in on Knox, but they have no real affect and Knox kicks Nunzio square in the face and drops him to the mat. CM Punk is talking to the crowd and doesn't see Mike Knox sneak up on him. Knox hammers Punk in the lower back with a hard forearm. He then bashes Punk's face off the top turnbuckle and drives his shoulder hard into Punk's midsection a few times. Suddenly Nunzio rolls out of the ring and slides back in with a chair. A chairshot to Knox's back sends him fleeing. As Knox heads to the back Nunzio and Punk stand in the middle of the ring and have a staredown. And then they shake hands as we go to commercial.[/COLOR]) [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (We get another Coc[b][/b]ky Siaki promo. This time Siaki is shown standing in the middle of a ring inside an empty warehouse.)[/COLOR] [B] Siaki:[/B] This ring is my battlefield. My ancestors were warriors, and inside this ring, so am I. But the difference is that unlike my ancestors I feel no reason to be humble. When you are so much better than the competition, there's no need to stop and think for even one second about humility. Humility is for losers. I am not a loser. I am ****y. I am Siaki. [COLOR=DarkGreen] (The words "NEXT WEEK!" appear on the screen as we fade to Mike Tolar and Balls Mahoney in the interview area.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] Tolar:[/B] Well Balls it's finally here. What we've been waiting all week for. Revenge. [B] Balls:[/B] I CAN FEEL IT MIKE! HAHA! [B] Tolar:[/B] Just in case those of you at home are unfamiliar with what I'm talking about, let me remind you that last week The Miz had to cheat to beat me in my first match ever here in ECW. I lost, but luckily for me I impressed the right people and I'm back again this week. And with Balls here on my side, Miz won't be able to cheat to win this time. You ready to crack some skulls? [B] Balls:[/B] AND BUST SOME *bleep*s! [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Back at ringside Joey Styles and Tazz welcome everyone to the show as The Miz w/Extreme Expose and his tag partner Kevin Thorn make their way down to the ring. They get in the ring and await their opponents. Balls Mahoney's music hits and the resident of Nuttley, New Jersey comes down the aisle followed by his partner, the rookie Mike Tolar. Balls and Mike get in the ring and the match is ready to begin.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][U][B] MIKE TOLAR & BALLS MAHONEY VS. THE MIZ & KEVIN THORN[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The match begins with Balls Mahoney locking up with The Miz. They go back and forth and Balls powers his way to dominating in the early minutes. Balls misses a big swing and when Miz ducks he rams a forearm right into Balls' midsection. From there Miz takes over. He whips Balls into the corner. Miz comes in with a running shoulder to the midsection. Miz then kicks Balls a few times in the midsection before tagging in Kevin Thorn. Thorn comes in and continues the assault on Balls. Thorn has Balls caught in the corner and is doing his best to beat him down. Thorn goes for a running knee into the corner, but Balls manages to move out of the way. Thorn falls to the mat holding his knee and Balls tags in Mike Tolar. Tolar comes in and cleans house on Kevin Thorn until Thorn gets a blind tag to the Miz. Miz comes in and he and Tolar have a battle. Eventually Miz hits a suplex and covers Mike Tolar. Miz puts his feet on the ropes and gets a three count. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][U][B] WINNERS by pinfall: THE MIZ & KEVIN THORN[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (After the match Miz and Thorn are walking to the back, Balls and Tolar are still in the ring. Tolar pounds on the mat repeatedly after the Miz cheated and beat him a second time.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **MATCH RATING: C-**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (In the back we see Tommy Dreamer standing in front of a black backdrop ala ECW Hardcore TV.)[/COLOR] [B] Dreamer: [/B]Cyber Sunday, for most people it's just another pay-per-view event. It's just another chance for fans to lay down $40 of their hard earned money to be entertained for three hours by the best damn showmen in the world. But for me, it's something more. For me, Cyber Sunday is about redemption. It's about making good on a promise I made to myself that I wouldn't let ECW fall apart. I wouldn't let the ECW Championship, held by guys like Shane Douglas, Raven, Tazz, the Sandman, I wouldn't let that title fall into the hands of someone who isn't worthy. Now don't get me wrong, CM Punk is phenomenal, he is very worthy and he would've fit right in in ECW's prime. But there are some people who are eligible to face him at Cyber Sunday, that I wouldn't want to see holding the Global Championship Wrestling title. Guys like Big Daddy V, Matt Striker, Mike Knox, the Miz...these guys are the antithesis of what ECW is about. So fans, whether or not you like or respect me, I'm asking you if you don't wanna vote for me, that's fine. But please, do the right thing and pick someone who at least respresents what ECW was and still is about. Vote for Balls Mahoney, or Stevie Richards. Do the right thing, don't give the shot to someone who doesn't deserve it. [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Dreamer stares at the camera as we cut to a shot of Armando Estrada.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **SEGMENT RATING: B-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Green] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Armando Estrada is sitting at his desk, he looks into the camera.)[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [B] Estrada:[/B] Fans right now I would like to take an opportunity to announce a match for next week's show. I have decided that it is going to be Nunzio teaming with ECW Champion CM Punk to take on Mike Knox and the debuting Coc[b][/b]ky Siaki. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D+**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Back in the arena CM Punk is shown sitting down next to Joey and Tazz for the main event. Big Daddy V, Matt Striker, and Stevie Richards are already in the ring. Elijah Burke's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Burke slides in the ring and then John Morrison's music plays and he comes down the aisle. When Morrison gets in the ring, Tommy Dreamer's music hits the crowd goes nuts. Dreamer makes it into the ring and a big 6-man brawl starts.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][U][B] MAIN EVENT: 6-WAY ELIMINATION MATCH: TOMMY DREAMER VS. STEVIE RICHARDS VS. ELIJAH BURKE VS. MATT STRIKER VS. BIG DADDY V VS. JOHN MORRISON[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] A big brawl starts and eventually the ring is cleared of everyone but Elijah Burke and John Morrison. They lock-up and Burke gets a side headlock. Pushed out of the headlock by Morrison, Burke comes off the ropes. Leap frog by Morrison but Burke stops and when Morrison lands, Burke spins him around and kicks him in the midsection. A quick ddt, and Burke tags in Big Daddy V. V comes in and handles his business by beating the hell out of Morrison. Big Daddy V whips Morrison into the ropes, but Morrison catches himself. Big Daddy V charges, but Morrison pulls the ropes down and V falls to the outside. He lands awkwardly and is down. When he can't answer the referee's 10-count, he's counted out. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] ELIMINATED by countout: BIG DADDY V[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The match continues when Matt Striker runs in to get revenge on Morrison. He attacks Morrison from behind with some forearms to the back, but Morrison manages to catch him with an elbow to the side of the head and then tags in Stevie Richards. Richards comes in and he and Striker begin to wrestle. It's collegiate-esque mat wrestling, but that quickly evolves into a brawl when Matt Striker gets a thumb to the eyes and Richards fights back with a kick to the midsection. Richards whips Striker into the ropes, and Tommy Dreamer knees Striker in the back. Striker staggers forward, right into a superkick from Stevie. Stevie covers Striker and gets the three. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] ELIMINATED by pinfall: MATT STRIKER[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] John Morrison comes in the ring and quickly school boys Stevie for the three count. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] ELIMINATED by pinfall: STEVIE RICHARDS[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Morrison is then met in the ring by Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer and Morrison have a tough back-and-forth match. Both men gains an advantage only to lose it when the other reverses a big move. Morrison has the upperhand and tags in Burke. Burke continues the assault and has Dreamer on the ropes. Burke tags Morrison back in. Morrison goes to kick Dreamer, but Dreamer blocks it and kicks Morrison himself and hits a ddt. Dreamer covers and gets a three count. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] ELIMINATED by pinfall: JOHN MORRISON[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] Dreamer and Burke do battle in the ring. It's a nice back-and-forth section filled with high impact moves. Dreamer has Burke set up for a ddt, but John Morrison decides to hop up on the apron and distract Dreamer. Dreamer drops Burke and goes over to Morrison. He punches Morrison and knocks him off the apron. Dreamer turns around and Burke kicks him in the midsection. Burke nails the Elijah Experience on Dreamer and then covers him for the pin. [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] ELIMINATED by pinfall: TOMMY DREAMER[/B] [B] WINNER: ELIJAH BURKE[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen] (After the match Burke grabs the microphone.)[/COLOR] [B] Burke:[/B] Hey Punk, I saw you watching me from the announce position. Probably wondering what it's gonna take to beat me when I face you at Cyber Sunday. Well the answer is, there is nothing you can do. I'm taking your title and there's nothing you can do about it! [COLOR=DarkGreen] (Burke throws down the mic and walks over to the announce table. He and Punk have a stare down as the show goes off the air.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Gray][B] **MATCH RATING: B-**[/B] [B] SHOW RATING: C-[/B] [B] ATTENDANCE: 9,670[/B] [B] VENUE: BRYCE JORDAN CENTER (Tri-State) [/B][/COLOR][LEFT][COLOR=Black]----- If you wanna vote for Cyber Sunday, please wait until the full card is posted and then PM me. My fault, I know. [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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  • 2 weeks later...
WWE SmackDown! Week 2 - October 2007 [COLOR=Blue](SmackDown! comes on the air not with the usual opening, but with a shot of Vickie Guerrero sitting down behind her desk. She is apparently about to make a statement.)[/COLOR] [B] Vickie:[/B] Wrestling fans, last week here on SmackDown! everyone witnessed an incident that has undoubtedly left a black cloud over the SmackDown! brand. Last week, WWE Superstar The Great Khali did the unthinkable and attacked a fan. Khali was not provoked, and this attack was totally uncalled for. Khali has been suspended without pay until Cyber Sunday when he will return to wrestle in the main event, a match that was signed prior to his suspension. Once again, we apologize for Khali's actions last week, and we look forward to getting on with the show. Thank you for watching, and enjoy the show. [CENTER][B][COLOR=Navy] **SEGMENT RATING: D**[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (The SmackDown! opening rolls. As it ends we get a shot inside the arena and pyro is going off all over the place. Suddenly Batista's music hits and the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and takes off his sunglasses, hanging them off his shirt that's under his suit coat.)[/COLOR] [B] Batista:[/B] All week long people have been asking me 'What did the Undertaker say to you at the end of SmackDown! last week?" Well to be honest, that doesn't matter. What matters is that earlier today I went to SmackDown! GM Vickie Guerrero and asked for a match with the Undertaker. I even said I was willing to defend my world heavyweight championship in the match. She told me I'd have to wait for the answer, and I will. But I don't wanna wait to meet the Undertaker. So Undertaker, if you have the guts...get out here and face me like a man! [COLOR=Blue] (The lights go out suddenly and the Undertaker's music plays. The crowd pops as Undertaker makes his way down to the ring.'Taker gets to the ring and the lights come back up. He and Batista have a staredown and exchange a few words when MVP's music hits. The crowd boos as MVP struts his way down to the ring. The Undertaker and Batista both stand facing him as he climbs into the ring. MVP is handed a mic.)[/COLOR] [B] MVP:[/B] Sorry, but I just had to interrupt. After all, what would SmackDown! be without it's M...V...P? I mean let's face it, ya'll get all the publicity, ya'll are considered the two best wrestlers on SmackDown! but let's face it...that's all wrong. I'm the best. I mean last week, Undertaker...you never would've pinned me! Matt Hardy was the weak link of our team, everyone knows that. And Batista I hope you know that you're just keeping that belt warm for me. I mean, as soon as I get sick of being US Champion, your belt is mine. But I'm not gonna tell you... [COLOR=Blue] (Suddenly the Undertaker has had enough and he goozles MVP. A chokeslam puts MVP down on the mat. From there Batista spins the Undertaker around and they continue their staredown. But suddenly the lights go out. They come back on and the Undertaker is gone. Batista looks spooked. He steps over MVP and heads to the back, looking around for the Undertaker.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C+**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back MVP is staggering to the back when he is approached by Matt Hardy.) [/COLOR] [B] Hardy:[/B] So you're just gonna throw me under the bus huh? And attack me? [COLOR=Blue] (MVP shoves Hardy and they begin to brawl. WWE Officials step in and pull them apart. SmackDown! GM Vickie Guerrero walks by.)[/COLOR] [B] Vickie:[/B] Hey you know what? I have an idea. You two are gonna wrestle tonight. But not against each other, no. Tonight MVP, you will defend the US title against Kane! And Matt Hardy, you're going to get a World Heavyweight title match against Batista! [COLOR=Blue] (MVP is pissed, but Hardy looks happy as we cut back to the arena.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (Funaki is introduced and he's already standing in the ring. Then his opponent Drew Galloway is introduced. Galloway is lead to the ring by his manager, Dave Taylor.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B] DREW GALLOWAY VS. FUNAKI[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] This is nothing but a glorified squash match. Funaki gets some offense in early, but then Galloway takes over and dominates. Galloway gets the pin following a spinning brainbuster. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] WINNER by pinfall: DREW GALLOWAY[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **MATCH RATING: D**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back Finlay is standing by the catering table when Rey Mysterio jumps him from behind. They begin to brawl in the hallway. Finlay eventually gets the upper hand and knocks Rey into a door. A knee to the midsection has enough force to shove the door open and Rey goes through it. Finlay follows and so does the camera. They continue to brawl and swing wildly when a limousine pulls up in the lot. When it stops, Finlay grabs Rey and throws him up on the hood. Finlay is punching Rey when suddenly the sunroof opens and Vince McMahon sticks his upper body through.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!? STOP THAT! [COLOR=Blue] (Finlay stops and puts his arms up in the air as WWE Officials rush out to stop the fight.)[/COLOR] [B] McMahon:[/B] If you two hate each other so much, I'll tell you what! At Cyber Sunday you two will face each other, one-on-one. And if you so much as even breath on each other between now and Cyber Sunday, your match will be off and you'll both be suspended! Now get the hell off my limo! [COLOR=Blue] (McMahon drops back in and Finlay is escorted back inside as we go to commercial.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C-**[/B] [COLOR=Navy][B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Navy] [/COLOR] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back Deuce & Domino are standing by with Maryse.)[/COLOR] [B] Maryse:[/B] Deuce and Domino last week you two had an altercation with Ric Flair and later on he cost you your match against the Major Brothers. Tonight you meet them in a rematch, what are your thoughts? [B] Domino:[/B] You know something we're pretty angry. Last week, those losers the Major Brothers should've lost to us. But Ric Flair, that dirty old man had to stick his nose in our business, and his tongue in my sister's mouth! [B] Deuce:[/B] And we don't take kindly to that! So tonight, the Major Brothers are in for a beating the likes of which won't soon be forgotten! They cheated last week, so we're getting our revenge this week! [B] Domino:[/B] And Cherry's gonna stay in the back so no dirty old men can have their way with her! [COLOR=Blue] (Deuce and Domino walk away.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C**[/B] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (Chris Master & Jamie Noble are standing in the ring. Jesse & Festus' music hits and they come down to the ring for their match.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B] JESSE & FESTUS VS. CHRIS MASTERS & JAMIE NOBLE.[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The match starts off with the heels in control. Masters and Noble play the heel team to perfection by keeping Jesse in their corner and double teaming and cheating. Festus is too dumb to realize he has to hold on to the tag rope so a tag from Jesse is disallowed. Masters tags in Noble and Noble misses a missile dropkick from the top rope. Jesse finally tags in Festus. Festus beats down Noble, but Masters gets in the ring and nails a low blow on Festus and the referee disqualifies Masters and Noble. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] WINNERS by DQ: JESSE & FESTUS[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (After the match Jamie Noble nails Festus with a chairshot and Masters knocks Jesse unconscious with the Masterlock.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **MATCH RATING: D+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (The screen goes black and various words begin to pop up on the screen.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][I] Flashy. Determined. Dynamic. Incredible. [B]BURCHILL.[/B] November.[/I] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (Back from commercial the lights go out and Kane's music begins to play. The crowd pops as Kane walks down to the ring with one of the WWE Tag Team Titles around his waist. Kane gets in the ring and the pyro shoots off. We cut to the stage and MVP's music begins. MVP makes his way down to the ring. He slides in the ring and we are underway.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B] WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: MONTEL VONTAVIOUS PORTER (C) VS. KANE[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The match is long and very good. MVP and Kane have a back and forth match. MVP actually gets in a lot of offense. MVP has Kane on the ropes, but Kane manages to fight back with a big boot to the face. Kane takes over and gets a couple near falls but MVP keeps getting his foot on the bottom rope. Kane picks MVP up and whips him hard into the corner and the impact shakes the ring. MVP is stunned and staggers toward the middle of the ring. Kane grabs him by the throat, but MVP kicks Kane in the groin and then drops him with a drop toe hold. From there MVP tries to outwrestle Kane, but Kane manages to outpower him and get back to his feet. The announcers point out that every strategy MVP has tried has failed and he has to be questioning himself. MVP gets in a bit more offense before Kane goes on a run and eventually clotheslines MVP to the outside. MVP walks over to the timekeeper and grabs his US Title. MVP walks up the ramp and gets himself counted out to retain the title. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] WINNER by COUNT OUT: KANE[/B] [B] STILL WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPION: MONTEL VONTAVIOUS PORTER[/B] [B] **MATCH RATING: B**[/B] [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back Jimmy Wang Yang is standing by.)[/COLOR] [B] Yang:[/B] Well howdy! In case you didn't know, my name is Jimmy Wang Yang, and I understand that there is a big cruiserweight title ladder match coming up at Cyber Sunday. Well if you ask me, what that match needs, is a little Wang.... [COLOR=Blue] (Jamie Noble enters the picture.)[/COLOR] [B] Noble:[/B] Are you serious? What that match needs is the rightful champion! I should still be the champion dammit! I should be in the match! [COLOR=Blue] (Suddenly Shannon Moore also enters the interview area.)[/COLOR] [B] Moore:[/B] So you're saying the guy who lost to a midget should get the first chance to win it back? How does that one work? [B] Noble:[/B] It works because I said it does got it? [COLOR=Blue] (Noble and Moore have a staredown until Jimmy Wang Yang shoves the two apart.)[/COLOR] [B] Yang:[/B] Look, I'll be more than happy to beat either one of you guys at Cyber Sunday! [COLOR=Blue] (All three men contine arguing as we cut to commercial.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D+**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (Back from commercial the Major Brothers make their way down to the ring. Once they get in the ring, a cadillac begins to roll down to the ring, and Deuce and Domino step out. They get in the ring and the match immediately begins.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B] THE MAJOR BROTHERS VS. DEUCE & DOMINO[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The match is a competitive back and forth match. Deuce gets an early advantage over Brian Major. Deuce and Domino keep Brian tied up in their corner and go to work on his ribs. Deuce tags Domino in. Domino comes in and drills Brian in the ribs with a hard knee lift and then a boot to the ribs. Domino grabs Brian by the hair and slams him hard face first into the turnbuckle. Domino nails an elbow to the side of Brian's head. Domino tags Deuce back in. Deuce kicks Brian in the midsection and suplexed him down onto the middle of the ring. Deuce continues to dominate Brian until Brian ducks a punch and gets a crucifix, but only gets a two count. Brian manages to tag in Bret. Bret gets the upper hand in the match and is on fire as he hammers away on both Deuce and Domino with right hands. A running clothesline to both of the heels has the crowd going crazy. But Bret and Brian are too busy posing for the crowd that they miss Deuce and Domino getting back to their feet. When both of the Major Brothers who are in the ring turn around, they both get nailed hard with kicks to the face. Suddenly, just as the heels are about to cover the Major Brothers, the TitanTron lights up with footage of Deuce & Domino's locker room. Ric Flair is sitting on the couch. The camera pans over to the shower and we see Cherry in the shower. Deuce and Domino are pissed. They take off running to the back and get counted out. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] WINNERS by countout: THE MAJOR BROTHERS[/B] [B] **MATCH RATING: C**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (We cut to the back where Matt Hardy is standing with Maryse.)[/COLOR] [B] Maryse:[/B] Matt tonight you are getting the chance of a lifetime as you take on World Heavyweight Champion Batista for the World Heavyweight title. What's going through your mind as you prepare for that match? [B] Hardy:[/B] You know at this point I'm still kind of numb to this. I mean this is chance of a lifetime. A dream come true if I can win. Tonight Batista is in for the fight of his life. You see he may have beaten people bigger than me, he may have beaten people stronger than me. But he has never beat anyone with more heart than me. I am going to give Batista everything I have and dammit...he's gonna have to injure me to beat me. [COLOR=Blue] (Hardy walks off.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: B+**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (In the back Deuce & Domino storm into their locker room. Ric Flair is no longer sitting on the couch. Deuce walks over to the shower and flings the curtain open. Cherry screams, and Flair is still nowhere to be found. Domino yells for Deuce to come back into the main room. Deuce does and the camera follows.)[/COLOR] [B] Domino:[/B] Look, someone left us a note. [B] Deuce:[/B] [I][reading the note][/I] Deuce & Domino, now do you see why you don't mess with an old dog? - Nature Boy. [B] Domino:[/B] DAMMIT! [COLOR=Blue] (Domino kicks a table and turns the leather couch over as we go to commercial.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: C**[/B] [B] [COMMERCIALS][/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (Back in the arena Matt Hardy's music hits and the crowd goes insane as Hardy makes his way down to the ring for the biggest match of his career. Hardy gets in the ring and awaits his opponent. Batista's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with the usual pyro. Batista gets in the ring. He takes the World Heavyweight title off his waist and hands it to the referee. The referee allows Matt Hardy to take a look at the title that could be his. The referee hands the title to the ring attendant and then calls for the bell.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][U][B] MAIN EVENT: WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: "THE ANIMAL" BATISTA (C) VS. MATT HARDY.[/B][/U][/COLOR] [/CENTER] The match begins with a staredown. Hardy and Batista then shake hands and the action begins. Batista dominates early by using his power and strength. He whips Hardy into the corner and Hardy hits hard. Batista follows him in with a clothesline. The beatdown continues until Batista misses a clothesline and Hardy kicks Batista in the midsection. Hardy goes for a ddt, but Batista blocks it and instead picks Hardy up and runs into the corner. Hardy's ribs get smashed into the corner. Batista hiptosses Hardy into the middle of the ring. When Hardy gets back up, Batista charges for a clothesline. Hardy ducks and nails a neckbreaker. Batista is hurting. Hardy takes over and gets a near fall after a legdrop from the second rope. Matt Hardy takes it to Batista and is about to nail a dazed Batista with the Twist Of Fate when suddenly, MVP slides into the ring and nails Hardy from behind. The referee calls for the bell. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] WINNER by disqualification: MATT HARDY[/B] [B] **MATCH RATING: C-**[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue] (After the match MVP is laying the boots to Matt Hardy. Batista gets to his feet and clotheslines MVP to the outside. Matt Hardy gets to his feet and Batista and Hardy shake hands. Suddenly Vickie Guerrero comes out onto the stage with a microphone in hand.)[/COLOR] [B] Vickie:[/B] At this time I would like to announce the SmackDown! main event for Cyber Sunday. At Cyber Sunday it is going to be World Heavyweight Champion Batista, United States Champion MVP, WWE Tag Team Champions the Undertaker & Kane, Matt Hardy, and The Great Khali in a six-man elimination match. The catch is, however that the fans will get to select which championship is on the line! [B] Cole:[/B] WOW! THAT IS HUGE! WHAT AN ANNOUNCEMENT! [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B] **SEGMENT RATING: D+**[/B] [B] SHOW RATING: C+ [/B][/COLOR][LEFT][CENTER][QUOTE][U][B]CURRENT WWE CYBER SUNDAY CARD --MAIN EVENT-- [/B][/U][B]Fans Choose The Stipulation [/B][I]Steel Cage (First to escape is Champ) NO DQ (Winner is WWE Champ) Fatal Fourway For The WWE Title[/I] WWE CHAMPION "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton & Umaga --VS-- "The Game" Triple H & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels [B][U]Six-Way Elimination Match[/U][/B] [B]Fans Choose Which Championship Is On The Line [/B][I]World Heavyweight Championship WWE Tag Team Championship WWE United States Championship [/I]World Heavyweight Champion "The Animal" Batista -V- WWE United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter -V- WWE Tag Team Champion The Undertaker -V- WWE Tag Team Champion Kane -V- Matt Hardy -V- The Great Khali [U][B]ECW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/U] ECW CHAMPION CM Punk --VS-- FANS CHOICE OF ANYONE ON ECW ROSTER [U][B]WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/U] INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION Jeff Hardy --VS-- FANS CHOICE [I](Ken Kennedy - Carlito - Snitsky - Super Crazy - Daivari)[/I] [U][B]LADDER MATCH FOR WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP[/B][/U] [I]Top 2 Vote Getters Enter The Match[/I] FANS CHOICE: Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Shannon Moore, Brett Major, Brian Major [B] FANS CHOOSE STIPULATION [/B][I]Loser Wears A Dress Loser Leaves SmackDown! Hair Vs. Mask [/I]Rey Mysterio --VS-- Finlay [U][B] WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B][/U] WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch --VS-- Fans Choice [I](London & Kendrick - The Highlanders - World's Greatest Tag Team)[/I] [U][B]Womens Battle Royal Winner Meets Beth Phoenix For The Womens Title On Raw[/B][/U] [I]Fans Choose The Outfits: School Girl -- French Maid -- Lingerie[/I] Mickie James - Jillian Hall - Candice Michelle - Melina - Maria - Ashley - Michelle McCool - Torrie Wilson - Victoria - Kelly Kelly [/CENTER] [/QUOTE] If you wish to vote, PM me your choices. The final card will be posted soon. [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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OOC: Well with only a week in game time left until Cyber Sunday I decided to post quick versions of the final week of shows before the PPV. This way I can spend more time writing the PPV. At the end of this thread will be the final card for Cyber Sunday. If you'd like to vote you can PM me or post them here. I posted the card on another board and asked them to vote to to give me a higher number of votes. Without further ado... [CENTER][B][COLOR=Red]RAW RESULTS Week 3 - October 2007 [/COLOR][/B][LEFT][B]Segment 1:[/B] The show opens with Mr. McMahon making his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and calls out Coach and Hornswoggle. He berates them and tells Coach that he screwed up big time last week. He asks Coach for a response, but Coach has no answer. He was wrong, and he's sorry. McMahon says sorry doesn't cut it, so tonight it's going to be Coach teaming with Hornswoggle to take on Umaga. [B] Segment 2:[/B] London & Kendrick are in the back. In order to get the fans to vote for them, it's time for them to take the fans' requests. It's London & Kendrick, Total Raw-quest Live! The first request comes from Katie in Dallas. She wants them to do a funny dance. So they do. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 3:[/B] In the back Santino Marella is talking to his class. Trevor Murdoch and Snitsky are now joined by Howard Finkel, and Spanish broadcaster Hugo Savinovich. Santino begins to rant about the fact that he must take on Val Venis at Cyber Sunday. He doesn't want to want to risk Venis getting to go out with Maria. So he tells his class that if they can make sure they vote over and over for the Falls Count Anywhere match, he'll make sure that they have the hottest dates possible for Cyber Sunday. [B]Segment 4:[/B] Super Crazy Vs. Daivari Vs. Carlito. Special Guest Referee: WWE I-C Champion Jeff Hardy. WINNER: Super Crazy by pinfall over Carlito. After the match Daivari nails Hardy with the IC title and knocks him out. [B]Segment 5:[/B] In the back Shawn Michaels and Triple H are discussing their match tonight. Apparently they are taking on Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas. The door to their room opens and London & Kendrick step in. They say that they got a request from John in Toronto. John wants to see London & Kendrick team up with Triple H & Shawn Michaels tonight to take on the World's Greatest Tag Team & The Highlanders. So London & Kendrick ask them to help them out and make their match a four-on-four. Triple H tells them to go wait outside and they'll talk it over. London & Kendrick go back outside and we cut to commercial. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 6:[/B] Val Venis Vs. Snitsky. WINNER: Snitsky by pinfall after Santino Marella interferes. Santino and Snitsky beatdown Val after the match until Hacksaw Jim Duggan rushes out with his two-by-four and chases off the heels. [B]Segment 7:[/B] WWE CHAMPION Randy Orton is standing by with Todd Grisham. Orton says Cyber Sunday hasn't crossed his mind and he could care less what stipulation the fans pick because he plans on winning the match no matter what. [B]Segment 8:[/B] London & Kendrick are still waiting outside the room for Triple H & HBK. Suddenly the door opens and HBK ushers them in. Triple H & HBK say they aren't ones to ruin some fan's dream match so they accept. London & Kendrick are pumped. They then ask HBK to help them with their next request. HBK asks what it is, and London says Maria in San Jose wants to see Brian Kendrick get on a skateboard, skate up a ramp and jump over a WWE Legend. HBK says he doesn't wanna be that legend, but he knows there are a couple legends in the building that Kendrick could find to jump over. [COMMERCIALS] [B] Segment 9:[/B] In the back Coach is trying to talk to Hornswoggle about strategy, but then it dawns on him that they're screwed and he gets an idea to just get the hell out of the arena. They go to leave, but standing right outside the door is GM William Regal. He said McMahon told him to make sure Coach & Hornswoggle didn't run away. [B]Segment 10:[/B] In a hallway in the back we see a skateboard jump ramp has been erected. HBK tells Kendrick that the legend is in place. The camera pans down and it's George "The Animal" Steele laying on his back. Kendrick skateboards up the ramp and jumps over Steele. DX, London & Kendrick celebrate. Suddenly The World's Greatest Tag Team walk by. They tell the faces that if their down acting like retards, it's time for them to get their asses kicked. [B]Segment 11:[/B] The World's Greatest Tag Team & The Highlanders Vs. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Paul London & Brian Kendrick. WINNERS: DX and London & Kendrick after London pins Charlie Haas. After the match, Triple H & HBK bring George "The Animal" Steele back out. He gets in the ring and when Charlie Haas gets up to his feet, Steele knocks him back down with a headbutt. Then, as part of the celebration, the faces eat the stuffing out of the turnbuckles ala The Animal. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 12:[/B] Total RAW-quest Live continues with London & Kendrick saying they got a request from L & T from Texas. L & T want London & Kendrick to go out to the parking lot and take food to the fans waiting outside for autographs. London & Kendrick go outside with chips and pretzels and drinks, but suddenly they're jumped by Cade & Murdoch. Cade and Murdoch make fun of them for being gullible. "L and T. Hmm...Lance and Trevor? You guys are too dumb to deserve a title shot!" [B]Segment 13:[/B] Save_Us.222 video. The Symbol is the code. [B]Segment 14:[/B] Another Brent Albright hype video. This one shows footage of him winning the OVW Title. [B] Segment 15:[/B] Coach & Hornswoggle are told their match is next. They are escorted to the ring by security so that they don't run away. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 16:[/B] MAIN EVENT: Coach & Hornswoggle Vs. Umaga. NO CONTEST. HBK & Triple H make the save, but Coach gets back in Mr. McMahon's good graces by nailing Triple H in the back with the sledgehammer as Triple H is about to pedigree Mr. McMahon. HBK and Triple H are beatdown by the heels and the show ends with Triple H and HBK laying in the middle of the ring both battered and bloody. [CENTER][B][COLOR=Green]ECW ON SCI-FI RESULTS Tuesday Week 3 - October 2007 [/COLOR][/B][LEFT][B]Segment 1:[/B] ECW CHAMPION CM Punk & Nunzio Vs. Mike Knox & "****y" Siaki. WINNERS: Punk & Nunzio after Punk pins Mike Knox. After the match Siaki drops Punk with a sick kick to the head and poses with the ECW title. [B]Segment 2:[/B] A Big Daddy V hype video airs. It shows him squashing competitors. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 3:[/B] Dreamer, Richards & Balls cut a promo about tonight's main event. Dreamer guarantees a victory. [B]Segment 4:[/B] Mike Tolar Vs. The Miz. WINNER: The Miz via roll-up after he feigns an injury. When Mike Tolar goes to check on him, Miz rolls him up into a small package for the pin. After the match Tolar pounds on the mat in frustration. [B]Segment 5:[/B] CM Punk is shown being tended to by the medical staff in the back. Brand new ECW Announcer Michael Hayes says he has heard talk that Punk might have a concussion and that the medical staff will be monitoring his condition as the night goes on. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 6:[/B] Michael Hayes is standing by with Mike Tolar. Tolar is angered but says he refuses to give up and he will eventually beat The Miz. He's learning more and more with each loss and before you know it, he'll be ready to go on a nice win streak. [B]Segment 7:[/B] MAIN EVENT: Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards & Balls Mahoney Vs. John Morrison, Elijah Burke & Kevin Thorn. WINNERS: Morrison, Burke & Thorn after Morrison pins Balls Mahoney following a rocker dropper from the second rope. After the match all six men begin to brawl until Big Daddy V comes out and destroys everyone. V is standing in the ring as the show goes off the air. [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]WWE SmackDown! RESULTS[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Friday Week 3 - October 2007 [/B][/COLOR][LEFT][B]Segment 1:[/B] A video airs hyping up the Cyber Sunday main event. Then the SD! intro. Pyro shoots off inside the arena and then the Great Khali makes his way down to the ring with his interpreter. The interpreter reads a pre-written statement apologizing for Khali injuring that fan two weeks ago, but says that he won't be apologizing for crippling anyone and everyone who stands in his way of winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Suddenly Batista's music plays and he runs down to the ring. He and Khali brawl for a bit until Batista clotheslines Khali over the top rope and Khali flees. Cole and JBL then announce the six-man tag main event for tonight....Batista, Undertaker & Kane against Great Khali, MVP and Matt Hardy. [B]Segment 2:[/B] In the back Deuce and Domino are standing in Vickie Guerrero's office. They want a match against Ric Flair. Vickie says she's come up with an idea...let the fans choose who will face Ric Flair at Cyber Sunday, Deuce, Domino, or Cherry. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 3:[/B] A video hypes up the long Finlay/Mysterio feud. Following the video Finlay makes his way down to the ring for his match. Finlay Vs. Chuck Palumbo. WINNER: Finlay by pinfall after nailing Palumbo with the shillelagh. After the match Finlay gets on the mic and cuts a promo on Mysterio, promising to beat him no matter what the match is, and if it's Loser Leaves SmackDown! his win will be even sweeter. [B]Segment 4:[/B] In the back Jamie Noble is cutting a promo on why he should be voted into the cruiserweight title match at Cyber Sunday. Funaki enters the picture. Funaki is holding up a sign that says "Vote For Me. SmackDown! #1 Announcer!" Noble says that's ridiculous, Funaki isn't an announcer, he can't even speak english. Suddenly, Funaki takes the mic from Noble and the overdubbing of his voice begins again. Noble is weirded out as Funaki looks like he stars in a Japanese movie dubbed into english. Noble gets pissed and storms off. The camera pans to the right and we see Jimmy Wang Yang hiding around the corner. Yang gets up and high fives Funaki and they laugh. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 5:[/B] Rey Mysterio Vs. Kenny Dykstra. WINNER: Rey Mysterio by pinfall following the 619. After the match Rey says he wants to rid SmackDown! of Finlay. [B]Segment 6:[/B] Ric Flair cuts a promo about Cyber Sunday. He talks about having to take on Deuce, Domino, or Cherry. Says he can't wait. [B]Segment 7:[/B] Mark Henry makes his way down to the ring. He talks about how strong he is and how there isn't anyone in the back who can beat him. Suddenly a new worker comes out onto the stage with a mic. It's Harry Smith. Smith takes exception to Henry's idea and says that while he may not have the experience Henry has, he knows he can beat him. An impromptu brawl begins and Mark Henry destroys Harry Smith. Henry big splashes Harry on the steel steps and EMTs come out and take Harry out on a stretcher. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 8:[/B] Shannon Moore & Jamie Noble Vs. The Major Brothers. WINNERS: Moore & Noble by pinfall after Deuce & Domino interfere. During the ensuing beatdown, Flair makes the save. [B]Segment 9:[/B] Another Burchill hype video airs. [B]Segment 10:[/B] Jesse & Festus Dalton are in the back in Vickie Guerrero's office. They ask for a WWE Tag Team Title Match. Vickie says she has a better idea and books a triple threat #1 contenders tag match for next week between The Daltons, The Major Brothers, and Deuce & Domino. [B]Segment 11:[/B] In the back MVP and Matt Hardy standing in a room. They begin to argue when Khali's interpreter steps in and tells them that they better work together or Khali will destroy them. We then cut to a shot of World Heavyweight Champion Batista stretching and getting ready for the main event. [COMMERCIALS] [B]Segment 12:[/B] MAIN EVENT SIX MAN TAG TEAM MATCH: WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION "THE ANIMAL" BATISTA & WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS THE UNDERTAKER & KANE VS. WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPION MONTEL VONTAVIOUS PORTER, MATT HARDY & THE GREAT KHALI. WINNERS: MVP, HARDY & KHALI after The Undertaker and Batista begin to argue and Batista shoves Taker. Taker staggers into a double handed chokeslam from The Great Khali. After the match a big six-man brawl occurs to end the show. [CENTER][U][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]WWE CYBER SUNDAY FINAL CARD [/COLOR][/B][/U][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][U]MAIN EVENT[/U] [COLOR=Lime]FANS CHOOSE THE TYPE OF MATCH[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Steel Cage: First To Escape Is WWE Champion -- No DQ: Winner[/COLOR] Becomes WWE Champion -- Fatal Fourway For the WWE Title [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]WWE Champion "Legend Killer" Randy Orton & Umaga --vs-- "The Game" Triple H & "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Lime]FANS CHOOSE THE TITLE ON THE LINE[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE - WWE TAG TEAM TITLES - WWE UNITED STATES TITLE[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]World Heavyweight Champion "The Animal" Batista --vs-- WWE Tag Team Champion The Undertaker --vs-- WWE Tag Team Champion Kane --vs-- WWE United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter --vs-- Matt Hardy --vs-- The Great Khali[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Lime]ECW TITLE MATCH[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]ECW Champion CM Punk --vs-- [COLOR=Navy]Fans Choice: Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer, Elijah Burke, John Morrison, The Miz, Big Daddy V, Matt Striker, Mike Tolar, Kevin Thorn, Nunzio, Mike Knox, "****y" Siaki, Boogeyman, Balls Mahoney,[/COLOR][/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=Navy] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch --vs-- [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fans Choice: London & Kendrick, The Highlanders, or The World's Greatest Tag Team[/COLOR] [/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Blue]FANS CHOOSE THE STIPULATION[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Mask Vs. Hair -- Loser Leaves SmackDown! -- Loser Wears A Dress[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Rey Mysterio --vs-- Finlay[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Blue]Ladder Match For The WWE Cruiserweight Title[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Top 2 Vote Getters Enter The Match[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Fans Choice: Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Shannon Moore, Brett Major, Brian Major[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Blue]FANS CHOOSE THE OPPONENT[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair --vs-- [COLOR=Purple]Fans Choice: Deuce, Domino, or Cherry[/COLOR][/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Red] FANS CHOOSE THE STIPULATION[/COLOR] [COLOR=LightBlue]Winner Gets A Date With Maria -- Falls Count Anywhere - "I Quit" Match[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Santino Marella --vs-- Val Venis[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Red]WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy --vs--[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Sienna]Fans Choice: Ken Kennedy, Snitsky, Cody Rhodes, Super Crazy, Daivari[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [COLOR=Red]Womens Battle Royal Winner Meets Beth Phoenix For The Womens Title On Raw[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Magenta][COLOR=DarkOrange]Fans Choose The Outfits: School Girl -- French Maid -- Lingerie[/COLOR] Mickie James - Jillian Hall - Candice Michelle - Melina - Maria - Ashley - Michelle McCool - Torrie Wilson - Victoria - Kelly Kelly[/COLOR][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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WWE.COM Pre-Cyber Sunday News From WWE.COM... - Word from WWE doctors is that ECW Champion CM Punk did indeed suffer a concussion at the well, feet of ECW newcomer "****y" Siaki this past Tuesday night on ECW On Sci-Fi. No word yet on whether or not CM Punk will be cleared to wrestle this Sunday at Cyber Sunday but when WWE.COM spoke to Punk he assured us he'd be in action at the pay-per-view. "If the fans want me there I'll be there. They're gonna vote for my opponent, the least I can do is show up and compete. Concussion or not I'm missing Cyber Sunday for anything." - SmackDown! newcomer Harry Smith was taken to the hospital after SmackDown! last night when he was injured by a Mark Henry splash onto the steel steps. Smith has been released from the hospital and will take on Mark Henry this coming Friday on SmackDown!. - Triple H & Shawn Michaels have promised to get their hands on Jonathan Coachman in some way this Sunday night at Cyber Sunday.
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WWE Cyber Sunday Preview [B]The Match:[/B] WWE Champion Randy Orton & Umaga Vs. Triple H & Shawn Michaels [B] The Stipulations:[/B] WWE Title on the line. Fans choose the match. [B] Fans Choices:[/B] Steel Cage - No DQ - Fatal Fourway Since winning the WWE Championship at No Mercy, Randy Orton has made nothing but enemies. Triple H and Shawn Michaels have thus far failed in every attempt to take the title from Orton. At Cyber Sunday they get another chance and you fans get the chance to choose the type of match. [B] The Match:[/B] "The Animal" Batista Vs. The Undertaker Vs. Kane Vs. MVP Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. The Great Khali [B]The Stipulations:[/B] Six-Way Elimination Match. Fans choose which title is on the line. [B]Fans Choices:[/B] World Heavyweight - WWE Tag Team - WWE United States As we've seen the past few weeks on SmackDown!, these six men don't get along very well. Sure The Undertaker and Kane are brothers, as well as tag team champions, but two of their opponents are former tag team champions. Matt Hardy and MVP lost the belts to the Undertaker and Kane and then saw their budding friendship fall apart when MVP blamed Matt for the loss. The Great Khali also continues his rivalry with Batista on the grand stage of Cyber Sunday. This Sunday, one man will walk out the winner. But which title will he lay claim to? [B]The Match:[/B] CM Punk Vs. Fans Choice [B]The Stipulations:[/B] ECW Championship Match. Fans choose Punk's opponent. [B]Fans Choices:[/B] Anyone on the current ECW roster. For CM Punk the last few weeks have not been easy. After ECW General Manager Armando Estrada announced that Punk's opponent would be selected by the fans and that it could be anyone from the ECW roster, Punk has been inundated not just with potential opponents, all trying to make a name for themselves and influence the fans' vote, but with interview requests as well. The young champion's celebrity status seems to be on the rise, but a loss this Sunday could hurt his new found popularity. Will Punk, who suffered a concussion at the feet of newcomer Siaki this past Tuesday night, be able to overcome the odds and defeat an opponent he hasn't had time to scout or train for? Or will the odds trample Punk and end his title reign? [B]The Match:[/B] Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch Vs. Fans Choice [B]The Stipulations:[/B] World Tag Team Title Match. Fans choose Cade & Murdoch's opponents. [B]Fans Choices:[/B] Paul London & Brian Kendrick - The Highlanders - The World's Greatest Tag Team For the past few months Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch have had a stranglehold over the World Tag Team Championship. The Redneck Wrecking Crew as they have been dubbed have defeated all comers. This Sunday night the fans get to choose their next opponents. Will they choose the scottish brothers with a penchant for inflicting pain, The Highlanders? Will they select the self-professed World's Greatest Tag Team, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, or the young fan-favorites Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Only time will tell. [B]The Match:[/B] Rey Mysterio Vs. Finlay [B]The Stipulation:[/B] Fans choose the stipulation. [B]Fans' Choices:[/B] Loser Leaves SmackDown! - Mask Vs. Hair - Loser Wears A Dress For Rey Mysterio and Finlay time hasn't done anything to douse the fire of hate these two men have for one another. SmackDown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero understands that SmackDown! may indeed not be big enough for both of them and has added a stipulation for the fans to choose that the loser must leave SmackDown!. The loser of the match could also lose their mask (in the case of Rey) or their hair (Finlay). Not to mention the chance that the loser could lose their dignity and be forced to wear a dress on a nationally televised broadcast of Friday Night SmackDown!. [B]The Match:[/B] Ladder Match for the vacant WWE Cruiserweight Title [B]The Stipulation:[/B] Fans choose the competitors. [B]Fans' Choices:[/B] Jamie Noble - Funaki - Jimmy Wang Yang - Shannon Moore - Brian Major - Bret Major When SmackDown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero announced this match, SmackDown!'s locker room lit up with anticipation. The cruiserweights on the roster who had been overlooked for too long were going to get their title back. This Sunday the fans will have a direct effect on the entire cruiserweight division as they decide which two competitors get the chance to compete for the currently vacant title. [B]The Match:[/B] "Nature Boy" Ric Flair Vs. ??? [B]The Stipulation:[/B] Fans choose the opponent. [B]Fans' Choices:[/B] Deuce - Domino - Cherry It started a few weeks ago when Deuce and Domino made fun of wrestling legend Walter "Killer" Kowalski. Coming to Kowalski's aid was another legend, Ric Flair. Since then Flair has been a thorn in the sides of Deuce and Domino, even going so far as to kiss Cherry, Deuce's girlfriend and Domino's sister. The rivalry will take another step this Sunday as the fans decide who they want Flair to face, Deuce, Domino, of the female member of the trio, Cherry. [B]The Match:[/B] Santino Marella Vs. Val Venis [B]The Stipulation:[/B] Fans choose the stipulation. [B]Fans' Choice:[/B] Winner Gets A Date With Maria - Falls Count Anywhere - "I Quit" Match Val Venis has taken exception to Santino opening what he calls "Santino Marella's School For Men Who Can't Get Women" and he's let it be known. Since Val dissed Santino in front of not only his students but his girlfriend, the lovely Maria, Santino has been on a rampage and has been trying to repeatedly make Val's life a living hell. He has yet to succeed but he'll get his chance at Cyber Sunday. But if he loses, Val could get a chance to show Santino's woman a wonderful evening. [B]The Match:[/B] Jeff Hardy Vs. Fans' Choice [B]The Stipulations:[/B] WWE Intercontinental Title Match. Fans choose the opponent. [B]Fans' Choice:[/B] Mr. Kennedy - Super Crazy - Snitsky - Cody Rhodes - Daivari Intercontinental champion Jeff Hardy has been a fighting champion thus far, taking on and defeating every challenger put in his way. At Cyber Sunday Hardy is at a major disadvantage as he won't know who he has to defend the title against until just before the match begins. Can he overcome the odds? And who will the fans deem worthy of a shot at one of the most prestigious championships in WWE history? [B] The Match:[/B] Womens Battle Royal [B]The Stipulations:[/B] Winner faces Beth Phoenix for Womens title on Raw. Fans choose women's attire. [B]Fans' Choices:[/B] School Girl - French Maid - Lingerie In what has become a Cyber Sunday tradition, fans will get to select the outfits worn by the WWE Divas as they battle for the right to face Womens Champion Beth Phoenix the night after Cyber Sunday on Raw. What will the women be wearing as they do battle, and more importantly, who will walk out with the guaranteed title shot?
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  • 4 weeks later...
The Match: WWE Champion Randy Orton & Umaga Vs. Triple H & Shawn Michaels The Stipulations: WWE Title on the line. Fans choose the match. Fans Choices: [B]Steel Cage [/B]- No DQ - Fatal Fourway The Match: "The Animal" Batista Vs. The Undertaker Vs. Kane Vs. MVP Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. The Great Khali The Stipulations: Six-Way Elimination Match. Fans choose which title is on the line. Fans Choices: [B]World Heavyweight[/B] - WWE Tag Team - WWE United States The Match: CM Punk Vs. Fans Choice The Stipulations: ECW Championship Match. Fans choose Punk's opponent. Fans Choices: Anyone on the current ECW roster. Siaki The Match: Rey Mysterio Vs. Finlay The Stipulation: Fans choose the stipulation. Fans' Choices: [B]Loser Leaves SmackDown![/B] - Mask Vs. Hair - Loser Wears A Dress The Match: Ladder Match for the vacant WWE Cruiserweight Title The Stipulation: Fans choose the competitors. Fans' Choices: [B]Jamie Noble [/B]- Funaki -[B] Jimmy Wang Yang [/B]- Shannon Moore - Brian Major - Bret Major The Match: "Nature Boy" Ric Flair Vs. ??? The Stipulation: Fans choose the opponent. Fans' Choices: Deuce - Domino - [B]Cherry[/B] The Match: Santino Marella Vs. Val Venis The Stipulation: Fans choose the stipulation. Fans' Choice: [B]Winner Gets A Date With Maria [/B]- Falls Count Anywhere - "I Quit" Match The Match: Jeff Hardy Vs. Fans' Choice The Stipulations: WWE Intercontinental Title Match. Fans choose the opponent. Fans' Choice: Mr. Kennedy - Super Crazy - [B]Snitsky[/B] - Cody Rhodes - Daivari The Match: Womens Battle Royal The Stipulations: Winner faces Beth Phoenix for Womens title on Raw. Fans choose women's attire. Fans' Choices: School Girl - French Maid - [B]Lingerie[/B]
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