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CV97 : DAVE and the East Coast War

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[i]By the end of 1996, Phil Vibert became owner and booker of DAVE, bringing much needed funds and new ideas to the table. He’ll be officially in charge by January 97 and that month will mark a turn around for the Philly based company. They are at war, they can’t let their guard down for one second or one of their ennemies (XWF, PPPW, RPW) could take the lead and sign to exclusive deals all the East Coast talent. [/i] [u][b]2nd week of December 96 – Office space somewhere in Philly[/b][/u] {Soon to be new owner and booker Phil Vibert is having a metting with his booking comitee, some trusted veterans he’s looking to take to a new level in this War. Are present : The Wolverine, a tough veteran known to help with match planning; Eric Tyler, another veteran, all-around great wrestler and good teacher; Johnny Martin, current DAVE champion, the figure-head of the company heading into this War; Buddy Gaines, a retired wrestler helping with backstage duties; Christopher Kay, a young man from the West Coast, brought here by Vibert to help with the creative aspects. } Vibert : As you all know, I’ll be in total control of the company in two weeks. Well, by total control, I mean I’ll have the finaly say about everything, ‘cause I intend to meet with you regularly to discuss where we’re going. Wolverine : Good to know, that you’re not firing anyone of us. Vibert : You all have something to bring to this company on different levels and we’ll need every bit of talent, courage and audace we have to win this War. Oh yeah, ‘cause we’re going take the XWF, the PPPW and the RPW down! Then, our target shall be the SWF! Tyler : Good idea, Richard Eisen is turning this industry into a circus. Kay : Well, you can’t say it’s not working. Tyler : And you can’t force me to like it. Martin : Enough of this, let’s focus on the East Coast War first. Vibert : Agreed. So here’s my plan. Point A : we need to adapt our shows a bit. We need to be different from the others and we also need to attract a larger audience. Look at the XWF. It’s a bloody brawl after another bloody brawl. It gets old quickly and at some point, a wrestler’s gonna be hurt badly with all those crazy things they try to impress people. Wolverine : We’re going to drop the hardcore stuff ? People are gonna boo us… Vibert : No, we’re not, we’re tweaking the concept. Not in a RPW way. It’s slowly becoming a spotfest with weird looking masked wrestlers. Philly Pro ? They’re slow and boring at best. It’s kinda like the NYCW on roids. Martin : So, what’s your plan ? Vibert : We’re gonna tone down a bit the hardcore. No need to almost kill yourself every fight, it’s more intellingent to live to fight another day. Don’t look at me like that ! I’m not telling you to no longer use weapons and such, just to make it the focus of your matchs. Hardcore stuff won’t be necessary, if it happens, it happens. Bull will be told to let you go. It will be a partial no NQ rule. Bull won’t DQ you for using a chair, but he might stop the match if your opponent looks legitimely hurt or the whole locker room goes the ring to fight. Ordre in chaos if you see what I mean. Gaines : Allright, I think I can convince most of the guys to adapt. Focus is the ring, but you can freely go outside to add a little extra. Vibert : Exactly ! It will be much more healthier for every wrestler also. Things will look a bit more real. No one should go through 4 tables and be there to fight again next week. Tyler : Agreed. But… next week ? Vibert : That’s point B. Any question before I go on with that ? Kay : Got one. Does that mean we’re dropping comedy aspects and unsual gimmicks to also look more real ? Vibert : Absolutely not. A little comedy has never hurt anyone and people needs gimmicks to clearly identify each worker. We’re gonna try to be sure everyone’s different. Just don’t go over the top. I don’t want ETs running around ! Kay : Gotcha. Vibert : So point B. We’re gonna be one step ahead of our rivals and hold weekly shows. I’ve look at all the contract, we can do this money wise. Martin : I see : less risk for the workers, but we’ll work a bit more. Vibert : Yeah, if I want you guys to be there every week or every two weeks, you gotta be healthy. Gaines : The boys should like it, it means more money for them. Vibert : The plan is to hold 4 weekly shows called Extreme Nights. Two in the Tri-State area, Two in the New England area. Oh yeah, we’re gonna be really ahead of the comptetition ! Tyler : This sounds good, but what about our current events ? Vibert : I’m not forgetting them. We’ll use those weekly shows to build and promote these bigger events. Our weekly shows will be shorter, not everyone will be required each week, but we’ll use most of the wrestlers on the bigger shows. A live show will be more efficient to promote our big matchs than any ad we can think of. Tyler : So, basicaly, that’s the Eisen way…. Vibert : Richard Eisen didn’t create only evil things. Some of his ideas are rather interesting, specially on the business side. Besides that, we’re gonna care about the people at our weekly shows and we’re gonna have some great wrestling every week. Tyler : Allright, we’ll see how that goes. Wolverine : Anything else we need to know about how you’re looking to run the company ? Vibert : With weekly shows, we’ll need a couple more workers to keep things fresh and to be sure no one is getting burned down. Eric, you’ve got friends in Canada, call them, see if they want to come here; Chris, call your buddies in the West; Wolf, Johnny, take care of the East. Wolverine : What about NYCW ? Can I touch them ? Vibert : Let’s leave them alone for the moment. We’ll respect their neutrality, but if they do anything stupid, they’re becoming the ennemy too. Don’t be afraid to go on the ennemy territory. If we can snap a worker from the XWF, the RPW or the PPPW, let’s do it. Anyway, sooner or later, we’ll march on their bodies. Let’s get going guys, we’ve got a lot to do to be ready for Back in Black !
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[i]OCC : [/i] DAVE’s product has been adjusted to match the Vibert effect : hardcore and risque have been tone down and I bumped Modern and Realism. Christopher Kay is my user character. He’s a young decent all-round wrestler. Think of a Lance Storm body type. He’s playing a guy from Hollywood gimmick (he made money in the movies, he’s full of himself and he’s wrestling only ‘cause Hollywood bores him at the moment). That’s a character I used in my e-fed time and I plan to bring back to life a couple of the great gimmicks I saw at that time. Some randomly generated wrestlers will got one, some more known workers will get others. This is my third attempt at writing a diary on theses boards, it's much less than other people, but I hope I'll be able to stick with this one. I'm more prepared this time, I did more planning and hopefully, life's gonna let me have some free time too!
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[quote]On the second monday of January 1997... [SIZE="5"]DAVE presents... Back in Black![/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"]DAVE Extreme Title : Johnny Martin (ch) vs JD Morgan[/FONT] [i]In the last few months, Morgan ran around saying that he could beat Johnny Martin any day simply because he's a better athlete. Things got a little physical lately and it's time to see if Morgan can back up his words as the champ his waiting for him![/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Vengeance vs Vin Tanner[/FONT] [i]The V-Man have been a thorn on Vengeance side for some time now. He's been there constantly to question his motive, but we learn recently that many akward situations had been set up by Tanner! It's time for him to face the consequences when he meets face to face the Silent Avenger.[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Freddie Datsun vs Raul Darkness (w/Jay Darkness)[/FONT] [i]This match has been called since the Darkness Warriors are blaming Datsun for their recent loss against Hale & Stephens that cost them a shot at the Tag gold. Datsun got involved with the champs, Black Murder, outside the ring while doing special guest color commentary on the match.[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]DAVE Tag Team Titles : Black Murder (Elijah Black & Murderous Mikey) (ch) vs Lucas Hale & Roy Stephens[/FONT] [i]Some people are saying that Hale and Stephens were simply at the right place at the right moment, that they don't desever this title opportunity. Can they shut the no-sayers up ? Or will the deadly efficient champions will prevail ?[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]The Wolverine vs Chris Caufield[/FONT] [i]A classic battle between an grizzled veteran that took offense from some the rookie words! Pissing off the animal ex-champion is never a good idead, we can only hope that Caufield has an ace his sleeve![/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]JJ Coles vs Christopher Kay[/FONT] [i]The biker Coles took offense of some of Kay comments about what he called the low people of the East Coast and challenged him to this match. Kay accepted, saying that his victory will only prove he was right![/i] [/quote] Quick Pick chart : [b]DAVE Back In Black[/b] [i]DAVE Extreme Title[/i] : Johnny Martin (c) vs JD Morgan Vengeance vs Vin Tanner Freddie Datsun vs Raul Darkness [i]DAVE Tag Titles :[/i] Black Murder (c) vs Hale & Stephens The Wolverine vs Chris Caufield JJ Coles vs Christopher Kay
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Would be wrong of me to not make picks here. Especially since DAVE are basically the middleground of all the East Coast promotions and I happen to like them... though RPW are my favourites :) [b][u]DAVE Back In Black[/u][/b] DAVE Extreme Title : [b]Johnny Martin[/b] (c) vs JD Morgan Vengeance vs [b]Vin Tanner[/b] [b]Freddie Datsun[/b] vs Raul Darkness DAVE Tag Titles : [b]Black Murder[/b] (c) vs Hale & Stephens [b]The Wolverine[/b] vs Chris Caufield JJ Coles vs [b]Christopher Kay[/b]
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Shame it isn't RPW you're booking, but DAVE in 97 was pretty impressive. DAVE Extreme Title : [B]Johnny Martin[/B] (c) vs JD Morgan Vengeance vs [B]Vin Tanner[/B] [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs Raul Darkness DAVE Tag Titles : [B]Black Murder [/B](c) vs Hale & Stephens [B]The Wolverine[/B] vs Chris Caufield JJ Coles vs [B]Christopher Kay[/B]
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DAVE Back In Black DAVE Extreme Title : [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs JD Morgan Martin is one of your best choices for Champion at present, while Morgan needs time to find a mouthpeice that works with him before he can make a sustained run as champion. Vengeance vs [B]Vin Tanner[/B] Surprise upset by Tanner, because Vengeance has buggered off to the majors within the first week of play in every 97 game I've ever played. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs Raul Darkness Datsun is the awesome. DAVE Tag Titles : [B]Black Murder (c)[/B] vs Hale & Stephens Mostly to push Elijah. Much as I like Mikey, he's one of those guys that never really gets over with fans. [B]The Wolverine[/B] vs Chris Caufield Because he's the best at what he does. JJ Coles vs [B]Christopher Kay[/B] Coles needs development, not wins.
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DAVE Back in Black 97 [center][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]DAVE presents.... Back in Black[/SIZE][/FONT] [size=3]1532 people in the Philly Hall[/size][/center] [b]Christopher Kay defeated JJ Coles in 8 minutes with his patented Front Russian Leg Sweep. (D-)[/b] A surprisingly good opener for our first show of 1997 that showed how Kay can carry a lesser opponent into a good bout. JJ Coles stood his ground and fought hard, even getting a two count two times, but ultimately it was not enough. After a pretty solid DDT, Kay ended this one with his patented Front Russian Leg Sweep, the Star Maker. [b]The Wolverine defeated Chris Caufield in 9 minutes with The Maul. (D-)[/b] The young Caufield brought all he got to the table, but he came off short. He's still a bit green here and there, but he can for sure take a beating and still comeback with a few shots. The veteran Wolverine hit a couple of power moves that took the breath out of Caufield, one of them being a running powerslam through a table neatly placed near the ring. Soon after, it ended with the Maul. [b][i]DAVE Tag Team Titles[/i] : Black Murder retained over Lucas Hale & Roy Stephens in 8 minutes. (E-)[/b] Damn... this match went for too long, all four mens were tired and it dragged the match down. Not good for their future if you ask me. The young Hale and Stephens are pretty green and Black Murder might not have been the best team to carry them to a decent match. Anyway, the champions were just too much for their opponents and played with them for the most part of the 8 minutes. Of course, Black and Mikey are not quite happy with the performance and are looking to send a clear message to any possible challengers. While Elijah Black hold the referee in one corner, Murderous Mikey is going back to Hale and nails him in the head a vicious chair shot. Stephens tries to take the chair from Mikey, but Harris runs in and connects with a Lariat behind his head. The champs beat down the young men a bit more with the chair before heading to the back. [b](F+)[/b] A young blond man in wrestling tights comes to the ring, a championship belt over his shoulder. : « [COLOR="Red"]I'm pretty sure none of you knows me, you're way too busy watching people beat the heel out of each other with a chair thant watching real wrestling... My name is Damian Carvill, but some people likes to call me The Natural, and this baby I'm carrying is the real wrestling champion : The Penn State Amateur Championship, sanctionned by the Pennsylvannia Athletic Commission. Forget about your so called title... the Extreme title right ? Any guy dumb enough and willing to bleed like a pig can win that one. My title ? Only REAL wrestlers can even fight for it. Real pure wrestlers like myself stay in this ring and meticulously dismembre their opponent. I know, it's a unfamilliar concept for most of you people... but I'm willing to give you a demonstration, if anyone in this lockerroom is brave enough to challenge me![/COLOR] » And it looks like we've got a new match! Our resident silent bad ass Dog Fyte is coming to the ring, ready to give this newcomer a good old fashing ass kicking! [b](D-)[/b] [b][i]Penn State Amateur Championship[/i] : The Natural Damian Carvill retained over Dog Fyte by submission at the 12th minute mark. (E+)[/b] An average match between these two. Fyte came out to fight and remind us once again how hard-htting he can be. The Natural answere with methodical counter-wrestling, a lot of mat based offense, but also a couple of stiff punchs to keep his opponent on guard. Those hits made Fyte vulnerable enough for the self-proclaimed champion to knock him off his feet and snap a STF. Fyte was right in the middle of the ring and his only option after a good 20 seconds of resistance was to tap out. [b]Raul Darkness defeated Freddie Datsun in 12 minutes (D-)[/b] Something was wrong with this match, Raul and Freddie looked kinda confused here and there. Hopefully, there were told to display a story and that saved the match. From the very first minute, Freddie had to keep an eye on Jay Darkness at ringside. This distraction made Datsun lose some time here and time, enough for Raul to manage a comeback each time. Still, Datsun managed to hit the Patriot Press on his opponent, but there was no ref to make the count! He was busy arguing with Jay Darkness! Datsun went for the ref, who in turn checked Raul condition. With the refere attention focused away, Jay guillotined Datsun on the top rope then leveled him with a Brainbuster on the apron! It was just enough for Raul to drag Datsun in the ring and get a three count. As you may guess, Jay quickly entered the ring and the Darkness Warriors hit the Endless Night on Datsun before retreating to the back. [b](E+ for the post-match attack)[/b] Seconds before his match, Mitch Naess meets Vin Tanner in the ring. Naess can’t even finish his first question that the Hall goes all black ! Finally one spotlight opens in the crowd where Vengeance stands. The Silent Avenger points Tanner and signals that the time of his judgment has come! The lights go out again and when they come back, Vengeance is the ring ready to go ! Ref, ring the bell ! [b](D+) Vengeance defeated Vin Tanner in 13 minutes with the Vengeance Drop (D+)[/b] A good old wicked brawl like only DAVE can deliver! These two threw everything they got at each other and the intensity was so high that you really felt this one was personnal. They spent a good portion of the match outside the ring and in the crowd using whatever they could get to hit each other, but in the end The Silent Avenger connected his Vengeance Drop on the concrete floor to get the victory. As we get ready for tonight main event, the champion Johnny Martin walks down the aisle and ask for a mic. « [color=blue]JD Morgan, for weeks now you talked loud about how better you are and how easy you could beat me any day of the week. Guess what ? You time is up, it’s now time to see if you can back up your words. No more blindside attacks, just you and me, face to face in the ring. It’s been almost 3 years since you hold that belt Morgan and this streak will simply continue tonight. [/color] ». [b][i]DAVE Extreme Title [/i] : Johnny Martin retained over JD Morgan in a 17 minutes match (D+)[/b] A great way to end this night, both men delivered a classic. They stayed mostly in the ring unlike the last match focusing rather on great wrestling. Morgan focused on the right leg of the champion, trying to crippled him down and that almost worked. However, Martin proved once again that he’s the better we have to offer and answered back with a couple suplex of his own. Martin reversed a Half-Boston Crab, sending Morgan head first into the turnbuckle and nailed him with the Twist on the Rocks to retain. Martin tries to catch his breath as the referee hands him his title belt while The Wolverine runs from the back and spears the champion out of his boots ! The Wolverine quickly rolls Martin out the ring. He punches him a couple of time and puts him on the ring steps. Wolverine grabs a chair and goes back to the champ, swings but misses as Martin was conscient enough to roll off the steps! The Wolverine is furious, but thing may get worse for him as Vengeance is coming from the crowd. Wolverine hits Martin in the ribs with his chair, tries to get another shot but Vengeance grabs the chair! Vengeance gets the better of it and throws it down. Wolverine tries a right hand, but Vengeance blocks it and pushes him on the ring apron. Vengeance connects a Lariat hard enough to make the man-beast roll in the ring. Vengeance climbs in the ring, but quickly Wolverine rolls out on the other side. Looks like he’s thinking that he should live tonight to fight another day ! Wolverine retreats to the back as Vengeance doesn’t keep his eyes off him. [b](D+ for the attack, C- for the save) Overall grade : D[/b] [i]OCC : I tried to keep the presentation clean and simple, but feel free to suggest improvements. I'm not much into long match writing though, I'm not very good at it, so don't expect that. A weekly news bulletin and the card of the next show should be up tomorrow. Thanks to everyone that made predictions.[/i]
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[center][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]This week in pro wrestling...[/SIZE][/FONT][/center] - Young Gifted Wrestler Reese Paige was involved in a car accident. Her injuries to her legs seems pretty serious right now and she'll probably have to retire as an active wrestler. - Paul Steadyfest is the first ever HGC Hardcore champion. He won the title on their first TV show by defeating Tribal Warrior. The same night, Dark EAGLE became the first HGC Cruiserweight champion by beating Super Joshuya. - Roger Dodger, AMW top stars, signed away with SWF. They also signed Randall Hopkirk, a guy we had an eye on. - The Tag Team Specialists (Robert Oxford & Joel Bryant) won for the 2nd time the GCG Tag Team titles defeating Murkami & Ikina - Two DAVE workers, Eric Tyler and Eddie Chandler, agreed to work some dates with CZCW. Also two of our workers, Vengeance and Easy Emma, signed with AMW. - Eddie Chandler, with his partner John Maverick, won the vacant CGC Tag Team Titles by defeating Tim Westybrook and Ed Monton. - Next up... [FONT="Arial Black"]Extreme Nights #1[/font] * The Wolverine vs Eddie Chandler * Henry Lee vs Jay Darkness * Chris Caufield vs Christopher Kay * and two newcomers will battle each other as the Force of Nature Tim Westybrook will go one-on-one with the Monster from London, Danny Patterson!
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Extreme Nights #1 * [B]The Wolverine[/B] vs Eddie Chandler * [B]Henry Lee[/B] vs Jay Darkness * Chris Caufield vs [B]Christopher Kay[/B] * and [B]Tim Westybrook [/B] vs. Danny Patterson! - even if it ruins Patterson's reputation as a monster from the outset, Westybrook is just a better worker in the long-term.
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