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::: AWF ::: Zero To Infinity ::: (A-Verse) :::

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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/bg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I]::: Index :::[/I][/B] [I]- [/I][URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=307107&postcount=2"][I]Prologue[/I][/URL] [I]- [/I][URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=309904&postcount=6"][I]Chapter 01 - Proposition[/I][/URL] [SIZE=1]---------- [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=310374&postcount=8"]Electronic Correspondant Update[/URL][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]---------- [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=311080&postcount=9"]Show Preview[/URL] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]---------- [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=311684&postcount=11"]AWF Lockdown TV - (Wed Week 1 Jan 07)[/URL] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]---------- [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=312966&postcount=12"]Negotiation[/URL] [/SIZE] [I]- Yeah, I'm keeping this post as a main index - I've decided to do this Diary in chapters ;) I thought I may as well put links here so if anyone reads on a regular basis, they'll be able to go straight to any new chapter without sieving through the many pages of posts there might be...[/I] [SIZE=2][I][B]::: OOC ::: [/B]I'm Using Allen-Verse Data – mod of the C-Verse Data. If you wanna try out this mod, you can find the thread [/I][URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23066"][I]here[/I][/URL][I]. [/I][/SIZE] [INDENT][I][B]Edit[/B]::: Change of plan on the style that I'm going to do this Dynasty. I'm at university so my time is limited. Updates will come out slow and steady, as will my playing of the game. I will write the dynasty in Chapters - each chapter starting with a key event, and then will consist of a number of weeks of shows, events, updates, etc until the next key event happens. Then a new chapter will begin... The idea being is to seperate the dynasty up a bit, to make it a little more manageable :p and at least one update should come out per week, preferably a show if time permits. Obviously, if i have a good week :p you might get more[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT]
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::: Prologue ::: [CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/bg.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][U]::: Prologue :::[/U][/B][/I][/CENTER] [INDENT][I]Founded August 1987, The AWF has been around for almost two decades. Never quite reaching the national status that it should have, the AWF has remained a cornerstone to North American wrestling. Most of all the major stars of today have wrestled in the AWF, but before any of them can take the promotion to the next level, they have been snatched up by a larger promotion. More recently, the AWF has created working agreements with a Cult United States Pro Wrestling, National Total Championship Wrestling and National American Pro Wrestling, in an effort to make it to that next level. However, these pacts maybe more to help with survival rather then to help make the business go National. [/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][I]As good a start as that might seem, Danger and Violence Extreme have been their bitter cult rivals for many years, despite their very different products. But that should be the least of their worries, As the International Supreme Wrestling Federation and Global Multi-million Dollar corporation Universal Pro Wrestling are at war with them in the most realistic sense possible and have last for the last 10 years. For recent months, AWF has been struggling to maintain it's cult appearance to the wrestling fans of the US, combined with the already low, but forever decreasing roster size, owner Illinois solid determination to rise and challenge his oppositions, has been forced to make some rather drastic changes.[/I][/INDENT][INDENT][I]Illinois' Die hard determination isn't mirrored in his business sense. Though very professional at his job, he's often been too nice a character to be in such a business. And as it stands, to put enough money in his business, he is only taking an $800 wage per month and has devoted his entire life to the cause. His marriage failing just a year ago, he has put in all his remaining money into the business in an all out attempt to turn the company around. [/I][/INDENT][INDENT][I]Making Cuts to the staff left, right and center – keeping the bare minimum he needed in order to make a clean start... Of course, due to lack of foresight, he's let go of the current booking staff, all road agents and all referees. With a TV show airing Wednesday of the new year, one would have thought he would have kept on the KEY workers to keep the product on the air! He spent years trying to get a respected TV show and a good PPV carrier, if such basic issue's aren't sorted he will likely lose everything. The Workers are well aware of whats at stake and what weight will now be on their shoulders, but even some of the loyalest workers doubt if they can really make their bosses dream come true, meanwhile the other workers, couldn't care a less as long as they get their money and their own career. However, tomorrow is New Years Eve, and with it a new year's eve party for all the workers and their families who could make it, and Illinois had promised them some rather big news. [/I][/INDENT][INDENT][I]This really is make or break. Although the Economy is good, the wrestling Industry has recently been on the decline. Maybe it justs goes to show the types of business decisions he makes.[/I][/INDENT][INDENT][I][B]TBC [/B]-during midweek[/I][/INDENT]
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[QUOTE=The_Flaming_Red;307100][B][U][CENTER]::: American Wrestling Federation :::[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]::: Index :::[/B] - [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=307107&postcount=2"]Prologue[/URL] - Yeah, I'm keeping this post as a main index - I've decided to do this Diary in chapters ;) I thought I may as well put links here so if anyone reads on a regular basis, they'll be able to go straight to any new chapter without sieving through the many pages of posts there might be... [SIZE="2"][B]::: OOC ::: [/B]I'm Using Allen-Verse Data – mod of the C-Verse Data. If you wanna try out this mod, you can find the thread [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23066"]here[/URL]. ::: In terms of how I'm gonna do this dynasty – I'm at university so my time is limited. Updates will come out slow and steady, as will my playing of the game, but I will have time to usually put out at least one chapter out a week – more if its not a very busy week :p expect it to stop during may/june of next year as i will have exams :P and continue after.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Wow, this is awesome! Someone using my mod for a dynasty! :)
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[QUOTE=aznblusuazn;307165]Wow, this is awesome! Someone using my mod for a dynasty! :)[/QUOTE] Hehe, at this moment, I'm only a playing week infront of the dynasty at the moment and have no idea what's going to heppen long term :) it's a whole new scenario to the original Cverse world, and has made the whole experiance of playing the game new again, so thanks for making it. [QUOTE=infinitywpi;307336]... wait, why is my name in this dynasty title again? :)[/QUOTE] :p as a maths student, the title was just a spur of the moment thought, but now I hsve the urge to add a new worker to the world, called Infinity :p [B]Next update ::: Wednesday[/B]
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::: Chapter One - Proposition ::: [CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/bg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT][I][CENTER][B][U]::: Chapter One - Proposition :::[/U][/B][/CENTER] [RIGHT][SIZE="1"][I]15:32 -New Year's Eve - 2006 AWF Headquarters Michigan [/I][/SIZE][/RIGHT] The snow had already fallen the previous night and most of it was shoved out of the way into large mounds, however the small snowflakes began falling again. A young man who walks with a purpose, seemingly unaffected by the cold atmosphere, into towards the AWF building where his meeting was being held. The man, dressed in some black trousers and a dark blue jacket, rolled up at the sleeves to just above his elbow and his dark red hair was at shoulder length and collecting snow as it fell, as he walked through the car park and to the front door where two guards (dressed warmly) stood. The man spoke with them briefly showing them a professional looking letter, a guard nodded and opened the door and followed the stranger in, closing the door behind him. After speaking to the receptionist, a business man was called, and after only a few minutes of waiting, a man with a full business suit appeared before the special guest. The business man made a greeting, extending his arm to the less so well presented man, who merely looked at the extended hand, but didn't replicate the gesture. The man nodded once, and that was the only greeting he gave. The bemused businessman continued with his rehearsed speech tot he man, and quickly escorted him to the elevator and up to the primary meeting room. It was there an unshaven Illinois with hug sleep bags under his eyes, awaiting to start this important meeting. [CENTER]--- Illinois --- [COLOR="Navy"]Good Morning Mr Red[/COLOR][/CENTER] Mr Red was hardly a name he was often called. His original name completely unknown to anyone beside himself, but he had been seen about the wrestling world before, but under the name of The Flaming Red. Though his hair was wet and covered a quarter of his face, his eyes were big alert, and filled with calmness and total awareness. He had been wrestling since he was a kid, and growing up in a small village with nothing to do, he taught himself everything. He was an intelligent young man and discovered that the only thing limiting his abilities was his imagination and that seemed something that he was in limitless supply of. He became inventive in the ring and brought out something new to stun his opponents, and when things were going bad, he became a maniac, and worse then that, an intelligent maniac. His since of civility and common coolness was lost and was replaced by recklessness and disparity. Red, was once apart of XCWEvolution, a multi-national company Red had been apart of, and this is where Red’s Legendary soared to the stars! Hit style inside the ring, his actions outside the ring made him a VERY BIG star in that company, even if it meant it was the opposite side of the crowd delight. Fighting and Burning his way through the employee’s of XCW, Red became a huge name defeating the best if of XCW and had been through an absolute era defining war with Mr Brad Fox. However, as SWF, TCW and UPW out rated them and in the end, conspired to rid them before they became too big of a threat, causing a chair event that would lead to the downfall of the company, leaving the directors to have different views, wanting to take the company in different directions, leaving many to take their money and leave, causing the company to become financially unstable. In a few months time, the funds ran out and as all the talent separated and went their separate ways, the XCW era was finished early 2006, and had left Red with nothing to do…Until now. Red looked disapprovingly at the man who had arranged this meeting on this cold new years eve. His stare was fierce and cold. He entered the room with Illinois and the businessman. The door was heavily closed, and locked behind them. The contract now sat in front of Red at the overly large table they sat around, entirely empty of all but the three seats these men took up. Red rose, going to the darkened window that stretched over the entire height and width of the wall on one side of the room. Looking out over the city, the lights of the buildings stories below flickered, the Christmas decorations still flashing brightly as the entire view becomes snow coated. Once becoming a freelancer, Red had refused all of the few offers he was given to wrestle elsewhere, though in fairness there wasn't all that many offers. Red's reputation dragged him from all the company owner's good books, most scared of what he would do if things didn't go as he personally planned. Infektion, his boss at XCW, was the only one bold enough to risk hiring him. But today the offer being given wasn't just an ordinary wrestling position in a small company. Red continued to stair from the window, contemplating what he had read moments before about the information Illinois had told him throughout the last few hours. Red thought to himself about how badly the stage was being set. [CENTER] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]So What do you think?[/COLOR][/CENTER] His stare never wavered from the windows, his analytical mind pieced the key details that were explained to him to paint the actual picture. His words were cold and unemotional, and down right almost exact. [CENTER]--- TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]Your company's in tatters. You have half the amount of people needed to run a show, and you have a TV show you need to run on Wednesday to air next Friday. You have no Road Agents? And you have no Referees?[/COLOR] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]Correct[/COLOR][/CENTER] It was at this point, Red understood just how desperate the situation was for Illinois. He had heard only rumors about the company that his superiors at XCW had once wared with, but knew only to well that most rumors meant nothing in this business. But today they were correct, Illinois really had lost it. He looked more like a hobo who mugged someone with a very nice suit, rather then an experienced owner – and this is coming from someone who came to this meeting wearing his casual clothing caring very little this company on the whole. [CENTER] --- TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]You Do Actually Have Wrester's contracted to work, Right?[/COLOR] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]Of Course[/COLOR] --- TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]Thank God![/COLOR][/CENTER] Even Red thought that there was just no hope for this guy. He must have been desperate to come to him, he was not really qualified for the job, though its a job he had much experience in ruling half a company during a 3 month period in place of Infektion, but even that was chaos and motivated entirely to destroy the career of a rival he hated, both in and out of the ring. [CENTER] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]So what do you say[/COLOR] --- TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]You'll fail, and go under within the year. Your objectives are unreachable and as i must have been about the 50th choice of a person to take this job, no one wants it. And moreover, you won't be able to do it yourself. Your last booker must have been good to get you this far. You should have taken the takeover bids while you had a chance, it would have set you for life. Moreover, I don't see how it will benefit me. I couldn't care a loss about any of the workers here. [/COLOR] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]That's pretty much what everyone else has said.[/COLOR][/CENTER] For the first time Red's gaze moved from the window to look over his broad shoulder, right at the owner, studying the desperate man who saw that this meeting wasn't going to have an outcome he would have wanted. [CENTER]--- TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]I'm going to want access to every penny of the funds available. Every contract is to go though me, I want all my expenses paid, and the salary doubled of what you offered me, complete creative control and access to your best lawyers you have, because I'll be using them a lot. Use your present lawyer – for that what he must be because he's contributed nothing to this meeting – to change that contract now and get copies sent to it to mine[/COLOR][/CENTER] Flinging a card across the table at Illinois, he was starstruck, his jaw wide open and eyes more awake now then they had probably been for the last several weeks. . [CENTER]--- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]Those are extreme de..[/COLOR] ---TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]Do we have a deal?[/COLOR][/CENTER] It was a few minutes before Illinois could reply, the offer was tempting yet ludicrous. He was trying to give out a job that no one in their right mind would want to do. The opportunity to thrive in the job was outweighed by the, what the applicants found out, the insane goals that he was setting. Red's conditions were very risky, but the fact he could get someone to do the job on the short term would be a triumphant start. The man he was negotiating with had a record for not demanding and not negotiating at all. He wasn't really an office worker, he was a brain and brawl commander, an analyst who acted on the current conditions. He wasn't going to do masses amount of paperwork, but the owner felt that Red could really get his job done. But would he do it the right way, and was he experienced enough pull though. His booking reputation was low, but did exist. Perhaps he might be able to create some constraints with Red, if Illinois was to completely give up creative control. [CENTER]--- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]My conditions is that there will be restrictions on your contract. The first one is a personal situation. You can't set anyone on fire in order to Inspire them[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER]---TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]Haha! Agreed. [/COLOR] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]Secondly, the working finances will be capped at $1.25 Million, no additional funds will be available so you won't be going below that for the next two years. For the Next two years, you MUST NOT sign any wrestler that has drug problems, nor can you hire a wrestler above the age of 35. We're going to go forward with new young talent. Lastly, we're putting all our money in this, so after two years, the company must not be less prestigious then it is now. Agree to this, and you can have creative control, unless we feel you're taking the company in the wrong direction and thats shown to us by either our finances or popularity. That's the only deal I can offer[/COLOR][/CENTER] Red saw the opportunity and the chance to take it was now. Things have gone just the way he had predicted them. Illinois really doesn't have any idea. [CENTER] ---TFR --- [COLOR="darkred"]We have a deal then. Alter the papers and fax them to the number on that card. They'll check it for robustness– I'll be back in an hour[/COLOR][/CENTER] It was now Red that turned around and simply left the room in silence. It was a few moments that passed before either [CENTER]--- Business man--- [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Something Disturbs me about him[/COLOR] --- Illinois --- [COLOR="navy"]It's okay... We'll keep in on a short lease, he has the personality we really need to take the fight to the national promotions, and not just defend out workers. Besides, if what you say is right, we baited him perfectly. It seems he is just power hungry after all. My only concern is how will our roster take to him controlling their on scene careers. [/COLOR][/CENTER] Red had found himself on the roof letting the snow beat down upon his head once more, but the view a lot better then it had been from outside the complex. He reached for his mobile, a device he would hardly ever use. There was only one number saved on the phone, every speed dial connecting this phone to only person Red would talk to. He rang this number now [CENTER]--- TFR --- [COLOR="DarkRed"]It's done... They're giving me what i asked from them, you should get the papers within the hour, and then we'll begin to put the pieces into play... Yeah, its in about the condition we expected it in, so it'll take several weeks before it's ready for what we plan. I'll keep my our intents secret until the time comes... The Tv deals continues to cover the whole of the USA and Canada so when the time comes, enough of the world will be watching... I don't think Illinois will be a problem in the end, though I don't know what he'll do for sure... Indeed, it seems a perfect base... Get back to me when you receive the papers. I'll need to bring some people in. [/COLOR][/CENTER] With that, he hung up his phone and went back inside, ready to change the world. [RIGHT][SIZE="1"][B]OOC:::[/B] Sorry it was a little late ;) I got held up at the pub! - Time to do some graphic design - Edited Repeatedly :p Trying to find a good presentation[/SIZE][/I][/RIGHT][/INDENT]
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Electronic Correspondents Update [INDENT][CENTER][FONT=Lucida Console][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/internet.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [B][FONT=Lucida Console]Tuesday January 2nd 2007[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/SWF.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]Many of the top company's today have vowed to start the new year by signing new talent to their rosters to fill any gaps left after the Christmas slump, While a number of contract negotiations have only been rumored, the first official sign up happened last night when Holocaust, the 7 foot brawler from Europe signed with SWF for an undisclosed amount. [/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/AWF.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]The Shock of the week though has come from AWF, who signed a new booker New Years Eve, and the booker was none other then the ex-XCWEvolution star The Flaming Red. Illinois, Owner of AWF fired his last head booker late December and spent a majority of the holidays looking for a new one. This choice was neither expected by wrestling experts or the fans. Recent polls indicate mixed responses from the fans, some of who can't understand the decision, some who can't see it ever going to work and some who are excited by the signing. While no one knows too well what TFR's booking skills are like, it is still likely that he will play a part in ring as well, though there's been no official statement to that effect at this time.[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]With the new booker though, the rumors of him being in a number of new and old faces have been greater than that of every other company. However, AWF stat Jack Griffith is being heavily sort after by a number of promotions.[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [B][FONT=Lucida Console]Wednesday January 3rd 2007[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/UPW.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]UPW started their week with 4 new signings right off the block, retired wrestler Pat Deacon, who turned down a number of wrestling promotions recently, announced on his website that he had joined the global company, signing a written contract Saturday evening. He was joined by Mario Heroic, Ryan Holland, Hell Monkey and Jack Griffith this morning, all signing written contracts. [/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]With that, UPW's Mr Superstar lost the UPW Universal Continental Championshio to Behemoth last night[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/SWF.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]Playboy Jake Sawyer signs with TCW[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]Carl Batch Signs with SWF[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/AWF.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console][/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]With the news that Jack Griffith has left for UPW, he is scheduled to make his final appearances for AWF on tonight's AWF TV show: AWF Lockdown, and Sunday's PPV: AWF Rebellion[/FONT] [/INDENT]
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::: AWF LockDown ::: Preview ::: [I][INDENT][CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/bg.jpg[/IMG][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/yeah.jpg[/IMG][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/Me.jpg[/IMG][/I] [I][B][COLOR="Green"]Big City Guy[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="darkred"]Dirty Frank[/COLOR][/B] [/I][/CENTER] [I]A Non-championship between Entertainer Bad Ass Big City Guy, the current AWF Champion against a Regular Wrestler, Lower midcarder Slob called Dirty Frank. Dirty Frank had got a chance to prove himself against the main star in AWF today because the original feud planned between Big City Guy and Jack Griffith has taken a sudden stop with Jack's soon departure to UPW. Will Dirty Frank give BCG a run for his money.[/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m5-1.jpg[/IMG][/I] [B][I][COLOR="darkred"]Jack Griffith[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="green"]Joe Crotty[/COLOR][/I][/B][/CENTER] [I]"Treacherous git" Jack Griffith who has been a champion on many occasions will have his work [/I][I]cut out for him as he goes against a decent worker who hasn't had a great career named [/I][I]Weirdo Joe Crotty. While normally Jack would be expected to win this match, it seems very [/I][I]likely that Jack will get destroyed by Crotty in a very one sided match to get Crotty some deserved momentum. Of course, this [/I][I]is due entirely to the great work Joe has been putting in (he has turned up on time to the [/I][I]show) and has Nothing to do with Jack leaving AWF, B*****d [/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m4-1.jpg[/IMG][/I] [I][B][COLOR="green"]Al Hillbilly[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="darkred"]Whisky Jack[/COLOR][/B] [/I][/CENTER] [I]The Challengers are the Tennessee Outlaws, consisting of Whisky Jack and blackjack [/I][I]Robbins. The AWF Tag Team Champions are The Hillbillies Pete and Al, and these 4 people make [/I][I]up the only two teams in existence in AWF, So very originally, we're going to put one of [/I][I]the tag teams against the other. So two single matches were signed for the TV event, in [/I][I]light of a championship match at the next PPV. [/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m3-1.jpg[/IMG][/I] [I][B][COLOR="green"]Roderick Remus[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="darkred"]Jon Jetson[/COLOR][/B] [/I][/CENTER] [I]Young Cruiser weight Rod Remus and Heavyweight Jon Loner Jetson are two very different [/I][I]styled midcard workers who will go against each other. Will Rod be able to -WOW- Jetson [/I][I]with his crusiser weight quickness or will he get overpowered by the man who is 24 years [/I][I]his elder. A true battle of the ages. [/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m2-1.jpg[/IMG][/I] [I][B][COLOR="green"]Pete Hillbilly[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="darkred"]Blackjack Robbins[/COLOR][/B] [/I] [/CENTER] [I]The other half of Operation "try-to-get-someone-interested-in-the-non existent-tag-team [/I][I]division" match takes place between other two members of the tag team. Should be a bit of [/I][I]a brawl.[/I] [CENTER][I][B][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m1-1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/I] [I][B][COLOR="green"]Mark Williams [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="DarkRed"]Chad Brown[/COLOR][/B][/I][B][/B] [/CENTER] [I]The Technician "Champion" Chad Brown holds the AWF TV championship. Though being nothing [/I][I]more then a Opener, will be going against the midcarder, and the growing in popularity [/I][I]Mark "The Idaho Punisher" Williams. Though Williams has just hit his 40th birthday, he's [/I][I]hoping to give his career one final push to success. [/I] [SIZE="2"][I]And that's the final match for two reasons. [/I] [I]1) It's only a one hour show. and [/I] [I]2) We've exhausted all our resources. Yes, those 12 people are the ENTIRE roster. The only [/I][I]people who remains is Owner Illinois and Head Booker TFR, who combined will fill in for [/I][I]the road agent, referee, announcers, colour commentators, medical staff, security guards, [/I][I]the staff behind the snack bar, ring lighting, sound tech and the janitors role... Pretty [/I][I]much everything apart from Owning and Head booking. [/I][/SIZE] [/INDENT][/I]
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[B]Big City Guy[/B] vs Dirty Frank Jack Griffith Vs [B]Joe Crotty[/B] (squash) [B]Al Hillbilly[/B] vs Whisky Jack [B]Roderick Remus[/B] vs Jon Jetson Pete Hillbilly vs [B]Blackjack Robbins[/B] Mark Williams vs [B]Chad Brown[/B] Pretty embarassing for Griffith to get squashed by Crotty, whose primary gimmick for his entire career has been being a jobber... Reminds of that time in WWE when Just Joe (Joe E. Legend) lost to the Brooklyn Brawler before he left WWE... LOL.
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AWF Lockdown Tv - Wednesday January Week 1 07 [[I][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/bg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/INDENT][/I] [INDENT][CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/yeah.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3][U]Lockdown Results[/U][/SIZE][/B][/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [INDENT][RIGHT][I][SIZE=1]January Week 1 Wednesday 07 [/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]Minnesota Coliseum ::: 10000 Sold Out [/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=1]Mid West[/SIZE][/I][/RIGHT] [/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I][B]For the Love of God Give Me A Referee[/B][/I][/CENTER] [I]Today was an odd day in the AWF world. Illinois will be the special guest referee today, seeing as none of the other people on the roster have ANY refereeing skills at all... Illinois is normally an announcer, and today has given up his spot outside the rung to the new Head Booker, The Flaming Red, who will get to see first hand over all the workers now working under him. The Flaming Red, though not the most dynamic of talkers, is able to make truly analytical judgments which will be announced to the world. Though a fairly basic show, there wasn't tonnes to work with, so there wouldn't be too much that was unexpected... was there?[/I] [/INDENT] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m1-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Williams vs Chad Brown[/B] [/I][/CENTER] [INDENT][I]To start off the show, we have these two wrestlers who don't really click but continued to wrestle for 3:40 minutes before Mark Williams defeated Chad with a Piledriver before getting a pinfall, much to the crowds delight... Chad showed some improvement in his rumble skills, which is good, seeing at it doesn't seem Chad as any other kills to offer us at all. It's somewhat amazing an enhanced talent like Chad has actually been able to win the TV championship, He must have beaten an elf or something similar. [B](E)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I][B][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m2-1.jpg[/IMG] Pete Hillbilly vs Blackjack Robbin[/B][/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [INDENT][I]Pete Hillbilly had a decent match with Blackjack and eventually won, crushing Blackjack with a Big Splash after 4.33. Pete the Hillbilly is improving in performance skills so thats not too bad. The hopes for Blackjack and Whisky in the PPV's Title match has dropped dramatically.[B] (D-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I][B][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m3-1.jpg[/IMG] Roderick Remus vs Jon Jetson[/B] [/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [INDENT][I]Illinois had to end this match with a double count out after the match fell to the outside of the ring and neither wrestler making it back before the ref got up to a complete 10 count.. The fact Illinois stopped it overall was a good thing, putting the fans out of their misery as it was a below par match. Although, Both Rod and Jon are improving in performance skills. In addition, Illinois' presence as a special guest referee is boring the crowd ... (Oh Dear). Seeing as Illinois the our only referee that was booked for the show, and moreover, the only referee on our roster, this doesn't look too promising. [B](E)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [CENTER][I][B][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m4-1.jpg[/IMG] Al Hillbilly vs Whisky Jack[/B] [/I][/CENTER] [INDENT][I]Whisky jack managed to steal a win against Al Hillbilly by grabbing a huge handful of tights (and I literally mean a HUGE handful). This has evened out the playing field and given Whisky and Blackjack some hope against the well established Hillbilly's [B](D-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [CENTER][I][U]Match Hype[/U][/I][/CENTER] [INDENT][I]Illinois decided this was a perfect moment to hype up tonights main event between Big City Guy and Dirty Frank... Why he did this, cos Big City Guy is more over in this state then the Queen of England is in London. Still, it took up a couple of valuable minutes to get ready for the next match. [B](C-)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I][B][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/m5-1.jpg[/IMG] Jack Griffith Vs Joe Crotty[/B][/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [INDENT][I]Midcarder Joe Crotty managed to win this match in a complete blowout fashion, defeating Griffith in 6.50 with a Reverse DDT. Fans wonder if Jack's decrease in ability has something to do with him leaving very soon, or if that was entirely coincidental. Jack however, actually looked off his game out there! (lmao, that wasn't my doing) In addition, Jack gathered some flying skills, like we really care... At least we got a half decent match.[B](D)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/Me.jpg[/IMG] [B]Big City Guy vs Dirty Frank[/B] [/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [INDENT][I]Big City Guy defeated Dirty jack in a good match lasting 11.48 minutes, despite the crowd getting very bored with Illinois as a referee, but this could have something to do with Big City Guy looking especially good out there. Watching the match, The commentator The Flaming Red sat there exclaiming how, unlike the rest of the card, Big City Guy looked particularly dangerous, defiantly the best wrestler in the AWF at the moment. In the end, Big City Guy hit the Big City Bomb and got a fair pinfall, a decent final match to finish the card off, despite it being thought that it would suck more then an industrial vacuum. Good Job lads [B](D+)[/B][/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I][U]Post Match Attack[/U][/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [INDENT][I]While Big City Guy was celebrating in Ring, another worker sprang into the ring, attacking the City Guy, knocking him off his feet. It was the Commentator, The Flaming Red who threw down his headset after the win and took his opportunity to establish himself in the company, seeing the Big City Man as the best fight he could get himself into. TFR continued his beatdown on BCG pounding him into the corner. While BCG lay in a crumpled heap in the corner, Red taunted the crowd who hissed at him, seeing he was still as much of a heel as he was in his previous company. but BCG lashed out to return some punishment on Red, who replied by a blatant low blow and left BCG with his finisher, Chaotic Heaven, leaving BCG laying in the ring. [B](C+)[/B][/I] [B][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/line.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [I][B]Final Score[/B][/I] [INDENT][I]Overall, The Show generated a [B]D[/B], which could have been worse I guess, and it was considered a success., especially seeing as by the third match, the fans disliked the idea of Illinois being referee. [/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][I]Red has a slightly above par character for this level, I put his popularity down as an E-. City Guy must have carried Red there, giving him decent initial momentum (which is what Red Planned of course) [/I] [/INDENT] [I][B]The Morning After[/B][/I] [INDENT][I]::: 1 ::: WOW! We made $160,000 on that show, Granted its in our most popular territory, but that was even more then I was hoping for at a cult level... I'm pleasantly surprised. Maybe things won't be so hard after all. And all Illinois wanted me to do was not be in debt. [/I][/INDENT] [INDENT][I]::: 2 ::: Red Got an Email. [/I][I]“The small size of your roster is making the show look amateurish... You should have a minimum of 26 Active Wrestler... You have... 13... You suck” [/I] [/INDENT] [INDENT][CENTER][I]--- TFR --- [/I][I][COLOR=darkred]We have a small roster size? Like I didn't Already know that! However, I think I can see where our recently acquired $160,000 is going...[/COLOR] [/I][/CENTER] [/INDENT] [I][B]Next :::[/B] A Rebellion Anyone?[/I]
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Negotiation [CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z1/TFR21/bg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Now, Since Red didn't know what kind of profit AWF could turn, as soon as he signed with the promotion he opened negotiations with the best part of 50 workers, who varied in experience and price and expertise and age (he had found a one chance system to escape Illinois signing restrictions, but only because he open their negotiations before he even signed the AWF deal... Now, seeing that the profit margin is good for their hometown shows, he doesn't have to be as conservative as he was anticipating. Oh Yeah! Referee situation sorted, [B]- Dale Kenney [/B]is now our number two referee. $250 per appearance, he can referee decently and even be a bit of an entertainer. Well worth the money if you ask me. [B]- Elegance[/B] is our secondary Referee, She too has some entertainment skills so can be used elsewhere. The idea of getting her on board was just as a reserve mainly as all her skills are inferior to Dale, but she only costs £100 per appearance.... [B]- Dewey Libertine[/B] $700 per appearance but he has a better refereeing ability then the other two. Though Red was not intending to have 3 referees, This one came after the other two (and Red forgot he asked to negotiate with him)... There's a good chance Elegance won't be used much, and wont have her contract renewed (which pretty much sums up her career really). Anyways, AWF needs at least 13 more wrestlers... 14 if we include making up for the spot Jack Griffith is making. So in reality, we're gonna need the best part of about 16 workers to give the product some stability. We need a few lower carders and some upper carders so I'll varying the overness people have, and buying people based on ability though the order, cost doesn't seem to matter too much as long as we turnover a decent profit in at least one show in our main region... So lets negotiate... [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] (£125 PPA) – He has no overness, but he's a good quality individual that can be brought up. [B]K-Squared [/B](£150 PPA) – Not as good as singh, but he's over in Canada (E-) and will make a decent young low card wrestler to bring up. [B]Tempest Appleby [/B](£125 PPA) is another decent cruiserweight but again, is about as well known as... something that isn't very known at all. [B]Keith Adams[/B] (£125 PPA) I've stolen a British worker that's not well known i the USA but is decent enough to be a jobber who can hold a half decent match. [B]Lazy Joe [/B](£575 PPA) – Not the best wrestler in the world, got a decent oveness in the USA and would be a decent lower midcarder. These should be enough for our lower cards. [B]Paul Steadyfast[/B] (£1250 PPA) – though a former steroid user, he is well known in the UK, Canada and Mexico, and has some very good skills to put on a good match. A high end addition to the AWF team. [B]Stevie Grayson [/B]- (£1300 PPA) - A decent flying regular wrestler, a young face with a good future. [B]JD Morgan[/B] – (£1900 PPA) - lacks some entertainer skills, but is a fantastic in ring worker [B]Joseph Lost [/B]- (£1300 PPA) - a Young cruiser weight, who is good at flying, charismatic and an amazing performer! Amazing potential. [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] - (£1700 PPA) – an ex-SWF wrestler, hard working dependable worker. Looking forward to see this one perform. [B]Brady Prince [/B]- (£1350 PPA) – a not so brilliant worker but is damn consistent, and will probably be used as a stepping stone for other mid carders to push themselves up the roster. [B]Black Hat Baily[/B] - (£1800 PPA) – Another old SWF worker, a technician this time, again his overness and performance skills are amazing. [B]Alex Braun [/B]- (£1950 PPA) – Though pushing into his elder forties, he is an excellent wrestler, excellent entertainer. He'll hopefully be around long enough for the developmental talent to come though, seeing as noone his age can ever be signed again. [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] - (£2600 PPA) – Not a normal signing, one word for this man, STAR POWER. Well known all over the world. [B]Travis Century[/B] - (£2300 PPA) – A DaVE stolen wrestler. Brawler, performer, entertainer. [B]Vin Tanner[/B] - (£2350 PPA) – Another DaVE wrestler – Another Brawler, performer and entertainer. Hopefully, although we are competing with DaVE, they should increase overness nicely putting our company across well and should try and snatch them away completely. [B]Grandmaster Phunk [/B]- (£2060 PPA) – Could well be our future star. Top overness, performance and entertainer in all angles of the word. [B]Whistler[/B] - (£2000 PPA) – Impressively, he's almost as good as Grandmaster, though what he lacks in skill he makes up in cheapness. It's safe to say, we're not gonna run out of workers for a little while. They'll be competing for space now, Since half of these people are gonna be pushed down the order... Red got a bit “contract happy”– Time to get AWF started. in addition, AWF got a TV rating of 1.86... which means 93000 viewers... Doubling DaVE so That'll do... [B]Edit[/B] - November 10th - It's been a while since this post but Don't worry, I'm still alive ;) Just been doing coursework in for next week... should post again soon
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