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PWR - From The Fall To The Future

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/PWR.jpg[/IMG] [B]PWR - From The Fall To The Future[/B][/CENTER] My name is Paul "Thanatos" Beckett. I'm twenty-one years old, and I live in Delaware. And I am on the booking team, for the brand spanking new, Pro Wrestling Reborn, a wrestling promotion opened after the so-called "Fall" of wrestling. If you've been living under a rock, here's what PWInsider has to say about The Fall. [QUOTE]...March 2001... At the height of their popularity, with their former enemy WCW vanquished and purchased, the WWF is riding high. It is undoubtably the most powerful promotion in the history of professional wrestling. But questions are being asked about the WCW sale. The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission begins a month-long investigation. ...April 2001... The wrestling world is in shock. The World Wrestling Federation is hit with a three-hundred million dollar fine, after it was revealed that Vince McMahon and AOL-Time Warner executive Jamie Kellner colluded to intentionally lower the purchase price of WCW. Stockholders and investors deserted the WWF, leaving the McMahon family with a humbled empire almost overnight. Disgraced, distraught and heartbroken, with a roster of wrestlers angry at the McMahon's mismanagement, the WWF was effectively shut down. Live events were cancelled, and television contracts were torn up. The McMahons go into isolation. In the months that follow, promotions across the United States shut down left, right and centre. Without the support of the WWF, OVW, HWA and MCW close shop. After the loss of millions of casual fans, promotions such as JAPW, APW and UPW can't support themselves. Even promotions with a more hardcore following, such as XPW and CZW close down. Some owners say they'll be back when the industry bounces back. Others leave for good. It is now October 2001. The effects of The Fall are still ongoing, but there is cause for optimism. The National Wrestling Alliance, once facing extinction, has re-amalgamated under the leadership of Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. WWF loyalists Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels join the returned Shane McMahon to form Fusion Pro Wrestling. And on the west coast, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan use their connections to form the American Wrestling Federation. This new 'Big Three' is joined by independent federations across the country, and two exciting new touring promotions. In Canada, a rejuvenated Stampede takes the country by storm. The wrestling industry has definitely bounced back from its perilous lows, but for how long? Can you guide your promotion through the wreckage of The Fall? Or will the professional wrestling industry collapse for good? [/QUOTE] Yeah. Bad stuff for the entire industry. Everything went to hell, including the promotion I was working for as a "gofer" after school, ECWA. All the employees left, leaving the owner, Jim Kettner, and I to run the show as the world fell apart around us. And it was with heavy hearts that we closed the doors, for what we thought was the last time. But two men saved the day. These men were Jerry Lynn and Mike Bucci, better known as Nova. They, in exchange for Lifetime contacts and stakes in the company, gave the ECWA the money to reopen. And reopen we did, with very little competition out there to compete with. Jim, Jerry, Mike and I got the best independant talent we could, along with some amazing veterans who are waiting for things to shake out. So here we go. The Fall just happened. The Future awaits.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/PWR.jpg[/IMG] [B]PWR Roster[/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Main Eventers:[/U][/B] [H] Christopher Daniels [F] Jerry Lynn [F] Rey Mysterio Jr. [F] Rob Van Dam [B][U]Upper Midcarders:[/U][/B] [F] Bryan Danielson [H] Nova [H] Low Ki [H] Tony Marmaluke [B][U]Midcarders:[/U][/B] [F] Reckless Youth [H] Vic Capri [F] Doug Williams* [F] Nigel McGuinness [F] Billy Fives [H] CM Punk [F] Shark Boy [H] Chris Hero [B][U]Lower Midcarders:[/U][/B] [F] Mike Quackenbush [H] Trent Acid* [H] Samoa Joe [H] Johnny Kashmere* [B][U]Openers:[/U][/B] [F] The Amazing Red [H] Austin Aries [F] Colt Cabana* [B][U]Enhancement Talents:[/U][/B] [H] Joel Maximo [H] Jose Maximo [B][U]Announcers:[/U][/B] [F] Mike Tenay [H] Terry Taylor [B][U]The Authority:[/U][/B] [F] Mick Foley [B][U]Referees / Road Agents[/U][/B] [F] Jim Kettner [F] Bill Densmore * (Denotes Signing Since The Game Began)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/PWR.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pro Wrestling Reborn Week 1, October 2001[/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Foley:[/B] It's great to be here, in NEWARK, DELAWARE! And it's great to be here, in PRO WRESTLING REBORN! Ladies and gentlemen, this is PWR, the company that's leading this industry into the future! The company that's going to push the envelope, and show you all what Pro Wrestling can be! Bringing you the best in talent you've never had the pleasure of meeting, and some that you have! And tonight, this company begins its journey to the top of the wrestling industry! We do that, with an Eight-man tournament for the PWR Universal title! This tournament will have one match a week, at each Pro Wrestling Reborn event, until our first champion is crowned at Glory By Sacrifice! And tonight, the first match will be... Jerry "The New F'N Show" Lynn versus EZ Money! And folks, trust me, that's not the end of it! So keep coming to PWR events, and prepare for the Rebirth of Pro Wrestling! (B+) [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/TerryTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tenay:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, what an entrance to a new era in Pro Wrestling by wrestling legend Mick Foley! I'm "Iron" Mike Tenay! [B]Taylor:[/b] And folks, you better know who I am then. I'm Terry Taylor, the color commentator. And get ready for the best wrestling you can ever.... EVER see in the world! Tonight, you're gonna see the best, starting tonight with... what the hell? [I]Miseria Cantare - The Beginning by AFI hits and CM Punk walks out to the ring![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Punk:[/B] My name is CM Punk, and I'm straight-edge! Let's get that out of the way from the start! And I'm here, to prove to all you drunken Carolina hicks that I am the best professional wrestler in the world! My only vice, is getting too much pleasure out of kicking some guys ass all around this ring! So whoever in the back wants a shot to be in "the opening PWR match," get the f*** out here! (D+) [I]Punk drops the microphone as Billy Fives, veteran independent worker from Florida, runs out to accept the challenge.[/I] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/BillyFives.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]CM Punk defeated Billy Fives with the Pepsi Plunge (B-) [/LIST] [I]Punk grabs his mic.[/I] [B]Punk:[/B] And I'll be out here next week, to show you how good I am again! [B]Tenay:[/B] An explosive debut for the straight-edge youngster from Chicago! [B]Taylor:[/B] Yeah, he beat an established veteran in Billy Fives here, and he definitely wants to prove himself here in PWR. [B]Tenay:[/b] Up next, we've got two young tag teams, who are looking to make their mark in Pro Wrestling Reborn. [B]Taylor:[/B] Both these teams are working together for the first time, trying to use the tag team division to catapult them to stardom here! [B]Tenay:[/B] It'll be Jimmy Rave and Vic Capri teaming up as "The Next Generation, versus Chris Hero and Austin Aries, who call themselves "The Kings Of Wrestling!" [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/VicCapri.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/AustinAries.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]The Next Generation defeated The Kings Of Wrestling with a Rave Clash (C) [/LIST] [B]Tenay: [/B]And the first tag match in PWR ends with Jimmy Rave pinning Austin Aries after his finishing move, the "Rave Clash." [B]Taylor:[/B] A good match Professor, but it's gonna be nothing compared to our main event here tonight! [B]Tenay:[/B] You can say that again Rooster, tonight we'll see Jerry Lynn versus EZ Money! [B]Taylor:[/B] Don't call me Rooster. Ever. [I]EZ Money comes out to the ring, microphone in hand.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/EZMoney.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Money:[/B] EZ Money thinks that this is bulls***! EZ Money says that everyone in the building thinks that Jerry Lynn's gonna win the match here tonight! Well, apparently this crowd doesn't like EZ MONEY! Everyone loves EZ Money! You know it! EZ Money knows it! And tonight... the money is freakin' EZ! EZ Money's going to crush Jerry Lynn, no doubts about it! CHA-CHING! (C+) [I]Jerry Lynn comes running down the ramp, and begins to batter EZ Money with right hands as the bell rings and the crowd pops.[/I] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/JerryLynn.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc103/Thanatos54/EZMoney.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]Jerry Lynn defeated EZ Money with the Cradle Piledriver to advance to the Semi-Finals (B) [/LIST] [B]Tenay:[/B] That's all the time we have here, join us here in Newark, Delaware next week, where the main event will be... Rey Mysterio Jr. versus Nova!
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After your kind comments earlier, I thought i'd be the first to critique your new venture. I'm not aware of this mod but it looks intriguing. Very nice roster, I might add :p. It's a good read, man. You know your subject well, clearly, as the promos seem very authentic. My only advice would be to give a little bit of a match description to make it seem more like a wrestling show and less like a series of booking ideas/plot points. I think my diary suffered from the exact same thing in the beginning. So, just experiment and find what suits. Great job on the first show, though ;). I'll keep an eye on this. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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