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[SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]CEW The Dream Begins[/FONT][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]Part 1[/SIZE][/B] Albright and Chris Calhoun walk out into the opening and look out at the 31 spectators that are here today. Chris brings the mic closer to him and nods silently. "Oh it feels good, to see you wrestling fans here and to be able to entertain you tonight." Albright claps a bit then speaks, "Tonight, for you we have the first two rounds of the Cutting Edge Tournament, and the winner of this tournament will be named the first ever Cutting Edge Champion!" Chris walks to the back and Albright joins Bobby Carpenter at the announcer’s booth. [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_f.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/AlanFrancis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alan Francis vs. Dog Fyte[/B] Bobby stands up with the mic. He is shaking a bit, but anyone outside of the front row really can’t tell. He takes one deep breath, and prepares his deepest, most respect commanding voice. [color="blue"]"Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is a first round matchup in the Cutting Edge Tournament!"[/color] Alan steps out from behind the curtain and plays to the crowd, throwing gang signals out and overall goofing around on his way to the ring. He uses the stairs to get to the apron, but jumps over the top rope to enter the ring. [color="blue"]"And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan: DOG FYTE!"[/color] Dog Fyte explodes out of the curtain barking at the crowd and staring down fans. He is all business when he makes it to the ring, staring Alan down as he enters the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]"Making his way to the ring, from Albany, New York, he is one half of the Cyber Street Brothers: ALAN FRANCIS!"[/COLOR] [color="red"]"Do you plan on sounding like an idiot for every introduction?"[/color] [color="blue"]"Excuse me?"[/color] In a deep voice [color="red"]"Sitting next to me, in way over his head, BOBBBBBBBBY CARRR-"[/color] [color="blue"]"Oh, look, a wrestling match has started."[/color] Dog Fyte still hasn’t taken his eyes off the jubilant Alan Carter. Alan hops from foot to foot as referee Paulie Jacubs explains the rules to both men. Jacubs signals for the bell, and Cutting Edge Wrestling is under way. Fyte immediately drops down and delivers a headbutt to Alan’s left shin. The momentum carries him through so his lower back is under Alan’s left leg in the air. Fyte grabs Alan’s right leg and spins over, effectively tossing Alan over his body. Fyte jumps back to a standing position. Fyte wastes no time trying to get a mounted position on the downed Alan. He succeeds and starts laying down right hand after right hand onto Alan, until Jacubs pulls him off and admonishes him. Fyte looks annoyed but backs off as Alan is allowed to rise. Alan offers Fyte a traditional test of strength. Fyte feigns acceptance but instead kicks Alan in the right thigh. He then takes a step back, and while Alan is clutching his right thigh, Fyte delivers a running clothsline from Alan’s left side. Alan goes down again. Fyte looks to take the mounted position, but Alan springs back to a standing position. Unfortunately, he shows his back to the opportunistic Dog Fyte, whose eyes grow wide. He leaps up and attempts to deliver the bite (backcracker, backstabber) to Alan. Alan turns sideways though, so both competitors land on there side. Both competitors roll to a stand still and stare each other down. Alan realizing how close he came to losing, and Fyte how close he came to winning. Fyte runs into the ropes and runs at Alan. He attempts a clothsline, but Alan ducks. Fyte bounces off the ropes. Alan leaps into the air for a dropkick. Fyte slides underneath it. Both men rise to there feet again. Alan makes a gang signal at Fyte, to which Fyte just barks in return. Alan runs at Fyte but Fyte uses a drop toehold to get him on the ground. Fyte clenches in a side headlock. Alan struggles and struggles, until he gets to the ropes. Alan rises again, but is met by a hard right hand by Fyte. Alan stumbles backwards, and another hard right. Stumbling still. Blocked! Alan blocked Fyte’s left. Alan pulls Fyte in…DDT! Alan stands again and the crowd pops for the first time tonight. A-LAN! A-LAN! A-LAN! Fyte gets up with some assistance from the ring ropes. Alan prepares, and launches a dropkick. It connects! Dog Fyte is sent flying out of the ring! Alan is running to the other side of the ring. He uses the ring ropes for momentum. Catapults himself towards Fyte and nails a crossbody on Fyte who was in the process of standing. Alan gets up and gets back onto the ring apron. He delivers a quick leg drop from the ring apron. Fyte’s lost his fight. Alan up on the apron again, this time he climbs to the top turnbuckle. He flashes a few Cyber Street signals, and then launches himself for the flying elbow. It connects. Alan drags Dog Fyte back into the ring and covers him. 1 . . . 2 . . . KICKOUT! Alan rolls off and prepares. Dog Fyte gets up, groggily, slowly. Alan doesn’t take his eyes off of Fyte. As Fyte turns towards Alan, Alan launches a superkick. Fyte goes down, and Alan covers. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3! Alan Francis moves on! [B]Alan Francis over Dog Fyte with a superkick.[/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_dplus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/DerrickPaulson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Derrick Paulson[/B] Bobby looks a lot more comfortable when he stands up this time [color=blue]”This match is scheduled for one fall and is a first round matchup in the Cutting Edge Tournament. Making his way to the ring, from Corpus Christie, Texas Dazzling Dave Diamond!”[/color] Dave runs out from behind the curtain and heads strait for the ring. When he gets there he does the ‘hook ‘em horns’ and looks at the curtain, waiting for his opponent. [color=blue]”His opponent, from New York, New York, Derrick Paulson”[/color] Paulson comes out looking all business. In fact, he is even wearing a suit top along with his wrestling trunks. The crowd lays into him, trying to boo him back behind the curtain, but just waves them off. He takes off his suit and hops around a bit waiting for the ref to start the match. The bell rings and Diamond moves in and throws a right hand. It connects to the jaw, and Diamond follows up with a left. Paulson is moving backwards as the left connects to the jaw. Diamond lets go of another left hand. Paulson moves his hands over his face to defend himself. The left hand his blocked. Diamond goes for a right uppercut. It connects. Another uppercut. Another connection. Paulson is in serious trouble. Diamond takes a step back, and delivers a huge clothsline. Paulson is vaulted out of the ring. Diamond rolls out of the ring and stalks Paulson who is stumbling on the outside. Paulson sees him and runs back into the ring. Diamond slowly follows him. Paulson waits for Diamond to roll into the ring, ad then starts kicking him in the back while he’s on the ground. Diamond tries valiantly to rise to his feet, but Paulson’s feet are too fast. After four or five kicks, Diamond rolls out of the way, and Paulson’s kick connects with mat. Diamond gets to his feet. Paulson grabs him for a DDT, but Diamond overpowers him and runs him into a turnbuckle. Diamond climbs up to the second rope and rains down right hands onto Paulson. Paulson stumbles out of the corner after Diamond gives him room. He stumbles right into a Diamond Cutter. Diamond goes for the pin. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3! [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond over Derrick Paulson with a Diamond Cutter[/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_eplus.jpg[/IMG] [B]End of Part 1[/B]
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[SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]CEW The Dream Begins[/FONT][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]Part 2[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/Male007.jpg[/IMG] [B]Frankie Dee vs. Matty B[/B] [color="blue"]"This match is scheduled for one fall and is a first round matchup in the Cutting Edge Tournament. On his way to the ring, from San Diego, California. The American Shogun, “Lethal” Frankie Dee!"[/color] Frankie Dee makes his way to the ring, his wrists and ankles taped, not wearing boots or shoes. He’s wearing a half gi, and wrestling trunks. As he enters the ring, he removes the half gi and throws it into the crowd. [color=blue]"and his opponent, from Newtonville, New York, Matty B"[/color] Matty comes out and shakes out his limbs. He is wearing a full amateur-wrestling getup, minus the headgear. He smiles confidently as he walks slowly down to the ring. The bell sounds and both men get into their signature stance. Frankie remains high in a loose fluid martial arts stance, while Matty drops into a low wrestling stance. Matty circles around Frankie, looking for an opening to attack. He thinks he sees one and lunges for Frankie’s right knee. Frankie drops down onto both knees, and pushes Matty past him harmlessly. Matty spins around and attempts to get a full nelson on Frankie. He succeeds. The announcers tell everyone if Matty can get to a standing position he will have his Matty-lock submission in full effect. Matty attempts to get to a standing position, but Frankie fights the attempt. Eventually Frankie slides down out of the move. Matty immediately grabs Frankie’s ankle and twists it. Frankie is too close to the ring, and grabs the ropes. Matty continues the ankle lock until the referee jumps in and separates the two. Both men get up and back into their signature stance. Matty again circles Frankie, but Frankie strikes first this time. He attacks with a quick kick to Matty’s inner right thigh. He kicks quickly again to Matty’s left hip. Matty get his hands up to block a high kick, but Frankie delivers a low dropkick and Matty goes down hard. Matty struggles to get to a standing position. However Frankie see’s the opportunity to finish the match. As Matty is rising, Frankie nails his finishing move, the axe kick. He rolls Matty over and pins him 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. [B]Frankie Dee over Matty B with an Axe Kick[/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_fplus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/Ignacio.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bob Casey vs. Ignacio de Ladrones[/B] [color="blue"]"This match is scheduled for one fall and is the final first round matchup in the Cutting Edge Tournament. On his way to the ring, from Lincoln, Nebraska, Bob Casey"[/color] Bob Casey comes out from behind the curtain. He shadow punches a bit then smiles to the crowd. He points to the only attractive female in the audience (who may or may not have been placed) and rolls into the ring. He shadow punches again and awaits his opponent. [color="blue"]"His opponent, from Chihuahua, Mexico Ignacio de Ladrones"[/color] Ignacio runs full speed into the ring and slides in. He starts on the attack not waiting for the bell. Referee Jacubs is quick on the draw and signals for the bell. Ignacio continues to take advantage of Casey as he delivers right hand after right hand to Casey. Casey is reeling backwards towards the turnbuckle as Ignacio continues the attack. Ignacio pushes Casey into the corner, and Casey falls to a sitting position. Ignacio grabs the top ropes and jobs into the air. Mule kick! Casey rolls up into a ball from the pain. Ignacio jumps to the top rope and tries to pump up the crowd. He turns around, but Casey is up again. Ignacio jumps and attempts a top rope dropkick, but Casey ducks and Ignacio goes sailing over him. Casey pops back to a standing position and lifts Ignacio up by his hair. One quick punch and Ignacio goes down yet again. Casey lifts Ignacio up, and knocks him down again with a right hand. Casey yells to the crowd and lifts Ignacio up once more. This time he lifts him onto his shoulder. Dominator! Casey goes for the pin. 1 . . . 2 . . Ignacio reverses the pin into a schoolboy rollup 1 . . . 2 KICKOUT! Casey gets to his feet as Ignacio does as well. Casey goes to hit a right hand, but Ignacio grabs it and Irish whips Casey. On the rebound Ignacio hits Casey with a cross body block. Casey goes down, and Ignacio pops up. He looks at the crowd and starts yelling "Ole ole ole ole! O~le! O~le!" The crowd chants back at him "U-S-A! U-S-A!" Casey hears this and is rejuvenated. He gets back up, but it’s too late. Ignacio had turned around and he was already in the air. Ignacio lands on Casey’s shoulders. Ignacio spins and… hurricanerana! Ignacio goes for the cover. 1 . . . 2 . . .3! [B]Ignacio de Ladrones over Bob Casey with a Hurricanerana.[/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_eplus.jpg[/IMG] [B]End of Part 2[/B]
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[SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]CEW The Dream Begins[/FONT][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]Part 2[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/Ignacio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/TheBigProblem.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ignacio de Ladrones vs. The Big Problem[/B] Ignacio remains in the ring as Bobby stands up. [color="blue"]"This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the right to go to the Cutting Edge Tournament Final Four! Already in the ring, from Chihuahua, Mexico Ignacio de Ladrones. His opponent, from New York, New York, The Big Problem."[/color] The crowd boos ‘the big flop’ as he makes his way down to the ring, snorting and breathing heavy. He is a sight to behold, especially in comparison to most of the wrestlers in CEW. He enters the ring by stepping over the top rope, garnering a few woos and ahs. Ignacio hits the ropes as the bell rings. Using the momentum he rushes towards Problem. Problem effortlessly takes two steps forward and intercepts Ignacio’s movement with a shoulder block. Ignacio hits the ground hard, and the strain of two matches in a row is evident on his face, almost instantly. Ignacio does springboard back to a standing position, only to be met by a shoulder block by Problem before he can get his feet set. The move knocks Ignacio on his back again, and he stays down longer. When he attempts to get up again, Problem is waiting. He grabs Ignacio by the hair and pulls him to a standing position. As the giant man sets up for a chokeslam, Ignacio points to the curtain, indicating that someone is coming out. The ref and Problem look, and Ignacio hits the low blow on Problem. As Problem doubles over, Ignacio leaps into the air and hits a dropkick. The super heavyweight falls down. As the ref turns back to Igncaio, Ignacio mouths the words "I saw someone". Ignacio quickly runs to the ropes and leaps outside to the apron. From there he jumps onto the top rope, and off of it, landing a picture perfect legdrop onto the downed Problem. He goes for the cover. 1 . . . 2 Problem gets a shoulder up. Ignacio goes to the closest corner and climbs to the top rope. He waits for Problem to stand again, and when he does launches himself through the air. He lands on Problem’s shoulders, but Problem thinks fast and reverses it into a devastating powerbomb. Problem makes the cover. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3! [B] The Big Problem over Ignacio de Ladrones with a powerbomb[/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_eplus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/CCPhotos/NickSantino.jpg[/IMG] [B]Frankie Dee vs. Nick Santino[/B] [color="blue"]"This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the right to go to the Cutting Edge Tournament Final Four! Making his way to the ring, from San Diego, California, the American Shogun ‘Lethal’ Frankie Dee"[/color] Frankie makes his way to the ring, still favoring his neck a little from his first match. He is not wearing his half gi, as we didn’t have enough in the budget to buy two. [color="blue"]"His opponent, from Albany, New York, New York Amateur Mister Wrestling 2007, The Italian Stallion, Nick Santino!"[/color] Nick comes out to the biggest pop of the night. Most people in this town know him and how he led East Albany High School to a wrestling state title. He stops and points to one side of the audience, who pops. He then points to the other side, which pops. He claps his hands together and does a front flip, before proceeding to the ring. As the bell rings, Santino gets down into a low wrestling stance. Frankie gets into his normal defensive martial arts stance. Santino explodes upwards, surprising Dee. He grabs Frankie and delivers a belly-to-belly suplex. With Frankie on the ground, Santino puts him in an arm bar. Santino really wrenches the hold as Frankie tries to fight his way out of it. Frankie is dragging himself to the ropes, and he makes it. The referee forces the break, and Santino gives Dee time to get up. Dee hobbles around Santino a bit, before snapping off a round house kick out of nowhere. Santino is taken completely by surprise, as the foot connects directly to his jaw. Santino goes down hard. While Nick is on the ground, Frankie hits him with a few knees to the top of the head. He then locks in an armbar of his own. Nick is quickly able to slip out of it however. Both men get to there feet. Immediately Frankie attempts to clothsline Santino, but Nick rolls under the attack. Using the momentum of the roll, Nick reaches the ropes and bounces off. Frankie turns arounds, only to be met with a vicious spear. Once again Santino is able to lock on the armbar, and this time Frankie has no choice but to tap out. [B] Nick Santino over Frankie Dee by armbar submission[/B] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/TEWGraphics/grade_e.jpg[/IMG] [B]End of Part 3[/B]
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