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Generation nXt Pro (A C-Verse Mod affair)

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[i]The wrestling scene was certainly beginning to shape up. The big dogs of the US (All-Star Pro Wrestling, Supreme Wrestling Federation, Total Championship Wrestling, and Universal Pro wrestling) certainly had dug their heels deep into the Mainstream. Some of the smaller companies were struggling to compete, while others had found their niche as a feeding ground to the larger promotions. Generation nXt Pro had been operating humbly from the sub-tropical Metropolis known as Orlando, Florida for a little over a few months. Three men had founded this promotion and had established it’s Mission statement as a place where tomorrow’s stars might be brought up. One man had established himself well in several independents throughout the years and had come home to Orlando to reinvigorate his passion for the business. Another man, having a Legendary wrestling father, had joined his friend and was ready to begin to aide in the training of new stars. Both men, friends, bankrolled this endeavor. Having a moderate sized roster, GnP was looking to cement it’s name further against all odds. Throughout 2006, GnP has steadily moved itself into the fan hearts as a place for new talent and great action. With 2007 approaching, GnP looks to take itself to new heights, refusing to sacrifice the action it provides for newer fanbase. This is it’s story…[/i] [COLOR="Gray"](OOC: This is my first attempt in playing the C-Verse, let alone the first attempt at a C-Verse Dynasty. I am using the Allenverse version of C-Verse with characters I have used in e-feds. GnP starts off as a Small promotion in the South East US. I am starting at January of 2007. I have not edited any workers stats aside from my created characters. I have thrown in one or two workers who were added to the upcoming GDS Verse mod. We are starting with an F+ popularity in the South East and our goal is to grow steadily over time. I hope everyone enjoys this and comments and criticism is always welcome.)[/COLOR]
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Before we get things kicked off with GnP Throwing Down the Gauntlet, let’s examine the roster: [u]Main Event[/u] Ace Youngblood “Rogue” Brad Norris (my creation) “The Soul Man” Elijah Harris [u]Upper Midcard[/u] “Wolverine” Carl Clark (my creation) Joshua Taylor “Little” Bill Lebowski Masked Cougar [u]Midcard[/u] Crash Lebowski (Craig Lewis) Draven Dark (GDS worker) Panda Mask II [u]Lower Midcard[/u] Alan Parent Alexis Blake (my creation) Valentine Warrior Ghost (my creation) [u]Openers and Enhancement Talent[/u] Jake Preston (my creation) [u]Managers[/u] Bunny Snow (my creation) Clifford Beauregard (my creation) [u]Announcers[/u] Chris Douglas (based on me) Felicity (my creation) – Backstage interviewer [u]Referees[/u] “Rapid Release” John Franklin (my creation) [u]Teams[/u] Native Walkers (Ace Youngblood & Warrior Ghost) The Lebowskis (Crash & Little Bill) [u]Titles[/u] GnP Heavyweight – Brad Norris – Main Event GnP Cruiserweight – Vacant – Midcard GnP Tag Team – Native Walkers – Midcard [COLOR="Gray"](OOC – I am picking this up as if the promotion has been operating for a few months, hence two of the titles are already claimed. If you are interested, I am using Remianen’s formula for a promotion which I like to call “Remianen-ism”.)[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="4"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Throwing Down the Gauntlet January Week 2 Saturday 2007 Rainbow Bar & Grill ::: 66 Fans South East[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]Valentine v. Draven Dark w/Clifford Beauregard[/b][/COLOR] Valentine took his time getting into the ring, instead decided that enticing many of the ladies around the bar with male stripper antics. Out next Clifford Beauregard walked to the ring banging a tambourine to the toon of “Spirit In The Sky”. He lead his behemoth to the ring. This was a straight up squash as Dark destroyed Valentine in 4:38 with a Darkness Falls. The fans really didn’t like it that Valentine lost. The youngster did improve on his rumbling ability. [b]Rating: D-[/b] After the match, Clifford climbed into the ring and said that he was tired of people like Valentine, a Porno actor, making a mockery of “wholesome, family values.” He continued to say that he has brought Dark in to help him instill some fear of “The Lord” into those who follow the ways of the Devil. Dark proceeded to hit another Darkness Falls on Valentine. [b]Rating: F+[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]Alexis Blake v. Alan Parent v. Masked Cougar v. Jake Preston v. Joshua Taylor GnP Cruiserweight Title ::: Ladder Match[/b][/COLOR] The men played it safe with Alexis, choosing to push her aside rather than strike her. This ended after Alexis climbed to the top of the ropes and hit an Arabian Facebuster on Parent with a chair. The seventeen year old showed why she is not a joke in this business. The favorite to win, Masked Cougar, was able to retrieve the title and walk away from the match as the first Cruiserweight Champion. Preston was a bit winded toward the end. Both Parent and Preston improved in the brawling department. The match ended at the 11:42 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] At the bar the lovely Felicity ignored the cat calls as she was joined by the GnP Heavyweight Champion, “Rogue” Brad Norris. With the support of his usual entourage of floozies, Norris said that tonight he will show Elijah Harris why it’s time for him to finally retire from the world of wrestling. Felicity mentioned Carl Clark’s name, and this infuriated Norris to the point that he walked to the back. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]Native Walkers © v. The Lebowskis GnP Tag Team Title Match[/b][/COLOR] Native Walkers were the crowd favorites and came to the ring with intensity. The Lebowskis argued their way to the ring and played Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who would go first. John Franklin had to call for the bell as all four men refused to cooperate with his authority. The four men fought their way throughout the establishment and through the exit door. The fans did not like how this ended. [b]Rating: E[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]”Soul Man” Elijah Harris v. “Rogue” Brad Norris © GnP Heavyweight Title ::: Last Man Standing Match[/b][/COLOR] The fans were delighted to see veteran Harris dance his way to the ring. This was a hard fought match, not as good as expected, but a decent match altogether. Norris defended his title when, at the 14:39 mark, Harris could not meet the ten count. Norris showed his true colors when he was the one who used the majority of weapons and underhanded tactics. The fans were not happy with the younger champion defeating Harris. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]________________________________________[/b] [b]Final Rating[/b] The show generated an [b]E+[/b], which for us, can still be considered a success. The fans were not happy with some of the finishes. They also expected more angles and storylines. [b]Notes[/b] We lost over $4 grand for the night. [b]Next[/b] Legends In The Making
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[SIZE="6"][b]GnP.net News[/b][/SIZE] Week 1, February 2007 As a continued effort to utilize all aspects of the media, we here at Gnp.net bring you snippets of the latest blogs from GnP workers: [quote] [b]RBN[/b] [i]”I’ve been sitting back, examining the roster of the GnP and I must say, RBN is not too happy. First, why did I have to wrestle Elijah Harris again? Hasn’t he been given enough chances at my belt? I mean, how many times do I have to beat his old ass before he crawls into a corner and shrivels up? Where is the matches against Dark or Mashed Cougar or Taylor? Oh well, I’ve been told that I will have to wrestle Harris AGAIN this month in a tag team match. Who is my partner you ask? The aforementioned Joshua Taylor. Of course the kid can get all the free wrestling clinics he wants from me. As for our opponents, the first I have beaten more then Felicity has played hide the salami with high school football teams. Carl f’n Clark! Let me say this, I am so sick and f’n tired of people asking me about him! The last I knew I shattered his face and sent him packing back to the Great Snowy White. But I see Daddies royalty money has dried up. God knows Eric isn’t well enough to train anyone anymore. The last I heard he was asking his wife when Canada won their independence from the Her Majesty’s Empire.”[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Alexis Blake[/b] [i]”Well cuties, yours truly was unsuccessful in winning the Cruiserweight Title. But don’t fret, you know it only makes me sad. I have requested a match against Crash Lebowski. I know, I know, I will be keeping my eyes open for that little twerp Bill. Anyway, I’m outta here. Just got a text from Jaqui and there are some hot boots that I MUST see.”[/i][/quote] Remmington Remus & Joker The Pimp have been offered contracts to be the Internet Stream announcer and color commentator. We will keep you up to date with any changes in this area. The February show will be coming to you live from the Rainbow Bar & Grill again. Matches announced are: [quote] Brad Norris & Joshua Taylor Vs. Carl Clark & Elijah Harris Alexis Blake Vs. Crash Lebowski Native Walkers © Vs. Bill Lebowski & Alan Parent Masked Cougar © Vs. Valentine[/quote]
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Legends In The Making - Feb. 07 - Week 1 [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Legends In The Making February Week 1 Saturday 2007 Rainbow Bar & Grill ::: 70 Fans South East[/b][/COLOR] Felicity introduces Draven Dark with his manager Clifford Beauregard as her guests. She asks Clifford what Dark’s goal is by coming to GnP. Clifford calmly, and with a warm smile, leads Felicity out of the picture and says that her place is not among God Fearing men. Clifford proceeds to tell everyone in the bar, that they, like the promiscuous Felicity, may all have their souls saved by believing in the Lord. This proclamation fuels the fans to let loose with a chorus of boos to the small framed man. Clifford smiles and says that he has brought Dark to the GnP to “motivate salvation” within others. He says that by the beatings they will receive, they will have no choice but to ask the lord for his grace and mercy. [i]E- Rating[/i] [b]Alexis Blake v. Crash Lebowski[/b] Alexis made her way to the ring interacting well with her fans, and it was obvious all of the fans loved her. Crash was out next. His cousin, Little Bill was by his side. Both men argued as they walked to the ring. They even started a shoving match when they entered. Crash shoved the smaller Bill to the mat and Alexis went in for the kill. Toward the end of the match, Crash took the battle to the floor. Alexis, not in her usual fashion, followed him and the brawl continued in the crowd. The crowd came alive when Crash chopped the 17 year old and poured beer down the front of her outfit. Blake also came alive and about choked the older grappler to death. The two combatants found their way back into the ring. As Crash distracted the referee, Little Bill tried to use a chair on the younger female. She ducked the swing and planted a foot between his legs, sending him to the floor. [i]Alexis Blake defeated Crash Lebowski in 7:01 by pinfall with The Cherry Bomb. D Rating[/i] Felicity introduces her next guests, “Rogue” Brad Norris and his partner for the evening, Joshua Taylor. Norris does the majority of the talking for the team. Norris says that he is surprised that Elijah Harris hasn’t been returned to the retirement home. Norris doesn’t touch the subject of Carl Clark, focusing on running down his own accomplishments and telling his partner to pay attention in the ring if he wants to learn something. [i]E Rating[/i] [b]Valentine v. Masked Cougar © GnP Cruiserweight Title[/b] Both fan favorites started the match off with a handshake. Valentine work a technical game as Cougar quickly turned things around using his quick wit and speed. Cougar went for a top rope move when suddenly Draven Dark and Clifford Beauregard stormed into the ring. Cougar stood by as Dark planted Valentine with a Chokebomb. The Cruiserweight Champion finally went to help his fallen opponent when he was taken down with a strong clothesline. Beauregard started banging a tambourine and dancing as his big man left the ring. The fans did not like the finish one bit and verbally assaulted Clifford and Draven. [i]Masked Cougar wins by disqualification at 12:03 due to interference by Draven Dark. E Rating[/i] [b]Native Walkers © v. Alan Parent & “Little” Bill Lebowski GnP Tag Team Titles[/b] The challengers argued before, during, and after the match. They worked on Ace Youngblood, showing decent cooperation with each other. Having been put together as a team at the last minute didn’t slow Lebowski and Parent down as they exchanged quick tags and knew their ring position. The fans stomped and cheered for Youngblood to make the desperation tag. After a failed Double Clothesline, Ace did make the tag to his fired up partner. Walker came in and cleared house, sending the heels to the floor to regroup. After some more action, Youngblood, fresh from a break, delivered the War Hammer to Parent for defense number one of the Tag Team Gold. [i]Native Walkers won at 7:45. E+ Rating.[/i] [b]”Soul Man” Elijah Harris & Carl Clark v. “Rogue” Brad Norris & Joshua Taylor[/b] Before the opening bell, all four men stand staring at each other. Although not as seasoned as his partner or opponents, Taylor stood ready and looked fierce. Norris spent most of the first part of the match toying with Clark. When Clark got tagged in, Norris hit the road obviously trying to throw the ever thinking Clark off his game. The two stand out performers of the match were Norris and Clark although their interaction in the ring was limited due to Brad continuing to play a game. Harris looked winded toward the end of the match but that didn’t stop his partner from coming out on top. Clark locked on a Scotes Lock on Taylor to bring a win home. Norris abandoned his partner. [i]Harris & Clark are victorious at 11:58. D Rating.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Final Rating[/b] The Show generated a D- rating which is a step up from last month. The fans still expected more storylines and entertainment. [b]Notes[/b] Warrior Ghost arrived late. He will be getting a verbal warning for this behavior. Over all, at the end of the month in January, we only lost $39. Look for a Valentine/Draven Dark feud to begin. [b]Next[/b] King of the Hill will be the March Event. It will feature a gauntlet style, 15-person match with the winner being awarded the “King of the Hill” trophy.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[FONT="Arial"][b]GnP.net News[/b] Week 1, March 2007 ================= As announced last month, the March event “King of the Hill” is now going to be a 2-night affair. The “King of the Hill” trophy will be awarded to the winner on night two. To help better explain how the Gauntlet Tournament works, we have these words from GnP Interim President Chris Douglas: [quote][i]Every GnP competitor has drawn numbers randomly. Those wrestlers who draw numbers 1 and 2 will start off in the first match. After the winner of that match is decided, the wrestler who drew number 3 will face the winner of the first match. This will continue until we have one final winner. Tat wrestler will then be awarded the trophy and be known as “King of the Hill”. This winner will also be awarded a GnP Heavyweight Title shot sometime down the road against the champion. The current Heavyweight Champion, Brad Norris will not be competing in the King of the Hill event, as he will be providing Color Commentary for the internet viewing fans.[/i][/quote] ================= The biggest new story of the week concerns GnP Cruiserweight Champion Masked Cougar. As many fans are aware, Cougar has left GnP because he recently signed a contract with another company. We were also able to ask Douglas about this major turning point. [quote][i]Cougar made the best decision for his career and I can’t be angry or hold any hard feelings against him for making this decision. Currently, the Cruiserweight Title is be suspended until further notice. This will allow those competitors who would otherwise be restricted to the Cruiserweight Division to be able to go after the Heavyweight Title. This will also put the Heavyweight Champion on the defensive against more competitors.[/i][/quote] ================= Remmington Remus will be joining the announce team with Douglas. We are happy to have Remus employed with us at GnP.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][b]King Of The Hill – Night 1 March Week 3 2007 Rainbow Bar & Grill ::: 53 People South East US[/b] [b]Draven Dark w/Clifford Beauregard v. Warrior Ghost[/b] Ghost stomped to the ring in his usual fashion but it didn’t seem to phase Draven in the least. Clifford offered his man some advice before the bell rang. Draven immediately tore into the smaller fan favorite like a rabid pitbull. Warrior seemed to have underestimated Dark and tried everything in his arsenal to pull off an upset but it was not to be. Dark squashed one half of the tag team champions in a 5:50 victory following a Darkness Falls. [i]D Rating[/i] [b]”Soul Man” Elijah Harris v. Draven Dark[/b] Dark unceremoniously dumped Warrior from the ring and cracked his knuckles as the Soul Man strutted to the ring. Norris commented on Harris’s ****iness, saying that he has seen what a monster like Dark is capable of. Much like the match before, Dark attacked Harris, catching the veteran off his game. Clifford hooted and hollered that Harris was going to “find the Lord” as Dark threw his opponent around like a rag doll. Much like the last match, Dark squashed Harris who never was able to put a strategy together. Following another Darkness Falls at the 7:32 mark, the crowd came alive, vocalizing their anger over the finish. [i]D Rating[/i] Felicity was able to get a word in with Alan Parent and his new manager Bunny Snow before they went to the ring. Bunny said that Alan didn’t know who to expect to be wrestling, but Draven Dark is little concern to him. Felicity asked Bunny if they just saw the previous beatings Dark just handed out. Bunny seductively ignored the question and propositioned Felicity for a victory three-way. The disgusted interviewer brought the interview to an end and walked away. [i]F+ Rating[/i] [b]Draven Dark v. Alan Parent w/Bunny Snow[/b] Parent seemed to approach the match differently then the previous wrestlers. The cunning Parent evacuated the ring whenever the big man would charge him. At first Clifford cheered his goon on, but after the fifth time, he demanded that Parent be disqualified. Once Dark was able to get his hands on Alan, it seemed as though the fresh man’s strategy had paid off. It was obvious that Dark was a little winded, and Alan took advantage of this. Toward the end of the match the referee was floored by both men when he tried to intervene. Because of this, “Rapid Fire” disqualified both men at the 8:53 mark. [i]E Rating[/i] [b]Alexis Blake v. Panda Mask II[/b] Blake is defiantly the fan favorite as the men in the crowd love her. The women in the crowd love her too for that matter. She faced off with the mysterious Panda Mask II, who removing his mask, had his face painted like a panda. Blake displayed her no-nonsense style of wrestling although it was clear neither of these two clicked. Panda went for a Moonsault but landed on his feet when Alexis stood up. She instinctively connected with a Superkick, flooring the luchadore. Alexis picked up the victory at the 7:59 mark. [i]D- Rating[/i] [b]Jake Preston v. Alexis Blake[/b] The young Preston is full of energy. This match seemed to be a lesson for both young competitors as they went to town showcasing their talents. The match was a quick one with Alexis picking up the victory at the 5:19 mark following a Cherry Bomb. [i]E+ Rating[/i] Backstage cousins Bill and Crash Lebowski argued. It wasn’t clear what they were arguing about, but they were hitting and swearing at each other. [i]F Rating[/i] [b]”Little” Bill Lebowski v. Alexis Blake[/b] Entering the ring, the cousins were still having a family squabble. Alexis patiently waited in the corner for the two to settle down and for Crash to leave the ringside area. Alexis started off being the aggressor having been victorious in the past two matches but this slowed down when it didn’t seem Bill was going to play along. Treating Alexis much as he would have any other opponent, Bill choked the young blond, gouged her eyes, and pulled her hair, ignoring the warnings from the referee. Alexis went for a Victory Roll, but Bill leveraged himself and brought the youngster hard across the top rope throat first. Seeing his opportunity as Alexis gasped for air, Bill rolled up Blake and used the same top rope for leverage for the victory. [i]D Rating[/i] _______________________________________ [b]Final Rating[/b] The show ended up with a D- rating which should have increased our popularity.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][b]King of the Hill – Night 2 March Week 3 2007 Rainbow Bar & Grill ::: 52 People South East US[/b] [i]Picking up where last night left off, “Little” Bill Lebowski and his cousin Crash Lebowski argued with each other to the ring. A male patron said something about Bill’s size and the headstrong cruiserweight snatched the glass of beer from the guys hands and chugged it as if to prove a point. From the announce position, Chris Douglas, Remminton Remus, and GnP Heavyweight Champion Brad Norris ran down the wrestlers who appeared at last night’s show. Norris said that he was relieved that the monster Draven Dark had been eliminated. Remus asked RBN if he feels threatened by Dark. With a ****y smile Norris says that he is not afraid of anyone, he just doesn’t feel like spending more energy beating him than he would someone smaller.[/i] [b]”Little” Bill Lebowski v. “Wolverine” Carl Clark[/b] Norris spent most of the match making jokes about Clark and insulting his families Legacy. The fans were solidly behind Clark. Bill looked good with the veteran, counter many moves, and punishing Clark with some of his own. The match started to wind down toward the end, but a misstep by Bill allowed for Clark to hit his Double Underhook German Suplex at the 7:47 mark to advance in the gauntlet. [i]D+ Rating[/i] [b]Carl Clark v. Valentine[/b] Valentine swooned his way to the ring and didn’t seem to be taking his opponent seriously. Norris commented on this saying that he may hate Clark, but he is someone you do not take lightly. When the bell rang, the stone-faced Clark took Valentine to town, making the younger opponent look like a green rookie. The terribly one sided match ended with a Scotes Lock at the 6:43 mark. [i]D Rating[/i] [b]Carl Clark v. Crash Lebowski[/b] Either from the argument or his pride, Bill did not accompany his cousin to the ring. Unlike Valentine, Crash took this match serious and immediately went after the veteran. After a low blow, Crash sent his opponent to the floor to give himself time to rethink his strategy. Norris complimented Crash on this tactic and encouraged Lebowski to take it to the floor. The action did continue on the floor, but it wasn’t result Crash wanted. After a Scotes Lock at the 5:58 mark, Clark advanced. [i]D+ Rating[/i] [b]Ace Youngblood v. Carl Clark[/b] Both men shook hands prior to the action. Several times during the match, Ace showed his sportsmanship, allowing Clark to catch a breather. Norris voiced his disgust with this tactic and said that he would do anything he could to cripple Carl. Clark outshined the one half of the tag team champions in this intense technical battle. After a misplaced Enzuguri, Clark locked in a STF at the 11:18 mark. [i]D- Rating[/i] [i]Norris is beside himself at the announce position and can’t believe that Clark has made it to the final match. RBN says that he can see that Carl is tired and tries to get Remus to wager on the victor of the final match.[/i] [b]Carl Clark v. Joshua Taylor[/b] Norris on the mic really helped out the overall feel of the match. Clark did appear to be tired but like always, gave it his all. Taylor scored many near falls on the veteran but his inexperience caught up to him in the end. At 12:31, Car locked in the Scotes Lock to become the first ever GnP King of the Hill. [i]D Rating[/i] [i]RBN is enraged over the referee raising the arm of Clark. Norris tells Remus and Douglas that this night is far from over for the “Wolverine”.[/i] Norris slides into the ring. Clark, catching his breath in a corner, has no idea that RBN is in the ring. Norris produces something from his pants pocket, walks over to Clark, and sprays into Carl’s eyes. Clark immediately drops to the mat, screaming in pain. Norris escapes when security and officials hit the ring. [i]E+ Rating[/i] ==================== [b]Final Rating[/b] Although the fans felt Carl Clark was highly overused, we were left with a D rating which will increase our popularity.[/FONT]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]April Show April Sunday Week 1 2007 Rainbow Bar & Grill ::: 115 People South East US[/b][/COLOR] Carl Clark starts the show off by coming to the ring with a microphone in hand. [quote]Clark: “Norris, you are nothing more than a spoiled brat! You also showed that you are nothing more then a coward, having other people to back you up. Well I propose this, Rogue. Since I won the King of the Hill tournament, I am invoking my Title Match stipulation. And I don’t want the match months from now, I want it TONIGHT!”[/quote] [b]E+[/b] As Clark clears the ring, Clifford Beauregard comes out to the dismay of the fans. [quote]Clifford: “The Lord keeps me and the Lord watches over me and Mr. Dark. Brothers and sisters, we are all Children of God, but only those deep in the faith of the Lord will decide who gets into those blissful gates. I know that I am a messenger and beacon for the Lord, but what about you? I look around at all the debauchery in this place to worship the beer god and wonder where has the flock gone? I promise you this, children, Draven Dark will bring the light of God back into a dark world.”[/quote] [b]E+[/b] [b]Warrior Ghost v. Crash Lebowski[/b] Ghost looked a bit glossy eyed as he makes it to the ring. He does not perform the best in tonight’s match and that caused the crowd to be a bit put off by the match. Lebowski knocks Ghost from the ring and insists on following him out to use chairs and tables. The referee argues this and tells Lebowski to get back into the ring. Ghost comes back with some sloppy offense but is put down at the 6:29 mark following a Flying Forearm. [b]D-[/b] Clifford Beauregard is walking backstage singing a hymn to himself. [quote]As Beauregard walks by a dressing room door, it is suddenly opened and floors the gangly manager. Jake Preston walks out, not realizing what he has done. Clifford collects himself and his hat as he looks on at the youngster in disgust.[/quote] [b]F-[/b] [b]Jake Preston v. Panda Mask II[/b] Since Asian Cougar left GnP, Panda is looking to establish himself as the resident Luchadore. Again, the crowd was not really into the match as many of them resumed playing pool, darts, and talking amongst themselves. Preston tried to get the crowd going as he rallied against a Panda Mexican Surfboard. The youngster did rally back and turned the hold into the HYPE This at the 5:39 mark for the win. [b]D-[/b] GnP Heavyweight Champion, “Rogue” Brad Norris makes his way out to the bar area. [quote]Norris: “Clark, you think that just because a washed-up old man like yourself wins a tournament you are entitled to a shot at my title? You seriously have taken one too many chair shots in your time if you think that’s how the world works. I am the champion which means I get to decide when and where I defend my title. Tonight is not going to be one of those times.”[/quote] [b]D[/b] [b]Rex Reeves v. Joshua Taylor[/b] Reeves makes his debut in the GnP going up against Norris’s new ally, Joshua Taylor. The match of the night was really no highlight, but it did serve to get the fans back into the groove a bit. Reeves brings his lighter weight offense into play but the crafty Taylor has an answer each time. Taylor is able to pick up the victory at the 6:40 mark following a DDT. [b]D[/b] Valentine is backstage. [quote]Valentine: “I know a lot of people out there have their doubts about their favorite porn-star, Valentine. But ladies I can assure you, I can go all night long and then some. There is one lady in particular who I know would love to take a ride on the Love Bone. She has been making eyes at me for months now. Bunny, I know that Alan doesn’t do it for you; I’ve heard the complaints. But, being a gentleman, I’ll be patient and wait for you to find yourself before finding bliss with me.”[/quote] [b]F+[/b] [b]Ace Youngblood v. “Little” Bill Lebowski[/b] Despite his small stature, Lebowski pushes the referee around with his chest when the ref asks him to submit to a pat down. As he is busy bullying the referee, he doesn’t notice when his opponent mounts the top rope. The referee sees this and calls for the opening bell just as Bill turns around. Ace flies down onto Bill with a High Cross Body. The fan favorite nearly gets the win in the opening seconds. Bill kicks out and immediately goes to the floor to buy some time. The match helps to get the crowd pumped up again. Lebowski plants Youngblood throat first onto a guard rail and the referee immediately goes to the floor to check Ace. Ace recovers and fights back, nearly gaining the victory with a roll-up. The sneaky Lebowski reverses this with a handful of trunks at the 5:43 to win the match. [b]D-[/b] Norris comes to the ring. [quote]Norris: “Carl, I’ve thought about your proposal and I have had a change of heart. You have shown that, despite age, one can overcome and face adversity like a real man. You’ve inspired me to push my limits and seek out the best and brightest competition. Come on out and get what you deserve.” Carl Clark comes out the cheers from the crowd. He is wary of what the champ has said but accepts the challenge. As he stands nose-to-nose with Norris, Joshua Taylor & The Lebowski’s hit the ring, attacking the Canadian.[/quote] [b]E+[/b] [b]Overall Rating: D-[/b]
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