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TCW: A new start.

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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Week 3 of January 2007 5,000 attendance TCW Presents Total Wrestling on GNN [/CENTER] Dark Matches saw The Young Guns vs Painfull Procedure. Ghenis Rahn vs Freddi Huggins. And Ricky Dale Johnson vs Charlie Thatcher. [QUOTE]A video is played recapping last weeks Internet Show, where Rick Law attacked most of the roster to get an opportunity to fight for a place in the main event of Wrestlefest.[/QUOTE] After the usual pyrotechnic display, the camera pans the crowd and ends at the announce booth. Jason Azaria: The Lowe Ballroom is home to the latest stop on the Road to Wrestlefest. I’m Jason Azaria and I’m sitting next to Kyle Rhodes, and Kyle, what a main event we have in store tonight. Kyle Rhodes: No doubt, Jason, no doubt at all. Rick Law is going against the team of Troy Tornado and Tommy Cornell for a chance to headline Wrestlefest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Mike Cooper makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos.[/QUOTE] Mike Cooper: Alright, listen up everyone, I’m not going to waste much of your time, but there are a few announcements that need to be made. First off, I’m just about sick of this damn merry-go-round the BLZ Bubb and American Buffalo are playing. So I’m saying at Wrestlefest it all comes to an end. BLZ Bubb will go against his former partner American Buffalo. But that’s not all. As Wrestlefest will be a huge event viewed by so many, I want to mark the event by bringing back an old title. At Wrestlefest, we will determine the champion of the TCW Hardcore Champion. This title has no rules and no barriers, simply put, matches end by pinfall or submission. Nothing else, no DQ, no count outs. In fact, tonight, I’m going to be the gift that just keeps giving. Because I am booking another two matches for Wrestlefest. First off, there will be a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal. 5 teams of 2 will battle it out, until one man is left standing. For a team to be eliminated, both members must have both feet touch the ground. And the winning team will move on to have a TCW Tag Team Title match later that same night against the The Machines. That’s Wrestlefest. As for next week, I have yet another surprise in store. I am sanctioning a pick your opponents, opponent. The competitors in the title match at Wrestlefest, Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell, and possibly Rick Law, will choose the opponents for the others next week. But that’s enough of me, lets get this damn show started! Jason Azaria: Wow! That’s going to be huge! Kyle Rhodes: Yeah, we have four matches booked for Wrestlefest! Call you cable company now and pre order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Robert Oxford vs Steve Parker[/CENTER] A relatively good match between old school and new school. Robert used all of his experience to gain the upper hand, but Parker’s quickness at time seemed too much for Oxford to handle. The match ending when Mainstream tried to interfere, only for Joel Bryant to cut him off in the process. However, this provided enough of a distraction for Parker to hit a Future Shock for the win. Winner: Steve Parker in 6:59 Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video is then aired showing Rocky Golden’s brutal assault on Art Reed last week, and the resulting damage caused. Some of the unseen footage includes Reed taking off his boot backstage to show a horribly discolored ankle.[/QUOTE] Jason: That’s some quite disturbing footage there, and I apologize to any of our viewers who are squeamish, however, the good news is Art Reed will be fit in time for Wrestlefest. And this is big news folks; during that video I received a transmission from the Board of Directors saying at Wrestlefest, Reed will get his chance at being even in a match against Rocky Golden. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Aaron Andrews vs William Hayes[/CENTER] Following on from his recent good performance against the All Action Champion Chance Fortune, Aaron took the fight to William Hayes… William managed to overpower his adversary on several occasions, but eventually Aaron put him away with a Flying Body Press. Winner: Aaron Andrews 6:12 Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video was then played entitled “Only the best of Tommy Cornell”, where it shows snippets of some of his greatest matches and promos. This includes some footage of his SWF days as well. DVD is on sale next week or available on TCW.COM[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Freddie Datsun & Liberty vs The Outlaws (Texas Pete and Donnie J)[/CENTER] A good match between to of the hottest unknown tag teams at the moment. All four came out if this match looking good, but no-one more so than Texas Pete who looked like an unstoppable monster out there. After several near falls, Pete pinned Liberty with a Lone Star Drop. Winner: The Outlaws in 7:46 Rating: D+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Mike Cooper is in his office, watching the action in his office when Madman Boone enters.[/QUOTE] Mike Cooper: Ian, what can I do for you? Madman Boone: Mike, I would like to volunteer myself for the Hardcore Title match at Wrestlefest. Mike Cooper: Hmm… you know what… I like that idea. You are everything hardcore should be. You’re what… sixty-eight… Madman Boone: I’m thirty. Mike: What I’m trying to say is you were pretty banged up to… Madman Boone: Last time I checked you spent sometime in the hospital ward yourself. Mike: I was trying to say that someone taking bumps like you do at your age is the true definition of hardcore, so yes, you’re in the hardcore match……. Now get the hell out of my office, your match is next. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The Foundation is standing by with Playboy Jake Sawyer. John Anderson is leaning on Jake Sawyer.[/QUOTE] Jake Sawyer: Cornell and Tornado, tonight you get a chance to destroy Rick Law’s dreams of headlining Wrest… Troy Tornado: Oh, boo-hoo. As if we give a crap about Law. Tonight we do to Law what we did to Ghenis Rahn; we will rip him apart. Frankly, we don’t care about his dreams, or about the fans who love him so, we do what we what, when we want, and tonight we want to crush Rick Law. Tommy : Troy, lets not get ahead of ourselves. Rick may well be so intoxicated by the crème filled donuts then I can’t see it really making much a difference what we do to him. But, should the unlikely event of Law being professional enough not to eat on the job, then I may have to prove, once again, why I am Tommy Cornell, why I am the Main Event, why I am the TCW Champion. Tonight, The Foundation rules, and we have absolutely no intention of letting Law out of that ring alive. Troy Tornado: And that’s the bottom line, Because we said so. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Grandmaster Phunk vs Madman Boone[/CENTER] Both men rallied upon their leagues of experience to pull off a great match. And they told a really good story in the ring. The match ended after Grandmaster Phunk hit a Piledriver and picked up the clean victory. Winner: Grandmaster Phunk in 7:54 Rating: C+ [QUOTE]After the match Joey Minnesota rushes to the ring and immediately locks on a Rear Naked Choke Hold in on Phunk. Madman Boone tries to calm him down by pulling him off, but Joey shoves him to the ground and locks in the Rear Naked Choke Hold again. While Boone tries to work out a way to calm him down, SGT. Bubba Lee West runs in from the crowd, grabs a chair and hits Boone in the face. TCW Officials finally arrive to break up the four men.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The Outlaws are in their locker room when The Foundation walk in. Both members of each stable size each other up, when Tommy Cornell breaks the silence, by talking to Texas Pete.[/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Hey, big guy, how you doing? [QUOTE]Silence.[/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Enjoy your match earlier? [QUOTE]Silence.[/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Not a talker, huh? [QUOTE]Silence.[/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Gotcha… okay then… I’ve come to proposition you. How would you like to be a main eventer? To be a guy that stands at the top of the company, who headlines big events? To be like… well… me. I have to choose someone to face Wolf Hawkins next week. Imagine if it were you. Imagine if you beat him. And you know you could, you’ve proved you’re good enough. So what do you say, big guy? You versus Hawkins next week? [QUOTE]Texas Pete nods.[/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Okay… good… [QUOTE]The Foundation leave.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Jay Darkness vs. Machine #1[/CENTER] A good match between two tag team wrestlers. Eventually John Anderson puts Jay away with a Certain defeat. Winner: Machine #1 in 5:38 Rating: B- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Jake Sawyer is standing by Rocky Golden.[/QUOTE] Jake Sawyer: Mr. Golden, we found out earlier in the show that you will face Art Reed at Wrestlefest. How do you rate your chances? Rocky Golden: Don’t make me laugh. You know as well as all the other idiot’s in this place that a one legged man in a butt kicking contest never fairs very well. And lets face it, a two legged man doesn’t have much a chance against me. So that piece of trailer park trash can go through all the rehabilitation he wants, because come Westlefest, I am gonna go ahead and break his damn ankle anyway. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A quick camera shot of Mean Jean Cattley making his way to the ring ahead of his match against Archie Judge. The scene shifts to the back area where we see Archie Judge, The Natural, and Persephone.[/QUOTE] The Natural: I really wish you would let me in there to show this idiot who the man is. Archie: Let me tell ya something kid, I may be old, but I still got game. You stay out of my ring tonight kid. I have to do this or I’ll lose respect for myself. Jean, I’m gonna shove my fist so far down your throat, I’ll be able to untie your boots for ya. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Archie Judge vs Mean Jean Cattley[/CENTER] Another great match-up. At times it seemed as though Jean and Judge were trying to out-dirty-maneuvers each other, hitting eye-gauges and low blows galore. The Natural tries to interfere at one point, but Archie forces him to stand down and let him take Jean on alone. However, eventually Mean Jean manages to lock in the Figure Four Leg Lock for the submission victory. Winner: Mean Jean Cattley in 5:50 Rating: B [QUOTE]As soon as the match finishes The Natural chases Jean out of the ring. He and Persephone then tend to the befallen legend, when Jean slips in the ring and pushes Persephone over with his foot, before rolling out of the ring, laughing.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The camera then goes backstage into a dimly-lit room, with a gothic-décor. In the middle of the room, BLZ Bubb is down on one knee.[/QUOTE] BLZ Bubb: There comes a time when everyone dies and they are made to be accountable for their actions. The evil and the sinners are sent to Hades, while those good in the world are rewarded. American Buffalo, you are one of those that have sinned, and come Wrestlefest, you will be made to pay for your sins. I will… [QUOTE]From out of nowhere, American Buffalo enters the and starts beating on BLZ Bubb. After Buffalo gets done punching and stomping on him, he throws ‘BLZ headfirst into the wall, then picks him up and Chokeslams him on the hard floor.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A graphic is shown for the upcoming Handicap Match, when the camera shows Rick Law about to walk to the ring, where Jake Sawyer tries to get an interview.[/QUOTE] Jake Sawyer: Rick, Rick, can I have a word? Rick Law: Tonight, I reel in two convicts and book my place in the main event of Wrestlefest, and that’s all the Law has go to say about that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Troy Tornado and Tommy Cornell vs Rick Law[/CENTER] A phenomenal match. Every time Rick appears to have the advantage the illegal partner slows him down with a cheap shot. Eventually, all hell breaks lose and the referee can’t control it. Just as The Foundation seem ready to pick up a victory, Wolf Hawkins runs down to the ring and hits Troy Tornado with a chair, before tackling Tommy Cornell out of the ring. Rick Law hits a Long Arm of The Law on Troy Tornado and picks up the victory to book his place in the title match at Wrestlefest. Winner: Rick Law in 24:51 Rating: B+ [QUOTE]Rick Law salutes the fans as Wolf Hawkins climbs back in the ring. After a brief stare down, Law gives Wolf a salute, Wolf salutes back. All of a sudden Rick Law hits a Long Arm of The Law on Wolf, flips him the middle finger then salutes the fans again.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Rating: B, it should have increased our popularity. Sold Out with 5,000 fans and TCW drew another new high of 28.63 share on TV. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWF was in Connecticut and drew 7,622 fans. Main event saw Enygma defeat Steve Frehley. Rich Money beat Robbie Retro to retain his SWF North America Title. And Zimmy Bumfhole beat Akima to retain his SWF Shooting Star Title. Rated a C+ and had a 9.50 share on TV.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket News[/CENTER] TV Ratings up? TCW hit another major high as it did a 28.63 share on GNN. A low ranking official from inside the organization is quoted as saying "Everybody is fully aware of the the high ratings we are putting on. The question that is being posed now is, how do we top last weeks show?" Stevie Grayson returning? Several websites are reporting that Stevie Grayson as been signed. Grayson is a former 2 time cruiser weight champion for TCW. Mike Cooper has been quoted as saying "Thats just ridiculous. Where do these sites get their information?" He goes on by saying there has been no conversation with Grayson but would not rule out a return by the former champion. In other quick Internet news several sites claim that Mike Cooper's entire family will be involved in some sort of angle at Wrestlefest. Remo and Steve Frehley have huge argument with Eisen Family? Several sites claim that the two super stars are on their way out and may be interested in joining TCW. [CENTER]TCW presents Total Wrestling preview. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wolf Hawkins takes on Outlaw Texas Pete. Tommy Cornell set this match up in the first of the Name your Opponent's opponent matches. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Parker takes on Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortune. Four potential rising stars do battle in a tag team match. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Freddie Datsun and Liberty take on The Nation of Filth. In a Tag Team Battle Royal Qualification Match. Winners advance to the Wrestlefest tag team battle royal to take on The Machines. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Joey Minnesota and Madman Boone battles Grandmaster Phunk and Sgt Bubba Lee West. Joey and Phunk have been battling for the last couple of weeks with Boone and Bubba Lee potentially could be fighting for the Hardcore championship. Both teams want a win for momentum going into the final week of Wrestlefest. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE="7"]?[/SIZE] Rick Law battles an unnamed opponent in another Name your Opponent's, opponent match. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE="7"]?[/SIZE] And World Champion Tommy Cornell battles another unnamed opponent for the final Name your Opponent's opponent match. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Week 4 Tuesday January 2007 5,000 fans Centerpeice Bridge. [/CENTER] [QUOTE]A video plays to show the ending of last weeks Total Wrestling, where Rick Law won the Handicap match against The Foundation to secure his place in the main event of Wrestlefest.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]After the usual pyrotechnic display, The Scene shifts to Mike Cooper’s office. Who looks like he is very mad and is pacing the floor.[/QUOTE] Mike Cooper: Damn him. Rick Law is gonna pay for what he has done. Mark my words. I will make his life a living hell. [QUOTE]Persephone enters Mike’s office and hits Mike with the door accidentally.[/QUOTE] Mike: Did I invite you in? Did I say come in? No, I did not. What in the hell do you want? No, never mind don’t answer that. Let me guess, you have some blah blah problem with Jean Cattley. Fine, problem solved. You hit me with the door; I hit you with a match. Tonight, Mean Jean Cattley in one corner. And you in the other corner. Now get out. Jason Azaria: What, he cant do that. She is a woman Mike. She isn’t trained for that. Kyle Rhodes: I don’t even know what to say. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Pick Your Opponent's opponent match Wolf Hawkins vs Texas Pete[/CENTER] Wolf Hawkins shows why he is going to the main event of Wrestlefest, by having an excellent match against the lumbering Texas Pete, and even manages to makes him look dangerous. Wolf grabs the win with a Full Moon Rising. Winner: Wolf Hawkins in 8:33 Rating: C+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video is aired showing The Foundation’s assault on Ghenis Rahn, including the last shot with a ball bat that gave him a concussion.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wrestlefest Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifier Chance Fortune and Aaron Andrews vs Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Parker[/CENTER] A good, fast paced match between four of the potentially future stars for the TCW. The Canadian youngsters got the victory when Mainstream Hernandez hit an Apparition #14 on Aaron Andrews. Winners: Mainstream and Parker in 10:32 Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Rick Law arrives with his customized police cruiser. He makes his way to the back were several wrestlers are. They all look at Law and noticed he is his of usual pissed off mood. They keep their distance.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wrestlefest Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifier Freddie Datsun and Liberty vs The Nation of Filth[/CENTER] A decent match which is won by Datsun & Liberty after Datsun hits a Patriot Press on Stink. Winner: Freddie Datsun and Liberty in 7:35 Rating: D (Freddie and Liberty bad chemistry) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video is played hyping Wrestlefest, which is in 5 days. Within the video are the already announced matches.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Ghenis Rahn comes to the ring to a great reaction and tells Troy Tornado he is ready for him. He may have hurt him pretty badly but he didn’t finish him off and he wants him at Wrestlefest. Troy Tornado comes out and warns Ghenis Rahn, but accepts the match nevertheless.[/QUOTE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Persephone is walking backstage before her match alongside The Natural, when out of nowhere Jean Cattley hit’s The Natural with a steel chair, knocking him out.[/QUOTE] Mean Jean Cattley: I’ll see you in the ring sugar britches. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Mean Jean Cattley vs Persephone[/CENTER] A completely one-sided match, based around Jean messing with Persephone. Eventually, he takes it seriously, maybe even being too rough, as he clotheslines her, scoop slams her then locks her in the Figure Four Leg Lock, from which she taps immediately. Winner: Mean Jean Cattley in 1:54. Rating: C- [QUOTE]Even though the match ended, Jean refused to let go. The Natural then runs down to the ring to scare him off, and announces he wants him in a match at Wrestlefest, to which Jean is obviously pleased.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video of Wolf Hawkins is aired, showing his greatest matches, in depth interviews, and old footage of Wolf growing up. On sale now on TCW.com[/QUOTE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Azaria: Well folks if you missed the last Internet show, don’t miss this one. Kyle Rhodes: That’s right Jason we really rocked the Huntsville area the last time. This time we are going to the Evanovich Riverside. Jason Azaria: What an exciting night it will be. This will be the last show before Wrestlefest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Grandmaster Phunk and Sgt Bubba Lee West vs Madman Boone & Joey Minnesota[/CENTER] An excellent match, in which the veterans helped the younger workers to their best ability without using weapons. Eventually Joey lands a Empire Spiral on his adversary Grandmaster Phunk for the victory. Winner: Madman Boone and Joey Minnesota in 10:11 Rating: c [QUOTE]After the match, Sarge got a cheap shot in on Joey and Madman, and grabs a chair, when Dog Fyte hits the ring and wears out Sarge, before hitting a Brain Buster on Sarge.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The camera cuts backstage where Rocky Golden is being interviewed. He says he has a video of himself training to the level he thinks he needs for his match with Art Reed. The video airs and it shows Rocky Golden sitting around, drinking beverages and yelling at kids who want his autograph. When the video ends, Rocky starts laughing at the threat Art Reed can possess, when Reed comes out of nowhere and attacks him, despite quite obviously having a limp. Eventually he locks in the Dread Lock and makes Golden tap out.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Rick Law comes to the ring, waiting to see who his opponent will be. The lights go out, and American Buffalo‘s Music hits.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwith managerPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket American Buffalo vs Rick Law[/CENTER] Another phenomenal match. Buffalo continues to play the monster big man role perfectly, and the fans were 100% behind Rick Law. When the referee gets knocked out, Mike comes to the ring with a chair and tries to attack Law and knocks him down. Mike then summons for another referee to come down. American Buffalo then picks Law up and hits Law with a Choke Slam for the victory. Winner: American Buffalo in 12:47 Rating: B+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Tommy Cornell is backstage, and he cuts a promo about why he is the greatest TCW champion of all time, and in the Main Event of Wrestlefest he is going to show us why he is.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A brief video is then showed of the highlights of the two earlier Pick Your Poison matches.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Tommy Cornell makes his way to the ring waiting for his opponent. The lights go out, and the motorcycle engines rev up.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket BLZ Bubb vs Tommy Cornell[/CENTER] Another great match. Tommy Cornell tried to cheat his way to a win, but the Motor Mad Man refused to beaten. Eventually Bubb hit a chokeslam and signaled for a Hades Bomb, when American Buffalo hit the ring and Chokeslamed his former tag team partner. Cornell draped an arm over the fallen BLZ Bubb to get the win. Winner: BLZ Bubb in 14:03 Rating: A+ [QUOTE]Tommy Cornell quickly exited the ring as American Buffalo got back in, ready to carry on the attack when BLZ Bubb gets up. They trade punches when both clothesline the other at the exact same time. Both get up at the exact same time, BLZ Bubb throws Buffalo off the ropes when Floyd Goldsworthy grabs his leg, and American Buffalo makes his way out of the ring. Is it possible that BLZ Bubb has finally got in to the mind of American Buffalo?[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Rating: B -------------------------------------------------------------- SWF was in Louisiana and drew 7,037 fans. Main Event saw The Almighty Dollar beat The Warriors of the Deep. Also The Worlds most Wanted beat The Samoan Wildboys to retain the SWF Tag Team Belts. TV show drew a 9.65 share. --------------------------------------------------------------
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Internet show. Last Show before Wrestlefest. Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifying Match. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket With only a few spots left for the Tag Team Battle Royal. Can the experienced team of the Painfull Procedure go on? Or will the newly formed team of Huggins and Thatcher prevail? Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifying Match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Another Qualifying match. Can the Darkness Warriors regain lost magic? Or will the Tag Team Specialist move on to the Battle Royal? Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifier Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The final spot to be filled. The Outlaws take on Giant Tana and Ice Man CA. Hardcore Match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sgt Bubba Lee West battles Dog Fyte in a Hardcore Match. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Natural and Joey Minnesota takes on Grandmaster Phunk and Mean Jean Cattley. A preview of wrestlefest here. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rocky Golden and American Buffalo VS BLZ Bubb and Art Reed. 3 vs 4 handicap match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rick Law, Wolf Hawkins, and Ghenis Rahn VS The Foundation [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Week 4 Thursday 2007 Live from the Evanovich Riverside in front of 10,000 fans.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video is played showing the end of Total Wrestling this week when American Buffalo and BLZ Bubb had a showdown.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Azaria: We are live at Evanovich Riverside, the last show before Wrestlefest, and all the competitors in the title match will be in the same ring! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wrestlefest Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifying Match Painfull Procedure vs Freddie Huggins and Charlie Thatcher[/CENTER] The debuting team of Freddie and Thatcher were ready for the match from the offset. They took the match to The Painfull Procedure. The Procedure wound up resorting to dirty tactics to slow them, to the obvious displeasure of the crowd. Eventually, Charlie hit a DDT and Freddie ascended the top rope, but Billy Jack Shearer pushed him out of the ring and Randy Hopkirk hit a low blow and rolled Thatcher up for the victory. Winners: Painfull Procedure in 8:34 Rating: D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Mike Cooper is in the ring and announces two more matches for Wrestlefest night, Joey Minnesota vs Grandmaster Phunk and Chance Fortune and Aaron Andrews for the All Action Title.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A camera is backstage to catch Jack Griffith arriving in a limo, and strolling through the parking lot with a ****y grin on his face.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wrestlemania Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifying Match Darkness Warriors vs Tag Team Specialist[/CENTER] The fans were into Tag Team Specialist in this match, and not at all into The Darkness Warriors despite both teams being heels. Eventually T.T.S. picked up the victory. Winner: Tag Team Specialist in 7:31 Rating:C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Backstage Chance Fortune and Aaron Andres are talking to each other.[/QUOTE] Aaron Andrews: Look dude, I just wanna let you know that I can’t wait until Wrestlfest. And you know I respect you. I know, you and I for sure are gonna have a great match. But be sure of this, that title means the world to me and I will take it in a second if I get the chance. Chance Fortune: Well my friend. I want you to know something as well. I am sure we are gonna steal the night. But make no bones about it. This title, aint moving anywhere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Joey Minnesota is preparing for his match when heavy breathing is heard from behind him, he turns around as The Natural and Persephone are standing there.[/QUOTE] Joey: What the hell do you want? The Natural: Joey, tonight you and The Natural get to take part in… two on two action… Joey: Listen up, I don’t want, nor did I ask for your help in this match. I don’t care for no-one, and if I… The Natural: There is something I just love about tough guys… they’re so… aggressive… [QUOTE]Joey Minnesota leaves the locker room.[/QUOTE] Goldust: Oh but Joey, you didn’t even let me say my name, The Natural. Say it with me now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wrestlemania Tag Team Battle Royal Qualifying match The Outlaws vs Ice Man CA and Giant Tana[/CENTER] A better match than anyone could have dreamt of. Once again, Texas Pete was on form, and has really shocked everyone at his ability to play the monster in matches. He has excellent chemistry with Donnie J, who has also been looking great in recent weeks. The match ended when Pete hit the Lone Star Drop on Ice Man and Donnie J finished him off with a Death on Miami Beach. Winners: The Outlaws in 7:51 Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Jack Griffith makes his way to the ring and cuts a promo telling the world he will be at Wrestlefest, and he is going to be the next big thing in the company. He guarantees he will be the TCW Champion within the next couple of months.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video of the BLZ Bubb and American Buffalo rivalry is played.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Hardcore Match Dog Fyte vs Sgt Bubba Lee West[/CENTER] A good match that really whet the appetite for the hardcore title match. Madman Boone was great as the guest colour commentator, and seemed respectful of both men. Both men made full use of the weapons under the ring, in particular tables and chairs. The match ended when Sgt Bubba hit his Recon Wrench for the victory. Winner: Sgt in 8:49 Rating: D [QUOTE]After the match Madman Boone left the announcers position and walked back up the ramp to the locker room when Sgt. Bubba ran up from behind and hit him with a steel chair in the back of his head, busting him open quite severely.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Rocky Golden goes to American Buffalo’s locker room type area to bond with him and to make sure he has his back in their tag match later, but Buffalo ignores he is even there, despite Rocky’s best efforts.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Up Close And Personal With Rick Law is aired. On sale now at TCW.com[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Natural and Joey Minnesota vs Grandmaster Phunk and Mean Jean Cattley [/CENTER] A good match where the tensions ahead of Wrestlefest here virtually at boiling point. Cattley used every trick in the book to get into The Natural’s head, but it turns out The Natural is better at the mind games, causing all three superstars to freak out at once. Joey Minnesota is his usual aggressive self, and Phunk does everything in his power to avoid him. After about 10 minutes Jean drags Persephone in to the ring and begins to Figure Four Leg Log her, when The Natural stops him and tries to hit the Nature Calls. While the referee is occupied with Persephone, Phunk hit’s The Natural with the a chair and Jean pins him. Winners: Jean Cattley and Grandmaster Phunk in 10:10 Rating: C+ [QUOTE]Afterwards, Jean starts taunting both Persephone and The Natural when Joey Minnesota hits him with the Empire Spiral. After Joey chases Phunk out of the ring, Persephone passes The Natural a pair of hair clippers and he begins to shave Jean Cattley’s head![/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Ghenis Rahn is sitting alone in his boiler room when Rick Law walks in.[/QUOTE] Rick: Look, Ghenis, we have to talk about this tag match tonight. [QUOTE]With that, Wolf Hawkins walks in as well, after a brief staredown with Law, he talks.[/QUOTE] Wolf: I presume you are here why I am. Rick Law: I’d imagine so. Look, I don’t like either of you and you don’t like me. Ghenis Rahn: I like you both. Wolf: Shut up. Ghenis Rahn: Okay. Rick Law: But the bottom line is we’ve gotta team up to kick The Foundation’s ass. If we work together, we can beat them and go on to Wrestlefest as enemies again. Ghenis: You’re not my enemies. Wolf: I’m on board for this match, but I will kick your butt the second I get a chance. Rick: You better, becasue at Wrestlfest I will be TCW Champion. [QUOTE]Both walk out.[/QUOTE] Ghenis Rahn: Don’t forget to have a nice day! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketwithPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rocky Golden & American Buffalo vs BLZ Bubb and Art Reed[/CENTER] Another top match that whet the appetite for this Sundays Wrestlefest. Despite Reed’s ankle injury, BLZ Bubb and American Buffalo were kept apart for match of the match. However, after BLZ Bubb sits up following a elbow drop, Rocky panics and tags in American Buffalo. After an explosive exchange. BLZ Bubb tagged in Art Reed. However, his injury took its toll before Buffalo hit a Choke Slame to continue his undefeated streak. Winners: American Buffalo and Rocky Golden in 10:32 Rating: B+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The Foundation are being interviewed. They go on and tell us that tonight and at wrestle fest The Foundation will be the cornerstone of TCW.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video is then played highlighting the rivalry between the three men in the Wrestlefest Main Event.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Before the match started Jack Griffith made his way down ring to add colour-commentary to the main event.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Three On Four Handicap Match Ghenis Rahn, Wolf Hawkins, and Rick Law vs The Foundation[/CENTER] All seven men had their working boots on tonight, and the match was pretty even until Ghenis Rahn was isolated by The Foundation. When he tagged out, all hell broke loose and the match turned into a brawl for all. However, just after Ghenis Rahn landed a Rahn to the Hills on Troy Tornado, Jack Griffith interjected himself, hitting the The Machines, Troy Tornado and Ghenis Rahn with a chair, causing a no-contest to the huge displeasure of the crowd. Winners: No-Contest after 13:32 Rating: A [QUOTE]As Griffith stands over the fallen bodies, he turns to Cornell and waits for him to get up. However, by the time Tommy Cornell is up Wolf and Rick Law have joined the ring and surrounded Jack. He tries to plead with them, but Cornell hits him with his Rough Ride. Jack gets up and turns to Law who hits him with a Long Arm of The Law. And Wolf lands A Full Moon Rising when he’s on the mat, until Tommy Cornell tries to kick Hawkins. Wolf catches it and spins him around, so Tommy is facing the two contenders for his title. As they begin to close in on him, Cornell backs out of the ring, and Law and Hawkins turn to each other and stare each other down.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Rating: B, it should have increased our popularity.
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This is still going on guys. Thank you to all who have been browsing from time to time. Just have been busy with things and such. I will try and get a preview of Wrestlefest up soon and possible the Wrestlefest show up later this week.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket TCW Presents [SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]Wrestlefest[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Natural (C) takes on Mean Jean Cattley for the TCW International Title. In a 10 man Tag Team battle Royal. Winners get to face The Machines later in the card for the TCW Tag Team Titles. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Freddie Datsun and Liberty Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Parker Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Outlaws Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Tag Team Specialist Are among the teams battling it out for the title shot. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Madman Boone takes on Dog Fyte and Sgt Bubba Lee for the TCW Hardcore Championship. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Joey Minnesota battle Grandmaster Phunk Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwith managerPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket BLZ Bubb takes on former partner American Buffalo Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Art Reed battles Rocky Golden. In a Street Fight. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Troy Tornado takes on Ghenis Rahn. [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]main event[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Tommy Cornell (C) battles Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]WRESTLEFEST[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Dark matches saw Chance Fortune retain his All Action title against Aaron Andrews in a ladder match. Also in action was Ricky Dale Johnson took on Giant Tana. To warm up the crowd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screen fades in to a cheering crowd, with Buns and Noses sitting in the ring on stools with acoustic guitars. Once the cheering dies down they perform a version of “America The Beautiful”, one which is both modern yet respectful. While a video is then shown hyping the history of TCW. BLZ Bubb and American Buffalo walking backstage when they were tag team partners. Tommy Cornell when he first came into TCW. Rip Chord celebrating winning the title. Sam Strong and Rip Chord after their match for the title in 1997. Madman Boone diving off a ladder in 2002 becoming TCW International champion. Basically a nostalgia fest. A video is then shown to highlight today’s talent set to the song Sacrifice by Creed. The likes of Rick Law, Rocky Golden, Ghenis Rahn, BLZ Bubb, Art Reed, American Buffalo, Troy Tornado, The Machines, and Tommy Cornell all in action. [CENTER]“This is Wrestlefest: TCW at its best.”[/CENTER] [QUOTE]Live from the Nevada State Armoury in front of a crowd of a crowd of 28,553 people[/QUOTE] TCW’s opening music bellows throughout the arena as the pyrotechnics explode from the ceiling, the rampway, the stage and the ring. Jason Azaria: 28,553 people are here in the beautiful in The Nevada State Armoury, and millions of people are watching at home; this is WRESTLEFEST! I’m Jason Azaria, and as ever, I’m alongside my partner in crime, Kyle Rhodes. Take it away Kyle. Kyle Rhodes: Three titles on the line, but none of them bigger than the Triple Threat for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. I quite literally cannot wait for this to get started. It’s Wrestlefest everybody! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Mean Jean Cattley makes his way down to the ring to a huge chorus of boos, as the fans take full advantage of their first opportunity to exercise their vocal chords. Jean grabs a mic.[/QUOTE] Jean Cattley: I told you Natural I would make your life hell. Tonight I continue your hell and retake my belt. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwith valetPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Natural defends the International Title against Mean Jean Cattley [/CENTER] The Natural brought his girl friend Persephone to ringside, and was clearly ready for this match as he took it to Jean from the start. After an initial flurry of offence, Jean raked The Natural’s eyes and managed to gain the upper hand. Pausing after most moves to taunt at Persephone, who was clearly disgusted every time he gyrated his hips in her direction. In fact, it was Jean’s obsession with The Natural’s company outside of the ring that almost caused his downfall. The Natural managed hit him with a bulldog that caused a change in momentum. After a few offensive moves, The Natural set up Mean Jean in the corner for a Nature Calls. The Natural stepped back, then ran forward and struck Jean right on the mark. As Jean Cattley rolled around the ring in agony, The Natural goes for the cover as Persephone climbed into the ring. The Referee stops his count as he gets up and tells Persephone to leave the ring area. What the hell?! Jean Cattley pulls out a slapjack and nails The Natural in the head with it. The Natural slumps to the floor unconscious, and the ref makes the three count to give us a new International Champion! Winner, and NEW International Champion: Mean Jean Cattley in 12:44 Rating: B- [QUOTE]Jean Cattley celebrates in the ring as The Natural wakes up. He has a shocked look about him. The Natural starts to confront Persephone when out of nowhere, Mean Jean low blows him from behind, Mean Jean and Persephone leave together but not before partaking in a lip lock with Persephone![/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE] The camera cuts backstage where a particularly long limousine is shown arriving. Out steps Jack Griffith, dressed sharply in an Armani suit and escorted by four lovely ladies. He merely smiles, brushes himself down and then walks off.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Azaria: I’m hearing Rocky Golden is standing by with Jake Sawyer. Jake Sawyer: Tonight, Mr. Golden, you get the opportunity to… Rocky Golden: Whoa, whoa, whoa, there is no opportunity. There is only the fact that I‘m walking out tonight a winner. Jake Sawyer: Okay… Rocky…. Rocky Golden: Why don’t you shut your mouth. Maybe you might learn something if that hole in your head stops making noise? [QUOTE]Rocky intimidates Jake, then turns to the camera[/QUOTE] Rocky Golden: Art Reed, do you actually think that you have my number? Do you actually think you have got me scared? Do you actually think that you have any chance of beating me tonight? I spit on what you think. You are nothing more than the world’s biggest piece of trailer park trash. And come our match tonight, I am going to prove to the entire world that I am the best thing going. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCW Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal! The rules are as follows; All 10 men will be in the ring from the start, and elimination occurs when both feet touch the floor. A team is eliminated when both members have been thrown from the ring, and the last man standing will see his team he is representing face the tag team champions later on in the show. [QUOTE]All five teams make their way to the ring, where several referees are to stop them from fighting before the match begins.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [/CENTER] At first the match appears to be a bit of a shambles, as The Outlaws square off with The Young Guns, and the rest between themselves. Billy Jack Shearer is the first to be eliminated, followed closely by Mainstream Hernandez, Liberty and Donnie J. Steve Parker sneaks up from behind to eliminate Harry Allen. Next to go was Randal Hopkirk by Freddie Datsun, which left Freddie, Steve Parker, Steve Gumble & Texas Pete. The three smaller guys all teamed up to try and get rid of Texas Pete, but he just powered out of it and eliminated Steve Parker and Steve Gumble in quick succession. All appeared to be in control until Liberty slid back in the ring with a steel chair, allowing Freddie Datsun to eventually roll Texas Pete out of the ring and booked himself and Liberty’s place in the Tag Title match later on in the show. Winner: Freddie Datsun And Liberty Rating: C+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The Machines are standing by with Jake Sawyer.[/QUOTE] Jake: Okay, champs, we’ve just found out who your competitors for the titles will be; Liberty & Freddie Datsun. What do you think your chances are against them? Machine #1: Lets get this straight, bozo; you’re talking to the tag champs here. Show some respect. Machine #2: Yeah, and try asking some less insane questions. Our chances are somewhere between 99 and 100% for a victory. Because we’re gonna show whoever the hell you said won the match that when you against The Machines you’re stuck in the realm of reality that your gonna lose and the Tag Titles are coming home with us, The Machines and the Foundation! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video is played hyping the Hardcore Title match.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Hardcore Title Match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [/CENTER] There are no signs of stupid weapons; this is hardcore and it was extreme. The weapons didn’t come into play immediately (to the distain of the crowd) but when they did the match took off. Madman Boone brought in a couple of steel chairs, and the three went on to do things with a chair TCW fans didn’t know were possible. After he hit a Dog Fyte with a flying shoulder tackle, he threw about five tables in the ring, and set up a couple on the outside. By the time he got in the ring, Sgt Bubba kicked Madman Boone in the gut and powerbombed him outside of the ring through a table! Sgt Bubba then set up two tables running alongside each other, and then put a table on top of them both. By this time, Boone hit him with a chair, set up another table and then performed a moonsault through it! Eventually, Dog Fyte tried to hit a powerbomb on Sgt Bubba Lee from the top rope, but SGT reversed it into a bulldog through the table on the outside, to evoke a “TCW” chant. SGT West got back in the ring, and climbed to the top of the pile of tables that had been left untouched. SGT West hit Boone with the chair a couple of times, but Madman Boone kneed him in the gut so he doubled up, lifted him upside down and performed a running piledriver through two tables to another “TCW” chant. Madman Boone got the arm over SGT West to become the Hardcore Champion! Winner: Madman Boone in 14:55 Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The camera is backstage in time to see Wolf Hawkins arriving. No limos, no bag carriers, no women. He just walks in with his bag to his own locker room.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Sawyer: I’m standing by with Rick Law, who tonight has the opportunity to win the TCW Title for the first time. Rick Law: You’re right about that. Tonight is the chance that Rick Law can write himself in the history books by becoming the new TCW World Champion. You see, Wolf Hawkins stole my title shot by signing the contract that I had earned, but finally I get the chance to kick his ass and bring the title home with me tonight.And as for Tommy Cornell, the guy claims to be a foundation to this company. You want A foundation, look right at Rick Law. I drove to the arena in my cruiser, I’ve brought justice to pretty much every guy in the back whether they deserved it or not. You know why? I do things on my own terms, and tonight I’m gonna win the TCW title, and that’s the bottom line, because the Law said so! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Joey Minnesota VS Grandmaster Phunk [/CENTER] As soon as both had entered the ring, Joey Minnesota laid all his aggression on Phunk in his Wrestlefest debut. Proving he is worthy of being there. He laid out the Phunk with a Belly-to-belly Suplex, to a great reaction from the crowd and leaving Phunk totally disorientated. Grandmaster Phunk regained control of the match eventually by using every trick in the book, but after he missed an elbow drop on Minnesota. Joey lands a Minnesota Salute. And gains the victory. Winner: Joey Minnesota in 8:39 Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video showing Wolf Hawkins, Rick Law and Tommy Cornell’s best moments playing in the background.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Sawyer: I’m standing by with Wolf Hawkins, who tonight is part of the Triple Threat match for the TCW Title. Wolf, your thoughts? Wolf: For too long I have been over looked. It didn’t matter how good I was in the ring, or how much I wanted to be the best; all that mattered was I was second best. Well now, it’s not about Rick Law. It’s not about Mike Cooper. Or even Tommy Cornell. Tonight, it’s all about me. It is my destiny to be the TCW Champion, and tonight, enough is enough, and it’s time for a change of champion. I will be the Total Championship Wrestling Champion, and there is no-one who can stop me now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A graphic is shown to indicate the BLZ Bubb vs American Buffalo match will be next. Following this, a video is aired showing how the former tag partners got to this match.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwith managerPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket American Buffalo VS BLZ Bubb [/CENTER] The crowd were piping hot for this one. American Buffalo got the upper hand to start off, much to the surprise of the announcers, as this sort of domination has barely been seen in BLZ Bubb’s career. Bubb got the advantage back and hit all his trademark moves, including a chokeslam and a diving leg drop from the top rope to the announcers table on the outside, to once again garnered a chant from the crowd. This momentum carried on until Floyd Goldsworthy hopped up on the apron and got his attention. Despite normal being ice cool, BLZ Bubb’s eyes lit up at the prospect of finally getting revenge on his former manager. He dragged Floyd in the ring, and was about to hit the Hades Bomb. But before he can hit it, American Buffalo clubs him from behind and lays him out with a Chokeslam. He then indicates its over. but BLZ Bubb gets up, lays a few haymakers before Chokeslamming his former partner, and turning to Floyd, lifts him up and finally the gets the Hades Bomb. He then picks up Buffalo and delivers not one, not two, but three Hades Bombs on American Buffalo and makes the cover. Winner: BLZ Bubb in 9:34 Rating: B- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Post-match, BLZ Bubb gets ready to ride off on his bike when Buffalo sits up, crawls out of the ring, and from behind, nails Bubb sitting on his bike with a clothesline from behind. This is not over![/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Sawyer: I’m here with Grandmaster Phunk who just lost his match earlier. Phunk: Listen up, playa wanna be, I did not lose. I am fighting a flu bug ya see. You think I could lose to that chump? So you see…. [QUOTE]Joey Minnesota comes out from nowhere and drills Phunk from behind. These two continue to fight untill they are out of the camera’s view.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Jack Griffith makes his way to the ring, still suited and booted, and as arrogant as ever. He is booed mercilessly after he ruined Thursday nights Internet show’s main event. He cuts a promo about how he is the future of the company and how he guarantees to walk out of next years Wrestlefest with the title.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The Machines make their way down to the ring ahead of their tag title defense. The cheers they have been getting recently seem even louder than before as the fans have really taken to them.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket TCW Tag Team Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [/CENTER] Both teams looked good out there, particularly the champs who have seen their popularity with the crowd keep growing and growing. If it wasn’t for their “alignment” they’d be faces, going by the crowd reaction. Both teams put their best effort to give a great match, and finally Machine #2 put the challengers away cleanly with a Hot Shot to pick up the victory. Winners, and still TCW Tag Team Champions, The Machines in 12:58 Rating: B- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Sawyer: I’m standing by with Ghenis Rahn, and tonight, you get the chance to prove to Troy Tornado he hasn’t beat everyone beating in the Federation. Ghenis Rahn: Troy is so sure that he is the best in the world. But there is no way he can say that when he hasn’t been through the hell and the rejection and the pain that I have. I’ve dived off roofs, and I can finally add been clocked in the head with a ballbat. I’ve had more injuries than Troy Tornado has had hot dinners and I’ve fought through it all, only to be passed over by every company I’ve ever worked for, and every wrestler I’ve worked with. Well, not tonight! Tonight I prove to Troy that I am worthy of acceptance, that I am a real nasty son-of-a-b**** and I will have a nice day doing so. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A graphic is shown to indicate the upcoming match will be Rocky Golden vs Art Reed. A video plays to show the building rivalry between them, including Reed’s demolition of the Outlaws (happened before I started this diary), and when Rocky broke a cinder block over Art’s ankle.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Art Reed VS Rocky Golden [/CENTER] Art Reed, still sporting a minor limp, took control of the match early on, being particularly stiff and aggressive with Rocky, just further demonstrating how dangerous he is. However, Rocky managed to turn the tables, and showed some pretty special offence at times, proving that maybe he took the match a little more seriously than he was letting on. Rocky constantly taunted Shamrock and the fans, and at one point stopped to take a sip of water and took a microphone at the announcers table, where he said; “You better be following this because I am about to prove exactly why I am the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today!” but before he could add anything else Reed leaped from the apron onto him, taking him over the announcers table before hitting the left and rights mercilessly. Back in the ring, Rocky seemed to have the match wrapped up when he reversed a belly to belly suplex, hit a few trademark moves and then finally took Reed down with a Rock Drop. However, rather than pinning him, he walked around to his head and removed his elbow pad, and taunting the fans and Reed. He bounced off both ropes trying to land an elbow drop. However, this drawn out move gave Reed the opportunity to come to and he rolled into a Dread Lock. Rocky tried to get to the ropes, but Reed had him in the middle of the ring and he had no choice but to tap out again! Winner: Art Reed in 16:32 Rating: A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Jake Sawyer holds an interview with the Hardcore Champion Madman Boone, who is proud of his achievement and thanks the fans for their support, as they helped drag him through one of the most aggressive and brutal in his career. Suddenly SGT Bubba runs into the shot and literally throws a chair at him, before stomping on him a bit. He leaves the legendary champion down and out.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A graphic comes on the screen ahead of the Street Fight between Ghenis Rahn and Troy Tornado. A video then plays showing Ghenis Rahn taking Troy Tornado up on his statement that he’d beaten everyone in the business. It also shows Rahn getting up from everything The Foundation threw at him, until Troy Tornado hit him with a ballbat.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Street Fight Ghenis Rahn VS Troy Tornado [/CENTER] The increasingly popular Troy Tornado started the match in the ring, and wouldn’t let Ghenis Rahn get in. Rahn circled the ring, but everytime he tried Troy Tornado blocked the entrance. As it is a Street Fight the referee could do nothing. Eventually Rahn went under the ring and pulled out a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire. Troy Tornado immediately freaked out, which gave Ghenis a chance to get in the ring, and with his first swing of the chair caught Troy on the head which busted him wide open. With the first shot! Despite Troy Tornado getting into the match with a few scientific holds, Rahn got control and it turned for into a brawl. He took the match to the outside, and hit a diving elbow from the apron, before putting Troy on the table for a Piledriver. Troy reverses the position, but was backbody dropped onto the same table they were on, which crumbled into pieces as both well to the ground. Once both made it back to the ring, the action was back and forth, mainly just brawling but also including a few weapons such as chairs. This was until Ghenis Rahn hit a Double Arm DDT, and rolled out and under the ring, and came back in with what looked like a sandbag. However, he opened it up and poured out thumbtacks! If Troy Tornado was coherent enough I’m sure he’d have freaked out, but instead he lay groggily on the mat as the crowd cheered ferociously. He dragged Tornado over the lacks, and picked him up in the Double Arm DDT position, but Troy reversed it into a Standing Spinebuster, leaving, Rahn covered in tacks! Troy Tornado realised this was his chance to get the win, so picked Rahn up and into the Star Maker position, but just as he was about to hit it, Rahn backbody dropped him onto the tacks, leaving Troy screaming! Ghenis then went out of the ring and brought in a 2 by 4 wrapped in barbed wire, much to the delight of the fans. He waited for Troy to get up, and swung the stick, only for Troy to duck and hit a knee drop. He got the barbed wire himself and pounded Rahn with it, all over his body. He went outside and got a ballbat, but by this time Ghenis was up and locked in a sleeper hold. Troy looked ready to pass out, until he a couple of elbow shots to the gut and belly to back suplex out of nowhere on the thumbtacks! Troy grabbed a towel from the announcers table and attempted to choke Rahn, who low blowed him and searched under the ring, bringing in lighter fluid and matches! He tied the towel to the chair, doused it in gas and lit it, to which Troy freaked out. Rahn cam charging at Troy with a clothesline however, this gave Troy the chance to low blow him and hit a Star Maker! One… Two… NO! Rahn kicked out! How in the hell did he kick out?! Troy got really angry and picked up the ballbat, and waited for Rahn to get up, when he did, he clocked him right between the eyes with it, and made the cover. One… Two… Jason Azaria: Kick out, Ghenis! Three. Troy Tornado won a brutal but awesome match, one that should surely move them firmly into main event status. Winner: Troy Tornado in 8:57 Rating: B + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Sawyer: Tommy Cornell, we’ve just seen Troy Tornado beat Ghenis Rahn in a brutal encounter. Up next is your title defence-can you make it a 100% record for The Foundation in Wrestlefest? Tommy Cornell: You’re damn right I can, and you know why? Look at this on my shoulder. This piece of gold tells you and the rest of the world that I’m the best there is in this company. Standing before you is the Total Championship Wrestling’s Champion, and tonight I declare this the night of The Foundation, as we will walk out having won all our matches and I know I will be still be the champ, because Law and Wolf’s egos are all the advantage I need. And if you don’t know it by now I am the man. Now if you don’t mind get the hell out of my way. I have a match to win. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A graphic appears on screen to say that the TCW Title match between Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law is up next.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket TCW World Heavyweight Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Tommy Cornell defends against Rick Law and Wolf Hawkins [/CENTER] The match is incredibly tense and exciting. All three men made early attempts at their finishing manoeuvres, but none could get them as all three refused to work with any of the others to gain an advantage. After a brief spell of equality, each man spends a bit of time on the outside as the other two go one-on-one. It isn’t until Tommy Cornell hits a savat kick out of nowhere on Rick Law that someone is left down and out for a while, though. This leaves Wolf Hawkins the opportunity to gain a measure of revenge on Cornell for what happened back at Psycho Circus, and the fans realised this as they popped as Wolf starting screaming for Cornell to get back up after every knock down. Wolf seemed to be in control as he took Cornell down with a Russian Leg Sweep and locked in a sharpshooter. Cornell eventually reached the ropes, but Wolf taunted Cornell and hit Cornell’s Rough Ride on him. The referee made the count… One… Two… NO! Law got back in the ring just in time to break it up, before chucking Wolf out of the ring and stomping and kicking at in Cornell. He climbed out the ring, threw Wolf into the stairs, grabbed a chair and got back in the ring, only for the referee to confiscate it, giving Cornell a chance to hit the Rough Ride on Law! The action continued onwards from here, with numerous near falls, and crowd popping moments, including a double low blow from Law on Cornell and Wolf , Cornell performing a Moonsault on Law and Wolf to the outside of the ring and all three men doing every signature taunt and move in their arsenal. Suddenly, Mike Cooper makes his way down to the ring. Wolf Hakins slides in the ring with a steel chair and turns to Cornell, who out of nowhere kicks the chair back in Wolf’s face. The referee then turns around to see Wolf knocked out and tries to attend to him when Mike climbs in the ring and hits Rick Law in the head with a chair! Tommy Cornell crawls over and drapes an arm over him as Mike grabs the referee and yells at him to make the count… One… Two… Thr… NO! Law gets a shoulder up at the last second! Tommy is distraught, having given everything and not being able to put Law away. Mike gets angry and punches the Referree, knocking him out. Cornell gets up, picks up a chair and starts wearing Wolf and Law out with it. Mike calls for a new referee to come down to the ring, and after a brief pause, one comes down to the ring. Mike gets into the ring, and picks up the chair while Cornell holds Law up. As Mike swings the chair, Law ducks and he clocks Tommy Cornell over the head! Mike is shocked and drops the chair and looks at Law. Law salutes Mike, and then throws him out of the ring to a huge pop from the crowd! Meanwhile, Law and Wolf start trading punches again. Law attempts a Long Arm of The Law and Wolf tries for a Piledriver, but both are reversed. Wolf throws Rick Law into the ropes, but Rick puts the brakes on and Wolf runs at him, however, Law steps aside and throws him out of the ring. Cornell gets up and tries to sneak in a Guilt Trip, but Law was ready for it, spun him around and hit the Long Arm of The Law! He hooks the leg in the pinfall position when a referree slides into the ring… One… Two… Three! The crowd pops as Rick Law wins the TCW Heavyweight Title for the first time in his career! Winner: Rick Law in 15:35 Rating: A+ The crowd are on their feet cheering crazily as the ref hands Law the title and climbs the top ropes with the belt. The screen fades out as Law is saluting the crowd. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Rating: B+ PPV Buy Rate 2.75
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket End of Month Statement Income[/CENTER] PPV 1,377,330 Ticket Sales 1,700,802 Sponsors 694,111 Merchandise 94,432 Misc. 00000 Total 3,866,675 [CENTER]Expenditures[/CENTER] Workers 260,400 Show Costs 279,000 Marketing 100,000 Merchandise 100,404 Production 289,500 Misc. 914,000 Total 1,943,308 Profit 1,923,371 Available Assets 19,923,371 [CENTER]Progress Report[/CENTER] Popularity remained roughly equal which is a dissapointment. TV Show ratings have been climbing over the last month which I feel is a plus. I was shooting for atleast a 2.50 ppv rate so was pleased with the 2.75. No major injuries which is always a plus. See no reason why I can not turn atleast the same amount of profit next month.
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[CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket SWF [International]: (Trying to actively compete but they are considerably larger than TCW)[/CENTER] Popularity: Their popularity has dropped from a B to B- in the US over the last month. Their average ranking for January shows was a C+. Titles: The title situation in the SWF was mostly consistent in January. The SWF Tag Titles were the only belts to switch hands, when The World’s Most wanted defeated The Biggz Boys in the 2d week of January. The Worlds Most wanted is composed of Squeeky McClean and Kurt Laramee. Talent: The SWF acquired Darryl Devine, Raven Nightfall, Grace Harper, Sara York, Jack Giedroyc, Wanda Fish, Carl Batch, Pat Deacon, and Emma Chase. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket NOTBPW [National]: (not directly in competition, but could be a threat in the future)[/CENTER] Popularity: NOTBPW’s popularity remained stable in Canada and the U.S. in the month of January. Their average ranking for January shows was a B. Titles: Tag titles changed hands in 2d week of January. Dean McWade and Johnny Bloodstone claimed the Vacant titles. Talent: NOTBPW acquired Shooter Sean Deeley, Jerome Turner, Adrian Garcia, Whippy the Clown, Jacob Jett, Joey Poison, and Frankie Dee. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket DAVE [Cult]: ( not directly in competition.)[/CENTER] Popularity: DAVE’s popularity in the U.S remained a D throughout the month of January. The average ranking for January shows was a C+. Titles: The Brass Knuckle Title became vacant in 2d week of January due to Jack Giedroyc leaving. Talent: Dave acquired the services of Dylan Sidle, Frankie Perez and American Elemental. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket USPW [Regional][/CENTER] Popularity: USPW’s popularity in the U.S remained a D+ throughout the month of January. The average ranking for January shows was a D. Titles: No Title Changes for the month of January. Talent: No signings for the month of January. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket CZCW [Small]:[/CENTER] Popularity: The popularity of CZCW remained a steady F- for the month of January. CZCW’s single show in the month of January was ranked a C-. Titles: James Prudence claimed the Coastal Zone Championship in the 2d week of January. Snap Dragon and Flying Jimmy Foxx won the Tag Title from Insane Machine and Primal Rage. Talent: Shawn Gonzalez became the head booker of CZCW. [CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket NYCW [Small]:[/CENTER] Popularity: The popularity of NYCW remained a steady F- for the month of January. NYCW’s single show in the month of January was ranked a D+. Titles: Black Hat Bailey won the Empire title in January. Talent: NYCW has acquired Jungle Jack and Puerto Rican Power on pay per appearance contracts.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket In it's first show since Wrestlefest. Live on GNN The Total Total Sports Network. Total Championship Wrestling Presents Total Wrestling. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket New TCW World Champion Rick Law is scheduled to Appear. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket How will Tommy Cornell handle losing his World Title? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Outlaws take on The Young Guns. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Giant Tana takes on Jack Griffith. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Joey Minnesota battles Ice Man CA. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket In a Hardcore Title Match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Madman Boone defends against Grandmaster Phunk. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rocky Golden battles Freddie Datsun. [/CENTER]
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[B]The Outlaws [/B]take on The Young Guns. [B]Just because they're the freakin Outlaws![/B] Giant Tana takes on [B]Jack Griffith[/B]. [B]Joey Minnesota [/B]battles Ice Man CA. In a Hardcore Title Match [B]Madman Boone [/B]defends against Grandmaster Phunk. [B]Rocky Golden [/B]battles Freddie Datsun. Loved Wrestlefest. Interested to see Cornell's reaction myself. Keep up the good work.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [/CENTER] TCW Headquarters As I sit in my office going thru all the numbers for the month. I take a quick second to reflect on the month. I achieved personal goals on Ticket sales, had a continued growth on TV audience, and achieved a goal I wanted for Wrestlefest. Downside, growth from outside tristate and the southwestern market place increased, but lost a few points in Tristate and Southwestern market. Time for the monthly office meeting with the lawyers, marketing officials, and the Boss, Mr Cornell. I wander what his mood will be? We gather in the conference room. All are present but Mr Cornell. He is the last to walk in is sporting a nice shiner on his eye from last night’s match. There is tension in the air as we try and figure out if Mr. Cornell is in a good mood or what. He breaks the silence. Tommy Cornell: Good morning gentlemen, lets get started. Marketing goes thru the numbers on who pulled in what on the merchandise. Big winners for the month include BLZ Bubb, Ghenis Rahn, Rick Law, and Wolf Hawkins. As they pulled in the most from merchandise sales. The losers I took notes on and did a quick scan, no major surprises as the names listed where not receiving pushes at the moment. Marketing also noticed an increase of the teen audience with the backing of Buns and Noses. They feel it was a success. Lawyers go to work now as they say our contract with GNN is coming to an end. We need to negotiate a new contract or look for a new home for our TV show. I am happy with the ratings. So I will be placing a call after the meeting to get a feel for how GNN feels about renewing. The Lawyers also say the contracts for Liberty and Charlie Thatcher will be coming to an end soon. Going quickly thru my tally sheet I advise we should probably let Thatcher go. He has some stick skills but is awful in the ring. Liberty on the other hand I have a soft spot for. Yes I know he stinks, but the fans seem to enjoy him. Ill inquire how much it will take to resign him and weigh the pros and cons then. Creative team goes next. Tommy interrupts the meeting. Tommy Cornell: First and foremost before we go any further. I am one hundred percent behind Mike’s decision to take the title off of me. The man has been with us since the beginning and worked his ass off to get to where he is. Good call sir. I had to get that off my chest. Joel Bryant: One more thing if I may. Mike I gave up the title of head booker so that I could continue my wrestling career. I am happy with the amount of TV time me and my partner are getting. But Any chance of getting in a push? Mike Cooper: Joel I appreciate your comments. And I have something brewing for you two. But its gonna take a bit to work you in but I was already ahead of you. Now gentlemen I have a few ideas to throw your way. As I bring out folders.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Week 1 Febuary 2007 5000 Irvine Center [/CENTER] [QUOTE]The show opens with some highlights of Wrestlefest. Then the Pyro show panning to the audience then stops at the announcers table.[/QUOTE] Jason Azaira: Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting evening of wrestling that only TCW can bring. We are live from The Irving Center and joined as always is my broadcast partner Kyle Rhode. Kyle Rhodes: Thank you Jason. And speaking of exciting, what an exciting evening Wrestlefest was last night. And we have a new TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rick Law. [QUOTE]Police Sirens are boomed thru to the crowd as Rick Law makes his way to the ring. He makes his way to each ring post, climbs each and salutes the crowd.[/QUOTE] Rick Law: Last night justice was finally served. And that criminal Tommy Cornell was finally brought in for questioning. [QUOTE]Wolf Hawkins Music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Rick and Wolf eyeball one another.[/QUOTE] Wolf Hawkins: Rick, last night I can say was a phenomenal match. But once again I get screwed out of the title. You did not pin me. [QUOTE]Tommy Cornell’s Music hits and he walks out from behind the stage. Wolf and Rick roll their eyes.[/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Speaking of getting screwed. I clearly was going to beat both of you when that ingrate Mike Cooper interfered in my match. If it wasn’t for his stupidity I would remain the champ. [QUOTE]Just then the video screen comes alive and Mike Cooper is on it.[/QUOTE] Mike Cooper: Well hello boys. Tommy, do me a favor ok. Check your facts first before you open your mouth. You see it was you who created this situation with Mr. Hawkins. And it was you who created this mess with Rick Law. Since everybody still has got a lot of fight in them yet. I suggest a little match tonight. Lets say, O I don’t know, Rick and Wolf team up against, mmm, I know Tommy Cornell and Troy Tornado. Jason Azaria: Wow what an announcement. Kyle Rhodes: Can Wolf and Rick trust each other and co exist? Jason Azaria: Were gonna find out later tonight. Up next folks The Outlaws take on the Young Guns. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Outlaws VS Young Guns.[/CENTER] Nice opening match. The Guns worked well tonight as they isolated Donnie J most of the match. But he managed to tag in Texas Pete. Pete then tossed the Guns around like rag dolls. Pete finally pins Steven Gumble with a Lone Star Drop. Winners: The Outlaws in 5:54 Rating: D+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Break Game of the Week. Watch as The Indiana Serpents battle The North Carolina Rhinos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE] We come back from commercial and we see Charlie Thatcher talking to Ricky Dale Johnson.[/QUOTE] Charlie Thatcher: You see Rick. It like this, all the major movers and shakers have an insurance policy. That is me. I can help….. [QUOTE]Thats when Ricky decks him. [/QUOTE] RDJ: I don’t need no stinking insurance policy. I’m a freaking outlaw you idiot. [QUOTE]He then starts drilling Thatcher with a series of rights and lefts. RDJ then picks up a garbage can and hit Thatcher with it. Ghenis Rahn who was walking around and sees what is happening runs in on the fight. He finally manages to get in between Thatcher and RDJ.[/QUOTE] Ghenis Rahn: Stop it. Stop it now. Go take a walk Rick. RDJ: Another day, another time Rahn. [QUOTE]RDJ gives Rahn a icy stare as before he walks away.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The scene sifts to Mean Jean Cattley and Persephone as they are laughing it up. Jean is bragging about how easy it was to take the International Title away from The Natural. Art Reed walks into the scene.[/QUOTE] Art Reed: Congratulations there champ. I see we both won our matches at Wrestlefest. What do you say lets find out who the better man is next week. That is if you have the guts. Mean Jean: Hey dude, who the hell are you interrupting me and my lady back here. You aint worthy of facing me anytime soon. [QUOTE]Mean Jean turns around to face Persephone when Art Reed spins him back and sucker punches Jean.[/QUOTE] Art Reed: Lets see if I’m worthy now. Stay there on the ground and think about it and you can give me an answer next week, ok champ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Azaria: Serves Jean Cattley right. He really is a snake in the grass. Kyle Rhodes: Folks if you thought Wrestlefest was huge. You aint seen nothing yet. Our next major show is War to Settle the Score. Call your Cable Company now and preorder. Jason Azaria : Here is a fun fact for you. War to Settle the Score is the second longest running PPV in TCW History. Kyle Rhodes: And that’s my broadcast partner folks, the human factoid machine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Giant Tana VS Jack Griffith[/CENTER] Jack Griffith looked at times to be playing with the powerful giant. Jack was clearly faster than the lumbering big man. Giant finally got a hold of Jack and hit several clubbing forearm shots on Griffith. Griffith countered with a rake of the eyes. After a couple of running clotheslines on the Giant, he finally goes down. Jack climbs the top rope and lands a Jack in The Box on the big man. Winner: Jack Griffith in 6:31 Rating: C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]The scene shifts to the backstage area as we see Tommy Cornell walking around obviously still upset. Jake Sawyer comes running behind.[/QUOTE] Jake Sawyer: Tommy, Tommy. Can I have word please? Mr. Cornell, any thoughts after your loss at Wrestlefest? Tommy Cornell: My thoughts? You want to know what I think? I clearly had the match won. And our lustrous leader causes me to lose the match. You know what. I’m sick and tired about answering questions. [QUOTE]Tommy grabs Jake by his shirt. [/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: Get out of my face. You mean nothing to me you coward. [QUOTE]Rick Law comes from behind and nails Tommy with his championship belt. They trade punches but it is Rick who comes out ahead. Cornell walks away threating to get even with Law before the night is over.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial break Chica chica wa wa. New Battle Axe Cologne. User beware. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Joey Minnesota VS Ice Man CA[/CENTER] They first exchange wrist locks with Ice Man getting the final wrist lock. Ice Man gets a two count but Joey counters with a sunset flip for two. Ice Man comes back with a running knee to the gut. Joey comes back again with a running clothesline. Drop toe hold and Joey goes for the Empire Spiral but Ice Man goes out of the ring. Joey chases him and gets him back in the ring. Ice Man jumps Joey as he was getting back in the ring. Ice Man pounds away on Joey in the corner. Scoop slam by Ice Man followed by a knee drop. Ice Man lifts Joey for an Ice Breaker, but Joey gets out of it. A few moments later Joey lands an Empire Spiral to pick up the win. Winner: Joey Minnesota in 8:30 Rating: C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]A video of American Buffalo and BLZ Bubb’s match at wrestle fest is shown. Jason and Kyle Rhodes both agree it was a great match. [/QUOTE] Jason Azaria: I don’t think we have seen the end of this feud. Kyle Rhodes: I don’t either. Knowing BLZ the way I do he isn’t going to stand for getting cheap shotted like that. Jason Azaria: I am being told Grandmaster Phunk has a few words to say before his match. Grandmaster Phunk: Holla holla holla playa. The doctor of style is here for all my fans (Crowd boos) You see when it comes to hardcore, you think of the Grandmaster. Go ask yo moma how hardcore he is. [QUOTE]Madman Boone walks into the scene[/QUOTE] Madman Boone: You do know this is a Hardcore match don’t ya. Grandmaster Phunk: I sure as hell do. I’m all hardcore. Wait a minute, What’s a hardcore match? [QUOTE]Boone leans forward and whispers in Phunks ear. Apparently after each and every detail was told to Phunk he grimaces each and every time.[/QUOTE] Madman Boone: See ya out there, playa. [QUOTE]Grandmaster is just standing there in shock. He manages to take a labored swallow.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Hardcore Championship Match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Madman Boone VS Grandmaster Phunk[/CENTER] An entertaining match. Phunk mostly running away from Boone. Boone catches him starts to beat Phunk senseless. Phunk fights back with a couple of rakes to the eyes. Phunk even manages to carry some momentum and maintain some offence. But this is Madman’s realm. A low blow by Boone and he takes the match with a Boone and Bust. Winner: And still TCW Hardcore Champ Madman Boone in 6:35 Rating: C+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Rocky Golden is back stage[/QUOTE] Rocky Golden: Reed, it aint over between us yet. Mark my words well. And all you other TCW wrestlers. Its only a matter of time before I have gold around my waist. You see, as my last name states, everything I do is golden. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial break. Illinois fried chicken. Pick up a bucket today. Now with no transfat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Rocky Golden VS Freddie Datsun[/CENTER] The pair lock up and Rocky gets Datsun against the ropes. Datsun reverses but Rocky knocks him down. Datsun punches Rocky then grabs his head and slams him into the ringpost. Datsun goes for the cover. And gets a 2 count. Rocky gets to the corner and buys himself time but Datsun comes over and grabs him to whip him into the corner but Rocky reverses. Rocky gets Datsun on the ropes and slams his knee into his back. Rocky runs at Datsun and nails him with a clothes line that sends Freddie to the outside. Rocky slides between the ropes and goes after Datsun on the floor. The two trade punches as Freddie gets back in the ring. Freddie jumps Rocky as he gets back in the ring. But Rocky battles back. Rocky picks up Datsun and slams him headfirst into the corner. Rocky lands a Rock Drop and covers. 1, 2, and a 3! Winner: Rocky Golden in 13:52 Rating: B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law are backstage getting ready for their match. [/QUOTE] Wolf Hawkins: Rick, lets get something straight ok? I don’t like you. I not so sure I ever did. But lets face it. We need to have each other back if we are going to get thru this match. Cornell is… Rick Law: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. The great Wolf Hawkins is asking me to have his back? The same Wolf Hawkins that tried to screw me out of the title match at wrestlefest? Wolf Hawkins: Dude, don’t be like that. You would have done the same thing in my shoes. Rick Law: O no buck a roo. The Law don’t play that game. We got a score to settle between you and me. [QUOTE]Then the Foundation break in and start to beat down Rick and Wolf. But just as fast as they broke in they leave. [/QUOTE] Tommy Cornell: See you boys out there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law VS Tommy Cornell and Troy Tornado[/CENTER] Rick Law and Wolf Hawkins come out last. Still feeling the effects of being jumped in the back. Rick Law and Tommy Cornell start it off. Rick pounds away on Cornell but can't maintain his command. Law gets met with a vicious clothesline by Cornell. Cornell is dominating Rick now and gets a two count. Shoulder thrusts to Law and Cornell tags to Troy Tornado. Running knee splash by Troy for a two count. Troy shoves Rick into the corner though and tags in Cornell. Cornell dominates Law with a series of boots and clotheslines. Tag to Troy and Law is able to come back after landing a DDT. Tag to Wolf and he pounds away on Tornado. Both Machines make their way down to ringside. Wolf continues his assault on Troy. The Machines distract Wolf and the Referee as Mike Cooper makes his way down to ringside. Wolf tags in Rick and he starts wailing away on Troy. Troy manages to slip away and tags Cornell. Cornell comes rushing in and Law sends him down with shoulder tackle. Troy comes running back in but is meet by Wolf Hawkins. All four men are in the ring and it appears all is well for Law and Wolf when Wolf throws Troy Tornado out of the ring. But the Machines drag Wolf out of the ring. The Referee goes out and tries to stop the Machines from interfering. Rick is still tangled with Cornell and is about to go for the Long Arm of The Law when Mike comes in and hits Rick Law in the back of the head with a chair shot. Cornell covers as Mike yells for the ref to get his ass back in the ring. 1, 2, No not like this, 3. Winners: Tommy Cornell and Troy Tornado 18:43 Rating: B+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE] After the match is over The Foundation continue their assault on Law and Hawkins. But the sounds of motorcycle engines are heard. BLZ Bubb comes riding down. He gets off the bike and proceeds to clean house. The show ends as Bubb attends to Law and Hawkins as The Foundation and Mike Cooper raise their hands in victory as it appears they have accomplished what they wanted to do.[/QUOTE] Final Rating: B+ TV Share: 30:19
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[CENTER] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Live On GNN The Total Sport Network. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket TCW World Tag Team Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE="7"]???[/SIZE] After repeated interference by The Foundation TCW Board of Directors have stepped in and demand that the Machines from the Foundation put their titles on the line against a mystery team. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Parker takes on William Hayes and Freddie Huggins. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Hardcore Title Match Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ricky Dale Johnson takes on current Hardcore Champion Madman Boone Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket International Championship Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Mean Jean Cattley defends against Art Reed. [SIZE="5"]#1 Contender for TCW World Heavyweight Title[/SIZE] Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Tommy Cornell battles Wolf Hawkins for the #1 contendership for Rick Law's World Title. All this and more exciting TCW Action that only GNN can bring you.[/CENTER]
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