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I am Chris Calhoun

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[QUOTE=Clarity;309847]Try it.. Go on.. [I]I DARE YA!![/I][/QUOTE] [SIZE="4"]I am Chris Calhoun[/SIZE] Today was the most important day of their lives so far. Yet the five men sat around at 7 pm as if nothing would change in an hour. They talked it up, about movies, video games and sports. Eventually the conversation turned to professional wrestling. They spoke of SWF, TCW and even NYCW. They reminisced about the glory days of DAVE, and if it could ever bounce back. Then they spoke of there favorite wrestlers, talks of Faith and Strong, the Bumfholes and the Machines. Tornado, Hawkins, McFly. Tommy Cornell. They spoke of how much fun it must be to get into that ring every week, every day and compete in front of millions. It seemed that all five men wished the same thing on the most important day of their lives. It seemed they all wanted to be wrestling superstars. Most of them where physically fit enough, and some even had the natural build for it. None of them knew what they wanted to do with their lives yet, even if every one of them had been accepted to nearby Central New York State ((If that exists...)). They knew they had to make money for their future, but to a t none of them knew what that future would be like. They agreed, for now, to stick together and give the wrestling business a serious attempt. The conversation engrossed them so much they almost missed their high school graduation. [QUOTE]-[/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"] Get to know in a second ... Chris Calhoun[/SIZE] [IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/ChrisCalhoun.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] Name: Chris Calhoun Wrestling Name: Chris Calhoun Birth: March, 1988 Home State: New York Favorite Wrestler: Christian Faith Wrestling Style: Calhoun is a jack-of-all-trades, but works best on his feet, using striking attack to wear his opponent down. Finishing Move: Superkick [QUOTE]-[/QUOTE] OOC: This is a dynasty that will be focused around Chris Calhoun and his rise to the top. It is story driven, so while there will be shows and contracts and all that, I hope the out of the ring story is what drives it, as I have a few good ideas.
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[B][SIZE="4"]I am in pain[/SIZE][/B] Chris ducked the clothesline and hit the rope. He turned around and hit the ground…hard. He woke up later and tried to sit up. Pain, not working, back to sleep. He woke up again much later. His right shoulder was in searing pain, but he could move. The man who put him on his back, Nick Santino was talking, but the words weren't being heard. It sounded like muffled banter. Luckily for the group the college had an open gym for them to train and master their craft. Unfortunately for the group there is no seating there, and CNYU will not let them perform in the real gym until they pass “safety tests” They spent the entire first semester studying and training. Santino was standing over him with a concerned look on his face. They could not afford another injury, the group of five active wrestlers had become four already. To ease Santino Chris stood and moved his arm. “It’s strait, we’re good. I’ll sit out tonight to be safe and go to a walk in” Nick was an amazing assest to the group, as he was gods gift to wrestling. Not this kind of wrestling, real wrestling. He was getting a free ride because of this. Nick’s safety was already down pat. It was Chris’s own fault that he got hurt; he was looking down coming off the ropes. The rest of them, including Chris were struggling. They’d have to get good, fast in order to pass the university’s test. [QUOTE]-[/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"]Get to know in a second … Nicholas Santino[/SIZE] [IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/NickSantino.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] Name: Nicholas Santino Wrestling Name: Nick “The Professional” Santino Birth: August, 1988 Home State: New York Favorite Wrestler: Brent Hill Wrestling Style: Because of Nick’s wrestling background he prefers to remain on the ground. He is the safest of the five friends and is the most professional, having been on a team since 6th grade. Finishing Move: Crossface Chokehold. German Suplex.
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[size="4"][B]I am tested[/B][/size] They had put on one hell of a December show. So far Ignacio had defeated Nick in a match that showcased Ignacio’s quickness. Nick then defeated Alan in a match that showed both Nick’s ground game and Alan’s natural charisma and ability to connect. Chris thought he saw one judge point back at Alan when Alan pointed to them. Finally, in the first main event Chris defeated Nick in a hard-hitting, impressive display. It was obvious to all involved the practices had been beneficial. The test was going amazing, and to cap it off, a fatal four way with all four participants. Alan was doing his job of getting the crowd into it, before getting screwed into a pretzel by Santino. Chris was made to look particularly impressive slamming my fists and feet into Ignacio. Ignacio got a good shot on Chris, knocking me over Nick and Alan, who where on the ground. Chris tripped, on purpose, and Nick got up and started pounding his face in. Ignacio hit a big hurricanrana on Alan to distract while Chris cut. With the blood flowing and wearing the proverbial crimson mask, Chris cleared house. Ignacio down. Nick down. Alan down. Nick down again, but from behind Ignacio leapt onto Chris’s shoulders. That’s all Chris would remember. He was told he landed awkwardly and was taken to the hospital. With his face the way it was they rushed him into the ER, unaware of the whole situation. Chris woke up with an IV in his arm and all his friends around him. He didn’t have to say anything; there face’s told the story. They had failed. [QUOTE]-[/QUOTE] Get to know in a second … Ignacio Alverez [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/Ignacio.jpg[/IMG] Name: Ignacio Alverez Wrestling Name: Ignacio de Ladrones (Ignacio of Thieves) Birth: December, 1988 Home State: New York Favorite Wrestler: Elemental Wrestling Style: Ignacio is the wild child of the group; a natural daredevil. He took gymnastics for a majority of his childhood, so he knows how to land on his feet. Finishing Move: Hurricanrana
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I suggest putting more description such as exactly how the character feels, facial expressions and such instead of, 'he looked disappointed' or 'he got hit'. Maybe describe the build up and movements of a move as opposed to just spelling it out. Also trying more 'straight' proofreading. Grammar and spelling are an English major's friend. Interesting though, I'll be reading.
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[SIZE="4"][B]I am failing.[/B][/SIZE] This had been the fifth night in a row of waking up in a cold sweat. How could they botch everything on the last match? How could he botch everything on the last match? Hours, days, even months of preparation for five men all down the toilet because he couldn't land a move right. Chris fell back asleep, but his nightmare was all around him. His professors had noticed a slip in his performance, but every student starts to slip near the end of the semester. His only morning class, Algebra, suffered the most. Hard to feel up to an eight AM class after waking up three times in the night. Chris awoke and stumbled his way three building down to the wrong classroom. After a quick apology and berating of himself he walked into Professor Albright’s room. The sound of lecture entered his brain as he sat and began to attempt to pay attention. “Mr. Calhoun. So glad you could join us this morning, I was starting to think you had dropped. I have your test results.” Albright dropped the paper face down and walked away to continue his lecture. Chris flipped the paper over and his fists clenched. In red pen at the top of the page read: [SIZE="3"][FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="Red"]36. See me after class.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Orange-kun;314614]I believe you mean 'couldn't do'. However quite gripping. Total defeat is looming over his head and I can feel it. Is this perhaps inspired by a certain cartoon?[/QUOTE] Actually the story is inspired by Kaiji yes.
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[B][SIZE="4"]I am Renewed[/SIZE][/B] Chris had given up. He definitely didn’t pay attention in class. Really, did it matter what the cosine of an angle is. All Chris could think about was getting back in training and begging the school for a second class. It was a wonder he had gotten a 36 at all. After class he walked to the teachers desk with the confidence of someone content to die. “Chris?” “Mr. Albright.” “Listen, I know why you’re failing, I was a judge at your little 'try out'. I want to see you succeed and I’m not talking about this class. I own a sports memorabilia store in the City. 'The Cutting Edge Sports.' I’ve seen how well old SWF tapes sell. More importantly I’ve seen how well NYCW, NOTBPW and CZCW DVDs sell. There’s a remarkable market in it, and I want you to help me lead Cutting Edge into it. I want to start Cutting Edge Wrestling.” Chris couldn’t believe his ears. He didn’t know what to say, so he did what he always did in this type of situation. He spoke his mind. “That is by far the worst name for a wrestling company I’ve ever heard.” Professor Albright buried his head in his hands. “Do you want the job?” Chris smirked. How could he say no. “I’ll have to talk it over his my partners. Here’s my number, call it tomorrow.”
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[QUOTE=Orange-kun;317609]Interesting entry and the story picks up in a rather odd way. It'd be interesting to see some descriptions of setting and various characters. They could hint at certain things *winkwink*.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the responses. I think Im going to drop my other dynasty for this tbh. Over the next few days expect another storyline post and my first "website" post.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE="4"][B]I am Signed[/B][/SIZE] The five men all sat around the table, about to sign the piece of paper that would change their life. [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/ChrisCalhoun.jpg[/IMG] Chris Calhoun [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/NickSantino.jpg[/IMG] Nick Santino [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/AlanFrancis.jpg[/IMG] Alan Fransis [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/Ignacio.jpg[/IMG] Ignacio de Alverez [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/Random_Male12.jpg[/IMG] and Bobby Carpenter all looked over the contract. They put pen to paper and signed the contract. There dreams had begun in Cutting Edge Wrestling. It was time. [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/CEW.jpg[/IMG]
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Seeing as how it was my challenge, i thought i would check on on this.. Still waiting for the first show before giving an opinion properly as depending on the style of write-ups and match quality could either elevate the diary status or turn people off. I think my shows kinda do both. They are massive 3 part write ups, which a) make mine something different to the norm, and b) Put people off because theres lots to read, and i dont put the winning names in plain view. Check it out for yourself if you want some ideas. You know where it is
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/internet.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]New Companies Storm American Wrestling Circuit[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"] [B]Monday, Week 1, January 2007[/B][/SIZE] [B]by Nicholas Tskidis-Parker[/B] [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]A slew of new wrestling entertainment companies have opened in the United States, providing healthy compitition to what some are calling a dry underbelly of the American wrestling scene. [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]When asked about it on his radio show, Charles Davidson ([B]Bombs Away[/B], 5:00 PM, [I]TEW Radio[/I]) said "The more 'little' companies there are in the business the better. I don't know that these companies are big enough to compete with the CZCW's or USPW's of the world. Heck, for a while they probably won't even compete against each other. However, it does provide younger, or less talented wrestlers to compete and sharpen there skills." [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]An hour later Marcus McKing painted a much different picture on his show ([B]McKing's Court[/B], 6:00 PM, [I]TEW Radio[/I]). "In a year, only one will remain." [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]Taking a look at each company individually, it is hard to agree with Mr. McKing. All four seem very organized and have a well thought out plan of attack to rise in fame. [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]First, from the mid west is [B]Party Time Pro Wrestling[/B]. With financial backing from "Solid" Jason Rogers, and a cast of fresh local Missouri wrestlers with talent to spare, PTPW should be a breath of fresh air to wrestling. Booked by local talent Alec Porter ("The Game") PTPW ([COLOR="Blue"][U][url]www.ptpdub.com[/url][/U][/COLOR]) uses a mixture of high flying air maneuvers and hard hitting hardcore matchs to blend the indy success of CZCW and DAVE together. PTPW's first event, entitled [U]Get the Party Started[/U], is slated for Friday, Week 2 in January. [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]Coming in from Wisconsin is the most interesting new company, [B]Revolutionary Entertainment Wrestling[/B]. Owned by the great Preston Holt, and booked by the local Green Bay native Johnny Remianen, REW ([COLOR="Blue"][U][url]www.WrestlingRevolution.com[/url][/U][/COLOR])is set to light the American circuit aflame. What is amazing about this promising company is that both Holt and fellow backer Crippler Kingman say that there will be "No story's, no angles, no bull, just action." That is why they named there tentative first show [I]Just Action[/I]. The event is planned for late January, but no date has been set. [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]In the east two companies have entered the fray. The lesser of the two is [B]Cutting Edge Wrestling[/B]. CEW ([COLOR="Blue"][U][url]www.CEW.com[/url][/U][/COLOR]) is a division of Cutting Edge Sports Inc. The company is owned by Madison Albright, a local college professor, but the wrestling division will be run by local talent Chris Calhoun. On the CEW web site there is an advertisement for there first show [I]The Dream Begins[/I], but no time frame has been set. There have been many rumors to the style of wrestling CEW will employ so it will be interesting to see what they pull out of the hat. [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]Finally, the company with the most chance to succeed is SWF backed [B]Rhode Island Pro Wrestling[/B]. Owned and run by company man Professor Nero, RIPW ([URL="www.SWF.com/RIPW"]www.SWF.com/RIPW[/URL]) will be a feeding ground for SWF talent that needs further training "in a competitive environment" [COLOR="White"].....[/COLOR]With these four heating up the Americas, the Wrestling Scene around here shouldn't be boring for a good long time. From the east coast the the west coast and in between, smaller wrestling companies fill the US and provide the non-big two caliber wrestlers a place to hone there craft. Which company will rise above the rest? Your guess is as good as mine! [I] And that's the scoop, NT-P style. For TotalExtremeWrestling.com, thanks for reading, and support local wrestling![/I]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;323966]Seeing as how it was my challenge, i thought i would check on on this.. Still waiting for the first show before giving an opinion properly as depending on the style of write-ups and match quality could either elevate the diary status or turn people off. I think my shows kinda do both. They are massive 3 part write ups, which a) make mine something different to the norm, and b) Put people off because theres lots to read, and i dont put the winning names in plain view. Check it out for yourself if you want some ideas. You know where it is[/QUOTE] Thanks for the response. I hope that my first show should go up soon. To be honest, my girlfriend (Orange-kun) has been bugging me to do write ups in a detailed story like manner, so that's probably how I'll run things. We shall see exactly how that turns out, because I have not "written for serious" since I finished my novel, which was about two years ago now.
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[QUOTE=Clarity;324045]Get her to read mine, and see if she wants it that way.. Because that takes [U][B]HOURS!![/B][/U][/QUOTE] I'll send her a link, but I can't promise she'll read it. She 'puts up' with mine because, well it's mine. I know how long it can take do put together something just right, and for me it'll take longer because of my spelling problems. :P
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[B][SIZE="3"]I am Preparing[/SIZE][/B] Chris had received a memo in his inbox. [QUOTE]Chris, We're making national wrestling news. So much for the element of surprise, eh? I've gone ahead and made a couple hires for you. First I brought in the Boston Bomber to Road for us. He seemed very excited. Also I found us a referee from England. Great ref and dirt cheap, he's from a friend through business. Lastly I picked up two wrestlers, The Game from PTPW and The Big Problem. I trust you'll use them both well. In fact I wish to talk to you about that before the show, to review storylines. Thank you, Albright P.S. Don't forget to study for the final.[/QUOTE] With that Chris had his wrestlers, announcers and crew set. Now there was only one thing to do. The show. [B]CEW The Dream Begins[/B] Round 1 and 2 of the Cutting Edge Tournament 2007 for the Cutting Edge Title [U]Round 1[/U] Match 1: Bob Casey vs. Ignacio de Ladrones Match 2: Frankie Dee vs. Matty B Match 3: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Derrick Paulson Match 4: Alan Francis vs. Dog Fyte [U]Round 2[/U] Match 1 Winner vs. The Big Problem Match 2 Winner vs. Nick Santino Match 3 Winner vs. Chris Calhoun Match 4 Winner vs. Dwane Francis
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So many updates in such a short time. The short, concise style of a news article really fits your writing style. You begin to see the budding of company rivalry, always interesting. The e-mail was also informative. I wonder if Chris will win anything or not? Also, will there be 'strategery'? I will also check out Clarity's story after exams if you remind me. :) EDIT: Round 1 Match 1: Bob Casey vs. [B]Ignacio de Ladrones[/B] Match 2: [B]Frankie Dee[/B] vs. Matty B Match 3: [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] vs. Derrick Paulson Match 4: [B]Alan Francis[/B] vs. Dog Fyte Round 2 Match 1 Winner vs. [B]The Big Problem[/B] Match 2 Winner vs. [B]Nick Santino[/B] Match 3 [B]Winner[/B] vs. Chris Calhoun Match 4 [B]Winner[/B] vs. Dwane Francis
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